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  1. == Redmine changelog
  2. Redmine - project management software
  3. Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Jean-Philippe Lang
  5. == 2019-12-20 v4.1.0
  6. === [Accounts / authentication]
  7. * Feature #4221: Force passwords to contain specified character classes
  8. * Feature #9112: Libravatar and Gravatar-compatible servers support
  9. * Feature #26127: Display user logins on profiles
  10. === [Administration]
  11. * Defect #29601: Redmine::VERSION::revision may return wrong value
  12. * Feature #8343: Add wiki toolbar to "Email header" and "Email footer" in "Email notifications" admin tab
  13. * Feature #30853: Show warning when no workflow is defined for the role
  14. * Feature #30916: Show warning when no tracker uses the status in the workflows
  15. * Feature #31154: Reject setting RFC non-compliant emission email addresses
  16. * Feature #31361: Include a reason in the error message when an issue status cannot be deleted
  17. * Feature #32343: Ability to filter roles that are displayed on the permissions report
  18. * Patch #29589: Set the first status as a default status in "New tracker" form
  19. === [Attachments]
  20. * Defect #32289: Don't try to generate thumbnails if convert command is not available
  21. * Feature #3816: Allow pasting screenshots from clipboard
  22. * Feature #22481: Show thumbnails for PDF attachments
  23. * Feature #29752: Render Textile and Markdown attachments on the preview page
  24. * Feature #31553: Preview .webm as video instead of audio
  25. * Feature #32249: Show attachment thumbnails by default
  26. * Patch #13688: Chosen thumbnail has to be bigger than requested one and not smaller
  27. * Patch #30177: Thumbnail lifecycle: reuse thumbs from identical files, delete thumbs when diskfile is deleted
  28. === [Calendar]
  29. * Feature #27096: Mark non-working days in calendar view
  30. === [Code cleanup/refactoring]
  31. * Defect #30474: IssuesControllerTest#test_index_sort_by_total_estimated_hours tests practically nothing
  32. * Defect #30806: TimeEntryTest#test_create_should_validate_user_id occasionally fails
  33. * Defect #31053: Some issue fixtures are set inconsistent tracker id which is not available in the project
  34. * Defect #31074: TimelogTest#test_default_query_setting fails depending on the language of the browser
  35. * Defect #31093: Duplicate method definition: ProjectsControllerTest#test_jump_should_not_redirect_to_unknown_tab
  36. * Defect #31387: Don't rescue Exception class
  37. * Defect #31388: ApiTest fails if config.time_zone is set
  38. * Defect #31510: Fix missing closing tags in workflows/permissions.html.erb
  39. * Defect #31929: MarkdownFormatterTest#test_should_support_underlined_text is declared as private
  40. * Patch #29441: Remove code related to JRuby and unsupported Ruby versions
  41. * Patch #30163: Remove unnecessary tests in test/unit/initializers/patches_test.rb
  42. * Patch #30276: Add missing fixtures to several tests
  43. * Patch #30347: test_links_separated_with_line_break_should_link tests nothing
  44. * Patch #30445: Remove unnecessary bgl and bgr wrappers from the footer
  45. * Patch #30466: Remove unused i18n key "label_all_time"
  46. * Patch #30994: Refactor custom field css classes
  47. * Patch #31004: Decode hexadecimal-encoded literals in order to be frozen string literals friendly
  48. * Patch #31034: Remove encoding magic comments
  49. * Patch #31046: Remove unused method ApplicationHelper#generate_csv
  50. * Patch #31059: Use #b shortcut instead of #force_encoding
  51. * Patch #31088: Remove useless code in TimeEntryQuery#sql_for_activity_id_field
  52. * Patch #31131: CalendarsControllerTest#test_show fails depending on the date
  53. * Patch #31205: Replace jquery-rails with vanilla javascript ujs
  54. * Patch #31344: Remove unused i18n key "label_please_login"
  55. * Patch #31391: Small refactorization of avatar methods
  56. * Patch #31402: Add support for customization by block to IssueCustomField.generate!
  57. * Patch #31433: Use "icon icon-*" classes for sort-handler, collapsible fieldsets and collapsible versions
  58. * Patch #31506: Remove trailing whitespaces
  59. * Patch #31509: Add Rubocop to enforce some styles
  60. * Patch #31555: Use Redmine::Database.mysql? instead of a regular expression
  61. * Patch #31705: Add missing fixtures to AttachmentFormatVisibilityTest
  62. * Patch #31865: Add missing fixtures to ImportsControllerTest
  63. * Patch #31941: ThemesTest may fail if a third-party theme with a favicon is installed
  64. * Patch #31965: Add missing fixtures to Redmine::ApiTest::VersionsTest
  65. * Patch #31966: Add missing fixtures to Redmine::Helpers::GanttHelperTest
  66. * Patch #31967: IssueCustomFieldTest randomly fails
  67. * Patch #32023: Add missing fixtures to IssueStatusesControllerTest
  68. * Patch #32025: mail_body method in test/test_helper.rb raises an exception if the message is not multipart
  69. * Patch #32094: Remove unnecessary call to set_tmp_attachments_directory
  70. * Patch #32122: Fix test failure due to missing call to set_tmp_attachments_directory
  71. * Patch #32297: Remove code for unsupported versions of Rails from open_id_authentication
  72. * Patch #32400: Remove unused i18n key "button_duplicate"
  73. * Patch #32431: Invalid association IssueCustomField#issue_custom_values
  74. * Patch #32432: Avoid class name overlap that causes TypeError on `rake test:system test`
  75. === [Custom fields]
  76. * Defect #29209: Long text custom fields don't accept values longer than 64KB if backend database is MySQL
  77. * Feature #23997: Per role visibility settings for version custom fields
  78. * Feature #29712: Preview and wiki toolbar for full width custom fields
  79. * Feature #31159: "Create and continue" button for custom fields
  80. * Feature #31444: Add "<< me >>" option to user format issue custom fields
  81. * Feature #31859: Per role visibility settings for spent time custom fields
  82. * Feature #31925: Per role visibility settings for project custom fields
  83. * Patch #31320: Set an appropriate default type in New custom field page depending on the current tab
  84. === [Database]
  85. * Feature #31921: Changes to properly support 4 byte characters (emoji) when database is MySQL
  86. === [Documentation]
  87. * Feature #32119: Add TOC to wiki formatting help
  88. * Feature #32123: Add "Highlighted code" section in Wiki Syntax Quick Reference
  89. * Feature #32169: Add links to the detailed Wiki formatting help in Quick Reference
  90. * Patch #30970: Small improvements in appearance of the code coverage index page
  91. * Patch #31169: Wiki syntax help for document image pasting and drag/drop embedding
  92. * Patch #31327: Update
  93. === [Documents]
  94. * Feature #29725: Show recent documents first when sorting documents by date
  95. === [Email notifications]
  96. * Defect #13888: Daylight savings causes inconsistency of Message-Id in emails
  97. * Defect #14792: Don't add a display name and extra angle brackets in List-Id header field
  98. * Defect #17096: Issue emails cannot be threaded by some mailers due to inconsistent Message-ID and References field
  99. * Defect #31501: reminder.rake should ignore blank parameters
  100. * Feature #5913: Authors name in from address of email notifications
  101. * Feature #10378: Don't show empty fields in email notifications
  102. * Feature #13111: New setting to include the status changes in issue mail notifications subject
  103. * Feature #13307: Start date and due date in email notifications
  104. * Feature #17840: Option to send email notification on "Target version updated"
  105. * Feature #22771: Option to send email notifications while importing issues from CSV files
  106. * Feature #31104: Show the total number of open issues in a reminder
  107. * Feature #31225: Show the number of days left until the due date in reminders
  108. * Feature #31910: Add additional mail headers for issue tracker
  109. === [Email receiving]
  110. * Defect #31232: Text may unexpectedly be enclosed in pre tags when an issue is created via HTML email
  111. * Defect #31549: LF line terminators cause misparse of a multi-part email when rdm-mailhandler.rb is invoked from /etc/aliases
  112. * Defect #31695: Convert HTML links to Textile/Markdown links when creating an issue from an email
  113. * Defect #31946: No log message when MailHandler ignored a reply to a nonexistent issue, journal, or message
  114. * Feature #17699: Parse author's name enclosed in parentheses in the From field when creating a user account from an email
  115. * Feature #19903: Change textfield to textarea for "Exclude attachments by name"
  116. * Feature #30838: Option to parse HTML part of multipart (HTML) emails first
  117. * Feature #31231: Better handling of HTML tables when creating an issue from an email
  118. * Patch #31324: Allow to set is_private flag through a keyword in emails
  119. * Patch #31899: Improve MailHandler logging for unauthorized attempts
  120. === [Gantt]
  121. * Feature #6417: Allow collapse/expand in gantt chart
  122. * Feature #14654: Allow a bigger range for the gantt timeline
  123. * Feature #27672: Show selected columns in gantt chart
  124. * Feature #31373: Previous and next month links in gantt
  125. === [Gems support]
  126. * Defect #31657: Update capybara (~> 3.25.0)
  127. * Defect #32223: Disable sprockets to avoid Sprockets::Railtie::ManifestNeededError raised by sprockets 4.0.0
  128. * Feature #29946: Update i18n gem (~> 1.6.0)
  129. * Feature #30492: Replace RMagick with MiniMagick
  130. * Feature #30963: Update simplecov gem (~> 0.17.0)
  131. * Feature #31911: Update request_store gem to 1.4
  132. * Patch #31126: Update sqlite3 gem (~> 1.4.0)
  133. * Patch #31556: Update Rouge to 3.12.0
  134. * Patch #31611: Update csv gem (~> 3.1.1)
  135. * Patch #31847: Update redcarpet to 3.5.0
  136. * Patch #31877: Update rbpdf (~> 1.20.0)
  137. * Patch #31919: Update roadie-rails gem (~> 2.1.0)
  138. === [Groups]
  139. * Feature #12796: Display user's groups on profile
  140. === [Hook requests]
  141. * Patch #7975: Hook for adding content to the side bar of Wiki page
  142. === [I18n]
  143. * Defect #5820: Hard-coded string "no subject" in app/models/mail_handler.rb
  144. === [Importers]
  145. * Defect #21766: CSV import does not keep the project it was clicked from
  146. * Feature #28213: Support external ID when importing issues
  147. * Feature #28234: Add CSV Import for Time Entries
  148. * Feature #31450: Support "YYYY/MM/DD" date format when importing issues
  149. === [Issues]
  150. * Defect #28502: Support issue[assigned_to_id]=me when prefilling issues
  151. * Feature #442: Add a description for trackers
  152. * Feature #3058: Show issue history using tabs
  153. * Feature #22368: Ability to add private comments from the issue bulk edit page
  154. * Feature #25540: Unify fields of subtasks and related issues on issue page
  155. * Feature #31418: Stacked bar charts in the issue details report
  156. * Feature #31427: Insert a link to the source to the attribution line when quoting a note or a message
  157. * Feature #31499: Show "Due in X days" in issue details page
  158. * Patch #28138: Add link to add a new issue on the version page
  159. * Patch #31493: Add a link to project_issues_report from project_issues_report_details
  160. * Patch #31994: Allow issue auto complete to return 10 issues when there is not search term provided
  161. === [Issues filter]
  162. * Defect #32546: Issue relations filter lacks "is not"
  163. * Feature #13803: Implement grouping issues by date (start, due, creation, update, closing dates)
  164. * Feature #16904: Add anonymous user to users list in query filters
  165. * Feature #26826: Issue filtering by spent time
  166. * Feature #30482: Multiple issue ids in "Parent task" filter
  167. * Feature #30808: Multiple issue ids in "Subtasks" filter
  168. * Feature #31328: Change the "+" button in the issues filter to a larger one
  169. * Feature #31879: "starts with" and "ends with" filter operators for string values
  170. * Patch #4502: New date filter operators: tomorrow, next week, next month
  171. * Patch #25265: QueriesController can not handle subclass of IssueQuery
  172. === [Issues list]
  173. * Defect #29581: Issues in paginated views may be lost because sorting criteria are not unique
  174. * Feature #19371: Add a new query column for the parent task subject
  175. * Feature #26081: Allow full_width_layout long-text custom fields to appear in the issue list like 'Description' (as a block column)
  176. * Patch #31280: Left align long text custom fields in the issues list
  177. === [My page]
  178. * Feature #30975: New My page block: Updated issues
  179. === [PDF export]
  180. * Patch #30162: Wiki page collapse block image is not displayed in exported PDF
  181. === [Performance]
  182. * Feature #26561: Enable frozen string literals
  183. * Patch #28940: Use Regexp#match? to reduce allocations of MatchData object
  184. * Patch #30249: Performance improvement when rendering news or calendar block on My page
  185. * Patch #30828: Refactor GitAdapter#default_branch not to unnecessarily iterate through all elements
  186. * Patch #31855: Speed up workflow edit page rendering
  187. === [Permissions and roles]
  188. * Defect #17219: Rename label for "Issues can be assigned to this role"
  189. * Defect #30431: Useless "Delete issues" tracker permission is shown on the role page for Anonymous and Non-member
  190. * Feature #1248: New Permission: Edit own issues
  191. * Patch #27625: Increase maximum size for role name
  192. === [Plugin API]
  193. * Patch #27659: redmine_plugin_model_generator improvements(fixes and timestamps)
  194. * Patch #31110: Raise an exception if the plugin directory name differs from the plugin id
  195. * Patch #31457: Add support for reloading plugin assets automatically in development mode
  196. * Patch #31485: Add support for :sql ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format in redmine:plugins:migrate
  197. * Patch #31498: Add redmine_plugin_migration generator
  198. * Patch #31746: Add redmine:plugins:test:system task
  199. === [Project settings]
  200. * Defect #27101: Project identifier model constraint doesn't match with text_project_identifier_info and JS-generated identifiers
  201. * Feature #22090: Make project settings more accessible
  202. * Feature #31032: Display details about inheritance when editing a member roles
  203. * Patch #30203: Add links to administration pages in project settings
  204. === [Projects]
  205. * Feature #29482: Query system for Projects page
  206. * Feature #31355: Bookmarks and recently used projects for the project jump box
  207. * Feature #32306: Add a link to projects administration page on projects page
  208. * Patch #31356: replace icon-fav with icon-user for 'my projects'
  209. * Patch #31465: Add an icon linked to trackers detail report on the project overview page
  210. === [REST API]
  211. * Defect #30073: Ajax Request Returns 200 but an error event is fired instead of success
  212. * Feature #26237: Support wiki_page_title attribute in Versions REST API
  213. * Feature #30086: Use HTTP status code 403 instead of 401 when REST API is disabled
  214. * Feature #31559: Support "active" attribute in Enumerations REST API
  215. * Feature #32002: Add inherit_members to projects API response
  216. * Feature #32242: Add estimated hours and spent hours to Versions API
  217. * Patch #13468: REST API for News
  218. * Patch #31399: make /my/account endpoint accessible through API
  219. === [Roadmap]
  220. * Defect #30949: Roadmap shows 100%, but one of its tasks is still set to 90%
  221. * Patch #28510: Show issue assignee gravatar in roadmap and version page
  222. * Patch #29391: Show version status in Roadmap and Version pages
  223. * Patch #31424: Add issue css classes to issue rows in Roadmap and Version pages
  224. === [Ruby support]
  225. * Defect #30967: "rake test:coverage" fails in Ruby 2.5 and 2.6
  226. * Feature #30356: Drop Ruby 2.2 support
  227. === [SCM]
  228. * Defect #16881: Git: repository page crashes when non-ascii character in tag or branch name
  229. === [Text formatting]
  230. * Defect #30259: URLs end with "-" are rendered incorrectly in Textile
  231. * Feature #29489: Issue macro for flexible linking to issues
  232. * Feature #30829: Simpler link syntax "#note-123" to make a link to a note of the current issue
  233. * Patch #32359: Markdown: Fix sections parsing with code blocks
  234. === [Third-party libraries]
  235. * Feature #31196: Updates jQuery to 2.2.4 and adds jQuery Migrate library
  236. * Feature #31434: Update Chart.js to 2.8.0
  237. * Feature #31436: Update raphael.js to 2.3.0
  238. === [Time tracking]
  239. * Feature #3322: Setting to restrict spent times on future dates
  240. * Feature #3848: Permission to log time for another user
  241. * Feature #5061: Show time log entries in issue history
  242. * Feature #30233: Allow grouping of time entries by creation date
  243. * Feature #30346: Add "Target Version" to the list of "Available columns" in "Spent time" Tab
  244. * Feature #30464: Show estimated hours on the overview page as well as spent hours
  245. === [Translations]
  246. * Defect #31269: Fix Japanese translation for status_locked
  247. * Defect #32354: Fix inconsistent capitalization in Italian translation
  248. * Patch #10702: Change "Create and Continue" translation to "Create and add another"
  249. * Patch #29142: Japanese translation change for "lost password"
  250. * Patch #29151: Add honorific suffixes ("san") in Japanese translation
  251. * Patch #30170: Change Japanese translation for "note"
  252. * Patch #31256: german translation for missing parts
  253. * Patch #31260: Improvement of Japanese translation for permission names
  254. * Patch #32358: Fix incomplete Italian translation for notice_successful keys
  255. === [UI]
  256. * Defect #27330: "Name" field in the 'edit version' form has no "maxlength"
  257. * Defect #30467: Footer is not placed at the bottom on pages with little content
  258. * Defect #31496: Switch between toggle plus and minus icons for toggle multi select
  259. * Feature #6831: Add different style for group names in the New member modal window
  260. * Feature #23392: Link to remove a subtask from its parent task
  261. * Feature #30207: Hide menu item in the cross-project menu if the module is not enabled in any project
  262. * Feature #31294: Add "robohash" to "Default Gravatar image" options
  263. * Feature #31989: Inline issue auto complete (#) in fields with text-formatting enabled
  264. * Feature #32052: Auto-complete issues #id in search form
  265. * Patch #5899: Display user's gravatar when editing profile
  266. * Patch #26604: Set a random name attribute on all forms to prevent overwritten values after soft reload with Firefox
  267. * Patch #26646: Remove hardcoded width in query column selects
  268. * Patch #29289: Wrap subprojects in the overview section with an unordered list to improve customisation
  269. * Patch #30168: Wrap "splitcontentright" and "splitcontentleft" containers with a flexbox
  270. * Patch #30294: Move the links (View all issues, Summary, Import) from the Issues section of the issues list sidebar under a dropdown
  271. * Patch #30421: Issue tracking table on user profile page
  272. * Patch #30435: Replace float rules with flexbox for content and sidebar block
  273. * Patch #31022: Always use HTTPS when accessing
  274. * Patch #31066: Show projects using a table instead of an unordered list in the user profile page
  275. * Patch #31147: Add custom styles for all fields
  276. * Patch #31204: Add hover styles to buttons
  277. * Patch #31343: Visually distinguishable style for code tag
  278. * Patch #31441: Show elements titles using jQuery UI tooltips
  279. * Patch #31598: Move the links (All time entries, Import) from Spent time section of the spent time list sidebar under a dropdown
  280. * Patch #31640: Add clear query icon next to selected query in sidebar
  281. * Patch #31697: Show closed date in a tooltip if the issue is closed
  282. * Patch #31950: Add CSS class to "journal" and "reply" headers
  283. * Patch #31971: Change the color of the input field frame when in focus
  284. * Patch #32013: Rounded corners of the main menu
  285. * Patch #32014: Rounded corners on table.list elements
  286. * Patch #32015: Rounded corners of "my page" blocks
  287. * Patch #32037: Constrain sidebar width on different resolutions
  288. * Patch #32165: Rounded corners on
  289. === [Wiki]
  290. * Defect #11359: Wiki diff doesn't keep spaces
  291. * Defect #20910: Hierarchy in TOC is not preserved when Wiki index is exported to HTML
  292. * Feature #9634: Show locked badge for locked wiki pages
  293. == 2019-12-20 v4.0.6
  294. === [Attachments]
  295. * Defect #20277: "Couldn't find template for digesting" error in the log when sending a thumbnail or an attachment
  296. === [Gems support]
  297. * Patch #32592: Require 'mocha/minitest' instead of deprecated 'mocha/setup'
  298. === [Rails support]
  299. * Feature #32526: Update Rails to
  300. === [Text formatting]
  301. * Defect #32422: Textile indentation does not work in the preview tab
  302. * Patch #25742: Improper markup sanitization in user content for space separated attribute values and different quoting styles
  303. === [Time tracking]
  304. * Defect #32500: Spent time report csv shows translation missing text if custom fields are involved
  305. == 2019-10-19 v4.0.5
  306. === [Code cleanup/refactoring]
  307. * Defect #31870: Remove deprecated .zIndex() method
  308. * Defect #32022: IssueSubtaskingTest fails with high probability
  309. * Defect #32110: "already initialized constant Redmine::Scm::Adapters::SubversionAdapter::SVN_BIN" warning when executing rake tasks
  310. * Patch #32189: Remove unnecessary requiring of "rexml/document"
  311. === [Documentation]
  312. * Defect #32170: Text enclosed in pre tag in Wiki formatting reference is not displayed in monospaced font in Chrome
  313. * Defect #32184: Incorrect headings example in Textile help
  314. === [Gantt]
  315. * Defect #31552: View switches from gantt to list after editing an issue
  316. === [Gems support]
  317. * Defect #32300: Don't use sprockets 4.0.0 in order to avoid Sprockets::Railtie::ManifestNeededError
  318. * Patch #32294: Update ruby-openid to 2.9.2
  319. === [Issues]
  320. * Defect #31778: Total estimated time issue query column and issue field might leak information
  321. === [Issues list]
  322. * Defect #31779: Total estimated time column shown even when estimated time field is deactivated
  323. === [Translations]
  324. * Defect #32290: Typo in Russian translation for label_in_the_next_days
  325. * Patch #31951: German translation update for 4.0-stable
  326. === [UI]
  327. * Defect #31742: The color of h4 in the comment also changes when #note-1 is specified
  328. * Defect #32012: Broken JavaScript icon in the repository view
  329. * Defect #32024: Broken gzip icon in the repository view
  330. == 2019-06-10 v4.0.4
  331. === [Administration]
  332. * Defect #31125: Don't output ImageMagick version information to stdout
  333. === [Attachments]
  334. * Defect #29259: Attachment preview does not work for some source files such as JavaScript and Go
  335. * Defect #30441: Attachments with Unicode uppercase names are not shown in wiki pages
  336. * Defect #31275: Safari adds .html extension when downloading files of unknown type
  337. === [Code cleanup/refactoring]
  338. * Defect #30811: "rake db:fixtures:load" does not work
  339. === [Email receiving]
  340. * Defect #30457: MailHandler.safe_receive does not output any error log
  341. * Defect #31365: Issue subject may be broken if the subject field in the receiving email is split into multiple lines
  342. * Defect #31503: Undefined local variable sender_email in MailHandler#receive_message_reply
  343. === [Gantt]
  344. * Defect #31268: Fix gaps in resizable gantt chart
  345. === [Issues filter]
  346. * Patch #31276: Serialize group_by and totalable_names in Query#as_params
  347. === [Rails support]
  348. * Defect #31337: Explicitly load redmine/info in order to avoid "uninitialized constant" error
  349. * Patch #31113: Update Rails to 5.2.3
  350. === [SCM]
  351. * Defect #30850: Unified diff link broken on specific file/revision diff view
  352. * Defect #31120: Garbage lines in the output of 'git branch' break git adapter
  353. === [Security]
  354. * Defect #31520: Persistent XSS in textile formatting
  355. === [Text formatting]
  356. * Defect #31285: Syntax highlighting does not work for attachments with .pl extension
  357. === [Time tracking]
  358. * Defect #31511: CSV export of time entries report does not honor project filter
  359. === [Translations]
  360. * Defect #31264: Conflicting translation between "track" and "watch" in Simplified Chinese
  361. === [UI]
  362. * Defect #31330: Import issues: File content preview block is scrolling
  363. * Defect #31438: Incorrect position of the "Associated revisions" block when comments are displayed in reverse chronological order
  364. === [UI - Responsive]
  365. * Defect #31153: Display horizontal scroll bar of files table when overflow occurs on small screen
  366. * Defect #31311: admin/info page: text cut off in pre tag on mobile
  367. === [Wiki]
  368. * Patch #31334: Do not lose content when updating a wiki page that has been renamed in the meantime
  369. == 2019-03-31 v4.0.3
  370. === [Administration]
  371. * Defect #30939: Timeout for "Check for updates" on Plugins page is too short
  372. === [Email notifications]
  373. * Defect #30955: "View all issues" link in email reminders points to issues list which does not include issues assigned to a group
  374. === [Files]
  375. * Defect #31087: Deleting a version silently deletes its attachments
  376. === [Gantt]
  377. * Defect #31063: Can't uncheck Gantt chart options of custom queries
  378. === [Issues filter]
  379. * Defect #30367: "Last updated by" filter causes an SQL error with MariaDB
  380. === [Issues list]
  381. * Defect #26836: Filtering issues via context menu should not reset selected columns
  382. === [Plugin API]
  383. * Defect #30753: Plugins auto_load and eager_load paths
  384. * Patch #31030: Include plugin name in the exception when the plugin required by requires_redmine_plugin is not found
  385. === [REST API]
  386. * Defect #29055: Searching for issue number with REST API redirects to issue HTML page
  387. === [Rails support]
  388. * Feature #31026: Upgrade to Rails
  389. === [SCM]
  390. * Defect #30731: "View differences" buttons are shown in the repository page even without "Browse repository" permission
  391. * Defect #30850: Unified diff link broken on specific file/revision diff view
  392. === [Search engine]
  393. * Defect #30923: Project search should select subprojects scope when the project has subprojects
  394. === [Text formatting]
  395. * Defect #30256: Cannot make cross-project wiki link if the project name includes square brackets
  396. === [Translations]
  397. * Patch #31124: Galician translation update for 4.0-stable
  398. === [UI]
  399. * Defect #30872: Copyright is outdated
  400. * Defect #30988: Preformatted text overflows the preview area
  401. * Feature #30977: Add CSS class to project custom fields
  402. * Feature #30985: Add CSS class to user custom fields
  403. == 2019-02-21 v4.0.2
  404. === [Attachments]
  405. * Defect #30434: Line height is too large when previewing files with syntax highlighting if the line terminators are CRLF
  406. === [Email receiving]
  407. * Defect #30785: Mail handler does not ignore emails sent from emission email address if Setting.mail_from includes display name
  408. === [Gems support]
  409. * Defect #30114: Installing xpath with Bundler fails in Ruby <=2.2
  410. * Patch #30821: Stay in RMagick 2.16.0 and don't update to 3.0.0
  411. === [Issues filter]
  412. * Defect #30718: Translation missing for filter by project status
  413. === [Issues list]
  414. * Defect #30236: Accidentally clicking next to the checkbox breaks issue selection
  415. === [Rails support]
  416. * Patch #30725: Plugin eager_load should depend on environment setting instead of name
  417. === [SCM]
  418. * Defect #30411: Filesystem adapter does not show correct size for large files
  419. === [Translations]
  420. * Defect #30732: Bulgarian translation update for 4.0-stable
  421. * Patch #30791: Traditional Chinese translation update for 4.0-stable
  422. === [UI]
  423. * Feature #10264: Add a check/uncheck all button to search
  424. * Feature #30834: Links to forum replies should highlight the linked reply
  425. * Patch #30818: Issues autocomplete should respond with content type json
  426. === [Wiki]
  427. * Defect #30758: Preview URL in Wiki Toolbar should be escaped
  428. == 2019-01-20 v4.0.1
  429. === [Calendar]
  430. * Defect #30287: The tooltip layout of the calendar is broken
  431. === [Code cleanup/refactoring]
  432. * Patch #30115: Move Version#fixed_issues extension to a module
  433. * Patch #30413: Add ".ruby-version" to svn:ignore, .git:ignore, and .hgignore
  434. === [Database]
  435. * Defect #30171: Decrypting LDAP and SCM passwords fail if the plaintext password is longer than 31 bytes
  436. === [Documentation]
  437. * Defect #30161: Incorrect supported Ruby version in doc/INSTALL
  438. === [Email receiving]
  439. * Defect #30455: Adding an issue note via email fails due to NoMethodError
  440. === [Forums]
  441. * Patch #2635: Display notice on forum updates
  442. === [Gems support]
  443. * Defect #30353: Installing rails with Bundler 2.0 fails in 3.x
  444. * Patch #30241: Update nokogiri gem (~> 1.10.0)
  445. * Patch #30420: Update pg gem (~> 1.1.4)
  446. === [Importers]
  447. * Patch #30412: Import UTF-8 issue CSV files with BOM and quoted strings
  448. === [Performance]
  449. * Patch #30465: Deadlock when assigning custom values
  450. === [Ruby support]
  451. * Feature #30118: Ruby 2.6 support
  452. === [Translations]
  453. * Patch #29767: Traditional Chinese translation update
  454. * Patch #30292: Ukrainian translation update for 4.0-stable
  455. === [UI]
  456. * Defect #30426: Table rows are not highlighted on mouseover on some pages
  457. * Patch #29951: Quick design fix/proposals for projects index page
  458. == 2018-12-09 v4.0.0
  459. === [Accounts / authentication]
  460. * Feature #28561: Add note about link validity to password lost email
  461. * Patch #5957: Export users list to CSV
  462. * Patch #29781: Prevent users from getting stuck with an expired password recovery token in their session
  463. === [Administration]
  464. * Defect #28920: Redmine::VERSION::revision should take subversion_command setting into account
  465. * Feature #29993: Option to unarchive the project when admins visit an archived project
  466. * Patch #26341: Add useful details to error message when a template is missing
  467. === [Attachments]
  468. * Feature #16410: Bulk delete wiki attachments
  469. * Feature #27822: Remove filename from attachment preview links
  470. * Feature #28616: Handle image orientation of attachments and thumbnails
  471. * Patch #27336: Render previews for audio and video files
  472. * Patch #28295: Show name changes in diff preview
  473. * Patch #29190: Add link to container on attachment preview
  474. * Patch #29395: Pagination between repository entries and attachments of the same container
  475. === [Calendar]
  476. * Feature #28067: Add context menu for issues in calendar
  477. === [Code cleanup/refactoring]
  478. * Defect #28268: Fix typo in test name: s/udpate/update/
  479. * Defect #28931: Unreachable code in QueriesControllerTest#test_bulk_copy_to_another_project
  480. * Defect #29215: Fixture is missing for IssuesTest#test_create_issue_with_new_target_version
  481. * Defect #29708: Wrong use of refute_includes in tests
  482. * Defect #29820: Missing fixture enabled_modules in TrackerTest
  483. * Defect #29883: AttachmentsVisibilityTest and Redmine::AttachmentFieldFormatTest fail randomly due to uninitialized User.current
  484. * Defect #29912: Missing closing tag in app/views/roles/_form.html.erb
  485. * Defect #29990: Add missing fixtures for test_create_should_send_notification
  486. * Defect #30054: Add missing fixtures for test_create_with_one_attachment
  487. * Defect #30120: Add missing fixture for reports_controller_test
  488. * Patch #26130: Refactor "multiple_values_detail" struct creation
  489. * Patch #26323: Remove ActiveRecord workaround (fixed in Rails 5)
  490. * Patch #27670: Fix typo in configuration.yml.example
  491. * Patch #28024: Fix typo in error message in mailer.rb
  492. * Patch #28028: Remove unused method Mailer#mylogger
  493. * Patch #28229: Remove unused i18n key "setting_app_subtitle"
  494. * Patch #28478: Update the app name in extra/sample_plugin/init.rb: s/RedMine/Redmine/
  495. * Patch #28605: Add the missing icon class to the items with icons from the contextual menu
  496. * Patch #28611: Remove unused i18n strings from locale files
  497. * Patch #29160: Remove unused and broken method CustomField.visibility_condition
  498. * Patch #29440: Fix typo in test name: s/highligth/highlight/
  499. * Patch #29632: Redmine::SortCriteria#normalize! does not limit properly the number of elements
  500. * Patch #29710: Remove unused variable 'filter_options' from Query#add_filter
  501. * Patch #30137: Remove rails-html-sanitizer from Gemfile
  502. === [Custom fields]
  503. * Defect #25726: Issue details page shows default values for custom fields that aren't actually set
  504. * Patch #27024: Links on custom field values don't have "external" class
  505. * Patch #29161: Avoid SQL errors when adding a project custom field as a time report criteria
  506. * Patch #29189: Display custom fields on group pages
  507. === [Documentation]
  508. * Patch #28943: Remove RDoc tags
  509. * Patch #28996: Update Redmine::Plugin documentation
  510. === [Email notifications]
  511. * Defect #5703: On SMTP failure, an internal error occurs and all changes to an issue are lost
  512. * Defect #8157: Redmine do not send notification emails if a recipients email address is not valid
  513. * Feature #26791: Send individual notification mails per mail recipient
  514. * Feature #29771: Sort issues by due date in email reminders
  515. * Feature #30068: Remove :async_smtp and :async_sendmail delivery methods
  516. === [Email receiving]
  517. * Defect #27810: Typo in rdm-mailhandler.rb: s/Proccessed/Processed/
  518. * Defect #27812: Typo in rdm-mailhandler.rb: s/subadress/subaddress/
  519. * Defect #29442: Vendor-defined characters in ISO-2022-JP email subject break issue's subject
  520. * Feature #27070: Allow setting "Parent issue" attribute in emails
  521. * Patch #27025: Regex support for excluded mail attachments
  522. * Patch #28026: "project_from_subbaddress" option is not listed in the help of "rake redmine:email:receive_imap"
  523. * Patch #29614: redmine:email:read and rdm-mailhandler.rb should use safe_receive instead of receive
  524. * Patch #29669: "no_notification" option is not listed in the description of email.rake
  525. === [Gantt]
  526. * Defect #13521: Gantt bars with start date and end date on the same day don't become red by overdue
  527. * Feature #10485: Add new context menu in Gantt view for each issue
  528. * Feature #20481: Gantt: right and left resizable panel
  529. * Patch #26671: Use the new pagination style in gantt
  530. * Patch #26869: Use number input field instead of text input for Gantt months field
  531. * Patch #28602: Move edit and delete buttons for queries to the buttons section
  532. === [Gems support]
  533. * Defect #26066: Selenium::WebDriver doesn't work with current version of Firefox
  534. * Feature #29443: Update mail gem (~> 2.7.1)
  535. * Feature #29947: Update roadie gem to 3.4.0
  536. * Patch #26322: Update simplecov gem (~> 0.14.1)
  537. * Patch #26503: Update nokogiri gem (~> 1.8.0)
  538. * Patch #28504: Update mysql2 gem to 0.5.0
  539. * Patch #28505: Update pg gem to 1.0
  540. * Patch #28929: Update roadie-rails to ~> 1.3.0
  541. * Patch #29999: Update rdoc gem
  542. === [Hook requests]
  543. * Patch #28895: view_projects_copy_only_items hook
  544. === [I18n]
  545. * Feature #26618: Support of default ActiveRecord I18n scopes in LabelledFormBuilder
  546. === [Issues]
  547. * Defect #14846: Calculation of the start date of following issues ignores the "non-working days" setting
  548. * Defect #27848: The progress exceeding 99.5% is displayed as 100%
  549. * Defect #28264: Global and public custom queries are shown as editable to non administrators in projects
  550. * Defect #28951: Cannot clear category field on copying an Issue
  551. * Defect #29701: Custom queries are broken by updating with nil parameter values
  552. * Feature #2529: Extend Issue Summary to include subprojects
  553. * Feature #12704: Allow selecting subprojects on new issue form
  554. * Feature #15919: Set default category assignee immediately upon category selection
  555. * Feature #23518: Move action links and edit form above the history when displaying comments in reverse order
  556. * Feature #26192: Option to disable automatic closing of duplicate issues
  557. * Feature #26279: Allow switching the encoding to UTF-8 when exporting to CSV
  558. * Patch #27772: Issues reports should show only statuses used by the project
  559. * Patch #28154: Support for lastnames with spaces in user autocompleters
  560. * Patch #28494: Recalculate issue priority position names if default value changed
  561. === [Issues filter]
  562. * Feature #8160: Extend watched_by_me-issue filter to include all project-members instead of only <<me>>-substitution
  563. * Feature #15201: Filter "Assignee" should contain locked users
  564. * Feature #28660: Change default operator for text format custom fields from "is" to "contains"
  565. * Patch #26091: Allow to filter by any visible version on the global issues view
  566. === [Issues list]
  567. * Feature #27316: Highlight due date of overdue issues in the issues list
  568. === [LDAP]
  569. * Defect #24970: Net::LDAP::LdapError is deprecated
  570. * Defect #28000: Deletion of an LDAP authentication mode may fail silently
  571. * Feature #21923: net-ldap 0.12.0 - 0.12.1 dropped support of UTF-8
  572. * Patch #29606: Support self-signed LDAPS connections
  573. === [My page]
  574. * Feature #2471: Add my activities to my page
  575. * Feature #29449: Filter out issues from closed projects in My Page blocks
  576. === [PDF export]
  577. * Defect #12510: Issues PDF export: Spent time/Float-values aren't rounded to 2 digits
  578. === [Performance]
  579. * Feature #28952: Update User#last_login_on only once per minute
  580. * Patch #26711: Use pluck instead of collect/map
  581. * Patch #26747: Use find_by instead of where.first to remove unnecessary sorting
  582. * Patch #27671: Use reverse_each instead of reverse.each for better performance
  583. * Patch #29299: Use Enumerable#sort_by instead of Enumerable#sort
  584. * Patch #29305: Use Hash#each_key instead of Hash#keys.each
  585. * Patch #29359: Switch to mini_mime from mime-types
  586. * Patch #29363: Use String#tr instead of String#gsub
  587. * Patch #29406: Use sorted instead of sort
  588. === [Permissions and roles]
  589. * Defect #26145: Don't redirect anonymous users to the login form for disabled modules
  590. === [Plugin API]
  591. * Defect #26610: Migration file generated by redmine_plugin_model generator is not compatible with Rails 5.1
  592. * Defect #28668: redmine_plugin_controller generates camelcase filename
  593. * Patch #28564: JSON API responses cannot have elements named 'request' or 'response'
  594. === [Project settings]
  595. * Feature #26488: Project settings : Move issue tracking settings to their own tab
  596. * Feature #26579: Project settings : remove Wiki tab
  597. * Patch #27799: Mark default version in versions tab from project settings
  598. === [Projects]
  599. * Feature #10282: Copy wiki attachments on project copy
  600. * Feature #20081: Filter issues and time entries by project status
  601. * Patch #26621: Allow to copy documents along with projects
  602. * Patch #26622: Copy version attachments (i.e. Files) along with the versions on project copy
  603. === [REST API]
  604. * Defect #28686: /users API does not accept boolean-like String values for generate_password
  605. * Patch #28191: Add assignable, issues_visibility, time_entries_visibility and users_visibility to Roles API response
  606. * Patch #29459: Add admin flag to users API
  607. === [Rails support]
  608. * Feature #19755: Drop protected_attributes gem
  609. * Feature #23630: Migrate to Rails 5.2
  610. * Patch #28934: Support migration context for plugins
  611. === [Roadmap]
  612. * Patch #27676: Information leak on roadmap and versions view
  613. === [Ruby support]
  614. * Feature #25538: Drop support for Ruby 2.2.1 and ealier, 2.2.2+ is now required
  615. * Feature #27849: Ruby 2.5 support
  616. === [SCM]
  617. * Feature #26576: Use tabs to switch between file changes and diff of a commit
  618. * Patch #26391: Drop Darcs SCM support
  619. * Patch #26522: Repository routing bug when file path starts with (browse|entry|raw|changes|annotate|diff)/
  620. === [SEO]
  621. * Defect #27865: RailsBaseURI ignored while creating robots.txt
  622. * Feature #27876: Add project id to robots.txt
  623. * Feature #29503: Discourage search engines from indexing old versions of wiki pages
  624. === [Search engine]
  625. * Feature #26620: Change the text of the submit button on search page from button_submit to label_search
  626. * Patch #30037: Allow single Chinese character as a search keyword
  627. === [Text formatting]
  628. * Defect #26443: User link syntax (user:login) doesn't work for logins consisting of an email adress
  629. * Defect #26507: "attachment:filename" link syntax would not work if the file name contains "@"
  630. * Defect #26708: Diff formatting results empty lines if they contains HTML tags
  631. * Defect #26892: Link to user in wiki syntax only works when login is written in lower case
  632. * Defect #27968: Image filename for HDPI monitors (image@2x.jpg) are misrecognized as email address
  633. * Feature #22843: Change the value of "pre" button in Markdown toolbar from "~~~" to "```"
  634. * Feature #24681: Syntax highlighter: replace CodeRay with Rouge
  635. * Feature #26552: Allow "max-height", "max-width", "min-height" and "min-width" CSS properties in Textile
  636. * Feature #28796: Make sure that inline markups inserted by wiki toolbar are surrounded by whitespaces
  637. * Patch #16313: Allow to link to an anchor of the current wikipage
  638. * Patch #27114: Make robust Redmine::Helpers::URL#uri_with_safe_scheme?
  639. * Patch #28169: Enable and add underline button to the toolbar for Markdown formatting
  640. * Patch #28207: Test improvements for footnotes formatting syntax
  641. * Patch #29488: ##123 syntax for linking to issues with tracker name and subject
  642. === [Time tracking]
  643. * Feature #26356: Time entry list: set default column options
  644. * Feature #26396: Timelog list : new column that contains the date when the time was logged
  645. * Feature #28391: Add issue category filter and column to spent time queries
  646. * Feature #29042: Add links to Users, Projects and Versions (at least) in timelog report
  647. * Patch #24005: Settings to accept 0 hours time entries and for maximum hours per user and day
  648. * Patch #26534: Allow project bulk edit of time entries
  649. * Patch #29162: Only allow visible custom fields as aggregation criteria in time reports
  650. === [Translations]
  651. * Defect #22424: Change Russian translation for default_issue_status_feedback
  652. * Defect #28160: Misleading russian translation for "Log time" button
  653. * Defect #29901: Fix typo in French text_tracker_no_workflow
  654. * Patch #26501: Change English translation for setting_issue_list_default_columns
  655. * Patch #26514: German translation for 404-error-page is semantically not correct and misleading
  656. * Patch #26591: Spanish "text_journal_changed" translate change
  657. * Patch #27506: Czech translation change
  658. * Patch #27768: Lithuanian "default_role_developer" translation change
  659. * Patch #27926: Change Bulgarian translation for label_news_new
  660. * Patch #27989: Change Galician translation for "Underline" and "Wiki link" (jstoolbar-gl.js)
  661. * Patch #28279: Change German translation for not_a_regexp and setting_mail_handler_enable_regex
  662. * Patch #28311: Remove unused i18n key "permission_move_issues"
  663. * Patch #28321: Change Japanese translation for "in use"
  664. * Patch #28493: Persian translation update and improvements
  665. * Patch #28769: Change inconsistent Japanese translation for time tracking activities
  666. * Patch #29115: Change Japanese translation for date filter operators
  667. * Patch #29118: Change Japanese translation for text_user_mail_option
  668. * Patch #29129: Use active voice instead of passive voice in Japanese translation
  669. * Patch #29275: Update French translations
  670. * Patch #29697: Czech translation fixes
  671. * Patch #29739: Change English name for zh and zh-TW to "Chinese/Simplified" and "Chinese/Traditional"
  672. === [UI]
  673. * Defect #5593: Grey out workflow checkboxes for transitions to the same status
  674. * Defect #17517: Attempting to Add a Related Issue Multiple Times Sequentially Causes 500
  675. * Defect #29607: Allow project column to break into new line in time entry table
  676. * Feature #8888: Add a link / button to get back to the Issue/Time tracking screen from the "Log time" screen
  677. * Feature #12221: Add "View Differences" button above wiki and repository revisions table
  678. * Feature #22978: Links to issue notes should highlight the linked note
  679. * Feature #26253: Render repository graphs using Chart.js instead of SVG
  680. * Feature #26577: More neutral color download icon
  681. * Feature #26638: Move journal action links above the notes
  682. * Feature #26648: Show transparency grid when previewing images
  683. * Feature #27758: Adds preview option to the wiki toolbar
  684. * Feature #28330: Links to wiki headings should highlight the linked heading
  685. * Feature #28413: Add CSS class to identify public projects
  686. * Feature #28531: Add css to distinguish when a main menu is present or not
  687. * Feature #29053: Add check/unchek all icon in "Email notifications" section on "My account" page
  688. * Feature #29080: Add check/uncheck all icon in "Copy" section on copy_project page
  689. * Feature #29183: Move "Latest news" above "Members" on project overview page
  690. * Feature #29306: Add assignee's icon to tooltips in gantt and calendar
  691. * Patch #25853: Move left bottom links from project settings above
  692. * Patch #26125: Unify form#query_form on calendar/gantt views with issues/spent time views
  693. * Patch #26655: Additional icon for contextmenu
  694. * Patch #26662: Add border around issue history to prevent accidental deletion of an issue
  695. * Patch #26674: Add CSS classes to column headers of issues and timelogs list
  696. * Patch #27009: Clarify consequences of disabling the login_required setting
  697. * Patch #27219: Show default status on the trackers list
  698. * Patch #27240: Render the activities block on the UsersController#show view grouped, with event_type icon and with the 'me' indication
  699. * Patch #27807: Use a unique way to check/uncheck a group/fieldset with checkboxes
  700. * Patch #28242: Add toggle checkboxes link (green tick) to several screens
  701. * Patch #28662: Replace "Cancel" buttons from the modals with "Cancel" link
  702. * Patch #29033: Move attachments to their own section in issue page
  703. * Patch #29644: Add a link to issues summary to issue tracking box on overview page
  704. === [Wiki]
  705. * Defect #22967: Special character like quote breaks wiki links
  706. * Defect #22975: Moving a wiki page to a different project should refresh parent page list
  707. * Feature #26575: Add update info at the bottom of the wiki page
  708. * Patch #16446: Generate full URLs to images and linked pages in the Wiki HTML export
  709. * Patch #26043: Set the parent page automatically when creating a wiki page from the "Add page" link
  710. == 2018-06-10 v3.4.6
  711. === [Issues]
  712. * Defect #27863: If version is closed or locked subtasks don't get copied
  713. * Defect #28765: Copying an issue fails if the issue is watched by a locked user
  714. * Patch #28649: Log automatic rescheduling of following issues to journal
  715. === [Permissions and roles]
  716. * Defect #28693: Irrelevant permission is required to access some tabs in project settings page
  717. === [Project settings]
  718. * Defect #27122: Filter for version name should be case-insensitive
  719. === [SCM]
  720. * Defect #28725: Mercurial 4.6 compatibility
  721. === [Text formatting]
  722. * Defect #28469: Syntax highlighter does not work if language name is single-quoted
  723. === [Translations]
  724. * Patch #28881: Fix Japanese mistranslation for label_comment_added
  725. === [UI]
  726. * Defect #22023: Issue id input should get focus after adding related issue
  727. === [UI - Responsive]
  728. * Defect #28523: Display horizontal scroll bar of plugins table when overflow occurs on small screen
  729. === [Wiki]
  730. * Patch #27090: Show the number of attachments on wiki pages
  731. == 2018-04-07 v3.4.5
  732. === [Custom fields]
  733. * Defect #28393: Sort issue custom fields by position in tracker UI
  734. === [Email notifications]
  735. * Defect #28302: Security notification when changing password on password forgotten is empty
  736. === [Gantt]
  737. * Defect #28204: Too large avatar breaks gantt when assignee is a group
  738. === [Issues]
  739. * Defect #27862: Preformatted text overflows in preview
  740. * Patch #28168: Allow context-menu edit of % done and priority of parent issues if the fields are not derived
  741. === [Issues filter]
  742. * Defect #28180: Role-base cross-project issue query visibility calculated incorrectly
  743. === [Plugin API]
  744. * Patch #27963: Remove 'unloadable' from bundled sample plugin
  745. === [Security]
  746. * Defect #26857: Fix for CVE-2015-9251 in JQuery 1.11.1
  747. === [Text formatting]
  748. * Defect #27884: RTL wiki class broken in Redmine 3.2.6
  749. * Defect #28331: h4, h5 and h6 headings on wiki pages should have a paragraph mark
  750. * Patch #28119: Enable lax_spacing for markdown formatting in order to allow markdown blocks not surrounded by empty lines
  751. === [Time tracking]
  752. * Defect #28110: Don't allow reassigning reported hours to the project if issue is a required field for time logs
  753. === [Translations]
  754. * Defect #28109: Incorrect interpolation in Swedish locale
  755. * Defect #28113: Fix typo in German label_font_default
  756. * Defect #28192: Fix typo in German label_font_monospace
  757. * Patch #27994: Galician translation update (jstoolbar-gl.js)
  758. * Patch #28102: Fix typo in Lithuanian label_version_sharing_tree
  759. === [UI]
  760. * Defect #28079: The green tick is positioned after the label in the new member modals
  761. * Defect #28208: Anonymous icon is wrongly displayed when assignee is a group
  762. * Defect #28259: attachments_fields id to class change not properly reflected in all CSS
  763. === [Wiki]
  764. * Defect #25299: Markdown pre-block could derive incorrect wiki sections
  765. == 2018-01-08 v3.4.4
  766. === [Accounts / authentication]
  767. * Defect #22532: Strip whitespace from login on login page
  768. * Defect #27754: Strip whitespace from email addresses on lost password page
  769. === [Administration]
  770. * Defect #27586: "Uncheck all" icon at the upper left corner in workflow status transitions page is not working
  771. === [Calendar]
  772. * Defect #27153: Custom query breaks calendar view with error 500
  773. * Patch #27139: Fix for project link background in calendar tooltips
  774. === [Custom fields]
  775. * Defect #26705: Unable to download file if custom field is not defined as visible to any users
  776. === [Email receiving]
  777. * Patch #27885: Empty email attachments are imported to Redmine, creating broken DB records
  778. === [Gantt]
  779. * Defect #26410: Gravatar icon is misaligned in gantt
  780. === [Gems support]
  781. * Defect #27206: cannot install public_suffix if ruby < 2.1
  782. * Defect #27505: Cannot install nokogiri 1.7 on Windows Ruby 2.4
  783. === [Issues]
  784. * Defect #26880: Cannot clear all watchers when copying an issue
  785. * Defect #27110: Changing the tracker to a tracker with the tracker field set to read-only won't work
  786. * Defect #27881: No validation errors when entering an invalid "Estimate hours" value
  787. * Patch #27663: Same relates relation can be created twice
  788. * Patch #27695: Fix ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique errors when trying to add certain issue relations
  789. === [Issues list]
  790. * Defect #27533: Cannot change the priority of the parent issue in issue query context menu when parent priority is independent of children
  791. === [Plugin API]
  792. * Defect #20513: Unloadable plugin convention breaks with Rails 4.2.3
  793. === [SCM]
  794. * Defect #27333: Switching SCM fails after validation error in "New repository" page
  795. === [Security]
  796. * Defect #27516: Remote command execution through mercurial adapter
  797. === [Translations]
  798. * Patch #27502: Lithuanian translation for 3.4-stable
  799. * Patch #27620: Brazilian translation update
  800. * Patch #27642: Spanish translation update (jstoolbar-es.js)
  801. * Patch #27649: Spanish/Panama translation update (jstoolbar-es-pa.js)
  802. * Patch #27767: Czech translation for 3.4-stable
  803. === [UI]
  804. * Defect #19578: Issues reports table header overlaping
  805. * Defect #26699: Anonymous user should have their icon
  806. == 2017-10-15 v3.4.3
  807. === [Administration]
  808. * Defect #26564: Enumerations sorting does not work
  809. === [Custom fields]
  810. * Defect #26468: Using custom fields of type "File" leads to unsolvable error if filetype is not allowed
  811. === [Issues]
  812. * Defect #26627: Editing issues no longer sends notifications to previous assignee
  813. === [Issues list]
  814. * Defect #26471: Issue Query: inconsistency between spent_hours sum and sum of shown spent_hours values
  815. === [PDF export]
  816. * Defect #25702: Exporting wiki page with specific table to PDF causes 500
  817. === [Roadmap]
  818. * Patch #26492: % is not valid without a format specifier
  819. === [SCM]
  820. * Defect #26403: The second and subsequent lines of commit messages are not displayed in repository browser
  821. * Defect #26645: git 2.14 compatibility
  822. === [Text formatting]
  823. * Patch #26682: URL-escape the ! character in generated markup for dropped uploads
  824. === [Time tracking]
  825. * Defect #26520: Blank "Issue" field on the "Log time" from the "Spent time - Details" page for an issue
  826. * Defect #26667: Filtering time entries after issue's target version doesn't work as expected in some cases
  827. * Defect #26780: Translation for label_week in time report is not working
  828. === [Translations]
  829. * Patch #26703: German translations in 3.4-stable
  830. * Patch #27034: Patch for updated Chinese translation
  831. === [UI]
  832. * Defect #26568: Multiple Selection List Filter View - items are cut off from view
  833. * Patch #26395: Jump to project autocomplete: focus selected project
  834. * Patch #26689: Add title to author's and assignee's icon
  835. === [Wiki]
  836. * Defect #26599: Corrupted file name when exporting a wiki page with Non-ASCII title using Microsoft's browsers
  837. === [Security]
  838. * Defect #27186: XSS vulnerabilities
  839. == 2017-07-16 v3.4.2
  840. === [Administration]
  841. * Defect #26393: Error when unchecking all settings on some plugins configurations
  842. === [Attachments]
  843. * Defect #26379: Fix thumbnail rendering for images with height >> width
  844. === [Time tracking]
  845. * Defect #26387: Error displaying time entries filtered by Activity
  846. === [UI]
  847. * Defect #26445: Text formatting not applied to commit messages even if enabled in settings
  848. * Patch #26424: Avatar Spacing in Headlines
  849. == 2017-07-09 v3.4.1
  850. === [Issues list]
  851. * Defect #26364: Sort is not reflected when export CSV of issues list
  852. === [Projects]
  853. * Defect #26376: Wrong issue counts and spent time on project overview
  854. === [Translations]
  855. * Patch #26344: Bulgarian translation
  856. * Patch #26365: Traditional Chinese translation
  857. === [UI]
  858. * Defect #26325: Wrong CSS syntax
  859. * Defect #26350: Don't display file download button while on repository directory entries
  860. == 2017-07-02 v3.4.0
  861. === [Accounts / authentication]
  862. * Defect #13741: Not landing on home page on login after visiting lost password page
  863. * Feature #10840: Allow "Stay logged in" from multiple browsers
  864. * Feature #25253: Password reset should count as a password change for User#must_change_passwd
  865. * Feature #26190: Add setting to hide optional user custom fields on registration form
  866. * Patch #25483: Forbid to edit/update/delete the anonymous user
  867. === [Activity view]
  868. * Patch #18399: Missing "next" pagination link when looking at yesterday's activity
  869. === [Administration]
  870. * Defect #7577: "Send account information to the user" only works when password is set
  871. * Defect #25289: Adding a principal to 2 projects with member inheritance leads to an error
  872. * Feature #12598: Add tooltip on Workflow matrix for helping in big ones
  873. * Feature #16484: Add default timezone for new users
  874. * Feature #24780: Add tooltip on Permissions report matrix
  875. * Feature #24790: Add tooltip on trackers summary matrix
  876. === [Attachments]
  877. * Defect #24308: Allow Journal to return empty Array instead nil in Journal#attachments
  878. * Feature #13072: Delete multiple attachments with one action
  879. * Patch #22941: Allow thumbnails on documents, messages and wiki pages
  880. * Patch #24186: Restrict the length attachment filenames on disk
  881. * Patch #25215: Re-use existing identical disk files for new attachments
  882. * Patch #25240: Use SHA256 for attachment digest computation
  883. * Patch #25295: Use path instead of URL of image in preview
  884. === [Code cleanup/refactoring]
  885. * Defect #24928: Wrong text in log/
  886. * Defect #25563: Remove is_binary_data? from String
  887. * Feature #15361: Use css pseudo-classes instead of cycle("odd", "even")
  888. * Patch #24313: Use the regular "icon icon-*" classes for all elements with icons
  889. * Patch #24382: More readable regex for parse_redmine_links
  890. * Patch #24523: Source: ignore .idea
  891. * Patch #24578: Remove unused CSS class ".icon-details"
  892. * Patch #24643: Rename "issue" to "item" in query helpers
  893. * Patch #24713: Remove iteration in ApplicationHelper#syntax_highlight_lines
  894. * Patch #24832: Remove instance variable which is unused after r9603
  895. * Patch #24899: Remove unused "description_date_*" from locale files
  896. * Patch #24900: Remove unused "label_planning" from locale files
  897. * Patch #24901: Remove unused "label_more" from locale files
  898. * Patch #26149: Remove duplicate method shell_quote
  899. === [Core Plugins]
  900. * Feature #24167: Rebuild a single nested set with nested_set plugin
  901. === [Custom fields]
  902. * Feature #6719: File format for custom fields (specific file uploads)
  903. * Feature #16549: Set multiple values in emails for list custom fields
  904. * Feature #23265: Group versions by status in version custom field filter
  905. * Patch #21705: Option for long text custom fields to be displayed using full width
  906. * Patch #24801: Flash messages on CustomFields destroy
  907. === [Database]
  908. * Defect #23347: MySQL: You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause
  909. * Defect #25416: "My account" broken with MySQL 8.0 (keyword admin should be escaped)
  910. === [Documentation]
  911. * Defect #21375: Working external URL prefixes (protocols and 'www' host part) not documented in wiki syntax
  912. * Feature #25616: Change format of the changelog (both on and in the shipped changelog file)
  913. * Patch #24800: Remove internal style sheet duplication and obsoleted meta tag from wiki_syntax_* documentation.
  914. * Patch #26188: Documentation (detailed syntax help & code) additions/improvements
  915. === [Email notifications]
  916. * Feature #25842: Add table border to email notifications
  917. * Patch #23978: Make the email notifications for adding/updating issues more readable/clear
  918. === [Email receiving]
  919. * Defect #25256: Mail parts with empty content should be ignored
  920. * Feature #5864: Regex Text on Receiver Email
  921. * Patch #17718: Body delimiters to truncate emails do not take uncommon whitespace into account
  922. === [Forums]
  923. * Patch #24535: Flash messages on Board destroy
  924. === [Gantt]
  925. * Patch #25876: Gantt chart shows % done even if the field is disabled for the tracker
  926. === [Gems support]
  927. * Feature #23932: Update TinyTds to recent version (1.0.5)
  928. * Feature #25781: Markdown: Upgrade redcarpet gem to 3.4
  929. === [Hook requests]
  930. * Patch #23545: Add before_render hook to WikiController#show
  931. === [I18n]
  932. * Defect #24616: Should not replace all invalid utf8 characters (e.g in mail)
  933. * Patch #24938: Update tr.yml for general_first_day_of_week
  934. * Patch #25014: redmine/i18n.rb - languages_lookup class variable is rebuilt every time
  935. === [Importers]
  936. * Feature #22701: Allow forward reference to parent when importing issues
  937. === [Issues]
  938. * Defect #5385: Status filter should show statuses related to project trackers only
  939. * Defect #15226: Searching for issues with "updated = none" always returns zero results
  940. * Defect #16260: Add Subtask does not work correctly from tasks with Parent Task field disabled
  941. * Defect #17632: Users can't see private notes created by themselves if "Mark notes as private" is set but "View private notes" is not
  942. * Defect #17762: When copying an issue and changing the project, the list of watchers is not updated
  943. * Defect #20127: The description column in the issues table is too short (MySQL)
  944. * Defect #21579: The cancel operation in the issue edit mode doesn't work
  945. * Defect #23511: Progress of parent task should be calculated using total estimated hours of children
  946. * Defect #23755: Bulk edit form not show fields based on target tracker and status
  947. * Feature #482: Default assignee on each project
  948. * Feature #3425: View progress bar of related issues
  949. * Feature #10460: Option to copy watchers when copying issues
  950. * Feature #10989: Prevent parent issue from being closed if a child issue is open
  951. * Feature #12706: Ability to change the private flag when editing a note
  952. * Feature #20279: Allow to filter issues with "Any" or "None" target version defined when viewing all issues
  953. * Feature #21623: Journalize values that are cleared after project or tracker change
  954. * Feature #22600: Add warning when loosing data from custom fields when bulk editing issues
  955. * Feature #23610: Reset status when copying issues
  956. * Feature #24015: Do not hide estimated_hours label when value is nil
  957. * Feature #25052: Allow to disable description field in tracker setting
  958. * Patch #23888: Show an error message when changing an issue's project fails due to errors in child issues
  959. * Patch #24692: Issue destroy : Reassign time issue autocomplete
  960. * Patch #24877: Filter parent task issues in auto complete by open/closed status depending on the subtask status
  961. * Patch #25055: Filter out current issue from the related issues autocomplete
  962. === [Issues filter]
  963. * Defect #24769: User custom field filter lists only "Me" on cross project issue list
  964. * Defect #24907: Issue queries: "Default columns" option conflicts with "Show description"
  965. * Defect #25077: Issue description filter's 'none' operator does not match issues with blank descriptions
  966. * Feature #2783: Filter issues by attachments
  967. * Feature #10412: Target version filter shoud group versions by status
  968. * Feature #15773: Filtering out specific subprojects (using 'is not' operator)
  969. * Feature #17720: Filter issues by "Updated by" and "Last updated by"
  970. * Feature #21249: Ability to filter issues by attributes of a version custom field (e.g. release date)
  971. * Feature #23215: Add the possibility to filter issues after Target Version's Status and Due Date
  972. === [Issues list]
  973. * Feature #1474: Show last comment/notes in the issue list
  974. * Feature #6375: Last updated by colum in issue list
  975. * Feature #25515: View attachments on the issue list
  976. * Patch #24649: Make Spent time clickable in issue lists
  977. === [Issues workflow]
  978. * Defect #14696: Limited status when copying an issue
  979. * Patch #24281: Workflow editing shows statuses of irrelevant roles
  980. === [My page]
  981. * Feature #1565: Custom query on My page
  982. * Feature #7769: Sortable columns in issue lists on "My page"
  983. * Feature #8761: My page - Spent time section only display 7 days, make it a parameter
  984. * Feature #23459: Columns selection on the issues lists on "My page"
  985. * Feature #25297: In place editing of "My page" layout
  986. === [Performance]
  987. * Defect #24433: The changeset display is slow when changeset_issues has very many records
  988. * Feature #23743: Add index to workflows.tracker_id
  989. * Feature #23987: Add an index on issues.parent_id
  990. * Patch #21608: Project#allowed_to_condition performance
  991. * Patch #22850: Speedup remove_inherited_roles
  992. * Patch #23519: Don't preload projects and roles on Principal#memberships association
  993. * Patch #24587: Improve custom fields list performance
  994. * Patch #24787: Don't preload all filter values when displaying issues/time entries
  995. * Patch #24839: Minor performance improvement - Replace count by exists?
  996. * Patch #24865: Load associations of query results more efficiently
  997. * Patch #25022: Add an index on attachments.disk_filename
  998. === [Permissions and roles]
  999. * Feature #4866: New permission: view forum
  1000. * Feature #7068: New permission: view news
  1001. === [Project settings]
  1002. * Defect #23470: Disable "Select project modules" permission does not apply to the new project form
  1003. * Feature #22608: Enable filtering versions on Project -> Settings -> Versions
  1004. * Feature #24011: Add option to set a new version as default directly from New Version page
  1005. === [REST API]
  1006. * Defect #23921: REST API Issue PUT responds 200 OK even when it can't set assigned_to_id
  1007. * Feature #7506: Include allowed activities list in "project" API response
  1008. * Feature #12181: Add attachment information to issues.xml in REST API
  1009. * Feature #23566: REST API should return attachment's id in addition to token
  1010. * Patch #19116: Files REST API
  1011. * Patch #22356: Add support for updating attachments over REST API
  1012. * Patch #22795: Render custom field values of enumerations in API requests
  1013. === [Roadmap]
  1014. * Defect #23377: Don't show "status" field when creating a new version
  1015. * Feature #23137: Completed versions on Roadmap: Sort it so that recently created versions are on top
  1016. === [Ruby support]
  1017. * Feature #25048: Ruby 2.4 support
  1018. === [SCM]
  1019. * Defect #14626: Repositories' extra_info column is too short with MySQL
  1020. === [SCM extra]
  1021. * Defect #23865: Typo: s/projet/project/ in comments
  1022. === [Search engine]
  1023. * Feature #9909: Search in project and its subprojects by default
  1024. === [Text formatting]
  1025. * Defect #26310: "attachment:filename" should generate a link to preview instead of download
  1026. * Feature #4179: Link to user in wiki syntax
  1027. * Feature #22758: Make text formatting of commit messages optional
  1028. * Feature #24922: Support high resolution images in formatted content
  1029. * Patch #26157: Render all possible inline textile images
  1030. === [Themes]
  1031. * Defect #25118: ThemesTest#test_without_theme_js may fail if third-party theme is installed
  1032. === [Time tracking]
  1033. * Defect #13653: Keep displaying spent time page when switching project via dropdown menu
  1034. * Defect #23912: No validation error when date value is invalid in time entries filter
  1035. * Defect #24041: Issue subject is not updated when you select another issue in the new "Log time" page
  1036. * Feature #588: Move timelog between projects
  1037. * Feature #13558: Add version filter in spent time report
  1038. * Feature #14790: Ability to save spent time query filters
  1039. * Feature #16843: Enable grouping on time entries list
  1040. * Feature #23401: Add tracker and status columns/filters to detailed timelog
  1041. * Feature #24157: Make project custom fields available in timelogs columns
  1042. * Feature #24577: Settings to make the issue and/or comment fields mandatory for time logs
  1043. * Patch #24189: Time entry form - limit issue autocomplete to already selected project
  1044. === [Translations]
  1045. * Defect #25470: Fix Japanese mistranslation for field_base_dn
  1046. * Defect #25687: Bad translation in french for indentation
  1047. * Patch #23108: Change Japanese translation for text_git_repository_note
  1048. * Patch #23250: Fixes issues with Catalan translation
  1049. * Patch #23359: Change Japanese translation for label_commits_per_author
  1050. * Patch #23388: German translation change
  1051. * Patch #23419: Change Japanese translation for label_display_used_statuses_only
  1052. * Patch #23659: Change Japanese translation for label_enumerations
  1053. * Patch #23806: Fix Japanese translation inconsistency of label_tracker_new and label_custom_field_new
  1054. * Patch #24174: Change Japanese translation for "format"
  1055. * Patch #24177: Change translation for label_user_mail_option_only_(assigned|owner)
  1056. * Patch #24268: Wrong German translation of logging time error message
  1057. * Patch #24407: Dutch (NL) translation enhancements and complete review (major update)
  1058. * Patch #24494: Spanish Panama "label_issue_new" translation change
  1059. * Patch #24518: Spanish translation change (adding accent mark and caps)
  1060. * Patch #24572: Spanish label_search_open_issues_only: translation change
  1061. * Patch #24750: Change Japanese translation for setting_text_formatting and setting_cache_formatted_text
  1062. * Patch #24891: Change Japanese translation for "items"
  1063. * Patch #25019: Localization for Ukrainian language - completed
  1064. * Patch #25204: Portuguese translation file
  1065. * Patch #25392: Change Russian translation for field_due_date and label_relation_new
  1066. * Patch #25609: Change Japanese translation for field_attr_*
  1067. * Patch #25628: Better wording for issue update conflict resolution in German
  1068. * Patch #26180: Change Russian translation for "Estimated time"
  1069. === [UI]
  1070. * Defect #23575: Issue subjects are truncated at 60 characters on activity page
  1071. * Defect #23840: Reduce the maximum height of the issue description field
  1072. * Defect #23979: Elements are not aligned properly in issues table for some cases
  1073. * Defect #24617: Browser js/css cache remains after upgrade
  1074. * Feature #5920: Unify and improve cross-project views layout
  1075. * Feature #9850: Differentiate shared versions in version-format custom field drop-downs by prepending its project name
  1076. * Feature #10250: Renaming "duplicates" and "duplicated by" to something less confusing
  1077. * Feature #23310: Improved "jump to project" drop-down
  1078. * Feature #23311: New "Spent time" menu tab when spent time module is enabled on project
  1079. * Feature #23653: User preference for monospaced / variable-width font in textareas
  1080. * Feature #23996: Introduce a setting to change the display format of timespans to HH:MM
  1081. * Feature #24720: Move all 'new item' links in project settings to above the item tables
  1082. * Feature #24927: Render high resolution Gravatars and Thumbnails
  1083. * Feature #25988: Preview files by default instead of downloading them
  1084. * Feature #25999: View repository content by default (instead of the history)
  1085. * Feature #26035: More visually consistent download links
  1086. * Feature #26071: Generate markup for uploaded image dropped into wiki-edit textarea
  1087. * Feature #26189: For 3 comments or more on news items and forum messages, show reply link at top of comments as well
  1088. * Patch #23146: Show revision details using the same structure and look from the journals details
  1089. * Patch #23192: Add the new pagination style in the activity page
  1090. * Patch #23639: Add "Log time" to global button menu (+)
  1091. * Patch #23998: Added link to author in Repository
  1092. * Patch #24776: UI inconsistencies on /enumerations/index view
  1093. * Patch #24833: Always show "Jump to project" drop-down
  1094. * Patch #25320: Remove initial indentation of blockquotes for better readability
  1095. * Patch #25775: Show assignee's icon in addition to author's icon
  1096. === [Wiki]
  1097. * Feature #12183: Hide attachments by default on wiki pages
  1098. * Feature #23179: Add heading to table of contents macro
  1099. == 2017-07-02 v3.3.4
  1100. === [Accounts / authentication]
  1101. * Patch #25653: Fix NoMethodError on HEAD requests to AccountController#register
  1102. === [Code cleanup/refactoring]
  1103. * Defect #26055: Three issues with Redmine::SyntaxHighlighting::CodeRay.language_supported?
  1104. === [Gems support]
  1105. * Defect #25829: mysql2 0.3 gem doesn't properly close connections
  1106. === [Importers]
  1107. * Patch #25861: CSV Importer - handle UndefinedConversionErrors
  1108. === [Issues]
  1109. * Defect #26072: Set default assignee before validation
  1110. === [Issues filter]
  1111. * Defect #25212: User profile should link to issues assigned to user or his groups
  1112. === [Issues permissions]
  1113. * Defect #25791: Bypass Tracker role-based permissions when copying issues
  1114. === [Security]
  1115. * Defect #26183: Use Nokogiri 1.7.2
  1116. === [Text formatting]
  1117. * Defect #25634: Highlight language aliases are no more supported
  1118. === [Translations]
  1119. * Patch #26264: Simplified Chinese translation for 3.3-stable
  1120. === [UI]
  1121. * Defect #25760: Clicking custom field label should not check the first option
  1122. === [UI - Responsive]
  1123. * Defect #25064: Issue description edit link corrupted in low resolution
  1124. * Patch #25745: Optimize Gantt Charts for mobile screens
  1125. == 2017-04-09 v3.3.3
  1126. * Defect #22335: Images with non-ASCII file names are not shown in PDF
  1127. * Defect #24271: htmlentities warning
  1128. * Defect #24869: Circular inclusion detected when including a wiki page with the same name
  1129. * Defect #24875: Issues API does not respect time_entries_visibility
  1130. * Defect #24999: Mercurial 4.1 compatibility
  1131. * Defect #25371: Git 2.9 compatibility
  1132. * Defect #25478: Related to "no open issues" shows all issues
  1133. * Defect #25501: Time entries query through multiple projects by issue custom field not possible anymore
  1134. * Patch #20661: Show visible spent time link for users allowed to view time entries.
  1135. * Patch #24778: Czech localisation for 3.3-stable
  1136. * Patch #24824: Traditional Chinese translation (to r16179)
  1137. * Patch #24885: Japanese translation for 3.3-stable
  1138. * Patch #24948: Bulgarian translation for 3.3-stable
  1139. * Patch #25459: Portuguese translation for 3.3-stable
  1140. * Patch #25502: Russian translation for 3.3-stable
  1141. * Patch #25115: Support upload of empty files and fix invalid API response
  1142. * Patch #25526: Revert API change in spent_hours field in issue#show
  1143. * Defect #23793: Information leak when rendering of Wiki links
  1144. * Defect #23803: Information leak when rendering Time Entry activities
  1145. * Defect #24199: Stored XSS with SVG attachments
  1146. * Defect #24307: doesn't check that the repository module is enabled on project
  1147. * Defect #24416: Use redirect to prevent password reset tokens in referers
  1148. * Defect #25503: Improper markup sanitization in user content
  1149. == 2017-01-07 v3.3.2
  1150. * Defect #13622: "Clear" button in Spent Time Report tab also clears global filters
  1151. * Defect #14658: Wrong activity timezone on user page
  1152. * Defect #14817: Redmine loses filters after deleting a spent time
  1153. * Defect #22034: Locked users disappear from project settings
  1154. * Defect #23922: Time Entries context menu/bulk edit shows activities not available for the time entry's project
  1155. * Defect #24000: z-index children menu should be greater than content
  1156. * Defect #24092: bundler error: selenium-webdriver requires Ruby version >= 2.0.
  1157. * Defect #24156: Redmine might create many AnonymousUser and AnonymousGroup entries
  1158. * Defect #24274: Query totals and query buttons overlaps on small screens
  1159. * Defect #24297: Show action not allowed for time entries in closed projects
  1160. * Defect #24311: Project field disappears when target project disallows user to edit the project
  1161. * Defect #24348: acts_as_versioned use old style (Rails 2.x) of method call for #all
  1162. * Defect #24595: Unarchive link for a subproject of a closed project does not work
  1163. * Defect #24646: X-Sendfile is missing in response headers
  1164. * Defect #24693: Spent time on subtasks should also be reassigned when deleting an issue
  1165. * Defect #24718: Prevent from reassigning spent time to an issue that is going to be deleted
  1166. * Defect #24722: Error when trying to reassign spent time when deleting issues from different projects
  1167. * Patch #24003: Catalan Translation
  1168. * Patch #24004: Spanish & Spanish (PA) Translation
  1169. * Patch #24062: Allow only vertical reorderingin sortable lists
  1170. * Patch #24283: Validate length of string fields
  1171. * Patch #24296: Add tablename to siblings query to prevent AmbiguousColumn errors
  1172. == 2016-10-10 v3.3.1
  1173. * Defect #23067: Custom field List Link values to URL breaks on entries with spaces
  1174. * Defect #23655: Restricted permissions for non member/anonymous on a given project not working
  1175. * Defect #23839: "Invalid query" (Error 500) message with MS SQL when displaying an issue from a list grouped and sorted by fixed version
  1176. * Defect #23841: Custom field URL spaces not decoded properly
  1177. * Defect #22123: Totals cannot be removed completely if some columns are set in the global settings
  1178. * Defect #23054: Clearing time entry custom fields while bulk editing results in values set to __none__
  1179. * Defect #23206: Wrong filters are applied when exporting issues to CSV with blank filter
  1180. * Defect #23246: Saving an empty Markdown image tag in Wiki pages causes internal server error
  1181. * Defect #23829: Wrong allow-override example in rdm-mailhandler.rb
  1182. * Defect #23152: Distinguish closed subprojects on the project overview
  1183. * Defect #23172: Tickets can be assigned to users who are not available in specific tracker
  1184. * Defect #23242: thumbnail macro does not render when displaying wiki content version
  1185. * Defect #23369: encoding error in locales de.yml
  1186. * Defect #23391: Wrong CSS classes in subtasks tree
  1187. * Defect #23410: Error if create new issue and there is no project
  1188. * Defect #23472: Show open issues only in "Reported Issues" on My page
  1189. * Defect #23558: IssueImportTest#test_should_not_import_with_default_tracker_when_tracker_is_invalid fails randomly
  1190. * Defect #23596: Filter on issue ID with between/lesser/greater operator does not work
  1191. * Defect #23700: Creating a wiki page named "Sidebar" without proper permission raises an exception
  1192. * Defect #23751: Tab buttons appear on pages that have no tabs
  1193. * Defect #23766: API : creating issues with project identifier no longer possible
  1194. * Defect #23878: Closing all subtasks causes error if default priority is not defined and priority is derived from subtasks
  1195. * Defect #23969: Edit/delete links displayed on issue even if project is closed
  1196. * Defect #24014: Custom fields not used in project should not be visible in spent time report
  1197. * Patch #23117: Traditional Chinese textile and markdown help translation
  1198. * Patch #23387: Traditional Chinese textile and markdown detailed help translation (to r15723)
  1199. * Patch #23764: closed_on field of copied issue is always set to source issue's value
  1200. * Patch #23269: Fix for Error: Unable to autoload constant Redmine::Version when accessing the time report in first request
  1201. * Patch #23278: When creating issues by receiving an email, watchers created via CC in the mail don't get an email notification
  1202. * Patch #23389: Print Styles get overriden by responsive media query
  1203. * Patch #23708: Too long words in subtasks break layout
  1204. * Patch #23883: iOS 10 ignore disabled Zoom
  1205. * Patch #23134: Updated Korean locale
  1206. * Patch #23153: Plugin hooks for custom search results
  1207. * Patch #23171: Simplified Chinese translation for 3.3-stable
  1208. * Patch #23180: Make the issue id from email notifications linkable to issue page
  1209. * Patch #23334: Issue#editable_custom_field_values very slow for issues with many custom fields
  1210. * Patch #23346: Set user's localization before redirecting on forced password change to generate flash message in current user's language
  1211. * Patch #23376: Downloading of attachments with MIME type text/javascript fails
  1212. * Patch #23497: Russian translation for 3.3.0
  1213. * Patch #23587: Sudo-Mode refinements
  1214. * Patch #23725: Updated Brazilian translation for 3.3.0.stable
  1215. * Patch #23745: German translation for 3.3-stable
  1216. == 2016-06-19 v3.3.0
  1217. * Defect #5880: Only consider open subtasks when computing the priority of a parent issue
  1218. * Defect #8628: "Related to" reference may yield circular dependency error message
  1219. * Defect #12893: Copying an issue does not copy parent task id
  1220. * Defect #13654: Can't set parent issue when issue relations among child issues are present
  1221. * Defect #15777: Watched issues count on "My page" is shown for all issues instead of only open ones
  1222. * Defect #17580: After copying a task, setting the parent as the orignal task's parent triggers an error
  1223. * Defect #19924: Adding subtask takes very long
  1224. * Defect #20882: % done: progress bar blocked at 80 in the issue list
  1225. * Defect #21037: Issue show : bullet points not aligned if sub-task is in a different project
  1226. * Defect #21433: "version-completed" class is never set when version has no due date
  1227. * Defect #21674: The LDAP connection test does not check the credentials
  1228. * Defect #21695: Warning "Can't mass-assign protected attributes for IssueRelation: issue_to_id"
  1229. * Defect #21742: Received text attachments doesn't hold the original encoding on Ruby >= 2.1
  1230. * Defect #21855: Gravatar get images over http instead https
  1231. * Defect #21856: I18n backend does not support original i18n Pluralization
  1232. * Defect #21861: typo: s/creditentials/credentials/
  1233. * Defect #22059: Issue percentage selector extends screen border
  1234. * Defect #22115: Text in the "removed" part of a wiki diff is double-escaped
  1235. * Defect #22123: Totals cannot be removed completely if some columns are set in the global settings
  1236. * Defect #22135: Semi colon is spelled semicolon
  1237. * Defect #22405: SQL server: non ASCII filter does not work
  1238. * Defect #22493: Test code bug in application_helper_test
  1239. * Defect #22745: Rest API for Custom Fields does not return keys for key/value types
  1240. * Defect #23044: Typo in Azerbaijani general_lang_name
  1241. * Defect #23054: Clearing time entry custom fields while bulk editing results in values set to __none__
  1242. * Defect #23067: Custom field List Link values to URL breaks on entries with spaces
  1243. * Feature #285: Tracker role-based permissioning
  1244. * Feature #1725: Delete button on comments
  1245. * Feature #4266: Display changeset comment on repository diff view.
  1246. * Feature #4806: Filter the issue list by issue ids
  1247. * Feature #5536: Simplify Wiki Page creation ("Add Page" link)
  1248. * Feature #5754: Allow addition of watchers via bulk edit context menu
  1249. * Feature #6204: Make the "New issue" menu item optional
  1250. * Feature #7017: Add watchers from To and Cc fields in issue replies
  1251. * Feature #7839: Limit trackers for new issue to certain roles
  1252. * Feature #12456: Add units in history for estimated time
  1253. * Feature #12909: Drag'n'drop order configuration for statuses, trackers, roles...
  1254. * Feature #13718: Accept dots in JSONP callback
  1255. * Feature #14462: Previous/next links may be lost after editing the issue
  1256. * Feature #14574: "I don't want to be notified of changes that I make myself" as Default for all User
  1257. * Feature #14830: REST API : Add support for attaching file to Wiki pages
  1258. * Feature #14937: Code highlighting toolbar button
  1259. * Feature #15880: Consistent, global button/menu to add new content
  1260. * Feature #20985: Include private_notes property in xml/json Journals output
  1261. * Feature #21125: Removing attachment after rollback transaction
  1262. * Feature #21421: Security Notifications when security related things are changed
  1263. * Feature #21500: Add the "Hide my email address" option on the registration form
  1264. * Feature #21757: Add Total spent hours and Estimated hours to the REST API response
  1265. * Feature #22018: Add id and class for easier styling of query filters
  1266. * Feature #22058: Show image attachments and repo entries instead of downloading them
  1267. * Feature #22147: Change "Related issues" label for generic grouped query filters
  1268. * Feature #22381: Require password reset on initial setup for default admin account
  1269. * Feature #22383: Support of default Active Record (I18n) transliteration paths
  1270. * Feature #22482: Respond with "No preview available" instead of sending the file when no preview is available
  1271. * Feature #22951: Make Tracker and Status map-able for CSV import
  1272. * Feature #22987: Ruby 2.3 support
  1273. * Feature #23020: Default assigned_to when receiving emails
  1274. * Feature #23107: Update CodeRay to v1.1.1.
  1275. * Patch #3551: Additional case of USER_FORMAT, #{lastname}#{firstname} without any sperator
  1276. * Patch #6277: REST API for Search
  1277. * Patch #14680: Change Simplified Chinese translation for version 'field_effective_date'
  1278. * Patch #14828: Patch to add support for deleting attachments via API
  1279. * Patch #19468: Replace jQuery UI Datepicker with native browser date fields when available
  1280. * Patch #20632: Tab left/right buttons for project menu
  1281. * Patch #21256: Use CSS instead of image_tag() to show icons for better theming support
  1282. * Patch #21282: Remove left position from gantt issue tooltip
  1283. * Patch #21434: Additional CSS class for version status
  1284. * Patch #21474: Adding issue css classes to subtasks and relations tr
  1285. * Patch #21497: Tooltip on progress bar
  1286. * Patch #21541: Russian translation improvement
  1287. * Patch #21582: Performance in User#roles_for_project
  1288. * Patch #21583: Use association instead of a manual JOIN in Project#rolled_up_trackers
  1289. * Patch #21587: Additional view hook for body_top
  1290. * Patch #21611: Do not collect ids of subtree in Query#project_statement
  1291. * Patch #21628: Correct Turkish translation
  1292. * Patch #21632: Updated Estonian translation
  1293. * Patch #21663: Wrap textilizable with DIV containing wiki class
  1294. * Patch #21678: Add missing wiki container for news comments
  1295. * Patch #21685: Change Spanish Panama thousand delimiters and separator
  1296. * Patch #21738: Add .sql to mime-types
  1297. * Patch #21747: Catalan translation
  1298. * Patch #21776: Add status, assigned_to and done_ratio classes to issue subtasks
  1299. * Patch #21805: Improve accessibility for icon-only links
  1300. * Patch #21931: Simplified Chinese translation for 3.3 (some fixes)
  1301. * Patch #21942: Fix Czech translation of field_time_entries_visibility
  1302. * Patch #21944: Bugfix: Hide custom field link values from being shown when value is empty
  1303. * Patch #21947: Improve page header title for deeply nested project structures (+ improved XSS resilience)
  1304. * Patch #21963: German translations change
  1305. * Patch #21985: Increase space between menu items
  1306. * Patch #21991: Japanese wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html translation improvement
  1307. * Patch #22078: Incorrect French translation of :setting_issue_group_assignment
  1308. * Patch #22126: Update for Lithuanian translation
  1309. * Patch #22138: fix Korean translation typo
  1310. * Patch #22277: Add id to issue query forms to ease styling within themes
  1311. * Patch #22309: Add styles for blockquote in email notifications
  1312. * Patch #22315: Change English translation for field_effective_date: "Date" to "Due date"
  1313. * Patch #22320: Respect user's timezone when comparing / parsing Dates
  1314. * Patch #22345: Trackers that have parent_issue_id in their disabled_core_fields should not be selectable for new child issues
  1315. * Patch #22376: Change Japanese translation for label_issue_watchers
  1316. * Patch #22401: Notify the user of missing attachments
  1317. * Patch #22496: Add text wrap for multiple value list custom fields
  1318. * Patch #22506: Updated Korean locale data
  1319. * Patch #22693: Add styles for pre in email notifications
  1320. * Patch #22724: Change Japanese translation for "last name" and "first name"
  1321. * Patch #22756: Edit versions links on the roadmap
  1322. * Patch #23021: fix Russian "setting_thumbnails_enabled" misspelling
  1323. * Patch #23065: Fix confusing Japanese translation for permission_manage_related_issues
  1324. * Patch #23083: Allow filtering for system-shared versions in version custom fields in the global issues view
  1325. == 2016-06-05 v3.2.3
  1326. * Defect #22808: Malformed SQL query with SQLServer when grouping and sorting by fixed version
  1327. * Defect #22912: Selecting a new filter on Activities should not reset the date range
  1328. * Defect #22924: Persistent XSS in Markdown parsing
  1329. * Defect #22925: Persistent XSS in project homepage field
  1330. * Defect #22926: Persistent XSS in Textile parsing
  1331. * Defect #22932: "Group by" row from issues listing has the colspan attribute bigger with one than the number of columns from the table
  1332. * Patch #22427: pt-BR translation for 3.2.stable
  1333. * Patch #22761: Korean translation for 3.2-stable
  1334. * Patch #22898: !>image.png! generates invalid HTML
  1335. * Patch #22911: Error raised when importing issue with Key/Value List custom field
  1336. == 2016-05-05 v3.2.2
  1337. * Defect #5156: Bulk edit form lacks estimated time field
  1338. * Defect #22105: Responsive layout. Change menu selector in responsive.js.
  1339. * Defect #22134: HTML markup discrepancy ol and ul at app/views/imports/show.html.erb
  1340. * Defect #22196: Improve positioning of issue history and changesets on small screens
  1341. * Defect #22305: Highlighting of required and read-only custom fields broken in Workflow editor
  1342. * Defect #22331: bundler error: Ruby 1.9.3 = "mime-types-data requires Ruby version >= 2.0."
  1343. * Defect #22342: When copying issues to a different project, subtasks /w custom fields not copied over
  1344. * Defect #22354: Sort criteria defined in custom queries are not applied when exporting to CSV
  1345. * Defect #22583: CSV import delimiter detection broken
  1346. * Patch #22278: Revision Graph and Table should work with vertical-align: middle
  1347. * Patch #22296: Add collision option to autocomplete initialization
  1348. * Patch #22319: Fix German "error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings" typo
  1349. * Patch #22336: Revision Table does not scroll horizontally on small screens
  1350. * Patch #22721: Check that the file is actually an image before generating the thumbnail
  1351. == 2016-03-13 v3.2.1
  1352. * Defect #21588: Simplified Chinese "field_cvs_module" translation has problem (Patch #21430)
  1353. * Defect #21656: Fix Non ASCII attachment filename encoding broken (MOJIBAKE) in Microsoft Edge Explorer
  1354. * Defect #22072: Private notes get copied without private flag to Duplicate issues
  1355. * Defect #22127: Issues can be assigned to any user
  1356. * Defect #21219: Date pickers images for start/due date fields are not shown for issues with subtasks
  1357. * Defect #21477: Assign to "Anonymous" doesn't make much sense
  1358. * Defect #21488: Don't use past start date as default due date in the date picker
  1359. * Defect #21504: IssuePriority.position_name not recalculated every time it should
  1360. * Defect #21551: Private note flag disappears in issue update conflict
  1361. * Defect #21843: Nokogiri security issue
  1362. * Defect #21900: Moving a page with a child raises an error if target wiki contains a page with the same name as the child
  1363. * Defect #20988: % done field shown on issue show subtree even if deactivated for that tracker
  1364. * Defect #21263: Wiki lists in the sidebar are broken
  1365. * Defect #21453: LDAP account creation fails when first name/last name contain non ASCII
  1366. * Defect #21531: rdm-mailhandler with project-from-subaddress fails
  1367. * Defect #21534: Backtrace cleaner should not clean plugin paths
  1368. * Defect #21535: Moving a custom field value in the order switches in the edit view
  1369. * Defect #21775: Field "Done" from issue subtasks table overlaps the layout in responsive mode, width 400
  1370. * Defect #22108: Issues filter for CSV Export are not applied
  1371. * Defect #22178: Grouping issues by key/value custom field raises error 500
  1372. * Feature #21447: Option to show email adresses by default
  1373. * Patch #21650: Simplified Chinese translation of wiki formating for 2.6-stable
  1374. * Patch #21881: Russian wiki translation for 2.6-stable
  1375. * Patch #21898: Catalan wiki translation for 2.6-stable
  1376. * Patch #21456: Simplified Chinese translation of wiki formating for 3.1-stable
  1377. * Patch #21686: Russian translation for 3.1-stable
  1378. * Patch #21687: German translations for 3.1-stable
  1379. * Patch #21689: Turkish translation for 3.1-stable
  1380. * Patch #21882: Russian wiki translation for 3.1-stable
  1381. * Patch #21899: Catalan wiki translation for 3.1-stable
  1382. * Patch #22131: German translations for 3.1-stable
  1383. * Patch #22139: Japanese wiki syntax (Markdown) translation for 3.1-stable
  1384. * Patch #21436: Prevent admins from sending themselves their own password
  1385. * Patch #21454: Simplified Chinese translation for 3.2.0
  1386. * Patch #21487: Larger font for email notifications
  1387. * Patch #21521: Updated Spanish and Spanish Panama Translations
  1388. * Patch #21522: Simplified Chinese translation for r14976
  1389. * Patch #21527: Russian translation for 3.2.0
  1390. * Patch #21593: Add class to contextual edit button that relates to heading on wiki pages
  1391. * Patch #21620: Turkish translation for 3.2-stable
  1392. * Patch #21635: German translations for 3.2
  1393. * Patch #21740: Fixes misspelled word "RMagcik" in configuration.yml.example
  1394. * Patch #21847: Let mobile header be fixed
  1395. * Patch #21867: Add column `estimated_hours` for CSV import.
  1396. * Patch #21883: Russian wiki translation for 3.2-stable
  1397. * Patch #22009: Japanese wiki syntax (Markdown) translation for 3.2-stable
  1398. * Patch #22074: Prevent username from overlapping in mobile menu
  1399. * Patch #22101: Set max-with to 100% for input, select and textea
  1400. * Patch #22104: Prevent font scaling in landscape mode on webkit
  1401. * Patch #22128: Attachment form too wide on small screens
  1402. * Patch #22132: German translations for 3.2-stable
  1403. == 2015-12-06 v3.2.0
  1404. * Defect #17403: Unknown file size while downloading attachment
  1405. * Defect #18223: Table renders wrong if a trailing space is after | symbol
  1406. * Defect #19017: Wiki PDF Export: <pre> not rendered with monospaced font
  1407. * Defect #19271: Configuration of which versions are shown in version-format custom fields should not affect issue query filter
  1408. * Defect #19304: <a> tag without attributes in description results in undefined method + for nil:NilClass
  1409. * Defect #19403: Mistake in Polish Translation file.
  1410. * Defect #19657: Can't reorder activities after disabling activities on a project
  1411. * Defect #20117: Activities set as inactive missing in spent time report filter
  1412. * Defect #20296: Double full stops in Japanese
  1413. * Defect #20361: Project copy does not update custom field of version type values
  1414. * Defect #20438: Subject filter doesn't work with non ASCII uppercase symbols
  1415. * Defect #20463: Internal error when moving an issue to a project without selected trackers and active issue tracking
  1416. * Defect #20501: Empty divs when there are no custom fields on the issue form
  1417. * Defect #20543: Mail handler: don't allow override of some attributes by default
  1418. * Defect #20551: Typo "coma" (correct: "comma")
  1419. * Defect #20565: Search and get a 404 page when adding a new project
  1420. * Defect #20583: Setting Category/Version as a required field causes error in projects without categories/versions
  1421. * Defect #20995: Automatic done ratio calculation in issue tree is wrong in some cases
  1422. * Defect #21012: Link custom fields with long URLs are distorting issue detail view
  1423. * Defect #21069: Hard-coded label for hour
  1424. * Defect #21074: When changing the tracker of an existing issue, new custom fields are not initialized with their default value
  1425. * Defect #21175: Unused strings: label_(start|end)_to_(start|end)
  1426. * Defect #21182: Project.uniq.visible raises an SQL error under certain conditions
  1427. * Defect #21226: Some log messages are missing the "MailHandler" prefix
  1428. * Defect #21382: Watcher deletion of inactive user not possible for non-admin users
  1429. * Feature #950: Import Issues from delimited/CSV file
  1430. * Feature #1159: Allow issue description to be searchable as a filter
  1431. * Feature #1561: Totals for estimated/spent time and numeric custom fields on the issue list
  1432. * Feature #1605: Activity page to remember user's selection of activities
  1433. * Feature #1828: Default target version for new issues
  1434. * Feature #3034: Add day numbers to gantt
  1435. * Feature #3398: Link to assigned issues on user profiles
  1436. * Feature #4285: Add cancel button during edition of the wiki
  1437. * Feature #5816: New issue initial status should be settable in workflow
  1438. * Feature #7346: Allow a default version to be set on the command line for incoming emails
  1439. * Feature #8335: Email styles inline
  1440. * Feature #10672: Extend Filesize in the attachments table for files with size > 2147483647 bytes
  1441. * Feature #13429: Include attachment thumbnails in issue history
  1442. * Feature #13946: Add tracker name to Redmine issue link titles
  1443. * Feature #16072: Markdown footnote support
  1444. * Feature #16621: Ability to filter issues blocked by any/no open issues
  1445. * Feature #16941: Do not clear category on project change if category with same exists
  1446. * Feature #17618: Upgrade net-ldap version to 0.12.0
  1447. * Feature #19097: Responsive layout for mobile devices
  1448. * Feature #19885: Raise time entries comments limit to 1024
  1449. * Feature #19886: Raise wiki edits comments limit to 1024
  1450. * Feature #20008: Files upload Restriction by files extensions
  1451. * Feature #20221: Time entry query : column week
  1452. * Feature #20388: Removing attachment after commit transaction
  1453. * Feature #20929: Raise maximum length of LDAP filter
  1454. * Feature #20933: Options for shorter session maximum lifetime
  1455. * Feature #20935: Set autologin cookie as secure by default when using https
  1456. * Feature #20991: Raise maximum length of category name to 60
  1457. * Feature #21042: Check "Hide my email address" by default for new users
  1458. * Feature #21058: Keep track of valid user sessions
  1459. * Feature #21060: Custom field format with possible values stored as records
  1460. * Feature #21148: Remove "Latest Projects" from Home page
  1461. * Feature #21361: Plugins ui tests rake task
  1462. * Patch #20271: Fix for multiple tabs on the same page
  1463. * Patch #20288: Finalize CodeRay 1.1.0 upgrade
  1464. * Patch #20298: "div" tag around revision details
  1465. * Patch #20338: Turkish "activity" translation change
  1466. * Patch #20368: Make corners rounded
  1467. * Patch #20369: Use String#casecmp for case insensitive comparison
  1468. * Patch #20370: Lighter colors for journal details in issue history
  1469. * Patch #20411: Change Japanese translation for "view"
  1470. * Patch #20413: Use a table instead of an unordered list in "Issue tracking" box
  1471. * Patch #20496: Change Japanese translation for "time tracking"
  1472. * Patch #20506: redmine I18n autoload instead of require
  1473. * Patch #20507: ThemesHelper reopening ApplicationHelper is problem with autoloading
  1474. * Patch #20508: Required file lib/redmine/hook.rb is patching autoloaded ApplicationHelper
  1475. * Patch #20589: Activate sudo mode after password based login
  1476. * Patch #20720: Traditional Chinese "issue" translation change
  1477. * Patch #20732: MailHandler: Select project by subaddress (
  1478. * Patch #20740: Confusing name: test public query called "private"
  1479. * Patch #21033: Polish translation change
  1480. * Patch #21110: Keep anchor (i.e. to a specific issue note) throughout login
  1481. * Patch #21119: Give numbers in query sort criteria consistent width for non-monospaced fonts
  1482. * Patch #21126: Change Japanese translation for "List"
  1483. * Patch #21137: Rescue network level errors with LDAP auth
  1484. * Patch #21159: Hide empty <ul> on project overview
  1485. * Patch #21169: Use config.relative_url_root as the default path for session and autologin cookies
  1486. * Patch #21176: Japanese translation change (Blocks / Blocked by)
  1487. * Patch #21258: Use <ul> to do pagination, styling in a GitHub like manner with improved handling in responsive mode
  1488. * Patch #21280: Change Japanese translation for text_user_wrote
  1489. == 2015-12-05 v3.1.3
  1490. * Defect #16948: Broken anonymous repository access for public projects with Apache 2.4 (
  1491. * Defect #21328: pdf: Vietnamese Italic is not shown
  1492. * Defect #21419: Information leak in Atom feed
  1493. * Patch #21312: Fix exception in when authenticating anonymous users
  1494. * Patch #21430: Simplified Chinese translation
  1495. == 2015-11-14 v3.1.2
  1496. * Defect #20992: Parent priority "Independent of subtasks" setting doesn't work
  1497. * Defect #20360: Project copy does not copy custom field settings
  1498. * Defect #20380: Cannot assign users to projects with IE set to compatibility mode
  1499. * Defect #20591: PDF export does not determine picture (.png) height correctly
  1500. * Defect #20677: Custom fields with multiple values required by worklow can be blank
  1501. * Defect #20811: long <pre> lines are missing from PDF export of wiki pages
  1502. * Defect #21136: Issues API may disclose changeset messages that are not visible
  1503. * Defect #21150: Time logging form may disclose subjects of issues that are not visible
  1504. * Defect #21155: Deleting invalid wiki page version deletes whole page content
  1505. * Defect #20282: Error message when editing a child project without add project/subprojects permissions
  1506. * Defect #20730: Fix tokenization of phrases with non-ascii chars
  1507. * Defect #21071: find_referenced_issue_by_id fails with RangeError for large numbers
  1508. * Patch #21031: Polish translation update for 3.0-stable
  1509. * Patch #21105: Japanese wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html translation for 3.0-stable
  1510. * Patch #20785: Polish translation update for 3.1-stable
  1511. * Patch #20837: Bulgarian translation
  1512. * Patch #20892: Spanish translation for r14637
  1513. * Patch #20906: Fix mulitple tab navigation highlighting and content hiding
  1514. * Patch #21019: Traditional Chinese translation (to r14689)
  1515. * Patch #21076: Move inline CSS to application.css for private checkbox
  1516. * Patch #21085: Optimize issue edit description link
  1517. == 2015-09-20 v3.1.1
  1518. * Feature #11253: Total time spent from subtasks on the issue list
  1519. * Feature #20688: Add Total estimated hours column on issue list
  1520. * Feature #20738: Upgrade Rails 4.2.4
  1521. * Defect #19577: Open redirect vulnerability
  1522. * Defect #20761: Fix typo of Japanese translation for notice_gantt_chart_truncated
  1523. * Defect #20427: Cannot create a custom query visibility is "to these roles only"
  1524. * Defect #20454: Mail handler: unwanted assignment to a group occurs
  1525. * Defect #20278: Wrong syntax for resizing inline images will throw a 500 error
  1526. * Defect #20401: "Spent time" panel: columns not wrapping
  1527. * Defect #20407: Monospace font-family values are differ between application.css and scm.css
  1528. * Defect #20456: 3.1-stable/3.1.0: missing commits (omitted from being merged from trunk)
  1529. * Defect #20466: Broken email notification layout in Outlook
  1530. * Defect #20490: WARNING: Can't mass-assign protected attributes for User
  1531. * Defect #20633: Help cursor showing up since r14154
  1532. * Patch #20293: Russian translation for 2.6-stable
  1533. * Patch #20294: Russian translation for 2.6-stable
  1534. * Patch #20408: Turkish translation for 2.6-stable
  1535. * Patch #20557: Czech translation for 2.6-stable
  1536. * Patch #20735: Markdown: Upgrade redcarpet gem to 3.3 (ruby 1.9 and higher)
  1537. * Patch #20745: Portuguese translation for 2.6-stable
  1538. * Patch #20512: Project.copy_from deletes enabled_modules on source
  1539. * Patch #20737: Czech translation for 3.0-stable
  1540. * Patch #20746: Portuguese translation for 3.0-stable
  1541. * Patch #20243: Use https links instead of http links in ApplicationHelper#avatar_edit_link and Redmine::Info class methods
  1542. * Patch #20410: Turkish translation for 3.1-stable
  1543. * Patch #20452: Czech localisation update
  1544. * Patch #20731: Change Japanese translation for "spent time"
  1545. * Patch #20747: Portuguese translation for 3.1-stable
  1546. == 2015-07-26 v3.1.0
  1547. * Defect #4334: "Watch"ing an issue doesn't update watchers list
  1548. * Defect #13924: Error when using views/issues/index.api.rsb in a plugin
  1549. * Defect #14881: Issue journals should be ordered by created_on, not id
  1550. * Defect #15716: Scraped emails include CSS from HTML emails
  1551. * Defect #19243: Ambiguous date format options (eg. 03/03/2015) in settings
  1552. * Defect #19656: Activities do not correspont to project when adding time from my page.
  1553. * Defect #19737: HTML Sanitizer not working for Outlook mails
  1554. * Defect #19740: "Truncate emails after one of these lines" setting is not working
  1555. * Defect #19995: Can't apply textile modifiers to 1 non-ASCII character
  1556. * Defect #20141: Sync #wiki_format_provider plugin API shortcut with changes to Redmine::WikiFormatting.register from r12450 and r14313
  1557. * Defect #20159: Disallow users to delete a version referenced by a custom field
  1558. * Defect #20206: Members w/o view issues permission are able to list issues on public projects if the non member role has the permission
  1559. * Defect #20372: Contents inside <pre> are not rendered as monospace font in Chrome for Mac
  1560. * Feature #5418: Add Gravatar and edit link to "My account" page
  1561. * Feature #5490: Option for independent subtask priority/start date/due date/done ratio
  1562. * Feature #6118: Filter by parent task or subtasks
  1563. * Feature #7037: CSV export encoding and excel. UTF-8 and BOM
  1564. * Feature #8424: Add private issue option to receiving emails
  1565. * Feature #8929: Permission to view only your own time logs
  1566. * Feature #11253: Total time spent from subtasks on the issue list
  1567. * Feature #12312: Raise 60-character limit for document titles
  1568. * Feature #16373: TextFormatting help for Markdown formatting
  1569. * Feature #16535: Set a max width to html email content
  1570. * Feature #16962: Better handle html-only emails
  1571. * Feature #19182: Patch to the Redmine Mail Handler for specifying a custom CA bundle
  1572. * Feature #19458: Add the ability to expire passwords after a configurable number of days
  1573. * Feature #19707: Ability to limit member management to certain roles
  1574. * Feature #19851: Sudo mode: Require password re-entry for sensitive actions (optional)
  1575. * Patch #5770: Welcome text misses wiki formatting
  1576. * Patch #14402: Plugin migration directory should use plugin directory
  1577. * Patch #19296: Include custom fields description in project settings and issue view
  1578. * Patch #19339: Put news articles into <article> tags
  1579. * Patch #19341: Put roadmap versions in <article> tags
  1580. * Patch #19455: Replace manual query in version helper
  1581. * Patch #19509: Change Japanese translation for field_login
  1582. * Patch #19546: Change default display mode for PDF Export to OneColumn
  1583. * Patch #19991: Japanese translation change
  1584. * Patch #19993: Change csv separators of Spanish/Panama
  1585. * Patch #20130: Bulgarian translation change
  1586. * Patch #20174: Add missing member_role to fixtures
  1587. * Patch #20180: Make the updateIssueFrom(url) function return the XMLHttpRequest object
  1588. == 2015-07-07 v3.0.4
  1589. * Defect #17757: Link with hash does not work on Firefox
  1590. * Defect #19095: PDF is broken on iOS
  1591. * Defect #19485: Column 'address' in where clause may be ambiguous
  1592. * Defect #19815: Bulk issue copy copies subtasks and attachments even if option is unchecked
  1593. * Defect #19835: Newlines stripped from CVS commit messages
  1594. * Defect #19840: Missing validation for description size of versions
  1595. * Defect #19842: User allowed to manage public queries in any project, can create public query visible to everyone for ALL projects
  1596. * Defect #19844: Roles are not aligned on new member form
  1597. * Defect #19956: Connection leak on svn/redmine integration
  1598. * Defect #19957: acts_as_versioned not compatible with ActiveRecord 4.2.1
  1599. * Defect #20066: List of groups sorted in desc by default
  1600. * Defect #20118: Missing row in PDF if issue description contains '<'-character
  1601. * Feature #19364: Images and Thumbnail are not interpreted in table while exporting PDF
  1602. * Feature #20142: Update Gemfile to require rbpdf ~>1.18.6
  1603. * Patch #19825: Russian translation update
  1604. * Patch #20035: Italian translation update
  1605. * Patch #20203: The test email action should use POST only (CSRF protection)
  1606. == 2015-05-10 v3.0.3
  1607. * Defect #18580: Can't bulk edit own time entries with "Edit own time entries"
  1608. * Defect #19731: Issue validation fails if % done field is deactivated
  1609. * Defect #19735: Email addresses with slashes are not linked correctly
  1610. * Patch #19655: Set a back_url when forcing new login after session expiration
  1611. * Patch #19706: Issue show : optimizations
  1612. * Patch #19793: Adding flash messages to files_controller#create
  1613. == 2015-04-26 v3.0.2
  1614. * Defect #19297: Custom fields with hidden/read-only combination displayed in Issue Edit Form
  1615. * Defect #19400: Possibility of having 2 (or more) repositories with empty identifier
  1616. * Defect #19444: Fix typo in wiki_syntax_detailed.html
  1617. * Defect #19538: Keywords in commit messages: journal entries are created even if nothing was changed
  1618. * Defect #19569: Field permissions not working properly with inherited memberships
  1619. * Defect #19580: "Required" and "Read-only" rules on "Fields Permissions" screen are not colored
  1620. * Defect #13583: Space between lines in nested lists not equal
  1621. * Defect #19161: 500 Internal error: sorting for column mail at Administration/User
  1622. * Defect #19163: Bulk edit form shows additional custom fields
  1623. * Defect #19168: Activity: changes made to tickets are shown multiple times
  1624. * Defect #19185: Update Install/Upgrade guide for 3.x version and get gid of DEPRECATION WARNING: You didn't set config.secret_key_base
  1625. * Defect #19276: Creating new issues with invalid project_id should return 422 instead of 403 error
  1626. * Defect #19405: Setting config.logger.level in additional_environment.rb has no effect
  1627. * Defect #19464: Possible to log time on project without time tracking
  1628. * Defect #19482: Custom field (long text format) displayed even if empty
  1629. * Defect #19537: Broken HTML sanitizer refence breaks email receiving
  1630. * Defect #19544: Malformed SQL query with SQLServer when grouping issues
  1631. * Defect #19553: When create by copying the issue, status can not be changed to default
  1632. * Defect #19558: Mail handler should not ignore emails with x-auto-response-suppress header
  1633. * Defect #19606: Issue Estimated Time not updated on tracker change
  1634. * Feature #19437: Upgrade to Rails 4.2.1
  1635. * Feature #19489: Translation for Spanish Panama
  1636. * Patch #19570: Spanish translation updated
  1637. == 2015-03-16 v3.0.1
  1638. * Defect #19197: Missing notification if assignee was a group
  1639. * Defect #19260: Non-default identifier-less git repositories are undeletable
  1640. * Defect #19305: settings: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT: yaml generated on ruby 1.8
  1641. * Defect #19313: Attached inline images with non-ascii file name can not be seen when text formatting is Makdown
  1642. * Defect #19348: Project name is missing for versions from sub-projects
  1643. * Defect #19381: Wrong syntax for wiki macros in wiki_syntax_detailed.html
  1644. * Defect #19172: "gem update bundler" suggestion for "`x64_mingw` is not a valid platform"
  1645. * Defect #19218: Wrong name for pt-BR in language drop-down
  1646. * Defect #19225: When deleting one item from multivalued custom field / list of users, name of removed user is not visible in history
  1647. * Defect #19232: IMAP STARTTLS options typo :tls
  1648. * Defect #19253: Repository users broken if only one committer exists
  1649. * Defect #19316: CustomField#possible_values may raise undefined method `force_encoding' error
  1650. * Defect #19320: Spent time (last 7 days) in My page not updated
  1651. * Defect #19323: Incorrect links generated in emails if host setup uses other port (":" symbol)
  1652. * Defect #19325: ActionController::UnknownFormat: error for PDF request and unknown user
  1653. * Defect #19354: Unexpected milliseconds in JSON time attributes
  1654. * Defect #19368: Creating an issue without tracker_id attribute ignores custom field values
  1655. * Patch #19233: Change 20150113213922_remove_users_mail.rb from Irreversible to Reversible
  1656. * Patch #19322: Allow to ignore auto reply messages from Exchange server
  1657. == 2015-02-19 v3.0.0
  1658. * Defect #2573: Latest projects list: no space after lists in project description
  1659. * Defect #6579: Tree hierachy being currupted on multiple submissions of an issue
  1660. * Defect #14151: Grammer problem with German x_days
  1661. * Defect #15789: Users can see all groups when adding a filter "Assignee's Group"
  1662. * Defect #15988: Unexpected behaviour on issue fields for users that have multiple roles
  1663. * Defect #18237: From a rake task context, impossible to create an IssueRelation normally
  1664. * Defect #18265: Wrong csv separator in Croatian
  1665. * Defect #18301: Revision shortlink at end of URL breaks URL autolinking
  1666. * Defect #18314: German Translation - button_update
  1667. * Defect #18605: Wrong usage of to test log level
  1668. * Defect #18654: Custom field is rendered, even if its value is empty (for multiple)
  1669. * Defect #18711: Respect cross-project subtask setting on issue bulk edit form
  1670. * Defect #18781: Redmine::FieldFormat::IntFormat does not accept "real" Integer values
  1671. * Defect #18832: Activity Stream Filter missing on right hand side due to permission
  1672. * Defect #18855: User with only Move Issue rights in the project can still create issues using mass copy!
  1673. * Defect #18918: Grouping label for "none" should be changed to "null", "No Value", or" (blank) ".
  1674. * Defect #19024: link_to in Redmine::Hook::ViewListener omits url root
  1675. * Defect #19030: Links to completed versions on the roadmap page might lead to a "403 not authorized page"
  1676. * Defect #19039: Mail notification is formatting dates with changer's locale
  1677. * Defect #19040: Potential DB deadlocks on concurrent issue creation
  1678. * Defect #19055: 'label_per_page' is no longer used
  1679. * Defect #19111: Bad spelling in Spanish "mail_body_reminder"
  1680. * Feature #992: Option to search open issues only
  1681. * Feature #1326: Add / edit an attachment description after upload
  1682. * Feature #1415: Let system administrator limit repositories valid sources
  1683. * Feature #4244: Multiple email addresses for each user
  1684. * Feature #4383: Search Names of Files Attached to Issues
  1685. * Feature #4518: Wiki formatting documentation for nested lists
  1686. * Feature #5450: Move wiki page to other project
  1687. * Feature #5991: Tracker should have it's own default issue status
  1688. * Feature #6426: MenuManager::MenuItem should support a named route as a url
  1689. * Feature #7249: Custom fields for Documents
  1690. * Feature #8121: Allow overriding direction of part of text
  1691. * Feature #8818: Repository user-mapping with multiple email addresses
  1692. * Feature #11702: Add user/group to multiple projects at once
  1693. * Feature #11724: Prevent users from seeing other users based on their project membership
  1694. * Feature #12097: Multi Thread Support
  1695. * Feature #12734: Add table reference to textile help
  1696. * Feature #13051: Support any macro in (pdf) export for wiki's and issues
  1697. * Feature #13425: Ignore X-Autoreply mails
  1698. * Feature #13497: Document all available Redmine links properly
  1699. * Feature #13849: Grouped filters in the filter drop-down
  1700. * Feature #14371: Drop Ruby 1.8.7 support
  1701. * Feature #14534: Upgrade to Rails 4.2
  1702. * Feature #15236: Propose diff view for long text custom fields
  1703. * Feature #16823: IMAP STARTTLS support
  1704. * Feature #17354: User detail : show user login to admins
  1705. * Feature #17763: Ability to render multiple partials with view hook
  1706. * Feature #18500: Optional linking when copying issues
  1707. * Feature #18571: Tab "New Issue" should not be displayed if a project has no trackers
  1708. * Feature #18631: Better search results pagination
  1709. * Feature #18801: Support for accent insensitive search with PostgreSQL
  1710. * Feature #18860: Replace awesome_nested_set gem with a custom implementation of nested sets
  1711. * Feature #18947: Ruby 2.2 support
  1712. * Feature #19131: Use a better content type for attachments created with application/octet-stream
  1713. * Patch #6586: Calendar view hook Request
  1714. * Patch #13120: Translation in language selection
  1715. * Patch #18182: Latvian translation update
  1716. * Patch #18261: Japanese translation change (fix terms mismatch "default")
  1717. * Patch #18276: Allow queries captions to be dynamic
  1718. * Patch #18290: Issue performance patch
  1719. * Patch #18390: Better RTL css for the system
  1720. * Patch #18392: German translation: Self-registration
  1721. * Patch #18565: html improvements on project landing page
  1722. * Patch #18659: Do not truncate subissue/related issues titles on single issue view
  1723. * Patch #18671: Japanese translation change (fix misspelled word)
  1724. * Patch #18679: LabelledFormBuilder#label outputs 2 label elements
  1725. * Patch #18692: Access keys for previous (p)/next (n) links
  1726. * Patch #18707: Allow attachment thumbnails from REST api
  1727. * Patch #18817: Sort helper undefined to_a for string
  1728. * Patch #18818: TimeEntry acts_as_activity_provider scope should joins(:project)
  1729. * Patch #18983: Allow filtering of Redmine Reminders by Version
  1730. * Patch #19005: Make search results per page configurable
  1731. * Patch #19035: Japanese translation fix (label_age)
  1732. == 2015-02-19 v2.6.2
  1733. * Defect #10681: Export to Persian PDF problem
  1734. * Defect #17722: Plugin update check not working if redmine is viewed over https
  1735. * Defect #18586: Arabic PDF
  1736. * Defect #18632: PDF Export has no left padding for tables
  1737. * Defect #18883: Slow rendering of large textile tables
  1738. * Defect #18894: Grouping of Boolean field: Both "No" and "blank" tickets are grouped in "none" groups
  1739. * Defect #18896: Grouping of Boolean field in Query: group not displayed for "No" value if the group is in first position
  1740. * Defect #18922: rdm-mailhandler.rb should catch EOFError
  1741. * Defect #18961: {{macro_list}} error when choose markdown as wiki language
  1742. * Defect #19065: API: issue details created_on timestamp not formatted as expected
  1743. * Defect #19120: Wrap parent task title on the issue list
  1744. * Defect #19117: Potential XSS vulnerability in some flash messages rendering
  1745. == 2015-01-11 v2.6.1
  1746. * Defect #13608: Parent column in CSV export should include issue id only
  1747. * Defect #13673: Parent issue column includes issue subject (making issue list unworkable wide)
  1748. * Defect #14699: Cannot change "From" header in email notifications
  1749. * Defect #17744: Disabling fields in tracker keeps attached workflow permissions
  1750. * Defect #18060: Selected projects in email notifications on "my account" are lost when the page is redisplayed after a validation error
  1751. * Defect #18176: PDF: long text is corrupt
  1752. * Defect #18269: Timelog CSV export missing tracker name and issue name
  1753. * Defect #18280: closed_on missing when closed status of issue status changed
  1754. * Defect #18349: URL not rendered as a link when followed by a line break and another URL
  1755. * Defect #18464: Use of PRE tag in Issue description results in wrapped text with latest Google Chrome
  1756. * Defect #18499: Localisation not set correctly on authenticity token errors
  1757. * Defect #18501: Textile bold highlighting problem
  1758. * Defect #18629: PDF Export removes separating space after tables
  1759. * Defect #18665: Internal Server Error when adding user to group where he is already assigned
  1760. * Defect #18667: Attachment content type not set when uploading attachment
  1761. * Defect #18685: Plugin migration confuses two plugins with similar names
  1762. * Defect #18734: Select / case is missing a break in application.js
  1763. * Defect #18769: Reordering roles, trackers or statuses always redirects to the first page
  1764. * Defect #18777: Moving column to top of "Select Columns" results in loss of all other column selections
  1765. * Feature #8817: Attachments/Plugin assets directory writable errors
  1766. * Patch #17705: MailHandler should ignore bogus issue strings [some-string#1234] in subject
  1767. * Patch #18051: Cancel button on issue edit view
  1768. * Patch #18156: Spanish translation file
  1769. * Patch #18157: German translation
  1770. * Patch #18252: Japanese wiki_syntax_detailed.html translation update
  1771. * Patch #18357: Improvement of column selection: allow to move multiple columns in selection list
  1772. * Patch #18410: Spent hours should be cleared on #reload
  1773. * Patch #18534: Galician (gl) translation for 2.6-stable
  1774. * Patch #18587: Swedish translation (updated)
  1775. * Patch #18782: Fix ui tests broken by undefined method error
  1776. * Patch #18789: UI tests and capybara version
  1777. == 2014-10-21 v2.6.0
  1778. * Defect #8753: PDF export for Hebrew is reversed
  1779. * Defect #8758: Ignore email keywords after delimiter
  1780. * Defect #9660: Issues counters in roadmap only link to issues in the same project
  1781. * Defect #11788: Export to PDF: align right in table doesn't work
  1782. * Defect #12580: long hyperlinks inserted in task description breaks right frame boundary
  1783. * Defect #12934: PDF export: No images in tables
  1784. * Defect #13487: Honor committer => user mapping in repository statistics
  1785. * Defect #13642: PDF bookmark not displayed when contain a non-ascii character
  1786. * Defect #13781: CJK(Chinese/Japanese/Korean) characters are not shown in PDF on non CJK locales
  1787. * Defect #13860: Text of custom fields is not wrapped in PDF exports of issues
  1788. * Defect #14281: Parent issue autocomplete does not follow to the "Allow cross-project subtasks" setting
  1789. * Defect #14466: Wrap long issue fields in issue pdf header
  1790. * Defect #14491: MailHandler: Unable to determine target project (when allow_override=project and project=unassigned is used)
  1791. * Defect #14737: Gantt, completed % truncated instead of rounded
  1792. * Defect #14917: Bad table formatting in pdf export
  1793. * Defect #16496: Link custom field are not displayed as links on the issue list
  1794. * Defect #17023: The error flash message on session expiration is not in the language of the user but of the user of the previous request
  1795. * Defect #17202: Copying Project Fails to Copy Queries with visibility == VISIBILITY_ROLES
  1796. * Defect #17322: Long strings such as URL break out of box
  1797. * Defect #17484: Custom fields added to "spent time" don't show in context menu
  1798. * Defect #17828: Could not find gem 'mocha (~> 1.0.0) ruby'
  1799. * Defect #17931: note "Applied in changeset" generated multiple times for the same repo
  1800. * Defect #17954: /time_entries/new can't derive project from issue
  1801. * Defect #17959: Issue notes not previewed when project is changed
  1802. * Defect #18041: Wiki, Pdf export, Table, <pre>
  1803. * Defect #18110: Extraction of list of available locales is probe to bad gems
  1804. * Defect #18119: Thumbnail image path without HTTPS
  1805. * Defect #18144: German translation on "delete my account" page showing a "\n"
  1806. * Feature #10914: Include is_private setting in xml/json output
  1807. * Feature #12447: Support for PNG with alpha channel in pdf export
  1808. * Feature #14008: Add a warning if 2 plugins have the same settings partial name
  1809. * Feature #14030: Allow plugins to put gems inside PluginGemfile
  1810. * Feature #14599: Support 16-bit depth PNG images in PDF export
  1811. * Feature #16164: Bulk edit workflows for multiple trackers/roles
  1812. * Feature #16362: Option to send email on "Assignee updated"
  1813. * Feature #16707: Integrate support of SSL for POP3 incoming emails
  1814. * Feature #17077: fetch_changesets should use POST method too
  1815. * Feature #17380: Move project sidebar content to a partial
  1816. * Feature #17431: Display a target version's date if available in issue forms, as a tooltip
  1817. * Feature #17570: use rbpdf gem instead of bundled rfpdf
  1818. * Feature #17628: Expose project is_public property via API
  1819. * Feature #17955: Add link to /time_entries/new from My Page Spent Time block
  1820. * Feature #17976: Custom permissions per project for non member and anonymous users
  1821. * Feature #17993: Issues list : css tags to get sort orders
  1822. * Patch #6498: Make options parameter optional in User#allowed_to_globally?
  1823. * Patch #13589: Wiki PDF export for 2 column tables
  1824. * Patch #16190: Relax rejections based on Auto-Submitted header
  1825. * Patch #16240: Private notes should be marked more clearly
  1826. * Patch #16536: Japanese translation update (email notification)
  1827. * Patch #16556: Traditional Chinese "field_assigned_to" translation change
  1828. * Patch #16685: Introduce the request_store gem to hold User.current and prevent data leakage in error messages
  1829. * Patch #16704: Persian Translation
  1830. * Patch #16878: Parse configuration file for ERB
  1831. * Patch #16905: Count users with a single query on group list
  1832. * Patch #16925: Improve performance of Principal.member_of scope
  1833. * Patch #17308: Japanese translation change (fix terms mismatch in workflow)
  1834. * Patch #17346: Japanese translation change (followed updates of en.yml)
  1835. * Patch #17400: Typo in Changelog
  1836. * Patch #17401: Better fix for r13159 issue #16708
  1837. * Patch #17456: Japanese translation change (custom fields)
  1838. * Patch #17492: Lowering configuration.example.yml confusion
  1839. * Patch #17552: Bringing together of the translation of Members at Polish translation
  1840. * Patch #17563: Fixes some issues in the Galician (gl) translation
  1841. * Patch #17602: Include enabled modules in projects API
  1842. * Patch #17717: Password/Email address change should invalidate security tokens
  1843. * Patch #17796: Expire all other sessions on password change
  1844. * Patch #17847: Wiki extended help macros do not reflect basic Redmine macros
  1845. * Patch #17853: Portuguese translation file
  1846. * Patch #18047: MailHandler: Don't use String#respond_to?(:force_encoding) to differentiate between Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9
  1847. == 2014-07-06 v2.5.2
  1848. * Defect #3483: Relative url for source links in notifications
  1849. * Defect #16415: Users get e-mail notification twice, if they are watchers and assignees at the same time.
  1850. * Defect #16519: Generating a spent time report on a list type custom field with multiple values causes an invalid SQL error
  1851. * Defect #16564: Repository identifiers can be reserved words
  1852. * Defect #16619: Mailer.token_for generates invalid message_id when using from address with full name
  1853. * Defect #16655: start_date not set despite settings[default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date] being set.
  1854. * Defect #16668: Redmine links broken when object name contains special characters
  1855. * Defect #16669: Markdown formatter should use the :no_intra_emphasis extension
  1856. * Defect #16708: Form is submitted when switching tab
  1857. * Defect #16739: custom_fields.json only returns single tracker instead of array of trackers
  1858. * Defect #16747: Remove useless settings when editing a query from the gantt
  1859. * Defect #16755: Field set as read-only still available in the issues list context menu
  1860. * Defect #16795: Member#destroy triggers after_destroy callbacks twice
  1861. * Defect #16798: Custom field - list type - checkboxes - unchecking all - does not save
  1862. * Defect #16926: Custom field referencing deleted value trigger an error on display
  1863. * Defect #16989: Inline images in email does not appear when thumbnail macro is used.
  1864. * Defect #17003: Option to display bool custom fields as a single checkbox
  1865. * Feature #3177: Add "Check for updates" functionality to installed plugins
  1866. * Feature #16194: Ruby 2.1 support
  1867. * Patch #16566: French "text_git_repository_note" translation
  1868. * Patch #16700: Blank content type for attachments attached via Ajax file upload
  1869. * Patch #16710: Support for the 1.x versions of mime-types gem
  1870. * Patch #16781: Crash in markdown formatter causes ruby process to end
  1871. * Patch #17166: Japanese translation update (plugin update check)
  1872. * Patch #17301: Czech plugin strings
  1873. == 2014-03-29 v2.5.1
  1874. * Defect #14298: Error generated on 'search for watchers to add' after clicking add without selected users
  1875. * Defect #16236: Right-aligned table of contents (TOC) not working with markdown
  1876. * Defect #16255: Internal Error for specific version of non-existent wiki page
  1877. * Defect #16259: Changing Tracker value on new issue form makes hidden fields appearing after hitting F5
  1878. * Defect #16321: Custom Fields with "Link values to URL" set are displayed as escaped html in email
  1879. * Defect #16338: Can't choose an issue of a different project when updating time entries
  1880. * Defect #16353: Regexp bug in JournalsController regexp handling when quoting existing journal entries
  1881. * Feature #16326: Custom queries, buttons to move column to top and bottom
  1882. * Patch #16291: Japanese translation update
  1883. * Patch #16319: Random crash when using custom fields
  1884. * Patch #16320: Turkish typo fix
  1885. * Patch #16334: Korean Translation
  1886. * Patch #16336: Russian translation
  1887. * Patch #16356: Spanish Translation: label_custom_field_select_type
  1888. * Patch #16368: Polish translation update
  1889. * Patch #16381: Extract code to render project context links to helper
  1890. * Patch #16453: Czech localisation
  1891. * Defect #16466: Fixed back url verification
  1892. == 2014-03-02 v2.5.0
  1893. * Defect #3163: Large inline images overflow
  1894. * Defect #13385: Searchable checkbox displayed on edit form for not-searchable custom field formats.
  1895. * Defect #13396: Updating an issue with user or list format custom field, currently having value that is locked or removed, clears that field
  1896. * Defect #14361: Mercurial commit ids are short (12 digits) on database
  1897. * Defect #15377: bundle install --without development test fails
  1898. * Defect #15381: Error pages improvement
  1899. * Defect #15485: HTML 5 validation multiple ids
  1900. * Defect #15551: Validating a Setting with invalid name triggers an error
  1901. * Defect #15552: Preferences are not preserved after adding user with validation error
  1902. * Defect #15704: Journal for relation should store relation type instead of i18n key
  1903. * Defect #15709: TimeEntry custom_values are not deleted from the database when destroying the associated project
  1904. * Defect #15831: Successful update notice for workflows
  1905. * Defect #15848: REST API: Cannot retrieve memberships of closed projects
  1906. * Defect #15929: REST API: Integer custom field validation fails when using non-string values
  1907. * Defect #15947: Deadlock when delete issues in same time on multiple sessions
  1908. * Defect #15983: Project.activities returns different types depending on context
  1909. * Defect #16077: Table of contents macro conflicts with collapse macro
  1910. * Defect #16091: Export CSV with many custom field runs many queries
  1911. * Defect #16107: ApplicationController mishandles non-Basic authentication information, causing an internal error
  1912. * Defect #16143: Can't insert too long comment field from repository (MySQL)
  1913. * Feature #1179: Optionally allow Text and Long Text custom fields support wiki formatting
  1914. * Feature #1358: Link_to for Custom Field
  1915. * Feature #2083: CustomField of type "external-link-to" with configurable URL prefix
  1916. * Feature #2549: Enable the watching of news
  1917. * Feature #2691: Option to disable automated language-guessing based on HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE HTTP-header
  1918. * Feature #8152: Render Version and User custom fields as links
  1919. * Feature #8562: Watchers list too big in new issue form
  1920. * Feature #8572: Configuration of which versions (by version-status) are shown in version-format custom fields
  1921. * Feature #8842: REST API: Filter issues created/updated before or after specific timestamp
  1922. * Feature #13134: Focus first text field automatically
  1923. * Feature #14309: Add favicon to Atom feeds
  1924. * Feature #15275: Improve usage of label "button_update"
  1925. * Feature #15362: Wrap filters, options and buttons with extra div on the issue list
  1926. * Feature #15520: Markdown formatting
  1927. * Feature #15699: Description for custom fields
  1928. * Feature #15701: Add project identifier substitution option to the URL-pattern property of link format custom fields
  1929. * Feature #15790: Use the mime-types gem to get mime type for unknown extension
  1930. * Feature #15815: REST API : Add project status in API response
  1931. * Feature #15926: Redirect to back_url or referer when clicking "Sign in" while already logged-in
  1932. * Patch #12753: Update config.i18n.load_path for plugin-supplied locales
  1933. * Patch #13774: Show warning if CSV-Export exceeds limit
  1934. * Patch #14766: Better block detection on my page
  1935. * Patch #15403: Czech "message" and "changeset" translation change
  1936. * Patch #15420: Don't create duplicate wikis in tests
  1937. * Patch #15689: Make favicon themeable
  1938. * Patch #15785: Support more character encodings in incoming emails
  1939. == 2014-03-02 v2.4.4
  1940. * Defect #16081: Export CSV - Custom field true/false not using translation
  1941. * Defect #16161: Parent task search and datepicker not available after changing status
  1942. * Defect #16169: Wrong validation when updating integer custom field with spaces
  1943. * Defect #16177: Mercurial 2.9 compatibility
  1944. == 2014-02-08 v2.4.3
  1945. * Defect #13544: Commit reference: autogenerated issue note has wrong commit link syntax in multi-repo or cross-project context
  1946. * Defect #15664: Unable to upload attachments without add_issues, edit_issues or add_issue_notes permission
  1947. * Defect #15756: 500 on admin info/settings page on development environment
  1948. * Defect #15781: Customfields have a noticable impact on search performance due to slow database COUNT
  1949. * Defect #15849: Redmine:Fetch_Changesets Single-inheritance issue in subclass "Repository:Git"
  1950. * Defect #15870: Parent task completion is 104% after update of subtasks
  1951. * Defect #16032: Repository.fetch_changesets > app/models/repository/git.rb:137:in `[]=': string not matched (IndexError)
  1952. * Defect #16038: Issue#css_classes corrupts user.groups association cache
  1953. * Patch #15960: pt-BR translation for 2.4-stable
  1954. Additional note:
  1955. #15781 was forgotten to merge to v2.4.3.
  1956. It is in v2.5.0.
  1957. == 2013-12-23 v2.4.2
  1958. * Defect #15398: HTML 5 invalid <center> tag
  1959. * Defect #15523: CSS class for done ratio is not properly generated
  1960. * Defect #15623: Timelog filtering by activity field does not handle project activity overrides
  1961. * Defect #15677: Links for relations in notifications do not include hostname
  1962. * Defect #15684: MailHandler : text/plain attachments are added to description
  1963. * Defect #15714: Notification on loosing assignment does not work
  1964. * Defect #15735: OpenID login fails due to CSRF verification
  1965. * Defect #15741: Multiple scrollbars in project selection tree
  1966. * Patch #9442: Russian wiki syntax help translations
  1967. * Patch #15524: Japanese translation update (r12278)
  1968. * Patch #15601: Turkish translation update
  1969. * Patch #15688: Spanish translation updated
  1970. * Patch #15696: Russian translation update
  1971. == 2013-11-23 v2.4.1
  1972. * Defect #15401: Wiki syntax "bold italic" is incorrect
  1973. * Defect #15414: Empty sidebar should not be displayed in project overview
  1974. * Defect #15427: REST API POST and PUT broken
  1975. * Patch #15376: Traditional Chinese translation (to r12295)
  1976. * Patch #15395: German "ImageMagick convert available" translation
  1977. * Patch #15400: Czech Wiki syntax traslation
  1978. * Patch #15402: Czech translation for 2.4-stable
  1979. == 2013-11-17 v2.4.0
  1980. * Defect #1983: statistics get rather cramped with more than 15 or so contributers
  1981. * Defect #7335: Sorting issues in gantt by date, not by id
  1982. * Defect #12681: Treat group assignments as assigned to me
  1983. * Defect #12824: Useless "edit" link in workflow menu
  1984. * Defect #13260: JQuery Datepicker popup is missing multiple month/year modifiers
  1985. * Defect #13537: Filters will show issues with unused custom fields.
  1986. * Defect #13829: Favicon bug in IE8
  1987. * Defect #13949: Handling of attachment uploads when 'Maximum attachment size' is set to 0
  1988. * Defect #13989: Trac and Mantis importers reset global notification settings
  1989. * Defect #13990: Trac importer breaks on exotic filenames and ruby 1.9+
  1990. * Defect #14028: Plugins Gemfiles loading breaks __FILE__
  1991. * Defect #14086: Better handling of issue start date validation
  1992. * Defect #14206: Synchronize the lang attribute of the HTML with the display language
  1993. * Defect #14403: No error message if notification mail could not delivered
  1994. * Defect #14516: Missing Sort Column Label and Center Align on Admin-Enumerations
  1995. * Defect #14517: Missing Html Tile on Admin (Groups, LDAP and Plugins)
  1996. * Defect #14598: Wrong test with in model mail_handler
  1997. * Defect #14615: Warn me when leaving a page with unsaved text doesn't work when editing an update note
  1998. * Defect #14621: AJAX call on the issue form resets data entered during the request
  1999. * Defect #14657: Wrong German translation for member inheritance
  2000. * Defect #14773: ActiveRecord::Acts::Versioned::ActMethods#next_version Generates ArgumentError
  2001. * Defect #14819: Newlines in attachment filename causes crash
  2002. * Defect #14986: 500 error when viewing a wiki page without WikiContent
  2003. * Defect #14995: Japanese "notice_not_authorized" translation is incorrect
  2004. * Defect #15044: Patch for giving controller_issues_edit_after_save api hook the correct context
  2005. * Defect #15050: redmine:migrate_from_mantis fails to migrate projects with all upper case name
  2006. * Defect #15058: Project authorization EnabledModule N+1 queries
  2007. * Defect #15113: The mail method should return a Mail::Message
  2008. * Defect #15135: Issue#update_nested_set_attributes comparing nil with empty string
  2009. * Defect #15191: HTML 5 validation failures
  2010. * Defect #15227: Custom fields in issue form - splitting is incorrect
  2011. * Defect #15307: HTML 5 deprecates width and align attributes
  2012. * Feature #1005: Add the addition/removal/change of related issues to the history
  2013. * Feature #1019: Role based custom queries
  2014. * Feature #1391: Ability to force user to change password
  2015. * Feature #2199: Ability to clear dates and text fields when bulk editing issues
  2016. * Feature #2427: Document horizontal rule syntax
  2017. * Feature #2795: Add a "Cancel" button to the "Delete" project page when deleting a project.
  2018. * Feature #2865: One click filter in search view
  2019. * Feature #3413: Exclude attachments from incoming emails based on file name
  2020. * Feature #3872: New user password - better functionality
  2021. * Feature #4911: Multiple issue update rules with different keywords in commit messages
  2022. * Feature #5037: Role-based issue custom field visibility
  2023. * Feature #7590: Different commit Keywords for each tracker
  2024. * Feature #7836: Ability to save Gantt query filters
  2025. * Feature #8253: Update CodeRay to 1.1 final
  2026. * Feature #11159: REST API for getting CustomField definitions
  2027. * Feature #12293: Add links to attachments in new issue email notification
  2028. * Feature #12912: Issue-notes Redmine links: append actual note reference to rendered links
  2029. * Feature #13157: Link on "My Page" to view all my spent time
  2030. * Feature #13746: Highlighting of source link target line
  2031. * Feature #13943: Better handling of validation errors when bulk editing issues
  2032. * Feature #13945: Disable autofetching of repository changesets if projects are closed
  2033. * Feature #14024: Default of issue start and due date
  2034. * Feature #14060: Enable configuration of
  2035. * Feature #14228: Registered users should have a way to get a new action email
  2036. * Feature #14614: View hooks for user preferences
  2037. * Feature #14630: wiki_syntax.html per language (wiki help localization mechanism)
  2038. * Feature #15136: Activate Custom Fields on a selection of projects directly from Custom fields page
  2039. * Feature #15182: Return to section anchor after wiki section edit
  2040. * Feature #15218: Update Rails 3.2.15
  2041. * Feature #15311: Add an indication to admin/info whether or not ImageMagick convert is available
  2042. * Patch #6689: Document project-links in parse_redmine_links
  2043. * Patch #13460: All translations: RSS -> Atom
  2044. * Patch #13482: Do not add empty header/footer to notification emails
  2045. * Patch #13528: Traditional Chinese "label_total_time" translation
  2046. * Patch #13551: update Dutch translations - March 2013
  2047. * Patch #13577: Japanese translation improvement ("done ratio")
  2048. * Patch #13646: Fix handling multiple text parts in email
  2049. * Patch #13674: Lithuanian translation
  2050. * Patch #13687: Favicon bug in opera browser
  2051. * Patch #13697: Back-button on diff page is not working when I'm directed from email
  2052. * Patch #13745: Correct translation for member save button
  2053. * Patch #13808: Changed Bulgarian "label_statistics" translation
  2054. * Patch #13825: German translation: jquery.ui.datepicker-de.js
  2055. * Patch #13900: Update URL when changing tab
  2056. * Patch #13931: Error and inconsistencies in Croatian translation
  2057. * Patch #13948: REST API should return user.status
  2058. * Patch #13988: Enhanced Arabic translation
  2059. * Patch #14138: Output changeset comment in html title
  2060. * Patch #14180: Improve pt-BR translation
  2061. * Patch #14222: German translation: grammar + spelling
  2062. * Patch #14223: Fix icon transparency issues
  2063. * Patch #14360: Slovene language translation
  2064. * Patch #14767: More CSS classes on various fields
  2065. * Patch #14901: Slovak translation
  2066. * Patch #14920: Russian numeric translation
  2067. * Patch #14981: Italian translation
  2068. * Patch #15072: Optimization of issues journal custom fields display
  2069. * Patch #15073: list custom fields : multiple select filter wider
  2070. * Patch #15075: Fix typo in the Dutch "label_user_mail_option_all" translation
  2071. * Patch #15277: Accept custom field format added at runtime
  2072. * Patch #15295: Log error messages when moving attachements in sub-directories
  2073. * Patch #15369: Bulgarian translation (r12278)
  2074. == 2013-11-17 v2.3.4
  2075. * Defect #13348: Repository tree can't handle two loading at once
  2076. * Defect #13632: Empty page attached when exporting PDF
  2077. * Defect #14590: migrate_from_trac.rake does not import Trac users, uses too short password
  2078. * Defect #14656: JRuby: Encoding error when creating issues
  2079. * Defect #14883: Update activerecord-jdbc-adapter
  2080. * Defect #14902: Potential invalid SQL error with invalid group_ids
  2081. * Defect #14931: SCM annotate with non ASCII author
  2082. * Defect #14960: migrate_from_mantis.rake does not import Mantis users, uses too short password
  2083. * Defect #14977: Internal Server Error while uploading file
  2084. * Defect #15190: JS-error while using a global custom query w/ project filter in a project context
  2085. * Defect #15235: Wiki Pages REST API with version returns wrong comments
  2086. * Defect #15344: Default status always inserted to allowed statuses when changing status
  2087. * Feature #14919: Update ruby-openid version above 2.3.0
  2088. * Patch #14592: migrate_from_trac.rake does not properly parse First Name and Last Name
  2089. * Patch #14886: Norweigan - label_copied_to and label_copied_from translated
  2090. * Patch #15185: Simplified Chinese translation for 2.3-stable
  2091. == 2013-09-14 v2.3.3
  2092. * Defect #13008: Usage of attribute_present? in UserPreference
  2093. * Defect #14340: Autocomplete fields rendering issue with alternate theme
  2094. * Defect #14366: Spent Time report sorting on custom fields causes error
  2095. * Defect #14369: Open/closed issue counts on issues summary are not displayed with SQLServer
  2096. * Defect #14401: Filtering issues on "related to" may ignore other filters
  2097. * Defect #14415: Spent time details and report should ignore 'Setting.display_subprojects_issues?' when 'Subproject' filter is enabled.
  2098. * Defect #14422: CVS root_url not recognized when connection string does not include port
  2099. * Defect #14447: Additional status transitions for assignees do not work if assigned to a group
  2100. * Defect #14511: warning: class variable access from toplevel on Ruby 2.0
  2101. * Defect #14562: diff of CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) is broken on Ruby 1.8
  2102. * Defect #14584: Standard fields disabled for certain trackers still appear in email notifications
  2103. * Defect #14607: rake redmine:load_default_data Error
  2104. * Defect #14697: Wrong Russian translation in close project message
  2105. * Defect #14798: Wrong done_ratio calculation for parent with subtask having estimated_hours=0
  2106. * Patch #14485: Traditional Chinese translation for 2.3-stable
  2107. * Patch #14502: Russian translation for 2.3-stable
  2108. * Patch #14531: Spanish translations for 2.3.x
  2109. * Patch #14686: Portuguese translation for 2.3-stable
  2110. == 2013-07-14 v2.3.2
  2111. * Defect #9996: configuration.yml in documentation , but redmine ask me to create email.yml
  2112. * Defect #13692: warning: already initialized constant on Ruby 1.8.7
  2113. * Defect #13783: Internal error on time tracking activity enumeration deletion
  2114. * Defect #13821: "obj" parameter is not defined for macros used in description of documents
  2115. * Defect #13850: Unable to set custom fields for versions using the REST API
  2116. * Defect #13910: Values of custom fields are not kept in issues when copying a project
  2117. * Defect #13950: Duplicate Lithuanian "error_attachment_too_big" translation keys
  2118. * Defect #14015: Ruby hangs when adding a subtask
  2119. * Defect #14020: Locking and unlocking a user resets the email notification checkbox
  2120. * Defect #14023: Can't delete relation when Redmine runs in a subpath
  2121. * Defect #14051: Filtering issues with custom field in date format with NULL(empty) value
  2122. * Defect #14178: PDF API broken in version 2.3.1
  2123. * Defect #14186: Project name is not properly escaped in issue filters JSON
  2124. * Defect #14242: Project auto generation fails when projects created in the same time
  2125. * Defect #14245: Gem::InstallError: nokogiri requires Ruby version >= 1.9.2.
  2126. * Defect #14346: Latvian translation for "Log time"
  2127. * Feature #12888: Adding markings to emails generated by Private comments
  2128. * Feature #14419: Include RUBY_PATCHLEVEL and RUBY_RELEASE_DATE in info.rb
  2129. * Patch #14005: Swedish Translation for 2.3-stable
  2130. * Patch #14101: Receive IMAP by uid's
  2131. * Patch #14103: Disconnect and logout from IMAP after mail receive
  2132. * Patch #14145: German translation of x_hours
  2133. * Patch #14182: pt-BR translation for 2.3-stable
  2134. * Patch #14196: Italian translation for 2.3-stable
  2135. * Patch #14221: Translation of x_hours for many languages
  2136. == 2013-05-01 v2.3.1
  2137. * Defect #12650: Lost text after selection in issue list with IE
  2138. * Defect #12684: Hotkey for Issue-Edit doesn't work as expected
  2139. * Defect #13405: Commit link title is escaped twice when using "commit:" prefix
  2140. * Defect #13541: Can't access SCM when log/production.scm.stderr.log is not writable
  2141. * Defect #13579: Datepicker uses Simplified Chinese in Traditional Chinese locale
  2142. * Defect #13584: Missing Portuguese jQuery UI date picker
  2143. * Defect #13586: Circular loop testing prevents precedes/follows relation between subtasks
  2144. * Defect #13618: CSV export of spent time ignores filters and columns selection
  2145. * Defect #13630: PDF export generates the issue id twice
  2146. * Defect #13644: Diff - Internal Error
  2147. * Defect #13712: Fix email rake tasks to also support no_account_notice and default_group options
  2148. * Defect #13811: Broken javascript in IE7 ; recurrence of #12195
  2149. * Defect #13823: Trailing comma in javascript files
  2150. * Patch #13531: Traditional Chinese translation for 2.3-stable
  2151. * Patch #13552: Dutch translations for 2.3-stable
  2152. * Patch #13678: Lithuanian translation for 2.3-stable
  2153. == 2013-03-19 v2.3.0
  2154. * Defect #3107: Issue with two digit year on Logtime
  2155. * Defect #3371: Autologin does not work when using openid
  2156. * Defect #3676: www. generates broken link in formatted text
  2157. * Defect #4700: Adding news does not send notification to all project members
  2158. * Defect #5329: Time entries report broken on first week of year
  2159. * Defect #8794: Circular loop when using relations and subtasks
  2160. * Defect #9475: German Translation "My custom queries" and "Custom queries"
  2161. * Defect #9549: Only 100 users are displayed when adding new project members
  2162. * Defect #10277: Redmine wikitext URL-into-link creation with hyphen is wrong
  2163. * Defect #10364: Custom field float separator in CSV export
  2164. * Defect #10930: rake redmine:load_default_data error in 2.0 with SQLServer
  2165. * Defect #10977: Redmine shouldn't require all database gems
  2166. * Defect #12528: Handle temporary failures gracefully in the external mail handler script
  2167. * Defect #12629: Wrong German "label_issues_by" translation
  2168. * Defect #12641: Diff outputs become ??? in some non ASCII words.
  2169. * Defect #12707: Typo in app/models/tracker.rb
  2170. * Defect #12716: Attachment description lost when issue validation fails
  2171. * Defect #12735: Negative duration allowed
  2172. * Defect #12736: Negative start/due dates allowed
  2173. * Defect #12968: Subtasks don't resepect following/precedes
  2174. * Defect #13006: Filter "Assignee's group" doesn't work with group assignments
  2175. * Defect #13022: Image pointing towards /logout signs out user
  2176. * Defect #13059: Custom fields are listed two times in workflow/Fields permission
  2177. * Defect #13076: Project overview page shows trackers from subprojects with disabled issue module
  2178. * Defect #13119: custom_field_values are not reloaded on #reload
  2179. * Defect #13154: After upgrade to 2.2.2 ticket list on some projects fails
  2180. * Defect #13188: Forms are not updated after changing the status field without "Add issues" permission
  2181. * Defect #13251: Adding a "follows" relation may not refresh relations list
  2182. * Defect #13272: translation missing: setting_default_projects_tracker_ids
  2183. * Defect #13328: Copying an issue as a child of itself creates an extra issue
  2184. * Defect #13335: Autologin does not work with custom autologin cookie name
  2185. * Defect #13350: Japanese mistranslation fix
  2186. * Feature #824: Add "closed_on" issue field (storing time of last closing) & add it as a column and filter on the issue list.
  2187. * Feature #1766: Custom fields should become addable to Spent Time list/report
  2188. * Feature #3436: Show relations in Gantt diagram
  2189. * Feature #3957: Ajax file upload with progress bar
  2190. * Feature #5298: Store attachments in sub directories
  2191. * Feature #5605: Subprojects should (optionally) inherit Members from their parent
  2192. * Feature #6727: Add/remove issue watchers via REST API
  2193. * Feature #7159: Bulk watch/unwatch issues from the context menu
  2194. * Feature #8529: Get the API key of the user through REST API
  2195. * Feature #8579: Multiple file upload with HTML5 / Drag-and-Drop
  2196. * Feature #10191: Add Filters For Spent time's Details and Report
  2197. * Feature #10286: Auto-populate fields while creating a new user with LDAP
  2198. * Feature #10352: Preview should already display the freshly attached images
  2199. * Feature #11498: Add --no-account-notice option for the mail handler script
  2200. * Feature #12122: Gantt progress lines (html only)
  2201. * Feature #12228: JRuby 1.7.2 support
  2202. * Feature #12251: Custom fields: 'Multiple values' should be able to be checked and then unchecked
  2203. * Feature #12401: Split "Manage documents" permission into create, edit and delete permissions
  2204. * Feature #12542: Group events in the activity view
  2205. * Feature #12665: Link to a file in a repository branch
  2206. * Feature #12713: Microsoft SQLServer support
  2207. * Feature #12787: Remove "Warning - iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead."
  2208. * Feature #12843: Add links to projects in Group projects list
  2209. * Feature #12898: Handle GET /issues/context_menu parameters nicely to prevent returning error 500 to crawlers
  2210. * Feature #12992: Make JSONP support optional and disabled by default
  2211. * Feature #13174: Raise group name maximum length to 255 characters
  2212. * Feature #13175: Possibility to define the default enable trackers when creating a project
  2213. * Feature #13329: Ruby 2.0 support
  2214. * Feature #13337: Split translation "label_total"
  2215. * Feature #13340: Mail handler: option to add created user to default group
  2216. * Feature #13341: Mail handler: --no-notification option to disable notifications to the created user
  2217. * Patch #7202: Polish translation for v1.0.4
  2218. * Patch #7851: Italian translation for 'issue'
  2219. * Patch #9225: Generate project identifier automatically with JavaScript
  2220. * Patch #10916: Optimisation in issues relations display
  2221. * Patch #12485: Don't force english language for default admin account
  2222. * Patch #12499: Use lambda in model scopes
  2223. * Patch #12611: Login link unexpected logs you out
  2224. * Patch #12626: Updated Japanese translations for button_view and permission_commit_access
  2225. * Patch #12640: Russian "about_x_hours" translation change
  2226. * Patch #12645: Russian numeric translation
  2227. * Patch #12660: Consistent German translation for my page
  2228. * Patch #12708: Restructured german translation (Cleanup)
  2229. * Patch #12721: Optimize MenuManager a bit
  2230. * Patch #12725: Change pourcent to percent (#12724)
  2231. * Patch #12754: Updated Japanese translation for notice_account_register_done
  2232. * Patch #12788: Copyright for 2013
  2233. * Patch #12806: Serbian translation change
  2234. * Patch #12810: Swedish Translation change
  2235. * Patch #12910: Plugin settings div should perhaps have 'settings' CSS class
  2236. * Patch #12911: Fix 500 error for requests to the settings path for non-configurable plugins
  2237. * Patch #12926: Bulgarian translation (r11218)
  2238. * Patch #12927: Swedish Translation for r11244
  2239. * Patch #12967: Change Spanish login/logout translations
  2240. * Patch #12988: Russian translation for trunk
  2241. * Patch #13080: German translation of label_in
  2242. * Patch #13098: Small datepicker improvements
  2243. * Patch #13152: Locale file for Azerbaijanian language
  2244. * Patch #13155: Add login to /users/:id API for current user
  2245. * Patch #13173: Put source :rubygems url HTTP secure
  2246. * Patch #13190: Bulgarian translation (r11404)
  2247. * Patch #13198: Traditional Chinese language file (to r11426)
  2248. * Patch #13203: German translation change for follow and precedes is inconsitent
  2249. * Patch #13206: Portuguese translation file
  2250. * Patch #13246: Some german translation patches
  2251. * Patch #13280: German translation (r11478)
  2252. * Patch #13301: Performance: avoid querying all memberships in User#roles_for_project
  2253. * Patch #13309: Add "tracker-[id]" CSS class to issues
  2254. * Patch #13324: fixing some pt-br locales
  2255. * Patch #13339: Complete language Vietnamese file
  2256. * Patch #13391: Czech translation update
  2257. * Patch #13399: Fixed some wrong or confusing translation in Korean locale
  2258. * Patch #13414: Bulgarian translation (r11567)
  2259. * Patch #13420: Korean translation for 2.3 (r11583)
  2260. * Patch #13437: German translation of setting_emails_header
  2261. * Patch #13438: English translation
  2262. * Patch #13447: German translation - some patches
  2263. * Patch #13450: Czech translation
  2264. * Patch #13475: fixing some pt-br locales
  2265. * Patch #13514: fixing some pt-br locales
  2266. == 2013-03-19 v2.2.4
  2267. * Upgrade to Rails 3.2.13
  2268. * Defect #12243: Ordering forum replies by last reply date is broken
  2269. * Defect #13127: h1 multiple lined titles breaks into main menu
  2270. * Defect #13138: Generating PDF of issue causes UndefinedConversionError with htmlentities gem
  2271. * Defect #13165: rdm-mailhandler.rb: initialize_http_header override basic auth
  2272. * Defect #13232: Link to topic in nonexistent forum causes error 500
  2273. * Patch #13181: Bulgarian translation of jstoolbar-bg.js
  2274. * Patch #13207: Portuguese translation for 2.2-stable
  2275. * Patch #13310: pt-BR label_last_n_weeks translation
  2276. * Patch #13325: pt-BR translation for 2.2-stable
  2277. * Patch #13343: Vietnamese translation for 2.2-stable
  2278. * Patch #13398: Czech translation for 2.2-stable
  2279. == 2013-02-12 v2.2.3
  2280. * Upgrade to Rails 3.2.12
  2281. * Defect #11987: pdf: Broken new line in table
  2282. * Defect #12930: 404 Error when referencing different project source files in the wiki syntax
  2283. * Defect #12979: Wiki link syntax commit:repo_a:abcd doesn't work
  2284. * Defect #13075: Can't clear custom field value through context menu in the issue list
  2285. * Defect #13097: Project copy fails when wiki module is disabled
  2286. * Defect #13126: Issue view: estimated time vs. spent time
  2287. * Patch #12922: Update Spanish translation
  2288. * Patch #12928: Bulgarian translation for 2.2-stable
  2289. * Patch #12987: Russian translation for 2.2-stable
  2290. == 2013-01-20 v2.2.2
  2291. * Defect #7510: Link to attachment should return latest attachment
  2292. * Defect #9842: {{toc}} is not replaced by table of content when exporting wiki page to pdf
  2293. * Defect #12749: Plugins cannot route wiki page sub-path
  2294. * Defect #12799: Cannot edit a wiki section which title starts with a tab
  2295. * Defect #12801: Viewing the history of a wiki page with attachments raises an error
  2296. * Defect #12833: Input fields restricted on length should have maxlength parameter set
  2297. * Defect #12838: Blank page when clicking Add with no block selected on my page layout
  2298. * Defect #12851: "Parent task is invalid" while editing child issues by Role with restricted Issues Visibility
  2299. * Patch #12800: Serbian Latin translation patch (sr-YU.yml)
  2300. * Patch #12809: Swedish Translation for r11162
  2301. * Patch #12818: Minor swedish translation fix
  2302. == 2013-01-09 v2.2.1
  2303. * Upgrade to Rails 3.2.11
  2304. * Defect #12652: "Copy ticket" selects "new ticket"
  2305. * Defect #12691: Textile Homepage Dead?
  2306. * Defect #12711: incorrect fix of lib/SVG/Graph/TimeSeries.rb
  2307. * Defect #12744: Unable to call a macro with a name that contains uppercase letters
  2308. * Defect #12776: Security vulnerability in Rails 3.2.10 (CVE-2013-0156)
  2309. * Patch #12630: Russian "x_hours" translation
  2310. == 2012-12-18 v2.2.0
  2311. * Defect #4787: Gannt to PNG - CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) characters appear as ?
  2312. * Defect #8106: Issues by Category should show tasks without category
  2313. * Defect #8373: i18n string text_are_you_sure_with_children no longer used
  2314. * Defect #11426: Filtering with Due Date in less than N days should show overdue issues
  2315. * Defect #11834: Bazaar: "???" instead of non ASCII character in paths on non UTF-8 locale
  2316. * Defect #11868: Git and Mercurial diff displays deleted files as /dev/null
  2317. * Defect #11979: No validation errors when entering an invalid "Parent task"
  2318. * Defect #12012: Redmine::VERSION.revision method does not work on Subversion 1.7 working copy
  2319. * Defect #12018: Issue filter select box order changes randomly
  2320. * Defect #12090: email recipients not written to action_mailer log if BCC recipients setting is checked
  2321. * Defect #12092: Issue "start date" validation does not work correctly
  2322. * Defect #12285: Some unit and functional tests miss fixtures and break when run alone
  2323. * Defect #12286: Emails of private notes are sent to watcher users regardless of viewing permissions
  2324. * Defect #12310: Attachments may not be displayed in the order they were selected
  2325. * Defect #12356: Issue "Update" link broken focus
  2326. * Defect #12397: Error in Textile conversion of HTTP links, containing russian letters
  2327. * Defect #12434: Respond with 404 instead of 500 when requesting a wiki diff with invalid versions
  2328. * Feature #1554: Private comments in tickets
  2329. * Feature #2161: Time tracking code should respect weekends as "no work" days
  2330. * Feature #3239: Show related issues on the Issues Listing
  2331. * Feature #3265: Filter on issue relations
  2332. * Feature #3447: Option to display the issue descriptions on the issues list
  2333. * Feature #3511: Ability to sort issues by grouped column
  2334. * Feature #4590: Precede-Follow relation should move following issues when rescheduling issue earlier
  2335. * Feature #5487: Allow subtasks to cross projects
  2336. * Feature #6899: Add a relation between the original and copied issue
  2337. * Feature #7082: Rest API for wiki
  2338. * Feature #9835: REST API - List priorities
  2339. * Feature #10789: Macros {{child_pages}} with depth parameter
  2340. * Feature #10852: Ability to delete a version from a wiki page history
  2341. * Feature #10937: new user format #{lastname}
  2342. * Feature #11502: Expose roles details via REST API
  2343. * Feature #11755: Impersonate user through REST API auth
  2344. * Feature #12085: New user name format: firstname + first letter of lastname
  2345. * Feature #12125: Set filename used to store attachment updloaded via the REST API
  2346. * Feature #12167: Macro for inserting collapsible block of text
  2347. * Feature #12211: Wrap issue description and its contextual menu in a div
  2348. * Feature #12216: Textual CSS class for priorities
  2349. * Feature #12299: Redmine version requirement improvements (in plugins)
  2350. * Feature #12393: Upgrade to Rails 3.2.9
  2351. * Feature #12475: Lazy loading of translation files for faster startup
  2352. * Patch #11846: Fill username when authentification failed
  2353. * Patch #11862: Add "last 2 weeks" preset to time entries reporting
  2354. * Patch #11992: Japanese translation about issue relations improved
  2355. * Patch #12027: Incorrect Spanish "September" month name
  2356. * Patch #12061: Japanese translation improvement (permission names)
  2357. * Patch #12078: User#allowed_to? should return true or false
  2358. * Patch #12117: Change Japanese translation of "admin"
  2359. * Patch #12142: Updated translation in Lithuanian
  2360. * Patch #12232: German translation enhancements
  2361. * Patch #12316: Fix Lithuanian numeral translation
  2362. * Patch #12494: Bulgarian "button_submit" translation change
  2363. * Patch #12514: Updated translation in Lithuanian
  2364. * Patch #12602: Korean translation update for 2.2-stable
  2365. * Patch #12608: Norwegian translation changed
  2366. * Patch #12619: Russian translation change
  2367. == 2012-12-18 v2.1.5
  2368. * Defect #12400: Validation fails when receiving an email with list custom fields
  2369. * Defect #12451: Macros.rb extract_macro_options should use lazy search
  2370. * Defect #12513: Grouping of issues by custom fields not correct in PDF export
  2371. * Defect #12566: Issue history notes previews are broken
  2372. * Defect #12568: Clicking "edit" on a journal multiple times shows multiple forms
  2373. * Patch #12605: Norwegian translation for 1.4-stable update
  2374. * Patch #12614: Dutch translation
  2375. * Patch #12615: Russian translation
  2376. == 2012-11-24 v2.1.4
  2377. * Defect #12274: Wiki export from Index by title is truncated
  2378. * Defect #12298: Right-click context menu unable to batch/bulk update (IE8)
  2379. * Defect #12332: Repository identifier does not display on Project/Settings/Repositories
  2380. * Defect #12396: Error when receiving an email without subject header
  2381. * Defect #12399: Non ASCII attachment filename encoding broken (MOJIBAKE) in receiving mail on Ruby 1.8
  2382. * Defect #12409: Git: changesets aren't read after clear_changesets call
  2383. * Defect #12431: Project.rebuild! sorts root projects by id instead of name
  2384. == 2012-11-17 v2.1.3
  2385. * Defect #12050: :export links to repository files lead to a 404 error
  2386. * Defect #12189: Missing tmp/pdf directory
  2387. * Defect #12195: Javascript error with IE7 / IE8 on new issue form
  2388. * Defect #12196: "Page not found" on OK button in SCM "View all revisions" page
  2389. * Defect #12199: Confirmation message displayed when clicking a disabled delete link in the context menu
  2390. * Defect #12231: Hardcoded "Back" in Repository
  2391. * Defect #12294: Incorrect german translation for "registered" users filter
  2392. * Defect #12349: Watchers auto-complete search on non-latin chars
  2393. * Defect #12358: 'None' grouped issue list section should be translated
  2394. * Defect #12359: Version date field regex validation accepts invalid date
  2395. * Defect #12375: Receiving mail subject encoding broken (MOJIBAKE) in some cases on Ruby 1.8
  2396. * Patch #9732: German translations
  2397. * Patch #12021: Russian locale translations
  2398. * Patch #12188: Simplified Chinese translation with zh.yml file based on Rev:10681
  2399. * Patch #12235: German translation for 2.1-stable
  2400. * Patch #12237: Added German Translation
  2401. == 2012-09-30 v2.1.2
  2402. * Defect #11929: XSS vulnerability in Redmine 2.1.x
  2403. == 2012-09-30 v2.1.1
  2404. * Defect #11290: ParseDate missing in Ruby 1.9x
  2405. * Defect #11844: "load_default_data" rake task fails to print the error message if one occurs
  2406. * Defect #11850: Can't create a user from ldap by on-the-fly on the redmine server using URI prefix
  2407. * Defect #11872: Private issue visible to anonymous users after its author is deleted
  2408. * Defect #11885: Filter misses Selectionfield on IE8
  2409. * Defect #11893: New relation form Cancel link is broken with Chrome 21
  2410. * Defect #11905: Potential "can't dup NilClass" error in UserPreference
  2411. * Defect #11909: Autocomplete results not reset after clearing search field
  2412. * Defect #11922: bs.yml and de.yml lead to error by number_to_currency()
  2413. * Defect #11945: rake task prints "can't convert Errno::EACCES into String" in case of no permission of public/plugin_assets
  2414. * Defect #11975: Undefined status transitions allowed in workflow (author of issue changes when selecting a new status)
  2415. * Defect #11982: SCM diff view generates extra parameter for switching mode
  2416. * Patch #11897: Traditional Chinese language file (to r10433)
  2417. == 2012-09-16 v2.1.0
  2418. * Defect #2071: Reordering priority-enumerations breaks alternate-theme's issue-colouring
  2419. * Defect #2190: Month names not translated to german
  2420. * Defect #8978: LDAP timeout if an LDAP auth provider is unreachable
  2421. * Defect #9839: Gantt abbr of weekday should not be necessarily the first letter of the long day name
  2422. * Defect #10928: Documentation about generating a plugin is not up-to-date
  2423. * Defect #11034: TLS configuration documentation for Rails 3
  2424. * Defect #11073: UserCustomField order_statement returns wrong output
  2425. * Defect #11153: Default sorting for target version is DESC instead of ASC
  2426. * Defect #11207: Issues associated with a locked version are not copied when copying a project
  2427. * Defect #11304: Issue-class: status-1, status-2 etc. refer to status position instead of status id
  2428. * Defect #11331: Openid registration form should not require user to enter password
  2429. * Defect #11345: Context menu should show shared versions when editing issues from different projects
  2430. * Defect #11355: Plain text notification emails content is HTML escaped
  2431. * Defect #11388: Updating a version through rest API returns invalid JSON
  2432. * Defect #11389: Warning in awesome_nested_set.rb
  2433. * Defect #11503: Accessing /projects/:project/wiki/something.png fails with error 500
  2434. * Defect #11506: Versions that are not shared should not be assignable when selecting another project
  2435. * Defect #11508: Projects not ordered alphabetically after renaming project
  2436. * Defect #11540: Roadmap anchor links can be ambigous
  2437. * Defect #11545: Overwriting existing method
  2438. * Defect #11552: MailHandler does not match assignee name with spaces
  2439. * Defect #11571: Custom fields of type version not proper handled in receiving e-mails
  2440. * Defect #11577: Can't use non-latin anchor in wiki
  2441. * Defect #11612: Revision graph sometimes broken due to raphael.js error
  2442. * Defect #11621: Redmine MIME Detection Of Javascript Files Non-Standard
  2443. * Defect #11633: Macro arguments should not be parsed by text formatters
  2444. * Defect #11662: Invalid query returned from Issues.visible scope after accessing User#projects_by_role with a role that is not present
  2445. * Defect #11691: 404 response when deleting a user from the edit page
  2446. * Defect #11723: redmine:send_reminders notification misses if assignee is a group
  2447. * Defect #11738: Batch update of issues clears project path
  2448. * Defect #11749: HEAD is not considered as a read-only method
  2449. * Defect #11814: Date picker does not respect week start setting
  2450. * Feature #703: Configurable required fields per tracker/status/role
  2451. * Feature #1006: Display thumbnails of attached images
  2452. * Feature #1091: Disabling default ticket fields per tracker
  2453. * Feature #1360: Permission for adding an issue to a version.
  2454. * Feature #3061: Let macros optionally match over multiple lines and ignore single curly braces
  2455. * Feature #3510: Inserting image thumbnails inside the wiki
  2456. * Feature #3521: Permissions for roles to change fields per tracker/status
  2457. * Feature #3640: Freeze / Close Projects
  2458. * Feature #3831: Support for subforums
  2459. * Feature #6597: Configurable session lifetime and timeout
  2460. * Feature #6965: Option to Copy Subtasks when copying an issue
  2461. * Feature #8161: Ability to filter issues on project custom fields
  2462. * Feature #8577: "Private" column and filter on the issue list
  2463. * Feature #8981: REST Api for Groups
  2464. * Feature #9258: Create role by copy
  2465. * Feature #9419: Group/sort the issue list by user/version-format custom fields
  2466. * Feature #10362: Show images in repositories inline when clicking the 'View' link
  2467. * Feature #10419: Upgrade raphael.js (2.1.0)
  2468. * Feature #11068: Ability to set default column order in issue list
  2469. * Feature #11102: Add autocomplete to "Related issue" field on revision
  2470. * Feature #11109: Repository Identifier should be frozen
  2471. * Feature #11181: Additional "Log time" link on project overview
  2472. * Feature #11205: Reversed order of priorities on the issue summary page
  2473. * Feature #11445: Switch from Prototype to JQuery
  2474. * Feature #11469: JSONP support
  2475. * Feature #11475: Allow fallback to other Apache auth providers
  2476. * Feature #11494: Don't turn #nnn with leading zeros into links
  2477. * Feature #11539: Display a projects tree instead of a flat list in notification preferences
  2478. * Feature #11578: Option to pass whole arguments to a macro without splitting them
  2479. * Feature #11595: Missing mime type for svg files
  2480. * Feature #11758: Upgrade to Rails 3.2.8
  2481. * Patch #4905: add support for Git's smart HTTP protocol
  2482. * Patch #10988: New Korean translation patch
  2483. * Patch #11201: Korean translation special update
  2484. * Patch #11401: Fix Japanese mistranslation for "button_submit"
  2485. * Patch #11402: Japanese translation added for default role names
  2486. * Patch #11411: Fix disordered use of long sound in Japanese "user" translation
  2487. * Patch #11412: Unnatural Japanese message when users failed to login
  2488. * Patch #11419: Fix wrong Japanese "label_attachment" translation
  2489. * Patch #11496: Make labels clickable in Adminstration/Settings
  2490. * Patch #11704: Avoid the use of tag("...", "...", true) in layout
  2491. * Patch #11818: fails when permissions are NULL
  2492. == 2012-09-16 v2.0.4
  2493. * Defect #10818: Running rake in test environment causes exception
  2494. * Defect #11209: Wiki diff may generate broken HTML
  2495. * Defect #11217: Project names in drop-down are escaped twice
  2496. * Defect #11262: Link is escaped in wiki added/updated notification email
  2497. * Defect #11307: Can't filter for negative numeric custom fields
  2498. * Defect #11325: Unified diff link broken on specific file/revision diff view
  2499. * Defect #11341: Escaped link in conflict resolution form
  2500. * Defect #11365: Attachment description length is not validated
  2501. * Defect #11511: Confirmation page has broken HTML when a project folding sub project is deleted
  2502. * Defect #11533: rake redmine:plugins:test doesn't run tests in subdirectories
  2503. * Defect #11541: Version sharing is missing in the REST API
  2504. * Defect #11550: Issue reminder doesn't work when using asynchronous delivery
  2505. * Defect #11776: Can't override mailer views inside redmine plugin.
  2506. * Defect #11789: Edit section links broken with h5/h6 headings
  2507. * Feature #11338: Exclude emails with auto-submitted => auto-generated
  2508. * Patch #11299: redmine:plugins:migrate should update db/schema.rb
  2509. * Patch #11328: Fix Japanese mistranslation for 'label_language_based'
  2510. * Patch #11448: Russian translation for 1.4-stable and 2.0-stable
  2511. * Patch #11600: Fix plural form of the abbreviation for hours in Brazilian Portuguese
  2512. == 2012-06-18 v2.0.3
  2513. * Defect #10688: PDF export from Wiki - Problems with tables
  2514. * Defect #11061: Cannot choose commit versions to view differences in Git/Mercurial repository view
  2515. * Defect #11065: E-Mail submitted tickets: German umlauts in 'Subject' get malformed (ruby 1.8)
  2516. * Defect #11098: Default priorities have the same position and can't be reordered
  2517. * Defect #11105: <% content_for :header_tags do %> doesn't work inside hook
  2518. * Defect #11112: REST API - custom fields in POST/PUT ignored for time_entries
  2519. * Defect #11118: "Maximum file size" displayed on upload forms is incorrect
  2520. * Defect #11124: Link to user is escaped in activity title
  2521. * Defect #11133: Wiki-page section edit link can point to incorrect section
  2522. * Defect #11160: SQL Error on time report if a custom field has multiple values for an entry
  2523. * Defect #11170: Topics sort order is broken in Redmine 2.x
  2524. * Defect #11178: Spent time sorted by date-descending order lists same-date entries in physical order (not-reverse)
  2525. * Defect #11185: Redmine fails to delete a project with parent/child task
  2526. * Feature #11162: Upgrade to Rails 3.2.6
  2527. * Patch #11113: Small glitch in German localization
  2528. == 2012-06-05 v2.0.2
  2529. * Defect #11032: Project list is not shown when "For any event on the selected projects only..." is selected on user edit panel
  2530. * Defect #11038: "Create and continue" should preserve project, issue and activity when logging time
  2531. * Defect #11046: does not support "bind as user" ldap authentication
  2532. * Defect #11051: reposman.rb fails in 1.4.2 because of missing require for rubygems
  2533. * Defect #11085: Wiki start page can't be changed
  2534. * Feature #11084: Update Rails to 3.2.5
  2535. == 2012-05-28 v2.0.1
  2536. * Defect #10923: After creating a new Version Redmine jumps back to "Information"
  2537. * Defect #10932: Links to delete watchers are escaped when gravatars are enabled
  2538. * Defect #10964: Updated column doesn't get updated on issues
  2539. * Defect #10965: rake yard does not work for generating documentation.
  2540. * Defect #10972: Columns selection not displayed on the custom query form
  2541. * Defect #10991: My page > Spent time 'project' column is html-encoded
  2542. * Defect #10996: Time zones lost when upgrading from Redmine 1.4 to 2.0
  2543. * Defect #11013: Fetching Email from IMAP/POP3 - uninitialized constant RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER error
  2544. * Defect #11024: redmine_plugin_model generator does not create the migration
  2545. * Defect #11027: Saving new query without name causes escaping of input field
  2546. * Defect #11028: Project identifier can be updated
  2547. == 2012-05-15 v2.0.0
  2548. * Feature #4796: Rails 3 support
  2549. * Feature #7720: Limit the pagination-limit when max-results is fewer than max-pagination-limit
  2550. * Feature #9034: Add an id to the flash messages
  2551. * Patch #10782: Better translation for Estonian language
  2552. == 2012-05-13 v1.4.2
  2553. * Defect #10744: rake task redmine:email:test broken
  2554. * Defect #10787: "Allow users to unsubscribe" option is confusing
  2555. * Defect #10827: Cannot access Repositories page and Settings in a Project - Error 500
  2556. * Defect #10829: db:migrate fails 0.8.2 -> 1.4.1
  2557. * Defect #10832: REST Uploads fail with fastcgi
  2558. * Defect #10837: reposman and rdm-mailhandler not working with ruby 1.9.x
  2559. * Defect #10856: can not load translations from hr.yml with ruby1.9.3-p194
  2560. * Defect #10865: Filter reset when deleting locked user
  2561. * Feature #9790: Allow filtering text custom fields on "is null" and "is not null"
  2562. * Feature #10778: svn:ignore for config/additional_environment.rb
  2563. * Feature #10875: Partial Albanian Translations
  2564. * Feature #10888: Bring back List-Id to help aid Gmail filtering
  2565. * Patch #10733: Traditional Chinese language file (to r9502)
  2566. * Patch #10745: Japanese translation update (r9519)
  2567. * Patch #10750: Swedish Translation for r9522
  2568. * Patch #10785: Bulgarian translation (jstoolbar)
  2569. * Patch #10800: Simplified Chinese translation
  2570. == 2012-04-20 v1.4.1
  2571. * Defect #8574: Time report: date range fields not enabled when using the calendar popup
  2572. * Defect #10642: Nested textile ol/ul lists generate invalid HTML
  2573. * Defect #10668: RSS key is generated twice when user is not reloaded
  2574. * Defect #10669: Token.destroy_expired should not delete API tokens
  2575. * Defect #10675: "Submit and continue" is broken
  2576. * Defect #10711: User cannot change account details with "Login has already been taken" error
  2577. * Feature #10664: Unsubscribe Own User Account
  2578. * Patch #10693: German Translation Update
  2579. == 2012-04-14 v1.4.0
  2580. * Defect #2719: Increase username length limit from 30 to 60
  2581. * Defect #3087: Revision referring to issues across all projects
  2582. * Defect #4824: Unable to connect (can't convert Net::LDAP::LdapError into String)
  2583. * Defect #5058: reminder mails are not sent when delivery_method is :async_smtp
  2584. * Defect #6859: Moving issues to a tracker with different custom fields should let fill these fields
  2585. * Defect #7398: Error when trying to quick create a version with required custom field
  2586. * Defect #7495: Python multiline comments highlighting problem in Repository browser
  2587. * Defect #7826: bigdecimal-segfault-fix.rb must be removed for Oracle
  2588. * Defect #7920: Attempted to update a stale object when copying a project
  2589. * Defect #8857: Git: Too long in fetching repositories after upgrade from 1.1 or new branch at first time
  2590. * Defect #9472: The git scm module causes an excess amount of DB traffic.
  2591. * Defect #9685: Adding multiple times the same related issue relation is possible
  2592. * Defect #9798: Release 1.3.0 does not detect rubytree under ruby 1.9.3p0 / rails 2.3.14
  2593. * Defect #9978: Japanese "permission_add_issue_watchers" is wrong
  2594. * Defect #10006: Email reminders are sent for closed issues
  2595. * Defect #10150: CSV export and spent time: rounding issue
  2596. * Defect #10168: CSV export breaks custom columns
  2597. * Defect #10181: Issue context menu and bulk edit form show irrelevant statuses
  2598. * Defect #10198: message_id regex in pop3.rb only recognizes Message-ID header (not Message-Id)
  2599. * Defect #10251: Description diff link in note details is relative when received by email
  2600. * Defect #10272: Ruby 1.9.3: "incompatible character encoding" with LDAP auth
  2601. * Defect #10275: Message object not passed to wiki macros for head topic and in preview edit mode
  2602. * Defect #10334: Full name is not unquoted when creating users from emails
  2603. * Defect #10410: [Localization] Grammar issue of Simplified Chinese in zh.yml
  2604. * Defect #10442: Ruby 1.9.3 Time Zone setting Internal error.
  2605. * Defect #10467: Confusing behavior while moving issue to a project with disabled Issues module
  2606. * Defect #10575: Uploading of attachments which filename contains non-ASCII chars fails with Ruby 1.9
  2607. * Defect #10590: WikiContent::Version#text return string with #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT> when uncompressed
  2608. * Defect #10593: Error: 'incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT' (old annoing issue) on ruby-1.9.3
  2609. * Defect #10600: Watchers search generates an Internal error
  2610. * Defect #10605: Bulk edit selected issues does not allow selection of blank values for custom fields
  2611. * Defect #10619: When changing status before tracker, it shows improper status
  2612. * Feature #779: Multiple SCM per project
  2613. * Feature #971: Add "Spent time" column to query
  2614. * Feature #1060: Add a LDAP-filter using external auth sources
  2615. * Feature #1102: Shortcut for assigning an issue to me
  2616. * Feature #1189: Multiselect custom fields
  2617. * Feature #1363: Allow underscores in project identifiers
  2618. * Feature #1913: LDAP - authenticate as user
  2619. * Feature #1972: Attachments for News
  2620. * Feature #2009: Manually add related revisions
  2621. * Feature #2323: Workflow permissions for administrators
  2622. * Feature #2416: {background:color} doesn't work in text formatting
  2623. * Feature #2694: Notification on loosing assignment
  2624. * Feature #2715: "Magic links" to notes
  2625. * Feature #2850: Add next/previous navigation to issue
  2626. * Feature #3055: Option to copy attachments when copying an issue
  2627. * Feature #3108: set parent automatically for new pages
  2628. * Feature #3463: Export all wiki pages to PDF
  2629. * Feature #4050: Ruby 1.9 support
  2630. * Feature #4769: Ability to move an issue to a different project from the update form
  2631. * Feature #4774: Change the hyperlink for file attachment to view and download
  2632. * Feature #5159: Ability to add Non-Member watchers to the watch list
  2633. * Feature #5638: Use Bundler (Gemfile) for gem management
  2634. * Feature #5643: Add X-Redmine-Sender header to email notifications
  2635. * Feature #6296: Bulk-edit custom fields through context menu
  2636. * Feature #6386: Issue mail should render the HTML version of the issue details
  2637. * Feature #6449: Edit a wiki page's parent on the edit page
  2638. * Feature #6555: Double-click on "Submit" and "Save" buttons should not send two requests to server
  2639. * Feature #7361: Highlight active query in the side bar
  2640. * Feature #7420: Rest API for projects members
  2641. * Feature #7603: Please make editing issues more obvious than "Change properties (More)"
  2642. * Feature #8171: Adding attachments through the REST API
  2643. * Feature #8691: Better handling of issue update conflict
  2644. * Feature #9803: Change project through REST API issue update
  2645. * Feature #9923: User type custom fields should be filterable by "Me".
  2646. * Feature #9985: Group time report by the Status field
  2647. * Feature #9995: Time entries insertion, "Create and continue" button
  2648. * Feature #10020: Enable global time logging at /time_entries/new
  2649. * Feature #10042: Bulk change private flag
  2650. * Feature #10126: Add members of subprojects in the assignee and author filters
  2651. * Feature #10131: Include custom fiels in time entries API responses
  2652. * Feature #10207: Git: use default branch from HEAD
  2653. * Feature #10208: Estonian translation
  2654. * Feature #10253: Better handling of attachments when validation fails
  2655. * Feature #10350: Bulk copy should allow for changing the target version
  2656. * Feature #10607: Ignore out-of-office incoming emails
  2657. * Feature #10635: Adding time like "123 Min" is invalid
  2658. * Patch #9998: Make attachement "Optional Description" less wide
  2659. * Patch #10066: i18n not working with russian gem
  2660. * Patch #10128: Disable IE 8 compatibility mode to fix wrong div.autoscroll scroll bar behaviour
  2661. * Patch #10155: Russian translation changed
  2662. * Patch #10464: Enhanced PDF output for Issues list
  2663. * Patch #10470: Efficiently process new git revisions in a single batch
  2664. * Patch #10513: Dutch translation improvement
  2665. == 2012-04-14 v1.3.3
  2666. * Defect #10505: Error when exporting to PDF with NoMethodError (undefined method `downcase' for nil:NilClass)
  2667. * Defect #10554: Defect symbols when exporting tasks in pdf
  2668. * Defect #10564: Unable to change locked, sticky flags and board when editing a message
  2669. * Defect #10591: Dutch "label_file_added" translation is wrong
  2670. * Defect #10622: "Default administrator account changed" is always true
  2671. * Patch #10555: rake redmine:send_reminders aborted if issue assigned to group
  2672. * Patch #10611: Simplified Chinese translations for 1.3-stable
  2673. == 2012-03-11 v1.3.2
  2674. * Defect #8194: {{toc}} uses identical anchors for subsections with the same name
  2675. * Defect #9143: Partial diff comparison should be done on actual code, not on html
  2676. * Defect #9523: {{toc}} does not display headers with @ code markup
  2677. * Defect #9815: Release 1.3.0 does not detect rubytree with rubgems 1.8
  2678. * Defect #10053: undefined method `<=>' for nil:NilClass when accessing the settings of a project
  2679. * Defect #10135: ActionView::TemplateError (can't convert Fixnum into String)
  2680. * Defect #10193: Unappropriate icons in highlighted code block
  2681. * Defect #10199: No wiki section edit when title contains code
  2682. * Defect #10218: Error when creating a project with a version custom field
  2683. * Defect #10241: "get version by ID" fails with "401 not authorized" error when using API access key
  2684. * Defect #10284: Note added by commit from a subproject does not contain project identifier
  2685. * Defect #10374: User list is empty when adding users to project / group if remaining users are added late
  2686. * Defect #10390: Mass assignment security vulnerability
  2687. * Patch #8413: Confirmation message before deleting a relationship
  2688. * Patch #10160: Bulgarian translation (r8777)
  2689. * Patch #10242: Migrate from Digest::Sha1 to Digest::Sha
  2690. * Patch #10258: Italian translation for 1.3-stable
  2691. == 2012-02-06 v1.3.1
  2692. * Defect #9775: app/views/repository/_revision_graph.html.erb sets window.onload directly..
  2693. * Defect #9792: Ruby 1.9: [v1.3.0] Error: incompatible character encodings for it translation on Calendar page
  2694. * Defect #9793: Bad spacing between numbered list and heading (recently broken).
  2695. * Defect #9795: Unrelated error message when creating a group with an invalid name
  2696. * Defect #9832: Revision graph height should depend on height of rows in revisions table
  2697. * Defect #9937: Repository settings are not saved when all SCM are disabled
  2698. * Defect #9961: Ukrainian "default_tracker_bug" is wrong
  2699. * Defect #10013: Rest API - Create Version -> Internal server error 500
  2700. * Defect #10115: Javascript error - Can't attach more than 1 file on IE 6 and 7
  2701. * Defect #10130: Broken italic text style in edited comment preview
  2702. * Defect #10152: Attachment diff type is not saved in user preference
  2703. * Feature #9943: Arabic translation
  2704. * Patch #9874: pt-BR translation updates
  2705. * Patch #9922: Spanish translation updated
  2706. * Patch #10137: Korean language file ko.yml updated to Redmine 1.3.0
  2707. == 2011-12-10 v1.3.0
  2708. * Defect #2109: Context menu is being submitted twice per right click
  2709. * Defect #7717: MailHandler user creation for unknown_user impossible due to diverging length-limits of login and email fields
  2710. * Defect #7917: Creating users via email fails if user real name containes special chars
  2711. * Defect #7966: MailHandler does not include JournalDetail for attached files
  2712. * Defect #8368: Bad decimal separator in time entry CSV
  2713. * Defect #8371: MySQL error when filtering a custom field using the REST api
  2714. * Defect #8549: Export CSV has character encoding error
  2715. * Defect #8573: Do not show inactive Enumerations where not needed
  2716. * Defect #8611: rake/rdoctask is deprecated
  2717. * Defect #8751: Email notification: bug, when number of recipients more then 8
  2718. * Defect #8894: Private issues - make it more obvious in the UI?
  2719. * Defect #8994: Hardcoded French string "anonyme"
  2720. * Defect #9043: Hardcoded string "diff" in Wiki#show and Repositories_Helper
  2721. * Defect #9051: wrong "text_issue_added" in russian translation.
  2722. * Defect #9108: Custom query not saving status filter
  2723. * Defect #9252: Regression: application title escaped 2 times
  2724. * Defect #9264: Bad Portuguese translation
  2725. * Defect #9470: News list is missing Avatars
  2726. * Defect #9471: Inline markup broken in Wiki link labels
  2727. * Defect #9489: Label all input field and control tags
  2728. * Defect #9534: Precedence: bulk email header is non standard and discouraged
  2729. * Defect #9540: Issue filter by assigned_to_role is not project specific
  2730. * Defect #9619: Time zone ignored when logging time while editing ticket
  2731. * Defect #9638: Inconsistent image filename extensions
  2732. * Defect #9669: Issue list doesn't sort assignees/authors regarding user display format
  2733. * Defect #9672: Message-quoting in forums module broken
  2734. * Defect #9719: Filtering by numeric custom field types broken after update to master
  2735. * Defect #9724: Can't remote add new categories
  2736. * Defect #9738: Setting of cross-project custom query is not remembered inside project
  2737. * Defect #9748: Error about configuration.yml validness should mention file path
  2738. * Feature #69: Textilized description in PDF
  2739. * Feature #401: Add pdf export for WIKI page
  2740. * Feature #1567: Make author column sortable and groupable
  2741. * Feature #2222: Single section edit.
  2742. * Feature #2269: Default issue start date should become configurable.
  2743. * Feature #2371: character encoding for attachment file
  2744. * Feature #2964: Ability to assign issues to groups
  2745. * Feature #3033: Bug Reporting: Using "Create and continue" should show bug id of saved bug
  2746. * Feature #3261: support attachment images in PDF export
  2747. * Feature #4264: Update CodeRay to 1.0 final
  2748. * Feature #4324: Redmine renames my files, it shouldn't.
  2749. * Feature #4729: Add Date-Based Filters for Issues List
  2750. * Feature #4742: CSV export: option to export selected or all columns
  2751. * Feature #4976: Allow rdm-mailhandler to read the API key from a file
  2752. * Feature #5501: Git: Mercurial: Adding visual merge/branch history to repository view
  2753. * Feature #5634: Export issue to PDF does not include Subtasks and Related Issues
  2754. * Feature #5670: Cancel option for file upload
  2755. * Feature #5737: Custom Queries available through the REST Api
  2756. * Feature #6180: Searchable custom fields do not provide adequate operators
  2757. * Feature #6954: Filter from date to date
  2758. * Feature #7180: List of statuses in REST API
  2759. * Feature #7181: List of trackers in REST API
  2760. * Feature #7366: REST API for Issue Relations
  2761. * Feature #7403: REST API for Versions
  2762. * Feature #7671: REST API for reading attachments
  2763. * Feature #7832: Ability to assign issue categories to groups
  2764. * Feature #8420: Consider removing #7013 workaround
  2765. * Feature #9196: Improve logging in MailHandler when user creation fails
  2766. * Feature #9496: Adds an option in mailhandler to disable server certificate verification
  2767. * Feature #9553: CRUD operations for "Issue categories" in REST API
  2768. * Feature #9593: HTML title should be reordered
  2769. * Feature #9600: Wiki links for news and forums
  2770. * Feature #9607: Filter for issues without start date (or any another field based on date type)
  2771. * Feature #9609: Upgrade to Rails 2.3.14
  2772. * Feature #9612: "side by side" and "inline" patch view for attachments
  2773. * Feature #9667: Check attachment size before upload
  2774. * Feature #9690: Link in notification pointing to the actual update
  2775. * Feature #9720: Add note number for single issue's PDF
  2776. * Patch #8617: Indent subject of subtask ticket in exported issues PDF
  2777. * Patch #8778: Traditional Chinese 'issue' translation change
  2778. * Patch #9053: Fix up Russian translation
  2779. * Patch #9129: Improve wording of Git repository note at project setting
  2780. * Patch #9148: Better handling of field_due_date italian translation
  2781. * Patch #9273: Fix typos in russian localization
  2782. * Patch #9484: Limit SCM annotate to text files under the maximum file size for viewing
  2783. * Patch #9659: Indexing rows in auth_sources/index view
  2784. * Patch #9692: Fix Textilized description in PDF for CodeRay
  2785. == 2011-12-10 v1.2.3
  2786. * Defect #8707: Reposman: wrong constant name
  2787. * Defect #8809: Table in timelog report overflows
  2788. * Defect #9055: Version files in Files module cannot be downloaded if issue tracking is disabled
  2789. * Defect #9137: db:encrypt fails to handle repositories with blank password
  2790. * Defect #9394: Custom date field only validating on regex and not a valid date
  2791. * Defect #9405: Any user with :log_time permission can edit time entries via context menu
  2792. * Defect #9448: The attached images are not shown in documents
  2793. * Defect #9520: Copied private query not visible after project copy
  2794. * Defect #9552: Error when reading ciphered text from the database without cipher key configured
  2795. * Defect #9566: considers all projects private when login_required is enabled
  2796. * Defect #9567: potential security issue with cache credential enabled and subversion
  2797. * Defect #9577: Deleting a subtasks doesn't update parent's rgt & lft values
  2798. * Defect #9597: Broken version links in wiki annotate history
  2799. * Defect #9682: Wiki HTML Export only useful when Access history is accessible
  2800. * Defect #9737: Custom values deleted before issue submit
  2801. * Defect #9741: calendar-hr.js (Croatian) is not UTF-8
  2802. * Patch #9558: Simplified Chinese translation for 1.2.2 updated
  2803. * Patch #9695: Bulgarian translation (r7942)
  2804. == 2011-11-11 v1.2.2
  2805. * Defect #3276: Incorrect handling of anchors in Wiki to HTML export
  2806. * Defect #7215: Wiki formatting mangles links to internal headers
  2807. * Defect #7613: Generated test instances may share the same attribute value object
  2808. * Defect #8411: Can't remove "Project" column on custom query
  2809. * Defect #8615: Custom 'version' fields don't show shared versions
  2810. * Defect #8633: Pagination counts non visible issues
  2811. * Defect #8651: Email attachments are not added to issues any more in v1.2
  2812. * Defect #8825: JRuby + Windows: SCMs do not work on Redmine 1.2
  2813. * Defect #8836: Additional workflow transitions not available when set to both author and assignee
  2814. * Defect #8865: Custom field regular expression is not validated
  2815. * Defect #8880: Error deleting issue with grandchild
  2816. * Defect #8884: Assignee is cleared when updating issue with locked assignee
  2817. * Defect #8892: Unused fonts in rfpdf plugin folder
  2818. * Defect #9161: pt-BR field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved has a small gramatical error
  2819. * Defect #9308: Search fails when a role haven't "view wiki" permission
  2820. * Defect #9465: Mercurial: can't browse named branch below Mercurial 1.5
  2821. == 2011-07-11 v1.2.1
  2822. * Defect #5089: i18N error on truncated revision diff view
  2823. * Defect #7501: Search options get lost after clicking on a specific result type
  2824. * Defect #8229: "project.xml" response does not include the parent ID
  2825. * Defect #8449: Wiki annotated page does not display author of version 1
  2826. * Defect #8467: Missing german translation - Warn me when leaving a page with unsaved text
  2827. * Defect #8468: No warning when leaving page with unsaved text that has not lost focus
  2828. * Defect #8472: Private checkbox ignored on issue creation with "Set own issues public or private" permission
  2829. * Defect #8510: JRuby: Can't open administrator panel if scm command is not available
  2830. * Defect #8512: Syntax highlighter on Welcome page
  2831. * Defect #8554: Translation missing error on custom field validation
  2832. * Defect #8565: JRuby: Japanese PDF export error
  2833. * Defect #8566: Exported PDF UTF-8 Vietnamese not correct
  2834. * Defect #8569: JRuby: PDF export error with TypeError
  2835. * Defect #8576: Missing german translation - different things
  2836. * Defect #8616: Circular relations
  2837. * Defect #8646: Russian translation "label_follows" and "label_follows" are wrong
  2838. * Defect #8712: False 'Description updated' journal details messages
  2839. * Defect #8729: Not-public queries are not private
  2840. * Defect #8737: Broken line of long issue description on issue PDF.
  2841. * Defect #8738: Missing revision number/id of associated revisions on issue PDF
  2842. * Defect #8739: Workflow copy does not copy advanced workflow settings
  2843. * Defect #8759: Setting issue attributes from mail should be case-insensitive
  2844. * Defect #8777: Mercurial: Not able to Resetting Redmine project respository
  2845. == 2011-05-30 v1.2.0
  2846. * Defect #61: Broken character encoding in pdf export
  2847. * Defect #1965: Redmine is not Tab Safe
  2848. * Defect #2274: Filesystem Repository path encoding of non UTF-8 characters
  2849. * Defect #2664: Mercurial: Repository path encoding of non UTF-8 characters
  2850. * Defect #3421: Mercurial reads files from working dir instead of changesets
  2851. * Defect #3462: CVS: Repository path encoding of non UTF-8 characters
  2852. * Defect #3715: Login page should not show projects link and search box if authentication is required
  2853. * Defect #3724: Mercurial repositories display revision ID instead of changeset ID
  2854. * Defect #3761: Most recent CVS revisions are missing in "revisions" view
  2855. * Defect #4270: CVS Repository view in Project doesn't show Author, Revision, Comment
  2856. * Defect #5138: Don't use Ajax for pagination
  2857. * Defect #5152: Cannot use certain characters for user and role names.
  2858. * Defect #5251: Git: Repository path encoding of non UTF-8 characters
  2859. * Defect #5373: Translation missing when adding invalid watchers
  2860. * Defect #5817: Shared versions not shown in subproject's gantt chart
  2861. * Defect #6013: git tab,browsing, very slow -- even after first time
  2862. * Defect #6148: Quoting, newlines, and nightmares...
  2863. * Defect #6256: Redmine considers non ASCII and UTF-16 text files as binary in SCM
  2864. * Defect #6476: Subproject's issues are not shown in the subproject's gantt
  2865. * Defect #6496: Remove i18n 0.3.x/0.4.x hack for Rails 2.3.5
  2866. * Defect #6562: Context-menu deletion of issues deletes all subtasks too without explicit prompt
  2867. * Defect #6604: Issues targeted at parent project versions' are not shown on gantt chart
  2868. * Defect #6706: Resolving issues with the commit message produces the wrong comment with CVS
  2869. * Defect #6901: Copy/Move an issue does not give any history of who actually did the action.
  2870. * Defect #6905: Specific heading-content breaks CSS
  2871. * Defect #7000: Project filter not applied on versions in Gantt chart
  2872. * Defect #7097: Starting day of week cannot be set to Saturday
  2873. * Defect #7114: New gantt doesn't display some projects
  2874. * Defect #7146: Git adapter lost commits before 7 days from database latest changeset
  2875. * Defect #7218: Date range error on issue query
  2876. * Defect #7257: "Issues by" version links bad criterias
  2877. * Defect #7279: CSS class ".icon-home" is not used.
  2878. * Defect #7320: circular dependency >2 issues
  2879. * Defect #7352: Filters not working in Gantt charts
  2880. * Defect #7367: Receiving pop3 email should not output debug messages
  2881. * Defect #7373: Error with PDF output and ruby 1.9.2
  2882. * Defect #7379: Remove extraneous hidden_field on wiki history
  2883. * Defect #7516: Redmine does not work with RubyGems 1.5.0
  2884. * Defect #7518: Mercurial diff can be wrong if the previous changeset isn't the parent
  2885. * Defect #7581: Not including a spent time value on the main issue update screen causes silent data loss
  2886. * Defect #7582: hiding form pages from search engines
  2887. * Defect #7597: Subversion and Mercurial log have the possibility to miss encoding
  2888. * Defect #7604: ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass)
  2889. * Defect #7605: Using custom queries always redirects to "Issues" tab
  2890. * Defect #7615: CVS diffs do not handle new files properly
  2891. * Defect #7618: SCM diffs do not handle one line new files properly
  2892. * Defect #7639: Some date fields do not have requested format.
  2893. * Defect #7657: Wrong commit range in git log command on Windows
  2894. * Defect #7818: Wiki pages don't use the local timezone to display the "Updated ? hours ago" mouseover
  2895. * Defect #7821: Git "previous" and "next" revisions are incorrect
  2896. * Defect #7827: CVS: Age column on repository view is off by timezone delta
  2897. * Defect #7843: Add a relation between issues = explicit login window ! (basic authentication popup is prompted on AJAX request)
  2898. * Defect #8011: {{toc}} does not display headlines with inline code markup
  2899. * Defect #8029: List of users for adding to a group may be empty if 100 first users have been added
  2900. * Defect #8064: Text custom fields do not wrap on the issue list
  2901. * Defect #8071: Watching a subtask from the context menu updates main issue watch link
  2902. * Defect #8072: Two untranslatable default role names
  2903. * Defect #8075: Some "notifiable" names are not i18n-enabled
  2904. * Defect #8081: GIT: Commits missing when user has the "decorate" git option enabled
  2905. * Defect #8088: Colorful indentation of subprojects must be on right in RTL locales
  2906. * Defect #8239: notes field is not propagated during issue copy
  2907. * Defect #8356: GET /time_entries.xml ignores limit/offset parameters
  2908. * Defect #8432: Private issues information shows up on Activity page for unauthorized users
  2909. * Feature #746: Versioned issue descriptions
  2910. * Feature #1067: Differentiate public/private saved queries in the sidebar
  2911. * Feature #1236: Make destination folder for attachment uploads configurable
  2912. * Feature #1735: Per project repository log encoding setting
  2913. * Feature #1763: Autologin-cookie should be configurable
  2914. * Feature #1981: display mercurial tags
  2915. * Feature #2074: Sending email notifications when comments are added in the news section
  2916. * Feature #2096: Custom fields referencing system tables (users and versions)
  2917. * Feature #2732: Allow additional workflow transitions for author and assignee
  2918. * Feature #2910: Warning on leaving edited issue/wiki page without saving
  2919. * Feature #3396: Git: use --encoding=UTF-8 in "git log"
  2920. * Feature #4273: SCM command availability automatic check in administration panel
  2921. * Feature #4477: Use mime types in downloading from repository
  2922. * Feature #5518: Graceful fallback for "missing translation" needed
  2923. * Feature #5520: Text format buttons and preview link missing when editing comment
  2924. * Feature #5831: Parent Task to Issue Bulk Edit
  2925. * Feature #6887: Upgrade to Rails 2.3.11
  2926. * Feature #7139: Highlight changes inside diff lines
  2927. * Feature #7236: Collapse All for Groups
  2928. * Feature #7246: Handle "named branch" for mercurial
  2929. * Feature #7296: Ability for admin to delete users
  2930. * Feature #7318: Add user agent to Redmine Mailhandler
  2931. * Feature #7408: Add an application configuration file
  2932. * Feature #7409: Cross project Redmine links
  2933. * Feature #7410: Add salt to user passwords
  2934. * Feature #7411: Option to cipher LDAP ans SCM passwords stored in the database
  2935. * Feature #7412: Add an issue visibility level to each role
  2936. * Feature #7414: Private issues
  2937. * Feature #7517: Configurable path of executable for scm adapters
  2938. * Feature #7640: Add "mystery man" gravatar to options
  2939. * Feature #7858: RubyGems 1.6 support
  2940. * Feature #7893: Group filter on the users list
  2941. * Feature #7899: Box for editing comments should open with the formatting toolbar
  2942. * Feature #7921: issues by pulldown should have 'status' option
  2943. * Feature #7996: Bulk edit and context menu for time entries
  2944. * Feature #8006: Right click context menu for Related Issues
  2945. * Feature #8209: I18n YAML files not parsable with psych yaml library
  2946. * Feature #8345: Link to user profile from account page
  2947. * Feature #8365: Git: per project setting to report last commit or not in repository tree
  2948. * Patch #5148: metaKey not handled in issues selection
  2949. * Patch #5629: Wrap text fields properly in PDF
  2950. * Patch #7418: Redmine Persian Translation
  2951. * Patch #8295: Wrap title fields properly in PDF
  2952. * Patch #8310: fixes automatic line break problem with TCPDF
  2953. * Patch #8312: Switch to TCPDF from FPDF for PDF export
  2954. == 2011-04-29 v1.1.3
  2955. * Defect #5773: Email reminders are sent to locked users
  2956. * Defect #6590: Wrong file list link in email notification on new file upload
  2957. * Defect #7589: Wiki page with backslash in title can not be found
  2958. * Defect #7785: Mailhandler keywords are not removed when updating issues
  2959. * Defect #7794: Internal server error on formatting an issue as a PDF in Japanese
  2960. * Defect #7838: Gantt- Issues does not show up in green when start and end date are the same
  2961. * Defect #7846: Headers (h1, etc.) containing backslash followed by a digit are not displayed correctly
  2962. * Defect #7875: CSV export separators in polish locale (pl.yml)
  2963. * Defect #7890: Internal server error when referencing an issue without project in commit message
  2964. * Defect #7904: Subprojects not properly deleted when deleting a parent project
  2965. * Defect #7939: Simultaneous Wiki Updates Cause Internal Error
  2966. * Defect #7951: Atom links broken on wiki index
  2967. * Defect #7954: IE 9 can not select issues, does not display context menu
  2968. * Defect #7985: Trying to do a bulk edit results in "Internal Error"
  2969. * Defect #8003: Error raised by reposman.rb under Windows server 2003
  2970. * Defect #8012: Wrong selection of modules when adding new project after validation error
  2971. * Defect #8038: Associated Revisions OL/LI items are not styled properly in issue view
  2972. * Defect #8067: CSV exporting in Italian locale
  2973. * Defect #8235: bulk edit issues and copy issues error in es, gl and ca locales
  2974. * Defect #8244: selected modules are not activated when copying a project
  2975. * Patch #7278: Update Simplified Chinese translation to 1.1
  2976. * Patch #7390: Fixes in Czech localization
  2977. * Patch #7963: Reminder email: Link for show all issues does not sort
  2978. == 2011-03-07 v1.1.2
  2979. * Defect #3132: Bulk editing menu non-functional in Opera browser
  2980. * Defect #6090: Most binary files become corrupted when downloading from CVS repository browser when Redmine is running on a Windows server
  2981. * Defect #7280: Issues subjects wrap in Gantt
  2982. * Defect #7288: Non ASCII filename downloaded from repo is broken on Internet Explorer.
  2983. * Defect #7317: Gantt tab gives internal error due to nil avatar icon
  2984. * Defect #7497: Aptana Studio .project file added to version 1.1.1-stable
  2985. * Defect #7611: Workflow summary shows X icon for workflow with exactly 1 status transition
  2986. * Defect #7625: Syntax highlighting unavailable from board new topic or topic edit preview
  2987. * Defect #7630: Spent time in commits not recognized
  2988. * Defect #7656: MySQL SQL Syntax Error when filtering issues by Assignee's Group
  2989. * Defect #7718: Minutes logged in commit message are converted to hours
  2990. * Defect #7763: Email notification are sent to watchers even if 'No events' setting is chosen
  2991. * Feature #7608: Add "retro" gravatars
  2992. * Patch #7598: Extensible MailHandler
  2993. * Patch #7795: Internal server error at journals#index with custom fields
  2994. == 2011-01-30 v1.1.1
  2995. * Defect #4899: Redmine fails to list files for darcs repository
  2996. * Defect #7245: Wiki fails to find pages with cyrillic characters using postgresql
  2997. * Defect #7256: redmine/public/.htaccess must be moved for non-fastcgi installs/upgrades
  2998. * Defect #7258: Automatic spent time logging does not work properly with SQLite3
  2999. * Defect #7259: Released 1.1.0 uses "devel" label inside admin information
  3000. * Defect #7265: "Loading..." icon does not disappear after add project member
  3001. * Defect #7266: Test test_due_date_distance_in_words fail due to undefined locale
  3002. * Defect #7274: CSV value separator in dutch locale
  3003. * Defect #7277: Enabling gravatas causes usernames to overlap first name field in user list
  3004. * Defect #7294: "Notifiy for only project I select" is not available anymore in 1.1.0
  3005. * Defect #7307: HTTP 500 error on query for empty revision
  3006. * Defect #7313: Label not translated in french in Settings/Email Notification tab
  3007. * Defect #7329: <code class="javascript"> with long strings may hang server
  3008. * Defect #7337: My page french translation
  3009. * Defect #7348: French Translation of "Connection"
  3010. * Defect #7385: Error when viewing an issue which was related to a deleted subtask
  3011. * Defect #7386: NoMethodError on pdf export
  3012. * Defect #7415: Darcs adapter recognizes new files as modified files above Darcs 2.4
  3013. * Defect #7421: no email sent with 'Notifiy for any event on the selected projects only'
  3014. * Feature #5344: Update to latest CodeRay 0.9.x
  3015. == 2011-01-09 v1.1.0
  3016. * Defect #2038: Italics in wiki headers show-up wrong in the toc
  3017. * Defect #3449: Redmine Takes Too Long On Large Mercurial Repository
  3018. * Defect #3567: Sorting for changesets might go wrong on Mercurial repos
  3019. * Defect #3707: {{toc}} doesn't work with {{include}}
  3020. * Defect #5096: Redmine hangs up while browsing Git repository
  3021. * Defect #6000: Safe Attributes prevents plugin extension of Issue model...
  3022. * Defect #6064: Modules not assigned to projects created via API
  3023. * Defect #6110: MailHandler should allow updating Issue Priority and Custom fields
  3024. * Defect #6136: JSON API holds less information than XML API
  3025. * Defect #6345: xml used by rest API is invalid
  3026. * Defect #6348: Gantt chart PDF rendering errors
  3027. * Defect #6403: Updating an issue with custom fields fails
  3028. * Defect #6467: "Member of role", "Member of group" filter not work correctly
  3029. * Defect #6473: New gantt broken after clearing issue filters
  3030. * Defect #6541: Email notifications send to everybody
  3031. * Defect #6549: Notification settings not migrated properly
  3032. * Defect #6591: Acronyms must have a minimum of three characters
  3033. * Defect #6674: Delete time log broken after changes to REST
  3034. * Defect #6681: Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs auto close issue text should be commit id instead of revision number
  3035. * Defect #6724: Wiki uploads does not work anymore (SVN 4266)
  3036. * Defect #6746: Wiki links are broken on Activity page
  3037. * Defect #6747: Wiki diff does not work since r4265
  3038. * Defect #6763: New gantt charts: subject displayed twice on issues
  3039. * Defect #6826: Clicking "Add" twice creates duplicate member record
  3040. * Defect #6844: Unchecking status filter on the issue list has no effect
  3041. * Defect #6895: Wrong Polish translation of "blocks"
  3042. * Defect #6943: Migration from boolean to varchar fails on PostgreSQL 8.1
  3043. * Defect #7064: Mercurial adapter does not recognize non alphabetic nor numeric in UTF-8 copied files
  3044. * Defect #7128: New gantt chart does not render subtasks under parent task
  3045. * Defect #7135: paging mechanism returns the same last page forever
  3046. * Defect #7188: Activity page not refreshed when changing language
  3047. * Defect #7195: Apply CLI-supplied defaults for incoming mail only to new issues not replies
  3048. * Defect #7197: Tracker reset to default when replying to an issue email
  3049. * Defect #7213: Copy project does not copy all roles and permissions
  3050. * Defect #7225: Project settings: Trackers & Custom fields only relevant if module Issue tracking is active
  3051. * Feature #630: Allow non-unique names for projects
  3052. * Feature #1738: Add a "Visible" flag to project/user custom fields
  3053. * Feature #2803: Support for Javascript in Themes
  3054. * Feature #2852: Clean Incoming Email of quoted text "----- Reply above this line ------"
  3055. * Feature #2995: Improve error message when trying to access an archived project
  3056. * Feature #3170: Autocomplete issue relations on subject
  3057. * Feature #3503: Administrator Be Able To Modify Email settings Of Users
  3058. * Feature #4155: Automatic spent time logging from commit messages
  3059. * Feature #5136: Parent select on Wiki rename page
  3060. * Feature #5338: Descendants (subtasks) should be available via REST API
  3061. * Feature #5494: Wiki TOC should display heading from level 4
  3062. * Feature #5594: Improve MailHandler's keyword handling
  3063. * Feature #5622: Allow version to be set via incoming email
  3064. * Feature #5712: Reload themes
  3065. * Feature #5869: Issue filters by Group and Role
  3066. * Feature #6092: Truncate Git revision labels in Activity page/feed and allow configurable length
  3067. * Feature #6112: Accept localized keywords when receiving emails
  3068. * Feature #6140: REST issues response with issue count limit and offset
  3069. * Feature #6260: REST API for Users
  3070. * Feature #6276: Gantt Chart rewrite
  3071. * Feature #6446: Remove length limits on project identifier and name
  3072. * Feature #6628: Improvements in truncate email
  3073. * Feature #6779: Project JSON API
  3074. * Feature #6823: REST API for time tracker.
  3075. * Feature #7072: REST API for news
  3076. * Feature #7111: Expose more detail on journal entries
  3077. * Feature #7141: REST API: get information about current user
  3078. * Patch #4807: Allow to set the done_ratio field with the incoming mail system
  3079. * Patch #5441: Initialize TimeEntry attributes with params[:time_entry]
  3080. * Patch #6762: Use GET instead of POST to retrieve context_menu
  3081. * Patch #7160: French translation ofr "not_a_date" is missing
  3082. * Patch #7212: Missing remove_index in AddUniqueIndexOnMembers down migration
  3083. == 2010-12-23 v1.0.5
  3084. * #6656: Mercurial adapter loses seconds of commit times
  3085. * #6996: Migration trac(sqlite3) -> redmine(postgresql) doesnt escape ' char
  3086. * #7013: v-1.0.4 trunk - see {{count}} in page display rather than value
  3087. * #7016: redundant 'field_start_date' in ja.yml
  3088. * #7018: 'undefined method `reschedule_after' for nil:NilClass' on new issues
  3089. * #7024: E-mail notifications about Wiki changes.
  3090. * #7033: 'class' attribute of <pre> tag shouldn't be truncate
  3091. * #7035: CSV value separator in russian
  3092. * #7122: Issue-description Quote-button missing
  3093. * #7144: custom queries making use of deleted custom fields cause a 500 error
  3094. * #7162: Multiply defined label in french translation
  3095. == 2010-11-28 v1.0.4
  3096. * #5324: Git not working if color.ui is enabled
  3097. * #6447: Issues API doesn't allow full key auth for all actions
  3098. * #6457: Edit User group problem
  3099. * #6575: start date being filled with current date even when blank value is submitted
  3100. * #6740: Max attachment size, incorrect usage of 'KB'
  3101. * #6760: Select box sorted by ID instead of name in Issue Category
  3102. * #6766: Changing target version name can cause an internal error
  3103. * #6784: Redmine not working with i18n gem 0.4.2
  3104. * #6839: Hardcoded absolute links in my/page_layout
  3105. * #6841: Projects API doesn't allow full key auth for all actions
  3106. * #6860: svn: Write error: Broken pipe when browsing repository
  3107. * #6874: API should return XML description when creating a project
  3108. * #6932: submitting wrong parent task input creates a 500 error
  3109. * #6966: Records of Forums are remained, deleting project
  3110. * #6990: Layout problem in workflow overview
  3111. * #5117: mercurial_adapter should ensure the right LANG environment variable
  3112. * #6782: Traditional Chinese language file (to r4352)
  3113. * #6783: Swedish Translation for r4352
  3114. * #6804: Bugfix: spelling fixes
  3115. * #6814: Japanese Translation for r4362
  3116. * #6948: Bulgarian translation
  3117. * #6973: Update es.yml
  3118. == 2010-10-31 v1.0.3
  3119. * #4065: doesn't work with LDAPS and a non-standard port
  3120. * #4416: Link from version details page to edit the wiki.
  3121. * #5484: Add new issue as subtask to an existing ticket
  3122. * #5948: Update help/wiki_syntax_detailed.html with more link options
  3123. * #6494: Typo in pt_BR translation for 1.0.2
  3124. * #6508: Japanese translation update
  3125. * #6509: Localization pt-PT (new strings)
  3126. * #6511: Rake task to test email
  3127. * #6525: Traditional Chinese language file (to r4225)
  3128. * #6536: Patch for swedish translation
  3129. * #6548: Rake tasks to add/remove i18n strings
  3130. * #6569: Updated Hebrew translation
  3131. * #6570: Japanese Translation for r4231
  3132. * #6596: pt-BR translation updates
  3133. * #6629: Change field-name of issues start date
  3134. * #6669: Bulgarian translation
  3135. * #6731: Macedonian translation fix
  3136. * #6732: Japanese Translation for r4287
  3137. * #6735: Add user-agent to reposman
  3138. * #6736: Traditional Chinese language file (to r4288)
  3139. * #6739: Swedish Translation for r4288
  3140. * #6765: Traditional Chinese language file (to r4302)
  3141. * Fixed #5324: Git not working if color.ui is enabled
  3142. * Fixed #5652: Bad URL parsing in the wiki when it ends with right-angle-bracket(greater-than mark).
  3143. * Fixed #5803: Precedes/Follows Relationships Broke
  3144. * Fixed #6435: Links to wikipages bound to versions do not respect version-sharing in Settings -> Versions
  3145. * Fixed #6438: Autologin cannot be disabled again once it's enabled
  3146. * Fixed #6513: "Move" and "Copy" are not displayed when deployed in subdirectory
  3147. * Fixed #6521: Tooltip/label for user "search-refinment" field on group/project member list
  3148. * Fixed #6563: i18n-issues on calendar view
  3149. * Fixed #6598: Wrong caption for button_create_and_continue in German language file
  3150. * Fixed #6607: Unclear caption for german button_update
  3151. * Fixed #6612: SortHelper missing from CalendarsController
  3152. * Fixed #6740: Max attachment size, incorrect usage of 'KB'
  3153. * Fixed #6750: ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilClass) on line #12 of app/views/context_menus/issues.html.erb:
  3154. == 2010-09-26 v1.0.2
  3155. * #2285: issue-refinement: pressing enter should result to an "apply"
  3156. * #3411: Allow mass status update trough context menu
  3157. * #5929: https-enabled gravatars when called over https
  3158. * #6189: Japanese Translation for r4011
  3159. * #6197: Traditional Chinese language file (to r4036)
  3160. * #6198: Updated german translation
  3161. * #6208: Macedonian translation
  3162. * #6210: Swedish Translation for r4039
  3163. * #6248: nl translation update for r4050
  3164. * #6263: Catalan translation update
  3165. * #6275: After submitting a related issue, the Issue field should be re-focused
  3166. * #6289: Checkboxes in issues list shouldn't be displayed when printing
  3167. * #6290: Make journals theming easier
  3168. * #6291: User#allowed_to? is not tested
  3169. * #6306: Traditional Chinese language file (to r4061)
  3170. * #6307: Korean translation update for 4066(4061)
  3171. * #6316: pt_BR update
  3172. * #6339: SERBIAN Updated
  3173. * #6358: Updated Polish translation
  3174. * #6363: Japanese Translation for r4080
  3175. * #6365: Traditional Chinese language file (to r4081)
  3176. * #6382: Issue PDF export variable usage
  3177. * #6428: Interim solution for i18n >= 0.4
  3178. * #6441: Japanese Translation for r4162
  3179. * #6451: Traditional Chinese language file (to r4167)
  3180. * #6465: Japanese Translation for r4171
  3181. * #6466: Traditional Chinese language file (to r4171)
  3182. * #6490: pt-BR translation for 1.0.2
  3183. * Fixed #3935: stylesheet_link_tag with plugin doesn't take into account relative_url_root
  3184. * Fixed #4998: Global issue list's context menu has enabled options for parent menus but there are no valid selections
  3185. * Fixed #5170: Done ratio can not revert to 0% if status is used for done ratio
  3186. * Fixed #5608: broken with i18n 0.4.0
  3187. * Fixed #6054: Error 500 on filenames with whitespace in git reposities
  3188. * Fixed #6135: Default logger configuration grows without bound.
  3189. * Fixed #6191: Deletion of a main task deletes all subtasks
  3190. * Fixed #6195: Missing move issues between projects
  3191. * Fixed #6242: can't switch between inline and side-by-side diff
  3192. * Fixed #6249: Create and continue returns 404
  3193. * Fixed #6267: changing the authentication mode from ldap to internal with setting the password
  3194. * Fixed #6270: diff coderay malformed in the "news" page
  3195. * Fixed #6278: missing "cant_link_an_issue_with_a_descendant"from locale files
  3196. * Fixed #6333: Create and continue results in a 404 Error
  3197. * Fixed #6346: Age column on repository view is skewed for git, probably CVS too
  3198. * Fixed #6351: Context menu on roadmap broken
  3199. * Fixed #6388: New Subproject leads to a 404
  3200. * Fixed #6392: Updated/Created links to activity broken
  3201. * Fixed #6413: Error in SQL
  3202. * Fixed #6443: Redirect to project settings after Copying a Project
  3203. * Fixed #6448: Saving a wiki page with no content has a translation missing
  3204. * Fixed #6452: Unhandled exception on creating File
  3205. * Fixed #6471: Typo in label_report in Czech translation
  3206. * Fixed #6479: Changing tracker type will lose watchers
  3207. * Fixed #6499: Files with leading or trailing whitespace are not shown in git.
  3208. == 2010-08-22 v1.0.1
  3209. * #819: Add a body ID and class to all pages
  3210. * #871: Commit new CSS styles!
  3211. * #3301: Add favicon to base layout
  3212. * #4656: On Issue#show page, clicking on "Add related issue" should focus on the input
  3213. * #4896: Project identifier should be a limited field
  3214. * #5084: Filter all isssues by projects
  3215. * #5477: Replace Test::Unit::TestCase with ActiveSupport::TestCase
  3216. * #5591: 'calendar' action is used with 'issue' controller in issue/sidebar
  3217. * #5735: Traditional Chinese language file (to r3810)
  3218. * #5740: Swedish Translation for r3810
  3219. * #5785: pt-BR translation update
  3220. * #5898: Projects should be displayed as links in users/memberships
  3221. * #5910: Chinese translation to redmine-1.0.0
  3222. * #5912: Translation update for french locale
  3223. * #5962: Hungarian translation update to r3892
  3224. * #5971: Remove falsly applied chrome on revision links
  3225. * #5972: Updated Hebrew translation for 1.0.0
  3226. * #5982: Updated german translation
  3227. * #6008: Move admin_menu to Redmine::MenuManager
  3228. * #6012: RTL layout
  3229. * #6021: Spanish translation 1.0.0-RC
  3230. * #6025: nl translation updated for r3905
  3231. * #6030: Japanese Translation for r3907
  3232. * #6074: sr-CY.yml contains DOS-type newlines (\r\n)
  3233. * #6087: SERBIAN translation updated
  3234. * #6093: Updated italian translation
  3235. * #6142: Swedish Translation for r3940
  3236. * #6153: Move view_calendar and view_gantt to own modules
  3237. * #6169: Add issue status to issue tooltip
  3238. * Fixed #3834: Add a warning when not choosing a member role
  3239. * Fixed #3922: Bad english arround "Assigned to" text in journal entries
  3240. * Fixed #5158: Simplified Chinese language file zh.yml updated to r3608
  3241. * Fixed #5162: translation missing: zh-TW, field_time_entrie
  3242. * Fixed #5297: openid not validated correctly
  3243. * Fixed #5628: Wrong commit range in git log command
  3244. * Fixed #5760: Assigned_to and author filters in "Projects>View all issues" should be based on user's project visibility
  3245. * Fixed #5771: Problem when importing git repository
  3246. * Fixed #5775: ldap authentication in admin menu should have an icon
  3247. * Fixed #5811: deleting statuses doesnt delete workflow entries
  3248. * Fixed #5834: Emails with trailing spaces incorrectly detected as invalid
  3249. * Fixed #5846: ChangeChangesPathLengthLimit does not remove default for MySQL
  3250. * Fixed #5861: Vertical scrollbar always visible in Wiki "code" blocks in Chrome.
  3251. * Fixed #5883: correct label_project_latest Chinese translation
  3252. * Fixed #5892: Changing status from contextual menu opens the ticket instead
  3253. * Fixed #5904: Global gantt PDF and PNG should display project names
  3254. * Fixed #5925: parent task's priority edit should be disabled through shortcut menu in issues list page
  3255. * Fixed #5935: Add Another file to ticket doesn't work in IE Internet Explorer
  3256. * Fixed #5937: Harmonize french locale "zero" translation with other locales
  3257. * Fixed #5945: Forum message permalinks don't take pagination into account
  3258. * Fixed #5978: Debug code still remains
  3259. * Fixed #6009: When using "English (British)", the repository browser (svn) shows files over 1000 bytes as floating point (2.334355)
  3260. * Fixed #6045: Repository file Diff view sometimes shows more than selected file
  3261. * Fixed #6079: German Translation error in TimeEntryActivity
  3262. * Fixed #6100: User's profile should display all visible projects
  3263. * Fixed #6132: Allow Key based authentication in the Boards atom feed
  3264. * Fixed #6163: Bad CSS class for calendar project menu_item
  3265. * Fixed #6172: Browsing to a missing user's page shows the admin sidebar
  3266. == 2010-07-18 v1.0.0 (Release candidate)
  3267. * #443: Adds context menu to the roadmap issue lists
  3268. * #443: Subtasking
  3269. * #741: Description preview while editing an issue
  3270. * #1131: Add support for alternate (non-LDAP) authentication
  3271. * #1214: REST API for Issues
  3272. * #1223: File upload on wiki edit form
  3273. * #1755: add "blocked by" as a related issues option
  3274. * #2420: Fetching emails from an POP server
  3275. * #2482: Named scopes in Issue and ActsAsWatchable plus some view refactoring (logic extraction).
  3276. * #2924: Make the right click menu more discoverable using a cursor property
  3277. * #2985: Make syntax highlighting pluggable
  3278. * #3201: Workflow Check/Uncheck All Rows/Columns
  3279. * #3359: Update CodeRay 0.9
  3280. * #3706: Allow assigned_to field configuration on Issue creation by email
  3281. * #3936: configurable list of models to include in search
  3282. * #4480: Create a link to the user profile from the administration interface
  3283. * #4482: Cache textile rendering
  3284. * #4572: Make it harder to ruin your database
  3285. * #4573: Move github gems to Gemcutter
  3286. * #4664: Add pagination to forum threads
  3287. * #4732: Make login case-insensitive also for PostgreSQL
  3288. * #4812: Create links to other projects
  3289. * #4819: Replace images with smushed ones for speed
  3290. * #4945: Allow custom fields attached to project to be searchable
  3291. * #5121: Fix issues list layout overflow
  3292. * #5169: Issue list view hook request
  3293. * #5208: Aibility to edit wiki sidebar
  3294. * #5281: Remove empty ul tags in the issue history
  3295. * #5291: Updated basque translations
  3296. * #5328: Automatically add "Repository" menu_item after repository creation
  3297. * #5415: Fewer SQL statements generated for watcher_recipients
  3298. * #5416: Exclude "fields_for" from overridden methods in TabularFormBuilder
  3299. * #5573: Allow issue assignment in email
  3300. * #5595: Allow start date and due dates to be set via incoming email
  3301. * #5752: The projects view (/projects) renders ul's wrong
  3302. * #5781: Allow to use more macros on the welcome page and project list
  3303. * Fixed #1288: Unable to past escaped wiki syntax in an issue description
  3304. * Fixed #1334: Wiki formatting character *_ and _*
  3305. * Fixed #1416: Inline code with less-then/greater-than produces @lt; and @gt; respectively
  3306. * Fixed #2473: Login and mail should not be case sensitive
  3307. * Fixed #2990: Ruby 1.9 - wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) on rake db:migrate
  3308. * Fixed #3089: Text formatting sometimes breaks when combined
  3309. * Fixed #3690: Status change info duplicates on the issue screen
  3310. * Fixed #3691: Redmine allows two files with the same file name to be uploaded to the same issue
  3311. * Fixed #3764: ApplicationHelperTest fails with JRuby
  3312. * Fixed #4265: Unclosed code tags in issue descriptions affects main UI
  3313. * Fixed #4745: Bug in index.xml.builder (issues)
  3314. * Fixed #4852: changing user/roles of project member not possible without javascript
  3315. * Fixed #4857: Week number calculation in date picker is wrong if a week starts with Sunday
  3316. * Fixed #4883: Bottom "contextual" placement in issue with associated changeset
  3317. * Fixed #4918: Revisions r3453 and r3454 broke On-the-fly user creation with LDAP
  3318. * Fixed #4935: Navigation to the Master Timesheet page (time_entries)
  3319. * Fixed #5043: Flash messages are not displayed after the project settings[module/activity] saved
  3320. * Fixed #5081: Broken links on public/help/wiki_syntax_detailed.html
  3321. * Fixed #5104: Description of document not wikified on documents index
  3322. * Fixed #5108: Issue linking fails inside of []s
  3323. * Fixed #5199: diff code coloring using coderay
  3324. * Fixed #5233: Add a hook to the issue report (Summary) view
  3325. * Fixed #5265: timetracking: subtasks time is added to the main task
  3326. * Fixed #5343: acts_as_event Doesn't Accept Outside URLs
  3327. * Fixed #5440: UI Inconsistency : Administration > Enumerations table row headers should be enclosed in <thead>
  3328. * Fixed #5463: 0.9.4 INSTALL and/or UPGRADE, missing session_store.rb
  3329. * Fixed #5524: Update_parent_attributes doesn't work for the old parent issue when reparenting
  3330. * Fixed #5548: SVN Repository: Can not list content of a folder which includes square brackets.
  3331. * Fixed #5589: "with subproject" malfunction
  3332. * Fixed #5676: Search for Numeric Value
  3333. * Fixed #5696: Redmine + PostgreSQL 8.4.4 fails on _dir_list_content.rhtml
  3334. * Fixed #5698: redmine:email:receive_imap fails silently for mails with subject longer than 255 characters
  3335. * Fixed #5700: TimelogController#destroy assumes success
  3336. * Fixed #5751: developer role is mispelled
  3337. * Fixed #5769: Popup Calendar doesn't Advance in Chrome
  3338. * Fixed #5771: Problem when importing git repository
  3339. * Fixed #5823: Error in comments in plugin.rb
  3340. == 2010-07-07 v0.9.6
  3341. * Fixed: access by unauthorized users
  3342. == 2010-06-24 v0.9.5
  3343. * Linkify folder names on revision view
  3344. * "fiters" and "options" should be hidden in print view via css
  3345. * Fixed: NoMethodError when no issue params are submitted
  3346. * Fixed: projects.atom with required authentication
  3347. * Fixed: External links not correctly displayed in Wiki TOC
  3348. * Fixed: Member role forms in project settings are not hidden after member added
  3349. * Fixed: pre can't be inside p
  3350. * Fixed: session cookie path does not respect RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT
  3351. * Fixed: mail handler fails when the from address is empty
  3352. == 2010-05-01 v0.9.4
  3353. * Filters collapsed by default on issues index page for a saved query
  3354. * Fixed: When categories list is too big the popup menu doesn't adjust (ex. in the issue list)
  3355. * Fixed: remove "main-menu" div when the menu is empty
  3356. * Fixed: Code syntax highlighting not working in Document page
  3357. * Fixed: Git blame/annotate fails on moved files
  3358. * Fixed: Failing test in test_show_atom
  3359. * Fixed: Migrate from trac - not displayed Wikis
  3360. * Fixed: Email notifications on file upload sent to empty recipient list
  3361. * Fixed: Migrating from trac is not possible, fails to allocate memory
  3362. * Fixed: Lost password no longer flashes a confirmation message
  3363. * Fixed: Crash while deleting in-use enumeration
  3364. * Fixed: Hard coded English string at the selection of issue watchers
  3365. * Fixed: Bazaar v2.1.0 changed behaviour
  3366. * Fixed: Roadmap display can raise an exception if no trackers are selected
  3367. * Fixed: Gravatar breaks layout of "logged in" page
  3368. * Fixed: Reposman.rb on Windows
  3369. * Fixed: Possible error 500 while moving an issue to another project with SQLite
  3370. * Fixed: backslashes in issue description/note should be escaped when quoted
  3371. * Fixed: Long text in <pre> disrupts Associated revisions
  3372. * Fixed: Links to missing wiki pages not red on project overview page
  3373. * Fixed: Cannot delete a project with subprojects that shares versions
  3374. * Fixed: Update of Subversion changesets broken under Solaris
  3375. * Fixed: "Move issues" permission not working for Non member
  3376. * Fixed: Sidebar overlap on Users tab of Group editor
  3377. * Fixed: Error on db:migrate with table prefix set (hardcoded name in principal.rb)
  3378. * Fixed: Report shows sub-projects for non-members
  3379. * Fixed: 500 internal error when browsing any Redmine page in epiphany
  3380. * Fixed: Watchers selection lost when issue creation fails
  3381. * Fixed: When copying projects, redmine should not generate an email to people who created issues
  3382. * Fixed: Issue "#" table cells should have a class attribute to enable fine-grained CSS theme
  3383. * Fixed: Plugin generators should display help if no parameter is given
  3384. == 2010-02-28 v0.9.3
  3385. * Adds filter for system shared versions on the cross project issue list
  3386. * Makes project identifiers searchable
  3387. * Remove invalid utf8 sequences from commit comments and author name
  3388. * Fixed: Wrong link when "http" not included in project "Homepage" link
  3389. * Fixed: Escaping in html email templates
  3390. * Fixed: Pound (#) followed by number with leading zero (0) removes leading zero when rendered in wiki
  3391. * Fixed: Deselecting textile text formatting causes interning empty string errors
  3392. * Fixed: error with postgres when entering a non-numeric id for an issue relation
  3393. * Fixed: div.task incorrectly wrapping on Gantt Chart
  3394. * Fixed: Project copy loses wiki pages hierarchy
  3395. * Fixed: parent project field doesn't include blank value when a member with 'add subproject' permission edits a child project
  3396. * Fixed: Repository.fetch_changesets tries to fetch changesets for archived projects
  3397. * Fixed: Duplicated project name for subproject version on gantt chart
  3398. * Fixed: roadmap shows subprojects issues even if subprojects is unchecked
  3399. * Fixed: IndexError if all the :last menu items are deleted from a menu
  3400. * Fixed: Very high CPU usage for a long time when fetching commits from a large Git repository
  3401. == 2010-02-07 v0.9.2
  3402. * Fixed: Sub-project repository commits not displayed on parent project issues
  3403. * Fixed: Potential security leak on my page calendar
  3404. * Fixed: Project tree structure is broken by deleting the project with the subproject
  3405. * Fixed: Error message shown duplicated when creating a new group
  3406. * Fixed: Firefox cuts off large pages
  3407. * Fixed: Invalid format parameter returns a DoubleRenderError on issues index
  3408. * Fixed: Unnecessary Quote button on locked forum message
  3409. * Fixed: Error raised when trying to view the gantt or calendar with a grouped query
  3410. * Fixed: PDF support for Korean locale
  3411. * Fixed: Deprecation warning in extra/svn/reposman.rb
  3412. == 2010-01-30 v0.9.1
  3413. * Vertical alignment for inline images in formatted text set to 'middle'
  3414. * Fixed: error "closing dbh with active statement handles at /usr/lib/perl5/Apache/"
  3415. * Fixed: copyright year in footer set to 2010
  3416. * Fixed: Trac migration script may not output query lines
  3417. * Fixed: Email notifications may affect language of notice messages on the UI
  3418. * Fixed: Can not search for 2 letters word
  3419. * Fixed: Attachments get saved on issue update even if validation fails
  3420. * Fixed: Tab's 'border-bottom' not absent when selected
  3421. * Fixed: Issue summary tables that list by user are not sorted
  3422. * Fixed: Issue pdf export fails if target version is set
  3423. * Fixed: Issue list export to PDF breaks when issues are sorted by a custom field
  3424. * Fixed: SQL error when adding a group
  3425. * Fixes: Min password length during password reset always displays as 4 chars
  3426. == 2010-01-09 v0.9.0 (Release candidate)
  3427. * Unlimited subproject nesting
  3428. * Multiple roles per user per project
  3429. * User groups
  3430. * Inheritence of versions
  3431. * OpenID login
  3432. * "Watched by me" issue filter
  3433. * Project copy
  3434. * Project creation by non admin users
  3435. * Accept emails from anyone on a private project
  3436. * Add email notification on Wiki changes
  3437. * Make issue description non-required field
  3438. * Custom fields for Versions
  3439. * Being able to sort the issue list by custom fields
  3440. * Ability to close versions
  3441. * User display/editing of custom fields attached to their user profile
  3442. * Add "follows" issue relation
  3443. * Copy workflows between trackers and roles
  3444. * Defaults enabled modules list for project creation
  3445. * Weighted version completion percentage on the roadmap
  3446. * Autocreate user account when user submits email that creates new issue
  3447. * CSS class on overdue issues on the issue list
  3448. * Enable tracker update on issue edit form
  3449. * Remove issue watchers
  3450. * Ability to move threads between project forums
  3451. * Changed custom field "Possible values" to a textarea
  3452. * Adds projects association on tracker form
  3453. * Set session store to cookie store by default
  3454. * Set a default wiki page on project creation
  3455. * Roadmap for main project should see Roadmaps for sub projects
  3456. * Ticket grouping on the issue list
  3457. * Hierarchical Project links in the page header
  3458. * Allow My Page blocks to be added to from a plugin
  3459. * Sort issues by multiple columns
  3460. * Filters of saved query are now visible and be adjusted without editing the query
  3461. * Saving "sort order" in custom queries
  3462. * Url to fetch changesets for a repository
  3463. * Managers able to create subprojects
  3464. * Issue Totals on My Page Modules
  3465. * Convert Enumerations to single table inheritance (STI)
  3466. * Allow custom my_page blocks to define drop-down names
  3467. * "View Issues" user permission added
  3468. * Ask user what to do with child pages when deleting a parent wiki page
  3469. * Contextual quick search
  3470. * Allow resending of password by email
  3471. * Change reply subject to be a link to the reply itself
  3472. * Include Logged Time as part of the project's Activity history
  3473. * REST API for authentication
  3474. * Browse through Git branches
  3475. * Setup Object Daddy to replace test fixtures
  3476. * Setup shoulda to make it easier to test
  3477. * Custom fields and overrides on Enumerations
  3478. * Add or remove columns from the issue list
  3479. * Ability to add new version from issues screen
  3480. * Setting to choose which day calendars start
  3481. * Asynchronous email delivery method
  3482. * RESTful URLs for (almost) everything
  3483. * Include issue status in search results and activity pages
  3484. * Add email to admin user search filter
  3485. * Proper content type for plain text mails
  3486. * Default value of project jump box
  3487. * Tree based menus
  3488. * Ability to use issue status to update percent done
  3489. * Second set of issue "Action Links" at the bottom of an issue page
  3490. * Proper exist status code for rdm-mailhandler.rb
  3491. * Remove incoming email body via a delimiter
  3492. * Fixed: Custom querry 'Export to PDF' ignores field selection
  3493. * Fixed: Related e-mail notifications aren't threaded
  3494. * Fixed: No warning when the creation of a categories from the issue form fails
  3495. * Fixed: Actually block issues from closing when relation 'blocked by' isn't closed
  3496. * Fixed: Include both first and last name when sorting by users
  3497. * Fixed: Table cell with multiple line text
  3498. * Fixed: Project overview page shows disabled trackers
  3499. * Fixed: Cross project issue relations and user permissions
  3500. * Fixed: My page shows tickets the user doesn't have access to
  3501. * Fixed: TOC does not parse wiki page reference links with description
  3502. * Fixed: Target version-list on bulk edit form is incorrectly sorted
  3503. * Fixed: Cannot modify/delete project named "Documents"
  3504. * Fixed: Email address in brackets breaks html
  3505. * Fixed: Timelog detail loose issue filter passing to report tab
  3506. * Fixed: Inform about custom field's name maximum length
  3507. * Fixed: Activity page and Atom feed links contain project id instead of identifier
  3508. * Fixed: no Atom key for forums with only 1 forum
  3509. * Fixed: When reading RSS feed in MS Outlook, the inline links are broken.
  3510. * Fixed: Sometimes new posts don't show up in the topic list of a forum.
  3511. * Fixed: The all/active filter selection in the project view does not stick.
  3512. * Fixed: Login box has Different width
  3513. * Fixed: User removed from project - still getting project update emails
  3514. * Fixed: Project with the identifier of 'new' cannot be viewed
  3515. * Fixed: Artefacts in search view (Cyrillic)
  3516. * Fixed: Allow [#id] as subject to reply by email
  3517. * Fixed: Wrong language used when closing an issue via a commit message
  3518. * Fixed: email handler drops emails for new issues with no subject
  3519. * Fixed: Calendar misspelled under Roles/Permissions
  3520. * Fixed: Emails from no-reply redmine's address hell cycle
  3521. * Fixed: child_pages macro fails on wiki page history
  3522. * Fixed: Pre-filled time tracking date ignores timezone
  3523. * Fixed: Links on locked users lead to 404 page
  3524. * Fixed: Page changes in issue-list when using context menu
  3525. * Fixed: diff parser removes lines starting with multiple dashes
  3526. * Fixed: Quoting in forums resets message subject
  3527. * Fixed: Editing issue comment removes quote link
  3528. * Fixed: ignore browse_repository permission
  3529. * Fixed: text formatting breaks on [msg1][msg2]
  3530. * Fixed: Spent Time Default Value of 0.0
  3531. * Fixed: Wiki pages in search results are referenced by project number, not by project identifier.
  3532. * Fixed: When logging in via an autologin cookie the user's last_login_on should be updated
  3533. * Fixed: 50k users cause problems in project->settings->members screen
  3534. * Fixed: Document timestamp needs to show updated timestamps
  3535. * Fixed: Users getting notifications for issues they are no longer allowed to view
  3536. * Fixed: issue summary counts should link to the issue list without subprojects
  3537. * Fixed: 'Delete' link on LDAP list has no effect
  3538. == 2009-11-15 v0.8.7
  3539. * Fixed: Hide paragraph terminator at the end of headings on html export
  3540. * Fixed: pre tags containing "<pre*"
  3541. * Fixed: First date of the date range not included in the time report with SQLite
  3542. * Fixed: Password field not styled correctly on alternative stylesheet
  3543. * Fixed: Error when sumbitting a POST request that requires a login
  3544. * Fixed: CSRF vulnerabilities
  3545. == 2009-11-04 v0.8.6
  3546. * Change links to closed issues to be a grey color
  3547. * Change subversion adapter to not cache authentication and run non interactively
  3548. * Fixed: Custom Values with a nil value cause HTTP error 500
  3549. * Fixed: Failure to convert HTML entities when editing an Issue reply
  3550. * Fixed: Error trying to show repository when there are no comments in a changeset
  3551. * Fixed: account/show/:user_id should not be accessible for other users not in your projects
  3552. * Fixed: XSS vulnerabilities
  3553. * Fixed: IssuesController#destroy should accept POST only
  3554. * Fixed: Inline images in wiki headings
  3555. == 2009-09-13 v0.8.5
  3556. * Incoming mail handler : Allow spaces between keywords and colon
  3557. * Do not require a non-word character after a comma in Redmine links
  3558. * Include issue hyperlinks in reminder emails
  3559. * Prevent nil error when retrieving svn version
  3560. * Various plugin hooks added
  3561. * Add plugins information to script/about
  3562. * Fixed: 500 Internal Server Error is raised if add an empty comment to the news
  3563. * Fixed: Atom links for wiki pages are not correct
  3564. * Fixed: Atom feeds leak email address
  3565. * Fixed: Case sensitivity in Issue filtering
  3566. * Fixed: When reading RSS feed, the inline-embedded images are not properly shown
  3567. == 2009-05-17 v0.8.4
  3568. * Allow textile mailto links
  3569. * Fixed: memory consumption when uploading file
  3570. * Fixed: Mercurial integration doesn't work if Redmine is installed in folder path containing space
  3571. * Fixed: an error is raised when no tab is available on project settings
  3572. * Fixed: insert image macro corrupts urls with excalamation marks
  3573. * Fixed: error on cross-project gantt PNG export
  3574. * Fixed: self and alternate links in atom feeds do not respect Atom specs
  3575. * Fixed: accept any svn tunnel scheme in repository URL
  3576. * Fixed: issues/show should accept user's rss key
  3577. * Fixed: consistency of custom fields display on the issue detail view
  3578. * Fixed: wiki comments length validation is missing
  3579. * Fixed: weak autologin token generation algorithm causes duplicate tokens
  3580. == 2009-04-05 v0.8.3
  3581. * Separate project field and subject in cross-project issue view
  3582. * Ability to set language for redmine:load_default_data task using REDMINE_LANG environment variable
  3583. * Rescue Redmine::DefaultData::DataAlreadyLoaded in redmine:load_default_data task
  3584. * CSS classes to highlight own and assigned issues
  3585. * Hide "New file" link on wiki pages from printing
  3586. * Flush buffer when asking for language in redmine:load_default_data task
  3587. * Minimum project identifier length set to 1
  3588. * Include headers so that emails don't trigger vacation auto-responders
  3589. * Fixed: Time entries csv export links for all projects are malformed
  3590. * Fixed: Files without Version aren't visible in the Activity page
  3591. * Fixed: Commit logs are centered in the repo browser
  3592. * Fixed: News summary field content is not searchable
  3593. * Fixed: Journal#save has a wrong signature
  3594. * Fixed: Email footer signature convention
  3595. * Fixed: Timelog report do not show time for non-versioned issues
  3596. == 2009-03-07 v0.8.2
  3597. * Send an email to the user when an administrator activates a registered user
  3598. * Strip keywords from received email body
  3599. * Footer updated to 2009
  3600. * Show RSS-link even when no issues is found
  3601. * One click filter action in activity view
  3602. * Clickable/linkable line #'s while browsing the repo or viewing a file
  3603. * Links to versions on files list
  3604. * Added request and controller objects to the hooks by default
  3605. * Fixed: exporting an issue with attachments to PDF raises an error
  3606. * Fixed: "too few arguments" error may occur on activerecord error translation
  3607. * Fixed: "Default columns Displayed on the Issues list" setting is not easy to read
  3608. * Fixed: visited links to closed tickets are not striked through with IE6
  3609. * Fixed: MailHandler#plain_text_body returns nil if there was nothing to strip
  3610. * Fixed: MailHandler raises an error when processing an email without From header
  3611. == 2009-02-15 v0.8.1
  3612. * Select watchers on new issue form
  3613. * Issue description is no longer a required field
  3614. * Files module: ability to add files without version
  3615. * Jump to the current tab when using the project quick-jump combo
  3616. * Display a warning if some attachments were not saved
  3617. * Import custom fields values from emails on issue creation
  3618. * Show view/annotate/download links on entry and annotate views
  3619. * Admin Info Screen: Display if plugin assets directory is writable
  3620. * Adds a 'Create and continue' button on the new issue form
  3621. * IMAP: add options to move received emails
  3622. * Do not show Category field when categories are not defined
  3623. * Lower the project identifier limit to a minimum of two characters
  3624. * Add "closed" html class to closed entries in issue list
  3625. * Fixed: broken redirect URL on login failure
  3626. * Fixed: Deleted files are shown when using Darcs
  3627. * Fixed: Darcs adapter works on Win32 only
  3628. * Fixed: syntax highlight doesn't appear in new ticket preview
  3629. * Fixed: email notification for changes I make still occurs when running Repository.fetch_changesets
  3630. * Fixed: no error is raised when entering invalid hours on the issue update form
  3631. * Fixed: Details time log report CSV export doesn't honour date format from settings
  3632. * Fixed: invalid css classes on issue details
  3633. * Fixed: Trac importer creates duplicate custom values
  3634. * Fixed: inline attached image should not match partial filename
  3635. == 2008-12-30 v0.8.0
  3636. * Setting added in order to limit the number of diff lines that should be displayed
  3637. * Makes logged-in username in topbar linking to
  3638. * Mail handler: strip tags when receiving a html-only email
  3639. * Mail handler: add watchers before sending notification
  3640. * Adds a css class (overdue) to overdue issues on issue lists and detail views
  3641. * Fixed: project activity truncated after viewing user's activity
  3642. * Fixed: email address entered for password recovery shouldn't be case-sensitive
  3643. * Fixed: default flag removed when editing a default enumeration
  3644. * Fixed: default category ignored when adding a document
  3645. * Fixed: error on repository user mapping when a repository username is blank
  3646. * Fixed: Firefox cuts off large diffs
  3647. * Fixed: CVS browser should not show dead revisions (deleted files)
  3648. * Fixed: escape double-quotes in image titles
  3649. * Fixed: escape textarea content when editing a issue note
  3650. * Fixed: JS error on context menu with IE
  3651. * Fixed: bold syntax around single character in series doesn't work
  3652. * Fixed several XSS vulnerabilities
  3653. * Fixed a SQL injection vulnerability
  3654. == 2008-12-07 v0.8.0-rc1
  3655. * Wiki page protection
  3656. * Wiki page hierarchy. Parent page can be assigned on the Rename screen
  3657. * Adds support for issue creation via email
  3658. * Adds support for free ticket filtering and custom queries on Gantt chart and calendar
  3659. * Cross-project search
  3660. * Ability to search a project and its subprojects
  3661. * Ability to search the projects the user belongs to
  3662. * Adds custom fields on time entries
  3663. * Adds boolean and list custom fields for time entries as criteria on time report
  3664. * Cross-project time reports
  3665. * Display latest user's activity on account/show view
  3666. * Show last connexion time on user's page
  3667. * Obfuscates email address on user's account page using javascript
  3668. * wiki TOC rendered as an unordered list
  3669. * Adds the ability to search for a user on the administration users list
  3670. * Adds the ability to search for a project name or identifier on the administration projects list
  3671. * Redirect user to the previous page after logging in
  3672. * Adds a permission 'view wiki edits' so that wiki history can be hidden to certain users
  3673. * Adds permissions for viewing the watcher list and adding new watchers on the issue detail view
  3674. * Adds permissions to let users edit and/or delete their messages
  3675. * Link to activity view when displaying dates
  3676. * Hide Redmine version in atom feeds and pdf properties
  3677. * Maps repository users to Redmine users. Users with same username or email are automatically mapped. Mapping can be manually adjusted in repository settings. Multiple usernames can be mapped to the same Redmine user.
  3678. * Sort users by their display names so that user dropdown lists are sorted alphabetically
  3679. * Adds estimated hours to issue filters
  3680. * Switch order of current and previous revisions in side-by-side diff
  3681. * Render the commit changes list as a tree
  3682. * Adds watch/unwatch functionality at forum topic level
  3683. * When moving an issue to another project, reassign it to the category with same name if any
  3684. * Adds child_pages macro for wiki pages
  3685. * Use GET instead of POST on roadmap (#718), gantt and calendar forms
  3686. * Search engine: display total results count and count by result type
  3687. * Email delivery configuration moved to an unversioned YAML file (config/email.yml, see the sample file)
  3688. * Adds icons on search results
  3689. * Adds 'Edit' link on account/show for admin users
  3690. * Adds Lock/Unlock/Activate link on user edit screen
  3691. * Adds user count in status drop down on admin user list
  3692. * Adds multi-levels blockquotes support by using > at the beginning of lines
  3693. * Adds a Reply link to each issue note
  3694. * Adds plain text only option for mail notifications
  3695. * Gravatar support for issue detail, user grid, and activity stream (disabled by default)
  3696. * Adds 'Delete wiki pages attachments' permission
  3697. * Show the most recent file when displaying an inline image
  3698. * Makes permission screens localized
  3699. * AuthSource list: display associated users count and disable 'Delete' buton if any
  3700. * Make the 'duplicates of' relation asymmetric
  3701. * Adds username to the password reminder email
  3702. * Adds links to forum messages using message#id syntax
  3703. * Allow same name for custom fields on different object types
  3704. * One-click bulk edition using the issue list context menu within the same project
  3705. * Adds support for commit logs reencoding to UTF-8 before insertion in the database. Source encoding of commit logs can be selected in Application settings -> Repositories.
  3706. * Adds checkboxes toggle links on permissions report
  3707. * Adds Trac-Like anchors on wiki headings
  3708. * Adds support for wiki links with anchor
  3709. * Adds category to the issue context menu
  3710. * Adds a workflow overview screen
  3711. * Appends the filename to the attachment url so that clients that ignore content-disposition http header get the real filename
  3712. * Dots allowed in custom field name
  3713. * Adds posts quoting functionality
  3714. * Adds an option to generate sequential project identifiers
  3715. * Adds mailto link on the user administration list
  3716. * Ability to remove enumerations (activities, priorities, document categories) that are in use. Associated objects can be reassigned to another value
  3717. * Gantt chart: display issues that don't have a due date if they are assigned to a version with a date
  3718. * Change projects homepage limit to 255 chars
  3719. * Improved on-the-fly account creation. If some attributes are missing (eg. not present in the LDAP) or are invalid, the registration form is displayed so that the user is able to fill or fix these attributes
  3720. * Adds "please select" to activity select box if no activity is set as default
  3721. * Do not silently ignore timelog validation failure on issue edit
  3722. * Adds a rake task to send reminder emails
  3723. * Allow empty cells in wiki tables
  3724. * Makes wiki text formatter pluggable
  3725. * Adds back textile acronyms support
  3726. * Remove pre tag attributes
  3727. * Plugin hooks
  3728. * Pluggable admin menu
  3729. * Plugins can provide activity content
  3730. * Moves plugin list to its own administration menu item
  3731. * Adds url and author_url plugin attributes
  3732. * Adds Plugin#requires_redmine method so that plugin compatibility can be checked against current Redmine version
  3733. * Adds atom feed on time entries details
  3734. * Adds project name to issues feed title
  3735. * Adds a css class on menu items in order to apply item specific styles (eg. icons)
  3736. * Adds a Redmine plugin generators
  3737. * Adds timelog link to the issue context menu
  3738. * Adds links to the user page on various views
  3739. * Turkish translation by Ismail Sezen
  3740. * Catalan translation
  3741. * Vietnamese translation
  3742. * Slovak translation
  3743. * Better naming of activity feed if only one kind of event is displayed
  3744. * Enable syntax highlight on issues, messages and news
  3745. * Add target version to the issue list context menu
  3746. * Hide 'Target version' filter if no version is defined
  3747. * Add filters on cross-project issue list for custom fields marked as 'For all projects'
  3748. * Turn ftp urls into links
  3749. * Hiding the View Differences button when a wiki page's history only has one version
  3750. * Messages on a Board can now be sorted by the number of replies
  3751. * Adds a class ('me') to events of the activity view created by current user
  3752. * Strip pre/code tags content from activity view events
  3753. * Display issue notes in the activity view
  3754. * Adds links to changesets atom feed on repository browser
  3755. * Track project and tracker changes in issue history
  3756. * Adds anchor to atom feed messages links
  3757. * Adds a key in lang files to set the decimal separator (point or comma) in csv exports
  3758. * Makes importer work with Trac 0.8.x
  3759. * Upgraded to Prototype
  3760. * File viewer for attached text files
  3761. * Menu mapper: add support for :before, :after and :last options to #push method and add #delete method
  3762. * Removed inconsistent revision numbers on diff view
  3763. * CVS: add support for modules names with spaces
  3764. * Log the user in after registration if account activation is not needed
  3765. * Mercurial adapter improvements
  3766. * Trac importer: read session_attribute table to find user's email and real name
  3767. * Ability to disable unused SCM adapters in application settings
  3768. * Adds Filesystem adapter
  3769. * Clear changesets and changes with raw sql when deleting a repository for performance
  3770. * now uses the 'commit access' permission defined in Redmine
  3771. * Reposman can create any type of scm (--scm option)
  3772. * Reposman creates a repository if the 'repository' module is enabled at project level only
  3773. * Display svn properties in the browser, svn >= 1.5.0 only
  3774. * Reduces memory usage when importing large git repositories
  3775. * Wider SVG graphs in repository stats
  3776. * SubversionAdapter#entries performance improvement
  3777. * SCM browser: ability to download raw unified diffs
  3778. * More detailed error message in log when scm command fails
  3779. * Adds support for file viewing with Darcs 2.0+
  3780. * Check that git changeset is not in the database before creating it
  3781. * Unified diff viewer for attached files with .patch or .diff extension
  3782. * File size display with Bazaar repositories
  3783. * Git adapter: use commit time instead of author time
  3784. * Prettier url for changesets
  3785. * Makes changes link to entries on the revision view
  3786. * Adds a field on the repository view to browse at specific revision
  3787. * Adds new projects atom feed
  3788. * Added rake tasks to generate rcov code coverage reports
  3789. * Add Redcloth's :block_markdown_rule to allow horizontal rules in wiki
  3790. * Show the project hierarchy in the drop down list for new membership on user administration screen
  3791. * Split user edit screen into tabs
  3792. * Renames bundled RedCloth to RedCloth3 to avoid RedCloth 4 to be loaded instead
  3793. * Fixed: Roadmap crashes when a version has a due date > 2037
  3794. * Fixed: invalid effective date (eg. 99999-01-01) causes an error on version edition screen
  3795. * Fixed: login filter providing incorrect back_url for Redmine installed in sub-directory
  3796. * Fixed: logtime entry duplicated when edited from parent project
  3797. * Fixed: wrong digest for text files under Windows
  3798. * Fixed: associated revisions are displayed in wrong order on issue view
  3799. * Fixed: Git Adapter date parsing ignores timezone
  3800. * Fixed: Printing long roadmap doesn't split across pages
  3801. * Fixes custom fields display order at several places
  3802. * Fixed: urls containing @ are parsed as email adress by the wiki formatter
  3803. * Fixed date filters accuracy with SQLite
  3804. * Fixed: tokens not escaped in highlight_tokens regexp
  3805. * Fixed Bazaar shared repository browsing
  3806. * Fixes platform determination under JRuby
  3807. * Fixed: Estimated time in issue's journal should be rounded to two decimals
  3808. * Fixed: 'search titles only' box ignored after one search is done on titles only
  3809. * Fixed: non-ASCII subversion path can't be displayed
  3810. * Fixed: Inline images don't work if file name has upper case letters or if image is in BMP format
  3811. * Fixed: document listing shows on "my page" when viewing documents is disabled for the role
  3812. * Fixed: Latest news appear on the homepage for projects with the News module disabled
  3813. * Fixed: cross-project issue list should not show issues of projects for which the issue tracking module was disabled
  3814. * Fixed: the default status is lost when reordering issue statuses
  3815. * Fixes error with Postgresql and non-UTF8 commit logs
  3816. * Fixed: textile footnotes no longer work
  3817. * Fixed: http links containing parentheses fail to reder correctly
  3818. * Fixed: GitAdapter#get_rev should use current branch instead of hardwiring master
  3819. == 2008-07-06 v0.7.3
  3820. * Allow dot in firstnames and lastnames
  3821. * Add project name to cross-project Atom feeds
  3822. * Encoding set to utf8 in example database.yml
  3823. * HTML titles on forums related views
  3824. * Fixed: various XSS vulnerabilities
  3825. * Fixed: Entourage (and some old client) fails to correctly render notification styles
  3826. * Fixed: Fixed: timelog redirects inappropriately when :back_url is blank
  3827. * Fixed: wrong relative paths to images in wiki_syntax.html
  3828. == 2008-06-15 v0.7.2
  3829. * "New Project" link on Projects page
  3830. * Links to repository directories on the repo browser
  3831. * Move status to front in Activity View
  3832. * Remove edit step from Status context menu
  3833. * Fixed: No way to do textile horizontal rule
  3834. * Fixed: Repository: View differences doesn't work
  3835. * Fixed: attachement's name maybe invalid.
  3836. * Fixed: Error when creating a new issue
  3837. * Fixed: NoMethodError on @available_filters.has_key?
  3838. * Fixed: Check All / Uncheck All in Email Settings
  3839. * Fixed: "View differences" of one file at /repositories/revision/ fails
  3840. * Fixed: Column width in "my page"
  3841. * Fixed: private subprojects are listed on Issues view
  3842. * Fixed: Textile: bold, italics, underline, etc... not working after parentheses
  3843. * Fixed: Update issue form: comment field from log time end out of screen
  3844. * Fixed: Editing role: "issue can be assigned to this role" out of box
  3845. * Fixed: Unable use angular braces after include word
  3846. * Fixed: Using '*' as keyword for repository referencing keywords doesn't work
  3847. * Fixed: Subversion repository "View differences" on each file rise ERROR
  3848. * Fixed: View differences for individual file of a changeset fails if the repository URL doesn't point to the repository root
  3849. * Fixed: It is possible to lock out the last admin account
  3850. * Fixed: Wikis are viewable for anonymous users on public projects, despite not granting access
  3851. * Fixed: Issue number display clipped on 'my issues'
  3852. * Fixed: Roadmap version list links not carrying state
  3853. * Fixed: Log Time fieldset in IssueController#edit doesn't set default Activity as default
  3854. * Fixed: git's "get_rev" API should use repo's current branch instead of hardwiring "master"
  3855. * Fixed: browser's language subcodes ignored
  3856. * Fixed: Error on project selection with numeric (only) identifier.
  3857. * Fixed: Link to PDF doesn't work after creating new issue
  3858. * Fixed: "Replies" should not be shown on forum threads that are locked
  3859. * Fixed: SVN errors lead to svn username/password being displayed to end users (security issue)
  3860. * Fixed: http links containing hashes don't display correct
  3861. * Fixed: Allow ampersands in Enumeration names
  3862. * Fixed: Atom link on saved query does not include query_id
  3863. * Fixed: Logtime info lost when there's an error updating an issue
  3864. * Fixed: TOC does not parse colorization markups
  3865. * Fixed: CVS: add support for modules names with spaces
  3866. * Fixed: Bad rendering on projects/add
  3867. * Fixed: exception when viewing differences on cvs
  3868. * Fixed: export issue to pdf will messup when use Chinese language
  3869. * Fixed: Redmine::Scm::Adapters::GitAdapter#get_rev ignored GIT_BIN constant
  3870. * Fixed: Adding non-ASCII new issue type in the New Issue page have encoding error using IE
  3871. * Fixed: Importing from trac : some wiki links are messed
  3872. * Fixed: Incorrect weekend definition in Hebrew calendar locale
  3873. * Fixed: Atom feeds don't provide author section for repository revisions
  3874. * Fixed: In Activity views, changesets titles can be multiline while they should not
  3875. * Fixed: Ignore unreadable subversion directories (read disabled using authz)
  3876. * Fixed: lib/SVG/Graph/Graph.rb can't externalize stylesheets
  3877. * Fixed: Close statement handler in
  3878. == 2008-05-04 v0.7.1
  3879. * Thai translation added (Gampol Thitinilnithi)
  3880. * Translations updates
  3881. * Escape HTML comment tags
  3882. * Prevent "can't convert nil into String" error when :sort_order param is not present
  3883. * Fixed: Updating tickets add a time log with zero hours
  3884. * Fixed: private subprojects names are revealed on the project overview
  3885. * Fixed: Search for target version of "none" fails with postgres 8.3
  3886. * Fixed: Home, Logout, Login links shouldn't be absolute links
  3887. * Fixed: 'Latest projects' box on the welcome screen should be hidden if there are no projects
  3888. * Fixed: error when using upcase language name in coderay
  3889. * Fixed: error on Trac import when :due attribute is nil
  3890. == 2008-04-28 v0.7.0
  3891. * Forces Redmine to use rails 2.0.2 gem when vendor/rails is not present
  3892. * Queries can be marked as 'For all projects'. Such queries will be available on all projects and on the global issue list.
  3893. * Add predefined date ranges to the time report
  3894. * Time report can be done at issue level
  3895. * Various timelog report enhancements
  3896. * Accept the following formats for "hours" field: 1h, 1 h, 1 hour, 2 hours, 30m, 30min, 1h30, 1h30m, 1:30
  3897. * Display the context menu above and/or to the left of the click if needed
  3898. * Make the admin project files list sortable
  3899. * Mercurial: display working directory files sizes unless browsing a specific revision
  3900. * Preserve status filter and page number when using lock/unlock/activate links on the users list
  3901. * support for LDAP authentication
  3902. * Better error message and AR errors in log for failed LDAP on-the-fly user creation
  3903. * Redirected user to where he is coming from after logging hours
  3904. * Warn user that subprojects are also deleted when deleting a project
  3905. * Include subprojects versions on calendar and gantt
  3906. * Notify project members when a message is posted if they want to receive notifications
  3907. * Fixed: Feed content limit setting has no effect
  3908. * Fixed: Priorities not ordered when displayed as a filter in issue list
  3909. * Fixed: can not display attached images inline in message replies
  3910. * Fixed: Boards are not deleted when project is deleted
  3911. * Fixed: trying to preview a new issue raises an exception with postgresql
  3912. * Fixed: single file 'View difference' links do not work because of duplicate slashes in url
  3913. * Fixed: inline image not displayed when including a wiki page
  3914. * Fixed: CVS duplicate key violation
  3915. * Fixed: ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError exception on closing a set of circular duplicate issues
  3916. * Fixed: custom field filters behaviour
  3917. * Fixed: Postgresql 8.3 compatibility
  3918. * Fixed: Links to repository directories don't work
  3919. == 2008-03-29 v0.7.0-rc1
  3920. * Overall activity view and feed added, link is available on the project list
  3921. * Git VCS support
  3922. * Rails 2.0 sessions cookie store compatibility
  3923. * Use project identifiers in urls instead of ids
  3924. * Default configuration data can now be loaded from the administration screen
  3925. * Administration settings screen split to tabs (email notifications options moved to 'Settings')
  3926. * Project description is now unlimited and optional
  3927. * Wiki annotate view
  3928. * Escape HTML tag in textile content
  3929. * Add Redmine links to documents, versions, attachments and repository files
  3930. * New setting to specify how many objects should be displayed on paginated lists. There are 2 ways to select a set of issues on the issue list:
  3931. * by using checkbox and/or the little pencil that will select/unselect all issues
  3932. * by clicking on the rows (but not on the links), Ctrl and Shift keys can be used to select multiple issues
  3933. * Context menu disabled on links so that the default context menu of the browser is displayed when right-clicking on a link (click anywhere else on the row to display the context menu)
  3934. * User display format is now configurable in administration settings
  3935. * Issue list now supports bulk edit/move/delete (for a set of issues that belong to the same project)
  3936. * Merged 'change status', 'edit issue' and 'add note' actions:
  3937. * Users with 'edit issues' permission can now update any property including custom fields when adding a note or changing the status
  3938. * 'Change issue status' permission removed. To change an issue status, a user just needs to have either 'Edit' or 'Add note' permissions and some workflow transitions allowed
  3939. * Details by assignees on issue summary view
  3940. * 'New issue' link in the main menu (accesskey 7). The drop-down lists to add an issue on the project overview and the issue list are removed
  3941. * Change status select box default to current status
  3942. * Preview for issue notes, news and messages
  3943. * Optional description for attachments
  3944. * 'Fixed version' label changed to 'Target version'
  3945. * Let the user choose when deleting issues with reported hours to:
  3946. * delete the hours
  3947. * assign the hours to the project
  3948. * reassign the hours to another issue
  3949. * Date range filter and pagination on time entries detail view
  3950. * Propagate time tracking to the parent project
  3951. * Switch added on the project activity view to include subprojects
  3952. * Display total estimated and spent hours on the version detail view
  3953. * Weekly time tracking block for 'My page'
  3954. * Permissions to edit time entries
  3955. * Include subprojects on the issue list, calendar, gantt and timelog by default (can be turned off is administration settings)
  3956. * Roadmap enhancements (separate related issues from wiki contents, leading h1 in version wiki pages is hidden, smaller wiki headings)
  3957. * Make versions with same date sorted by name
  3958. * Allow issue list to be sorted by target version
  3959. * Related changesets messages displayed on the issue details view
  3960. * Create a journal and send an email when an issue is closed by commit
  3961. * Add 'Author' to the available columns for the issue list
  3962. * More appropriate default sort order on sortable columns
  3963. * Add issue subject to the time entries view and issue subject, description and tracker to the csv export
  3964. * Permissions to edit issue notes
  3965. * Display date/time instead of date on files list
  3966. * Do not show Roadmap menu item if the project doesn't define any versions
  3967. * Allow longer version names (60 chars)
  3968. * Ability to copy an existing workflow when creating a new role
  3969. * Display custom fields in two columns on the issue form
  3970. * Added 'estimated time' in the csv export of the issue list
  3971. * Display the last 30 days on the activity view rather than the current month (number of days can be configured in the application settings)
  3972. * Setting for whether new projects should be public by default
  3973. * User preference to choose how comments/replies are displayed: in chronological or reverse chronological order
  3974. * Added default value for custom fields
  3975. * Added tabindex property on wiki toolbar buttons (to easily move from field to field using the tab key)
  3976. * Redirect to issue page after creating a new issue
  3977. * Wiki toolbar improvements (mainly for Firefox)
  3978. * Display wiki syntax quick ref link on all wiki textareas
  3979. * Display links to Atom feeds
  3980. * Breadcrumb nav for the forums
  3981. * Show replies when choosing to display messages in the activity
  3982. * Added 'include' macro to include another wiki page
  3983. * RedmineWikiFormatting page available as a static HTML file locally
  3984. * Wrap diff content
  3985. * Strip out email address from authors in repository screens
  3986. * Highlight the current item of the main menu
  3987. * Added simple syntax highlighters for php and java languages
  3988. * Do not show empty diffs
  3989. * Show explicit error message when the scm command failed (eg. when svn binary is not available)
  3990. * Lithuanian translation added (Sergej Jegorov)
  3991. * Ukrainan translation added (Natalia Konovka & Mykhaylo Sorochan)
  3992. * Danish translation added (Mads Vestergaard)
  3993. * Added i18n support to the jstoolbar and various settings screen
  3994. * RedCloth's glyphs no longer user
  3995. * New icons for the wiki toolbar (from
  3996. * The following menus can now be extended by plugins: top_menu, account_menu, application_menu
  3997. * Added a simple rake task to fetch changesets from the repositories: rake redmine:fetch_changesets
  3998. * Remove hardcoded "Redmine" strings in account related emails and use application title instead
  3999. * Mantis importer preserve bug ids
  4000. * Trac importer: Trac guide wiki pages skipped
  4001. * Trac importer: wiki attachments migration added
  4002. * Trac importer: support database schema for Trac migration
  4003. * Trac importer: support CamelCase links
  4004. * Removes the Redmine version from the footer (can be viewed on admin -> info)
  4005. * Rescue and display an error message when trying to delete a role that is in use
  4006. * Add various 'X-Redmine' headers to email notifications: X-Redmine-Host, X-Redmine-Site, X-Redmine-Project, X-Redmine-Issue-Id, -Author, -Assignee, X-Redmine-Topic-Id
  4007. * Add "--encoding utf8" option to the Mercurial "hg log" command in order to get utf8 encoded commit logs
  4008. * Fixed: Gantt and calendar not properly refreshed (fragment caching removed)
  4009. * Fixed: Textile image with style attribute cause internal server error
  4010. * Fixed: wiki TOC not rendered properly when used in an issue or document description
  4011. * Fixed: 'has already been taken' error message on username and email fields if left empty
  4012. * Fixed: non-ascii attachement filename with IE
  4013. * Fixed: wrong url for wiki syntax pop-up when Redmine urls are prefixed
  4014. * Fixed: search for all words doesn't work
  4015. * Fixed: Do not show sticky and locked checkboxes when replying to a message
  4016. * Fixed: Mantis importer: do not duplicate Mantis username in firstname and lastname if realname is blank
  4017. * Fixed: Date custom fields not displayed as specified in application settings
  4018. * Fixed: titles not escaped in the activity view
  4019. * Fixed: issue queries can not use custom fields marked as 'for all projects' in a project context
  4020. * Fixed: on calendar, gantt and in the tracker filter on the issue list, only active trackers of the project (and its sub projects) should be available
  4021. * Fixed: locked users should not receive email notifications
  4022. * Fixed: custom field selection is not saved when unchecking them all on project settings
  4023. * Fixed: can not lock a topic when creating it
  4024. * Fixed: Incorrect filtering for unset values when using 'is not' filter
  4025. * Fixed: PostgreSQL issues_seq_id not updated when using Trac importer
  4026. * Fixed: ajax pagination does not scroll up
  4027. * Fixed: error when uploading a file with no content-type specified by the browser
  4028. * Fixed: wiki and changeset links not displayed when previewing issue description or notes
  4029. * Fixed: 'LdapError: no bind result' error when authenticating
  4030. * Fixed: 'LdapError: invalid binding information' when no username/password are set on the LDAP account
  4031. * Fixed: CVS repository doesn't work if port is used in the url
  4032. * Fixed: Email notifications: host name is missing in generated links
  4033. * Fixed: Email notifications: referenced changesets, wiki pages, attachments... are not turned into links
  4034. * Fixed: Do not clear issue relations when moving an issue to another project if cross-project issue relations are allowed
  4035. * Fixed: "undefined method 'textilizable'" error on email notification when running Repository#fetch_changesets from the console
  4036. * Fixed: Do not send an email with no recipient, cc or bcc
  4037. * Fixed: fetch_changesets fails on commit comments that close 2 duplicates issues.
  4038. * Fixed: Mercurial browsing under unix-like os and for directory depth > 2
  4039. * Fixed: Wiki links with pipe can not be used in wiki tables
  4040. * Fixed: migrate_from_trac doesn't import timestamps of wiki and tickets
  4041. * Fixed: when bulk editing, setting "Assigned to" to "nobody" causes an sql error with Postgresql
  4042. == 2008-03-12 v0.6.4
  4043. * Fixed: private projects name are displayed on account/show even if the current user doesn't have access to these private projects
  4044. * Fixed: potential LDAP authentication security flaw
  4045. * Fixed: context submenus on the issue list don't show up with IE6.
  4046. * Fixed: Themes are not applied with Rails 2.0
  4047. * Fixed: crash when fetching Mercurial changesets if changeset[:files] is nil
  4048. * Fixed: Mercurial repository browsing
  4049. * Fixed: undefined local variable or method 'log' in CvsAdapter when a cvs command fails
  4050. * Fixed: not null constraints not removed with Postgresql
  4051. * Doctype set to transitional
  4052. == 2007-12-18 v0.6.3
  4053. * Fixed: upload doesn't work in 'Files' section
  4054. == 2007-12-16 v0.6.2
  4055. * Search engine: issue custom fields can now be searched
  4056. * News comments are now textilized
  4057. * Updated Japanese translation (Satoru Kurashiki)
  4058. * Updated Chinese translation (Shortie Lo)
  4059. * Fixed Rails 2.0 compatibility bugs:
  4060. * Unable to create a wiki
  4061. * Gantt and calendar error
  4062. * Trac importer error (readonly? is defined by ActiveRecord)
  4063. * Fixed: 'assigned to me' filter broken
  4064. * Fixed: crash when validation fails on issue edition with no custom fields
  4065. * Fixed: reposman "can't find group" error
  4066. * Fixed: 'LDAP account password is too long' error when leaving the field empty on creation
  4067. * Fixed: empty lines when displaying repository files with Windows style eol
  4068. * Fixed: missing body closing tag in repository annotate and entry views
  4069. == 2007-12-10 v0.6.1
  4070. * Rails 2.0 compatibility
  4071. * Custom fields can now be displayed as columns on the issue list
  4072. * Added version details view (accessible from the roadmap)
  4073. * Roadmap: more accurate completion percentage calculation (done ratio of open issues is now taken into account)
  4074. * Added per-project tracker selection. Trackers can be selected on project settings
  4075. * Anonymous users can now be allowed to create, edit, comment issues, comment news and post messages in the forums
  4076. * Forums: messages can now be edited/deleted (explicit permissions need to be given)
  4077. * Forums: topics can be locked so that no reply can be added
  4078. * Forums: topics can be marked as sticky so that they always appear at the top of the list
  4079. * Forums: attachments can now be added to replies
  4080. * Added time zone support
  4081. * Added a setting to choose the account activation strategy (available in application settings)
  4082. * Added 'Classic' theme (inspired from the v0.51 design)
  4083. * Added an alternate theme which provides issue list colorization based on issues priority
  4084. * Added Bazaar SCM adapter
  4085. * Added Annotate/Blame view in the repository browser (except for Darcs SCM)
  4086. * Diff style (inline or side by side) automatically saved as a user preference
  4087. * Added issues status changes on the activity view (by Cyril Mougel)
  4088. * Added forums topics on the activity view (disabled by default)
  4089. * Added an option on 'My account' for users who don't want to be notified of changes that they make
  4090. * Trac importer now supports mysql and postgresql databases
  4091. * Trac importer improvements (by Mat Trudel)
  4092. * 'fixed version' field can now be displayed on the issue list
  4093. * Added a couple of new formats for the 'date format' setting
  4094. * Added Traditional Chinese translation (by Shortie Lo)
  4095. * Added Russian translation (iGor kMeta)
  4096. * Project name format limitation removed (name can now contain any character)
  4097. * Project identifier maximum length changed from 12 to 20
  4098. * Changed the maximum length of LDAP account to 255 characters
  4099. * Removed the 12 characters limit on passwords
  4100. * Added wiki macros support
  4101. * Performance improvement on workflow setup screen
  4102. * More detailed html title on several views
  4103. * Custom fields can now be reordered
  4104. * Search engine: search can be restricted to an exact phrase by using quotation marks
  4105. * Added custom fields marked as 'For all projects' to the csv export of the cross project issue list
  4106. * Email notifications are now sent as Blind carbon copy by default
  4107. * Fixed: all members (including non active) should be deleted when deleting a project
  4108. * Fixed: Error on wiki syntax link (accessible from wiki/edit)
  4109. * Fixed: 'quick jump to a revision' form on the revisions list
  4110. * Fixed: error on admin/info if there's more than 1 plugin installed
  4111. * Fixed: svn or ldap password can be found in clear text in the html source in editing mode
  4112. * Fixed: 'Assigned to' drop down list is not sorted
  4113. * Fixed: 'View all issues' link doesn't work on issues/show
  4114. * Fixed: error on account/register when validation fails
  4115. * Fixed: Error when displaying the issue list if a float custom field is marked as 'used as filter'
  4116. * Fixed: Mercurial adapter breaks on missing :files entry in changeset hash (James Britt)
  4117. * Fixed: Wrong feed URLs on the home page
  4118. * Fixed: Update of time entry fails when the issue has been moved to an other project
  4119. * Fixed: Error when moving an issue without changing its tracker (Postgresql)
  4120. * Fixed: Changes not recorded when using :pserver string (CVS adapter)
  4121. * Fixed: admin should be able to move issues to any project
  4122. * Fixed: adding an attachment is not possible when changing the status of an issue
  4123. * Fixed: No mime-types in documents/files downloading
  4124. * Fixed: error when sorting the messages if there's only one board for the project
  4125. * Fixed: 'me' doesn't appear in the drop down filters on a project issue list.
  4126. == 2007-11-04 v0.6.0
  4127. * Permission model refactoring.
  4128. * Permissions: there are now 2 builtin roles that can be used to specify permissions given to other users than members of projects
  4129. * Permissions: some permissions (eg. browse the repository) can be removed for certain roles
  4130. * Permissions: modules (eg. issue tracking, news, documents...) can be enabled/disabled at project level
  4131. * Added Mantis and Trac importers
  4132. * New application layout
  4133. * Added "Bulk edit" functionality on the issue list
  4134. * More flexible mail notifications settings at user level
  4135. * Added AJAX based context menu on the project issue list that provide shortcuts for editing, re-assigning, changing the status or the priority, moving or deleting an issue
  4136. * Added the hability to copy an issue. It can be done from the "issue/show" view or from the context menu on the issue list
  4137. * Added the ability to customize issue list columns (at application level or for each saved query)
  4138. * Overdue versions (date reached and open issues > 0) are now always displayed on the roadmap
  4139. * Added the ability to rename wiki pages (specific permission required)
  4140. * Search engines now supports pagination. Results are sorted in reverse chronological order
  4141. * Added "Estimated hours" attribute on issues
  4142. * A category with assigned issue can now be deleted. 2 options are proposed: remove assignments or reassign issues to another category
  4143. * Forum notifications are now also sent to the authors of the thread, even if they don't watch the board
  4144. * Added an application setting to specify the application protocol (http or https) used to generate urls in emails
  4145. * Gantt chart: now starts at the current month by default
  4146. * Gantt chart: month count and zoom factor are automatically saved as user preferences
  4147. * Wiki links can now refer to other project wikis
  4148. * Added wiki index by date
  4149. * Added preview on add/edit issue form
  4150. * Emails footer can now be customized from the admin interface (Admin -> Email notifications)
  4151. * Default encodings for repository files can now be set in application settings (used to convert files content and diff to UTF-8 so that they're properly displayed)
  4152. * Calendar: first day of week can now be set in lang files
  4153. * Automatic closing of duplicate issues
  4154. * Added a cross-project issue list
  4155. * AJAXified the SCM browser (tree view)
  4156. * Pretty URL for the repository browser (Cyril Mougel)
  4157. * Search engine: added a checkbox to search titles only
  4158. * Added "% done" in the filter list
  4159. * Enumerations: values can now be reordered and a default value can be specified (eg. default issue priority)
  4160. * Added some accesskeys
  4161. * Added "Float" as a custom field format
  4162. * Added basic Theme support
  4163. * Added the ability to set the "done ratio" of issues fixed by commit (Nikolay Solakov)
  4164. * Added custom fields in issue related mail notifications
  4165. * Email notifications are now sent in plain text and html
  4166. * Gantt chart can now be exported to a graphic file (png). This functionality is only available if RMagick is installed.
  4167. * Added syntax highlightment for repository files and wiki
  4168. * Improved automatic Redmine links
  4169. * Added automatic table of content support on wiki pages
  4170. * Added radio buttons on the documents list to sort documents by category, date, title or author
  4171. * Added basic plugin support, with a sample plugin
  4172. * Added a link to add a new category when creating or editing an issue
  4173. * Added a "Assignable" boolean on the Role model. If unchecked, issues can not be assigned to users having this role.
  4174. * Added an option to be able to relate issues in different projects
  4175. * Added the ability to move issues (to another project) without changing their trackers.
  4176. * Atom feeds added on project activity, news and changesets
  4177. * Added the ability to reset its own RSS access key
  4178. * Main project list now displays root projects with their subprojects
  4179. * Added anchor links to issue notes
  4180. * Added reposman Ruby version. This script can now register created repositories in Redmine (Nicolas Chuche)
  4181. * Issue notes are now included in search
  4182. * Added email sending test functionality
  4183. * Added LDAPS support for LDAP authentication
  4184. * Removed hard-coded URLs in mail templates
  4185. * Subprojects are now grouped by projects in the navigation drop-down menu
  4186. * Added a new value for date filters: this week
  4187. * Added cache for application settings
  4188. * Added Polish translation (Tomasz Gawryl)
  4189. * Added Czech translation (Jan Kadlecek)
  4190. * Added Romanian translation (Csongor Bartus)
  4191. * Added Hebrew translation (Bob Builder)
  4192. * Added Serbian translation (Dragan Matic)
  4193. * Added Korean translation (Choi Jong Yoon)
  4194. * Fixed: the link to delete issue relations is displayed even if the user is not authorized to delete relations
  4195. * Performance improvement on calendar and gantt
  4196. * Fixed: wiki preview doesn't work on long entries
  4197. * Fixed: queries with multiple custom fields return no result
  4198. * Fixed: Can not authenticate user against LDAP if its DN contains non-ascii characters
  4199. * Fixed: URL with ~ broken in wiki formatting
  4200. * Fixed: some quotation marks are rendered as strange characters in pdf
  4201. == 2007-07-15 v0.5.1
  4202. * per project forums added
  4203. * added the ability to archive projects
  4204. * added "Watch" functionality on issues. It allows users to receive notifications about issue changes
  4205. * custom fields for issues can now be used as filters on issue list
  4206. * added per user custom queries
  4207. * commit messages are now scanned for referenced or fixed issue IDs (keywords defined in Admin -> Settings)
  4208. * projects list now shows the list of public projects and private projects for which the user is a member
  4209. * versions can now be created with no date
  4210. * added issue count details for versions on Reports view
  4211. * added time report, by member/activity/tracker/version and year/month/week for the selected period
  4212. * each category can now be associated to a user, so that new issues in that category are automatically assigned to that user
  4213. * added autologin feature (disabled by default)
  4214. * optimistic locking added for wiki edits
  4215. * added wiki diff
  4216. * added the ability to destroy wiki pages (requires permission)
  4217. * a wiki page can now be attached to each version, and displayed on the roadmap
  4218. * attachments can now be added to wiki pages (original patch by Pavol Murin) and displayed online
  4219. * added an option to see all versions in the roadmap view (including completed ones)
  4220. * added basic issue relations
  4221. * added the ability to log time when changing an issue status
  4222. * account information can now be sent to the user when creating an account
  4223. * author and assignee of an issue always receive notifications (even if they turned of mail notifications)
  4224. * added a quick search form in page header
  4225. * added 'me' value for 'assigned to' and 'author' query filters
  4226. * added a link on revision screen to see the entire diff for the revision
  4227. * added last commit message for each entry in repository browser
  4228. * added the ability to view a file diff with free to/from revision selection.
  4229. * text files can now be viewed online when browsing the repository
  4230. * added basic support for other SCM: CVS (Ralph Vater), Mercurial and Darcs
  4231. * added fragment caching for svn diffs
  4232. * added fragment caching for calendar and gantt views
  4233. * login field automatically focused on login form
  4234. * subproject name displayed on issue list, calendar and gantt
  4235. * added an option to choose the date format: language based or ISO 8601
  4236. * added a simple mail handler. It lets users add notes to an existing issue by replying to the initial notification email.
  4237. * a 403 error page is now displayed (instead of a blank page) when trying to access a protected page
  4238. * added portuguese translation (Joao Carlos Clementoni)
  4239. * added partial online help japanese translation (Ken Date)
  4240. * added bulgarian translation (Nikolay Solakov)
  4241. * added dutch translation (Linda van den Brink)
  4242. * added swedish translation (Thomas Habets)
  4243. * italian translation update (Alessio Spadaro)
  4244. * japanese translation update (Satoru Kurashiki)
  4245. * fixed: error on history atom feed when there's no notes on an issue change
  4246. * fixed: error in journalizing an issue with longtext custom fields (Postgresql)
  4247. * fixed: creation of Oracle schema
  4248. * fixed: last day of the month not included in project activity
  4249. * fixed: files with an apostrophe in their names can't be accessed in SVN repository
  4250. * fixed: performance issue on RepositoriesController#revisions when a changeset has a great number of changes (eg. 100,000)
  4251. * fixed: open/closed issue counts are always 0 on reports view (postgresql)
  4252. * fixed: date query filters (wrong results and sql error with postgresql)
  4253. * fixed: confidentiality issue on account/show (private project names displayed to anyone)
  4254. * fixed: Long text custom fields displayed without line breaks
  4255. * fixed: Error when editing the wokflow after deleting a status
  4256. * fixed: SVN commit dates are now stored as local time
  4257. == 2007-04-11 v0.5.0
  4258. * added per project Wiki
  4259. * added rss/atom feeds at project level (custom queries can be used as feeds)
  4260. * added search engine (search in issues, news, commits, wiki pages, documents)
  4261. * simple time tracking functionality added
  4262. * added version due dates on calendar and gantt
  4263. * added subprojects issue count on project Reports page
  4264. * added the ability to copy an existing workflow when creating a new tracker
  4265. * added the ability to include subprojects on calendar and gantt
  4266. * added the ability to select trackers to display on calendar and gantt (Jeffrey Jones)
  4267. * added side by side svn diff view (Cyril Mougel)
  4268. * added back subproject filter on issue list
  4269. * added permissions report in admin area
  4270. * added a status filter on users list
  4271. * support for password-protected SVN repositories
  4272. * SVN commits are now stored in the database
  4273. * added simple svn statistics SVG graphs
  4274. * progress bars for roadmap versions (Nick Read)
  4275. * issue history now shows file uploads and deletions
  4276. * #id patterns are turned into links to issues in descriptions and commit messages
  4277. * japanese translation added (Satoru Kurashiki)
  4278. * chinese simplified translation added (Andy Wu)
  4279. * italian translation added (Alessio Spadaro)
  4280. * added scripts to manage SVN repositories creation and user access control using ssh+svn (Nicolas Chuche)
  4281. * better calendar rendering time
  4282. * fixed migration scripts to work with mysql 5 running in strict mode
  4283. * fixed: error when clicking "add" with no block selected on my/page_layout
  4284. * fixed: hard coded links in navigation bar
  4285. * fixed: table_name pre/suffix support
  4286. == 2007-02-18 v0.4.2
  4287. * Rails 1.2 is now required
  4288. * settings are now stored in the database and editable through the application in: Admin -> Settings (config_custom.rb is no longer used)
  4289. * added project roadmap view
  4290. * mail notifications added when a document, a file or an attachment is added
  4291. * tooltips added on Gantt chart and calender to view the details of the issues
  4292. * ability to set the sort order for roles, trackers, issue statuses
  4293. * added missing fields to csv export: priority, start date, due date, done ratio
  4294. * added total number of issues per tracker on project overview
  4295. * all icons replaced (new icons are based on GPL icon set: "KDE Crystal Diamond 2.5" -by paolino- and "kNeu! Alpha v0.1" -by Pablo Fabregat-)
  4296. * added back "fixed version" field on issue screen and in filters
  4297. * project settings screen split in 4 tabs
  4298. * custom fields screen split in 3 tabs (one for each kind of custom field)
  4299. * multiple issues pdf export now rendered as a table
  4300. * added a button on users/list to manually activate an account
  4301. * added a setting option to disable "password lost" functionality
  4302. * added a setting option to set max number of issues in csv/pdf exports
  4303. * fixed: subprojects count is always 0 on projects list
  4304. * fixed: locked users are proposed when adding a member to a project
  4305. * fixed: setting an issue status as default status leads to an sql error with SQLite
  4306. * fixed: unable to delete an issue status even if it's not used yet
  4307. * fixed: filters ignored when exporting a predefined query to csv/pdf
  4308. * fixed: crash when french "issue_edit" email notification is sent
  4309. * fixed: hide mail preference not saved (my/account)
  4310. * fixed: crash when a new user try to edit its "my page" layout
  4311. == 2007-01-03 v0.4.1
  4312. * fixed: emails have no recipient when one of the project members has notifications disabled
  4313. == 2007-01-02 v0.4.0
  4314. * simple SVN browser added (just needs svn binaries in PATH)
  4315. * comments can now be added on news
  4316. * "my page" is now customizable
  4317. * more powerfull and savable filters for issues lists
  4318. * improved issues change history
  4319. * new functionality: move an issue to another project or tracker
  4320. * new functionality: add a note to an issue
  4321. * new report: project activity
  4322. * "start date" and "% done" fields added on issues
  4323. * project calendar added
  4324. * gantt chart added (exportable to pdf)
  4325. * single/multiple issues pdf export added
  4326. * issues reports improvements
  4327. * multiple file upload for issues, documents and files
  4328. * option to set maximum size of uploaded files
  4329. * textile formating of issue and news descritions (RedCloth required)
  4330. * integration of DotClear jstoolbar for textile formatting
  4331. * calendar date picker for date fields (LGPL DHTML Calendar
  4332. * new filter in issues list: Author
  4333. * ajaxified paginators
  4334. * news rss feed added
  4335. * option to set number of results per page on issues list
  4336. * localized csv separator (comma/semicolon)
  4337. * csv output encoded to ISO-8859-1
  4338. * user custom field displayed on account/show
  4339. * default configuration improved (default roles, trackers, status, permissions and workflows)
  4340. * language for default configuration data can now be chosen when running 'load_default_data' task
  4341. * javascript added on custom field form to show/hide fields according to the format of custom field
  4342. * fixed: custom fields not in csv exports
  4343. * fixed: project settings now displayed according to user's permissions
  4344. * fixed: application error when no version is selected on projects/add_file
  4345. * fixed: public actions not authorized for members of non public projects
  4346. * fixed: non public projects were shown on welcome screen even if current user is not a member
  4347. == 2006-10-08 v0.3.0
  4348. * user authentication against multiple LDAP (optional)
  4349. * token based "lost password" functionality
  4350. * user self-registration functionality (optional)
  4351. * custom fields now available for issues, users and projects
  4352. * new custom field format "text" (displayed as a textarea field)
  4353. * project & administration drop down menus in navigation bar for quicker access
  4354. * text formatting is preserved for long text fields (issues, projects and news descriptions)
  4355. * urls and emails are turned into clickable links in long text fields
  4356. * "due date" field added on issues
  4357. * tracker selection filter added on change log
  4358. * Localization plugin replaced with GLoc 1.1.0 (iconv required)
  4359. * error messages internationalization
  4360. * german translation added (thanks to Karim Trott)
  4361. * data locking for issues to prevent update conflicts (using ActiveRecord builtin optimistic locking)
  4362. * new filter in issues list: "Fixed version"
  4363. * active filters are displayed with colored background on issues list
  4364. * custom configuration is now defined in config/config_custom.rb
  4365. * user object no more stored in session (only user_id)
  4366. * news summary field is no longer required
  4367. * tables and forms redesign
  4368. * Fixed: boolean custom field not working
  4369. * Fixed: error messages for custom fields are not displayed
  4370. * Fixed: invalid custom fields should have a red border
  4371. * Fixed: custom fields values are not validated on issue update
  4372. * Fixed: unable to choose an empty value for 'List' custom fields
  4373. * Fixed: no issue categories sorting
  4374. * Fixed: incorrect versions sorting
  4375. == 2006-07-12 - v0.2.2
  4376. * Fixed: bug in "issues list"
  4377. == 2006-07-09 - v0.2.1
  4378. * new databases supported: Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server
  4379. * projects/subprojects hierarchy (1 level of subprojects only)
  4380. * environment information display in admin/info
  4381. * more filter options in issues list (rev6)
  4382. * default language based on browser settings (Accept-Language HTTP header)
  4383. * issues list exportable to CSV (rev6)
  4384. * simple_format and auto_link on long text fields
  4385. * more data validations
  4386. * Fixed: error when all mail notifications are unchecked in admin/mail_options
  4387. * Fixed: all project news are displayed on project summary
  4388. * Fixed: Can't change user password in users/edit
  4389. * Fixed: Error on tables creation with PostgreSQL (rev5)
  4390. * Fixed: SQL error in "issue reports" view with PostgreSQL (rev5)
  4391. == 2006-06-25 - v0.1.0
  4392. * multiple users/multiple projects
  4393. * role based access control
  4394. * issue tracking system
  4395. * fully customizable workflow
  4396. * documents/files repository
  4397. * email notifications on issue creation and update
  4398. * multilanguage support (except for error messages):english, french, spanish
  4399. * online manual in french (unfinished)