You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

_report_criteria.html.erb 999B

  1. <% @report.hours.collect {|h| h[criterias[level]].to_s}.uniq.each do |value| %>
  2. <% hours_for_value = select_hours(hours, criterias[level], value) -%>
  3. <% next if hours_for_value.empty? -%>
  4. <tr class="<%= criterias.length > level+1 ? 'subtotal' : 'last-level' %>">
  5. <%= ("<td></td>" * level).html_safe %>
  6. <td class="name"><%= format_criteria_value(@report.available_criteria[criterias[level]], value) %></td>
  7. <%= ("<td></td>" * (criterias.length - level - 1)).html_safe -%>
  8. <% total = 0 -%>
  9. <% @report.periods.each do |period| -%>
  10. <% sum = sum_hours(select_hours(hours_for_value, @report.columns, period.to_s)); total += sum -%>
  11. <td class="hours"><%= html_hours(format_hours(sum)) if sum > 0 %></td>
  12. <% end -%>
  13. <td class="hours"><%= html_hours(format_hours(total)) if total > 0 %></td>
  14. </tr>
  15. <% if criterias.length > level+1 -%>
  16. <%= render(:partial => 'report_criteria', :locals => {:criterias => criterias, :hours => hours_for_value, :level => (level + 1)}) %>
  17. <% end -%>
  18. <% end %>