You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

sr-YU.yml 65KB

  1. # Serbian translations for Redmine
  2. # by Vladimir Medarović (
  3. sr-YU:
  4. direction: ltr
  5. jquery:
  6. locale: "sr"
  7. date:
  8. formats:
  9. # Use the strftime parameters for formats.
  10. # When no format has been given, it uses default.
  11. # You can provide other formats here if you like!
  12. default: "%d.%m.%Y."
  13. short: "%e %b"
  14. long: "%B %e, %Y"
  15. day_names: [nedelja, ponedeljak, utorak, sreda, četvrtak, petak, subota]
  16. abbr_day_names: [ned, pon, uto, sre, čet, pet, sub]
  17. # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
  18. month_names: [~, januar, februar, mart, april, maj, jun, jul, avgust, septembar, oktobar, novembar, decembar]
  19. abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, maj, jun, jul, avg, sep, okt, nov, dec]
  20. # Used in date_select and datime_select.
  21. order:
  22. - :day
  23. - :month
  24. - :year
  25. time:
  26. formats:
  27. default: "%d.%m.%Y. u %H:%M"
  28. time: "%H:%M"
  29. short: "%d. %b u %H:%M"
  30. long: "%d. %B %Y u %H:%M"
  31. am: "am"
  32. pm: "pm"
  33. datetime:
  34. distance_in_words:
  35. half_a_minute: "pola minuta"
  36. less_than_x_seconds:
  37. one: "manje od jedne sekunde"
  38. other: "manje od %{count} sek."
  39. x_seconds:
  40. one: "jedna sekunda"
  41. other: "%{count} sek."
  42. less_than_x_minutes:
  43. one: "manje od minuta"
  44. other: "manje od %{count} min."
  45. x_minutes:
  46. one: "jedan minut"
  47. other: "%{count} min."
  48. about_x_hours:
  49. one: "približno jedan sat"
  50. other: "približno %{count} sati"
  51. x_hours:
  52. one: "1 sat"
  53. other: "%{count} sati"
  54. x_days:
  55. one: "jedan dan"
  56. other: "%{count} dana"
  57. about_x_months:
  58. one: "približno jedan mesec"
  59. other: "približno %{count} meseci"
  60. x_months:
  61. one: "jedan mesec"
  62. other: "%{count} meseci"
  63. about_x_years:
  64. one: "približno godinu dana"
  65. other: "približno %{count} god."
  66. over_x_years:
  67. one: "preko godinu dana"
  68. other: "preko %{count} god."
  69. almost_x_years:
  70. one: "skoro godinu dana"
  71. other: "skoro %{count} god."
  72. number:
  73. format:
  74. separator: ","
  75. delimiter: ""
  76. precision: 3
  77. human:
  78. format:
  79. delimiter: ""
  80. precision: 3
  81. storage_units:
  82. format: "%n %u"
  83. units:
  84. byte:
  85. one: "Byte"
  86. other: "Bytes"
  87. kb: "KB"
  88. mb: "MB"
  89. gb: "GB"
  90. tb: "TB"
  91. # Used in array.to_sentence.
  92. support:
  93. array:
  94. sentence_connector: "i"
  95. skip_last_comma: false
  96. activerecord:
  97. errors:
  98. template:
  99. header:
  100. one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
  101. other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
  102. messages:
  103. inclusion: "nije uključen u spisak"
  104. exclusion: "je rezervisan"
  105. invalid: "je neispravan"
  106. confirmation: "potvrda ne odgovara"
  107. accepted: "mora biti prihvaćen"
  108. empty: "ne može biti prazno"
  109. blank: "ne može biti prazno"
  110. too_long: "je predugačka (maksimum znakova je %{count})"
  111. too_short: "je prekratka (minimum znakova je %{count})"
  112. wrong_length: "je pogrešne dužine (broj znakova mora biti %{count})"
  113. taken: "je već u upotrebi"
  114. not_a_number: "nije broj"
  115. not_a_date: "nije ispravan datum"
  116. greater_than: "mora biti veći od %{count}"
  117. greater_than_or_equal_to: "mora biti veći ili jednak %{count}"
  118. equal_to: "mora biti jednak %{count}"
  119. less_than: "mora biti manji od %{count}"
  120. less_than_or_equal_to: "mora biti manji ili jednak %{count}"
  121. odd: "mora biti paran"
  122. even: "mora biti neparan"
  123. greater_than_start_date: "mora biti veći od početnog datuma"
  124. not_same_project: "ne pripada istom projektu"
  125. circular_dependency: "Ova veza će stvoriti kružnu referencu"
  126. cant_link_an_issue_with_a_descendant: "Problem ne može biti povezan sa jednim od svojih podzadataka"
  127. earlier_than_minimum_start_date: "cannot be earlier than %{date} because of preceding issues"
  128. not_a_regexp: "is not a valid regular expression"
  129. open_issue_with_closed_parent: "An open issue cannot be attached to a closed parent task"
  130. must_contain_uppercase: "must contain uppercase letters (A-Z)"
  131. must_contain_lowercase: "must contain lowercase letters (a-z)"
  132. must_contain_digits: "must contain digits (0-9)"
  133. must_contain_special_chars: "must contain special characters (!, $, %, ...)"
  134. actionview_instancetag_blank_option: Molim odaberite
  135. general_text_No: 'Ne'
  136. general_text_Yes: 'Da'
  137. general_text_no: 'ne'
  138. general_text_yes: 'da'
  139. general_lang_name: 'Serbian (Srpski)'
  140. general_csv_separator: ','
  141. general_csv_decimal_separator: '.'
  142. general_csv_encoding: UTF-8
  143. general_pdf_fontname: freesans
  144. general_pdf_monospaced_fontname: freemono
  145. general_first_day_of_week: '1'
  146. notice_account_updated: Nalog je uspešno ažuriran.
  147. notice_account_invalid_credentials: Neispravno korisničko ime ili lozinka.
  148. notice_account_password_updated: Lozinka je uspešno ažurirana.
  149. notice_account_wrong_password: Pogrešna lozinka
  150. notice_account_register_done: Korisnički nalog je uspešno kreiran. Kliknite na link koji ste dobili u e-poruci za aktivaciju.
  151. notice_account_unknown_email: Nepoznat korisnik.
  152. notice_can_t_change_password: Ovaj korisnički nalog za potvrdu identiteta koristi spoljni izvor. Nemoguće je promeniti lozinku.
  153. notice_account_lost_email_sent: Poslata vam je e-poruka sa uputstvom za izbor nove lozinke
  154. notice_account_activated: Vaš korisnički nalog je aktiviran. Sada se možete prijaviti.
  155. notice_successful_create: Uspešno kreiranje.
  156. notice_successful_update: Uspešno ažuriranje.
  157. notice_successful_delete: Uspešno brisanje.
  158. notice_successful_connection: Uspešno povezivanje.
  159. notice_file_not_found: Strana kojoj želite pristupiti ne postoji ili je uklonjena.
  160. notice_locking_conflict: Podatak je ažuriran od strane drugog korisnika.
  161. notice_not_authorized: Niste ovlašćeni za pristup ovoj strani.
  162. notice_email_sent: "E-poruka je poslata na %{value}"
  163. notice_email_error: "Dogodila se greška prilikom slanja e-poruke (%{value})"
  164. notice_feeds_access_key_reseted: Vaš Atom pristupni ključ je poništen.
  165. notice_api_access_key_reseted: Vaš API pristupni ključ je poništen.
  166. notice_failed_to_save_issues: "Neuspešno snimanje %{count} problema od %{total} odabranih: %{ids}."
  167. notice_failed_to_save_members: "Neuspešno snimanje člana(ova): %{errors}."
  168. notice_account_pending: "Vaš nalog je kreiran i čeka na odobrenje administratora."
  169. notice_default_data_loaded: Podrazumevano konfigurisanje je uspešno učitano.
  170. notice_unable_delete_version: Verziju je nemoguće izbrisati.
  171. notice_unable_delete_time_entry: Stavku evidencije vremena je nemoguće izbrisati.
  172. notice_issue_done_ratios_updated: Odnos rešenih problema je ažuriran.
  173. error_can_t_load_default_data: "Podrazumevano konfigurisanje je nemoguće učitati: %{value}"
  174. error_scm_not_found: "Stavka ili ispravka nisu pronađene u spremištu."
  175. error_scm_command_failed: "Greška se javila prilikom pokušaja pristupa spremištu: %{value}"
  176. error_scm_annotate: "Stavka ne postoji ili ne može biti označena."
  177. error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'Problem nije pronađen ili ne pripada ovom projektu.'
  178. error_no_tracker_in_project: 'Ni jedno praćenje nije povezano sa ovim projektom. Molimo proverite podešavanja projekta.'
  179. error_no_default_issue_status: 'Podrazumevani status problema nije definisan. Molimo proverite vaše konfigurisanje (idite na "Administracija -> Statusi problema").'
  180. error_can_not_delete_custom_field: Nemoguće je izbrisati prilagođeno polje
  181. error_can_not_delete_tracker: "Ovo praćenje sadrži probleme i ne može biti obrisano."
  182. error_can_not_remove_role: "Ova uloga je u upotrebi i ne može biti obrisana."
  183. error_can_not_reopen_issue_on_closed_version: 'Problem dodeljen zatvorenoj verziji ne može biti ponovo otvoren'
  184. error_can_not_archive_project: Ovaj projekat se ne može arhivirati
  185. error_issue_done_ratios_not_updated: "Odnos rešenih problema nije ažuriran."
  186. error_workflow_copy_source: 'Molimo odaberite izvorno praćenje ili ulogu'
  187. error_workflow_copy_target: 'Molimo odaberite odredišno praćenje i ulogu'
  188. error_unable_delete_issue_status: 'Status problema je nemoguće obrisati (%{value})'
  189. error_unable_to_connect: "Povezivanje sa (%{value}) je nemoguće"
  190. warning_attachments_not_saved: "%{count} datoteka ne može biti snimljena."
  191. mail_subject_lost_password: "Vaša %{value} lozinka"
  192. mail_body_lost_password: 'Za promenu vaše lozinke, kliknite na sledeći link:'
  193. mail_subject_register: "Aktivacija vašeg %{value} naloga"
  194. mail_body_register: 'Za aktivaciju vašeg naloga, kliknite na sledeći link:'
  195. mail_body_account_information_external: "Vaš nalog %{value} možete koristiti za prijavu."
  196. mail_body_account_information: Informacije o vašem nalogu
  197. mail_subject_account_activation_request: "Zahtev za aktivaciju naloga %{value}"
  198. mail_body_account_activation_request: "Novi korisnik (%{value}) je registrovan. Nalog čeka na vaše odobrenje:"
  199. mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} problema dospeva narednih %{days} dana"
  200. mail_body_reminder: "%{count} problema dodeljenih vama dospeva u narednih %{days} dana:"
  201. mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "Wiki stranica '%{id}' je dodata"
  202. mail_body_wiki_content_added: "%{author} je dodao wiki stranicu '%{id}'."
  203. mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "Wiki stranica '%{id}' je ažurirana"
  204. mail_body_wiki_content_updated: "%{author} je ažurirao wiki stranicu '%{id}'."
  205. field_name: Naziv
  206. field_description: Opis
  207. field_summary: Rezime
  208. field_is_required: Obavezno
  209. field_firstname: Ime
  210. field_lastname: Prezime
  211. field_mail: E-adresa
  212. field_filename: Datoteka
  213. field_filesize: Veličina
  214. field_downloads: Preuzimanja
  215. field_author: Autor
  216. field_created_on: Kreirano
  217. field_updated_on: Ažurirano
  218. field_field_format: Format
  219. field_is_for_all: Za sve projekte
  220. field_possible_values: Moguće vrednosti
  221. field_regexp: Regularan izraz
  222. field_min_length: Minimalna dužina
  223. field_max_length: Maksimalna dužina
  224. field_value: Vrednost
  225. field_category: Kategorija
  226. field_title: Naslov
  227. field_project: Projekat
  228. field_issue: Problem
  229. field_status: Status
  230. field_notes: Beleške
  231. field_is_closed: Zatvoren problem
  232. field_is_default: Podrazumevana vrednost
  233. field_tracker: Praćenje
  234. field_subject: Predmet
  235. field_due_date: Krajnji rok
  236. field_assigned_to: Dodeljeno
  237. field_priority: Prioritet
  238. field_fixed_version: Odredišna verzija
  239. field_user: Korisnik
  240. field_principal: Glavni
  241. field_role: Uloga
  242. field_homepage: Početna stranica
  243. field_is_public: Javno objavljivanje
  244. field_parent: Potprojekat od
  245. field_is_in_roadmap: Problemi prikazani u planu rada
  246. field_login: Korisničko ime
  247. field_mail_notification: Obaveštenja putem e-pošte
  248. field_admin: Administrator
  249. field_last_login_on: Poslednje povezivanje
  250. field_language: Jezik
  251. field_effective_date: Datum
  252. field_password: Lozinka
  253. field_new_password: Nova lozinka
  254. field_password_confirmation: Potvrda lozinke
  255. field_version: Verzija
  256. field_type: Tip
  257. field_host: Glavni računar
  258. field_port: Port
  259. field_account: Korisnički nalog
  260. field_base_dn: Bazni DN
  261. field_attr_login: Atribut prijavljivanja
  262. field_attr_firstname: Atribut imena
  263. field_attr_lastname: Atribut prezimena
  264. field_attr_mail: Atribut e-adrese
  265. field_onthefly: Kreiranje korisnika u toku rada
  266. field_start_date: Početak
  267. field_done_ratio: "% urađeno"
  268. field_auth_source: Režim potvrde identiteta
  269. field_hide_mail: Sakrij moju e-adresu
  270. field_comments: Komentar
  271. field_url: URL
  272. field_start_page: Početna stranica
  273. field_subproject: Potprojekat
  274. field_hours: sati
  275. field_activity: Aktivnost
  276. field_spent_on: Datum
  277. field_identifier: Identifikator
  278. field_is_filter: Upotrebi kao filter
  279. field_issue_to: Srodni problemi
  280. field_delay: Kašnjenje
  281. field_assignable: Problem može biti dodeljen ovoj ulozi
  282. field_redirect_existing_links: Preusmeri postojeće veze
  283. field_estimated_hours: Procenjeno vreme
  284. field_column_names: Kolone
  285. field_time_zone: Vremenska zona
  286. field_searchable: Može da se pretražuje
  287. field_default_value: Podrazumevana vrednost
  288. field_comments_sorting: Prikaži komentare
  289. field_parent_title: Matična stranica
  290. field_editable: Izmenljivo
  291. field_watcher: Posmatrač
  292. field_identity_url: OpenID URL
  293. field_content: Sadržaj
  294. field_group_by: Grupisanje rezultata po
  295. field_sharing: Deljenje
  296. field_parent_issue: Matični zadatak
  297. setting_app_title: Naslov aplikacije
  298. setting_welcome_text: Tekst dobrodošlice
  299. setting_default_language: Podrazumevani jezik
  300. setting_login_required: Obavezna potvrda identiteta
  301. setting_self_registration: Samoregistracija
  302. setting_attachment_max_size: Maks. veličina priložene datoteke
  303. setting_issues_export_limit: Ograničenje izvoza „problema“
  304. setting_mail_from: E-adresa pošiljaoca
  305. setting_bcc_recipients: Primaoci „Bcc“ kopije
  306. setting_plain_text_mail: Poruka sa čistim tekstom (bez HTML-a)
  307. setting_host_name: Putanja i naziv glavnog računara
  308. setting_text_formatting: Oblikovanje teksta
  309. setting_wiki_compression: Kompresija Wiki istorije
  310. setting_feeds_limit: Ograničenje sadržaja izvora vesti
  311. setting_default_projects_public: Podrazumeva se javno prikazivanje novih projekata
  312. setting_autofetch_changesets: Izvršavanje automatskog preuzimanja
  313. setting_sys_api_enabled: Omogućavanje WS za upravljanje spremištem
  314. setting_commit_ref_keywords: Referenciranje ključnih reči
  315. setting_commit_fix_keywords: Popravljanje ključnih reči
  316. setting_autologin: Automatska prijava
  317. setting_date_format: Format datuma
  318. setting_time_format: Format vremena
  319. setting_cross_project_issue_relations: Dozvoli povezivanje problema iz unakrsnih projekata
  320. setting_issue_list_default_columns: Podrazumevane kolone prikazane na spisku problema
  321. setting_emails_footer: Podnožje stranice e-poruke
  322. setting_protocol: Protokol
  323. setting_per_page_options: Opcije prikaza objekata po stranici
  324. setting_user_format: Format prikaza korisnika
  325. setting_activity_days_default: Broj dana prikazanih na projektnoj aktivnosti
  326. setting_display_subprojects_issues: Prikazuj probleme iz potprojekata na glavnom projektu, ukoliko nije drugačije navedeno
  327. setting_enabled_scm: Omogućavanje SCM
  328. setting_mail_handler_body_delimiters: "Skraćivanje e-poruke nakon jedne od ovih linija"
  329. setting_mail_handler_api_enabled: Omogućavanje WS dolazne e-poruke
  330. setting_mail_handler_api_key: API ključ
  331. setting_sequential_project_identifiers: Generisanje sekvencijalnog imena projekta
  332. setting_gravatar_enabled: Koristi Gravatar korisničke ikone
  333. setting_gravatar_default: Podrazumevana Gravatar slika
  334. setting_diff_max_lines_displayed: Maks. broj prikazanih različitih linija
  335. setting_file_max_size_displayed: Maks. veličina tekst. datoteka prikazanih umetnuto
  336. setting_repository_log_display_limit: Maks. broj revizija prikazanih u datoteci za evidenciju
  337. setting_openid: Dozvoli OpenID prijavu i registraciju
  338. setting_password_min_length: Minimalna dužina lozinke
  339. setting_new_project_user_role_id: Kreatoru projekta (koji nije administrator) dodeljuje je uloga
  340. setting_default_projects_modules: Podrazumevano omogućeni moduli za nove projekte
  341. setting_issue_done_ratio: Izračunaj odnos rešenih problema
  342. setting_issue_done_ratio_issue_field: koristeći polje problema
  343. setting_issue_done_ratio_issue_status: koristeći status problema
  344. setting_start_of_week: Prvi dan u sedmici
  345. setting_rest_api_enabled: Omogući REST web usluge
  346. setting_cache_formatted_text: Keširanje obrađenog teksta
  347. permission_add_project: Kreiranje projekta
  348. permission_add_subprojects: Kreiranje potpojekta
  349. permission_edit_project: Izmena projekata
  350. permission_select_project_modules: Odabiranje modula projekta
  351. permission_manage_members: Upravljanje članovima
  352. permission_manage_project_activities: Upravljanje projektnim aktivnostima
  353. permission_manage_versions: Upravljanje verzijama
  354. permission_manage_categories: Upravljanje kategorijama problema
  355. permission_view_issues: Pregled problema
  356. permission_add_issues: Dodavanje problema
  357. permission_edit_issues: Izmena problema
  358. permission_manage_issue_relations: Upravljanje vezama između problema
  359. permission_add_issue_notes: Dodavanje beleški
  360. permission_edit_issue_notes: Izmena beleški
  361. permission_edit_own_issue_notes: Izmena sopstvenih beleški
  362. permission_delete_issues: Brisanje problema
  363. permission_manage_public_queries: Upravljanje javnim upitima
  364. permission_save_queries: Snimanje upita
  365. permission_view_gantt: Pregledanje Gantovog dijagrama
  366. permission_view_calendar: Pregledanje kalendara
  367. permission_view_issue_watchers: Pregledanje spiska posmatrača
  368. permission_add_issue_watchers: Dodavanje posmatrača
  369. permission_delete_issue_watchers: Brisanje posmatrača
  370. permission_log_time: Beleženje utrošenog vremena
  371. permission_view_time_entries: Pregledanje utrošenog vremena
  372. permission_edit_time_entries: Izmena utrošenog vremena
  373. permission_edit_own_time_entries: Izmena sopstvenog utrošenog vremena
  374. permission_manage_news: Upravljanje vestima
  375. permission_comment_news: Komentarisanje vesti
  376. permission_view_documents: Pregledanje dokumenata
  377. permission_manage_files: Upravljanje datotekama
  378. permission_view_files: Pregledanje datoteka
  379. permission_manage_wiki: Upravljanje wiki stranicama
  380. permission_rename_wiki_pages: Promena imena wiki stranicama
  381. permission_delete_wiki_pages: Brisanje wiki stranica
  382. permission_view_wiki_pages: Pregledanje wiki stranica
  383. permission_view_wiki_edits: Pregledanje wiki istorije
  384. permission_edit_wiki_pages: Izmena wiki stranica
  385. permission_delete_wiki_pages_attachments: Brisanje priloženih datoteka
  386. permission_protect_wiki_pages: Zaštita wiki stranica
  387. permission_manage_repository: Upravljanje spremištem
  388. permission_browse_repository: Pregledanje spremišta
  389. permission_view_changesets: Pregledanje skupa promena
  390. permission_commit_access: Potvrda pristupa
  391. permission_manage_boards: Upravljanje forumima
  392. permission_view_messages: Pregledanje poruka
  393. permission_add_messages: Slanje poruka
  394. permission_edit_messages: Izmena poruka
  395. permission_edit_own_messages: Izmena sopstvenih poruka
  396. permission_delete_messages: Brisanje poruka
  397. permission_delete_own_messages: Brisanje sopstvenih poruka
  398. permission_export_wiki_pages: Izvoz wiki stranica
  399. permission_manage_subtasks: Upravljanje podzadacima
  400. project_module_issue_tracking: Praćenje problema
  401. project_module_time_tracking: Praćenje vremena
  402. project_module_news: Vesti
  403. project_module_documents: Dokumenti
  404. project_module_files: Datoteke
  405. project_module_wiki: Wiki
  406. project_module_repository: Spremište
  407. project_module_boards: Forumi
  408. label_user: Korisnik
  409. label_user_plural: Korisnici
  410. label_user_new: Novi korisnik
  411. label_user_anonymous: Anoniman
  412. label_project: Projekat
  413. label_project_new: Novi projekat
  414. label_project_plural: Projekti
  415. label_x_projects:
  416. zero: nema projekata
  417. one: jedan projekat
  418. other: "%{count} projekata"
  419. label_project_all: Svi projekti
  420. label_project_latest: Poslednji projekti
  421. label_issue: Problem
  422. label_issue_new: Novi problem
  423. label_issue_plural: Problemi
  424. label_issue_view_all: Prikaz svih problema
  425. label_issues_by: "Problemi (%{value})"
  426. label_issue_added: Problem je dodat
  427. label_issue_updated: Problem je ažuriran
  428. label_document: Dokument
  429. label_document_new: Novi dokument
  430. label_document_plural: Dokumenti
  431. label_document_added: Dokument je dodat
  432. label_role: Uloga
  433. label_role_plural: Uloge
  434. label_role_new: Nova uloga
  435. label_role_and_permissions: Uloge i dozvole
  436. label_member: Član
  437. label_member_new: Novi član
  438. label_member_plural: Članovi
  439. label_tracker: Praćenje
  440. label_tracker_plural: Praćenja
  441. label_tracker_new: Novo praćenje
  442. label_workflow: Tok posla
  443. label_issue_status: Status problema
  444. label_issue_status_plural: Statusi problema
  445. label_issue_status_new: Novi status
  446. label_issue_category: Kategorija problema
  447. label_issue_category_plural: Kategorije problema
  448. label_issue_category_new: Nova kategorija
  449. label_custom_field: Prilagođeno polje
  450. label_custom_field_plural: Prilagođena polja
  451. label_custom_field_new: Novo prilagođeno polje
  452. label_enumerations: Nabrojiva lista
  453. label_enumeration_new: Nova vrednost
  454. label_information: Informacija
  455. label_information_plural: Informacije
  456. label_register: Registracija
  457. label_login_with_open_id_option: ili prijava sa OpenID
  458. label_password_lost: Izgubljena lozinka
  459. label_home: Početak
  460. label_my_page: Moja stranica
  461. label_my_account: Moj nalog
  462. label_my_projects: Moji projekti
  463. label_administration: Administracija
  464. label_login: Prijava
  465. label_logout: Odjava
  466. label_help: Pomoć
  467. label_reported_issues: Prijavljeni problemi
  468. label_assigned_to_me_issues: Problemi dodeljeni meni
  469. label_last_login: Poslednje povezivanje
  470. label_registered_on: Registrovan
  471. label_activity: Aktivnost
  472. label_user_activity: "Aktivnost korisnika %{value}"
  473. label_new: Novo
  474. label_logged_as: Prijavljeni ste kao
  475. label_environment: Okruženje
  476. label_authentication: Potvrda identiteta
  477. label_auth_source: Režim potvrde identiteta
  478. label_auth_source_new: Novi režim potvrde identiteta
  479. label_auth_source_plural: Režimi potvrde identiteta
  480. label_subproject_plural: Potprojekti
  481. label_subproject_new: Novi potprojekat
  482. label_and_its_subprojects: "%{value} i njegovi potprojekti"
  483. label_min_max_length: Min. - Maks. dužina
  484. label_list: Spisak
  485. label_date: Datum
  486. label_integer: Ceo broj
  487. label_float: Sa pokretnim zarezom
  488. label_boolean: Logički operator
  489. label_string: Tekst
  490. label_text: Dugi tekst
  491. label_attribute: Osobina
  492. label_attribute_plural: Osobine
  493. label_no_data: Nema podataka za prikazivanje
  494. label_change_status: Promena statusa
  495. label_history: Istorija
  496. label_attachment: Datoteka
  497. label_attachment_new: Nova datoteka
  498. label_attachment_delete: Brisanje datoteke
  499. label_attachment_plural: Datoteke
  500. label_file_added: Datoteka je dodata
  501. label_report: Izveštaj
  502. label_report_plural: Izveštaji
  503. label_news: Vesti
  504. label_news_new: Dodavanje vesti
  505. label_news_plural: Vesti
  506. label_news_latest: Poslednje vesti
  507. label_news_view_all: Prikaz svih vesti
  508. label_news_added: Vesti su dodate
  509. label_settings: Podešavanja
  510. label_overview: Pregled
  511. label_version: Verzija
  512. label_version_new: Nova verzija
  513. label_version_plural: Verzije
  514. label_close_versions: Zatvori završene verzije
  515. label_confirmation: Potvrda
  516. label_export_to: 'Takođe dostupno i u varijanti:'
  517. label_read: Čitanje...
  518. label_public_projects: Javni projekti
  519. label_open_issues: otvoren
  520. label_open_issues_plural: otvorenih
  521. label_closed_issues: zatvoren
  522. label_closed_issues_plural: zatvorenih
  523. label_x_open_issues_abbr:
  524. zero: 0 otvorenih
  525. one: 1 otvoren
  526. other: "%{count} otvorenih"
  527. label_x_closed_issues_abbr:
  528. zero: 0 zatvorenih
  529. one: 1 zatvoren
  530. other: "%{count} zatvorenih"
  531. label_total: Ukupno
  532. label_permissions: Dozvole
  533. label_current_status: Trenutni status
  534. label_new_statuses_allowed: Novi statusi dozvoljeni
  535. label_all: svi
  536. label_none: nijedan
  537. label_nobody: nikome
  538. label_next: Sledeće
  539. label_previous: Prethodno
  540. label_used_by: Koristio
  541. label_details: Detalji
  542. label_add_note: Dodaj belešku
  543. label_calendar: Kalendar
  544. label_months_from: meseci od
  545. label_gantt: Gantov dijagram
  546. label_internal: Unutrašnji
  547. label_last_changes: "poslednjih %{count} promena"
  548. label_change_view_all: Prikaži sve promene
  549. label_comment: Komentar
  550. label_comment_plural: Komentari
  551. label_x_comments:
  552. zero: bez komentara
  553. one: jedan komentar
  554. other: "%{count} komentara"
  555. label_comment_add: Dodaj komentar
  556. label_comment_added: Komentar dodat
  557. label_comment_delete: Obriši komentare
  558. label_query: Prilagođen upit
  559. label_query_plural: Prilagođeni upiti
  560. label_query_new: Novi upit
  561. label_filter_add: Dodavanje filtera
  562. label_filter_plural: Filteri
  563. label_equals: je
  564. label_not_equals: nije
  565. label_in_less_than: manje od
  566. label_in_more_than: više od
  567. label_greater_or_equal: '>='
  568. label_less_or_equal: '<='
  569. label_in: u
  570. label_today: danas
  571. label_yesterday: juče
  572. label_this_week: ove sedmice
  573. label_last_week: poslednje sedmice
  574. label_last_n_days: "poslednjih %{count} dana"
  575. label_this_month: ovog meseca
  576. label_last_month: poslednjeg meseca
  577. label_this_year: ove godine
  578. label_date_range: Vremenski period
  579. label_less_than_ago: pre manje od nekoliko dana
  580. label_more_than_ago: pre više od nekoliko dana
  581. label_ago: pre nekoliko dana
  582. label_contains: sadrži
  583. label_not_contains: ne sadrži
  584. label_day_plural: dana
  585. label_repository: Spremište
  586. label_repository_plural: Spremišta
  587. label_browse: Pregledanje
  588. label_branch: Grana
  589. label_tag: Oznaka
  590. label_revision: Revizija
  591. label_revision_plural: Revizije
  592. label_revision_id: "Revizija %{value}"
  593. label_associated_revisions: Pridružene revizije
  594. label_added: dodato
  595. label_modified: promenjeno
  596. label_copied: kopirano
  597. label_renamed: preimenovano
  598. label_deleted: izbrisano
  599. label_latest_revision: Poslednja revizija
  600. label_latest_revision_plural: Poslednje revizije
  601. label_view_revisions: Pregled revizija
  602. label_view_all_revisions: Pregled svih revizija
  603. label_max_size: Maksimalna veličina
  604. label_sort_highest: Premeštanje na vrh
  605. label_sort_higher: Premeštanje na gore
  606. label_sort_lower: Premeštanje na dole
  607. label_sort_lowest: Premeštanje na dno
  608. label_roadmap: Plan rada
  609. label_roadmap_due_in: "Dospeva %{value}"
  610. label_roadmap_overdue: "%{value} najkasnije"
  611. label_roadmap_no_issues: Nema problema za ovu verziju
  612. label_search: Pretraga
  613. label_result_plural: Rezultati
  614. label_all_words: Sve reči
  615. label_wiki: Wiki
  616. label_wiki_edit: Wiki izmena
  617. label_wiki_edit_plural: Wiki izmene
  618. label_wiki_page: Wiki stranica
  619. label_wiki_page_plural: Wiki stranice
  620. label_index_by_title: Indeksiranje po naslovu
  621. label_index_by_date: Indeksiranje po datumu
  622. label_current_version: Trenutna verzija
  623. label_preview: Pregled
  624. label_feed_plural: Izvori vesti
  625. label_changes_details: Detalji svih promena
  626. label_issue_tracking: Praćenje problema
  627. label_spent_time: Utrošeno vreme
  628. label_f_hour: "%{value} sat"
  629. label_f_hour_plural: "%{value} sati"
  630. label_time_tracking: Praćenje vremena
  631. label_change_plural: Promene
  632. label_statistics: Statistika
  633. label_commits_per_month: Izvršenja mesečno
  634. label_commits_per_author: Izvršenja po autoru
  635. label_view_diff: Pogledaj razlike
  636. label_diff_inline: unutra
  637. label_diff_side_by_side: uporedo
  638. label_options: Opcije
  639. label_copy_workflow_from: Kopiranje toka posla od
  640. label_permissions_report: Izveštaj o dozvolama
  641. label_watched_issues: Posmatrani problemi
  642. label_related_issues: Srodni problemi
  643. label_applied_status: Primenjeni statusi
  644. label_loading: Učitavanje...
  645. label_relation_new: Nova relacija
  646. label_relation_delete: Brisanje relacije
  647. label_relates_to: srodnih sa
  648. label_duplicates: dupliranih
  649. label_duplicated_by: dupliranih od
  650. label_blocks: odbijenih
  651. label_blocked_by: odbijenih od
  652. label_precedes: prethodi
  653. label_follows: praćenih
  654. label_stay_logged_in: Ostanite prijavljeni
  655. label_disabled: onemogućeno
  656. label_show_completed_versions: Prikazivanje završene verzije
  657. label_me: meni
  658. label_board: Forum
  659. label_board_new: Novi forum
  660. label_board_plural: Forumi
  661. label_board_locked: Zaključana
  662. label_board_sticky: Lepljiva
  663. label_topic_plural: Teme
  664. label_message_plural: Poruke
  665. label_message_last: Poslednja poruka
  666. label_message_new: Nova poruka
  667. label_message_posted: Poruka je dodata
  668. label_reply_plural: Odgovori
  669. label_send_information: Pošalji korisniku detalje naloga
  670. label_year: Godina
  671. label_month: Mesec
  672. label_week: Sedmica
  673. label_date_from: Šalje
  674. label_date_to: Prima
  675. label_language_based: Bazirano na jeziku korisnika
  676. label_sort_by: "Sortirano po %{value}"
  677. label_send_test_email: Slanje probne e-poruke
  678. label_feeds_access_key: Atom pristupni ključ
  679. label_missing_feeds_access_key: Atom pristupni ključ nedostaje
  680. label_feeds_access_key_created_on: "Atom pristupni ključ je napravljen pre %{value}"
  681. label_module_plural: Moduli
  682. label_added_time_by: "Dodao %{author} pre %{age}"
  683. label_updated_time_by: "Ažurirao %{author} pre %{age}"
  684. label_updated_time: "Ažurirano pre %{value}"
  685. label_jump_to_a_project: Skok na projekat...
  686. label_file_plural: Datoteke
  687. label_changeset_plural: Skupovi promena
  688. label_default_columns: Podrazumevane kolone
  689. label_no_change_option: (Bez promena)
  690. label_bulk_edit_selected_issues: Grupna izmena odabranih problema
  691. label_theme: Tema
  692. label_default: Podrazumevano
  693. label_search_titles_only: Pretražuj samo naslove
  694. label_user_mail_option_all: "Za bilo koji događaj na svim mojim projektima"
  695. label_user_mail_option_selected: "Za bilo koji događaj na samo odabranim projektima..."
  696. label_user_mail_no_self_notified: "Ne želim biti obaveštavan za promene koje sam pravim"
  697. label_registration_activation_by_email: aktivacija naloga putem e-poruke
  698. label_registration_manual_activation: ručna aktivacija naloga
  699. label_registration_automatic_activation: automatska aktivacija naloga
  700. label_display_per_page: "Broj stavki po stranici: %{value}"
  701. label_age: Starost
  702. label_change_properties: Promeni svojstva
  703. label_general: Opšti
  704. label_scm: SCM
  705. label_plugins: Dodatne komponente
  706. label_ldap_authentication: LDAP potvrda identiteta
  707. label_downloads_abbr: D/L
  708. label_optional_description: Opciono opis
  709. label_add_another_file: Dodaj još jednu datoteku
  710. label_preferences: Podešavanja
  711. label_chronological_order: po hronološkom redosledu
  712. label_reverse_chronological_order: po obrnutom hronološkom redosledu
  713. label_incoming_emails: Dolazne e-poruke
  714. label_generate_key: Generisanje ključa
  715. label_issue_watchers: Posmatrači
  716. label_example: Primer
  717. label_display: Prikaz
  718. label_sort: Sortiranje
  719. label_ascending: Rastući niz
  720. label_descending: Opadajući niz
  721. label_date_from_to: Od %{start} do %{end}
  722. label_wiki_content_added: Wiki stranica je dodata
  723. label_wiki_content_updated: Wiki stranica je ažurirana
  724. label_group: Grupa
  725. label_group_plural: Grupe
  726. label_group_new: Nova grupa
  727. label_time_entry_plural: Utrošeno vreme
  728. label_version_sharing_none: Nije deljeno
  729. label_version_sharing_descendants: Sa potprojektima
  730. label_version_sharing_hierarchy: Sa hijerarhijom projekta
  731. label_version_sharing_tree: Sa stablom projekta
  732. label_version_sharing_system: Sa svim projektima
  733. label_update_issue_done_ratios: Ažuriraj odnos rešenih problema
  734. label_copy_source: Izvor
  735. label_copy_target: Odredište
  736. label_copy_same_as_target: Isto kao odredište
  737. label_display_used_statuses_only: Prikazuj statuse korišćene samo od strane ovog praćenja
  738. label_api_access_key: API pristupni ključ
  739. label_missing_api_access_key: Nedostaje API pristupni ključ
  740. label_api_access_key_created_on: "API pristupni ključ je kreiran pre %{value}"
  741. label_profile: Profil
  742. label_subtask_plural: Podzadatak
  743. label_project_copy_notifications: Pošalji e-poruku sa obaveštenjem prilikom kopiranja projekta
  744. button_login: Prijava
  745. button_submit: Pošalji
  746. button_save: Snimi
  747. button_check_all: Uključi sve
  748. button_uncheck_all: Isključi sve
  749. button_delete: Izbriši
  750. button_create: Kreiraj
  751. button_create_and_continue: Kreiraj i nastavi
  752. button_test: Test
  753. button_edit: Izmeni
  754. button_add: Dodaj
  755. button_change: Promeni
  756. button_apply: Primeni
  757. button_clear: Obriši
  758. button_lock: Zaključaj
  759. button_unlock: Otključaj
  760. button_download: Preuzmi
  761. button_list: Spisak
  762. button_view: Prikaži
  763. button_move: Pomeri
  764. button_move_and_follow: Pomeri i prati
  765. button_back: Nazad
  766. button_cancel: Poništi
  767. button_activate: Aktiviraj
  768. button_sort: Sortiraj
  769. button_log_time: Evidentiraj vreme
  770. button_rollback: Povratak na ovu verziju
  771. button_watch: Prati
  772. button_unwatch: Ne prati više
  773. button_reply: Odgovori
  774. button_archive: Arhiviraj
  775. button_unarchive: Vrati iz arhive
  776. button_reset: Poništi
  777. button_rename: Preimenuj
  778. button_change_password: Promeni lozinku
  779. button_copy: Kopiraj
  780. button_copy_and_follow: Kopiraj i prati
  781. button_annotate: Pribeleži
  782. button_update: Ažuriraj
  783. button_configure: Podesi
  784. button_quote: Pod navodnicima
  785. button_show: Prikaži
  786. status_active: aktivni
  787. status_registered: registrovani
  788. status_locked: zaključani
  789. version_status_open: otvoren
  790. version_status_locked: zaključan
  791. version_status_closed: zatvoren
  792. field_active: Aktivan
  793. text_select_mail_notifications: Odaberi akcije za koje će obaveštenje biti poslato putem e-pošte.
  794. text_regexp_info: npr. ^[A-Z0-9]+$
  795. text_project_destroy_confirmation: Jeste li sigurni da želite da izbrišete ovaj projekat i sve pripadajuće podatke?
  796. text_subprojects_destroy_warning: "Potprojekti: %{value} će takođe biti izbrisan."
  797. text_workflow_edit: Odaberite ulogu i praćenje za izmenu toka posla
  798. text_are_you_sure: Jeste li sigurni?
  799. text_journal_changed: "%{label} promenjen od %{old} u %{new}"
  800. text_journal_set_to: "%{label} postavljen u %{value}"
  801. text_journal_deleted: "%{label} izbrisano (%{old})"
  802. text_journal_added: "%{label} %{value} dodato"
  803. text_tip_issue_begin_day: zadatak počinje ovog dana
  804. text_tip_issue_end_day: zadatak se završava ovog dana
  805. text_tip_issue_begin_end_day: zadatak počinje i završava ovog dana
  806. text_caracters_maximum: "Najviše %{count} znak(ova)."
  807. text_caracters_minimum: "Broj znakova mora biti najmanje %{count}."
  808. text_length_between: "Broj znakova mora biti između %{min} i %{max}."
  809. text_tracker_no_workflow: Ovo praćenje nema definisan tok posla
  810. text_unallowed_characters: Nedozvoljeni znakovi
  811. text_comma_separated: Dozvoljene su višestruke vrednosti (odvojene zarezom).
  812. text_line_separated: Dozvoljene su višestruke vrednosti (jedan red za svaku vrednost).
  813. text_issues_ref_in_commit_messages: Referenciranje i popravljanje problema u izvršnim porukama
  814. text_issue_added: "%{author} je prijavio problem %{id}."
  815. text_issue_updated: "%{author} je ažurirao problem %{id}."
  816. text_wiki_destroy_confirmation: Jeste li sigurni da želite da obrišete wiki i sav sadržaj?
  817. text_issue_category_destroy_question: "Nekoliko problema (%{count}) je dodeljeno ovoj kategoriji. Šta želite da uradite?"
  818. text_issue_category_destroy_assignments: Ukloni dodeljene kategorije
  819. text_issue_category_reassign_to: Dodeli ponovo probleme ovoj kategoriji
  820. text_user_mail_option: "Za neizabrane projekte, dobićete samo obaveštenje o stvarima koje pratite ili ste uključeni (npr. problemi čiji ste vi autor ili zastupnik)."
  821. text_no_configuration_data: "Uloge, praćenja, statusi problema i toka posla još uvek nisu podešeni.\nPreporučljivo je da učitate podrazumevano konfigurisanje. Izmena je moguća nakon prvog učitavanja."
  822. text_load_default_configuration: Učitaj podrazumevano konfigurisanje
  823. text_status_changed_by_changeset: "Primenjeno u skupu sa promenama %{value}."
  824. text_issues_destroy_confirmation: 'Jeste li sigurni da želite da izbrišete odabrane probleme?'
  825. text_select_project_modules: 'Odaberite module koje želite omogućiti za ovaj projekat:'
  826. text_default_administrator_account_changed: Podrazumevani administratorski nalog je promenjen
  827. text_file_repository_writable: Fascikla priloženih datoteka je upisiva
  828. text_plugin_assets_writable: Fascikla elemenata dodatnih komponenti je upisiva
  829. text_minimagick_available: MiniMagick je dostupan (opciono)
  830. text_destroy_time_entries_question: "%{hours} sati je prijavljeno za ovaj problem koji želite izbrisati. Šta želite da uradite?"
  831. text_destroy_time_entries: Izbriši prijavljene sate
  832. text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Dodeli prijavljene sate projektu
  833. text_reassign_time_entries: 'Dodeli ponovo prijavljene sate ovom problemu:'
  834. text_user_wrote: "%{value} je napisao:"
  835. text_user_wrote_in: "%{value} je napisao (%{link}):"
  836. text_enumeration_destroy_question: "%{count} objekat(a) je dodeljeno ovoj vrednosti."
  837. text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Dodeli ih ponovo ovoj vrednosti:'
  838. text_email_delivery_not_configured: "Isporuka e-poruka nije konfigurisana i obaveštenja su onemogućena.\nPodesite vaš SMTP server u config/configuration.yml i pokrenite ponovo aplikaciju za njihovo omogućavanje."
  839. text_repository_usernames_mapping: "Odaberite ili ažurirajte Redmine korisnike mapiranjem svakog korisničkog imena pronađenog u evidenciji spremišta.\nKorisnici sa istim Redmine imenom i imenom spremišta ili e-adresom su automatski mapirani."
  840. text_diff_truncated: '... Ova razlika je isečena jer je dostignuta maksimalna veličina prikaza.'
  841. text_custom_field_possible_values_info: 'Jedan red za svaku vrednost'
  842. text_wiki_page_destroy_question: "Ova stranica ima %{descendants} podređenih stranica i podstranica. Šta želite da uradite?"
  843. text_wiki_page_nullify_children: "Zadrži podređene stranice kao korene stranice"
  844. text_wiki_page_destroy_children: "Izbriši podređene stranice i sve njihove podstranice"
  845. text_wiki_page_reassign_children: "Dodeli ponovo podređene stranice ovoj matičnoj stranici"
  846. text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: "Nakon uklanjanja pojedinih ili svih vaših dozvola nećete više moći da uređujete ovaj projekat.\nŽelite li da nastavite?"
  847. text_zoom_in: Uvećaj
  848. text_zoom_out: Umanji
  849. default_role_manager: Menadžer
  850. default_role_developer: Programer
  851. default_role_reporter: Izveštač
  852. default_tracker_bug: Greška
  853. default_tracker_feature: Funkcionalnost
  854. default_tracker_support: Podrška
  855. default_issue_status_new: Novo
  856. default_issue_status_in_progress: U toku
  857. default_issue_status_resolved: Rešeno
  858. default_issue_status_feedback: Povratna informacija
  859. default_issue_status_closed: Zatvoreno
  860. default_issue_status_rejected: Odbijeno
  861. default_doc_category_user: Korisnička dokumentacija
  862. default_doc_category_tech: Tehnička dokumentacija
  863. default_priority_low: Nizak
  864. default_priority_normal: Normalan
  865. default_priority_high: Visok
  866. default_priority_urgent: Hitno
  867. default_priority_immediate: Neposredno
  868. default_activity_design: Dizajn
  869. default_activity_development: Razvoj
  870. enumeration_issue_priorities: Prioriteti problema
  871. enumeration_doc_categories: Kategorije dokumenta
  872. enumeration_activities: Aktivnosti (praćenje vremena)
  873. enumeration_system_activity: Sistemska aktivnost
  874. field_time_entries: Vreme evidencije
  875. project_module_gantt: Gantov dijagram
  876. project_module_calendar: Kalendar
  877. button_edit_associated_wikipage: "Edit associated Wiki page: %{page_title}"
  878. field_text: Text field
  879. setting_default_notification_option: Podrazumevana opcija za notifikaciju
  880. label_user_mail_option_only_my_events: Za dogadjaje koje pratim ili sam u njih uključen
  881. label_user_mail_option_none: Bez obaveštenja
  882. field_member_of_group: Assignee's group
  883. field_assigned_to_role: Assignee's role
  884. notice_not_authorized_archived_project: Projekat kome pokušavate da pristupite je arhiviran
  885. label_principal_search: "Traži korisnike ili grupe:"
  886. label_user_search: "Traži korisnike:"
  887. field_visible: Vidljivo
  888. setting_emails_header: Email zaglavlje
  889. setting_commit_logtime_activity_id: Activity for logged time
  890. text_time_logged_by_changeset: Applied in changeset %{value}.
  891. setting_commit_logtime_enabled: Omogući praćenje vremena
  892. notice_gantt_chart_truncated: The chart was truncated because it exceeds the maximum number of items that can be displayed (%{max})
  893. setting_gantt_items_limit: Maksimalan broj stavki na gant grafiku
  894. field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Upozori me ako napuštam stranu sa tekstom koji nije snimljen
  895. text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Strana sadrži tekst koji nije snimljen i biće izgubljen ako je napustite.
  896. label_my_queries: My custom queries
  897. text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} ažuriran"
  898. label_news_comment_added: Komentar dodat u novosti
  899. button_expand_all: Proširi sve
  900. button_collapse_all: Zatvori sve
  901. label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the assignee
  902. label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the author
  903. label_bulk_edit_selected_time_entries: Bulk edit selected time entries
  904. text_time_entries_destroy_confirmation: Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete selektovane stavke ?
  905. label_role_anonymous: Anonimus
  906. label_role_non_member: Nije član
  907. label_issue_note_added: Nota dodana
  908. label_issue_status_updated: Status ažuriran
  909. label_issue_priority_updated: Prioritet ažuriran
  910. label_issues_visibility_own: Problem kreiran od strane ili je dodeljen korisniku
  911. field_issues_visibility: Vidljivost problema
  912. label_issues_visibility_all: Svi problemi
  913. permission_set_own_issues_private: Podesi sopstveni problem kao privatan ili javan
  914. field_is_private: Privatno
  915. permission_set_issues_private: Podesi problem kao privatan ili javan
  916. label_issues_visibility_public: Svi javni problemi
  917. text_issues_destroy_descendants_confirmation: Ova operacija će takođe obrisati %{count} podzadataka.
  918. field_commit_logs_encoding: Kodiranje izvršnih poruka
  919. field_scm_path_encoding: Path encoding
  920. text_scm_path_encoding_note: "Default: UTF-8"
  921. field_path_to_repository: Path to repository
  922. field_root_directory: Root directory
  923. field_cvs_module: Module
  924. field_cvsroot: CVSROOT
  925. text_mercurial_repository_note: Local repository (e.g. /hgrepo, c:\hgrepo)
  926. text_scm_command: Command
  927. text_scm_command_version: Version
  928. label_git_report_last_commit: Report last commit for files and directories
  929. notice_issue_successful_create: Issue %{id} created.
  930. label_between: between
  931. setting_issue_group_assignment: Allow issue assignment to groups
  932. label_diff: diff
  933. text_git_repository_note: Repository is bare and local (e.g. /gitrepo, c:\gitrepo)
  934. description_query_sort_criteria_direction: Sort direction
  935. description_project_scope: Search scope
  936. description_filter: Filter
  937. description_user_mail_notification: Mail notification settings
  938. description_message_content: Message content
  939. description_available_columns: Available Columns
  940. description_issue_category_reassign: Choose issue category
  941. description_search: Searchfield
  942. description_notes: Notes
  943. description_choose_project: Projects
  944. description_query_sort_criteria_attribute: Sort attribute
  945. description_wiki_subpages_reassign: Choose new parent page
  946. description_selected_columns: Selected Columns
  947. label_parent_revision: Parent
  948. label_child_revision: Child
  949. error_scm_annotate_big_text_file: The entry cannot be annotated, as it exceeds the maximum text file size.
  950. setting_default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date: Use current date as start date for new issues
  951. button_edit_section: Edit this section
  952. setting_repositories_encodings: Attachments and repositories encodings
  953. description_all_columns: All Columns
  954. button_export: Export
  955. label_export_options: "%{export_format} export options"
  956. error_attachment_too_big: This file cannot be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum allowed file size (%{max_size})
  957. notice_failed_to_save_time_entries: "Failed to save %{count} time entrie(s) on %{total} selected: %{ids}."
  958. label_x_issues:
  959. zero: 0 problem
  960. one: 1 problem
  961. other: "%{count} problemi"
  962. label_repository_new: New repository
  963. field_repository_is_default: Main repository
  964. label_copy_attachments: Copy attachments
  965. label_item_position: "%{position}/%{count}"
  966. label_completed_versions: Completed versions
  967. text_project_identifier_info: Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed.<br />Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed.
  968. field_multiple: Multiple values
  969. setting_commit_cross_project_ref: Allow issues of all the other projects to be referenced and fixed
  970. text_issue_conflict_resolution_add_notes: Add my notes and discard my other changes
  971. text_issue_conflict_resolution_overwrite: Apply my changes anyway (previous notes will be kept but some changes may be overwritten)
  972. notice_issue_update_conflict: The issue has been updated by an other user while you were editing it.
  973. text_issue_conflict_resolution_cancel: Discard all my changes and redisplay %{link}
  974. permission_manage_related_issues: Manage related issues
  975. field_auth_source_ldap_filter: LDAP filter
  976. label_search_for_watchers: Search for watchers to add
  977. notice_account_deleted: Your account has been permanently deleted.
  978. setting_unsubscribe: Allow users to delete their own account
  979. button_delete_my_account: Delete my account
  980. text_account_destroy_confirmation: |-
  981. Are you sure you want to proceed?
  982. Your account will be permanently deleted, with no way to reactivate it.
  983. error_session_expired: Your session has expired. Please login again.
  984. text_session_expiration_settings: "Warning: changing these settings may expire the current sessions including yours."
  985. setting_session_lifetime: Session maximum lifetime
  986. setting_session_timeout: Session inactivity timeout
  987. label_session_expiration: Session expiration
  988. permission_close_project: Close / reopen the project
  989. button_close: Close
  990. button_reopen: Reopen
  991. project_status_active: active
  992. project_status_closed: closed
  993. project_status_archived: archived
  994. text_project_closed: This project is closed and read-only.
  995. notice_user_successful_create: User %{id} created.
  996. field_core_fields: Standard fields
  997. field_timeout: Timeout (in seconds)
  998. setting_thumbnails_enabled: Display attachment thumbnails
  999. setting_thumbnails_size: Thumbnails size (in pixels)
  1000. label_status_transitions: Status transitions
  1001. label_fields_permissions: Fields permissions
  1002. label_readonly: Read-only
  1003. label_required: Required
  1004. text_repository_identifier_info: Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed.<br />Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed.
  1005. field_board_parent: Parent forum
  1006. label_attribute_of_project: Project's %{name}
  1007. label_attribute_of_author: Author's %{name}
  1008. label_attribute_of_assigned_to: Assignee's %{name}
  1009. label_attribute_of_fixed_version: Target version's %{name}
  1010. label_copy_subtasks: Copy subtasks
  1011. label_copied_to: copied to
  1012. label_copied_from: copied from
  1013. label_any_issues_in_project: any issues in project
  1014. label_any_issues_not_in_project: any issues not in project
  1015. field_private_notes: Private notes
  1016. permission_view_private_notes: View private notes
  1017. permission_set_notes_private: Set notes as private
  1018. label_no_issues_in_project: no issues in project
  1019. label_any: svi
  1020. label_last_n_weeks: last %{count} weeks
  1021. setting_cross_project_subtasks: Allow cross-project subtasks
  1022. label_cross_project_descendants: Sa potprojektima
  1023. label_cross_project_tree: Sa stablom projekta
  1024. label_cross_project_hierarchy: Sa hijerarhijom projekta
  1025. label_cross_project_system: Sa svim projektima
  1026. button_hide: Hide
  1027. setting_non_working_week_days: Non-working days
  1028. label_in_the_next_days: in the next
  1029. label_in_the_past_days: in the past
  1030. label_attribute_of_user: User's %{name}
  1031. text_turning_multiple_off: If you disable multiple values, multiple values will be
  1032. removed in order to preserve only one value per item.
  1033. label_attribute_of_issue: Issue's %{name}
  1034. permission_add_documents: Add documents
  1035. permission_edit_documents: Edit documents
  1036. permission_delete_documents: Delete documents
  1037. label_gantt_progress_line: Progress line
  1038. setting_jsonp_enabled: Enable JSONP support
  1039. field_inherit_members: Inherit members
  1040. field_closed_on: Closed
  1041. field_generate_password: Generate password
  1042. setting_default_projects_tracker_ids: Default trackers for new projects
  1043. label_total_time: Ukupno
  1044. text_scm_config: You can configure your SCM commands in config/configuration.yml. Please restart the application after editing it.
  1045. text_scm_command_not_available: SCM command is not available. Please check settings on the administration panel.
  1046. notice_account_not_activated_yet: You haven't activated your account yet. If you want
  1047. to receive a new activation email, please <a href="%{url}">click this link</a>.
  1048. notice_account_locked: Your account is locked.
  1049. label_hidden: Hidden
  1050. label_visibility_private: to me only
  1051. label_visibility_roles: to these roles only
  1052. label_visibility_public: to any users
  1053. field_must_change_passwd: Must change password at next logon
  1054. notice_new_password_must_be_different: The new password must be different from the
  1055. current password
  1056. setting_mail_handler_excluded_filenames: Exclude attachments by name
  1057. text_convert_available: ImageMagick convert available (optional)
  1058. label_link: Link
  1059. label_only: only
  1060. label_drop_down_list: drop-down list
  1061. label_checkboxes: checkboxes
  1062. label_link_values_to: Link values to URL
  1063. setting_force_default_language_for_anonymous: Force default language for anonymous
  1064. users
  1065. setting_force_default_language_for_loggedin: Force default language for logged-in
  1066. users
  1067. label_custom_field_select_type: Select the type of object to which the custom field
  1068. is to be attached
  1069. label_issue_assigned_to_updated: Assignee updated
  1070. label_check_for_updates: Check for updates
  1071. label_latest_compatible_version: Latest compatible version
  1072. label_unknown_plugin: Unknown plugin
  1073. label_radio_buttons: radio buttons
  1074. label_group_anonymous: Anonymous users
  1075. label_group_non_member: Non member users
  1076. label_add_projects: Add projects
  1077. field_default_status: Default status
  1078. text_subversion_repository_note: 'Examples: file:///, http://, https://, svn://, svn+[tunnelscheme]://'
  1079. field_users_visibility: Users visibility
  1080. label_users_visibility_all: All active users
  1081. label_users_visibility_members_of_visible_projects: Members of visible projects
  1082. label_edit_attachments: Edit attached files
  1083. setting_link_copied_issue: Link issues on copy
  1084. label_link_copied_issue: Link copied issue
  1085. label_ask: Ask
  1086. label_search_attachments_yes: Search attachment filenames and descriptions
  1087. label_search_attachments_no: Do not search attachments
  1088. label_search_attachments_only: Search attachments only
  1089. label_search_open_issues_only: Open issues only
  1090. field_address: E-adresa
  1091. setting_max_additional_emails: Maximum number of additional email addresses
  1092. label_email_address_plural: Emails
  1093. label_email_address_add: Add email address
  1094. label_enable_notifications: Enable notifications
  1095. label_disable_notifications: Disable notifications
  1096. setting_search_results_per_page: Search results per page
  1097. label_blank_value: blank
  1098. permission_copy_issues: Copy issues
  1099. error_password_expired: Your password has expired or the administrator requires you
  1100. to change it.
  1101. field_time_entries_visibility: Time logs visibility
  1102. setting_password_max_age: Require password change after
  1103. label_parent_task_attributes: Parent tasks attributes
  1104. label_parent_task_attributes_derived: Calculated from subtasks
  1105. label_parent_task_attributes_independent: Independent of subtasks
  1106. label_time_entries_visibility_all: All time entries
  1107. label_time_entries_visibility_own: Time entries created by the user
  1108. label_member_management: Member management
  1109. label_member_management_all_roles: All roles
  1110. label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
  1111. label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
  1112. label_total_spent_time: Celokupno utrošeno vreme
  1113. notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
  1114. notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
  1115. error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
  1116. error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
  1117. settings below (%{value})
  1118. error_can_not_read_import_file: An error occurred while reading the file to import
  1119. permission_import_issues: Import issues
  1120. label_import_issues: Import issues
  1121. label_select_file_to_import: Select the file to import
  1122. label_fields_separator: Field separator
  1123. label_fields_wrapper: Field wrapper
  1124. label_encoding: Encoding
  1125. label_comma_char: Comma
  1126. label_semi_colon_char: Semicolon
  1127. label_quote_char: Quote
  1128. label_double_quote_char: Double quote
  1129. label_fields_mapping: Fields mapping
  1130. label_file_content_preview: File content preview
  1131. label_create_missing_values: Create missing values
  1132. button_import: Import
  1133. field_total_estimated_hours: Total estimated time
  1134. label_api: API
  1135. label_total_plural: Totals
  1136. label_assigned_issues: Assigned issues
  1137. label_field_format_enumeration: Key/value list
  1138. label_f_hour_short: '%{value} h'
  1139. field_default_version: Default version
  1140. error_attachment_extension_not_allowed: Attachment extension %{extension} is not allowed
  1141. setting_attachment_extensions_allowed: Allowed extensions
  1142. setting_attachment_extensions_denied: Disallowed extensions
  1143. label_any_open_issues: any open issues
  1144. label_no_open_issues: no open issues
  1145. label_default_values_for_new_users: Default values for new users
  1146. error_ldap_bind_credentials: Invalid LDAP Account/Password
  1147. setting_sys_api_key: API ključ
  1148. setting_lost_password: Izgubljena lozinka
  1149. mail_subject_security_notification: Security notification
  1150. mail_body_security_notification_change: ! '%{field} was changed.'
  1151. mail_body_security_notification_change_to: ! '%{field} was changed to %{value}.'
  1152. mail_body_security_notification_add: ! '%{field} %{value} was added.'
  1153. mail_body_security_notification_remove: ! '%{field} %{value} was removed.'
  1154. mail_body_security_notification_notify_enabled: Email address %{value} now receives
  1155. notifications.
  1156. mail_body_security_notification_notify_disabled: Email address %{value} no longer
  1157. receives notifications.
  1158. mail_body_settings_updated: ! 'The following settings were changed:'
  1159. field_remote_ip: IP address
  1160. label_wiki_page_new: New wiki page
  1161. label_relations: Relations
  1162. button_filter: Filter
  1163. mail_body_password_updated: Your password has been changed.
  1164. label_no_preview: No preview available
  1165. error_no_tracker_allowed_for_new_issue_in_project: The project doesn't have any trackers
  1166. for which you can create an issue
  1167. label_tracker_all: All trackers
  1168. label_new_project_issue_tab_enabled: Display the "New issue" tab
  1169. setting_new_item_menu_tab: Project menu tab for creating new objects
  1170. label_new_object_tab_enabled: Display the "+" drop-down
  1171. error_no_projects_with_tracker_allowed_for_new_issue: There are no projects with trackers
  1172. for which you can create an issue
  1173. field_textarea_font: Font used for text areas
  1174. label_font_default: Default font
  1175. label_font_monospace: Monospaced font
  1176. label_font_proportional: Proportional font
  1177. setting_timespan_format: Time span format
  1178. label_table_of_contents: Table of contents
  1179. setting_commit_logs_formatting: Apply text formatting to commit messages
  1180. setting_mail_handler_enable_regex: Enable regular expressions
  1181. error_move_of_child_not_possible: 'Subtask %{child} could not be moved to the new
  1182. project: %{errors}'
  1183. error_cannot_reassign_time_entries_to_an_issue_about_to_be_deleted: Spent time cannot
  1184. be reassigned to an issue that is about to be deleted
  1185. setting_timelog_required_fields: Required fields for time logs
  1186. label_attribute_of_object: '%{object_name}''s %{name}'
  1187. label_user_mail_option_only_assigned: Only for things I watch or I am assigned to
  1188. label_user_mail_option_only_owner: Only for things I watch or I am the owner of
  1189. warning_fields_cleared_on_bulk_edit: Changes will result in the automatic deletion
  1190. of values from one or more fields on the selected objects
  1191. field_updated_by: Updated by
  1192. field_last_updated_by: Last updated by
  1193. field_full_width_layout: Full width layout
  1194. label_last_notes: Last notes
  1195. field_digest: Checksum
  1196. field_default_assigned_to: Default assignee
  1197. setting_show_custom_fields_on_registration: Show custom fields on registration
  1198. permission_view_news: View news
  1199. label_no_preview_alternative_html: No preview available. %{link} the file instead.
  1200. label_no_preview_download: Download
  1201. setting_close_duplicate_issues: Close duplicate issues automatically
  1202. error_exceeds_maximum_hours_per_day: Cannot log more than %{max_hours} hours on the
  1203. same day (%{logged_hours} hours have already been logged)
  1204. setting_time_entry_list_defaults: Timelog list defaults
  1205. setting_timelog_accept_0_hours: Accept time logs with 0 hours
  1206. setting_timelog_max_hours_per_day: Maximum hours that can be logged per day and user
  1207. label_x_revisions: "%{count} revisions"
  1208. error_can_not_delete_auth_source: This authentication mode is in use and cannot be
  1209. deleted.
  1210. button_actions: Actions
  1211. mail_body_lost_password_validity: Please be aware that you may change the password
  1212. only once using this link.
  1213. text_login_required_html: When not requiring authentication, public projects and their
  1214. contents are openly available on the network. You can <a href="%{anonymous_role_path}">edit
  1215. the applicable permissions</a>.
  1216. label_login_required_yes: 'Yes'
  1217. label_login_required_no: No, allow anonymous access to public projects
  1218. text_project_is_public_non_member: Public projects and their contents are available
  1219. to all logged-in users.
  1220. text_project_is_public_anonymous: Public projects and their contents are openly available
  1221. on the network.
  1222. label_version_and_files: Versions (%{count}) and Files
  1223. label_ldap: LDAP
  1224. label_ldaps_verify_none: LDAPS (without certificate check)
  1225. label_ldaps_verify_peer: LDAPS
  1226. label_ldaps_warning: It is recommended to use an encrypted LDAPS connection with certificate
  1227. check to prevent any manipulation during the authentication process.
  1228. label_nothing_to_preview: Nothing to preview
  1229. error_token_expired: This password recovery link has expired, please try again.
  1230. error_spent_on_future_date: Cannot log time on a future date
  1231. setting_timelog_accept_future_dates: Accept time logs on future dates
  1232. label_delete_link_to_subtask: Brisanje relacije
  1233. error_not_allowed_to_log_time_for_other_users: You are not allowed to log time
  1234. for other users
  1235. permission_log_time_for_other_users: Log spent time for other users
  1236. label_tomorrow: tomorrow
  1237. label_next_week: next week
  1238. label_next_month: next month
  1239. text_role_no_workflow: No workflow defined for this role
  1240. text_status_no_workflow: No tracker uses this status in the workflows
  1241. setting_mail_handler_preferred_body_part: Preferred part of multipart (HTML) emails
  1242. setting_show_status_changes_in_mail_subject: Show status changes in issue mail notifications
  1243. subject
  1244. label_inherited_from_parent_project: Inherited from parent project
  1245. label_inherited_from_group: Inherited from group %{name}
  1246. label_trackers_description: Trackers description
  1247. label_open_trackers_description: View all trackers description
  1248. label_preferred_body_part_text: Text
  1249. label_preferred_body_part_html: HTML (experimental)
  1250. field_parent_issue_subject: Parent task subject
  1251. permission_edit_own_issues: Edit own issues
  1252. text_select_apply_tracker: Select tracker
  1253. label_updated_issues: Updated issues
  1254. text_avatar_server_config_html: The current avatar server is <a href="%{url}">%{url}</a>.
  1255. You can configure it in config/configuration.yml.
  1256. setting_gantt_months_limit: Maximum number of months displayed on the gantt chart
  1257. permission_import_time_entries: Import time entries
  1258. label_import_notifications: Send email notifications during the import
  1259. text_gs_available: ImageMagick PDF support available (optional)
  1260. field_recently_used_projects: Number of recently used projects in jump box
  1261. label_optgroup_bookmarks: Bookmarks
  1262. label_optgroup_others: Other projects
  1263. label_optgroup_recents: Recently used
  1264. button_project_bookmark: Add bookmark
  1265. button_project_bookmark_delete: Remove bookmark
  1266. field_history_default_tab: Issue's history default tab
  1267. label_issue_history_properties: Property changes
  1268. label_issue_history_notes: Notes
  1269. label_last_tab_visited: Last visited tab
  1270. field_unique_id: Unique ID
  1271. text_no_subject: no subject
  1272. setting_password_required_char_classes: Required character classes for passwords
  1273. label_password_char_class_uppercase: uppercase letters
  1274. label_password_char_class_lowercase: lowercase letters
  1275. label_password_char_class_digits: digits
  1276. label_password_char_class_special_chars: special characters
  1277. text_characters_must_contain: Must contain %{character_classes}.
  1278. label_starts_with: starts with
  1279. label_ends_with: ends with
  1280. label_issue_fixed_version_updated: Target version updated
  1281. setting_project_list_defaults: Projects list defaults
  1282. label_display_type: Display results as
  1283. label_display_type_list: List
  1284. label_display_type_board: Board
  1285. label_my_bookmarks: My bookmarks
  1286. label_import_time_entries: Import time entries
  1287. field_toolbar_language_options: Code highlighting toolbar languages
  1288. label_user_mail_notify_about_high_priority_issues_html: Also notify me about issues
  1289. with a priority of <em>%{prio}</em> or higher
  1290. label_assign_to_me: Assign to me
  1291. notice_issue_not_closable_by_open_tasks: This issue cannot be closed because it has
  1292. at least one open subtask.
  1293. notice_issue_not_closable_by_blocking_issue: This issue cannot be closed because it
  1294. is blocked by at least one open issue.
  1295. notice_issue_not_reopenable_by_closed_parent_issue: This issue cannot be reopened
  1296. because its parent issue is closed.
  1297. error_bulk_download_size_too_big: These attachments cannot be bulk downloaded because
  1298. the total file size exceeds the maximum allowed size (%{max_size})
  1299. setting_bulk_download_max_size: Maximum total size for bulk download
  1300. label_download_all_attachments: Download all files
  1301. error_attachments_too_many: This file cannot be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum
  1302. number of files that can be attached simultaneously (%{max_number_of_files})
  1303. setting_email_domains_allowed: Allowed email domains
  1304. setting_email_domains_denied: Disallowed email domains
  1305. field_passwd_changed_on: Password last changed
  1306. label_relations_mapping: Relations mapping
  1307. label_import_users: Import users
  1308. label_days_to_html: "%{days} days up to %{date}"
  1309. setting_twofa: Two-factor authentication
  1310. label_optional: optional
  1311. label_required_lower: required
  1312. button_disable: Disable
  1313. twofa__totp__name: Authenticator app
  1314. twofa__totp__text_pairing_info_html: Scan this QR code or enter the plain text key
  1315. into a TOTP app (e.g. <a href="">Google
  1316. Authenticator</a>, <a href="">Authy</a>, <a href="">Duo
  1317. Mobile</a>) and enter the code in the field below to activate two-factor authentication.
  1318. twofa__totp__label_plain_text_key: Plain text key
  1319. twofa__totp__label_activate: Enable authenticator app
  1320. twofa_currently_active: 'Currently active: %{twofa_scheme_name}'
  1321. twofa_not_active: Not activated
  1322. twofa_label_code: Code
  1323. twofa_hint_disabled_html: Setting <strong>%{label}</strong> will deactivate and unpair
  1324. two-factor authentication devices for all users.
  1325. twofa_hint_required_html: Setting <strong>%{label}</strong> will require all users
  1326. to set up two-factor authentication at their next login.
  1327. twofa_label_setup: Enable two-factor authentication
  1328. twofa_label_deactivation_confirmation: Disable two-factor authentication
  1329. twofa_notice_select: 'Please select the two-factor scheme you would like to use:'
  1330. twofa_warning_require: The administrator requires you to enable two-factor authentication.
  1331. twofa_activated: Two-factor authentication successfully enabled. It is recommended
  1332. to <a data-method="post" href="%{bc_path}">generate backup codes</a> for your account.
  1333. twofa_deactivated: Two-factor authentication disabled.
  1334. twofa_mail_body_security_notification_paired: Two-factor authentication successfully
  1335. enabled using %{field}.
  1336. twofa_mail_body_security_notification_unpaired: Two-factor authentication disabled
  1337. for your account.
  1338. twofa_mail_body_backup_codes_generated: New two-factor authentication backup codes
  1339. generated.
  1340. twofa_mail_body_backup_code_used: A two-factor authentication backup code has been
  1341. used.
  1342. twofa_invalid_code: Code is invalid or outdated.
  1343. twofa_label_enter_otp: Please enter your two-factor authentication code.
  1344. twofa_too_many_tries: Too many tries.
  1345. twofa_resend_code: Resend code
  1346. twofa_code_sent: An authentication code has been sent to you.
  1347. twofa_generate_backup_codes: Generate backup codes
  1348. twofa_text_generate_backup_codes_confirmation: This will invalidate all existing backup
  1349. codes and generate new ones. Would you like to continue?
  1350. twofa_notice_backup_codes_generated: Your backup codes have been generated.
  1351. twofa_warning_backup_codes_generated_invalidated: New backup codes have been generated.
  1352. Your existing codes from %{time} are now invalid.
  1353. twofa_label_backup_codes: Two-factor authentication backup codes
  1354. twofa_text_backup_codes_hint: Use these codes instead of a one-time password should
  1355. you not have access to your second factor. Each code can only be used once. It is
  1356. recommended to print and store them in a safe place.
  1357. twofa_text_backup_codes_created_at: Backup codes generated %{datetime}.
  1358. twofa_backup_codes_already_shown: Backup codes cannot be shown again, please <a data-method="post"
  1359. href="%{bc_path}">generate new backup codes</a> if required.
  1360. error_can_not_execute_macro_html: Error executing the <strong>%{name}</strong> macro
  1361. (%{error})
  1362. error_macro_does_not_accept_block: This macro does not accept a block of text
  1363. error_childpages_macro_no_argument: With no argument, this macro can be called from
  1364. wiki pages only
  1365. error_circular_inclusion: Circular inclusion detected
  1366. error_page_not_found: Page not found
  1367. error_filename_required: Filename required
  1368. error_invalid_size_parameter: Invalid size parameter
  1369. error_attachment_not_found: Attachment %{name} not found
  1370. permission_delete_project: Delete the project
  1371. field_twofa_scheme: Two-factor authentication scheme
  1372. text_user_destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this user and remove
  1373. all references to them? This cannot be undone. Often, locking a user instead of
  1374. deleting them is the better solution. To confirm, please enter their login (%{login})
  1375. below.
  1376. text_project_destroy_enter_identifier: To confirm, please enter the project's identifier
  1377. (%{identifier}) below.
  1378. button_add_subtask: Add subtask
  1379. notice_invalid_watcher: 'Invalid watcher: User will not receive any notifications
  1380. because it does not have access to view this object.'