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20120422150750_change_repositories_to_full_sti.rb 664B

  1. class ChangeRepositoriesToFullSti < ActiveRecord::Migration
  2. def up
  3. Repository.connection.select_rows("SELECT id, type FROM #{Repository.table_name}").each do |repository_id, repository_type|
  4. unless repository_type =~ /^Repository::/
  5. Repository.update_all ["type = ?", "Repository::#{repository_type}"], ["id = ?", repository_id]
  6. end
  7. end
  8. end
  9. def down
  10. Repository.connection.select_rows("SELECT id, type FROM #{Repository.table_name}").each do |repository_id, repository_type|
  11. if repository_type =~ /^Repository::(.+)$/
  12. Repository.update_all ["type = ?", $1], ["id = ?", repository_id]
  13. end
  14. end
  15. end
  16. end