You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

  1. == Redmine changelog
  2. Redmine - project management software
  3. Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Jean-Philippe Lang
  5. == 2010-07-18 v1.0.0 (Release candidate)
  6. #443: Adds context menu to the roadmap issue lists
  7. #443: Subtasking
  8. #741: Description preview while editing an issue
  9. #1131: Add support for alternate (non-LDAP) authentication
  10. #1214: REST API for Issues
  11. #1223: File upload on wiki edit form
  12. #1755: add "blocked by" as a related issues option
  13. #2420: Fetching emails from an POP server
  14. #2482: Named scopes in Issue and ActsAsWatchable plus some view refactoring (logic extraction).
  15. #2924: Make the right click menu more discoverable using a cursor property
  16. #2985: Make syntax highlighting pluggable
  17. #3201: Workflow Check/Uncheck All Rows/Columns
  18. #3359: Update CodeRay 0.9
  19. #3706: Allow assigned_to field configuration on Issue creation by email
  20. #3936: configurable list of models to include in search
  21. #4480: Create a link to the user profile from the administration interface
  22. #4482: Cache textile rendering
  23. #4572: Make it harder to ruin your database
  24. #4573: Move github gems to Gemcutter
  25. #4664: Add pagination to forum threads
  26. #4732: Make login case-insensitive also for PostgreSQL
  27. #4812: Create links to other projects
  28. #4819: Replace images with smushed ones for speed
  29. #4945: Allow custom fields attached to project to be searchable
  30. #5121: Fix issues list layout overflow
  31. #5169: Issue list view hook request
  32. #5208: Aibility to edit wiki sidebar
  33. #5281: Remove empty ul tags in the issue history
  34. #5291: Updated basque translations
  35. #5328: Automatically add "Repository" menu_item after repository creation
  36. #5415: Fewer SQL statements generated for watcher_recipients
  37. #5416: Exclude "fields_for" from overridden methods in TabularFormBuilder
  38. #5573: Allow issue assignment in email
  39. #5595: Allow start date and due dates to be set via incoming email
  40. #5752: The projects view (/projects) renders ul's wrong
  41. #5781: Allow to use more macros on the welcome page and project list
  42. Fixed #1288: Unable to past escaped wiki syntax in an issue description
  43. Fixed #1334: Wiki formatting character *_ and _*
  44. Fixed #1416: Inline code with less-then/greater-than produces @lt; and @gt; respectively
  45. Fixed #2473: Login and mail should not be case sensitive
  46. Fixed #2990: Ruby 1.9 - wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) on rake db:migrate
  47. Fixed #3089: Text formatting sometimes breaks when combined
  48. Fixed #3690: Status change info duplicates on the issue screen
  49. Fixed #3691: Redmine allows two files with the same file name to be uploaded to the same issue
  50. Fixed #3764: ApplicationHelperTest fails with JRuby
  51. Fixed #4265: Unclosed code tags in issue descriptions affects main UI
  52. Fixed #4745: Bug in index.xml.builder (issues)
  53. Fixed #4852: changing user/roles of project member not possible without javascript
  54. Fixed #4857: Week number calculation in date picker is wrong if a week starts with Sunday
  55. Fixed #4883: Bottom "contextual" placement in issue with associated changeset
  56. Fixed #4918: Revisions r3453 and r3454 broke On-the-fly user creation with LDAP
  57. Fixed #4935: Navigation to the Master Timesheet page (time_entries)
  58. Fixed #5043: Flash messages are not displayed after the project settings[module/activity] saved
  59. Fixed #5081: Broken links on public/help/wiki_syntax_detailed.html
  60. Fixed #5104: Description of document not wikified on documents index
  61. Fixed #5108: Issue linking fails inside of []s
  62. Fixed #5199: diff code coloring using coderay
  63. Fixed #5233: Add a hook to the issue report (Summary) view
  64. Fixed #5265: timetracking: subtasks time is added to the main task
  65. Fixed #5343: acts_as_event Doesn't Accept Outside URLs
  66. Fixed #5440: UI Inconsistency : Administration > Enumerations table row headers should be enclosed in <thead>
  67. Fixed #5463: 0.9.4 INSTALL and/or UPGRADE, missing session_store.rb
  68. Fixed #5524: Update_parent_attributes doesn't work for the old parent issue when reparenting
  69. Fixed #5548: SVN Repository: Can not list content of a folder which includes square brackets.
  70. Fixed #5589: "with subproject" malfunction
  71. Fixed #5676: Search for Numeric Value
  72. Fixed #5696: Redmine + PostgreSQL 8.4.4 fails on _dir_list_content.rhtml
  73. Fixed #5698: redmine:email:receive_imap fails silently for mails with subject longer than 255 characters
  74. Fixed #5700: TimelogController#destroy assumes success
  75. Fixed #5751: developer role is mispelled
  76. Fixed #5769: Popup Calendar doesn't Advance in Chrome
  77. Fixed #5771: Problem when importing git repository
  78. Fixed #5823: Error in comments in plugin.rb
  79. == 2010-07-07 v0.9.6
  80. Fixed: access by unauthorized users
  81. == 2010-06-24 v0.9.5
  82. Linkify folder names on revision view
  83. "fiters" and "options" should be hidden in print view via css
  84. Fixed: NoMethodError when no issue params are submitted
  85. Fixed: projects.atom with required authentication
  86. Fixed: External links not correctly displayed in Wiki TOC
  87. Fixed: Member role forms in project settings are not hidden after member added
  88. Fixed: pre can't be inside p
  89. Fixed: session cookie path does not respect RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT
  90. Fixed: mail handler fails when the from address is empty
  91. == 2010-05-01 v0.9.4
  92. Filters collapsed by default on issues index page for a saved query
  93. Fixed: When categories list is too big the popup menu doesn't adjust (ex. in the issue list)
  94. Fixed: remove "main-menu" div when the menu is empty
  95. Fixed: Code syntax highlighting not working in Document page
  96. Fixed: Git blame/annotate fails on moved files
  97. Fixed: Failing test in test_show_atom
  98. Fixed: Migrate from trac - not displayed Wikis
  99. Fixed: Email notifications on file upload sent to empty recipient list
  100. Fixed: Migrating from trac is not possible, fails to allocate memory
  101. Fixed: Lost password no longer flashes a confirmation message
  102. Fixed: Crash while deleting in-use enumeration
  103. Fixed: Hard coded English string at the selection of issue watchers
  104. Fixed: Bazaar v2.1.0 changed behaviour
  105. Fixed: Roadmap display can raise an exception if no trackers are selected
  106. Fixed: Gravatar breaks layout of "logged in" page
  107. Fixed: Reposman.rb on Windows
  108. Fixed: Possible error 500 while moving an issue to another project with SQLite
  109. Fixed: backslashes in issue description/note should be escaped when quoted
  110. Fixed: Long text in <pre> disrupts Associated revisions
  111. Fixed: Links to missing wiki pages not red on project overview page
  112. Fixed: Cannot delete a project with subprojects that shares versions
  113. Fixed: Update of Subversion changesets broken under Solaris
  114. Fixed: "Move issues" permission not working for Non member
  115. Fixed: Sidebar overlap on Users tab of Group editor
  116. Fixed: Error on db:migrate with table prefix set (hardcoded name in principal.rb)
  117. Fixed: Report shows sub-projects for non-members
  118. Fixed: 500 internal error when browsing any Redmine page in epiphany
  119. Fixed: Watchers selection lost when issue creation fails
  120. Fixed: When copying projects, redmine should not generate an email to people who created issues
  121. Fixed: Issue "#" table cells should have a class attribute to enable fine-grained CSS theme
  122. Fixed: Plugin generators should display help if no parameter is given
  123. == 2010-02-28 v0.9.3
  124. Adds filter for system shared versions on the cross project issue list
  125. Makes project identifiers searchable
  126. Remove invalid utf8 sequences from commit comments and author name
  127. Fixed: Wrong link when "http" not included in project "Homepage" link
  128. Fixed: Escaping in html email templates
  129. Fixed: Pound (#) followed by number with leading zero (0) removes leading zero when rendered in wiki
  130. Fixed: Deselecting textile text formatting causes interning empty string errors
  131. Fixed: error with postgres when entering a non-numeric id for an issue relation
  132. Fixed: div.task incorrectly wrapping on Gantt Chart
  133. Fixed: Project copy loses wiki pages hierarchy
  134. Fixed: parent project field doesn't include blank value when a member with 'add subproject' permission edits a child project
  135. Fixed: Repository.fetch_changesets tries to fetch changesets for archived projects
  136. Fixed: Duplicated project name for subproject version on gantt chart
  137. Fixed: roadmap shows subprojects issues even if subprojects is unchecked
  138. Fixed: IndexError if all the :last menu items are deleted from a menu
  139. Fixed: Very high CPU usage for a long time when fetching commits from a large Git repository
  140. == 2010-02-07 v0.9.2
  141. * Fixed: Sub-project repository commits not displayed on parent project issues
  142. * Fixed: Potential security leak on my page calendar
  143. * Fixed: Project tree structure is broken by deleting the project with the subproject
  144. * Fixed: Error message shown duplicated when creating a new group
  145. * Fixed: Firefox cuts off large pages
  146. * Fixed: Invalid format parameter returns a DoubleRenderError on issues index
  147. * Fixed: Unnecessary Quote button on locked forum message
  148. * Fixed: Error raised when trying to view the gantt or calendar with a grouped query
  149. * Fixed: PDF support for Korean locale
  150. * Fixed: Deprecation warning in extra/svn/reposman.rb
  151. == 2010-01-30 v0.9.1
  152. * Vertical alignment for inline images in formatted text set to 'middle'
  153. * Fixed: error "closing dbh with active statement handles at /usr/lib/perl5/Apache/"
  154. * Fixed: copyright year in footer set to 2010
  155. * Fixed: Trac migration script may not output query lines
  156. * Fixed: Email notifications may affect language of notice messages on the UI
  157. * Fixed: Can not search for 2 letters word
  158. * Fixed: Attachments get saved on issue update even if validation fails
  159. * Fixed: Tab's 'border-bottom' not absent when selected
  160. * Fixed: Issue summary tables that list by user are not sorted
  161. * Fixed: Issue pdf export fails if target version is set
  162. * Fixed: Issue list export to PDF breaks when issues are sorted by a custom field
  163. * Fixed: SQL error when adding a group
  164. * Fixes: Min password length during password reset always displays as 4 chars
  165. == 2010-01-09 v0.9.0 (Release candidate)
  166. * Unlimited subproject nesting
  167. * Multiple roles per user per project
  168. * User groups
  169. * Inheritence of versions
  170. * OpenID login
  171. * "Watched by me" issue filter
  172. * Project copy
  173. * Project creation by non admin users
  174. * Accept emails from anyone on a private project
  175. * Add email notification on Wiki changes
  176. * Make issue description non-required field
  177. * Custom fields for Versions
  178. * Being able to sort the issue list by custom fields
  179. * Ability to close versions
  180. * User display/editing of custom fields attached to their user profile
  181. * Add "follows" issue relation
  182. * Copy workflows between trackers and roles
  183. * Defaults enabled modules list for project creation
  184. * Weighted version completion percentage on the roadmap
  185. * Autocreate user account when user submits email that creates new issue
  186. * CSS class on overdue issues on the issue list
  187. * Enable tracker update on issue edit form
  188. * Remove issue watchers
  189. * Ability to move threads between project forums
  190. * Changed custom field "Possible values" to a textarea
  191. * Adds projects association on tracker form
  192. * Set session store to cookie store by default
  193. * Set a default wiki page on project creation
  194. * Roadmap for main project should see Roadmaps for sub projects
  195. * Ticket grouping on the issue list
  196. * Hierarchical Project links in the page header
  197. * Allow My Page blocks to be added to from a plugin
  198. * Sort issues by multiple columns
  199. * Filters of saved query are now visible and be adjusted without editing the query
  200. * Saving "sort order" in custom queries
  201. * Url to fetch changesets for a repository
  202. * Managers able to create subprojects
  203. * Issue Totals on My Page Modules
  204. * Convert Enumerations to single table inheritance (STI)
  205. * Allow custom my_page blocks to define drop-down names
  206. * "View Issues" user permission added
  207. * Ask user what to do with child pages when deleting a parent wiki page
  208. * Contextual quick search
  209. * Allow resending of password by email
  210. * Change reply subject to be a link to the reply itself
  211. * Include Logged Time as part of the project's Activity history
  212. * REST API for authentication
  213. * Browse through Git branches
  214. * Setup Object Daddy to replace test fixtures
  215. * Setup shoulda to make it easier to test
  216. * Custom fields and overrides on Enumerations
  217. * Add or remove columns from the issue list
  218. * Ability to add new version from issues screen
  219. * Setting to choose which day calendars start
  220. * Asynchronous email delivery method
  221. * RESTful URLs for (almost) everything
  222. * Include issue status in search results and activity pages
  223. * Add email to admin user search filter
  224. * Proper content type for plain text mails
  225. * Default value of project jump box
  226. * Tree based menus
  227. * Ability to use issue status to update percent done
  228. * Second set of issue "Action Links" at the bottom of an issue page
  229. * Proper exist status code for rdm-mailhandler.rb
  230. * Remove incoming email body via a delimiter
  231. * Fixed: Custom querry 'Export to PDF' ignores field selection
  232. * Fixed: Related e-mail notifications aren't threaded
  233. * Fixed: No warning when the creation of a categories from the issue form fails
  234. * Fixed: Actually block issues from closing when relation 'blocked by' isn't closed
  235. * Fixed: Include both first and last name when sorting by users
  236. * Fixed: Table cell with multiple line text
  237. * Fixed: Project overview page shows disabled trackers
  238. * Fixed: Cross project issue relations and user permissions
  239. * Fixed: My page shows tickets the user doesn't have access to
  240. * Fixed: TOC does not parse wiki page reference links with description
  241. * Fixed: Target version-list on bulk edit form is incorrectly sorted
  242. * Fixed: Cannot modify/delete project named "Documents"
  243. * Fixed: Email address in brackets breaks html
  244. * Fixed: Timelog detail loose issue filter passing to report tab
  245. * Fixed: Inform about custom field's name maximum length
  246. * Fixed: Activity page and Atom feed links contain project id instead of identifier
  247. * Fixed: no Atom key for forums with only 1 forum
  248. * Fixed: When reading RSS feed in MS Outlook, the inline links are broken.
  249. * Fixed: Sometimes new posts don't show up in the topic list of a forum.
  250. * Fixed: The all/active filter selection in the project view does not stick.
  251. * Fixed: Login box has Different width
  252. * Fixed: User removed from project - still getting project update emails
  253. * Fixed: Project with the identifier of 'new' cannot be viewed
  254. * Fixed: Artefacts in search view (Cyrillic)
  255. * Fixed: Allow [#id] as subject to reply by email
  256. * Fixed: Wrong language used when closing an issue via a commit message
  257. * Fixed: email handler drops emails for new issues with no subject
  258. * Fixed: Calendar misspelled under Roles/Permissions
  259. * Fixed: Emails from no-reply redmine's address hell cycle
  260. * Fixed: child_pages macro fails on wiki page history
  261. * Fixed: Pre-filled time tracking date ignores timezone
  262. * Fixed: Links on locked users lead to 404 page
  263. * Fixed: Page changes in issue-list when using context menu
  264. * Fixed: diff parser removes lines starting with multiple dashes
  265. * Fixed: Quoting in forums resets message subject
  266. * Fixed: Editing issue comment removes quote link
  267. * Fixed: ignore browse_repository permission
  268. * Fixed: text formatting breaks on [msg1][msg2]
  269. * Fixed: Spent Time Default Value of 0.0
  270. * Fixed: Wiki pages in search results are referenced by project number, not by project identifier.
  271. * Fixed: When logging in via an autologin cookie the user's last_login_on should be updated
  272. * Fixed: 50k users cause problems in project->settings->members screen
  273. * Fixed: Document timestamp needs to show updated timestamps
  274. * Fixed: Users getting notifications for issues they are no longer allowed to view
  275. * Fixed: issue summary counts should link to the issue list without subprojects
  276. * Fixed: 'Delete' link on LDAP list has no effect
  277. == 2009-11-15 v0.8.7
  278. * Fixed: Hide paragraph terminator at the end of headings on html export
  279. * Fixed: pre tags containing "<pre*"
  280. * Fixed: First date of the date range not included in the time report with SQLite
  281. * Fixed: Password field not styled correctly on alternative stylesheet
  282. * Fixed: Error when sumbitting a POST request that requires a login
  283. * Fixed: CSRF vulnerabilities
  284. == 2009-11-04 v0.8.6
  285. * Change links to closed issues to be a grey color
  286. * Change subversion adapter to not cache authentication and run non interactively
  287. * Fixed: Custom Values with a nil value cause HTTP error 500
  288. * Fixed: Failure to convert HTML entities when editing an Issue reply
  289. * Fixed: Error trying to show repository when there are no comments in a changeset
  290. * Fixed: account/show/:user_id should not be accessible for other users not in your projects
  291. * Fixed: XSS vulnerabilities
  292. * Fixed: IssuesController#destroy should accept POST only
  293. * Fixed: Inline images in wiki headings
  294. == 2009-09-13 v0.8.5
  295. * Incoming mail handler : Allow spaces between keywords and colon
  296. * Do not require a non-word character after a comma in Redmine links
  297. * Include issue hyperlinks in reminder emails
  298. * Prevent nil error when retrieving svn version
  299. * Various plugin hooks added
  300. * Add plugins information to script/about
  301. * Fixed: 500 Internal Server Error is raised if add an empty comment to the news
  302. * Fixed: Atom links for wiki pages are not correct
  303. * Fixed: Atom feeds leak email address
  304. * Fixed: Case sensitivity in Issue filtering
  305. * Fixed: When reading RSS feed, the inline-embedded images are not properly shown
  306. == 2009-05-17 v0.8.4
  307. * Allow textile mailto links
  308. * Fixed: memory consumption when uploading file
  309. * Fixed: Mercurial integration doesn't work if Redmine is installed in folder path containing space
  310. * Fixed: an error is raised when no tab is available on project settings
  311. * Fixed: insert image macro corrupts urls with excalamation marks
  312. * Fixed: error on cross-project gantt PNG export
  313. * Fixed: self and alternate links in atom feeds do not respect Atom specs
  314. * Fixed: accept any svn tunnel scheme in repository URL
  315. * Fixed: issues/show should accept user's rss key
  316. * Fixed: consistency of custom fields display on the issue detail view
  317. * Fixed: wiki comments length validation is missing
  318. * Fixed: weak autologin token generation algorithm causes duplicate tokens
  319. == 2009-04-05 v0.8.3
  320. * Separate project field and subject in cross-project issue view
  321. * Ability to set language for redmine:load_default_data task using REDMINE_LANG environment variable
  322. * Rescue Redmine::DefaultData::DataAlreadyLoaded in redmine:load_default_data task
  323. * CSS classes to highlight own and assigned issues
  324. * Hide "New file" link on wiki pages from printing
  325. * Flush buffer when asking for language in redmine:load_default_data task
  326. * Minimum project identifier length set to 1
  327. * Include headers so that emails don't trigger vacation auto-responders
  328. * Fixed: Time entries csv export links for all projects are malformed
  329. * Fixed: Files without Version aren't visible in the Activity page
  330. * Fixed: Commit logs are centered in the repo browser
  331. * Fixed: News summary field content is not searchable
  332. * Fixed: Journal#save has a wrong signature
  333. * Fixed: Email footer signature convention
  334. * Fixed: Timelog report do not show time for non-versioned issues
  335. == 2009-03-07 v0.8.2
  336. * Send an email to the user when an administrator activates a registered user
  337. * Strip keywords from received email body
  338. * Footer updated to 2009
  339. * Show RSS-link even when no issues is found
  340. * One click filter action in activity view
  341. * Clickable/linkable line #'s while browsing the repo or viewing a file
  342. * Links to versions on files list
  343. * Added request and controller objects to the hooks by default
  344. * Fixed: exporting an issue with attachments to PDF raises an error
  345. * Fixed: "too few arguments" error may occur on activerecord error translation
  346. * Fixed: "Default columns Displayed on the Issues list" setting is not easy to read
  347. * Fixed: visited links to closed tickets are not striked through with IE6
  348. * Fixed: MailHandler#plain_text_body returns nil if there was nothing to strip
  349. * Fixed: MailHandler raises an error when processing an email without From header
  350. == 2009-02-15 v0.8.1
  351. * Select watchers on new issue form
  352. * Issue description is no longer a required field
  353. * Files module: ability to add files without version
  354. * Jump to the current tab when using the project quick-jump combo
  355. * Display a warning if some attachments were not saved
  356. * Import custom fields values from emails on issue creation
  357. * Show view/annotate/download links on entry and annotate views
  358. * Admin Info Screen: Display if plugin assets directory is writable
  359. * Adds a 'Create and continue' button on the new issue form
  360. * IMAP: add options to move received emails
  361. * Do not show Category field when categories are not defined
  362. * Lower the project identifier limit to a minimum of two characters
  363. * Add "closed" html class to closed entries in issue list
  364. * Fixed: broken redirect URL on login failure
  365. * Fixed: Deleted files are shown when using Darcs
  366. * Fixed: Darcs adapter works on Win32 only
  367. * Fixed: syntax highlight doesn't appear in new ticket preview
  368. * Fixed: email notification for changes I make still occurs when running Repository.fetch_changesets
  369. * Fixed: no error is raised when entering invalid hours on the issue update form
  370. * Fixed: Details time log report CSV export doesn't honour date format from settings
  371. * Fixed: invalid css classes on issue details
  372. * Fixed: Trac importer creates duplicate custom values
  373. * Fixed: inline attached image should not match partial filename
  374. == 2008-12-30 v0.8.0
  375. * Setting added in order to limit the number of diff lines that should be displayed
  376. * Makes logged-in username in topbar linking to
  377. * Mail handler: strip tags when receiving a html-only email
  378. * Mail handler: add watchers before sending notification
  379. * Adds a css class (overdue) to overdue issues on issue lists and detail views
  380. * Fixed: project activity truncated after viewing user's activity
  381. * Fixed: email address entered for password recovery shouldn't be case-sensitive
  382. * Fixed: default flag removed when editing a default enumeration
  383. * Fixed: default category ignored when adding a document
  384. * Fixed: error on repository user mapping when a repository username is blank
  385. * Fixed: Firefox cuts off large diffs
  386. * Fixed: CVS browser should not show dead revisions (deleted files)
  387. * Fixed: escape double-quotes in image titles
  388. * Fixed: escape textarea content when editing a issue note
  389. * Fixed: JS error on context menu with IE
  390. * Fixed: bold syntax around single character in series doesn't work
  391. * Fixed several XSS vulnerabilities
  392. * Fixed a SQL injection vulnerability
  393. == 2008-12-07 v0.8.0-rc1
  394. * Wiki page protection
  395. * Wiki page hierarchy. Parent page can be assigned on the Rename screen
  396. * Adds support for issue creation via email
  397. * Adds support for free ticket filtering and custom queries on Gantt chart and calendar
  398. * Cross-project search
  399. * Ability to search a project and its subprojects
  400. * Ability to search the projects the user belongs to
  401. * Adds custom fields on time entries
  402. * Adds boolean and list custom fields for time entries as criteria on time report
  403. * Cross-project time reports
  404. * Display latest user's activity on account/show view
  405. * Show last connexion time on user's page
  406. * Obfuscates email address on user's account page using javascript
  407. * wiki TOC rendered as an unordered list
  408. * Adds the ability to search for a user on the administration users list
  409. * Adds the ability to search for a project name or identifier on the administration projects list
  410. * Redirect user to the previous page after logging in
  411. * Adds a permission 'view wiki edits' so that wiki history can be hidden to certain users
  412. * Adds permissions for viewing the watcher list and adding new watchers on the issue detail view
  413. * Adds permissions to let users edit and/or delete their messages
  414. * Link to activity view when displaying dates
  415. * Hide Redmine version in atom feeds and pdf properties
  416. * Maps repository users to Redmine users. Users with same username or email are automatically mapped. Mapping can be manually adjusted in repository settings. Multiple usernames can be mapped to the same Redmine user.
  417. * Sort users by their display names so that user dropdown lists are sorted alphabetically
  418. * Adds estimated hours to issue filters
  419. * Switch order of current and previous revisions in side-by-side diff
  420. * Render the commit changes list as a tree
  421. * Adds watch/unwatch functionality at forum topic level
  422. * When moving an issue to another project, reassign it to the category with same name if any
  423. * Adds child_pages macro for wiki pages
  424. * Use GET instead of POST on roadmap (#718), gantt and calendar forms
  425. * Search engine: display total results count and count by result type
  426. * Email delivery configuration moved to an unversioned YAML file (config/email.yml, see the sample file)
  427. * Adds icons on search results
  428. * Adds 'Edit' link on account/show for admin users
  429. * Adds Lock/Unlock/Activate link on user edit screen
  430. * Adds user count in status drop down on admin user list
  431. * Adds multi-levels blockquotes support by using > at the beginning of lines
  432. * Adds a Reply link to each issue note
  433. * Adds plain text only option for mail notifications
  434. * Gravatar support for issue detail, user grid, and activity stream (disabled by default)
  435. * Adds 'Delete wiki pages attachments' permission
  436. * Show the most recent file when displaying an inline image
  437. * Makes permission screens localized
  438. * AuthSource list: display associated users count and disable 'Delete' buton if any
  439. * Make the 'duplicates of' relation asymmetric
  440. * Adds username to the password reminder email
  441. * Adds links to forum messages using message#id syntax
  442. * Allow same name for custom fields on different object types
  443. * One-click bulk edition using the issue list context menu within the same project
  444. * Adds support for commit logs reencoding to UTF-8 before insertion in the database. Source encoding of commit logs can be selected in Application settings -> Repositories.
  445. * Adds checkboxes toggle links on permissions report
  446. * Adds Trac-Like anchors on wiki headings
  447. * Adds support for wiki links with anchor
  448. * Adds category to the issue context menu
  449. * Adds a workflow overview screen
  450. * Appends the filename to the attachment url so that clients that ignore content-disposition http header get the real filename
  451. * Dots allowed in custom field name
  452. * Adds posts quoting functionality
  453. * Adds an option to generate sequential project identifiers
  454. * Adds mailto link on the user administration list
  455. * Ability to remove enumerations (activities, priorities, document categories) that are in use. Associated objects can be reassigned to another value
  456. * Gantt chart: display issues that don't have a due date if they are assigned to a version with a date
  457. * Change projects homepage limit to 255 chars
  458. * Improved on-the-fly account creation. If some attributes are missing (eg. not present in the LDAP) or are invalid, the registration form is displayed so that the user is able to fill or fix these attributes
  459. * Adds "please select" to activity select box if no activity is set as default
  460. * Do not silently ignore timelog validation failure on issue edit
  461. * Adds a rake task to send reminder emails
  462. * Allow empty cells in wiki tables
  463. * Makes wiki text formatter pluggable
  464. * Adds back textile acronyms support
  465. * Remove pre tag attributes
  466. * Plugin hooks
  467. * Pluggable admin menu
  468. * Plugins can provide activity content
  469. * Moves plugin list to its own administration menu item
  470. * Adds url and author_url plugin attributes
  471. * Adds Plugin#requires_redmine method so that plugin compatibility can be checked against current Redmine version
  472. * Adds atom feed on time entries details
  473. * Adds project name to issues feed title
  474. * Adds a css class on menu items in order to apply item specific styles (eg. icons)
  475. * Adds a Redmine plugin generators
  476. * Adds timelog link to the issue context menu
  477. * Adds links to the user page on various views
  478. * Turkish translation by Ismail Sezen
  479. * Catalan translation
  480. * Vietnamese translation
  481. * Slovak translation
  482. * Better naming of activity feed if only one kind of event is displayed
  483. * Enable syntax highlight on issues, messages and news
  484. * Add target version to the issue list context menu
  485. * Hide 'Target version' filter if no version is defined
  486. * Add filters on cross-project issue list for custom fields marked as 'For all projects'
  487. * Turn ftp urls into links
  488. * Hiding the View Differences button when a wiki page's history only has one version
  489. * Messages on a Board can now be sorted by the number of replies
  490. * Adds a class ('me') to events of the activity view created by current user
  491. * Strip pre/code tags content from activity view events
  492. * Display issue notes in the activity view
  493. * Adds links to changesets atom feed on repository browser
  494. * Track project and tracker changes in issue history
  495. * Adds anchor to atom feed messages links
  496. * Adds a key in lang files to set the decimal separator (point or comma) in csv exports
  497. * Makes importer work with Trac 0.8.x
  498. * Upgraded to Prototype
  499. * File viewer for attached text files
  500. * Menu mapper: add support for :before, :after and :last options to #push method and add #delete method
  501. * Removed inconsistent revision numbers on diff view
  502. * CVS: add support for modules names with spaces
  503. * Log the user in after registration if account activation is not needed
  504. * Mercurial adapter improvements
  505. * Trac importer: read session_attribute table to find user's email and real name
  506. * Ability to disable unused SCM adapters in application settings
  507. * Adds Filesystem adapter
  508. * Clear changesets and changes with raw sql when deleting a repository for performance
  509. * now uses the 'commit access' permission defined in Redmine
  510. * Reposman can create any type of scm (--scm option)
  511. * Reposman creates a repository if the 'repository' module is enabled at project level only
  512. * Display svn properties in the browser, svn >= 1.5.0 only
  513. * Reduces memory usage when importing large git repositories
  514. * Wider SVG graphs in repository stats
  515. * SubversionAdapter#entries performance improvement
  516. * SCM browser: ability to download raw unified diffs
  517. * More detailed error message in log when scm command fails
  518. * Adds support for file viewing with Darcs 2.0+
  519. * Check that git changeset is not in the database before creating it
  520. * Unified diff viewer for attached files with .patch or .diff extension
  521. * File size display with Bazaar repositories
  522. * Git adapter: use commit time instead of author time
  523. * Prettier url for changesets
  524. * Makes changes link to entries on the revision view
  525. * Adds a field on the repository view to browse at specific revision
  526. * Adds new projects atom feed
  527. * Added rake tasks to generate rcov code coverage reports
  528. * Add Redcloth's :block_markdown_rule to allow horizontal rules in wiki
  529. * Show the project hierarchy in the drop down list for new membership on user administration screen
  530. * Split user edit screen into tabs
  531. * Renames bundled RedCloth to RedCloth3 to avoid RedCloth 4 to be loaded instead
  532. * Fixed: Roadmap crashes when a version has a due date > 2037
  533. * Fixed: invalid effective date (eg. 99999-01-01) causes an error on version edition screen
  534. * Fixed: login filter providing incorrect back_url for Redmine installed in sub-directory
  535. * Fixed: logtime entry duplicated when edited from parent project
  536. * Fixed: wrong digest for text files under Windows
  537. * Fixed: associated revisions are displayed in wrong order on issue view
  538. * Fixed: Git Adapter date parsing ignores timezone
  539. * Fixed: Printing long roadmap doesn't split across pages
  540. * Fixes custom fields display order at several places
  541. * Fixed: urls containing @ are parsed as email adress by the wiki formatter
  542. * Fixed date filters accuracy with SQLite
  543. * Fixed: tokens not escaped in highlight_tokens regexp
  544. * Fixed Bazaar shared repository browsing
  545. * Fixes platform determination under JRuby
  546. * Fixed: Estimated time in issue's journal should be rounded to two decimals
  547. * Fixed: 'search titles only' box ignored after one search is done on titles only
  548. * Fixed: non-ASCII subversion path can't be displayed
  549. * Fixed: Inline images don't work if file name has upper case letters or if image is in BMP format
  550. * Fixed: document listing shows on "my page" when viewing documents is disabled for the role
  551. * Fixed: Latest news appear on the homepage for projects with the News module disabled
  552. * Fixed: cross-project issue list should not show issues of projects for which the issue tracking module was disabled
  553. * Fixed: the default status is lost when reordering issue statuses
  554. * Fixes error with Postgresql and non-UTF8 commit logs
  555. * Fixed: textile footnotes no longer work
  556. * Fixed: http links containing parentheses fail to reder correctly
  557. * Fixed: GitAdapter#get_rev should use current branch instead of hardwiring master
  558. == 2008-07-06 v0.7.3
  559. * Allow dot in firstnames and lastnames
  560. * Add project name to cross-project Atom feeds
  561. * Encoding set to utf8 in example database.yml
  562. * HTML titles on forums related views
  563. * Fixed: various XSS vulnerabilities
  564. * Fixed: Entourage (and some old client) fails to correctly render notification styles
  565. * Fixed: Fixed: timelog redirects inappropriately when :back_url is blank
  566. * Fixed: wrong relative paths to images in wiki_syntax.html
  567. == 2008-06-15 v0.7.2
  568. * "New Project" link on Projects page
  569. * Links to repository directories on the repo browser
  570. * Move status to front in Activity View
  571. * Remove edit step from Status context menu
  572. * Fixed: No way to do textile horizontal rule
  573. * Fixed: Repository: View differences doesn't work
  574. * Fixed: attachement's name maybe invalid.
  575. * Fixed: Error when creating a new issue
  576. * Fixed: NoMethodError on @available_filters.has_key?
  577. * Fixed: Check All / Uncheck All in Email Settings
  578. * Fixed: "View differences" of one file at /repositories/revision/ fails
  579. * Fixed: Column width in "my page"
  580. * Fixed: private subprojects are listed on Issues view
  581. * Fixed: Textile: bold, italics, underline, etc... not working after parentheses
  582. * Fixed: Update issue form: comment field from log time end out of screen
  583. * Fixed: Editing role: "issue can be assigned to this role" out of box
  584. * Fixed: Unable use angular braces after include word
  585. * Fixed: Using '*' as keyword for repository referencing keywords doesn't work
  586. * Fixed: Subversion repository "View differences" on each file rise ERROR
  587. * Fixed: View differences for individual file of a changeset fails if the repository URL doesn't point to the repository root
  588. * Fixed: It is possible to lock out the last admin account
  589. * Fixed: Wikis are viewable for anonymous users on public projects, despite not granting access
  590. * Fixed: Issue number display clipped on 'my issues'
  591. * Fixed: Roadmap version list links not carrying state
  592. * Fixed: Log Time fieldset in IssueController#edit doesn't set default Activity as default
  593. * Fixed: git's "get_rev" API should use repo's current branch instead of hardwiring "master"
  594. * Fixed: browser's language subcodes ignored
  595. * Fixed: Error on project selection with numeric (only) identifier.
  596. * Fixed: Link to PDF doesn't work after creating new issue
  597. * Fixed: "Replies" should not be shown on forum threads that are locked
  598. * Fixed: SVN errors lead to svn username/password being displayed to end users (security issue)
  599. * Fixed: http links containing hashes don't display correct
  600. * Fixed: Allow ampersands in Enumeration names
  601. * Fixed: Atom link on saved query does not include query_id
  602. * Fixed: Logtime info lost when there's an error updating an issue
  603. * Fixed: TOC does not parse colorization markups
  604. * Fixed: CVS: add support for modules names with spaces
  605. * Fixed: Bad rendering on projects/add
  606. * Fixed: exception when viewing differences on cvs
  607. * Fixed: export issue to pdf will messup when use Chinese language
  608. * Fixed: Redmine::Scm::Adapters::GitAdapter#get_rev ignored GIT_BIN constant
  609. * Fixed: Adding non-ASCII new issue type in the New Issue page have encoding error using IE
  610. * Fixed: Importing from trac : some wiki links are messed
  611. * Fixed: Incorrect weekend definition in Hebrew calendar locale
  612. * Fixed: Atom feeds don't provide author section for repository revisions
  613. * Fixed: In Activity views, changesets titles can be multiline while they should not
  614. * Fixed: Ignore unreadable subversion directories (read disabled using authz)
  615. * Fixed: lib/SVG/Graph/Graph.rb can't externalize stylesheets
  616. * Fixed: Close statement handler in
  617. == 2008-05-04 v0.7.1
  618. * Thai translation added (Gampol Thitinilnithi)
  619. * Translations updates
  620. * Escape HTML comment tags
  621. * Prevent "can't convert nil into String" error when :sort_order param is not present
  622. * Fixed: Updating tickets add a time log with zero hours
  623. * Fixed: private subprojects names are revealed on the project overview
  624. * Fixed: Search for target version of "none" fails with postgres 8.3
  625. * Fixed: Home, Logout, Login links shouldn't be absolute links
  626. * Fixed: 'Latest projects' box on the welcome screen should be hidden if there are no projects
  627. * Fixed: error when using upcase language name in coderay
  628. * Fixed: error on Trac import when :due attribute is nil
  629. == 2008-04-28 v0.7.0
  630. * Forces Redmine to use rails 2.0.2 gem when vendor/rails is not present
  631. * Queries can be marked as 'For all projects'. Such queries will be available on all projects and on the global issue list.
  632. * Add predefined date ranges to the time report
  633. * Time report can be done at issue level
  634. * Various timelog report enhancements
  635. * Accept the following formats for "hours" field: 1h, 1 h, 1 hour, 2 hours, 30m, 30min, 1h30, 1h30m, 1:30
  636. * Display the context menu above and/or to the left of the click if needed
  637. * Make the admin project files list sortable
  638. * Mercurial: display working directory files sizes unless browsing a specific revision
  639. * Preserve status filter and page number when using lock/unlock/activate links on the users list
  640. * support for LDAP authentication
  641. * Better error message and AR errors in log for failed LDAP on-the-fly user creation
  642. * Redirected user to where he is coming from after logging hours
  643. * Warn user that subprojects are also deleted when deleting a project
  644. * Include subprojects versions on calendar and gantt
  645. * Notify project members when a message is posted if they want to receive notifications
  646. * Fixed: Feed content limit setting has no effect
  647. * Fixed: Priorities not ordered when displayed as a filter in issue list
  648. * Fixed: can not display attached images inline in message replies
  649. * Fixed: Boards are not deleted when project is deleted
  650. * Fixed: trying to preview a new issue raises an exception with postgresql
  651. * Fixed: single file 'View difference' links do not work because of duplicate slashes in url
  652. * Fixed: inline image not displayed when including a wiki page
  653. * Fixed: CVS duplicate key violation
  654. * Fixed: ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError exception on closing a set of circular duplicate issues
  655. * Fixed: custom field filters behaviour
  656. * Fixed: Postgresql 8.3 compatibility
  657. * Fixed: Links to repository directories don't work
  658. == 2008-03-29 v0.7.0-rc1
  659. * Overall activity view and feed added, link is available on the project list
  660. * Git VCS support
  661. * Rails 2.0 sessions cookie store compatibility
  662. * Use project identifiers in urls instead of ids
  663. * Default configuration data can now be loaded from the administration screen
  664. * Administration settings screen split to tabs (email notifications options moved to 'Settings')
  665. * Project description is now unlimited and optional
  666. * Wiki annotate view
  667. * Escape HTML tag in textile content
  668. * Add Redmine links to documents, versions, attachments and repository files
  669. * New setting to specify how many objects should be displayed on paginated lists. There are 2 ways to select a set of issues on the issue list:
  670. * by using checkbox and/or the little pencil that will select/unselect all issues
  671. * by clicking on the rows (but not on the links), Ctrl and Shift keys can be used to select multiple issues
  672. * Context menu disabled on links so that the default context menu of the browser is displayed when right-clicking on a link (click anywhere else on the row to display the context menu)
  673. * User display format is now configurable in administration settings
  674. * Issue list now supports bulk edit/move/delete (for a set of issues that belong to the same project)
  675. * Merged 'change status', 'edit issue' and 'add note' actions:
  676. * Users with 'edit issues' permission can now update any property including custom fields when adding a note or changing the status
  677. * 'Change issue status' permission removed. To change an issue status, a user just needs to have either 'Edit' or 'Add note' permissions and some workflow transitions allowed
  678. * Details by assignees on issue summary view
  679. * 'New issue' link in the main menu (accesskey 7). The drop-down lists to add an issue on the project overview and the issue list are removed
  680. * Change status select box default to current status
  681. * Preview for issue notes, news and messages
  682. * Optional description for attachments
  683. * 'Fixed version' label changed to 'Target version'
  684. * Let the user choose when deleting issues with reported hours to:
  685. * delete the hours
  686. * assign the hours to the project
  687. * reassign the hours to another issue
  688. * Date range filter and pagination on time entries detail view
  689. * Propagate time tracking to the parent project
  690. * Switch added on the project activity view to include subprojects
  691. * Display total estimated and spent hours on the version detail view
  692. * Weekly time tracking block for 'My page'
  693. * Permissions to edit time entries
  694. * Include subprojects on the issue list, calendar, gantt and timelog by default (can be turned off is administration settings)
  695. * Roadmap enhancements (separate related issues from wiki contents, leading h1 in version wiki pages is hidden, smaller wiki headings)
  696. * Make versions with same date sorted by name
  697. * Allow issue list to be sorted by target version
  698. * Related changesets messages displayed on the issue details view
  699. * Create a journal and send an email when an issue is closed by commit
  700. * Add 'Author' to the available columns for the issue list
  701. * More appropriate default sort order on sortable columns
  702. * Add issue subject to the time entries view and issue subject, description and tracker to the csv export
  703. * Permissions to edit issue notes
  704. * Display date/time instead of date on files list
  705. * Do not show Roadmap menu item if the project doesn't define any versions
  706. * Allow longer version names (60 chars)
  707. * Ability to copy an existing workflow when creating a new role
  708. * Display custom fields in two columns on the issue form
  709. * Added 'estimated time' in the csv export of the issue list
  710. * Display the last 30 days on the activity view rather than the current month (number of days can be configured in the application settings)
  711. * Setting for whether new projects should be public by default
  712. * User preference to choose how comments/replies are displayed: in chronological or reverse chronological order
  713. * Added default value for custom fields
  714. * Added tabindex property on wiki toolbar buttons (to easily move from field to field using the tab key)
  715. * Redirect to issue page after creating a new issue
  716. * Wiki toolbar improvements (mainly for Firefox)
  717. * Display wiki syntax quick ref link on all wiki textareas
  718. * Display links to Atom feeds
  719. * Breadcrumb nav for the forums
  720. * Show replies when choosing to display messages in the activity
  721. * Added 'include' macro to include another wiki page
  722. * RedmineWikiFormatting page available as a static HTML file locally
  723. * Wrap diff content
  724. * Strip out email address from authors in repository screens
  725. * Highlight the current item of the main menu
  726. * Added simple syntax highlighters for php and java languages
  727. * Do not show empty diffs
  728. * Show explicit error message when the scm command failed (eg. when svn binary is not available)
  729. * Lithuanian translation added (Sergej Jegorov)
  730. * Ukrainan translation added (Natalia Konovka & Mykhaylo Sorochan)
  731. * Danish translation added (Mads Vestergaard)
  732. * Added i18n support to the jstoolbar and various settings screen
  733. * RedCloth's glyphs no longer user
  734. * New icons for the wiki toolbar (from
  735. * The following menus can now be extended by plugins: top_menu, account_menu, application_menu
  736. * Added a simple rake task to fetch changesets from the repositories: rake redmine:fetch_changesets
  737. * Remove hardcoded "Redmine" strings in account related emails and use application title instead
  738. * Mantis importer preserve bug ids
  739. * Trac importer: Trac guide wiki pages skipped
  740. * Trac importer: wiki attachments migration added
  741. * Trac importer: support database schema for Trac migration
  742. * Trac importer: support CamelCase links
  743. * Removes the Redmine version from the footer (can be viewed on admin -> info)
  744. * Rescue and display an error message when trying to delete a role that is in use
  745. * Add various 'X-Redmine' headers to email notifications: X-Redmine-Host, X-Redmine-Site, X-Redmine-Project, X-Redmine-Issue-Id, -Author, -Assignee, X-Redmine-Topic-Id
  746. * Add "--encoding utf8" option to the Mercurial "hg log" command in order to get utf8 encoded commit logs
  747. * Fixed: Gantt and calendar not properly refreshed (fragment caching removed)
  748. * Fixed: Textile image with style attribute cause internal server error
  749. * Fixed: wiki TOC not rendered properly when used in an issue or document description
  750. * Fixed: 'has already been taken' error message on username and email fields if left empty
  751. * Fixed: non-ascii attachement filename with IE
  752. * Fixed: wrong url for wiki syntax pop-up when Redmine urls are prefixed
  753. * Fixed: search for all words doesn't work
  754. * Fixed: Do not show sticky and locked checkboxes when replying to a message
  755. * Fixed: Mantis importer: do not duplicate Mantis username in firstname and lastname if realname is blank
  756. * Fixed: Date custom fields not displayed as specified in application settings
  757. * Fixed: titles not escaped in the activity view
  758. * Fixed: issue queries can not use custom fields marked as 'for all projects' in a project context
  759. * Fixed: on calendar, gantt and in the tracker filter on the issue list, only active trackers of the project (and its sub projects) should be available
  760. * Fixed: locked users should not receive email notifications
  761. * Fixed: custom field selection is not saved when unchecking them all on project settings
  762. * Fixed: can not lock a topic when creating it
  763. * Fixed: Incorrect filtering for unset values when using 'is not' filter
  764. * Fixed: PostgreSQL issues_seq_id not updated when using Trac importer
  765. * Fixed: ajax pagination does not scroll up
  766. * Fixed: error when uploading a file with no content-type specified by the browser
  767. * Fixed: wiki and changeset links not displayed when previewing issue description or notes
  768. * Fixed: 'LdapError: no bind result' error when authenticating
  769. * Fixed: 'LdapError: invalid binding information' when no username/password are set on the LDAP account
  770. * Fixed: CVS repository doesn't work if port is used in the url
  771. * Fixed: Email notifications: host name is missing in generated links
  772. * Fixed: Email notifications: referenced changesets, wiki pages, attachments... are not turned into links
  773. * Fixed: Do not clear issue relations when moving an issue to another project if cross-project issue relations are allowed
  774. * Fixed: "undefined method 'textilizable'" error on email notification when running Repository#fetch_changesets from the console
  775. * Fixed: Do not send an email with no recipient, cc or bcc
  776. * Fixed: fetch_changesets fails on commit comments that close 2 duplicates issues.
  777. * Fixed: Mercurial browsing under unix-like os and for directory depth > 2
  778. * Fixed: Wiki links with pipe can not be used in wiki tables
  779. * Fixed: migrate_from_trac doesn't import timestamps of wiki and tickets
  780. * Fixed: when bulk editing, setting "Assigned to" to "nobody" causes an sql error with Postgresql
  781. == 2008-03-12 v0.6.4
  782. * Fixed: private projects name are displayed on account/show even if the current user doesn't have access to these private projects
  783. * Fixed: potential LDAP authentication security flaw
  784. * Fixed: context submenus on the issue list don't show up with IE6.
  785. * Fixed: Themes are not applied with Rails 2.0
  786. * Fixed: crash when fetching Mercurial changesets if changeset[:files] is nil
  787. * Fixed: Mercurial repository browsing
  788. * Fixed: undefined local variable or method 'log' in CvsAdapter when a cvs command fails
  789. * Fixed: not null constraints not removed with Postgresql
  790. * Doctype set to transitional
  791. == 2007-12-18 v0.6.3
  792. * Fixed: upload doesn't work in 'Files' section
  793. == 2007-12-16 v0.6.2
  794. * Search engine: issue custom fields can now be searched
  795. * News comments are now textilized
  796. * Updated Japanese translation (Satoru Kurashiki)
  797. * Updated Chinese translation (Shortie Lo)
  798. * Fixed Rails 2.0 compatibility bugs:
  799. * Unable to create a wiki
  800. * Gantt and calendar error
  801. * Trac importer error (readonly? is defined by ActiveRecord)
  802. * Fixed: 'assigned to me' filter broken
  803. * Fixed: crash when validation fails on issue edition with no custom fields
  804. * Fixed: reposman "can't find group" error
  805. * Fixed: 'LDAP account password is too long' error when leaving the field empty on creation
  806. * Fixed: empty lines when displaying repository files with Windows style eol
  807. * Fixed: missing body closing tag in repository annotate and entry views
  808. == 2007-12-10 v0.6.1
  809. * Rails 2.0 compatibility
  810. * Custom fields can now be displayed as columns on the issue list
  811. * Added version details view (accessible from the roadmap)
  812. * Roadmap: more accurate completion percentage calculation (done ratio of open issues is now taken into account)
  813. * Added per-project tracker selection. Trackers can be selected on project settings
  814. * Anonymous users can now be allowed to create, edit, comment issues, comment news and post messages in the forums
  815. * Forums: messages can now be edited/deleted (explicit permissions need to be given)
  816. * Forums: topics can be locked so that no reply can be added
  817. * Forums: topics can be marked as sticky so that they always appear at the top of the list
  818. * Forums: attachments can now be added to replies
  819. * Added time zone support
  820. * Added a setting to choose the account activation strategy (available in application settings)
  821. * Added 'Classic' theme (inspired from the v0.51 design)
  822. * Added an alternate theme which provides issue list colorization based on issues priority
  823. * Added Bazaar SCM adapter
  824. * Added Annotate/Blame view in the repository browser (except for Darcs SCM)
  825. * Diff style (inline or side by side) automatically saved as a user preference
  826. * Added issues status changes on the activity view (by Cyril Mougel)
  827. * Added forums topics on the activity view (disabled by default)
  828. * Added an option on 'My account' for users who don't want to be notified of changes that they make
  829. * Trac importer now supports mysql and postgresql databases
  830. * Trac importer improvements (by Mat Trudel)
  831. * 'fixed version' field can now be displayed on the issue list
  832. * Added a couple of new formats for the 'date format' setting
  833. * Added Traditional Chinese translation (by Shortie Lo)
  834. * Added Russian translation (iGor kMeta)
  835. * Project name format limitation removed (name can now contain any character)
  836. * Project identifier maximum length changed from 12 to 20
  837. * Changed the maximum length of LDAP account to 255 characters
  838. * Removed the 12 characters limit on passwords
  839. * Added wiki macros support
  840. * Performance improvement on workflow setup screen
  841. * More detailed html title on several views
  842. * Custom fields can now be reordered
  843. * Search engine: search can be restricted to an exact phrase by using quotation marks
  844. * Added custom fields marked as 'For all projects' to the csv export of the cross project issue list
  845. * Email notifications are now sent as Blind carbon copy by default
  846. * Fixed: all members (including non active) should be deleted when deleting a project
  847. * Fixed: Error on wiki syntax link (accessible from wiki/edit)
  848. * Fixed: 'quick jump to a revision' form on the revisions list
  849. * Fixed: error on admin/info if there's more than 1 plugin installed
  850. * Fixed: svn or ldap password can be found in clear text in the html source in editing mode
  851. * Fixed: 'Assigned to' drop down list is not sorted
  852. * Fixed: 'View all issues' link doesn't work on issues/show
  853. * Fixed: error on account/register when validation fails
  854. * Fixed: Error when displaying the issue list if a float custom field is marked as 'used as filter'
  855. * Fixed: Mercurial adapter breaks on missing :files entry in changeset hash (James Britt)
  856. * Fixed: Wrong feed URLs on the home page
  857. * Fixed: Update of time entry fails when the issue has been moved to an other project
  858. * Fixed: Error when moving an issue without changing its tracker (Postgresql)
  859. * Fixed: Changes not recorded when using :pserver string (CVS adapter)
  860. * Fixed: admin should be able to move issues to any project
  861. * Fixed: adding an attachment is not possible when changing the status of an issue
  862. * Fixed: No mime-types in documents/files downloading
  863. * Fixed: error when sorting the messages if there's only one board for the project
  864. * Fixed: 'me' doesn't appear in the drop down filters on a project issue list.
  865. == 2007-11-04 v0.6.0
  866. * Permission model refactoring.
  867. * Permissions: there are now 2 builtin roles that can be used to specify permissions given to other users than members of projects
  868. * Permissions: some permissions (eg. browse the repository) can be removed for certain roles
  869. * Permissions: modules (eg. issue tracking, news, documents...) can be enabled/disabled at project level
  870. * Added Mantis and Trac importers
  871. * New application layout
  872. * Added "Bulk edit" functionality on the issue list
  873. * More flexible mail notifications settings at user level
  874. * Added AJAX based context menu on the project issue list that provide shortcuts for editing, re-assigning, changing the status or the priority, moving or deleting an issue
  875. * Added the hability to copy an issue. It can be done from the "issue/show" view or from the context menu on the issue list
  876. * Added the ability to customize issue list columns (at application level or for each saved query)
  877. * Overdue versions (date reached and open issues > 0) are now always displayed on the roadmap
  878. * Added the ability to rename wiki pages (specific permission required)
  879. * Search engines now supports pagination. Results are sorted in reverse chronological order
  880. * Added "Estimated hours" attribute on issues
  881. * A category with assigned issue can now be deleted. 2 options are proposed: remove assignments or reassign issues to another category
  882. * Forum notifications are now also sent to the authors of the thread, even if they don’t watch the board
  883. * Added an application setting to specify the application protocol (http or https) used to generate urls in emails
  884. * Gantt chart: now starts at the current month by default
  885. * Gantt chart: month count and zoom factor are automatically saved as user preferences
  886. * Wiki links can now refer to other project wikis
  887. * Added wiki index by date
  888. * Added preview on add/edit issue form
  889. * Emails footer can now be customized from the admin interface (Admin -> Email notifications)
  890. * Default encodings for repository files can now be set in application settings (used to convert files content and diff to UTF-8 so that they’re properly displayed)
  891. * Calendar: first day of week can now be set in lang files
  892. * Automatic closing of duplicate issues
  893. * Added a cross-project issue list
  894. * AJAXified the SCM browser (tree view)
  895. * Pretty URL for the repository browser (Cyril Mougel)
  896. * Search engine: added a checkbox to search titles only
  897. * Added "% done" in the filter list
  898. * Enumerations: values can now be reordered and a default value can be specified (eg. default issue priority)
  899. * Added some accesskeys
  900. * Added "Float" as a custom field format
  901. * Added basic Theme support
  902. * Added the ability to set the “done ratio” of issues fixed by commit (Nikolay Solakov)
  903. * Added custom fields in issue related mail notifications
  904. * Email notifications are now sent in plain text and html
  905. * Gantt chart can now be exported to a graphic file (png). This functionality is only available if RMagick is installed.
  906. * Added syntax highlightment for repository files and wiki
  907. * Improved automatic Redmine links
  908. * Added automatic table of content support on wiki pages
  909. * Added radio buttons on the documents list to sort documents by category, date, title or author
  910. * Added basic plugin support, with a sample plugin
  911. * Added a link to add a new category when creating or editing an issue
  912. * Added a "Assignable" boolean on the Role model. If unchecked, issues can not be assigned to users having this role.
  913. * Added an option to be able to relate issues in different projects
  914. * Added the ability to move issues (to another project) without changing their trackers.
  915. * Atom feeds added on project activity, news and changesets
  916. * Added the ability to reset its own RSS access key
  917. * Main project list now displays root projects with their subprojects
  918. * Added anchor links to issue notes
  919. * Added reposman Ruby version. This script can now register created repositories in Redmine (Nicolas Chuche)
  920. * Issue notes are now included in search
  921. * Added email sending test functionality
  922. * Added LDAPS support for LDAP authentication
  923. * Removed hard-coded URLs in mail templates
  924. * Subprojects are now grouped by projects in the navigation drop-down menu
  925. * Added a new value for date filters: this week
  926. * Added cache for application settings
  927. * Added Polish translation (Tomasz Gawryl)
  928. * Added Czech translation (Jan Kadlecek)
  929. * Added Romanian translation (Csongor Bartus)
  930. * Added Hebrew translation (Bob Builder)
  931. * Added Serbian translation (Dragan Matic)
  932. * Added Korean translation (Choi Jong Yoon)
  933. * Fixed: the link to delete issue relations is displayed even if the user is not authorized to delete relations
  934. * Performance improvement on calendar and gantt
  935. * Fixed: wiki preview doesn’t work on long entries
  936. * Fixed: queries with multiple custom fields return no result
  937. * Fixed: Can not authenticate user against LDAP if its DN contains non-ascii characters
  938. * Fixed: URL with ~ broken in wiki formatting
  939. * Fixed: some quotation marks are rendered as strange characters in pdf
  940. == 2007-07-15 v0.5.1
  941. * per project forums added
  942. * added the ability to archive projects
  943. * added “Watch” functionality on issues. It allows users to receive notifications about issue changes
  944. * custom fields for issues can now be used as filters on issue list
  945. * added per user custom queries
  946. * commit messages are now scanned for referenced or fixed issue IDs (keywords defined in Admin -> Settings)
  947. * projects list now shows the list of public projects and private projects for which the user is a member
  948. * versions can now be created with no date
  949. * added issue count details for versions on Reports view
  950. * added time report, by member/activity/tracker/version and year/month/week for the selected period
  951. * each category can now be associated to a user, so that new issues in that category are automatically assigned to that user
  952. * added autologin feature (disabled by default)
  953. * optimistic locking added for wiki edits
  954. * added wiki diff
  955. * added the ability to destroy wiki pages (requires permission)
  956. * a wiki page can now be attached to each version, and displayed on the roadmap
  957. * attachments can now be added to wiki pages (original patch by Pavol Murin) and displayed online
  958. * added an option to see all versions in the roadmap view (including completed ones)
  959. * added basic issue relations
  960. * added the ability to log time when changing an issue status
  961. * account information can now be sent to the user when creating an account
  962. * author and assignee of an issue always receive notifications (even if they turned of mail notifications)
  963. * added a quick search form in page header
  964. * added 'me' value for 'assigned to' and 'author' query filters
  965. * added a link on revision screen to see the entire diff for the revision
  966. * added last commit message for each entry in repository browser
  967. * added the ability to view a file diff with free to/from revision selection.
  968. * text files can now be viewed online when browsing the repository
  969. * added basic support for other SCM: CVS (Ralph Vater), Mercurial and Darcs
  970. * added fragment caching for svn diffs
  971. * added fragment caching for calendar and gantt views
  972. * login field automatically focused on login form
  973. * subproject name displayed on issue list, calendar and gantt
  974. * added an option to choose the date format: language based or ISO 8601
  975. * added a simple mail handler. It lets users add notes to an existing issue by replying to the initial notification email.
  976. * a 403 error page is now displayed (instead of a blank page) when trying to access a protected page
  977. * added portuguese translation (Joao Carlos Clementoni)
  978. * added partial online help japanese translation (Ken Date)
  979. * added bulgarian translation (Nikolay Solakov)
  980. * added dutch translation (Linda van den Brink)
  981. * added swedish translation (Thomas Habets)
  982. * italian translation update (Alessio Spadaro)
  983. * japanese translation update (Satoru Kurashiki)
  984. * fixed: error on history atom feed when there’s no notes on an issue change
  985. * fixed: error in journalizing an issue with longtext custom fields (Postgresql)
  986. * fixed: creation of Oracle schema
  987. * fixed: last day of the month not included in project activity
  988. * fixed: files with an apostrophe in their names can't be accessed in SVN repository
  989. * fixed: performance issue on RepositoriesController#revisions when a changeset has a great number of changes (eg. 100,000)
  990. * fixed: open/closed issue counts are always 0 on reports view (postgresql)
  991. * fixed: date query filters (wrong results and sql error with postgresql)
  992. * fixed: confidentiality issue on account/show (private project names displayed to anyone)
  993. * fixed: Long text custom fields displayed without line breaks
  994. * fixed: Error when editing the wokflow after deleting a status
  995. * fixed: SVN commit dates are now stored as local time
  996. == 2007-04-11 v0.5.0
  997. * added per project Wiki
  998. * added rss/atom feeds at project level (custom queries can be used as feeds)
  999. * added search engine (search in issues, news, commits, wiki pages, documents)
  1000. * simple time tracking functionality added
  1001. * added version due dates on calendar and gantt
  1002. * added subprojects issue count on project Reports page
  1003. * added the ability to copy an existing workflow when creating a new tracker
  1004. * added the ability to include subprojects on calendar and gantt
  1005. * added the ability to select trackers to display on calendar and gantt (Jeffrey Jones)
  1006. * added side by side svn diff view (Cyril Mougel)
  1007. * added back subproject filter on issue list
  1008. * added permissions report in admin area
  1009. * added a status filter on users list
  1010. * support for password-protected SVN repositories
  1011. * SVN commits are now stored in the database
  1012. * added simple svn statistics SVG graphs
  1013. * progress bars for roadmap versions (Nick Read)
  1014. * issue history now shows file uploads and deletions
  1015. * #id patterns are turned into links to issues in descriptions and commit messages
  1016. * japanese translation added (Satoru Kurashiki)
  1017. * chinese simplified translation added (Andy Wu)
  1018. * italian translation added (Alessio Spadaro)
  1019. * added scripts to manage SVN repositories creation and user access control using ssh+svn (Nicolas Chuche)
  1020. * better calendar rendering time
  1021. * fixed migration scripts to work with mysql 5 running in strict mode
  1022. * fixed: error when clicking "add" with no block selected on my/page_layout
  1023. * fixed: hard coded links in navigation bar
  1024. * fixed: table_name pre/suffix support
  1025. == 2007-02-18 v0.4.2
  1026. * Rails 1.2 is now required
  1027. * settings are now stored in the database and editable through the application in: Admin -> Settings (config_custom.rb is no longer used)
  1028. * added project roadmap view
  1029. * mail notifications added when a document, a file or an attachment is added
  1030. * tooltips added on Gantt chart and calender to view the details of the issues
  1031. * ability to set the sort order for roles, trackers, issue statuses
  1032. * added missing fields to csv export: priority, start date, due date, done ratio
  1033. * added total number of issues per tracker on project overview
  1034. * all icons replaced (new icons are based on GPL icon set: "KDE Crystal Diamond 2.5" -by paolino- and "kNeu! Alpha v0.1" -by Pablo Fabregat-)
  1035. * added back "fixed version" field on issue screen and in filters
  1036. * project settings screen split in 4 tabs
  1037. * custom fields screen split in 3 tabs (one for each kind of custom field)
  1038. * multiple issues pdf export now rendered as a table
  1039. * added a button on users/list to manually activate an account
  1040. * added a setting option to disable "password lost" functionality
  1041. * added a setting option to set max number of issues in csv/pdf exports
  1042. * fixed: subprojects count is always 0 on projects list
  1043. * fixed: locked users are proposed when adding a member to a project
  1044. * fixed: setting an issue status as default status leads to an sql error with SQLite
  1045. * fixed: unable to delete an issue status even if it's not used yet
  1046. * fixed: filters ignored when exporting a predefined query to csv/pdf
  1047. * fixed: crash when french "issue_edit" email notification is sent
  1048. * fixed: hide mail preference not saved (my/account)
  1049. * fixed: crash when a new user try to edit its "my page" layout
  1050. == 2007-01-03 v0.4.1
  1051. * fixed: emails have no recipient when one of the project members has notifications disabled
  1052. == 2007-01-02 v0.4.0
  1053. * simple SVN browser added (just needs svn binaries in PATH)
  1054. * comments can now be added on news
  1055. * "my page" is now customizable
  1056. * more powerfull and savable filters for issues lists
  1057. * improved issues change history
  1058. * new functionality: move an issue to another project or tracker
  1059. * new functionality: add a note to an issue
  1060. * new report: project activity
  1061. * "start date" and "% done" fields added on issues
  1062. * project calendar added
  1063. * gantt chart added (exportable to pdf)
  1064. * single/multiple issues pdf export added
  1065. * issues reports improvements
  1066. * multiple file upload for issues, documents and files
  1067. * option to set maximum size of uploaded files
  1068. * textile formating of issue and news descritions (RedCloth required)
  1069. * integration of DotClear jstoolbar for textile formatting
  1070. * calendar date picker for date fields (LGPL DHTML Calendar
  1071. * new filter in issues list: Author
  1072. * ajaxified paginators
  1073. * news rss feed added
  1074. * option to set number of results per page on issues list
  1075. * localized csv separator (comma/semicolon)
  1076. * csv output encoded to ISO-8859-1
  1077. * user custom field displayed on account/show
  1078. * default configuration improved (default roles, trackers, status, permissions and workflows)
  1079. * language for default configuration data can now be chosen when running 'load_default_data' task
  1080. * javascript added on custom field form to show/hide fields according to the format of custom field
  1081. * fixed: custom fields not in csv exports
  1082. * fixed: project settings now displayed according to user's permissions
  1083. * fixed: application error when no version is selected on projects/add_file
  1084. * fixed: public actions not authorized for members of non public projects
  1085. * fixed: non public projects were shown on welcome screen even if current user is not a member
  1086. == 2006-10-08 v0.3.0
  1087. * user authentication against multiple LDAP (optional)
  1088. * token based "lost password" functionality
  1089. * user self-registration functionality (optional)
  1090. * custom fields now available for issues, users and projects
  1091. * new custom field format "text" (displayed as a textarea field)
  1092. * project & administration drop down menus in navigation bar for quicker access
  1093. * text formatting is preserved for long text fields (issues, projects and news descriptions)
  1094. * urls and emails are turned into clickable links in long text fields
  1095. * "due date" field added on issues
  1096. * tracker selection filter added on change log
  1097. * Localization plugin replaced with GLoc 1.1.0 (iconv required)
  1098. * error messages internationalization
  1099. * german translation added (thanks to Karim Trott)
  1100. * data locking for issues to prevent update conflicts (using ActiveRecord builtin optimistic locking)
  1101. * new filter in issues list: "Fixed version"
  1102. * active filters are displayed with colored background on issues list
  1103. * custom configuration is now defined in config/config_custom.rb
  1104. * user object no more stored in session (only user_id)
  1105. * news summary field is no longer required
  1106. * tables and forms redesign
  1107. * Fixed: boolean custom field not working
  1108. * Fixed: error messages for custom fields are not displayed
  1109. * Fixed: invalid custom fields should have a red border
  1110. * Fixed: custom fields values are not validated on issue update
  1111. * Fixed: unable to choose an empty value for 'List' custom fields
  1112. * Fixed: no issue categories sorting
  1113. * Fixed: incorrect versions sorting
  1114. == 2006-07-12 - v0.2.2
  1115. * Fixed: bug in "issues list"
  1116. == 2006-07-09 - v0.2.1
  1117. * new databases supported: Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server
  1118. * projects/subprojects hierarchy (1 level of subprojects only)
  1119. * environment information display in admin/info
  1120. * more filter options in issues list (rev6)
  1121. * default language based on browser settings (Accept-Language HTTP header)
  1122. * issues list exportable to CSV (rev6)
  1123. * simple_format and auto_link on long text fields
  1124. * more data validations
  1125. * Fixed: error when all mail notifications are unchecked in admin/mail_options
  1126. * Fixed: all project news are displayed on project summary
  1127. * Fixed: Can't change user password in users/edit
  1128. * Fixed: Error on tables creation with PostgreSQL (rev5)
  1129. * Fixed: SQL error in "issue reports" view with PostgreSQL (rev5)
  1130. == 2006-06-25 - v0.1.0
  1131. * multiple users/multiple projects
  1132. * role based access control
  1133. * issue tracking system
  1134. * fully customizable workflow
  1135. * documents/files repository
  1136. * email notifications on issue creation and update
  1137. * multilanguage support (except for error messages):english, french, spanish
  1138. * online manual in french (unfinished)