You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Jean-Philippe Lang 3e102f281d Add a simple java scanner. 16 years ago
bin Added syntax highlightment for repository files (using CodeRay). 17 years ago
lib Add a simple java scanner. 16 years ago
FOLDERS Added syntax highlightment for repository files (using CodeRay). 17 years ago
LICENSE Added syntax highlightment for repository files (using CodeRay). 17 years ago
README Added syntax highlightment for repository files (using CodeRay). 17 years ago


= CodeRay

[- Tired of blue'n'gray? Try the original version of this documentation on (use Ctrl+Click to open it in its own frame.) -]

== About
CodeRay is a Ruby library for syntax highlighting.

Syntax highlighting means: You put your code in, and you get it back colored;
Keywords, strings, floats, comments - all in different colors.
And with line numbers.

*Syntax* *Highlighting*...
* makes code easier to read and maintain
* lets you detect syntax errors faster
* helps you to understand the syntax of a language
* looks nice
* is what everybody should have on their website
* solves all your problems and makes the girls run after you

Version: 0.7.4 (2006.october.20)
Author:: murphy (Kornelius Kalnbach)
Contact:: murphy rubychan de
License:: GNU LGPL; see LICENSE file in the main directory.
Subversion:: $Id: README 219 2006-10-20 15:52:25Z murphy $


== Installation

You need RubyGems[].

% gem install coderay

Since CodeRay is still in beta stage, nightly buildy may be useful:

% gem install coderay -rs

=== Dependencies

CodeRay needs Ruby 1.8 and the
library (part of the standard library.) It should also run with Ruby 1.9 and

== Example Usage
(Forgive me, but this is not highlighted.)

require 'coderay'

tokens = CodeRay.scan "puts 'Hello, world!'", :ruby
page = tokens.html :line_numbers => :inline, :wrap => :page
puts page

== Documentation

See CodeRay.

Please report errors in this documentation to <coderay cycnus de>.


== Credits

=== Special Thanks to

* licenser (Heinz N. Gies) for ending my QBasic career, inventing the Coder
project and the input/output plugin system.
CodeRay would not exist without him.

=== Thanks to

* Caleb Clausen for writing RubyLexer (see and lots of very interesting mail
* birkenfeld (Georg Brandl) and mitsuhiku (Arnim Ronacher) for PyKleur. You
guys rock!
* Jamis Buck for writing Syntax (see
I got some useful ideas from it.
* Doug Kearns and everyone else who worked on ruby.vim - it not only helped me
coding CodeRay, but also gave me a wonderful target to reach for the Ruby
* everyone who used CodeBB on and
* iGEL, magichisoka, manveru, WoNáDo and everyone I forgot from
* Daniel and Dethix from
* Dookie (who is no longer with us...) and Leonidas from
* Andreas Schwarz for finding out that CaseIgnoringWordList was not case
ignoring! Such things really make you write tests.
* matz and all Ruby gods and gurus
* The inventors of: the computer, the internet, the true color display, HTML &
CSS, VIM, RUBY, pizza, microwaves, guitars, scouting, programming, anime,
manga, coke and green ice tea.

Where would we be without all those people?

=== Created using

* Ruby[]
* Chihiro (my Sony VAIO laptop), Henrietta (my new MacBook) and
Seras (my Athlon 2200+ tower)
* VIM[] and TextMate[]
* RDE[]
* Microsoft Windows (yes, I confess!) and MacOS X
* Firefox[] and
* Rake[]
* RubyGems[]
* {Subversion/TortoiseSVN}[] using Apache via
* RDoc (though I'm quite unsatisfied with it)
* GNUWin32, MinGW and some other tools to make the shell under windows a bit
more useful
* Term::ANSIColor[]


* As you can see, CodeRay was created under heavy use of *free* software.
* So CodeRay is also *free*.
* If you use CodeRay to create software, think about making this software
*free*, too.
* Thanks :)