You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

_index.html.erb 1.2KB

  1. <table class="list custom_fields">
  2. <thead><tr>
  3. <th><%=l(:field_name)%></th>
  4. <th><%=l(:field_field_format)%></th>
  5. <th><%=l(:field_is_required)%></th>
  6. <% if tab[:name] == 'IssueCustomField' %>
  7. <th><%=l(:field_is_for_all)%></th>
  8. <th><%=l(:label_used_by)%></th>
  9. <% end %>
  10. <th></th>
  11. </tr></thead>
  12. <tbody>
  13. <% (@custom_fields_by_type[tab[:name]] || []).sort.each do |custom_field| -%>
  14. <% back_url = custom_fields_path(:tab => tab[:name]) %>
  15. <tr>
  16. <td class="name"><%= link_to, edit_custom_field_path(custom_field) %></td>
  17. <td><%= l(custom_field.format.label) %></td>
  18. <td><%= checked_image custom_field.is_required? %></td>
  19. <% if tab[:name] == 'IssueCustomField' %>
  20. <td><%= checked_image custom_field.is_for_all? %></td>
  21. <td><%= l(:label_x_projects, :count => @custom_fields_projects_count[] || 0) if custom_field.is_a? IssueCustomField and !custom_field.is_for_all? %></td>
  22. <% end %>
  23. <td class="buttons">
  24. <%= reorder_handle(custom_field, :url => custom_field_path(custom_field), :param => 'custom_field') %>
  25. <%= delete_link custom_field_path(custom_field) %>
  26. </td>
  27. </tr>
  28. <% end %>
  29. </tbody>
  30. </table>