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my_helper.rb 8.2KB

  1. # frozen_string_literal: true
  2. # Redmine - project management software
  3. # Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Jean-Philippe Lang
  4. #
  5. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  6. # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  7. # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
  8. # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  9. #
  10. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  11. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  13. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  14. #
  15. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  16. # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  17. # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
  18. module MyHelper
  19. # Renders the blocks
  20. def render_blocks(blocks, user, options={})
  21. s = ''.html_safe
  22. if blocks.present?
  23. blocks.each do |block|
  24. s << render_block(block, user).to_s
  25. end
  26. end
  27. s
  28. end
  29. # Renders a single block
  30. def render_block(block, user)
  31. content = render_block_content(block, user)
  32. if content.present?
  33. handle = content_tag('span', '', :class => 'icon-only icon-sort-handle sort-handle', :title => l(:button_move))
  34. close = link_to(l(:button_delete),
  35. {:action => "remove_block", :block => block},
  36. :remote => true, :method => 'post',
  37. :class => "icon-only icon-close", :title => l(:button_delete))
  38. content = content_tag('div', handle + close, :class => 'contextual') + content
  39. content_tag('div', content, :class => "mypage-box", :id => "block-#{block}")
  40. end
  41. end
  42. # Renders a single block content
  43. def render_block_content(block, user)
  44. unless block_definition = Redmine::MyPage.find_block(block)
  45. Rails.logger.warn("Unknown block \"#{block}\" found in #{user.login} (id=#{}) preferences")
  46. return
  47. end
  48. settings = user.pref.my_page_settings(block)
  49. if partial = block_definition[:partial]
  50. begin
  51. render(:partial => partial, :locals => {:user => user, :settings => settings, :block => block})
  52. rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate
  53. Rails.logger.warn("Partial \"#{partial}\" missing for block \"#{block}\" found in #{user.login} (id=#{}) preferences")
  54. return nil
  55. end
  56. else
  57. send "render_#{block_definition[:name]}_block", block, settings
  58. end
  59. end
  60. # Returns the select tag used to add a block to My page
  61. def block_select_tag(user)
  62. blocks_in_use = user.pref.my_page_layout.values.flatten
  63. options = content_tag('option')
  64. Redmine::MyPage.block_options(blocks_in_use).each do |label, block|
  65. options << content_tag('option', label, :value => block, :disabled => block.blank?)
  66. end
  67. select_tag('block', options, :id => "block-select", :onchange => "$('#block-form').submit();")
  68. end
  69. def render_calendar_block(block, settings)
  70. calendar =, current_language, :week)
  71. = Issue.visible.
  72. where(:project => User.current.projects).
  73. where("(start_date>=? and start_date<=?) or (due_date>=? and due_date<=?)", calendar.startdt, calendar.enddt, calendar.startdt, calendar.enddt).
  74. includes(:project, :tracker, :priority, :assigned_to).
  75. references(:project, :tracker, :priority, :assigned_to).
  76. to_a
  77. render :partial => 'my/blocks/calendar', :locals => {:calendar => calendar, :block => block}
  78. end
  79. def render_documents_block(block, settings)
  80. documents = Document.visible.order("#{Document.table_name}.created_on DESC").limit(10).to_a
  81. render :partial => 'my/blocks/documents', :locals => {:block => block, :documents => documents}
  82. end
  83. def render_issuesassignedtome_block(block, settings)
  84. query = => l(:label_assigned_to_me_issues), :user => User.current)
  85. query.add_filter 'assigned_to_id', '=', ['me']
  86. query.add_filter 'project.status', '=', ["#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}"]
  87. query.column_names = settings[:columns].presence || ['project', 'tracker', 'status', 'subject']
  88. query.sort_criteria = settings[:sort].presence || [['priority', 'desc'], ['updated_on', 'desc']]
  89. issues = query.issues(:limit => 10)
  90. render :partial => 'my/blocks/issues', :locals => {:query => query, :issues => issues, :block => block}
  91. end
  92. def render_issuesreportedbyme_block(block, settings)
  93. query = => l(:label_reported_issues), :user => User.current)
  94. query.add_filter 'author_id', '=', ['me']
  95. query.add_filter 'project.status', '=', ["#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}"]
  96. query.column_names = settings[:columns].presence || ['project', 'tracker', 'status', 'subject']
  97. query.sort_criteria = settings[:sort].presence || [['updated_on', 'desc']]
  98. issues = query.issues(:limit => 10)
  99. render :partial => 'my/blocks/issues', :locals => {:query => query, :issues => issues, :block => block}
  100. end
  101. def render_issuesupdatedbyme_block(block, settings)
  102. query = => l(:label_updated_issues), :user => User.current)
  103. query.add_filter 'updated_by', '=', ['me']
  104. query.add_filter 'project.status', '=', ["#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}"]
  105. query.column_names = settings[:columns].presence || ['project', 'tracker', 'status', 'subject']
  106. query.sort_criteria = settings[:sort].presence || [['updated_on', 'desc']]
  107. issues = query.issues(:limit => 10)
  108. render :partial => 'my/blocks/issues', :locals => {:query => query, :issues => issues, :block => block}
  109. end
  110. def render_issueswatched_block(block, settings)
  111. query = => l(:label_watched_issues), :user => User.current)
  112. query.add_filter 'watcher_id', '=', ['me']
  113. query.add_filter 'project.status', '=', ["#{Project::STATUS_ACTIVE}"]
  114. query.column_names = settings[:columns].presence || ['project', 'tracker', 'status', 'subject']
  115. query.sort_criteria = settings[:sort].presence || [['updated_on', 'desc']]
  116. issues = query.issues(:limit => 10)
  117. render :partial => 'my/blocks/issues', :locals => {:query => query, :issues => issues, :block => block}
  118. end
  119. def render_issuequery_block(block, settings)
  120. query = IssueQuery.visible.find_by_id(settings[:query_id])
  121. if query
  122. query.column_names = settings[:columns] if settings[:columns].present?
  123. query.sort_criteria = settings[:sort] if settings[:sort].present?
  124. issues = query.issues(:limit => 10)
  125. render :partial => 'my/blocks/issues', :locals => {:query => query, :issues => issues, :block => block, :settings => settings}
  126. else
  127. queries = IssueQuery.visible.sorted
  128. render :partial => 'my/blocks/issue_query_selection', :locals => {:queries => queries, :block => block, :settings => settings}
  129. end
  130. end
  131. def render_news_block(block, settings)
  132. news = News.visible.
  133. where(:project => User.current.projects).
  134. limit(10).
  135. includes(:project, :author).
  136. references(:project, :author).
  137. order("#{News.table_name}.created_on DESC").
  138. to_a
  139. render :partial => 'my/blocks/news', :locals => {:block => block, :news => news}
  140. end
  141. def render_timelog_block(block, settings)
  142. days = settings[:days].to_i
  143. days = 7 if days < 1 || days > 365
  144. entries = TimeEntry.
  145. where("#{TimeEntry.table_name}.user_id = ? AND #{TimeEntry.table_name}.spent_on BETWEEN ? AND ?",, - (days - 1),
  146. joins(:activity, :project).
  147. references(:issue => [:tracker, :status]).
  148. includes(:issue => [:tracker, :status]).
  149. order("#{TimeEntry.table_name}.spent_on DESC, #{Project.table_name}.name ASC, #{Tracker.table_name}.position ASC, #{Issue.table_name}.id ASC").
  150. to_a
  151. entries_by_day = entries.group_by(&:spent_on)
  152. render :partial => 'my/blocks/timelog', :locals => {:block => block, :entries => entries, :entries_by_day => entries_by_day, :days => days}
  153. end
  154. def render_activity_block(block, settings)
  155. events_by_day =, :author => User.current).events(nil, nil, :limit => 10).group_by {|event| User.current.time_to_date(event.event_datetime)}
  156. render :partial => 'my/blocks/activity', :locals => {:events_by_day => events_by_day}
  157. end
  158. end