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id.yml 66KB

  1. # Indonesian translations
  2. # by Raden Prabowo (
  3. id:
  4. direction: ltr
  5. date:
  6. formats:
  7. default: "%d-%m-%Y"
  8. short: "%d %b"
  9. long: "%d %B %Y"
  10. day_names: [Minggu, Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Jumat, Sabtu]
  11. abbr_day_names: [Ming, Sen, Sel, Rab, Kam, Jum, Sab]
  12. month_names: [~, Januari, Februari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November, Desember]
  13. abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Mei, Jun, Jul, Agu, Sep, Okt, Nov, Des]
  14. order:
  15. - :day
  16. - :month
  17. - :year
  18. time:
  19. formats:
  20. default: "%a %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S"
  21. time: "%H:%M"
  22. short: "%d %b %H:%M"
  23. long: "%d %B %Y %H:%M"
  24. am: "am"
  25. pm: "pm"
  26. datetime:
  27. distance_in_words:
  28. half_a_minute: "setengah menit"
  29. less_than_x_seconds:
  30. one: "kurang dari sedetik"
  31. other: "kurang dari %{count} detik"
  32. x_seconds:
  33. one: "sedetik"
  34. other: "%{count} detik"
  35. less_than_x_minutes:
  36. one: "kurang dari semenit"
  37. other: "kurang dari %{count} menit"
  38. x_minutes:
  39. one: "semenit"
  40. other: "%{count} menit"
  41. about_x_hours:
  42. one: "sekitar sejam"
  43. other: "sekitar %{count} jam"
  44. x_hours:
  45. one: "1 jam"
  46. other: "%{count} jam"
  47. x_days:
  48. one: "sehari"
  49. other: "%{count} hari"
  50. about_x_months:
  51. one: "sekitar sebulan"
  52. other: "sekitar %{count} bulan"
  53. x_months:
  54. one: "sebulan"
  55. other: "%{count} bulan"
  56. about_x_years:
  57. one: "sekitar setahun"
  58. other: "sekitar %{count} tahun"
  59. over_x_years:
  60. one: "lebih dari setahun"
  61. other: "lebih dari %{count} tahun"
  62. almost_x_years:
  63. one: "almost 1 year"
  64. other: "almost %{count} years"
  65. number:
  66. format:
  67. precision: 3
  68. separator: ','
  69. delimiter: '.'
  70. currency:
  71. format:
  72. unit: 'Rp'
  73. precision: 2
  74. format: '%n %u'
  75. human:
  76. format:
  77. delimiter: ""
  78. precision: 3
  79. storage_units:
  80. format: "%n %u"
  81. units:
  82. byte:
  83. one: "Byte"
  84. other: "Bytes"
  85. kb: "KB"
  86. mb: "MB"
  87. gb: "GB"
  88. tb: "TB"
  89. support:
  90. array:
  91. sentence_connector: "dan"
  92. skip_last_comma: false
  93. activerecord:
  94. errors:
  95. template:
  96. header:
  97. one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
  98. other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
  99. messages:
  100. inclusion: "tidak termasuk dalam daftar"
  101. exclusion: "sudah dicadangkan"
  102. invalid: "salah"
  103. confirmation: "tidak sesuai konfirmasi"
  104. accepted: "harus disetujui"
  105. empty: "tidak boleh kosong"
  106. blank: "tidak boleh kosong"
  107. too_long: "terlalu panjang (maksimum %{count} karakter)"
  108. too_short: "terlalu pendek (minimum %{count} karakter)"
  109. wrong_length: "panjangnya salah (seharusnya %{count} karakter)"
  110. taken: "sudah diambil"
  111. not_a_number: "bukan angka"
  112. not_a_date: "bukan tanggal"
  113. greater_than: "harus lebih besar dari %{count}"
  114. greater_than_or_equal_to: "harus lebih besar atau sama dengan %{count}"
  115. equal_to: "harus sama dengan %{count}"
  116. less_than: "harus kurang dari %{count}"
  117. less_than_or_equal_to: "harus kurang atau sama dengan %{count}"
  118. odd: "harus ganjil"
  119. even: "harus genap"
  120. greater_than_start_date: "harus lebih besar dari tanggal mulai"
  121. not_same_project: "tidak tergabung dalam proyek yang sama"
  122. circular_dependency: "kaitan ini akan menghasilkan circular dependency"
  123. cant_link_an_issue_with_a_descendant: "An issue can not be linked to one of its subtasks"
  124. earlier_than_minimum_start_date: "cannot be earlier than %{date} because of preceding issues"
  125. not_a_regexp: "is not a valid regular expression"
  126. open_issue_with_closed_parent: "An open issue cannot be attached to a closed parent task"
  127. must_contain_uppercase: "must contain uppercase letters (A-Z)"
  128. must_contain_lowercase: "must contain lowercase letters (a-z)"
  129. must_contain_digits: "must contain digits (0-9)"
  130. must_contain_special_chars: "must contain special characters (!, $, %, ...)"
  131. actionview_instancetag_blank_option: Silakan pilih
  132. general_text_No: 'Tidak'
  133. general_text_Yes: 'Ya'
  134. general_text_no: 'tidak'
  135. general_text_yes: 'ya'
  136. general_lang_name: 'Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)'
  137. general_csv_separator: ','
  138. general_csv_decimal_separator: '.'
  139. general_csv_encoding: ISO-8859-1
  140. general_pdf_fontname: freesans
  141. general_pdf_monospaced_fontname: freemono
  142. general_first_day_of_week: '7'
  143. notice_account_updated: Akun sudah berhasil diperbarui.
  144. notice_account_invalid_credentials: Pengguna atau kata sandi salah
  145. notice_account_password_updated: Kata sandi sudah berhasil diperbarui.
  146. notice_account_wrong_password: Kata sandi salah.
  147. notice_account_register_done: Akun sudah berhasil dibuat. Untuk mengaktifkan akun anda, silakan klik tautan (link) yang dikirim kepada anda melalui e-mail.
  148. notice_account_unknown_email: Pengguna tidak dikenal.
  149. notice_can_t_change_password: Akun ini menggunakan sumber otentikasi eksternal yang tidak dikenal. Kata sandi tidak bisa diubah.
  150. notice_account_lost_email_sent: Email berisi instruksi untuk memilih kata sandi baru sudah dikirimkan kepada anda.
  151. notice_account_activated: Akun anda sudah diaktifasi. Sekarang anda bisa login.
  152. notice_successful_create: Berhasil dibuat.
  153. notice_successful_update: Berhasil diperbarui.
  154. notice_successful_delete: Berhasil dihapus.
  155. notice_successful_connection: Berhasil terhubung.
  156. notice_file_not_found: Berkas yang anda buka tidak ada atau sudah dihapus.
  157. notice_locking_conflict: Data sudah diubah oleh pengguna lain.
  158. notice_not_authorized: Anda tidak memiliki akses ke halaman ini.
  159. notice_email_sent: "Email sudah dikirim ke %{value}"
  160. notice_email_error: "Terjadi kesalahan pada saat pengiriman email (%{value})"
  161. notice_feeds_access_key_reseted: Atom access key anda sudah direset.
  162. notice_failed_to_save_issues: "Gagal menyimpan %{count} masalah dari %{total} yang dipilih: %{ids}."
  163. notice_account_pending: "Akun anda sudah dibuat dan sekarang sedang menunggu persetujuan administrator."
  164. notice_default_data_loaded: Konfigurasi default sudah berhasil dimuat.
  165. notice_unable_delete_version: Tidak bisa menghapus versi.
  166. error_can_t_load_default_data: "Konfigurasi default tidak bisa dimuat: %{value}"
  167. error_scm_not_found: "Entri atau revisi tidak terdapat pada repositori."
  168. error_scm_command_failed: "Terjadi kesalahan pada saat mengakses repositori: %{value}"
  169. error_scm_annotate: "Entri tidak ada, atau tidak dapat di anotasi."
  170. error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'Masalah tidak ada atau tidak tergabung dalam proyek ini.'
  171. error_no_tracker_in_project: 'Tidak ada pelacak yang diasosiasikan pada proyek ini. Silakan pilih Pengaturan Proyek.'
  172. error_no_default_issue_status: 'Nilai default untuk Status masalah belum didefinisikan. Periksa kembali konfigurasi anda (Pilih "Administrasi --> Status masalah").'
  173. error_can_not_reopen_issue_on_closed_version: 'Masalah yang ditujukan pada versi tertutup tidak bisa dibuka kembali'
  174. error_can_not_archive_project: Proyek ini tidak bisa diarsipkan
  175. warning_attachments_not_saved: "%{count} berkas tidak bisa disimpan."
  176. mail_subject_lost_password: "Kata sandi %{value} anda"
  177. mail_body_lost_password: 'Untuk mengubah kata sandi anda, klik tautan berikut::'
  178. mail_subject_register: "Aktivasi akun %{value} anda"
  179. mail_body_register: 'Untuk mengaktifkan akun anda, klik tautan berikut:'
  180. mail_body_account_information_external: "Anda dapat menggunakan akun %{value} anda untuk login."
  181. mail_body_account_information: Informasi akun anda
  182. mail_subject_account_activation_request: "Permintaan aktivasi akun %{value} "
  183. mail_body_account_activation_request: "Pengguna baru (%{value}) sudan didaftarkan. Akun tersebut menunggu persetujuan anda:"
  184. mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} masalah harus selesai pada hari berikutnya (%{days})"
  185. mail_body_reminder: "%{count} masalah yang ditugaskan pada anda harus selesai dalam %{days} hari kedepan:"
  186. mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "'%{id}' halaman wiki sudah ditambahkan"
  187. mail_body_wiki_content_added: "The '%{id}' halaman wiki sudah ditambahkan oleh %{author}."
  188. mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "'%{id}' halaman wiki sudah diperbarui"
  189. mail_body_wiki_content_updated: "The '%{id}' halaman wiki sudah diperbarui oleh %{author}."
  190. field_name: Nama
  191. field_description: Deskripsi
  192. field_summary: Ringkasan
  193. field_is_required: Dibutuhkan
  194. field_firstname: Nama depan
  195. field_lastname: Nama belakang
  196. field_mail: Email
  197. field_filename: Berkas
  198. field_filesize: Ukuran
  199. field_downloads: Unduhan
  200. field_author: Pengarang
  201. field_created_on: Dibuat
  202. field_updated_on: Diperbarui
  203. field_field_format: Format
  204. field_is_for_all: Untuk semua proyek
  205. field_possible_values: Nilai yang mungkin
  206. field_regexp: Regular expression
  207. field_min_length: Panjang minimum
  208. field_max_length: Panjang maksimum
  209. field_value: Nilai
  210. field_category: Kategori
  211. field_title: Judul
  212. field_project: Proyek
  213. field_issue: Masalah
  214. field_status: Status
  215. field_notes: Catatan
  216. field_is_closed: Masalah ditutup
  217. field_is_default: Nilai default
  218. field_tracker: Pelacak
  219. field_subject: Perihal
  220. field_due_date: Harus selesai
  221. field_assigned_to: Ditugaskan ke
  222. field_priority: Prioritas
  223. field_fixed_version: Versi target
  224. field_user: Pengguna
  225. field_role: Peran
  226. field_homepage: Halaman web
  227. field_is_public: Publik
  228. field_parent: Subproyek dari
  229. field_is_in_roadmap: Masalah ditampilkan di rencana kerja
  230. field_login: Login
  231. field_mail_notification: Notifikasi email
  232. field_admin: Administrator
  233. field_last_login_on: Terakhir login
  234. field_language: Bahasa
  235. field_effective_date: Tanggal
  236. field_password: Kata sandi
  237. field_new_password: Kata sandi baru
  238. field_password_confirmation: Konfirmasi
  239. field_version: Versi
  240. field_type: Tipe
  241. field_host: Host
  242. field_port: Port
  243. field_account: Akun
  244. field_base_dn: Base DN
  245. field_attr_login: Atribut login
  246. field_attr_firstname: Atribut nama depan
  247. field_attr_lastname: Atribut nama belakang
  248. field_attr_mail: Atribut email
  249. field_onthefly: Pembuatan pengguna seketika
  250. field_start_date: Mulai
  251. field_done_ratio: "% Selesai"
  252. field_auth_source: Mode otentikasi
  253. field_hide_mail: Sembunyikan email saya
  254. field_comments: Komentar
  255. field_url: URL
  256. field_start_page: Halaman awal
  257. field_subproject: Subproyek
  258. field_hours: Jam
  259. field_activity: Kegiatan
  260. field_spent_on: Tanggal
  261. field_identifier: Pengenal
  262. field_is_filter: Digunakan sebagai penyaring
  263. field_issue_to: Masalah terkait
  264. field_delay: Tertunday
  265. field_assignable: Masalah dapat ditugaskan pada peran ini
  266. field_redirect_existing_links: Alihkan tautan yang ada
  267. field_estimated_hours: Perkiraan waktu
  268. field_column_names: Kolom
  269. field_time_zone: Zona waktu
  270. field_searchable: Dapat dicari
  271. field_default_value: Nilai default
  272. field_comments_sorting: Tampilkan komentar
  273. field_parent_title: Halaman induk
  274. field_editable: Dapat disunting
  275. field_watcher: Pemantau
  276. field_identity_url: OpenID URL
  277. field_content: Isi
  278. field_group_by: Dikelompokkan berdasar
  279. field_sharing: Berbagi
  280. setting_app_title: Judul aplikasi
  281. setting_welcome_text: Teks sambutan
  282. setting_default_language: Bahasa Default
  283. setting_login_required: Butuhkan otentikasi
  284. setting_self_registration: Swa-pendaftaran
  285. setting_attachment_max_size: Ukuran maksimum untuk lampiran
  286. setting_issues_export_limit: Batasan ukuran export masalah
  287. setting_mail_from: Emisi alamat email
  288. setting_plain_text_mail: Plain text mail (no HTML)
  289. setting_host_name: Nama host dan path
  290. setting_text_formatting: Format teks
  291. setting_wiki_compression: Kompresi untuk riwayat wiki
  292. setting_feeds_limit: Batasan isi feed
  293. setting_default_projects_public: Proyek baru defaultnya adalah publik
  294. setting_autofetch_changesets: Autofetch commits
  295. setting_sys_api_enabled: Aktifkan WS untuk pengaturan repositori
  296. setting_commit_ref_keywords: Referensi kaca kunci
  297. setting_commit_fix_keywords: Pembetulan kaca kunci
  298. setting_autologin: Autologin
  299. setting_date_format: Format tanggal
  300. setting_time_format: Format waktu
  301. setting_cross_project_issue_relations: Perbolehkan kaitan masalah proyek berbeda
  302. setting_issue_list_default_columns: Kolom default ditampilkan di daftar masalah
  303. setting_emails_footer: Footer untuk email
  304. setting_protocol: Protokol
  305. setting_per_page_options: Pilihan obyek per halaman
  306. setting_user_format: Format tampilan untuk pengguna
  307. setting_activity_days_default: Hari tertampil pada kegiatan proyek
  308. setting_display_subprojects_issues: Secara default, tampilkan masalah subproyek pada proyek utama
  309. setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
  310. setting_mail_handler_api_enabled: Enable WS for incoming emails
  311. setting_mail_handler_api_key: API key
  312. setting_sequential_project_identifiers: Buat pengenal proyek terurut
  313. setting_gravatar_enabled: Gunakan icon pengguna dari Gravatar
  314. setting_gravatar_default: Gambar default untuk Gravatar
  315. setting_diff_max_lines_displayed: Maksimum perbedaan baris tertampil
  316. setting_file_max_size_displayed: Maksimum berkas tertampil secara inline
  317. setting_repository_log_display_limit: Nilai maksimum dari revisi ditampilkan di log berkas
  318. setting_openid: Perbolehkan Login dan pendaftaran melalui OpenID
  319. setting_password_min_length: Panjang minimum untuk kata sandi
  320. setting_new_project_user_role_id: Peran diberikan pada pengguna non-admin yang membuat proyek
  321. setting_default_projects_modules: Modul yang diaktifkan pada proyek baru
  322. permission_add_project: Tambahkan proyek
  323. permission_edit_project: Sunting proyek
  324. permission_select_project_modules: Pilih modul proyek
  325. permission_manage_members: Atur anggota
  326. permission_manage_versions: Atur versi
  327. permission_manage_categories: Atur kategori masalah
  328. permission_add_issues: Tambahkan masalah
  329. permission_edit_issues: Sunting masalah
  330. permission_manage_issue_relations: Atur kaitan masalah
  331. permission_add_issue_notes: Tambahkan catatan
  332. permission_edit_issue_notes: Sunting catatan
  333. permission_edit_own_issue_notes: Sunting catatan saya
  334. permission_delete_issues: Hapus masalah
  335. permission_manage_public_queries: Atur query publik
  336. permission_save_queries: Simpan query
  337. permission_view_gantt: Tampilkan gantt chart
  338. permission_view_calendar: Tampilkan kalender
  339. permission_view_issue_watchers: Tampilkan daftar pemantau
  340. permission_add_issue_watchers: Tambahkan pemantau
  341. permission_delete_issue_watchers: Hapus pemantau
  342. permission_log_time: Log waktu terpakai
  343. permission_view_time_entries: Tampilkan waktu terpakai
  344. permission_edit_time_entries: Sunting catatan waktu
  345. permission_edit_own_time_entries: Sunting catatan waktu saya
  346. permission_manage_news: Atur berita
  347. permission_comment_news: Komentari berita
  348. permission_view_documents: Tampilkan dokumen
  349. permission_manage_files: Atur berkas
  350. permission_view_files: Tampilkan berkas
  351. permission_manage_wiki: Atur wiki
  352. permission_rename_wiki_pages: Ganti nama halaman wiki
  353. permission_delete_wiki_pages: Hapus halaman wiki
  354. permission_view_wiki_pages: Tampilkan wiki
  355. permission_view_wiki_edits: Tampilkan riwayat wiki
  356. permission_edit_wiki_pages: Sunting halaman wiki
  357. permission_delete_wiki_pages_attachments: Hapus lampiran
  358. permission_protect_wiki_pages: Proteksi halaman wiki
  359. permission_manage_repository: Atur repositori
  360. permission_browse_repository: Jelajah repositori
  361. permission_view_changesets: Tampilkan set perubahan
  362. permission_commit_access: Commit akses
  363. permission_manage_boards: Atur forum
  364. permission_view_messages: Tampilkan pesan
  365. permission_add_messages: Tambahkan pesan
  366. permission_edit_messages: Sunting pesan
  367. permission_edit_own_messages: Sunting pesan saya
  368. permission_delete_messages: Hapus pesan
  369. permission_delete_own_messages: Hapus pesan saya
  370. project_module_issue_tracking: Pelacak masalah
  371. project_module_time_tracking: Pelacak waktu
  372. project_module_news: Berita
  373. project_module_documents: Dokumen
  374. project_module_files: Berkas
  375. project_module_wiki: Wiki
  376. project_module_repository: Repositori
  377. project_module_boards: Forum
  378. label_user: Pengguna
  379. label_user_plural: Pengguna
  380. label_user_new: Pengguna baru
  381. label_user_anonymous: Anonymous
  382. label_project: Proyek
  383. label_project_new: Proyek baru
  384. label_project_plural: Proyek
  385. label_x_projects:
  386. zero: tidak ada proyek
  387. one: 1 proyek
  388. other: "%{count} proyek"
  389. label_project_all: Semua Proyek
  390. label_project_latest: Proyek terakhir
  391. label_issue: Masalah
  392. label_issue_new: Masalah baru
  393. label_issue_plural: Masalah
  394. label_issue_view_all: tampilkan semua masalah
  395. label_issues_by: "Masalah ditambahkan oleh %{value}"
  396. label_issue_added: Masalah ditambahan
  397. label_issue_updated: Masalah diperbarui
  398. label_document: Dokumen
  399. label_document_new: Dokumen baru
  400. label_document_plural: Dokumen
  401. label_document_added: Dokumen ditambahkan
  402. label_role: Peran
  403. label_role_plural: Peran
  404. label_role_new: Peran baru
  405. label_role_and_permissions: Peran dan perijinan
  406. label_member: Anggota
  407. label_member_new: Anggota baru
  408. label_member_plural: Anggota
  409. label_tracker: Pelacak
  410. label_tracker_plural: Pelacak
  411. label_tracker_new: Pelacak baru
  412. label_workflow: Alur kerja
  413. label_issue_status: Status masalah
  414. label_issue_status_plural: Status masalah
  415. label_issue_status_new: Status baru
  416. label_issue_category: Kategori masalah
  417. label_issue_category_plural: Kategori masalah
  418. label_issue_category_new: Kategori baru
  419. label_custom_field: Field kustom
  420. label_custom_field_plural: Field kustom
  421. label_custom_field_new: Field kustom
  422. label_enumerations: Enumerasi
  423. label_enumeration_new: Buat baru
  424. label_information: Informasi
  425. label_information_plural: Informasi
  426. label_register: mendaftar
  427. label_login_with_open_id_option: atau login menggunakan OpenID
  428. label_password_lost: Lupa password
  429. label_home: Halaman depan
  430. label_my_page: Beranda
  431. label_my_account: Akun saya
  432. label_my_projects: Proyek saya
  433. label_administration: Administrasi
  434. label_login: Login
  435. label_logout: Keluar
  436. label_help: Bantuan
  437. label_reported_issues: Masalah terlapor
  438. label_assigned_to_me_issues: Masalah yang ditugaskan pada saya
  439. label_last_login: Terakhir login
  440. label_registered_on: Terdaftar pada
  441. label_activity: Kegiatan
  442. label_user_activity: "kegiatan %{value}"
  443. label_new: Baru
  444. label_logged_as: Login sebagai
  445. label_environment: Lingkungan
  446. label_authentication: Otentikasi
  447. label_auth_source: Mode Otentikasi
  448. label_auth_source_new: Mode otentikasi baru
  449. label_auth_source_plural: Mode Otentikasi
  450. label_subproject_plural: Subproyek
  451. label_and_its_subprojects: "%{value} dan subproyeknya"
  452. label_min_max_length: Panjang Min - Maks
  453. label_list: Daftar
  454. label_date: Tanggal
  455. label_integer: Integer
  456. label_float: Float
  457. label_boolean: Boolean
  458. label_string: Text
  459. label_text: Long text
  460. label_attribute: Atribut
  461. label_attribute_plural: Atribut
  462. label_no_data: Tidak ada data untuk ditampilkan
  463. label_change_status: Status perubahan
  464. label_history: Riwayat
  465. label_attachment: Berkas
  466. label_attachment_new: Berkas baru
  467. label_attachment_delete: Hapus Berkas
  468. label_attachment_plural: Berkas
  469. label_file_added: Berkas ditambahkan
  470. label_report: Laporan
  471. label_report_plural: Laporan
  472. label_news: Berita
  473. label_news_new: Tambahkan berita
  474. label_news_plural: Berita
  475. label_news_latest: Berita terakhir
  476. label_news_view_all: Tampilkan semua berita
  477. label_news_added: Berita ditambahkan
  478. label_settings: Pengaturan
  479. label_overview: Umum
  480. label_version: Versi
  481. label_version_new: Versi baru
  482. label_version_plural: Versi
  483. label_confirmation: Konfirmasi
  484. label_export_to: 'Juga tersedia dalam:'
  485. label_read: Baca...
  486. label_public_projects: Proyek publik
  487. label_open_issues: belum selesai
  488. label_open_issues_plural: belum selesai
  489. label_closed_issues: selesai
  490. label_closed_issues_plural: selesai
  491. label_x_open_issues_abbr:
  492. zero: 0 belum selesai
  493. one: 1 belum selesai
  494. other: "%{count} belum selesai"
  495. label_x_closed_issues_abbr:
  496. zero: 0 selesai
  497. one: 1 selesai
  498. other: "%{count} selesai"
  499. label_total: Total
  500. label_permissions: Perijinan
  501. label_current_status: Status sekarang
  502. label_new_statuses_allowed: Status baru yang diijinkan
  503. label_all: semua
  504. label_none: tidak ada
  505. label_nobody: tidak ada
  506. label_next: Berikut
  507. label_previous: Sebelum
  508. label_used_by: Digunakan oleh
  509. label_details: Rincian
  510. label_add_note: Tambahkan catatan
  511. label_calendar: Kalender
  512. label_months_from: dari bulan
  513. label_gantt: Gantt
  514. label_internal: Internal
  515. label_last_changes: "%{count} perubahan terakhir"
  516. label_change_view_all: Tampilkan semua perubahan
  517. label_comment: Komentar
  518. label_comment_plural: Komentar
  519. label_x_comments:
  520. zero: tak ada komentar
  521. one: 1 komentar
  522. other: "%{count} komentar"
  523. label_comment_add: Tambahkan komentar
  524. label_comment_added: Komentar ditambahkan
  525. label_comment_delete: Hapus komentar
  526. label_query: Custom query
  527. label_query_plural: Custom queries
  528. label_query_new: Query baru
  529. label_filter_add: Tambahkan filter
  530. label_filter_plural: Filter
  531. label_equals: sama dengan
  532. label_not_equals: tidak sama dengan
  533. label_in_less_than: kurang dari
  534. label_in_more_than: lebih dari
  535. label_greater_or_equal: '>='
  536. label_less_or_equal: '<='
  537. label_in: pada
  538. label_today: hari ini
  539. label_yesterday: kemarin
  540. label_this_week: minggu ini
  541. label_last_week: minggu lalu
  542. label_last_n_days: "%{count} hari terakhir"
  543. label_this_month: bulan ini
  544. label_last_month: bulan lalu
  545. label_this_year: this year
  546. label_date_range: Jangkauan tanggal
  547. label_less_than_ago: kurang dari hari yang lalu
  548. label_more_than_ago: lebih dari hari yang lalu
  549. label_ago: hari yang lalu
  550. label_contains: berisi
  551. label_not_contains: tidak berisi
  552. label_day_plural: hari
  553. label_repository: Repositori
  554. label_repository_plural: Repositori
  555. label_browse: Jelajah
  556. label_branch: Cabang
  557. label_tag: Tag
  558. label_revision: Revisi
  559. label_revision_plural: Revisi
  560. label_associated_revisions: Revisi terkait
  561. label_added: ditambahkan
  562. label_modified: diubah
  563. label_copied: disalin
  564. label_renamed: diganti nama
  565. label_deleted: dihapus
  566. label_latest_revision: Revisi terakhir
  567. label_latest_revision_plural: Revisi terakhir
  568. label_view_revisions: Tampilkan revisi
  569. label_view_all_revisions: Tampilkan semua revisi
  570. label_max_size: Ukuran maksimum
  571. label_sort_highest: Ke paling atas
  572. label_sort_higher: Ke atas
  573. label_sort_lower: Ke bawah
  574. label_sort_lowest: Ke paling bawah
  575. label_roadmap: Rencana kerja
  576. label_roadmap_due_in: "Harus selesai dalam %{value}"
  577. label_roadmap_overdue: "%{value} terlambat"
  578. label_roadmap_no_issues: Tak ada masalah pada versi ini
  579. label_search: Cari
  580. label_result_plural: Hasil
  581. label_all_words: Semua kata
  582. label_wiki: Wiki
  583. label_wiki_edit: Sunting wiki
  584. label_wiki_edit_plural: Sunting wiki
  585. label_wiki_page: Halaman wiki
  586. label_wiki_page_plural: Halaman wiki
  587. label_index_by_title: Indeks menurut judul
  588. label_index_by_date: Indeks menurut tanggal
  589. label_current_version: Versi sekarang
  590. label_preview: Tinjauan
  591. label_feed_plural: Feeds
  592. label_changes_details: Rincian semua perubahan
  593. label_issue_tracking: Pelacak masalah
  594. label_spent_time: Waktu terpakai
  595. label_f_hour: "%{value} jam"
  596. label_f_hour_plural: "%{value} jam"
  597. label_time_tracking: Pelacak waktu
  598. label_change_plural: Perubahan
  599. label_statistics: Statistik
  600. label_commits_per_month: Komit per bulan
  601. label_commits_per_author: Komit per pengarang
  602. label_view_diff: Tampilkan perbedaan
  603. label_diff_inline: inline
  604. label_diff_side_by_side: berdampingan
  605. label_options: Pilihan
  606. label_copy_workflow_from: Salin alur kerja dari
  607. label_permissions_report: Laporan perijinan
  608. label_watched_issues: Masalah terpantau
  609. label_related_issues: Masalah terkait
  610. label_applied_status: Status teraplikasi
  611. label_loading: Memuat...
  612. label_relation_new: Kaitan baru
  613. label_relation_delete: Hapus kaitan
  614. label_relates_to: terkait pada
  615. label_duplicates: salinan
  616. label_duplicated_by: disalin oleh
  617. label_blocks: blok
  618. label_blocked_by: diblok oleh
  619. label_precedes: mendahului
  620. label_follows: mengikuti
  621. label_stay_logged_in: Tetap login
  622. label_disabled: tidak diaktifkan
  623. label_show_completed_versions: Tampilkan versi lengkap
  624. label_me: saya
  625. label_board: Forum
  626. label_board_new: Forum baru
  627. label_board_plural: Forum
  628. label_topic_plural: Topik
  629. label_message_plural: Pesan
  630. label_message_last: Pesan terakhir
  631. label_message_new: Pesan baru
  632. label_message_posted: Pesan ditambahkan
  633. label_reply_plural: Balasan
  634. label_send_information: Kirim informasi akun ke pengguna
  635. label_year: Tahun
  636. label_month: Bulan
  637. label_week: Minggu
  638. label_date_from: Dari
  639. label_date_to: Sampai
  640. label_language_based: Berdasarkan bahasa pengguna
  641. label_sort_by: "Urut berdasarkan %{value}"
  642. label_send_test_email: Kirim email percobaan
  643. label_feeds_access_key_created_on: "Atom access key dibuat %{value} yang lalu"
  644. label_module_plural: Modul
  645. label_added_time_by: "Ditambahkan oleh %{author} %{age} yang lalu"
  646. label_updated_time_by: "Diperbarui oleh %{author} %{age} yang lalu"
  647. label_updated_time: "Diperbarui oleh %{value} yang lalu"
  648. label_jump_to_a_project: Pilih proyek...
  649. label_file_plural: Berkas
  650. label_changeset_plural: Set perubahan
  651. label_default_columns: Kolom default
  652. label_no_change_option: (Tak ada perubahan)
  653. label_bulk_edit_selected_issues: Ubah masalah terpilih secara masal
  654. label_theme: Tema
  655. label_default: Default
  656. label_search_titles_only: Cari judul saja
  657. label_user_mail_option_all: "Untuk semua kejadian pada semua proyek saya"
  658. label_user_mail_option_selected: "Hanya untuk semua kejadian pada proyek yang saya pilih ..."
  659. label_user_mail_no_self_notified: "Saya tak ingin diberitahu untuk perubahan yang saya buat sendiri"
  660. label_registration_activation_by_email: aktivasi akun melalui email
  661. label_registration_manual_activation: aktivasi akun secara manual
  662. label_registration_automatic_activation: aktivasi akun secara otomatis
  663. label_display_per_page: "Per halaman: %{value}"
  664. label_age: Umur
  665. label_change_properties: Rincian perubahan
  666. label_general: Umum
  667. label_scm: SCM
  668. label_plugins: Plugin
  669. label_ldap_authentication: Otentikasi LDAP
  670. label_downloads_abbr: Unduh
  671. label_optional_description: Deskripsi optional
  672. label_add_another_file: Tambahkan berkas lain
  673. label_preferences: Preferensi
  674. label_chronological_order: Urut sesuai kronologis
  675. label_reverse_chronological_order: Urut dari yang terbaru
  676. label_incoming_emails: Email masuk
  677. label_generate_key: Buat kunci
  678. label_issue_watchers: Pemantau
  679. label_example: Contoh
  680. label_display: Tampilan
  681. label_sort: Urut
  682. label_ascending: Menaik
  683. label_descending: Menurun
  684. label_date_from_to: Dari %{start} sampai %{end}
  685. label_wiki_content_added: Halaman wiki ditambahkan
  686. label_wiki_content_updated: Halaman wiki diperbarui
  687. label_group: Kelompok
  688. label_group_plural: Kelompok
  689. label_group_new: Kelompok baru
  690. label_time_entry_plural: Waktu terpakai
  691. label_version_sharing_none: Tidak dibagi
  692. label_version_sharing_descendants: Dengan subproyek
  693. label_version_sharing_hierarchy: Dengan hirarki proyek
  694. label_version_sharing_tree: Dengan pohon proyek
  695. label_version_sharing_system: Dengan semua proyek
  696. button_login: Login
  697. button_submit: Kirim
  698. button_save: Simpan
  699. button_check_all: Contreng semua
  700. button_uncheck_all: Hilangkan semua contreng
  701. button_delete: Hapus
  702. button_create: Buat
  703. button_create_and_continue: Buat dan lanjutkan
  704. button_test: Test
  705. button_edit: Sunting
  706. button_add: Tambahkan
  707. button_change: Ubah
  708. button_apply: Terapkan
  709. button_clear: Bersihkan
  710. button_lock: Kunci
  711. button_unlock: Buka kunci
  712. button_download: Unduh
  713. button_list: Daftar
  714. button_view: Tampilkan
  715. button_move: Pindah
  716. button_move_and_follow: Pindah dan ikuti
  717. button_back: Kembali
  718. button_cancel: Batal
  719. button_activate: Aktifkan
  720. button_sort: Urut
  721. button_log_time: Rekam waktu
  722. button_rollback: Kembali ke versi ini
  723. button_watch: Pantau
  724. button_unwatch: Tidak Memantau
  725. button_reply: Balas
  726. button_archive: Arsip
  727. button_unarchive: Batalkan arsip
  728. button_reset: Reset
  729. button_rename: Ganti nama
  730. button_change_password: Ubah kata sandi
  731. button_copy: Salin
  732. button_copy_and_follow: Salin dan ikuti
  733. button_annotate: Anotasi
  734. button_update: Perbarui
  735. button_configure: Konfigur
  736. button_quote: Kutip
  737. status_active: aktif
  738. status_registered: terdaftar
  739. status_locked: terkunci
  740. version_status_open: terbuka
  741. version_status_locked: terkunci
  742. version_status_closed: tertutup
  743. field_active: Aktif
  744. text_select_mail_notifications: Pilih aksi dimana email notifikasi akan dikirimkan.
  745. text_regexp_info: mis. ^[A-Z0-9]+$
  746. text_project_destroy_confirmation: Apakah anda benar-benar akan menghapus proyek ini beserta data terkait ?
  747. text_subprojects_destroy_warning: "Subproyek: %{value} juga akan dihapus."
  748. text_workflow_edit: Pilih peran dan pelacak untuk menyunting alur kerja
  749. text_are_you_sure: Anda yakin ?
  750. text_journal_changed: "%{label} berubah dari %{old} menjadi %{new}"
  751. text_journal_set_to: "%{label} di set ke %{value}"
  752. text_journal_deleted: "%{label} dihapus (%{old})"
  753. text_journal_added: "%{label} %{value} ditambahkan"
  754. text_tip_issue_begin_day: tugas dimulai hari itu
  755. text_tip_issue_end_day: tugas berakhir hari itu
  756. text_tip_issue_begin_end_day: tugas dimulai dan berakhir hari itu
  757. text_caracters_maximum: "maximum %{count} karakter."
  758. text_caracters_minimum: "Setidaknya harus sepanjang %{count} karakter."
  759. text_length_between: "Panjang diantara %{min} dan %{max} karakter."
  760. text_tracker_no_workflow: Tidak ada alur kerja untuk pelacak ini
  761. text_unallowed_characters: Karakter tidak diperbolehkan
  762. text_comma_separated: Beberapa nilai diperbolehkan (dipisahkan koma).
  763. text_issues_ref_in_commit_messages: Mereferensikan dan membetulkan masalah pada pesan komit
  764. text_issue_added: "Masalah %{id} sudah dilaporkan oleh %{author}."
  765. text_issue_updated: "Masalah %{id} sudah diperbarui oleh %{author}."
  766. text_wiki_destroy_confirmation: Apakah anda benar-benar akan menghapus wiki ini beserta semua isinya ?
  767. text_issue_category_destroy_question: "Beberapa masalah (%{count}) ditugaskan pada kategori ini. Apa yang anda lakukan ?"
  768. text_issue_category_destroy_assignments: Hapus kategori penugasan
  769. text_issue_category_reassign_to: Tugaskan kembali masalah untuk kategori ini
  770. text_user_mail_option: "Untuk proyek yang tidak dipilih, anda hanya akan menerima notifikasi hal-hal yang anda pantau atau anda terlibat di dalamnya (misalnya masalah yang anda tulis atau ditugaskan pada anda)."
  771. text_no_configuration_data: "Peran, pelacak, status masalah dan alur kerja belum dikonfigur.\nSangat disarankan untuk memuat konfigurasi default. Anda akan bisa mengubahnya setelah konfigurasi dimuat."
  772. text_load_default_configuration: Muat konfigurasi default
  773. text_status_changed_by_changeset: "Diterapkan di set perubahan %{value}."
  774. text_issues_destroy_confirmation: 'Apakah anda yakin untuk menghapus masalah terpilih ?'
  775. text_select_project_modules: 'Pilih modul untuk diaktifkan pada proyek ini:'
  776. text_default_administrator_account_changed: Akun administrator default sudah berubah
  777. text_file_repository_writable: Direktori yang bisa ditulisi untuk lampiran
  778. text_plugin_assets_writable: Direktori yang bisa ditulisi untuk plugin asset
  779. text_minimagick_available: MiniMagick tersedia (optional)
  780. text_destroy_time_entries_question: "%{hours} jam sudah dilaporkan pada masalah yang akan anda hapus. Apa yang akan anda lakukan ?"
  781. text_destroy_time_entries: Hapus jam yang terlapor
  782. text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Tugaskan jam terlapor pada proyek
  783. text_reassign_time_entries: 'Tugaskan kembali jam terlapor pada masalah ini:'
  784. text_user_wrote: "%{value} menulis:"
  785. text_user_wrote_in: "%{value} menulis (%{link}):"
  786. text_enumeration_destroy_question: "%{count} obyek ditugaskan untuk nilai ini."
  787. text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Tugaskan kembali untuk nilai ini:'
  788. text_email_delivery_not_configured: "Pengiriman email belum dikonfigurasi, notifikasi tidak diaktifkan.\nAnda harus mengkonfigur SMTP server anda pada config/configuration.yml dan restart kembali aplikasi untuk mengaktifkan."
  789. text_repository_usernames_mapping: "Pilih atau perbarui pengguna Redmine yang terpetakan ke setiap nama pengguna yang ditemukan di log repositori.\nPengguna dengan nama pengguna dan repositori atau email yang sama secara otomasit akan dipetakan."
  790. text_diff_truncated: '... Perbedaan terpotong karena melebihi batas maksimum yang bisa ditampilkan.'
  791. text_custom_field_possible_values_info: 'Satu baris untuk setiap nilai'
  792. text_wiki_page_destroy_question: "Halaman ini mempunyai %{descendants} halaman anak dan turunannya. Apa yang akan anda lakukan ?"
  793. text_wiki_page_nullify_children: "Biarkan halaman anak sebagai halaman teratas (root)"
  794. text_wiki_page_destroy_children: "Hapus halaman anak dan semua turunannya"
  795. text_wiki_page_reassign_children: "Tujukan halaman anak ke halaman induk yang ini"
  796. default_role_manager: Manager
  797. default_role_developer: Pengembang
  798. default_role_reporter: Pelapor
  799. default_tracker_bug: Bug
  800. default_tracker_feature: Fitur
  801. default_tracker_support: Dukungan
  802. default_issue_status_new: Baru
  803. default_issue_status_in_progress: Dalam proses
  804. default_issue_status_resolved: Resolved
  805. default_issue_status_feedback: Umpan balik
  806. default_issue_status_closed: Ditutup
  807. default_issue_status_rejected: Ditolak
  808. default_doc_category_user: Dokumentasi pengguna
  809. default_doc_category_tech: Dokumentasi teknis
  810. default_priority_low: Rendah
  811. default_priority_normal: Normal
  812. default_priority_high: Tinggi
  813. default_priority_urgent: Penting
  814. default_priority_immediate: Segera
  815. default_activity_design: Rancangan
  816. default_activity_development: Pengembangan
  817. enumeration_issue_priorities: Prioritas masalah
  818. enumeration_doc_categories: Kategori dokumen
  819. enumeration_activities: Kegiatan
  820. enumeration_system_activity: Kegiatan Sistem
  821. label_copy_source: Source
  822. label_update_issue_done_ratios: Update issue done ratios
  823. setting_issue_done_ratio: Calculate the issue done ratio with
  824. label_api_access_key: API access key
  825. text_line_separated: Multiple values allowed (one line for each value).
  826. label_revision_id: Revision %{value}
  827. permission_view_issues: View Issues
  828. setting_issue_done_ratio_issue_status: Use the issue status
  829. error_issue_done_ratios_not_updated: Issue done ratios not updated.
  830. label_display_used_statuses_only: Only display statuses that are used by this tracker
  831. error_workflow_copy_target: Please select target tracker(s) and role(s)
  832. label_api_access_key_created_on: API access key created %{value} ago
  833. label_feeds_access_key: Atom access key
  834. notice_api_access_key_reseted: Your API access key was reset.
  835. setting_rest_api_enabled: Enable REST web service
  836. label_copy_same_as_target: Same as target
  837. button_show: Show
  838. setting_issue_done_ratio_issue_field: Use the issue field
  839. label_missing_api_access_key: Missing an API access key
  840. label_copy_target: Target
  841. label_missing_feeds_access_key: Missing a Atom access key
  842. notice_issue_done_ratios_updated: Issue done ratios updated.
  843. error_workflow_copy_source: Please select a source tracker or role
  844. setting_start_of_week: Start calendars on
  845. setting_mail_handler_body_delimiters: Truncate emails after one of these lines
  846. permission_add_subprojects: Create subprojects
  847. label_subproject_new: New subproject
  848. text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: |-
  849. You are about to remove some or all of your permissions and may no longer be able to edit this project after that.
  850. Are you sure you want to continue?
  851. label_close_versions: Close completed versions
  852. label_board_sticky: Sticky
  853. label_board_locked: Locked
  854. permission_export_wiki_pages: Export wiki pages
  855. setting_cache_formatted_text: Cache formatted text
  856. permission_manage_project_activities: Manage project activities
  857. error_unable_delete_issue_status: Unable to delete issue status (%{value})
  858. label_profile: Profile
  859. permission_manage_subtasks: Manage subtasks
  860. field_parent_issue: Parent task
  861. label_subtask_plural: Subtasks
  862. label_project_copy_notifications: Send email notifications during the project copy
  863. error_can_not_delete_custom_field: Unable to delete custom field
  864. error_unable_to_connect: Unable to connect (%{value})
  865. error_can_not_remove_role: This role is in use and can not be deleted.
  866. error_can_not_delete_tracker: This tracker contains issues and cannot be deleted.
  867. field_principal: Principal
  868. notice_failed_to_save_members: "Failed to save member(s): %{errors}."
  869. text_zoom_out: Zoom out
  870. text_zoom_in: Zoom in
  871. notice_unable_delete_time_entry: Unable to delete time log entry.
  872. field_time_entries: Log time
  873. project_module_gantt: Gantt
  874. project_module_calendar: Calendar
  875. button_edit_associated_wikipage: "Edit associated Wiki page: %{page_title}"
  876. field_text: Text field
  877. setting_default_notification_option: Default notification option
  878. label_user_mail_option_only_my_events: Only for things I watch or I'm involved in
  879. label_user_mail_option_none: No events
  880. field_member_of_group: Assignee's group
  881. field_assigned_to_role: Assignee's role
  882. notice_not_authorized_archived_project: The project you're trying to access has been archived.
  883. label_principal_search: "Search for user or group:"
  884. label_user_search: "Search for user:"
  885. field_visible: Visible
  886. setting_commit_logtime_activity_id: Activity for logged time
  887. text_time_logged_by_changeset: Applied in changeset %{value}.
  888. setting_commit_logtime_enabled: Enable time logging
  889. notice_gantt_chart_truncated: The chart was truncated because it exceeds the maximum number of items that can be displayed (%{max})
  890. setting_gantt_items_limit: Maximum number of items displayed on the gantt chart
  891. field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Warn me when leaving a page with unsaved text
  892. text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: The current page contains unsaved text that will be lost if you leave this page.
  893. label_my_queries: My custom queries
  894. text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} updated"
  895. label_news_comment_added: Comment added to a news
  896. button_expand_all: Expand all
  897. button_collapse_all: Collapse all
  898. label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the assignee
  899. label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the author
  900. label_bulk_edit_selected_time_entries: Bulk edit selected time entries
  901. text_time_entries_destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete the selected time entr(y/ies)?
  902. label_role_anonymous: Anonymous
  903. label_role_non_member: Non member
  904. label_issue_note_added: Note added
  905. label_issue_status_updated: Status updated
  906. label_issue_priority_updated: Priority updated
  907. label_issues_visibility_own: Issues created by or assigned to the user
  908. field_issues_visibility: Issues visibility
  909. label_issues_visibility_all: All issues
  910. permission_set_own_issues_private: Set own issues public or private
  911. field_is_private: Private
  912. permission_set_issues_private: Set issues public or private
  913. label_issues_visibility_public: All non private issues
  914. text_issues_destroy_descendants_confirmation: This will also delete %{count} subtask(s).
  915. field_commit_logs_encoding: Commit messages encoding
  916. field_scm_path_encoding: Path encoding
  917. text_scm_path_encoding_note: "Default: UTF-8"
  918. field_path_to_repository: Path to repository
  919. field_root_directory: Root directory
  920. field_cvs_module: Module
  921. field_cvsroot: CVSROOT
  922. text_mercurial_repository_note: Local repository (e.g. /hgrepo, c:\hgrepo)
  923. text_scm_command: Command
  924. text_scm_command_version: Version
  925. label_git_report_last_commit: Report last commit for files and directories
  926. notice_issue_successful_create: Issue %{id} created.
  927. label_between: between
  928. setting_issue_group_assignment: Allow issue assignment to groups
  929. label_diff: diff
  930. text_git_repository_note: Repository is bare and local (e.g. /gitrepo, c:\gitrepo)
  931. description_query_sort_criteria_direction: Sort direction
  932. description_project_scope: Search scope
  933. description_filter: Filter
  934. description_user_mail_notification: Mail notification settings
  935. description_message_content: Message content
  936. description_available_columns: Available Columns
  937. description_issue_category_reassign: Choose issue category
  938. description_search: Searchfield
  939. description_notes: Notes
  940. description_choose_project: Projects
  941. description_query_sort_criteria_attribute: Sort attribute
  942. description_wiki_subpages_reassign: Choose new parent page
  943. description_selected_columns: Selected Columns
  944. label_parent_revision: Parent
  945. label_child_revision: Child
  946. error_scm_annotate_big_text_file: The entry cannot be annotated, as it exceeds the maximum text file size.
  947. setting_default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date: Use current date as start date for new issues
  948. button_edit_section: Edit this section
  949. setting_repositories_encodings: Attachments and repositories encodings
  950. description_all_columns: All Columns
  951. button_export: Export
  952. label_export_options: "%{export_format} export options"
  953. error_attachment_too_big: This file cannot be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum allowed file size (%{max_size})
  954. notice_failed_to_save_time_entries: "Failed to save %{count} time entrie(s) on %{total} selected: %{ids}."
  955. label_x_issues:
  956. zero: 0 masalah
  957. one: 1 masalah
  958. other: "%{count} masalah"
  959. label_repository_new: New repository
  960. field_repository_is_default: Main repository
  961. label_copy_attachments: Copy attachments
  962. label_item_position: "%{position}/%{count}"
  963. label_completed_versions: Completed versions
  964. text_project_identifier_info: Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed.<br />Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed.
  965. field_multiple: Multiple values
  966. setting_commit_cross_project_ref: Allow issues of all the other projects to be referenced and fixed
  967. text_issue_conflict_resolution_add_notes: Add my notes and discard my other changes
  968. text_issue_conflict_resolution_overwrite: Apply my changes anyway (previous notes will be kept but some changes may be overwritten)
  969. notice_issue_update_conflict: The issue has been updated by an other user while you were editing it.
  970. text_issue_conflict_resolution_cancel: Discard all my changes and redisplay %{link}
  971. permission_manage_related_issues: Manage related issues
  972. field_auth_source_ldap_filter: LDAP filter
  973. label_search_for_watchers: Search for watchers to add
  974. notice_account_deleted: Your account has been permanently deleted.
  975. setting_unsubscribe: Allow users to delete their own account
  976. button_delete_my_account: Delete my account
  977. text_account_destroy_confirmation: |-
  978. Are you sure you want to proceed?
  979. Your account will be permanently deleted, with no way to reactivate it.
  980. error_session_expired: Your session has expired. Please login again.
  981. text_session_expiration_settings: "Warning: changing these settings may expire the current sessions including yours."
  982. setting_session_lifetime: Session maximum lifetime
  983. setting_session_timeout: Session inactivity timeout
  984. label_session_expiration: Session expiration
  985. permission_close_project: Close / reopen the project
  986. button_close: Close
  987. button_reopen: Reopen
  988. project_status_active: active
  989. project_status_closed: closed
  990. project_status_archived: archived
  991. text_project_closed: This project is closed and read-only.
  992. notice_user_successful_create: User %{id} created.
  993. field_core_fields: Standard fields
  994. field_timeout: Timeout (in seconds)
  995. setting_thumbnails_enabled: Display attachment thumbnails
  996. setting_thumbnails_size: Thumbnails size (in pixels)
  997. label_status_transitions: Status transitions
  998. label_fields_permissions: Fields permissions
  999. label_readonly: Read-only
  1000. label_required: Required
  1001. text_repository_identifier_info: Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed.<br />Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed.
  1002. field_board_parent: Parent forum
  1003. label_attribute_of_project: Project's %{name}
  1004. label_attribute_of_author: Author's %{name}
  1005. label_attribute_of_assigned_to: Assignee's %{name}
  1006. label_attribute_of_fixed_version: Target version's %{name}
  1007. label_copy_subtasks: Copy subtasks
  1008. label_copied_to: copied to
  1009. label_copied_from: copied from
  1010. label_any_issues_in_project: any issues in project
  1011. label_any_issues_not_in_project: any issues not in project
  1012. field_private_notes: Private notes
  1013. permission_view_private_notes: View private notes
  1014. permission_set_notes_private: Set notes as private
  1015. label_no_issues_in_project: no issues in project
  1016. label_any: semua
  1017. label_last_n_weeks: last %{count} weeks
  1018. setting_cross_project_subtasks: Allow cross-project subtasks
  1019. label_cross_project_descendants: Dengan subproyek
  1020. label_cross_project_tree: Dengan pohon proyek
  1021. label_cross_project_hierarchy: Dengan hirarki proyek
  1022. label_cross_project_system: Dengan semua proyek
  1023. button_hide: Hide
  1024. setting_non_working_week_days: Non-working days
  1025. label_in_the_next_days: in the next
  1026. label_in_the_past_days: in the past
  1027. label_attribute_of_user: User's %{name}
  1028. text_turning_multiple_off: If you disable multiple values, multiple values will be
  1029. removed in order to preserve only one value per item.
  1030. label_attribute_of_issue: Issue's %{name}
  1031. permission_add_documents: Add documents
  1032. permission_edit_documents: Edit documents
  1033. permission_delete_documents: Delete documents
  1034. label_gantt_progress_line: Progress line
  1035. setting_jsonp_enabled: Enable JSONP support
  1036. field_inherit_members: Inherit members
  1037. field_closed_on: Closed
  1038. field_generate_password: Generate password
  1039. setting_default_projects_tracker_ids: Default trackers for new projects
  1040. label_total_time: Total
  1041. text_scm_config: You can configure your SCM commands in config/configuration.yml. Please restart the application after editing it.
  1042. text_scm_command_not_available: SCM command is not available. Please check settings on the administration panel.
  1043. setting_emails_header: Email header
  1044. notice_account_not_activated_yet: You haven't activated your account yet. If you want
  1045. to receive a new activation email, please <a href="%{url}">click this link</a>.
  1046. notice_account_locked: Your account is locked.
  1047. label_hidden: Hidden
  1048. label_visibility_private: to me only
  1049. label_visibility_roles: to these roles only
  1050. label_visibility_public: to any users
  1051. field_must_change_passwd: Must change password at next logon
  1052. notice_new_password_must_be_different: The new password must be different from the
  1053. current password
  1054. setting_mail_handler_excluded_filenames: Exclude attachments by name
  1055. text_convert_available: ImageMagick convert available (optional)
  1056. label_link: Link
  1057. label_only: only
  1058. label_drop_down_list: drop-down list
  1059. label_checkboxes: checkboxes
  1060. label_link_values_to: Link values to URL
  1061. setting_force_default_language_for_anonymous: Force default language for anonymous
  1062. users
  1063. setting_force_default_language_for_loggedin: Force default language for logged-in
  1064. users
  1065. label_custom_field_select_type: Select the type of object to which the custom field
  1066. is to be attached
  1067. label_issue_assigned_to_updated: Assignee updated
  1068. label_check_for_updates: Check for updates
  1069. label_latest_compatible_version: Latest compatible version
  1070. label_unknown_plugin: Unknown plugin
  1071. label_radio_buttons: radio buttons
  1072. label_group_anonymous: Anonymous users
  1073. label_group_non_member: Non member users
  1074. label_add_projects: Add projects
  1075. field_default_status: Default status
  1076. text_subversion_repository_note: 'Examples: file:///, http://, https://, svn://, svn+[tunnelscheme]://'
  1077. field_users_visibility: Users visibility
  1078. label_users_visibility_all: All active users
  1079. label_users_visibility_members_of_visible_projects: Members of visible projects
  1080. label_edit_attachments: Edit attached files
  1081. setting_link_copied_issue: Link issues on copy
  1082. label_link_copied_issue: Link copied issue
  1083. label_ask: Ask
  1084. label_search_attachments_yes: Search attachment filenames and descriptions
  1085. label_search_attachments_no: Do not search attachments
  1086. label_search_attachments_only: Search attachments only
  1087. label_search_open_issues_only: Open issues only
  1088. field_address: Email
  1089. setting_max_additional_emails: Maximum number of additional email addresses
  1090. label_email_address_plural: Emails
  1091. label_email_address_add: Add email address
  1092. label_enable_notifications: Enable notifications
  1093. label_disable_notifications: Disable notifications
  1094. setting_search_results_per_page: Search results per page
  1095. label_blank_value: blank
  1096. permission_copy_issues: Copy issues
  1097. error_password_expired: Your password has expired or the administrator requires you
  1098. to change it.
  1099. field_time_entries_visibility: Time logs visibility
  1100. setting_password_max_age: Require password change after
  1101. label_parent_task_attributes: Parent tasks attributes
  1102. label_parent_task_attributes_derived: Calculated from subtasks
  1103. label_parent_task_attributes_independent: Independent of subtasks
  1104. label_time_entries_visibility_all: All time entries
  1105. label_time_entries_visibility_own: Time entries created by the user
  1106. label_member_management: Member management
  1107. label_member_management_all_roles: All roles
  1108. label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
  1109. label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
  1110. label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
  1111. notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
  1112. notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
  1113. error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
  1114. error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
  1115. settings below (%{value})
  1116. error_can_not_read_import_file: An error occurred while reading the file to import
  1117. permission_import_issues: Import issues
  1118. label_import_issues: Import issues
  1119. label_select_file_to_import: Select the file to import
  1120. label_fields_separator: Field separator
  1121. label_fields_wrapper: Field wrapper
  1122. label_encoding: Encoding
  1123. label_comma_char: Comma
  1124. label_semi_colon_char: Semicolon
  1125. label_quote_char: Quote
  1126. label_double_quote_char: Double quote
  1127. label_fields_mapping: Fields mapping
  1128. label_file_content_preview: File content preview
  1129. label_create_missing_values: Create missing values
  1130. button_import: Import
  1131. field_total_estimated_hours: Total estimated time
  1132. label_api: API
  1133. label_total_plural: Totals
  1134. label_assigned_issues: Assigned issues
  1135. label_field_format_enumeration: Key/value list
  1136. label_f_hour_short: '%{value} h'
  1137. field_default_version: Default version
  1138. error_attachment_extension_not_allowed: Attachment extension %{extension} is not allowed
  1139. setting_attachment_extensions_allowed: Allowed extensions
  1140. setting_attachment_extensions_denied: Disallowed extensions
  1141. label_any_open_issues: any open issues
  1142. label_no_open_issues: no open issues
  1143. label_default_values_for_new_users: Default values for new users
  1144. error_ldap_bind_credentials: Invalid LDAP Account/Password
  1145. setting_sys_api_key: API key
  1146. setting_lost_password: Lupa password
  1147. mail_subject_security_notification: Security notification
  1148. mail_body_security_notification_change: ! '%{field} was changed.'
  1149. mail_body_security_notification_change_to: ! '%{field} was changed to %{value}.'
  1150. mail_body_security_notification_add: ! '%{field} %{value} was added.'
  1151. mail_body_security_notification_remove: ! '%{field} %{value} was removed.'
  1152. mail_body_security_notification_notify_enabled: Email address %{value} now receives
  1153. notifications.
  1154. mail_body_security_notification_notify_disabled: Email address %{value} no longer
  1155. receives notifications.
  1156. mail_body_settings_updated: ! 'The following settings were changed:'
  1157. field_remote_ip: IP address
  1158. label_wiki_page_new: New wiki page
  1159. label_relations: Relations
  1160. button_filter: Filter
  1161. mail_body_password_updated: Your password has been changed.
  1162. label_no_preview: No preview available
  1163. error_no_tracker_allowed_for_new_issue_in_project: The project doesn't have any trackers
  1164. for which you can create an issue
  1165. label_tracker_all: All trackers
  1166. label_new_project_issue_tab_enabled: Display the "New issue" tab
  1167. setting_new_item_menu_tab: Project menu tab for creating new objects
  1168. label_new_object_tab_enabled: Display the "+" drop-down
  1169. error_no_projects_with_tracker_allowed_for_new_issue: There are no projects with trackers
  1170. for which you can create an issue
  1171. field_textarea_font: Font used for text areas
  1172. label_font_default: Default font
  1173. label_font_monospace: Monospaced font
  1174. label_font_proportional: Proportional font
  1175. setting_timespan_format: Time span format
  1176. label_table_of_contents: Table of contents
  1177. setting_commit_logs_formatting: Apply text formatting to commit messages
  1178. setting_mail_handler_enable_regex: Enable regular expressions
  1179. error_move_of_child_not_possible: 'Subtask %{child} could not be moved to the new
  1180. project: %{errors}'
  1181. error_cannot_reassign_time_entries_to_an_issue_about_to_be_deleted: Spent time cannot
  1182. be reassigned to an issue that is about to be deleted
  1183. setting_timelog_required_fields: Required fields for time logs
  1184. label_attribute_of_object: '%{object_name}''s %{name}'
  1185. label_user_mail_option_only_assigned: Only for things I watch or I am assigned to
  1186. label_user_mail_option_only_owner: Only for things I watch or I am the owner of
  1187. warning_fields_cleared_on_bulk_edit: Changes will result in the automatic deletion
  1188. of values from one or more fields on the selected objects
  1189. field_updated_by: Updated by
  1190. field_last_updated_by: Last updated by
  1191. field_full_width_layout: Full width layout
  1192. label_last_notes: Last notes
  1193. field_digest: Checksum
  1194. field_default_assigned_to: Default assignee
  1195. setting_show_custom_fields_on_registration: Show custom fields on registration
  1196. permission_view_news: View news
  1197. label_no_preview_alternative_html: No preview available. %{link} the file instead.
  1198. label_no_preview_download: Download
  1199. setting_close_duplicate_issues: Close duplicate issues automatically
  1200. error_exceeds_maximum_hours_per_day: Cannot log more than %{max_hours} hours on the
  1201. same day (%{logged_hours} hours have already been logged)
  1202. setting_time_entry_list_defaults: Timelog list defaults
  1203. setting_timelog_accept_0_hours: Accept time logs with 0 hours
  1204. setting_timelog_max_hours_per_day: Maximum hours that can be logged per day and user
  1205. label_x_revisions: "%{count} revisions"
  1206. error_can_not_delete_auth_source: This authentication mode is in use and cannot be
  1207. deleted.
  1208. button_actions: Actions
  1209. mail_body_lost_password_validity: Please be aware that you may change the password
  1210. only once using this link.
  1211. text_login_required_html: When not requiring authentication, public projects and their
  1212. contents are openly available on the network. You can <a href="%{anonymous_role_path}">edit
  1213. the applicable permissions</a>.
  1214. label_login_required_yes: 'Yes'
  1215. label_login_required_no: No, allow anonymous access to public projects
  1216. text_project_is_public_non_member: Public projects and their contents are available
  1217. to all logged-in users.
  1218. text_project_is_public_anonymous: Public projects and their contents are openly available
  1219. on the network.
  1220. label_version_and_files: Versions (%{count}) and Files
  1221. label_ldap: LDAP
  1222. label_ldaps_verify_none: LDAPS (without certificate check)
  1223. label_ldaps_verify_peer: LDAPS
  1224. label_ldaps_warning: It is recommended to use an encrypted LDAPS connection with certificate
  1225. check to prevent any manipulation during the authentication process.
  1226. label_nothing_to_preview: Nothing to preview
  1227. error_token_expired: This password recovery link has expired, please try again.
  1228. error_spent_on_future_date: Cannot log time on a future date
  1229. setting_timelog_accept_future_dates: Accept time logs on future dates
  1230. label_delete_link_to_subtask: Hapus kaitan
  1231. error_not_allowed_to_log_time_for_other_users: You are not allowed to log time
  1232. for other users
  1233. permission_log_time_for_other_users: Log spent time for other users
  1234. label_tomorrow: tomorrow
  1235. label_next_week: next week
  1236. label_next_month: next month
  1237. text_role_no_workflow: No workflow defined for this role
  1238. text_status_no_workflow: No tracker uses this status in the workflows
  1239. setting_mail_handler_preferred_body_part: Preferred part of multipart (HTML) emails
  1240. setting_show_status_changes_in_mail_subject: Show status changes in issue mail notifications
  1241. subject
  1242. label_inherited_from_parent_project: Inherited from parent project
  1243. label_inherited_from_group: Inherited from group %{name}
  1244. label_trackers_description: Trackers description
  1245. label_open_trackers_description: View all trackers description
  1246. label_preferred_body_part_text: Text
  1247. label_preferred_body_part_html: HTML (experimental)
  1248. field_parent_issue_subject: Parent task subject
  1249. permission_edit_own_issues: Edit own issues
  1250. text_select_apply_tracker: Select tracker
  1251. label_updated_issues: Updated issues
  1252. text_avatar_server_config_html: The current avatar server is <a href="%{url}">%{url}</a>.
  1253. You can configure it in config/configuration.yml.
  1254. setting_gantt_months_limit: Maximum number of months displayed on the gantt chart
  1255. permission_import_time_entries: Import time entries
  1256. label_import_notifications: Send email notifications during the import
  1257. text_gs_available: ImageMagick PDF support available (optional)
  1258. field_recently_used_projects: Number of recently used projects in jump box
  1259. label_optgroup_bookmarks: Bookmarks
  1260. label_optgroup_others: Other projects
  1261. label_optgroup_recents: Recently used
  1262. button_project_bookmark: Add bookmark
  1263. button_project_bookmark_delete: Remove bookmark
  1264. field_history_default_tab: Issue's history default tab
  1265. label_issue_history_properties: Property changes
  1266. label_issue_history_notes: Notes
  1267. label_last_tab_visited: Last visited tab
  1268. field_unique_id: Unique ID
  1269. text_no_subject: no subject
  1270. setting_password_required_char_classes: Required character classes for passwords
  1271. label_password_char_class_uppercase: uppercase letters
  1272. label_password_char_class_lowercase: lowercase letters
  1273. label_password_char_class_digits: digits
  1274. label_password_char_class_special_chars: special characters
  1275. text_characters_must_contain: Must contain %{character_classes}.
  1276. label_starts_with: starts with
  1277. label_ends_with: ends with
  1278. label_issue_fixed_version_updated: Target version updated
  1279. setting_project_list_defaults: Projects list defaults
  1280. label_display_type: Display results as
  1281. label_display_type_list: List
  1282. label_display_type_board: Board
  1283. label_my_bookmarks: My bookmarks
  1284. label_import_time_entries: Import time entries
  1285. field_toolbar_language_options: Code highlighting toolbar languages
  1286. label_user_mail_notify_about_high_priority_issues_html: Also notify me about issues
  1287. with a priority of <em>%{prio}</em> or higher
  1288. label_assign_to_me: Assign to me
  1289. notice_issue_not_closable_by_open_tasks: This issue cannot be closed because it has
  1290. at least one open subtask.
  1291. notice_issue_not_closable_by_blocking_issue: This issue cannot be closed because it
  1292. is blocked by at least one open issue.
  1293. notice_issue_not_reopenable_by_closed_parent_issue: This issue cannot be reopened
  1294. because its parent issue is closed.
  1295. error_bulk_download_size_too_big: These attachments cannot be bulk downloaded because
  1296. the total file size exceeds the maximum allowed size (%{max_size})
  1297. setting_bulk_download_max_size: Maximum total size for bulk download
  1298. label_download_all_attachments: Download all files
  1299. error_attachments_too_many: This file cannot be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum
  1300. number of files that can be attached simultaneously (%{max_number_of_files})
  1301. setting_email_domains_allowed: Allowed email domains
  1302. setting_email_domains_denied: Disallowed email domains
  1303. field_passwd_changed_on: Password last changed
  1304. label_relations_mapping: Relations mapping
  1305. label_import_users: Import users
  1306. label_days_to_html: "%{days} days up to %{date}"
  1307. setting_twofa: Two-factor authentication
  1308. label_optional: optional
  1309. label_required_lower: required
  1310. button_disable: Disable
  1311. twofa__totp__name: Authenticator app
  1312. twofa__totp__text_pairing_info_html: Scan this QR code or enter the plain text key
  1313. into a TOTP app (e.g. <a href="">Google
  1314. Authenticator</a>, <a href="">Authy</a>, <a href="">Duo
  1315. Mobile</a>) and enter the code in the field below to activate two-factor authentication.
  1316. twofa__totp__label_plain_text_key: Plain text key
  1317. twofa__totp__label_activate: Enable authenticator app
  1318. twofa_currently_active: 'Currently active: %{twofa_scheme_name}'
  1319. twofa_not_active: Not activated
  1320. twofa_label_code: Code
  1321. twofa_hint_disabled_html: Setting <strong>%{label}</strong> will deactivate and unpair
  1322. two-factor authentication devices for all users.
  1323. twofa_hint_required_html: Setting <strong>%{label}</strong> will require all users
  1324. to set up two-factor authentication at their next login.
  1325. twofa_label_setup: Enable two-factor authentication
  1326. twofa_label_deactivation_confirmation: Disable two-factor authentication
  1327. twofa_notice_select: 'Please select the two-factor scheme you would like to use:'
  1328. twofa_warning_require: The administrator requires you to enable two-factor authentication.
  1329. twofa_activated: Two-factor authentication successfully enabled. It is recommended
  1330. to <a data-method="post" href="%{bc_path}">generate backup codes</a> for your account.
  1331. twofa_deactivated: Two-factor authentication disabled.
  1332. twofa_mail_body_security_notification_paired: Two-factor authentication successfully
  1333. enabled using %{field}.
  1334. twofa_mail_body_security_notification_unpaired: Two-factor authentication disabled
  1335. for your account.
  1336. twofa_mail_body_backup_codes_generated: New two-factor authentication backup codes
  1337. generated.
  1338. twofa_mail_body_backup_code_used: A two-factor authentication backup code has been
  1339. used.
  1340. twofa_invalid_code: Code is invalid or outdated.
  1341. twofa_label_enter_otp: Please enter your two-factor authentication code.
  1342. twofa_too_many_tries: Too many tries.
  1343. twofa_resend_code: Resend code
  1344. twofa_code_sent: An authentication code has been sent to you.
  1345. twofa_generate_backup_codes: Generate backup codes
  1346. twofa_text_generate_backup_codes_confirmation: This will invalidate all existing backup
  1347. codes and generate new ones. Would you like to continue?
  1348. twofa_notice_backup_codes_generated: Your backup codes have been generated.
  1349. twofa_warning_backup_codes_generated_invalidated: New backup codes have been generated.
  1350. Your existing codes from %{time} are now invalid.
  1351. twofa_label_backup_codes: Two-factor authentication backup codes
  1352. twofa_text_backup_codes_hint: Use these codes instead of a one-time password should
  1353. you not have access to your second factor. Each code can only be used once. It is
  1354. recommended to print and store them in a safe place.
  1355. twofa_text_backup_codes_created_at: Backup codes generated %{datetime}.
  1356. twofa_backup_codes_already_shown: Backup codes cannot be shown again, please <a data-method="post"
  1357. href="%{bc_path}">generate new backup codes</a> if required.
  1358. error_can_not_execute_macro_html: Error executing the <strong>%{name}</strong> macro
  1359. (%{error})
  1360. error_macro_does_not_accept_block: This macro does not accept a block of text
  1361. error_childpages_macro_no_argument: With no argument, this macro can be called from
  1362. wiki pages only
  1363. error_circular_inclusion: Circular inclusion detected
  1364. error_page_not_found: Page not found
  1365. error_filename_required: Filename required
  1366. error_invalid_size_parameter: Invalid size parameter
  1367. error_attachment_not_found: Attachment %{name} not found
  1368. permission_delete_project: Delete the project
  1369. field_twofa_scheme: Two-factor authentication scheme
  1370. text_user_destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this user and remove
  1371. all references to them? This cannot be undone. Often, locking a user instead of
  1372. deleting them is the better solution. To confirm, please enter their login (%{login})
  1373. below.
  1374. text_project_destroy_enter_identifier: To confirm, please enter the project's identifier
  1375. (%{identifier}) below.
  1376. button_add_subtask: Add subtask
  1377. notice_invalid_watcher: 'Invalid watcher: User will not receive any notifications
  1378. because it does not have access to view this object.'
  1379. button_fetch_changesets: Fetch commits
  1380. permission_view_message_watchers: View message watchers list
  1381. permission_add_message_watchers: Add message watchers
  1382. permission_delete_message_watchers: Delete message watchers
  1383. label_message_watchers: Watchers
  1384. button_copy_link: Copy link
  1385. error_invalid_authenticity_token: Invalid form authenticity token.
  1386. error_query_statement_invalid: An error occurred while executing the query and has
  1387. been logged. Please report this error to your Redmine administrator.
  1388. permission_view_wiki_page_watchers: View wiki page watchers list
  1389. permission_add_wiki_page_watchers: Add wiki page watchers
  1390. permission_delete_wiki_page_watchers: Delete wiki page watchers
  1391. label_wiki_page_watchers: Watchers
  1392. label_attachment_description: File description
  1393. error_no_data_in_file: The file does not contain any data
  1394. field_twofa_required: Require two factor authentication
  1395. twofa_hint_optional_html: Setting <strong>%{label}</strong> will let users set up
  1396. two-factor authentication at will, unless it is required by one of their groups.
  1397. twofa_text_group_required: This setting is only effective when the global two factor
  1398. authentication setting is set to 'optional'. Currently, two factor authentication
  1399. is required for all users.
  1400. twofa_text_group_disabled: This setting is only effective when the global two factor
  1401. authentication setting is set to 'optional'. Currently, two factor authentication
  1402. is disabled.
  1403. field_default_issue_query: Default issue query
  1404. setting_default_issue_query: Default Query
  1405. label_default_queries:
  1406. for_all_projects: For all projects
  1407. for_current_project: For current project
  1408. for_all_users: For all users
  1409. text_allowed_queries_to_select: Public (to any users) queries only selectable
  1410. text_all_migrations_have_been_run: All database migrations have been run
  1411. button_save_object: Save %{object_name}
  1412. button_edit_object: Edit %{object_name}
  1413. button_delete_object: Delete %{object_name}
  1414. text_setting_config_change: You can configure the behaviour in config/configuration.yml.
  1415. Please restart the application after editing it.
  1416. label_bulk_edit: Bulk edit