You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

bs.yml 49KB

  1. #Ernad Husremovic
  2. bs:
  3. direction: ltr
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  6. default: "%d.%m.%Y"
  7. short: "%e. %b"
  8. long: "%e. %B %Y"
  9. only_day: "%e"
  10. day_names: [Nedjelja, Ponedjeljak, Utorak, Srijeda, Četvrtak, Petak, Subota]
  11. abbr_day_names: [Ned, Pon, Uto, Sri, Čet, Pet, Sub]
  12. month_names: [~, Januar, Februar, Mart, April, Maj, Jun, Jul, Avgust, Septembar, Oktobar, Novembar, Decembar]
  13. abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Maj, Jun, Jul, Avg, Sep, Okt, Nov, Dec]
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  15. - :day
  16. - :month
  17. - :year
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  20. default: "%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M"
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  22. long: "%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M"
  23. time: "%H:%M"
  24. am: "prijepodne"
  25. pm: "poslijepodne"
  26. datetime:
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  28. half_a_minute: "pola minute"
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  33. one: "1 sekunda"
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  35. less_than_x_minutes:
  36. one: "manje od 1 minute"
  37. other: "manje od %{count} minuta"
  38. x_minutes:
  39. one: "1 minuta"
  40. other: "%{count} minuta"
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  42. one: "oko 1 sahat"
  43. other: "oko %{count} sahata"
  44. x_hours:
  45. one: "1 sahat"
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  47. x_days:
  48. one: "1 dan"
  49. other: "%{count} dana"
  50. about_x_months:
  51. one: "oko 1 mjesec"
  52. other: "oko %{count} mjeseci"
  53. x_months:
  54. one: "1 mjesec"
  55. other: "%{count} mjeseci"
  56. about_x_years:
  57. one: "oko 1 godine"
  58. other: "oko %{count} godina"
  59. over_x_years:
  60. one: "preko 1 godine"
  61. other: "preko %{count} godina"
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  63. one: "almost 1 year"
  64. other: "almost %{count} years"
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  96. # Used in array.to_sentence.
  97. support:
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  101. activerecord:
  102. errors:
  103. template:
  104. header:
  105. one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
  106. other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
  107. messages:
  108. inclusion: "nije uključeno u listu"
  109. exclusion: "je rezervisano"
  110. invalid: "nije ispravno"
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  112. accepted: "mora se prihvatiti"
  113. empty: "ne može biti prazno"
  114. blank: "ne može biti znak razmaka"
  115. too_long: "je predugačko"
  116. too_short: "je prekratko"
  117. wrong_length: "je pogrešne dužine"
  118. taken: "već je zauzeto"
  119. not_a_number: "nije broj"
  120. not_a_date: "nije ispravan datum"
  121. greater_than: "mora bit veći od %{count}"
  122. greater_than_or_equal_to: "mora bit veći ili jednak %{count}"
  123. equal_to: "mora biti jednak %{count}"
  124. less_than: "mora biti manji od %{count}"
  125. less_than_or_equal_to: "mora bit manji ili jednak %{count}"
  126. odd: "mora biti neparan"
  127. even: "mora biti paran"
  128. greater_than_start_date: "mora biti veći nego početni datum"
  129. not_same_project: "ne pripada istom projektu"
  130. circular_dependency: "Ova relacija stvar cirkularnu zavisnost"
  131. cant_link_an_issue_with_a_descendant: "An issue can not be linked to one of its subtasks"
  132. earlier_than_minimum_start_date: "cannot be earlier than %{date} because of preceding issues"
  133. actionview_instancetag_blank_option: Molimo odaberite
  134. general_text_No: 'Da'
  135. general_text_Yes: 'Ne'
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  144. notice_account_activated: Vaš nalog je aktiviran. Možete se prijaviti.
  145. notice_account_invalid_creditentials: Pogrešan korisnik ili lozinka
  146. notice_account_lost_email_sent: Email sa uputstvima o izboru nove šifre je poslat na vašu adresu.
  147. notice_account_password_updated: Lozinka je uspješno promjenjena.
  148. notice_account_pending: "Vaš nalog je kreiran i čeka odobrenje administratora."
  149. notice_account_register_done: Nalog je uspješno kreiran. Da bi ste aktivirali vaš nalog kliknite na link koji vam je poslat.
  150. notice_account_unknown_email: Nepoznati korisnik.
  151. notice_account_updated: Nalog je uspješno promjenen.
  152. notice_account_wrong_password: Pogrešna lozinka
  153. notice_can_t_change_password: Ovaj nalog koristi eksterni izvor prijavljivanja. Ne mogu da promjenim šifru.
  154. notice_default_data_loaded: Podrazumjevana konfiguracija uspječno učitana.
  155. notice_email_error: Došlo je do greške pri slanju emaila (%{value})
  156. notice_email_sent: "Email je poslan %{value}"
  157. notice_failed_to_save_issues: "Neuspješno snimanje %{count} aktivnosti na %{total} izabrano: %{ids}."
  158. notice_feeds_access_key_reseted: Vaš Atom pristup je resetovan.
  159. notice_file_not_found: Stranica kojoj pokušavate da pristupite ne postoji ili je uklonjena.
  160. notice_locking_conflict: "Konflikt: podaci su izmjenjeni od strane drugog korisnika."
  161. notice_no_issue_selected: "Nijedna aktivnost nije izabrana! Molim, izaberite aktivnosti koje želite za ispravljate."
  162. notice_not_authorized: Niste ovlašćeni da pristupite ovoj stranici.
  163. notice_successful_connection: Uspješna konekcija.
  164. notice_successful_create: Uspješno kreiranje.
  165. notice_successful_delete: Brisanje izvršeno.
  166. notice_successful_update: Promjene uspješno izvršene.
  167. error_can_t_load_default_data: "Podrazumjevane postavke se ne mogu učitati %{value}"
  168. error_scm_command_failed: "Desila se greška pri pristupu repozitoriju: %{value}"
  169. error_scm_not_found: "Unos i/ili revizija ne postoji u repozitoriju."
  170. error_scm_annotate: "Ova stavka ne postoji ili nije označena."
  171. error_issue_not_found_in_project: 'Aktivnost nije nađena ili ne pripada ovom projektu'
  172. warning_attachments_not_saved: "%{count} fajl(ovi) ne mogu biti snimljen(i)."
  173. mail_subject_lost_password: "Vaša %{value} lozinka"
  174. mail_body_lost_password: 'Za promjenu lozinke, kliknite na sljedeći link:'
  175. mail_subject_register: "Aktivirajte %{value} vaš korisnički račun"
  176. mail_body_register: 'Za aktivaciju vašeg korisničkog računa, kliknite na sljedeći link:'
  177. mail_body_account_information_external: "Možete koristiti vaš %{value} korisnički račun za prijavu na sistem."
  178. mail_body_account_information: Informacija o vašem korisničkom računu
  179. mail_subject_account_activation_request: "%{value} zahtjev za aktivaciju korisničkog računa"
  180. mail_body_account_activation_request: "Novi korisnik (%{value}) se registrovao. Korisnički račun čeka vaše odobrenje za aktivaciju:"
  181. mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} aktivnost(i) u kašnjenju u narednim %{days} danima"
  182. mail_body_reminder: "%{count} aktivnost(i) koje su dodjeljenje vama u narednim %{days} danima:"
  183. field_name: Ime
  184. field_description: Opis
  185. field_summary: Pojašnjenje
  186. field_is_required: Neophodno popuniti
  187. field_firstname: Ime
  188. field_lastname: Prezime
  189. field_mail: Email
  190. field_filename: Fajl
  191. field_filesize: Veličina
  192. field_downloads: Downloadi
  193. field_author: Autor
  194. field_created_on: Kreirano
  195. field_updated_on: Izmjenjeno
  196. field_field_format: Format
  197. field_is_for_all: Za sve projekte
  198. field_possible_values: Moguće vrijednosti
  199. field_regexp: '"Regularni izraz"'
  200. field_min_length: Minimalna veličina
  201. field_max_length: Maksimalna veličina
  202. field_value: Vrijednost
  203. field_category: Kategorija
  204. field_title: Naslov
  205. field_project: Projekat
  206. field_issue: Aktivnost
  207. field_status: Status
  208. field_notes: Bilješke
  209. field_is_closed: Aktivnost zatvorena
  210. field_is_default: Podrazumjevana vrijednost
  211. field_tracker: Područje aktivnosti
  212. field_subject: Subjekat
  213. field_due_date: Završiti do
  214. field_assigned_to: Dodijeljeno
  215. field_priority: Prioritet
  216. field_fixed_version: Ciljna verzija
  217. field_user: Korisnik
  218. field_role: Uloga
  219. field_homepage: Naslovna strana
  220. field_is_public: Javni
  221. field_parent: Podprojekt od
  222. field_is_in_roadmap: Aktivnosti prikazane u planu realizacije
  223. field_login: Prijava
  224. field_mail_notification: Email notifikacije
  225. field_admin: Administrator
  226. field_last_login_on: Posljednja konekcija
  227. field_language: Jezik
  228. field_effective_date: Datum
  229. field_password: Lozinka
  230. field_new_password: Nova lozinka
  231. field_password_confirmation: Potvrda
  232. field_version: Verzija
  233. field_type: Tip
  234. field_host: Host
  235. field_port: Port
  236. field_account: Korisnički račun
  237. field_base_dn: Base DN
  238. field_attr_login: Attribut za prijavu
  239. field_attr_firstname: Attribut za ime
  240. field_attr_lastname: Atribut za prezime
  241. field_attr_mail: Atribut za email
  242. field_onthefly: 'Kreiranje korisnika "On-the-fly"'
  243. field_start_date: Početak
  244. field_done_ratio: "% Realizovano"
  245. field_auth_source: Mod za authentifikaciju
  246. field_hide_mail: Sakrij moju email adresu
  247. field_comments: Komentar
  248. field_url: URL
  249. field_start_page: Početna stranica
  250. field_subproject: Podprojekat
  251. field_hours: Sahata
  252. field_activity: Operacija
  253. field_spent_on: Datum
  254. field_identifier: Identifikator
  255. field_is_filter: Korišteno kao filter
  256. field_issue_to: Povezana aktivnost
  257. field_delay: Odgađanje
  258. field_assignable: Aktivnosti dodijeljene ovoj ulozi
  259. field_redirect_existing_links: Izvrši redirekciju postojećih linkova
  260. field_estimated_hours: Procjena vremena
  261. field_column_names: Kolone
  262. field_time_zone: Vremenska zona
  263. field_searchable: Pretraživo
  264. field_default_value: Podrazumjevana vrijednost
  265. field_comments_sorting: Prikaži komentare
  266. field_parent_title: 'Stranica "roditelj"'
  267. field_editable: Može se mijenjati
  268. field_watcher: Posmatrač
  269. field_identity_url: OpenID URL
  270. field_content: Sadržaj
  271. setting_app_title: Naslov aplikacije
  272. setting_app_subtitle: Podnaslov aplikacije
  273. setting_welcome_text: Tekst dobrodošlice
  274. setting_default_language: Podrazumjevani jezik
  275. setting_login_required: Authentifikacija neophodna
  276. setting_self_registration: Samo-registracija
  277. setting_attachment_max_size: Maksimalna veličina prikačenog fajla
  278. setting_issues_export_limit: Limit za eksport aktivnosti
  279. setting_mail_from: Mail adresa - pošaljilac
  280. setting_bcc_recipients: '"BCC" (blind carbon copy) primaoci '
  281. setting_plain_text_mail: Email sa običnim tekstom (bez HTML-a)
  282. setting_host_name: Ime hosta i putanja
  283. setting_text_formatting: Formatiranje teksta
  284. setting_wiki_compression: Kompresija Wiki istorije
  285. setting_feeds_limit: 'Limit za "Atom" feed-ove'
  286. setting_default_projects_public: Podrazumjeva se da je novi projekat javni
  287. setting_autofetch_changesets: 'Automatski kupi "commit"-e'
  288. setting_sys_api_enabled: 'Omogući "WS" za upravljanje repozitorijom'
  289. setting_commit_ref_keywords: Ključne riječi za reference
  290. setting_commit_fix_keywords: 'Ključne riječi za status "zatvoreno"'
  291. setting_autologin: Automatski login
  292. setting_date_format: Format datuma
  293. setting_time_format: Format vremena
  294. setting_cross_project_issue_relations: Omogući relacije između aktivnosti na različitim projektima
  295. setting_issue_list_default_columns: Podrazumjevane koleone za prikaz na listi aktivnosti
  296. setting_emails_footer: Potpis na email-ovima
  297. setting_protocol: Protokol
  298. setting_per_page_options: Broj objekata po stranici
  299. setting_user_format: Format korisničkog prikaza
  300. setting_activity_days_default: Prikaz promjena na projektu - opseg dana
  301. setting_display_subprojects_issues: Prikaz podprojekata na glavnom projektima (podrazumjeva se)
  302. setting_enabled_scm: Omogući SCM (source code management)
  303. setting_mail_handler_api_enabled: Omogući automatsku obradu ulaznih emailova
  304. setting_mail_handler_api_key: API ključ (obrada ulaznih mailova)
  305. setting_sequential_project_identifiers: Generiši identifikatore projekta sekvencijalno
  306. setting_gravatar_enabled: 'Koristi "gravatar" korisničke ikone'
  307. setting_diff_max_lines_displayed: Maksimalan broj linija za prikaz razlika između dva fajla
  308. setting_file_max_size_displayed: Maksimalna veličina fajla kod prikaza razlika unutar fajla (inline)
  309. setting_repository_log_display_limit: Maksimalna veličina revizija prikazanih na log fajlu
  310. setting_openid: Omogući OpenID prijavu i registraciju
  311. permission_edit_project: Ispravke projekta
  312. permission_select_project_modules: Odaberi module projekta
  313. permission_manage_members: Upravljanje članovima
  314. permission_manage_versions: Upravljanje verzijama
  315. permission_manage_categories: Upravljanje kategorijama aktivnosti
  316. permission_add_issues: Dodaj aktivnosti
  317. permission_edit_issues: Ispravka aktivnosti
  318. permission_manage_issue_relations: Upravljaj relacijama među aktivnostima
  319. permission_add_issue_notes: Dodaj bilješke
  320. permission_edit_issue_notes: Ispravi bilješke
  321. permission_edit_own_issue_notes: Ispravi sopstvene bilješke
  322. permission_move_issues: Pomjeri aktivnosti
  323. permission_delete_issues: Izbriši aktivnosti
  324. permission_manage_public_queries: Upravljaj javnim upitima
  325. permission_save_queries: Snimi upite
  326. permission_view_gantt: Pregled gantograma
  327. permission_view_calendar: Pregled kalendara
  328. permission_view_issue_watchers: Pregled liste korisnika koji prate aktivnost
  329. permission_add_issue_watchers: Dodaj onoga koji prati aktivnost
  330. permission_log_time: Evidentiraj utrošak vremena
  331. permission_view_time_entries: Pregled utroška vremena
  332. permission_edit_time_entries: Ispravka utroška vremena
  333. permission_edit_own_time_entries: Ispravka svog utroška vremena
  334. permission_manage_news: Upravljaj novostima
  335. permission_comment_news: Komentiraj novosti
  336. permission_view_documents: Pregled dokumenata
  337. permission_manage_files: Upravljaj fajlovima
  338. permission_view_files: Pregled fajlova
  339. permission_manage_wiki: Upravljaj wiki stranicama
  340. permission_rename_wiki_pages: Ispravi wiki stranicu
  341. permission_delete_wiki_pages: Izbriši wiki stranicu
  342. permission_view_wiki_pages: Pregled wiki sadržaja
  343. permission_view_wiki_edits: Pregled wiki istorije
  344. permission_edit_wiki_pages: Ispravka wiki stranica
  345. permission_delete_wiki_pages_attachments: Brisanje fajlova prikačenih wiki-ju
  346. permission_protect_wiki_pages: Zaštiti wiki stranicu
  347. permission_manage_repository: Upravljaj repozitorijem
  348. permission_browse_repository: Pregled repozitorija
  349. permission_view_changesets: Pregled setova promjena
  350. permission_commit_access: 'Pristup "commit"-u'
  351. permission_manage_boards: Upravljaj forumima
  352. permission_view_messages: Pregled poruka
  353. permission_add_messages: Šalji poruke
  354. permission_edit_messages: Ispravi poruke
  355. permission_edit_own_messages: Ispravka sopstvenih poruka
  356. permission_delete_messages: Prisanje poruka
  357. permission_delete_own_messages: Brisanje sopstvenih poruka
  358. project_module_issue_tracking: Praćenje aktivnosti
  359. project_module_time_tracking: Praćenje vremena
  360. project_module_news: Novosti
  361. project_module_documents: Dokumenti
  362. project_module_files: Fajlovi
  363. project_module_wiki: Wiki stranice
  364. project_module_repository: Repozitorij
  365. project_module_boards: Forumi
  366. label_user: Korisnik
  367. label_user_plural: Korisnici
  368. label_user_new: Novi korisnik
  369. label_project: Projekat
  370. label_project_new: Novi projekat
  371. label_project_plural: Projekti
  372. label_x_projects:
  373. zero: 0 projekata
  374. one: 1 projekat
  375. other: "%{count} projekata"
  376. label_project_all: Svi projekti
  377. label_project_latest: Posljednji projekti
  378. label_issue: Aktivnost
  379. label_issue_new: Nova aktivnost
  380. label_issue_plural: Aktivnosti
  381. label_issue_view_all: Vidi sve aktivnosti
  382. label_issues_by: "Aktivnosti po %{value}"
  383. label_issue_added: Aktivnost je dodana
  384. label_issue_updated: Aktivnost je izmjenjena
  385. label_document: Dokument
  386. label_document_new: Novi dokument
  387. label_document_plural: Dokumenti
  388. label_document_added: Dokument je dodan
  389. label_role: Uloga
  390. label_role_plural: Uloge
  391. label_role_new: Nove uloge
  392. label_role_and_permissions: Uloge i dozvole
  393. label_member: Izvršilac
  394. label_member_new: Novi izvršilac
  395. label_member_plural: Izvršioci
  396. label_tracker: Područje aktivnosti
  397. label_tracker_plural: Područja aktivnosti
  398. label_tracker_new: Novo područje aktivnosti
  399. label_workflow: Tok promjena na aktivnosti
  400. label_issue_status: Status aktivnosti
  401. label_issue_status_plural: Statusi aktivnosti
  402. label_issue_status_new: Novi status
  403. label_issue_category: Kategorija aktivnosti
  404. label_issue_category_plural: Kategorije aktivnosti
  405. label_issue_category_new: Nova kategorija
  406. label_custom_field: Proizvoljno polje
  407. label_custom_field_plural: Proizvoljna polja
  408. label_custom_field_new: Novo proizvoljno polje
  409. label_enumerations: Enumeracije
  410. label_enumeration_new: Nova vrijednost
  411. label_information: Informacija
  412. label_information_plural: Informacije
  413. label_please_login: Molimo prijavite se
  414. label_register: Registracija
  415. label_login_with_open_id_option: ili prijava sa OpenID-om
  416. label_password_lost: Izgubljena lozinka
  417. label_home: Početna stranica
  418. label_my_page: Moja stranica
  419. label_my_account: Moj korisnički račun
  420. label_my_projects: Moji projekti
  421. label_administration: Administracija
  422. label_login: Prijavi se
  423. label_logout: Odjavi se
  424. label_help: Pomoć
  425. label_reported_issues: Prijavljene aktivnosti
  426. label_assigned_to_me_issues: Aktivnosti dodjeljene meni
  427. label_last_login: Posljednja konekcija
  428. label_registered_on: Registrovan na
  429. label_activity_plural: Promjene
  430. label_activity: Operacija
  431. label_overall_activity: Pregled svih promjena
  432. label_user_activity: "Promjene izvršene od: %{value}"
  433. label_new: Novi
  434. label_logged_as: Prijavljen kao
  435. label_environment: Sistemsko okruženje
  436. label_authentication: Authentifikacija
  437. label_auth_source: Mod authentifikacije
  438. label_auth_source_new: Novi mod authentifikacije
  439. label_auth_source_plural: Modovi authentifikacije
  440. label_subproject_plural: Podprojekti
  441. label_and_its_subprojects: "%{value} i njegovi podprojekti"
  442. label_min_max_length: Min - Maks dužina
  443. label_list: Lista
  444. label_date: Datum
  445. label_integer: Cijeli broj
  446. label_float: Float
  447. label_boolean: Logička varijabla
  448. label_string: Tekst
  449. label_text: Dugi tekst
  450. label_attribute: Atribut
  451. label_attribute_plural: Atributi
  452. label_no_data: Nema podataka za prikaz
  453. label_change_status: Promjeni status
  454. label_history: Istorija
  455. label_attachment: Fajl
  456. label_attachment_new: Novi fajl
  457. label_attachment_delete: Izbriši fajl
  458. label_attachment_plural: Fajlovi
  459. label_file_added: Fajl je dodan
  460. label_report: Izvještaj
  461. label_report_plural: Izvještaji
  462. label_news: Novosti
  463. label_news_new: Dodaj novosti
  464. label_news_plural: Novosti
  465. label_news_latest: Posljednje novosti
  466. label_news_view_all: Pogledaj sve novosti
  467. label_news_added: Novosti su dodane
  468. label_settings: Postavke
  469. label_overview: Pregled
  470. label_version: Verzija
  471. label_version_new: Nova verzija
  472. label_version_plural: Verzije
  473. label_confirmation: Potvrda
  474. label_export_to: 'Takođe dostupno u:'
  475. label_read: Čitaj...
  476. label_public_projects: Javni projekti
  477. label_open_issues: otvoren
  478. label_open_issues_plural: otvoreni
  479. label_closed_issues: zatvoren
  480. label_closed_issues_plural: zatvoreni
  481. label_x_open_issues_abbr_on_total:
  482. zero: 0 otvoreno / %{total}
  483. one: 1 otvorena / %{total}
  484. other: "%{count} otvorene / %{total}"
  485. label_x_open_issues_abbr:
  486. zero: 0 otvoreno
  487. one: 1 otvorena
  488. other: "%{count} otvorene"
  489. label_x_closed_issues_abbr:
  490. zero: 0 zatvoreno
  491. one: 1 zatvorena
  492. other: "%{count} zatvorene"
  493. label_total: Ukupno
  494. label_permissions: Dozvole
  495. label_current_status: Tekući status
  496. label_new_statuses_allowed: Novi statusi dozvoljeni
  497. label_all: sve
  498. label_none: ništa
  499. label_nobody: niko
  500. label_next: Sljedeće
  501. label_previous: Predhodno
  502. label_used_by: Korišteno od
  503. label_details: Detalji
  504. label_add_note: Dodaj bilješku
  505. label_per_page: Po stranici
  506. label_calendar: Kalendar
  507. label_months_from: mjeseci od
  508. label_gantt: Gantt
  509. label_internal: Interno
  510. label_last_changes: "posljednjih %{count} promjena"
  511. label_change_view_all: Vidi sve promjene
  512. label_personalize_page: Personaliziraj ovu stranicu
  513. label_comment: Komentar
  514. label_comment_plural: Komentari
  515. label_x_comments:
  516. zero: bez komentara
  517. one: 1 komentar
  518. other: "%{count} komentari"
  519. label_comment_add: Dodaj komentar
  520. label_comment_added: Komentar je dodan
  521. label_comment_delete: Izbriši komentar
  522. label_query: Proizvoljan upit
  523. label_query_plural: Proizvoljni upiti
  524. label_query_new: Novi upit
  525. label_filter_add: Dodaj filter
  526. label_filter_plural: Filteri
  527. label_equals: je
  528. label_not_equals: nije
  529. label_in_less_than: je manji nego
  530. label_in_more_than: je više nego
  531. label_in: u
  532. label_today: danas
  533. label_all_time: sve vrijeme
  534. label_yesterday: juče
  535. label_this_week: ova hefta
  536. label_last_week: zadnja hefta
  537. label_last_n_days: "posljednjih %{count} dana"
  538. label_this_month: ovaj mjesec
  539. label_last_month: posljednji mjesec
  540. label_this_year: ova godina
  541. label_date_range: Datumski opseg
  542. label_less_than_ago: ranije nego (dana)
  543. label_more_than_ago: starije nego (dana)
  544. label_ago: prije (dana)
  545. label_contains: sadrži
  546. label_not_contains: ne sadrži
  547. label_day_plural: dani
  548. label_repository: Repozitorij
  549. label_repository_plural: Repozitoriji
  550. label_browse: Listaj
  551. label_revision: Revizija
  552. label_revision_plural: Revizije
  553. label_associated_revisions: Doddjeljene revizije
  554. label_added: dodano
  555. label_modified: izmjenjeno
  556. label_copied: kopirano
  557. label_renamed: preimenovano
  558. label_deleted: izbrisano
  559. label_latest_revision: Posljednja revizija
  560. label_latest_revision_plural: Posljednje revizije
  561. label_view_revisions: Vidi revizije
  562. label_max_size: Maksimalna veličina
  563. label_sort_highest: Pomjeri na vrh
  564. label_sort_higher: Pomjeri gore
  565. label_sort_lower: Pomjeri dole
  566. label_sort_lowest: Pomjeri na dno
  567. label_roadmap: Plan realizacije
  568. label_roadmap_due_in: "Obavezan do %{value}"
  569. label_roadmap_overdue: "%{value} kasni"
  570. label_roadmap_no_issues: Nema aktivnosti za ovu verziju
  571. label_search: Traži
  572. label_result_plural: Rezultati
  573. label_all_words: Sve riječi
  574. label_wiki: Wiki stranice
  575. label_wiki_edit: ispravka wiki-ja
  576. label_wiki_edit_plural: ispravke wiki-ja
  577. label_wiki_page: Wiki stranica
  578. label_wiki_page_plural: Wiki stranice
  579. label_index_by_title: Indeks prema naslovima
  580. label_index_by_date: Indeks po datumima
  581. label_current_version: Tekuća verzija
  582. label_preview: Pregled
  583. label_feed_plural: Feeds
  584. label_changes_details: Detalji svih promjena
  585. label_issue_tracking: Evidencija aktivnosti
  586. label_spent_time: Utrošak vremena
  587. label_f_hour: "%{value} sahat"
  588. label_f_hour_plural: "%{value} sahata"
  589. label_time_tracking: Evidencija vremena
  590. label_change_plural: Promjene
  591. label_statistics: Statistika
  592. label_commits_per_month: '"Commit"-a po mjesecu'
  593. label_commits_per_author: '"Commit"-a po autoru'
  594. label_view_diff: Pregled razlika
  595. label_diff_inline: zajedno
  596. label_diff_side_by_side: jedna pored druge
  597. label_options: Opcije
  598. label_copy_workflow_from: Kopiraj tok promjena statusa iz
  599. label_permissions_report: Izvještaj
  600. label_watched_issues: Aktivnosti koje pratim
  601. label_related_issues: Korelirane aktivnosti
  602. label_applied_status: Status je primjenjen
  603. label_loading: Učitavam...
  604. label_relation_new: Nova relacija
  605. label_relation_delete: Izbriši relaciju
  606. label_relates_to: korelira sa
  607. label_duplicates: duplikat
  608. label_duplicated_by: duplicirano od
  609. label_blocks: blokira
  610. label_blocked_by: blokirano on
  611. label_precedes: predhodi
  612. label_follows: slijedi
  613. label_end_to_start: 'kraj -> početak'
  614. label_end_to_end: 'kraja -> kraj'
  615. label_start_to_start: 'početak -> početak'
  616. label_start_to_end: 'početak -> kraj'
  617. label_stay_logged_in: Ostani prijavljen
  618. label_disabled: onemogućen
  619. label_show_completed_versions: Prikaži završene verzije
  620. label_me: ja
  621. label_board: Forum
  622. label_board_new: Novi forum
  623. label_board_plural: Forumi
  624. label_topic_plural: Teme
  625. label_message_plural: Poruke
  626. label_message_last: Posljednja poruka
  627. label_message_new: Nova poruka
  628. label_message_posted: Poruka je dodana
  629. label_reply_plural: Odgovori
  630. label_send_information: Pošalji informaciju o korisničkom računu
  631. label_year: Godina
  632. label_month: Mjesec
  633. label_week: Hefta
  634. label_date_from: Od
  635. label_date_to: Do
  636. label_language_based: Bazirano na korisnikovom jeziku
  637. label_sort_by: "Sortiraj po %{value}"
  638. label_send_test_email: Pošalji testni email
  639. label_feeds_access_key_created_on: "Atom pristupni ključ kreiran prije %{value} dana"
  640. label_module_plural: Moduli
  641. label_added_time_by: "Dodano od %{author} prije %{age}"
  642. label_updated_time_by: "Izmjenjeno od %{author} prije %{age}"
  643. label_updated_time: "Izmjenjeno prije %{value}"
  644. label_jump_to_a_project: Skoči na projekat...
  645. label_file_plural: Fajlovi
  646. label_changeset_plural: Setovi promjena
  647. label_default_columns: Podrazumjevane kolone
  648. label_no_change_option: (Bez promjene)
  649. label_bulk_edit_selected_issues: Ispravi odjednom odabrane aktivnosti
  650. label_theme: Tema
  651. label_default: Podrazumjevano
  652. label_search_titles_only: Pretraži samo naslove
  653. label_user_mail_option_all: "Za bilo koji događaj na svim mojim projektima"
  654. label_user_mail_option_selected: "Za bilo koji događaj na odabranim projektima..."
  655. label_user_mail_no_self_notified: "Ne želim notifikaciju za promjene koje sam ja napravio"
  656. label_registration_activation_by_email: aktivacija korisničkog računa email-om
  657. label_registration_manual_activation: ručna aktivacija korisničkog računa
  658. label_registration_automatic_activation: automatska kreacija korisničkog računa
  659. label_display_per_page: "Po stranici: %{value}"
  660. label_age: Starost
  661. label_change_properties: Promjena osobina
  662. label_general: Generalno
  663. label_more: Više
  664. label_scm: SCM
  665. label_plugins: Plugin-ovi
  666. label_ldap_authentication: LDAP authentifikacija
  667. label_downloads_abbr: D/L
  668. label_optional_description: Opis (opciono)
  669. label_add_another_file: Dodaj još jedan fajl
  670. label_preferences: Postavke
  671. label_chronological_order: Hronološki poredak
  672. label_reverse_chronological_order: Reverzni hronološki poredak
  673. label_planning: Planiranje
  674. label_incoming_emails: Dolazni email-ovi
  675. label_generate_key: Generiši ključ
  676. label_issue_watchers: Praćeno od
  677. label_example: Primjer
  678. label_display: Prikaz
  679. button_apply: Primjeni
  680. button_add: Dodaj
  681. button_archive: Arhiviranje
  682. button_back: Nazad
  683. button_cancel: Odustani
  684. button_change: Izmjeni
  685. button_change_password: Izmjena lozinke
  686. button_check_all: Označi sve
  687. button_clear: Briši
  688. button_copy: Kopiraj
  689. button_create: Novi
  690. button_delete: Briši
  691. button_download: Download
  692. button_edit: Ispravka
  693. button_list: Lista
  694. button_lock: Zaključaj
  695. button_log_time: Utrošak vremena
  696. button_login: Prijava
  697. button_move: Pomjeri
  698. button_rename: Promjena imena
  699. button_reply: Odgovor
  700. button_reset: Resetuj
  701. button_rollback: Vrati predhodno stanje
  702. button_save: Snimi
  703. button_sort: Sortiranje
  704. button_submit: Pošalji
  705. button_test: Testiraj
  706. button_unarchive: Otpakuj arhivu
  707. button_uncheck_all: Isključi sve
  708. button_unlock: Otključaj
  709. button_unwatch: Prekini notifikaciju
  710. button_update: Promjena na aktivnosti
  711. button_view: Pregled
  712. button_watch: Notifikacija
  713. button_configure: Konfiguracija
  714. button_quote: Citat
  715. status_active: aktivan
  716. status_registered: registrovan
  717. status_locked: zaključan
  718. text_select_mail_notifications: Odaberi događaje za koje će se slati email notifikacija.
  719. text_regexp_info: npr. ^[A-Z0-9]+$
  720. text_min_max_length_info: 0 znači bez restrikcije
  721. text_project_destroy_confirmation: Sigurno želite izbrisati ovaj projekat i njegove podatke ?
  722. text_subprojects_destroy_warning: "Podprojekt(i): %{value} će takođe biti izbrisani."
  723. text_workflow_edit: Odaberite ulogu i područje aktivnosti za ispravku toka promjena na aktivnosti
  724. text_are_you_sure: Da li ste sigurni ?
  725. text_tip_issue_begin_day: zadatak počinje danas
  726. text_tip_issue_end_day: zadatak završava danas
  727. text_tip_issue_begin_end_day: zadatak započinje i završava danas
  728. text_caracters_maximum: "maksimum %{count} karaktera."
  729. text_caracters_minimum: "Dužina mora biti najmanje %{count} znakova."
  730. text_length_between: "Broj znakova između %{min} i %{max}."
  731. text_tracker_no_workflow: Tok statusa nije definisan za ovo područje aktivnosti
  732. text_unallowed_characters: Nedozvoljeni znakovi
  733. text_comma_separated: Višestruke vrijednosti dozvoljene (odvojiti zarezom).
  734. text_issues_ref_in_commit_messages: 'Referenciranje i zatvaranje aktivnosti putem "commit" poruka'
  735. text_issue_added: "Aktivnost %{id} je prijavljena od %{author}."
  736. text_issue_updated: "Aktivnost %{id} je izmjenjena od %{author}."
  737. text_wiki_destroy_confirmation: Sigurno želite izbrisati ovaj wiki i čitav njegov sadržaj ?
  738. text_issue_category_destroy_question: "Neke aktivnosti (%{count}) pripadaju ovoj kategoriji. Sigurno to želite uraditi ?"
  739. text_issue_category_destroy_assignments: Ukloni kategoriju
  740. text_issue_category_reassign_to: Ponovo dodijeli ovu kategoriju
  741. text_user_mail_option: "Za projekte koje niste odabrali, primićete samo notifikacije o stavkama koje pratite ili ste u njih uključeni (npr. vi ste autor ili su vama dodjeljenje)."
  742. text_no_configuration_data: "Uloge, područja aktivnosti, statusi aktivnosti i tok promjena statusa nisu konfigurisane.\nKrajnje je preporučeno da učitate tekuđe postavke. Kasnije ćete ih moći mjenjati po svojim potrebama."
  743. text_load_default_configuration: Učitaj tekuću konfiguraciju
  744. text_status_changed_by_changeset: "Primjenjeno u setu promjena %{value}."
  745. text_issues_destroy_confirmation: 'Sigurno želite izbrisati odabranu/e aktivnost/i ?'
  746. text_select_project_modules: 'Odaberi module koje želite u ovom projektu:'
  747. text_default_administrator_account_changed: Tekući administratorski račun je promjenjen
  748. text_file_repository_writable: U direktorij sa fajlovima koji su prilozi se može pisati
  749. text_plugin_assets_writable: U direktorij plugin-ova se može pisati
  750. text_rmagick_available: RMagick je dostupan (opciono)
  751. text_destroy_time_entries_question: "%{hours} sahata je prijavljeno na aktivnostima koje želite brisati. Želite li to učiniti ?"
  752. text_destroy_time_entries: Izbriši prijavljeno vrijeme
  753. text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Dodaj prijavljenoo vrijeme projektu
  754. text_reassign_time_entries: 'Preraspodjeli prijavljeno vrijeme na ovu aktivnost:'
  755. text_user_wrote: "%{value} je napisao/la:"
  756. text_enumeration_destroy_question: "Za %{count} objekata je dodjeljenja ova vrijednost."
  757. text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Ponovo im dodjeli ovu vrijednost:'
  758. text_email_delivery_not_configured: "Email dostava nije konfiguraisana, notifikacija je onemogućena.\nKonfiguriši SMTP server u config/configuration.yml i restartuj aplikaciju nakon toga."
  759. text_repository_usernames_mapping: "Odaberi ili ispravi redmine korisnika mapiranog za svako korisničko ima nađeno u logu repozitorija.\nKorisnici sa istim imenom u redmineu i u repozitoruju se automatski mapiraju."
  760. text_diff_truncated: '... Ovaj prikaz razlike je odsječen pošto premašuje maksimalnu veličinu za prikaz'
  761. text_custom_field_possible_values_info: 'Jedna linija za svaku vrijednost'
  762. default_role_manager: Menadžer
  763. default_role_developer: Programer
  764. default_role_reporter: Reporter
  765. default_tracker_bug: Greška
  766. default_tracker_feature: Nova funkcija
  767. default_tracker_support: Podrška
  768. default_issue_status_new: Novi
  769. default_issue_status_in_progress: In Progress
  770. default_issue_status_resolved: Riješen
  771. default_issue_status_feedback: Čeka se povratna informacija
  772. default_issue_status_closed: Zatvoren
  773. default_issue_status_rejected: Odbijen
  774. default_doc_category_user: Korisnička dokumentacija
  775. default_doc_category_tech: Tehnička dokumentacija
  776. default_priority_low: Nizak
  777. default_priority_normal: Normalan
  778. default_priority_high: Visok
  779. default_priority_urgent: Urgentno
  780. default_priority_immediate: Odmah
  781. default_activity_design: Dizajn
  782. default_activity_development: Programiranje
  783. enumeration_issue_priorities: Prioritet aktivnosti
  784. enumeration_doc_categories: Kategorije dokumenata
  785. enumeration_activities: Operacije (utrošak vremena)
  786. notice_unable_delete_version: Ne mogu izbrisati verziju.
  787. button_create_and_continue: Kreiraj i nastavi
  788. button_annotate: Zabilježi
  789. button_activate: Aktiviraj
  790. label_sort: Sortiranje
  791. label_date_from_to: Od %{start} do %{end}
  792. label_ascending: Rastuće
  793. label_descending: Opadajuće
  794. label_greater_or_equal: ">="
  795. label_less_or_equal: <=
  796. text_wiki_page_destroy_question: This page has %{descendants} child page(s) and descendant(s). What do you want to do?
  797. text_wiki_page_reassign_children: Reassign child pages to this parent page
  798. text_wiki_page_nullify_children: Keep child pages as root pages
  799. text_wiki_page_destroy_children: Delete child pages and all their descendants
  800. setting_password_min_length: Minimum password length
  801. field_group_by: Group results by
  802. mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "'%{id}' wiki page has been updated"
  803. label_wiki_content_added: Wiki page added
  804. mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "'%{id}' wiki page has been added"
  805. mail_body_wiki_content_added: The '%{id}' wiki page has been added by %{author}.
  806. label_wiki_content_updated: Wiki page updated
  807. mail_body_wiki_content_updated: The '%{id}' wiki page has been updated by %{author}.
  808. permission_add_project: Create project
  809. setting_new_project_user_role_id: Role given to a non-admin user who creates a project
  810. label_view_all_revisions: View all revisions
  811. label_tag: Tag
  812. label_branch: Branch
  813. error_no_tracker_in_project: No tracker is associated to this project. Please check the Project settings.
  814. error_no_default_issue_status: No default issue status is defined. Please check your configuration (Go to "Administration -> Issue statuses").
  815. text_journal_changed: "%{label} changed from %{old} to %{new}"
  816. text_journal_set_to: "%{label} set to %{value}"
  817. text_journal_deleted: "%{label} deleted (%{old})"
  818. label_group_plural: Groups
  819. label_group: Group
  820. label_group_new: New group
  821. label_time_entry_plural: Spent time
  822. text_journal_added: "%{label} %{value} added"
  823. field_active: Active
  824. enumeration_system_activity: System Activity
  825. permission_delete_issue_watchers: Delete watchers
  826. version_status_closed: closed
  827. version_status_locked: locked
  828. version_status_open: open
  829. error_can_not_reopen_issue_on_closed_version: An issue assigned to a closed version can not be reopened
  830. label_user_anonymous: Anonymous
  831. button_move_and_follow: Move and follow
  832. setting_default_projects_modules: Default enabled modules for new projects
  833. setting_gravatar_default: Default Gravatar image
  834. field_sharing: Sharing
  835. label_version_sharing_hierarchy: With project hierarchy
  836. label_version_sharing_system: With all projects
  837. label_version_sharing_descendants: With subprojects
  838. label_version_sharing_tree: With project tree
  839. label_version_sharing_none: Not shared
  840. error_can_not_archive_project: This project can not be archived
  841. button_duplicate: Duplicate
  842. button_copy_and_follow: Copy and follow
  843. label_copy_source: Source
  844. setting_issue_done_ratio: Calculate the issue done ratio with
  845. setting_issue_done_ratio_issue_status: Use the issue status
  846. error_issue_done_ratios_not_updated: Issue done ratios not updated.
  847. error_workflow_copy_target: Please select target tracker(s) and role(s)
  848. setting_issue_done_ratio_issue_field: Use the issue field
  849. label_copy_same_as_target: Same as target
  850. label_copy_target: Target
  851. notice_issue_done_ratios_updated: Issue done ratios updated.
  852. error_workflow_copy_source: Please select a source tracker or role
  853. label_update_issue_done_ratios: Update issue done ratios
  854. setting_start_of_week: Start calendars on
  855. permission_view_issues: View Issues
  856. label_display_used_statuses_only: Only display statuses that are used by this tracker
  857. label_revision_id: Revision %{value}
  858. label_api_access_key: API access key
  859. label_api_access_key_created_on: API access key created %{value} ago
  860. label_feeds_access_key: Atom access key
  861. notice_api_access_key_reseted: Your API access key was reset.
  862. setting_rest_api_enabled: Enable REST web service
  863. label_missing_api_access_key: Missing an API access key
  864. label_missing_feeds_access_key: Missing a Atom access key
  865. button_show: Show
  866. text_line_separated: Multiple values allowed (one line for each value).
  867. setting_mail_handler_body_delimiters: Truncate emails after one of these lines
  868. permission_add_subprojects: Create subprojects
  869. label_subproject_new: New subproject
  870. text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: |-
  871. You are about to remove some or all of your permissions and may no longer be able to edit this project after that.
  872. Are you sure you want to continue?
  873. label_close_versions: Close completed versions
  874. label_board_sticky: Sticky
  875. label_board_locked: Locked
  876. permission_export_wiki_pages: Export wiki pages
  877. setting_cache_formatted_text: Cache formatted text
  878. permission_manage_project_activities: Manage project activities
  879. error_unable_delete_issue_status: Unable to delete issue status
  880. label_profile: Profile
  881. permission_manage_subtasks: Manage subtasks
  882. field_parent_issue: Parent task
  883. label_subtask_plural: Subtasks
  884. label_project_copy_notifications: Send email notifications during the project copy
  885. error_can_not_delete_custom_field: Unable to delete custom field
  886. error_unable_to_connect: Unable to connect (%{value})
  887. error_can_not_remove_role: This role is in use and can not be deleted.
  888. error_can_not_delete_tracker: This tracker contains issues and can't be deleted.
  889. field_principal: Principal
  890. label_my_page_block: My page block
  891. notice_failed_to_save_members: "Failed to save member(s): %{errors}."
  892. text_zoom_out: Zoom out
  893. text_zoom_in: Zoom in
  894. notice_unable_delete_time_entry: Unable to delete time log entry.
  895. label_overall_spent_time: Overall spent time
  896. field_time_entries: Log time
  897. project_module_gantt: Gantt
  898. project_module_calendar: Calendar
  899. button_edit_associated_wikipage: "Edit associated Wiki page: %{page_title}"
  900. field_text: Text field
  901. label_user_mail_option_only_owner: Only for things I am the owner of
  902. setting_default_notification_option: Default notification option
  903. label_user_mail_option_only_my_events: Only for things I watch or I'm involved in
  904. label_user_mail_option_only_assigned: Only for things I am assigned to
  905. label_user_mail_option_none: No events
  906. field_member_of_group: Assignee's group
  907. field_assigned_to_role: Assignee's role
  908. notice_not_authorized_archived_project: The project you're trying to access has been archived.
  909. label_principal_search: "Search for user or group:"
  910. label_user_search: "Search for user:"
  911. field_visible: Visible
  912. setting_commit_logtime_activity_id: Activity for logged time
  913. text_time_logged_by_changeset: Applied in changeset %{value}.
  914. setting_commit_logtime_enabled: Enable time logging
  915. notice_gantt_chart_truncated: The chart was truncated because it exceeds the maximum number of items that can be displayed (%{max})
  916. setting_gantt_items_limit: Maximum number of items displayed on the gantt chart
  917. field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Warn me when leaving a page with unsaved text
  918. text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: The current page contains unsaved text that will be lost if you leave this page.
  919. label_my_queries: My custom queries
  920. text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} updated"
  921. label_news_comment_added: Comment added to a news
  922. button_expand_all: Expand all
  923. button_collapse_all: Collapse all
  924. label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the assignee
  925. label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the author
  926. label_bulk_edit_selected_time_entries: Bulk edit selected time entries
  927. text_time_entries_destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete the selected time entr(y/ies)?
  928. label_role_anonymous: Anonymous
  929. label_role_non_member: Non member
  930. label_issue_note_added: Note added
  931. label_issue_status_updated: Status updated
  932. label_issue_priority_updated: Priority updated
  933. label_issues_visibility_own: Issues created by or assigned to the user
  934. field_issues_visibility: Issues visibility
  935. label_issues_visibility_all: All issues
  936. permission_set_own_issues_private: Set own issues public or private
  937. field_is_private: Private
  938. permission_set_issues_private: Set issues public or private
  939. label_issues_visibility_public: All non private issues
  940. text_issues_destroy_descendants_confirmation: This will also delete %{count} subtask(s).
  941. field_commit_logs_encoding: 'Enkodiranje "commit" poruka'
  942. field_scm_path_encoding: Path encoding
  943. text_scm_path_encoding_note: "Default: UTF-8"
  944. field_path_to_repository: Path to repository
  945. field_root_directory: Root directory
  946. field_cvs_module: Module
  947. field_cvsroot: CVSROOT
  948. text_mercurial_repository_note: Local repository (e.g. /hgrepo, c:\hgrepo)
  949. text_scm_command: Command
  950. text_scm_command_version: Version
  951. label_git_report_last_commit: Report last commit for files and directories
  952. notice_issue_successful_create: Issue %{id} created.
  953. label_between: between
  954. setting_issue_group_assignment: Allow issue assignment to groups
  955. label_diff: diff
  956. text_git_repository_note: Repository is bare and local (e.g. /gitrepo, c:\gitrepo)
  957. description_query_sort_criteria_direction: Sort direction
  958. description_project_scope: Search scope
  959. description_filter: Filter
  960. description_user_mail_notification: Mail notification settings
  961. description_date_from: Enter start date
  962. description_message_content: Message content
  963. description_available_columns: Available Columns
  964. description_date_range_interval: Choose range by selecting start and end date
  965. description_issue_category_reassign: Choose issue category
  966. description_search: Searchfield
  967. description_notes: Notes
  968. description_date_range_list: Choose range from list
  969. description_choose_project: Projects
  970. description_date_to: Enter end date
  971. description_query_sort_criteria_attribute: Sort attribute
  972. description_wiki_subpages_reassign: Choose new parent page
  973. description_selected_columns: Selected Columns
  974. label_parent_revision: Parent
  975. label_child_revision: Child
  976. error_scm_annotate_big_text_file: The entry cannot be annotated, as it exceeds the maximum text file size.
  977. setting_default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date: Use current date as start date for new issues
  978. button_edit_section: Edit this section
  979. setting_repositories_encodings: Attachments and repositories encodings
  980. description_all_columns: All Columns
  981. button_export: Export
  982. label_export_options: "%{export_format} export options"
  983. error_attachment_too_big: This file cannot be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum allowed file size (%{max_size})
  984. notice_failed_to_save_time_entries: "Failed to save %{count} time entrie(s) on %{total} selected: %{ids}."
  985. label_x_issues:
  986. zero: 0 aktivnost
  987. one: 1 aktivnost
  988. other: "%{count} aktivnosti"
  989. label_repository_new: New repository
  990. field_repository_is_default: Main repository
  991. label_copy_attachments: Copy attachments
  992. label_item_position: "%{position}/%{count}"
  993. label_completed_versions: Completed versions
  994. text_project_identifier_info: Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed.<br />Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed.
  995. field_multiple: Multiple values
  996. setting_commit_cross_project_ref: Allow issues of all the other projects to be referenced and fixed
  997. text_issue_conflict_resolution_add_notes: Add my notes and discard my other changes
  998. text_issue_conflict_resolution_overwrite: Apply my changes anyway (previous notes will be kept but some changes may be overwritten)
  999. notice_issue_update_conflict: The issue has been updated by an other user while you were editing it.
  1000. text_issue_conflict_resolution_cancel: Discard all my changes and redisplay %{link}
  1001. permission_manage_related_issues: Manage related issues
  1002. field_auth_source_ldap_filter: LDAP filter
  1003. label_search_for_watchers: Search for watchers to add
  1004. notice_account_deleted: Your account has been permanently deleted.
  1005. setting_unsubscribe: Allow users to delete their own account
  1006. button_delete_my_account: Delete my account
  1007. text_account_destroy_confirmation: |-
  1008. Are you sure you want to proceed?
  1009. Your account will be permanently deleted, with no way to reactivate it.
  1010. error_session_expired: Your session has expired. Please login again.
  1011. text_session_expiration_settings: "Warning: changing these settings may expire the current sessions including yours."
  1012. setting_session_lifetime: Session maximum lifetime
  1013. setting_session_timeout: Session inactivity timeout
  1014. label_session_expiration: Session expiration
  1015. permission_close_project: Close / reopen the project
  1016. label_show_closed_projects: View closed projects
  1017. button_close: Close
  1018. button_reopen: Reopen
  1019. project_status_active: active
  1020. project_status_closed: closed
  1021. project_status_archived: archived
  1022. text_project_closed: This project is closed and read-only.
  1023. notice_user_successful_create: User %{id} created.
  1024. field_core_fields: Standard fields
  1025. field_timeout: Timeout (in seconds)
  1026. setting_thumbnails_enabled: Display attachment thumbnails
  1027. setting_thumbnails_size: Thumbnails size (in pixels)
  1028. label_status_transitions: Status transitions
  1029. label_fields_permissions: Fields permissions
  1030. label_readonly: Read-only
  1031. label_required: Required
  1032. text_repository_identifier_info: Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed.<br />Once saved, the identifier cannot be changed.
  1033. field_board_parent: Parent forum
  1034. label_attribute_of_project: Project's %{name}
  1035. label_attribute_of_author: Author's %{name}
  1036. label_attribute_of_assigned_to: Assignee's %{name}
  1037. label_attribute_of_fixed_version: Target version's %{name}
  1038. label_copy_subtasks: Copy subtasks
  1039. label_copied_to: copied to
  1040. label_copied_from: copied from
  1041. label_any_issues_in_project: any issues in project
  1042. label_any_issues_not_in_project: any issues not in project
  1043. field_private_notes: Private notes
  1044. permission_view_private_notes: View private notes
  1045. permission_set_notes_private: Set notes as private
  1046. label_no_issues_in_project: no issues in project
  1047. label_any: sve
  1048. label_last_n_weeks: last %{count} weeks
  1049. setting_cross_project_subtasks: Allow cross-project subtasks
  1050. label_cross_project_descendants: With subprojects
  1051. label_cross_project_tree: With project tree
  1052. label_cross_project_hierarchy: With project hierarchy
  1053. label_cross_project_system: With all projects
  1054. button_hide: Hide
  1055. setting_non_working_week_days: Non-working days
  1056. label_in_the_next_days: in the next
  1057. label_in_the_past_days: in the past
  1058. label_attribute_of_user: User's %{name}
  1059. text_turning_multiple_off: If you disable multiple values, multiple values will be
  1060. removed in order to preserve only one value per item.
  1061. label_attribute_of_issue: Issue's %{name}
  1062. permission_add_documents: Add documents
  1063. permission_edit_documents: Edit documents
  1064. permission_delete_documents: Delete documents
  1065. label_gantt_progress_line: Progress line
  1066. setting_jsonp_enabled: Enable JSONP support
  1067. field_inherit_members: Inherit members
  1068. field_closed_on: Closed
  1069. field_generate_password: Generate password
  1070. setting_default_projects_tracker_ids: Default trackers for new projects
  1071. label_total_time: Ukupno
  1072. text_scm_config: You can configure your SCM commands in config/configuration.yml. Please restart the application after editing it.
  1073. text_scm_command_not_available: SCM command is not available. Please check settings on the administration panel.
  1074. setting_emails_header: Email header
  1075. notice_account_not_activated_yet: You haven't activated your account yet. If you want
  1076. to receive a new activation email, please <a href="%{url}">click this link</a>.
  1077. notice_account_locked: Your account is locked.
  1078. label_hidden: Hidden
  1079. label_visibility_private: to me only
  1080. label_visibility_roles: to these roles only
  1081. label_visibility_public: to any users
  1082. field_must_change_passwd: Must change password at next logon
  1083. notice_new_password_must_be_different: The new password must be different from the
  1084. current password
  1085. setting_mail_handler_excluded_filenames: Exclude attachments by name
  1086. text_convert_available: ImageMagick convert available (optional)
  1087. label_link: Link
  1088. label_only: only
  1089. label_drop_down_list: drop-down list
  1090. label_checkboxes: checkboxes
  1091. label_link_values_to: Link values to URL
  1092. setting_force_default_language_for_anonymous: Force default language for anonymous
  1093. users
  1094. setting_force_default_language_for_loggedin: Force default language for logged-in
  1095. users
  1096. label_custom_field_select_type: Select the type of object to which the custom field
  1097. is to be attached
  1098. label_issue_assigned_to_updated: Assignee updated
  1099. label_check_for_updates: Check for updates
  1100. label_latest_compatible_version: Latest compatible version
  1101. label_unknown_plugin: Unknown plugin
  1102. label_radio_buttons: radio buttons
  1103. label_group_anonymous: Anonymous users
  1104. label_group_non_member: Non member users
  1105. label_add_projects: Add projects
  1106. field_default_status: Default status
  1107. text_subversion_repository_note: 'Examples: file:///, http://, https://, svn://, svn+[tunnelscheme]://'