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  1. # Contributing to Rspamd
  2. :tada: First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! :tada:
  3. The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to Rspamd and its packages, which are hosted in
  4. the [Rspamd Organization]( on GitHub. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best
  5. judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request. This contribution policy is heavily
  6. inspired by [Atom editor](
  7. #### Table Of Contents
  8. [I don't want to read this whole thing, I just have a question](#i-dont-want-to-read-this-whole-thing-i-just-have-a-question)
  9. [How Can I Contribute?](#how-can-i-contribute)
  10. * [Reporting Bugs](#reporting-bugs)
  11. [Styleguides](#styleguides)
  12. * [Git Commit Messages](#git-commit-messages)
  13. * [Lua style guide](#lua-styleguide)
  14. ## I don't want to read this whole thing I just have a question
  15. > **Note:** Please don't file an issue to ask a question. You'll get faster results by using the resources below.
  16. We have an official site with a detailed FAQ and various community support resources.
  17. * [Support channels explained](
  18. * [Rspamd FAQ](
  19. The best way to ask a question and to get a relevant reply is the mailing list:
  20. * [Join Rspamd mailing lists](
  21. If chat is more your speed, you can join the Rspamd developers and users using Telegram or IRC:
  22. * [Join Rspamd telegram channel](
  23. * [Join Rspamd IRC channel](
  24. * server: ircs://
  25. * channel: #rspamd
  26. Please bear in mind that even though telegram/irc are chat services, sometimes it takes several hours for community
  27. members to respond — please be patient!
  28. ## How Can I Contribute?
  29. ### Reporting Bugs
  30. This section guides you through submitting a bug report for Rspamd. Following these guidelines helps maintainers and the
  31. community understand your report :pencil:, reproduce the behavior :computer: :computer:, and find related reports :
  32. mag_right:.
  33. When you are creating a bug report, please [include as many details as possible](#how-do-i-submit-a-good-bug-report).
  34. Fill out the required template, the information it asks for helps us resolve issues faster.
  35. > **Note:** If you find a **Closed** issue that seems like it is the same thing that you're experiencing, open a new
  36. > issue and include a link to the original issue in the body of your new one.
  37. #### Before Submitting A Bug Report
  38. * Read about bug reporting in general:
  39. * Enable relevant debugging logs:
  40. * Check the FAQs about Core files in case of fatal
  41. crash:
  42. * Check that your issue isn't already filed:
  43. * Check that there is not already an experimental package or master branch
  44. #### How Do I Submit A (Good) Bug Report?
  45. Explain the problem and include additional details to help maintainers reproduce the problem:
  46. * **Use a clear and descriptive title** for the issue to identify the problem.
  47. * **Describe the exact steps which reproduce the problem** in as many details as possible. For example, start by
  48. explaining how you started Rspamd, e.g. which custom configuration are you using, or what message have you scanned.
  49. When listing steps, **don't just say what you did, but explain how you did it**.
  50. * **Provide specific examples to demonstrate the steps**. Include links to files or GitHub projects, or copy/pasteable
  51. snippets, which you use in those examples. If you're providing snippets in the issue,
  52. use [Markdown code blocks](
  53. * **Describe the behavior you observed after following the steps** and point out what exactly is the problem with that
  54. behavior.
  55. * **Explain which behavior you expected to see instead and why.**
  56. * **If you're reporting that Rspamd crashed**, include a crash report with a stack trace from the operating
  57. system:
  58. * **If the problem wasn't triggered by a specific action**, describe what you were doing before the problem happened and
  59. share more information using the guidelines below.
  60. Provide more context by answering these questions:
  61. * **Did the problem start happening recently** (e.g. after updating to a new version of Rspamd) or was this always a
  62. problem?
  63. * If the problem started happening recently, **can you reproduce the problem in an older version of Rspamd?** What's the
  64. most recent version in which the problem doesn't happen? You can download older versions of Rspamd
  65. from [the releases page](
  66. * **Can you reliably reproduce the issue?** If not, provide details about how often the problem happens and under which
  67. conditions it normally happens.
  68. * If the problem is related to scanning messages, **does the problem happen for all messages or only some?**
  69. Include details about your configuration and environment:
  70. * **Which version of Rspamd are you using?** Use `rspamd --version` to get the detailed information about the version
  71. and the compile flags used.
  72. * **What's the name and version of the OS you're using**?
  73. * **What hardware are you using, including CPU generation**, e.g. Intel Haswell or ArmV7? If you have `gcc` installed,
  74. that could be achieved by the following command: `gcc -march=native -Q --help=target|grep march`. In Linux, you can
  75. also check `/proc/cpuinfo` file for the required details.
  76. ## Styleguides
  77. ### Git Commit Messages
  78. * Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature")
  79. * Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...")
  80. * Limit the first line to 72 characters or less (without tag)
  81. * Reference issues and pull requests liberally after the first line
  82. * Consider starting the commit message with an applicable tag:
  83. * [Minor] - minor issue/improvement not worth to mention in ChangeLog
  84. * [Feature] - a significant feature
  85. * [Fix] - bug fix
  86. * [CritFix] - critical bug fix worth a new version releasing
  87. * [Rework] - some significant logic rework
  88. * [Conf] - configuration change
  89. * [Rules] - rules change
  90. ### Lua styleguide
  91. Please use the following [Lua style guide]( when contributing changes to Lua code. This guide is both
  92. applicable for rules, libraries and plugins.