Bläddra i källkod

[Minor] JS: Use consistent indentation

Alexander Moisseev 6 år sedan
8 ändrade filer med 1957 tillägg och 1957 borttagningar
  1. 218
  2. 233
  3. 465
  4. 472
  5. 159
  6. 235
  7. 166
  8. 9

+ 218
- 218
interface/js/app/config.js Visa fil

@@ -23,165 +23,165 @@

function($) {
var interface = {}
function($) {
var interface = {}

function save_map_success(rspamd) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-success", "Map data successfully saved");
function save_map_error(rspamd, serv, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Save map error on " +
function save_map_success(rspamd) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-success", "Map data successfully saved");
function save_map_error(rspamd, serv, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Save map error on " + + ": " + errorThrown);
// @upload map from modal
function saveMap(rspamd, action, id) {
var data = $("#" + id).find("textarea").val();
data: data,
dataType: "text",
type: "POST",
jsonp: false,
url: action,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
xhr.setRequestHeader("Map", id);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Debug", true);
error: function (data) {
save_map_error(rspamd, "local", null, null, data.statusText);
success: function() {save_map_success(rspamd)},
// @upload map from modal
function saveMap(rspamd, action, id) {
var data = $("#" + id).find("textarea").val();
data: data,
dataType: "text",
type: "POST",
jsonp: false,
url: action,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
xhr.setRequestHeader("Map", id);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Debug", true);
error: function (data) {
save_map_error(rspamd, "local", null, null, data.statusText);
success: function() {save_map_success(rspamd)},

// @get maps id
function getMaps(rspamd) {
var items = [];
var $listmaps = $("#listMaps")
dataType: "json",
url: "maps",
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
error: function (data) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", data.statusText);
success: function (data) {
$tbody = $("<tbody>");
// @get maps id
function getMaps(rspamd) {
var items = [];
var $listmaps = $("#listMaps")
dataType: "json",
url: "maps",
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
error: function (data) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", data.statusText);
success: function (data) {
$tbody = $("<tbody>");

$.each(data, function (i, item) {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if ((item.editable === false || rspamd.read_only)) {
var label = "<span class=\"label label-default\">Read</span>";
} else {
var label = "<span class=\"label label-default\">Read</span>&nbsp;<span class=\"label label-success\">Write</span>";
var $tr = $("<tr>");
$("<td class=\"col-md-2 maps-cell\">" + label + "</td>").appendTo($tr);
$span = $("<span class=\"map-link\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#modalDialog\">" + item.uri + "</span>").data("item",item);
$("<td>" + item.description + "</td>").appendTo($tr);
// @get map by id
function getMapById(rspamd, item) {
return $.ajax({
dataType: "text",
url: "getmap",
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
error: function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot receive maps data");
success: function (text) {
var disabled = "";
if ((item.editable === false || rspamd.read_only)) {
var label = "<span class=\"label label-default\">Read</span>";
} else {
var label = "<span class=\"label label-default\">Read</span>&nbsp;<span class=\"label label-success\">Write</span>";
disabled = "disabled=\"disabled\"";
var $tr = $("<tr>");
$("<td class=\"col-md-2 maps-cell\">" + label + "</td>").appendTo($tr);
$span = $("<span class=\"map-link\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#modalDialog\">" + item.uri + "</span>").data("item",item);
$("<td>" + item.description + "</td>").appendTo($tr);
// @get map by id
function getMapById(rspamd, item) {
return $.ajax({
dataType: "text",
url: "getmap",
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
error: function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot receive maps data");
success: function (text) {
var disabled = "";
if ((item.editable === false || rspamd.read_only)) {
disabled = "disabled=\"disabled\"";
$("<form class=\"form-horizontal form-map\" method=\"post\" action=\"savemap\" data-type=\"map\" id=\"" +
$("<form class=\"form-horizontal form-map\" method=\"post\" action=\"savemap\" data-type=\"map\" id=\"" + + "\" style=\"display:none\">" +
"<textarea class=\"list-textarea\"" + disabled + ">" + text +
"</textarea>" +

function loadActionsFromForm() {
var values = [];
var inputs = $("#actionsForm :input[data-id=\"action\"]");
// Rspamd order: [spam, rewrite_subject, probable_spam, greylist]
values[0] = parseFloat(inputs[3].value);
values[1] = parseFloat(inputs[2].value);
values[2] = parseFloat(inputs[1].value);
values[3] = parseFloat(inputs[0].value);
function loadActionsFromForm() {
var values = [];
var inputs = $("#actionsForm :input[data-id=\"action\"]");
// Rspamd order: [spam, rewrite_subject, probable_spam, greylist]
values[0] = parseFloat(inputs[3].value);
values[1] = parseFloat(inputs[2].value);
values[2] = parseFloat(inputs[1].value);
values[3] = parseFloat(inputs[0].value);

return JSON.stringify(values);
return JSON.stringify(values);

function getActions(rspamd) {
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
url: "actions",
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function (data) {
function getActions(rspamd) {
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
url: "actions",
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function (data) {
// Order of sliders greylist -> probable spam -> rewrite subject -> spam
var items = [];
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
var idx = -1;
var label;
if (item.action === "add header") {
label = "Probably Spam";
idx = 1;
} else if (item.action === "greylist") {
label = "Greylist";
idx = 0;
} else if (item.action === "rewrite subject") {
label = "Rewrite subject";
idx = 2;
} else if (item.action === "reject") {
label = "Spam";
idx = 3;
if (idx >= 0) {
idx: idx,
html: "<div class=\"form-group\">" +
var items = [];
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
var idx = -1;
var label;
if (item.action === "add header") {
label = "Probably Spam";
idx = 1;
} else if (item.action === "greylist") {
label = "Greylist";
idx = 0;
} else if (item.action === "rewrite subject") {
label = "Rewrite subject";
idx = 2;
} else if (item.action === "reject") {
label = "Spam";
idx = 3;
if (idx >= 0) {
idx: idx,
html: "<div class=\"form-group\">" +
"<label class=\"control-label col-sm-2\">" + label + "</label>" +
"<div class=\"controls slider-controls col-sm-10\">" +
"<input class=\"action-scores form-control\" data-id=\"action\" type=\"number\" value=\"" + item.value + "\">" +
"</div>" +

items.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.idx - b.idx;
items.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.idx - b.idx;

$("#actionsBody").html("<form id=\"actionsForm\"><fieldset id=\"actionsFormField\">" +
$("#actionsBody").html("<form id=\"actionsForm\"><fieldset id=\"actionsFormField\">" + (e) {
return e.html;
}).join("") +
@@ -190,95 +190,95 @@ function($) {
"<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"button\" id=\"saveActionsBtn\">Save actions</button>" +
"<button class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=\"button\" id=\"saveActionsClusterBtn\">Save cluster</button>" +
if (rspamd.read_only) {
$("#saveActionsClusterBtn").attr("disabled", true);
$("#saveActionsBtn").attr("disabled", true);
$("#actionsFormField").attr("disabled", true);
if (rspamd.read_only) {
$("#saveActionsClusterBtn").attr("disabled", true);
$("#saveActionsBtn").attr("disabled", true);
$("#actionsFormField").attr("disabled", true);

function saveActions(callback) {
var elts = loadActionsFromForm();
// String to array for comparison
var eltsArray = JSON.parse(loadActionsFromForm());
if (eltsArray[0] < 0) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Spam can not be negative");
} else if (eltsArray[1] < 0) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Rewrite subject can not be negative");
} else if (eltsArray[2] < 0) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Probable spam can not be negative");
} else if (eltsArray[3] < 0) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Greylist can not be negative");
} else if (
(eltsArray[2] === null || eltsArray[3] < eltsArray[2]) &&
function saveActions(callback) {
var elts = loadActionsFromForm();
// String to array for comparison
var eltsArray = JSON.parse(loadActionsFromForm());
if (eltsArray[0] < 0) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Spam can not be negative");
} else if (eltsArray[1] < 0) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Rewrite subject can not be negative");
} else if (eltsArray[2] < 0) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Probable spam can not be negative");
} else if (eltsArray[3] < 0) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Greylist can not be negative");
} else if (
(eltsArray[2] === null || eltsArray[3] < eltsArray[2]) &&
(eltsArray[1] === null || eltsArray[2] < eltsArray[1]) &&
(eltsArray[0] === null || eltsArray[1] < eltsArray[0])
) {
callback("saveactions", null, null, "POST", {}, {
data: elts,
dataType: "json"
} else {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Incorrect order of metric actions threshold");
) {
callback("saveactions", null, null, "POST", {}, {
data: elts,
dataType: "json"
} else {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", "Incorrect order of metric actions threshold");

$("#saveActionsBtn").on("click", function() {
$("#saveActionsClusterBtn").on("click", function() {
$("#saveActionsBtn").on("click", function() {
$("#saveActionsClusterBtn").on("click", function() {

// @upload edited actions
interface.setup = function(rspamd) {
// @upload edited actions
interface.setup = function(rspamd) {
// Modal form for maps
$(document).on("click", "[data-toggle=\"modal\"]", function () {
var item = $(this).data("item");
getMapById(rspamd, item).done(function() {
$("#" +;
$("#modalDialog .progress").hide();
$("#modalDialog").modal(show = true, backdrop = true, keyboard = show);
if (item.editable === false) {
} else {
$(document).on("click", "[data-toggle=\"modal\"]", function () {
var item = $(this).data("item");
getMapById(rspamd, item).done(function() {
$("#" +;
$("#modalDialog .progress").hide();
$("#modalDialog").modal(show = true, backdrop = true, keyboard = show);
if (item.editable === false) {
} else {
return false;
return false;
// close modal without saving
$("[data-dismiss=\"modal\"]").on("click", function () {
$("#modalBody form").hide();
// @save forms from modal
$("#modalSave").on("click", function () {
var form = $("#modalBody").children().filter(":visible");
var action = $(form).attr("action");
var id = $(form).attr("id");
saveMap(rspamd, action, id);
$("#modalSaveAll").on("click", function () {
var form = $("#modalBody").children().filter(":visible");
var action = $(form).attr("action");
var id = $(form).attr("id");
var data = $("#" + id).find("textarea").val();
rspamd.queryNeighbours(action, save_map_success, save_map_error, "POST", {
"Map": id,
}, {
data: data,
dataType: "text",
// close modal without saving
$("[data-dismiss=\"modal\"]").on("click", function () {
$("#modalBody form").hide();
// @save forms from modal
$("#modalSave").on("click", function () {
var form = $("#modalBody").children().filter(":visible");
var action = $(form).attr("action");
var id = $(form).attr("id");
saveMap(rspamd, action, id);
$("#modalSaveAll").on("click", function () {
var form = $("#modalBody").children().filter(":visible");
var action = $(form).attr("action");
var id = $(form).attr("id");
var data = $("#" + id).find("textarea").val();
rspamd.queryNeighbours(action, save_map_success, save_map_error, "POST", {
"Map": id,
}, {
data: data,
dataType: "text",

interface.getActions = getActions;
interface.getMaps = getMaps;
interface.getActions = getActions;
interface.getMaps = getMaps;

return interface;
return interface;

+ 233
- 233
interface/js/app/graph.js Visa fil

@@ -24,273 +24,273 @@

define(["jquery", "d3evolution", "footable"],
function($, D3Evolution, unused) {
var rrd_pie_config = {
header: {},
size: {
canvasWidth: 400,
canvasHeight: 180,
pieInnerRadius: "20%",
pieOuterRadius: "80%"
labels: {
outer: {
format: "none"
function($, D3Evolution, unused) {
var rrd_pie_config = {
header: {},
size: {
canvasWidth: 400,
canvasHeight: 180,
pieInnerRadius: "20%",
pieOuterRadius: "80%"
inner: {
hideWhenLessThanPercentage: 8
misc: {
pieCenterOffset: {
x: -120,
y: 10,
labels: {
outer: {
format: "none"
inner: {
hideWhenLessThanPercentage: 8
gradient: {
enabled: true,
misc: {
pieCenterOffset: {
x: -120,
y: 10,
gradient: {
enabled: true,

var graph_options = {
title: "Rspamd throughput",
width: 1060,
height: 370,
yAxisLabel: "Message rate, msg/s",
var graph_options = {
title: "Rspamd throughput",
width: 1060,
height: 370,
yAxisLabel: "Message rate, msg/s",

legend: {
space: 140,
entries: [{
label: "Rejected",
color: "#FF0000"
}, {
label: "Temporarily rejected",
color: "#BF8040"
}, {
label: "Subject rewritten",
color: "#FF6600"
}, {
label: "Probable spam",
color: "#FFAD00"
}, {
label: "Greylisted",
color: "#436EEE"
}, {
label: "Clean",
color: "#66CC00"
legend: {
space: 140,
entries: [{
label: "Rejected",
color: "#FF0000"
}, {
label: "Temporarily rejected",
color: "#BF8040"
}, {
label: "Subject rewritten",
color: "#FF6600"
}, {
label: "Probable spam",
color: "#FFAD00"
}, {
label: "Greylisted",
color: "#436EEE"
}, {
label: "Clean",
color: "#66CC00"

// Get selectors' current state
function getSelector(id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
return e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
// Get selectors' current state
function getSelector(id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
return e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;

function initGraph() {
var graph = new D3Evolution("graph", $.extend({}, graph_options, {
yScale: getSelector("selYScale"),
type: getSelector("selType"),
interpolate: getSelector("selInterpolate"),
convert: getSelector("selConvert"),
$("#selYScale").change(function() {
$("#selConvert").change(function () {
$("#selType").change(function () {
$("#selInterpolate").change(function () {
function initGraph() {
var graph = new D3Evolution("graph", $.extend({}, graph_options, {
yScale: getSelector("selYScale"),
type: getSelector("selType"),
interpolate: getSelector("selInterpolate"),
convert: getSelector("selConvert"),
$("#selYScale").change(function() {
$("#selConvert").change(function () {
$("#selType").change(function () {
$("#selInterpolate").change(function () {

return graph;
return graph;

function getRrdSummary(json, scaleFactor) {
var xExtents = d3.extent(d3.merge(json), function (d) { return d.x; });
var timeInterval = xExtents[1] - xExtents[0];
function getRrdSummary(json, scaleFactor) {
var xExtents = d3.extent(d3.merge(json), function (d) { return d.x; });
var timeInterval = xExtents[1] - xExtents[0];

return (curr, i) {
return (curr, i) {
// Time intervals that don't have data are excluded from average calculation as d3.mean()ignores nulls
var avg = d3.mean(curr, function (d) { return d.y; });
// To find an integral on the whole time interval we need to convert nulls to zeroes
var value = d3.mean(curr, function (d) { return +d.y; }) * timeInterval / scaleFactor;
var yExtents = d3.extent(curr, function (d) { return d.y; });
var avg = d3.mean(curr, function (d) { return d.y; });
// To find an integral on the whole time interval we need to convert nulls to zeroes
var value = d3.mean(curr, function (d) { return +d.y; }) * timeInterval / scaleFactor;
var yExtents = d3.extent(curr, function (d) { return d.y; });

return {
label: graph_options.legend.entries[i].label,
value: value ^ 0,
min: +yExtents[0].toFixed(6),
avg: +avg.toFixed(6),
max: +yExtents[1].toFixed(6),
last: +curr[curr.length - 1].y.toFixed(6),
color: graph_options.legend.entries[i].color,
}, []);
return {
label: graph_options.legend.entries[i].label,
value: value ^ 0,
min: +yExtents[0].toFixed(6),
avg: +avg.toFixed(6),
max: +yExtents[1].toFixed(6),
last: +curr[curr.length - 1].y.toFixed(6),
color: graph_options.legend.entries[i].color,
}, []);

function drawRrdTable(data, unit) {
var total_messages = 0;
var rows = (curr, i) {
total_messages += curr.value;
return {
options: {
style: {
color: graph_options.legend.entries[i].color
value: curr
}, []);
function drawRrdTable(data, unit) {
var total_messages = 0;
var rows = (curr, i) {
total_messages += curr.value;
return {
options: {
style: {
color: graph_options.legend.entries[i].color
value: curr
}, []);

document.getElementById("rrd-total-value").innerHTML = total_messages;
document.getElementById("rrd-total-value").innerHTML = total_messages;

sorting: {
enabled: true
columns: [
{ name: "label", title: "Action" },
{ name: "value", title: "Messages", defaultContent: "" },
{ name: "min", title: "Minimum, " + unit, defaultContent: "" },
{ name: "avg", title: "Average, " + unit, defaultContent: "" },
{ name: "max", title: "Maximum, " + unit, defaultContent: "" },
{ name: "last", title: "Last, " + unit },
rows: rows
sorting: {
enabled: true
columns: [
{ name: "label", title: "Action" },
{ name: "value", title: "Messages", defaultContent: "" },
{ name: "min", title: "Minimum, " + unit, defaultContent: "" },
{ name: "avg", title: "Average, " + unit, defaultContent: "" },
{ name: "max", title: "Maximum, " + unit, defaultContent: "" },
{ name: "last", title: "Last, " + unit },
rows: rows

var interface = {};
var prevUnit = "msg/s";
var interface = {};
var prevUnit = "msg/s";

interface.draw = function(rspamd, graphs, neighbours, checked_server, type) {
interface.draw = function(rspamd, graphs, neighbours, checked_server, type) {

function updateWidgets(data) {
function updateWidgets(data) {
// Autoranging
var scaleFactor = 1;
var unit = "msg/s";
var yMax = d3.max(d3.merge(data), function (d) { return d.y; });
if (yMax < 1) {
scaleFactor = 60;
unit = "msg/min";
data.forEach(function (s) {
s.forEach(function (d) {
if (d.y !== null) { d.y *= scaleFactor; }
var scaleFactor = 1;
var unit = "msg/s";
var yMax = d3.max(d3.merge(data), function (d) { return d.y; });
if (yMax < 1) {
scaleFactor = 60;
unit = "msg/min";
data.forEach(function (s) {
s.forEach(function (d) {
if (d.y !== null) { d.y *= scaleFactor; }
if (unit != prevUnit) {
graphs.graph.yAxisLabel("Message rate, " + unit);
prevUnit = unit;
if (unit != prevUnit) {
graphs.graph.yAxisLabel("Message rate, " + unit);
prevUnit = unit;

if (!data) {
if (!data) {
var rrd_summary = getRrdSummary(data, scaleFactor);
graphs.rrd_pie = rspamd.drawPie(graphs.rrd_pie,
drawRrdTable(rrd_summary, unit);
var rrd_summary = getRrdSummary(data, scaleFactor);
graphs.rrd_pie = rspamd.drawPie(graphs.rrd_pie,
drawRrdTable(rrd_summary, unit);

if (graphs.graph === undefined) {
graphs.graph = initGraph();
if (graphs.graph === undefined) {
graphs.graph = initGraph();

if (checked_server === "All SERVERS") {
rspamd.queryNeighbours("graph", function (req_data) {
var neighbours_data = req_data
.filter(function (d) { return d.status }) // filter out unavailable neighbours
.map(function (d){ return; });
if (checked_server === "All SERVERS") {
rspamd.queryNeighbours("graph", function (req_data) {
var neighbours_data = req_data
.filter(function (d) { return d.status }) // filter out unavailable neighbours
.map(function (d){ return; });

if (neighbours_data.length > 1) {
neighbours_data.reduce(function (res, curr) {
if ((curr[0][0].x !== res[0][0].x) ||
if (neighbours_data.length > 1) {
neighbours_data.reduce(function (res, curr) {
if ((curr[0][0].x !== res[0][0].x) ||
(curr[0][curr[0].length - 1].x !== res[0][res[0].length - 1].x)) {
"Neighbours time extents do not match. Check if time is synchronized on all servers.");
"Neighbours time extents do not match. Check if time is synchronized on all servers.");

var data = [];
curr.forEach(function (action, j) {
data.push( (d, i) {
return {
x: d.x,
y: ((res[j][i].y === null) ? d.y : res[j][i].y + d.y)
var data = [];
curr.forEach(function (action, j) {
data.push( (d, i) {
return {
x: d.x,
y: ((res[j][i].y === null) ? d.y : res[j][i].y + d.y)
else {
function (serv, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var alert_status = + "_alerted";
else {
function (serv, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var alert_status = + "_alerted";

if (!(alert_status in sessionStorage)) {
sessionStorage.setItem(alert_status, true);
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot receive RRD data from: " +
if (!(alert_status in sessionStorage)) {
sessionStorage.setItem(alert_status, true);
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot receive RRD data from: " + + ", error: " + errorThrown);
}, "GET", {}, {}, {
type: type
}, "GET", {}, {}, {
type: type

dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
url: neighbours[checked_server].url + "graph",
jsonp: false,
data: {
"type": type
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function (data) {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot receive throughput data: " +
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
url: neighbours[checked_server].url + "graph",
jsonp: false,
data: {
"type": type
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function (data) {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot receive throughput data: " +
textStatus + " " + jqXHR.status + " " + errorThrown);

interface.setup = function() {
interface.setup = function() {
// Handling mouse events on overlapping elements
$("#rrd-pie").mouseover(function () {
$("#rrd-pie").css("z-index", "200");
$("#rrd-table_toggle").css("z-index", "300");
$("#rrd-table_toggle").mouseover(function () {
$("#rrd-pie").css("z-index", "0");
$("#rrd-table_toggle").css("z-index", "0");
$("#rrd-pie").mouseover(function () {
$("#rrd-pie").css("z-index", "200");
$("#rrd-table_toggle").css("z-index", "300");
$("#rrd-table_toggle").mouseover(function () {
$("#rrd-pie").css("z-index", "0");
$("#rrd-table_toggle").css("z-index", "0");

return getSelector("selData");
return getSelector("selData");

return interface;
return interface;

+ 465
- 465
Filskillnaden har hållits tillbaka eftersom den är för stor
Visa fil

+ 472
- 472
Filskillnaden har hållits tillbaka eftersom den är för stor
Visa fil

+ 159
- 159
interface/js/app/stats.js Visa fil

@@ -23,158 +23,158 @@

define(["jquery", "d3pie", "humanize"],
function($, d3pie, Humanize) {
function($, d3pie, Humanize) {
// @ ms to date
function msToTime(seconds) {
function msToTime(seconds) {
years = seconds / 31536000 >> 0; // 3600*24*365
months = seconds % 31536000 / 2628000 >> 0; //3600*24*365/12
days = seconds % 31536000 % 2628000 / 86400 >> 0; //24*3600
hours = seconds % 31536000 % 2628000 % 86400 / 3600 >> 0;
minutes = seconds % 31536000 % 2628000 % 86400 % 3600 / 60 >> 0;
if (years > 0) {
if (months > 0) {
out = years + "yr " + months + "mth";
} else {
out = years + "yr " + days + "d";
if (months > 0) {
out = years + "yr " + months + "mth";
} else {
out = years + "yr " + days + "d";
} else if (months > 0) {
out = months + "mth " + days + "d";
out = months + "mth " + days + "d";
} else if (days > 0) {
out = days + "d " + hours + "hr";
out = days + "d " + hours + "hr";
} else if (hours > 0) {
out = hours + "hr " + minutes + "min";
out = hours + "hr " + minutes + "min";
} else {
out = minutes + "min";
out = minutes + "min";
return out;

function displayStatWidgets(checked_server) {
var widgets = $("#statWidgets");
function displayStatWidgets(checked_server) {
var widgets = $("#statWidgets");

var servers = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("Credentials"));
var data = {};
var servers = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("Credentials"));
var data = {};

if (servers && servers[checked_server]) {
data = servers[checked_server].data;
var stat_w = [];
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
var widget = "";
if (i == "auth") {}
else if (i == "error") {}
else if (i == "version") {
widget = "<div class=\"left\"><strong>" + item + "</strong>" +
if (servers && servers[checked_server]) {
data = servers[checked_server].data;
var stat_w = [];
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
var widget = "";
if (i == "auth") {}
else if (i == "error") {}
else if (i == "version") {
widget = "<div class=\"left\"><strong>" + item + "</strong>" +
i + "</div>";
} else if (i == "uptime") {
widget = "<div class=\"right\"><strong>" + msToTime(item) +
} else if (i == "uptime") {
widget = "<div class=\"right\"><strong>" + msToTime(item) +
"</strong>" + i + "</div>";
} else {
var titleAtt = Humanize.intComma(item) + " " + i;
widget = "<li class=\"stat-box\"><div class=\"widget\" title=\"" + titleAtt + "\"><strong>" +
} else {
var titleAtt = Humanize.intComma(item) + " " + i;
widget = "<li class=\"stat-box\"><div class=\"widget\" title=\"" + titleAtt + "\"><strong>" +
Humanize.compactInteger(item) + "</strong>" + i + "</div></li>";
if (i == "scanned") {
stat_w[0] = widget;
} else if (i == "clean") {
stat_w[1] = widget;
} else if (i == "greylist") {
stat_w[2] = widget;
} else if (i == "probable") {
stat_w[3] = widget;
} else if (i == "reject") {
stat_w[4] = widget;
} else if (i == "learned") {
stat_w[5] = widget;
if (i == "scanned") {
stat_w[0] = widget;
} else if (i == "clean") {
stat_w[1] = widget;
} else if (i == "greylist") {
stat_w[2] = widget;
} else if (i == "probable") {
stat_w[3] = widget;
} else if (i == "reject") {
stat_w[4] = widget;
} else if (i == "learned") {
stat_w[5] = widget;
$.each(stat_w, function (i, item) {
$("#statWidgets .left,#statWidgets .right").wrapAll("<li class=\"stat-box pull-right\"><div class=\"widget\"></div></li>");

$("#clusterTable tbody").empty();
$.each(servers, function (key, val) {
var glyph_status;
var short_id;
if (!("config_id" in { = "";
if (val.status) {
glyph_status = "glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle";
short_id =, 8);
else {
glyph_status = "glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle";
short_id = "???";
$.each(stat_w, function (i, item) {
$("#statWidgets .left,#statWidgets .right").wrapAll("<li class=\"stat-box pull-right\"><div class=\"widget\"></div></li>");

$("#clusterTable tbody").empty();
$.each(servers, function (key, val) {
var glyph_status;
var short_id;
if (!("config_id" in { = "";
if (val.status) {
glyph_status = "glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle";
short_id =, 8);
else {
glyph_status = "glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle";
short_id = "???";

$("#clusterTable tbody").append("<tr>" +
$("#clusterTable tbody").append("<tr>" +
"<td class=\"col1\" title=\"Radio\"><input type=\"radio\" class=\"form-control radio\" name=\"clusterName\" value=\"" + key + "\"></td>" +
"<td class=\"col2\" title=\"SNAme\">" + key + "</td>" +
"<td class=\"col3\" title=\"SHost\">" + + "</td>" +
"<td class=\"col4\" title=\"SStatus\"><span class=\"icon\"><i class=\"" + glyph_status + "\"></i></span></td>" +
"<td class=\"col5\" title=\"short_id\">" + short_id + "</td></tr>");

$("#selSrv").append( $("<option value=\"" + key + "\">" + key + "</option>"));
$("#selSrv").append( $("<option value=\"" + key + "\">" + key + "</option>"));

if (checked_server == key) {
$("#clusterTable tbody [value=\"" + key + "\"]").prop("checked", true);
$("#selSrv [value=\"" + key + "\"]").prop("selected", true);
else if (!val.status) {
$("#clusterTable tbody [value=\"" + key + "\"]").prop("disabled", true);
$("#selSrv [value=\"" + key + "\"]").prop("disabled", true);
if (checked_server == key) {
$("#clusterTable tbody [value=\"" + key + "\"]").prop("checked", true);
$("#selSrv [value=\"" + key + "\"]").prop("selected", true);
else if (!val.status) {
$("#clusterTable tbody [value=\"" + key + "\"]").prop("disabled", true);
$("#selSrv [value=\"" + key + "\"]").prop("disabled", true);

function getChart(rspamd, pie, checked_server) {
var creds = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("Credentials"));
if (creds && creds[checked_server]) {
var data = creds[checked_server].data;
var new_data = [ {
"color" : "#66CC00",
"label" : "Clean",
"data" : data.clean,
"value" : data.clean
}, {
"color" : "#BF8040",
"label" : "Temporarily rejected",
"data" : data.soft_reject,
"value" : data.soft_reject
}, {
"color" : "#FFAD00",
"label" : "Probable spam",
"data" : data.probable,
"value" : data.probable
}, {
"color" : "#436EEE",
"label" : "Greylisted",
"data" : data.greylist,
"value" : data.greylist
}, {
"color" : "#FF0000",
"label" : "Rejected",
"data" : data.reject,
"value" : data.reject
} ];

return rspamd.drawPie(pie, "chart", new_data);
function getChart(rspamd, pie, checked_server) {
var creds = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("Credentials"));
if (creds && creds[checked_server]) {
var data = creds[checked_server].data;
var new_data = [ {
"color" : "#66CC00",
"label" : "Clean",
"data" : data.clean,
"value" : data.clean
}, {
"color" : "#BF8040",
"label" : "Temporarily rejected",
"data" : data.soft_reject,
"value" : data.soft_reject
}, {
"color" : "#FFAD00",
"label" : "Probable spam",
"data" : data.probable,
"value" : data.probable
}, {
"color" : "#436EEE",
"label" : "Greylisted",
"data" : data.greylist,
"value" : data.greylist
}, {
"color" : "#FF0000",
"label" : "Rejected",
"data" : data.reject,
"value" : data.reject
} ];

return rspamd.drawPie(pie, "chart", new_data);
// Public API
var interface = {
statWidgets: function(rspamd, graphs, checked_server) {
rspamd.queryNeighbours("/auth", function(neighbours_status) {
var neighbours_sum = {
// Public API
var interface = {
statWidgets: function(rspamd, graphs, checked_server) {
rspamd.queryNeighbours("/auth", function(neighbours_status) {
var neighbours_sum = {
version: neighbours_status[0].data.version,
auth: "ok",
uptime: 0,
@@ -187,51 +187,51 @@ function($, d3pie, Humanize) {
learned: 0,
read_only: neighbours_status[0].data.read_only,
config_id: ""
var status_count = 0;
for(var e in neighbours_status) {
if(neighbours_status[e].status === true) {
var status_count = 0;
for(var e in neighbours_status) {
if(neighbours_status[e].status === true) {
// Remove alert status
localStorage.removeItem(e + "_alerted");
neighbours_sum.clean += neighbours_status[e].data.clean;
neighbours_sum.probable += neighbours_status[e].data.probable;
neighbours_sum.greylist += neighbours_status[e].data.greylist;
neighbours_sum.reject += neighbours_status[e].data.reject;
neighbours_sum.soft_reject += neighbours_status[e].data.soft_reject;
neighbours_sum.scanned += neighbours_status[e].data.scanned;
neighbours_sum.learned += neighbours_status[e].data.learned;
neighbours_sum.uptime += neighbours_status[e].data.uptime;
localStorage.removeItem(e + "_alerted");
neighbours_sum.clean += neighbours_status[e].data.clean;
neighbours_sum.probable += neighbours_status[e].data.probable;
neighbours_sum.greylist += neighbours_status[e].data.greylist;
neighbours_sum.reject += neighbours_status[e].data.reject;
neighbours_sum.soft_reject += neighbours_status[e].data.soft_reject;
neighbours_sum.scanned += neighbours_status[e].data.scanned;
neighbours_sum.learned += neighbours_status[e].data.learned;
neighbours_sum.uptime += neighbours_status[e].data.uptime;
neighbours_sum.uptime = Math.floor(neighbours_sum.uptime / status_count);
var to_Credentials = {};
to_Credentials["All SERVERS"] = { name: "All SERVERS",
neighbours_sum.uptime = Math.floor(neighbours_sum.uptime / status_count);
var to_Credentials = {};
to_Credentials["All SERVERS"] = { name: "All SERVERS",
url: "",
host: "",
checked: true,
data: neighbours_sum,
status: true
neighbours_status.forEach(function (elmt) {
to_Credentials[] = elmt;
neighbours_status.forEach(function (elmt) {
to_Credentials[] = elmt;
sessionStorage.setItem("Credentials", JSON.stringify(to_Credentials));
graphs.chart = getChart(rspamd, graphs.chart, checked_server);
function (serv, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var alert_status = + "_alerted";

if (!(alert_status in sessionStorage)) {
sessionStorage.setItem(alert_status, true);
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot receive stats data from: " + + ", error: " + errorThrown);
sessionStorage.setItem("Credentials", JSON.stringify(to_Credentials));
graphs.chart = getChart(rspamd, graphs.chart, checked_server);
function (serv, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var alert_status = + "_alerted";

if (!(alert_status in sessionStorage)) {
sessionStorage.setItem(alert_status, true);
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot receive stats data from: " + + ", error: " + errorThrown);

return interface;
return interface;

+ 235
- 235
interface/js/app/symbols.js Visa fil

@@ -23,264 +23,264 @@

define(["jquery", "footable"],
function($) {
var interface = {}
var ft = {}
function($) {
var interface = {}
var ft = {}

function saveSymbols(rspamd, action, id, is_cluster) {
var inputs = $("#" + id + " :input[data-role=\"numerictextbox\"]");
var url = action;
var values = [];
$(inputs).each(function () {
name: $(this).attr("id").substring(5),
value: parseFloat($(this).val())
function saveSymbols(rspamd, action, id, is_cluster) {
var inputs = $("#" + id + " :input[data-role=\"numerictextbox\"]");
var url = action;
var values = [];
$(inputs).each(function () {
name: $(this).attr("id").substring(5),
value: parseFloat($(this).val())

if (is_cluster) {
rspamd.queryNeighbours(url, function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-success", "Symbols successfully saved");
}, function (serv, qXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error",
if (is_cluster) {
rspamd.queryNeighbours(url, function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-success", "Symbols successfully saved");
}, function (serv, qXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error",
"Save symbols error on " + + ": " + errorThrown);
}, "POST", {}, {
data: JSON.stringify(values),
dataType: "json",
else {
data: JSON.stringify(values),
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
url: url,
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-success", "Symbols successfully saved");
error: function (data) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", data.statusText);
}, "POST", {}, {
data: JSON.stringify(values),
dataType: "json",
else {
data: JSON.stringify(values),
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
url: url,
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-success", "Symbols successfully saved");
error: function (data) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", data.statusText);
function decimalStep(number) {
var digits = ((+number).toFixed(20)).replace(/^-?\d*\.?|0+$/g, "").length;
if (digits === 0 || digits > 4) {
return 0.1;
} else {
return 1.0 / (Math.pow(10, digits));
function decimalStep(number) {
var digits = ((+number).toFixed(20)).replace(/^-?\d*\.?|0+$/g, "").length;
if (digits === 0 || digits > 4) {
return 0.1;
} else {
return 1.0 / (Math.pow(10, digits));
function process_symbols_data(data) {
var items = [];
var lookup = {};
var freqs = [];
var distinct_groups = [];
function process_symbols_data(data) {
var items = [];
var lookup = {};
var freqs = [];
var distinct_groups = [];

$.each(data, function (i, group) {
$.each(group.rules, function (i, item) {
var max = 20;
var min = -20;
if (item.weight > max) {
max = item.weight * 2;
} =
if (item.weight < min) {
min = item.weight * 2;
var label_class = "";
if (item.weight < 0) {
label_class = "scorebar-ham";
} else if (item.weight > 0) {
label_class = "scorebar-spam";
item.weight = "<input class=\"form-control input-sm mb-disabled " + label_class +
$.each(data, function (i, group) {
$.each(group.rules, function (i, item) {
var max = 20;
var min = -20;
if (item.weight > max) {
max = item.weight * 2;
} =
if (item.weight < min) {
min = item.weight * 2;
var label_class = "";
if (item.weight < 0) {
label_class = "scorebar-ham";
} else if (item.weight > 0) {
label_class = "scorebar-spam";
item.weight = "<input class=\"form-control input-sm mb-disabled " + label_class +
"\" data-role=\"numerictextbox\" autocomplete=\"off\" \"type=\"number\" class=\"input\" min=\"" +
min + "\" max=\"" +
max + "\" step=\"" + decimalStep(item.weight) +
"\" tabindex=\"1\" value=\"" + Number(item.weight).toFixed(3) +
"\" id=\"_sym_" + item.symbol + "\"></input>"
if (!item.time) {
item.time = 0;
item.time = Number(item.time).toFixed(2) + "s"
if (!item.frequency) {
item.frequency = 0;
item.frequency = Number(item.frequency).toFixed(2)
if (!( in lookup)) {
lookup[] = 1;
} = "<button type=\"button\" data-save=\"local\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm mb-disabled\">Save</button>" +
if (!item.time) {
item.time = 0;
item.time = Number(item.time).toFixed(2) + "s"
if (!item.frequency) {
item.frequency = 0;
item.frequency = Number(item.frequency).toFixed(2)
if (!( in lookup)) {
lookup[] = 1;
} = "<button type=\"button\" data-save=\"local\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm mb-disabled\">Save</button>" +
"&nbsp;<button data-save=\"cluster\" type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm mb-disabled\">Save in cluster</button>";

// For better mean calculations
var avg_freq = freqs.sort(function(a, b) {
return Number(a) < Number(b);
}).reduce(function(f1, acc) {
return f1 + acc;
}) / (freqs.length != 0 ? freqs.length : 1.0);
var mult = 1.0;
var exp = 0.0;
// For better mean calculations
var avg_freq = freqs.sort(function(a, b) {
return Number(a) < Number(b);
}).reduce(function(f1, acc) {
return f1 + acc;
}) / (freqs.length != 0 ? freqs.length : 1.0);
var mult = 1.0;
var exp = 0.0;

if (avg_freq > 0.0) {
while (mult * avg_freq < 1.0) {
mult *= 10;
exp ++;
if (avg_freq > 0.0) {
while (mult * avg_freq < 1.0) {
mult *= 10;
exp ++;
$.each(items, function (i, item) {
item.frequency = Number(item.frequency) * mult;
$.each(items, function (i, item) {
item.frequency = Number(item.frequency) * mult;

if (exp > 0) {
item.frequency = item.frequency.toFixed(2) + "e-" + exp;
else {
item.frequency = item.frequency.toFixed(2);
return [items, distinct_groups]
// @get symbols into modal form
interface.getSymbols = function(rspamd, tables, checked_server) {
if (exp > 0) {
item.frequency = item.frequency.toFixed(2) + "e-" + exp;
else {
item.frequency = item.frequency.toFixed(2);
return [items, distinct_groups]
// @get symbols into modal form
interface.getSymbols = function(rspamd, tables, checked_server) {

dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
url: "symbols",
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function (data) {
var items = process_symbols_data(data);
FooTable.groupFilter = FooTable.Filtering.extend({
construct : function(instance) {
this.groups = items[1];
this.def = "Any group";
this.$group = null;
$create : function() {
var self = this, $form_grp = $("<div/>", {
"class" : "form-group"
}).append($("<label/>", {
"class" : "sr-only",
text : "Group"
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
url: "symbols",
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function (data) {
var items = process_symbols_data(data);
FooTable.groupFilter = FooTable.Filtering.extend({
construct : function(instance) {
this.groups = items[1];
this.def = "Any group";
this.$group = null;
$create : function() {
var self = this, $form_grp = $("<div/>", {
"class" : "form-group"
}).append($("<label/>", {
"class" : "sr-only",
text : "Group"

self.$group = $("<select/>", {
"class" : "form-control"
}).on("change", {
self : self
}, self._onStatusDropdownChanged).append(
$("<option/>", {
text : self.def
self.$group = $("<select/>", {
"class" : "form-control"
}).on("change", {
self : self
}, self._onStatusDropdownChanged).append(
$("<option/>", {
text : self.def

$.each(self.groups, function(i, group) {
_onStatusDropdownChanged : function(e) {
var self =, selected = $(this).val();
if (selected !== self.def) {
self.addFilter("group", selected, [ "group" ]);
} else {
draw : function() {
var group = this.find("group");
if (group instanceof FooTable.Filter) {
} else {
ft.symbols = FooTable.init("#symbolsTable", {
"columns": [
{"sorted": true,"direction": "ASC", "name":"group","title":"Group","style":{"font-size":"11px"}},
{"name":"description","title":"Description","breakpoints":"xs sm","style":{"font-size":"11px"}},
{"name":"frequency","title":"Frequency","breakpoints":"xs sm","style":{"font-size":"11px"},"sortValue": function(value){return Number(value).toFixed(2)}},
{"name":"time","title":"Avg. time","breakpoints":"xs sm","style":{"font-size":"11px"}},
"rows": items[0],
"paging": {
"enabled": true,
"limit": 5,
"size": 25
"filtering": {
"enabled": true,
"position": "left",
"connectors": false
"sorting": {
"enabled": true
components: {
filtering: FooTable.groupFilter
"on": {
"ready.ft.table": function () {
if (rspamd.read_only) {
$(".mb-disabled").attr("disabled", true);
$.each(self.groups, function(i, group) {
_onStatusDropdownChanged : function(e) {
var self =, selected = $(this).val();
if (selected !== self.def) {
self.addFilter("group", selected, [ "group" ]);
} else {
draw : function() {
var group = this.find("group");
if (group instanceof FooTable.Filter) {
} else {
ft.symbols = FooTable.init("#symbolsTable", {
"columns": [
{"sorted": true,"direction": "ASC", "name":"group","title":"Group","style":{"font-size":"11px"}},
{"name":"description","title":"Description","breakpoints":"xs sm","style":{"font-size":"11px"}},
{"name":"frequency","title":"Frequency","breakpoints":"xs sm","style":{"font-size":"11px"},"sortValue": function(value){return Number(value).toFixed(2)}},
{"name":"time","title":"Avg. time","breakpoints":"xs sm","style":{"font-size":"11px"}},
"rows": items[0],
"paging": {
"enabled": true,
"limit": 5,
"size": 25
"filtering": {
"enabled": true,
"position": "left",
"connectors": false
"sorting": {
"enabled": true
components: {
filtering: FooTable.groupFilter
"on": {
"ready.ft.table": function () {
if (rspamd.read_only) {
$(".mb-disabled").attr("disabled", true);
error: function (data) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", data.statusText);
$(document).on("click", "#symbolsTable :button", function(event){
var value = $(this).data("save");
if (!value) return
saveSymbols(rspamd, "./savesymbols", "symbolsTable", value == "cluster");

interface.setup = function(rspamd, tables) {
$("#updateSymbols").on("click", function (e) {
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
jsonp: false,
url: "symbols",
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function (data) {
var items = process_symbols_data(data)[0];
error: function (data) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", data.statusText);
error: function (data) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", data.statusText);
$(document).on("click", "#symbolsTable :button", function(event){
var value = $(this).data("save");
if (!value) return
saveSymbols(rspamd, "./savesymbols", "symbolsTable", value == "cluster");

interface.setup = function(rspamd, tables) {
$("#updateSymbols").on("click", function (e) {
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
jsonp: false,
url: "symbols",
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function (data) {
var items = process_symbols_data(data)[0];
error: function (data) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-modal alert-error", data.statusText);

return interface;
return interface;

+ 166
- 166
interface/js/app/upload.js Visa fil

@@ -23,192 +23,192 @@

function($) {
var interface = {}
function($) {
var interface = {}

function cleanTextUpload(source) {
$("#" + source + "TextSource").val("");

// @upload text
function uploadText(rspamd, data, source, headers) {
var url;
if (source === "spam") {
url = "learnspam";
} else if (source === "ham") {
url = "learnham";
} else if (source == "fuzzy") {
url = "fuzzyadd";
} else if (source === "scan") {
url = "scan";
function cleanTextUpload(source) {
$("#" + source + "TextSource").val("");
data: data,
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
url: url,
processData: false,
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
$.each(headers, function (name, value) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value);
success: function (data) {
if (data.success) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-success", "Data successfully uploaded");
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var errorMsg;

try {
var json = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText);
errorMsg = $("<a>").text(json.error).html();
} catch (err) {
errorMsg = $("<a>").text("Error: [" + textStatus + "] " + errorThrown).html();
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", errorMsg);
// @upload text
function uploadText(rspamd, data, source, headers) {
var url;
if (source === "spam") {
url = "learnspam";
} else if (source === "ham") {
url = "learnham";
} else if (source == "fuzzy") {
url = "fuzzyadd";
} else if (source === "scan") {
url = "scan";
// @upload text
function scanText(rspamd, data) {
var url = "scan";
var items = [];
data: data,
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
url: url,
processData: false,
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function (input) {
var data = input;
if (data.action) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-success", "Data successfully scanned");
var action = "";

if (data.action === "clean" || "no action") {
action = "label-success";
else if (data.action === "rewrite subject" || "add header" || "probable spam") {
action = "label-warning";
else if (data.action === "spam") {
action = "label-danger";
data: data,
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
url: url,
processData: false,
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
$.each(headers, function (name, value) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value);
success: function (data) {
if (data.success) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-success", "Data successfully uploaded");
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var errorMsg;

var score = "";
if (data.score <= data.required_score) {
score = "label-success";
try {
var json = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText);
errorMsg = $("<a>").text(json.error).html();
} catch (err) {
errorMsg = $("<a>").text("Error: [" + textStatus + "] " + errorThrown).html();
else if (data.score >= data.required_score) {
score = "label-danger";
$("<tbody id=\"tmpBody\"><tr>" +
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", errorMsg);
// @upload text
function scanText(rspamd, data) {
var url = "scan";
var items = [];
data: data,
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
url: url,
processData: false,
jsonp: false,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Password", rspamd.getPassword());
success: function (input) {
var data = input;
if (data.action) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-success", "Data successfully scanned");
var action = "";

if (data.action === "clean" || "no action") {
action = "label-success";
else if (data.action === "rewrite subject" || "add header" || "probable spam") {
action = "label-warning";
else if (data.action === "spam") {
action = "label-danger";

var score = "";
if (data.score <= data.required_score) {
score = "label-success";
else if (data.score >= data.required_score) {
score = "label-danger";
$("<tbody id=\"tmpBody\"><tr>" +
"<td><span class=\"label " + action + "\">" + data.action + "</span></td>" +
"<td><span class=\"label " + score + "\">" + data.score.toFixed(2) + "/" + data.required_score.toFixed(2) + "</span></td>" +
.insertAfter("#scanOutput thead");
var sym_desc = {};
var nsym = 0;
.insertAfter("#scanOutput thead");
var sym_desc = {};
var nsym = 0;

$.each(data.symbols, function (i, item) {
if (typeof item == "object") {
var sym_id = "sym_" + nsym;
if (item.description) {
sym_desc[sym_id] = item.description;
items.push("<div class=\"cell-overflow\" tabindex=\"1\"><abbr id=\"" + sym_id +
$.each(data.symbols, function (i, item) {
if (typeof item == "object") {
var sym_id = "sym_" + nsym;
if (item.description) {
sym_desc[sym_id] = item.description;
items.push("<div class=\"cell-overflow\" tabindex=\"1\"><abbr id=\"" + sym_id +
"\">" + + "</abbr>: " + item.score.toFixed(2) + "</div>");
$("<td/>", {
id: "tmpSymbols",
html: items.join("")
$("#tmpSymbols").insertAfter("#tmpBody td:last").removeAttr("id");
// Show tooltips
$.each(sym_desc, function (k, v) {
$("#" + k).tooltip({
"placement": "bottom",
"title": v
$("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: $("#scanResult").offset().top
}, 1000);
} else {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot scan data");
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot upload data: " +
textStatus + ", " + errorThrown);
statusCode: {
404: function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot upload data, no server found");
$("<td/>", {
id: "tmpSymbols",
html: items.join("")
$("#tmpSymbols").insertAfter("#tmpBody td:last").removeAttr("id");
// Show tooltips
$.each(sym_desc, function (k, v) {
$("#" + k).tooltip({
"placement": "bottom",
"title": v
$("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: $("#scanResult").offset().top
}, 1000);
} else {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot scan data");
500: function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot tokenize message: no text data");
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot upload data: " +
textStatus + ", " + errorThrown);
503: function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot tokenize message: no text data");
statusCode: {
404: function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot upload data, no server found");
500: function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot tokenize message: no text data");
503: function () {
rspamd.alertMessage("alert-error", "Cannot tokenize message: no text data");

interface.setup = function(rspamd) {
$("textarea").change(function () {
if ($(this).val().length !== "") {
} else {
interface.setup = function(rspamd) {
$("textarea").change(function () {
if ($(this).val().length !== "") {
} else {

$("#scanClean").on("click", function () {
$("#scanOutput tbody").remove();
$("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 1000);
return false;
// @init upload
$("[data-upload]").on("click", function () {
var source = $(this).data("upload");
var data;
var headers = {};
data = $("#" + source + "TextSource").val();
if (source == "fuzzy") {
//To access the proper
headers.flag = $("#fuzzyFlagText").val();
headers.weight = $("#fuzzyWeightText").val();
} else {
$("#scanClean").on("click", function () {
$("#scanOutput tbody").remove();
$("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 1000);
return false;
// @init upload
$("[data-upload]").on("click", function () {
var source = $(this).data("upload");
var data;
var headers = {};
data = $("#" + source + "TextSource").val();
if (data.length > 0) {
if (source == "scan") {
scanText(rspamd, data);
if (source == "fuzzy") {
//To access the proper
headers.flag = $("#fuzzyFlagText").val();
headers.weight = $("#fuzzyWeightText").val();
} else {
uploadText(rspamd, data, source, headers);
data = $("#" + source + "TextSource").val();
return false;
if (data.length > 0) {
if (source == "scan") {
scanText(rspamd, data);
} else {
uploadText(rspamd, data, source, headers);
return false;

return interface;
return interface;

+ 9
- 9
interface/js/main.js Visa fil

@@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ document.title = window.location.hostname +
" - Rspamd Web Interface";

define("", ["d3"], function(_) {
d3 = _;
d3 = _;

// Load main UI
function(domReady) {
domReady(function () {
require(["jquery", "d3", "app/rspamd"],
function ($, d3, rspamd) {
function(domReady) {
domReady(function () {
require(["jquery", "d3", "app/rspamd"],
function ($, d3, rspamd) {
