Browse Source

Rework lua_http.

Vsevolod Stakhov 9 years ago
1 changed files with 230 additions and 597 deletions
  1. 230

+ 230
- 597
src/lua/lua_http.c View File

@@ -28,697 +28,330 @@

#define MAX_HEADERS_SIZE 8192

LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (http, make_post_request);
LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (http, make_get_request);
LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (http, request);

static const struct luaL_reg httplib_m[] = {
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (http, make_post_request),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (http, make_get_request),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (http, request),
{"__tostring", rspamd_lua_class_tostring},

struct lua_http_header {
gchar *name;
gchar *value;

struct lua_http_ud {
struct rspamd_task *task;
gint parser_state;
struct rspamd_async_session *s;
rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
struct rspamd_dns_resolver *resolver;
struct event_base *ev_base;
struct lua_http_cbdata {
lua_State *L;
const gchar *callback;
struct rspamd_http_connection *conn;
struct rspamd_async_session *session;
struct rspamd_http_message *msg;
struct event_base *ev_base;
struct timeval tv;
rspamd_inet_addr_t addr;
gint cbref;
gchar *req_buf;
gint req_len;
gint port;
gint timeout;
gint code;
gint fd;
rspamd_io_dispatcher_t *io_dispatcher;
gint rep_len;
time_t date;
GList *headers;

static void
lua_http_fin (void *arg)
static const int default_http_timeout = 5000;

static struct rspamd_dns_resolver *
lua_http_global_resolver (struct event_base *ev_base)
struct lua_http_ud *ud = arg;
static struct rspamd_dns_resolver *global_resolver;

if (ud->callback == NULL) {
/* Unref callback */
luaL_unref (ud->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ud->cbref);
if (global_resolver == NULL) {
global_resolver = dns_resolver_init (NULL, ev_base, NULL);
rspamd_remove_dispatcher (ud->io_dispatcher);
close (ud->fd);
return global_resolver;

static void
lua_http_push_error (gint code, struct lua_http_ud *ud)
lua_http_fin (gpointer arg)
struct rspamd_task **ptask;
gint num;

/* Push error */
if (ud->callback) {
lua_getglobal (ud->L, ud->callback);
ptask = lua_newuserdata (ud->L, sizeof (struct rspamd_task *));
rspamd_lua_setclass (ud->L, "rspamd{task}", -1);
*ptask = ud->task;
num = 4;
else {
lua_rawgeti (ud->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ud->cbref);
num = 3;
struct lua_http_cbdata *cbd = (struct lua_http_cbdata *)arg;

/* Code */
lua_pushnumber (ud->L, code);
/* Headers */
lua_pushnil (ud->L);
/* Reply */
lua_pushnil (ud->L);
if (lua_pcall (ud->L, num, 0, 0) != 0) {
msg_info ("call to %s failed: %s",
ud->callback ? ud->callback : "local function",
lua_tostring (ud->L, -1));
luaL_unref (cbd->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbd->cbref);
if (cbd->conn) {
/* Here we already have a connection, so we need to unref it */
rspamd_http_connection_unref (cbd->conn);

if (ud->headers != NULL) {
g_list_free (ud->headers);
ud->headers = NULL;
else if (cbd->msg != NULL) {
/* We need to free message */
rspamd_http_message_free (cbd->msg);

ud->parser_state = 3;
remove_normal_event (ud->s, lua_http_fin, ud);

g_slice_free1 (sizeof (struct lua_http_cbdata), cbd);

static void
lua_http_push_reply (f_str_t *in, struct lua_http_ud *ud)
lua_http_maybe_free (struct lua_http_cbdata *cbd)
GList *cur;
struct lua_http_header *header;
struct rspamd_task **ptask;
gint num;

if (ud->callback) {
/* Push error */
lua_getglobal (ud->L, ud->callback);
ptask = lua_newuserdata (ud->L, sizeof (struct rspamd_task *));
rspamd_lua_setclass (ud->L, "rspamd{task}", -1);

*ptask = ud->task;
num = 4;
if (cbd->session) {
remove_normal_event (cbd->session, lua_http_fin, cbd);
else {
lua_rawgeti (ud->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ud->cbref);
num = 3;
/* Code */
lua_pushnumber (ud->L, ud->code);
/* Headers */
lua_newtable (ud->L);
cur = ud->headers;

while (cur) {
header = cur->data;
lua_pushstring (ud->L, header->name);
lua_pushstring (ud->L, header->value);
lua_settable (ud->L, -3);
cur = g_list_next (cur);
/* Reply */
lua_pushlstring (ud->L, in->begin, in->len);

/* Date */
if (ud->date != (time_t)-1) {
lua_pushnumber (ud->L, ud->date);

if (lua_pcall (ud->L, num, 0, 0) != 0) {
msg_info ("call to %s failed: %s",
ud->callback ? ud->callback : "local function",
lua_tostring (ud->L, -1));

if (ud->headers != NULL) {
g_list_free (ud->headers);
ud->headers = NULL;
lua_http_fin (cbd);

remove_normal_event (ud->s, lua_http_fin, ud);


* Parsing utils
static gboolean
lua_http_parse_first_line (struct lua_http_ud *ud, f_str_t *in)
static void
lua_http_push_error (struct lua_http_cbdata *cbd, const char *err)
const gchar *p;
lua_rawgeti (cbd->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbd->cbref);
lua_pushstring (cbd->L, err);

/* Assume first line is like this: HTTP/1.1 200 OK */
if (in->len < sizeof ("HTTP/1.1 OK") + 2) {
msg_info ("bad http string: %V", in);
return FALSE;
if (lua_pcall (cbd->L, 1, 0, 0) != 0) {
msg_info ("callback call failed: %s", lua_tostring (cbd->L, -1));

p = in->begin + sizeof("HTTP/1.1 ") - 1;
ud->code = strtoul (p, NULL, 10);

ud->parser_state = 1;
return TRUE;

static gboolean
lua_http_parse_header_line (struct lua_http_ud *ud, f_str_t *in)
static void
lua_http_error_handler (struct rspamd_http_connection *conn, GError *err)
const gchar *p = in->begin;
struct lua_http_header *new;

while (p < in->begin + in->len) {
if (*p == ':') {
struct lua_http_cbdata *cbd = (struct lua_http_cbdata *)conn->ud;

if (*p != ':') {
return FALSE;
/* Copy name */
new = rspamd_mempool_alloc (ud->pool, sizeof (struct lua_http_header));
new->name = rspamd_mempool_alloc (ud->pool, p - in->begin + 1);
rspamd_strlcpy (new->name, in->begin, p - in->begin + 1);

/* Copy value */
while (p < in->begin + in->len && g_ascii_isspace (*p)) {
new->value = rspamd_mempool_alloc (ud->pool, in->begin + in->len - p + 1);
rspamd_strlcpy (new->value, p, in->begin + in->len - p + 1);
lua_http_push_error (cbd, err->message);
lua_http_maybe_free (cbd);

/* Check content-length */
if (ud->rep_len == 0 &&
g_ascii_strcasecmp (new->name, "content-length") == 0) {
ud->rep_len = strtoul (new->value, NULL, 10);
static int
lua_http_finish_handler (struct rspamd_http_connection *conn,
struct rspamd_http_message *msg)
struct lua_http_cbdata *cbd = (struct lua_http_cbdata *)conn->ud;
struct rspamd_http_header *h;

lua_rawgeti (cbd->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbd->cbref);
/* Error */
lua_pushnil (cbd->L);
/* Reply code */
lua_pushinteger (cbd->L, msg->code);
/* Body */
lua_pushlstring (cbd->L, msg->body->str, msg->body->len);
/* Headers */
lua_newtable (cbd->L);
LL_FOREACH (msg->headers, h) {
rspamd_lua_table_set (cbd->L, h->name->str, h->value->str);

/* Check date */
if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (new->name, "date") == 0) {
ud->date = rspamd_http_parse_date (new->value, -1);
if (lua_pcall (cbd->L, 4, 0, 0) != 0) {
msg_info ("callback call failed: %s", lua_tostring (cbd->L, -1));

/* Insert a header to the list */
ud->headers = g_list_prepend (ud->headers, new);
lua_http_maybe_free (cbd);

return TRUE;
return 0;

/* Read callback */
static gboolean
lua_http_read_cb (f_str_t * in, void *arg)
lua_http_make_connection (struct lua_http_cbdata *cbd)
struct lua_http_ud *ud = arg;

switch (ud->parser_state) {
case 0:
/* Parse first line */
return lua_http_parse_first_line (ud, in);
case 1:
if (ud->code != 200) {
lua_http_push_error (ud->code, ud);
return FALSE;
/* Parse header */
if (in->len == 0) {
/* Final line */
if (ud->rep_len == 0) {
/* No content-length */
msg_info ("http reply contains no content-length header");
lua_http_push_error (450, ud);
return FALSE;
else {
ud->parser_state = 2;
rspamd_set_dispatcher_policy (ud->io_dispatcher,
else {
return lua_http_parse_header_line (ud, in);
case 2:
/* Get reply */
lua_http_push_reply (in, ud);
int fd;

rspamd_inet_address_set_port (&cbd->addr, cbd->msg->port);
fd = rspamd_inet_address_connect (&cbd->addr, SOCK_STREAM, TRUE);

if (fd == -1) {
lua_http_maybe_free (cbd);
return FALSE;
cbd->conn = rspamd_http_connection_new (NULL, lua_http_error_handler,

rspamd_http_connection_write_message (cbd->conn, cbd->msg,
NULL, NULL, cbd, fd, &cbd->tv, cbd->ev_base);
/* Message is now owned by a connection object */
cbd->msg = NULL;

return TRUE;

static void
lua_http_err_cb (GError * err, void *arg)
lua_http_dns_handler (struct rdns_reply *reply, gpointer ud)
struct lua_http_ud *ud = arg;
msg_info ("abnormally closing connection to http server error: %s",
g_error_free (err);
struct lua_http_cbdata *cbd = (struct lua_http_cbdata *)ud;

if (ud->parser_state != 3) {
lua_http_push_error (500, ud);
if (reply->code != RDNS_RC_NOERROR) {
lua_http_push_error (cbd, "unable to resolve host");
lua_http_maybe_free (cbd);
else {
remove_normal_event (ud->s, lua_http_fin, ud);
/* XXX: support ipv6 some day */
cbd-> = AF_INET;
memcpy (&cbd->addr.addr.s4.sin_addr, &reply->entries->content.a.addr,
sizeof (struct in_addr));
if (!lua_http_make_connection (cbd)) {
lua_http_push_error (cbd, "unable to make connection to the host");
lua_http_maybe_free (cbd);

static void
lua_http_dns_callback (struct rdns_reply *reply, gpointer arg)
lua_http_push_headers (lua_State *L, struct rspamd_http_message *msg)
struct lua_http_ud *ud = arg;
struct rdns_reply_entry *elt;
struct in_addr ina;
struct timeval tv;

if (reply->code != RDNS_RC_NOERROR) {
lua_http_push_error (450, ud);

/* Create socket to server */
elt = reply->entries;
memcpy (&ina, &elt->content.a.addr, sizeof (struct in_addr));
const char *name, *value;

ud->fd = make_universal_socket (inet_ntoa (
ina), ud->port, SOCK_STREAM, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
lua_pushnil (L);
while (lua_next (L, -2) != 0) {

if (ud->fd == -1) {
lua_http_push_error (450, ud);
name = rspamd_lua_table_get (L, "name");
value = rspamd_lua_table_get (L, "value");

/* Create dispatcher for HTTP protocol */
msec_to_tv (ud->timeout, &tv);
ud->io_dispatcher = rspamd_create_dispatcher (ud->ev_base,
/* Write request */
register_async_event (ud->s, lua_http_fin, ud,
g_quark_from_static_string ("lua http"));

if (!rspamd_dispatcher_write (ud->io_dispatcher, ud->req_buf, ud->req_len,
lua_http_push_error (450, ud);
if (name != NULL && value != NULL) {
rspamd_http_message_add_header (msg, name, value);
lua_pop (L, 1);
lua_pop (L, 1);

* Common request function
static gint
lua_http_make_request_common (lua_State *L,
struct rspamd_task *task,
const gchar *callback,
const gchar *hostname,
const gchar *path,
const gchar *data,
gint top)
lua_http_request (lua_State *L)
gint r, s, datalen;
struct lua_http_ud *ud;

/* Calculate buffer size */
datalen = (data != NULL) ? strlen (data) : 0;
s = MAX_HEADERS_SIZE + sizeof (CRLF) * 3 + strlen (hostname) +
strlen (path) + datalen
+ sizeof ("POST HTTP/1.1");

ud = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct lua_http_ud));
ud->L = L;
ud->s = task->s;
ud->pool = task->task_pool;
ud->ev_base = task->ev_base;
ud->task = task;
/* Preallocate buffer */
ud->req_buf = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, s);
ud->callback = callback;

/* Print request */
r = rspamd_snprintf (ud->req_buf, s, "%s %s HTTP/1.1" CRLF
"Connection: close" CRLF
"Host: %s" CRLF,
(data != NULL) ? "POST" : "GET", path, hostname);
if (datalen > 0) {
r += rspamd_snprintf (ud->req_buf + r,
s - r,
"Content-Length: %d" CRLF,
/* Now assume that we have a table with headers at the top of the stack */

if (lua_gettop (L) > top && lua_istable (L, top + 1)) {
/* Add headers */
lua_pushnil (L); /* first key */
while (lua_next (L, top + 1) != 0) {
r += rspamd_snprintf (ud->req_buf + r,
s - r,
"%s: %s" CRLF,
lua_tostring (L, -2),
lua_tostring (L, -1));
lua_pop (L, 1);
const gchar *url;
gint cbref;
struct event_base *ev_base;
struct rspamd_http_message *msg;
struct lua_http_cbdata *cbd;
struct rspamd_dns_resolver *resolver;
struct rspamd_async_session *session;
gdouble timeout = default_http_timeout;

if (lua_gettop (L) >= 2) {
/* url, callback and event_base format */
url = luaL_checkstring (L, 1);
if (url == NULL || lua_type (L, 2) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
msg_err ("http request has bad params");
lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE);
return 1;
lua_pushvalue (L, 2);
cbref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (lua_gettop (L) >= 3 && luaL_checkudata (L, 3, "rspamd{ev_base}")) {
ev_base = *(struct event_base **)lua_touserdata (L, 3);
else {
ev_base = NULL;
if (lua_gettop (L) >= 4 && luaL_checkudata (L, 4, "rspamd{resolver}")) {
resolver = *(struct rspamd_dns_resolver **)lua_touserdata (L, 4);
else {
resolver = lua_http_global_resolver (ev_base);
if (lua_gettop (L) >= 5 && luaL_checkudata (L, 5, "rspamd{session}")) {
session = *(struct rspamd_async_session **)lua_touserdata (L, 5);
else {
session = NULL;
msg = rspamd_http_message_from_url (url);
if (msg == NULL) {
lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE);
return 1;
/* Now check port and timeout */
if (lua_gettop (L) > top + 1) {
ud->port = lua_tonumber (L, top + 2);
else {
ud->port = 80;
if (lua_gettop (L) > top + 2) {
ud->timeout = lua_tonumber (L, top + 3);
else {
/* Assume default timeout as 1000 msec */
ud->timeout = 1000;

if (datalen > 0) {
r += rspamd_snprintf (ud->req_buf + r, s - r, CRLF "%s", data);
else {
r += rspamd_snprintf (ud->req_buf + r, s - r, CRLF);

ud->req_len = r;

/* Resolve hostname */
if (make_dns_request (task->resolver, task->s, task->task_pool,
lua_http_dns_callback, ud,
RDNS_REQUEST_A, hostname)) {

return 0;

* Common request function (new version)
static gint
lua_http_make_request_common_new (lua_State *L,
struct rspamd_async_session *session,
rspamd_mempool_t *pool,
struct event_base *base,
gint cbref,
const gchar *hostname,
const gchar *path,
const gchar *data,
gint top)
gint r, s, datalen;
struct lua_http_ud *ud;
struct in_addr ina;
struct timeval tv;
else if (lua_type (L, 1) == LUA_TTABLE) {
lua_pushstring (L, "url");
lua_gettable (L, -2);
url = luaL_checkstring (L, -1);
lua_pop (L, 1);

/* Calculate buffer size */
datalen = (data != NULL) ? strlen (data) : 0;
s = MAX_HEADERS_SIZE + sizeof (CRLF) * 3 + strlen (hostname) +
strlen (path) + datalen
+ sizeof ("POST HTTP/1.1");

ud = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (pool, sizeof (struct lua_http_ud));
ud->L = L;
ud->pool = pool;
ud->s = session;
ud->ev_base = base;
/* Preallocate buffer */
ud->req_buf = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, s);
ud->callback = NULL;
ud->cbref = cbref;

/* Print request */
r = rspamd_snprintf (ud->req_buf, s, "%s %s HTTP/1.1" CRLF
"Connection: close" CRLF,
(data != NULL) ? "POST" : "GET", path);
if (datalen > 0) {
r += rspamd_snprintf (ud->req_buf + r,
s - r,
"Content-Length: %d" CRLF,
/* Now assume that we have a table with headers at the top of the stack */

if (lua_gettop (L) > top && lua_istable (L, top + 1)) {
/* Add headers */
lua_pushnil (L); /* first key */
while (lua_next (L, top + 1) != 0) {
r += rspamd_snprintf (ud->req_buf + r,
s - r,
"%s: %s" CRLF,
lua_tostring (L, -2),
lua_tostring (L, -1));
lua_pushstring (L, "callback");
lua_gettable (L, -2);
if (url == NULL || lua_type (L, -1) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
lua_pop (L, 1);
msg_err ("http request has bad params");
lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE);
return 1;
/* Now check port and timeout */
if (lua_gettop (L) > top + 1) {
ud->port = lua_tonumber (L, top + 2);
else {
ud->port = 80;
if (lua_gettop (L) > top + 2) {
ud->timeout = lua_tonumber (L, top + 3);
else {
/* Assume default timeout as 1000 msec */
ud->timeout = 1000;

if (datalen > 0) {
r += rspamd_snprintf (ud->req_buf + r, s - r, CRLF "%s", data);
else {
r += rspamd_snprintf (ud->req_buf + r, s - r, CRLF);

ud->req_len = r;

if (inet_aton (hostname, &ina) == 0) {
msg_err ("%s is not valid ip address", hostname);
luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbref);
lua_pushnil (L);
return 1;

ud->fd = make_universal_socket (inet_ntoa (
ina), ud->port, SOCK_STREAM, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);

if (ud->fd == -1) {
luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbref);
lua_pushnil (L);
return 1;
cbref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

/* Create dispatcher for HTTP protocol */
msec_to_tv (ud->timeout, &tv);
ud->io_dispatcher = rspamd_create_dispatcher (ud->ev_base,
/* Write request */
register_async_event (ud->s, lua_http_fin, ud,
g_quark_from_static_string ("lua http"));

if (!rspamd_dispatcher_write (ud->io_dispatcher, ud->req_buf, ud->req_len,
luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbref);
lua_pushnil (L);
return 1;

return 0;
lua_pushstring (L, "ev_base");
lua_gettable (L, -2);
if (luaL_checkudata (L, -1, "rspamd{ev_base}")) {
ev_base = *(struct event_base **)lua_touserdata (L, -1);
else {
ev_base = NULL;
lua_pop (L, 1);

lua_pushstring (L, "resolver");
lua_gettable (L, -2);
if (luaL_checkudata (L, -1, "rspamd{resolver}")) {
resolver = *(struct rspamd_dns_resolver **)lua_touserdata (L, -1);
else {
resolver = lua_http_global_resolver (ev_base);
lua_pop (L, 1);

* Typical usage:
* rspamd_http.post_request(task, 'callback', 'hostname', 'path', 'data'[, headers -> { name = 'value' }])
static gint
lua_http_make_post_request (lua_State *L)
struct rspamd_task *task, **ptask;
rspamd_mempool_t *pool, **ppool;
struct rspamd_async_session *session, **psession;
struct event_base *base, **pbase;
const gchar *hostname, *path, *data, *callback;
gint cbref;
lua_pushstring (L, "session");
lua_gettable (L, -2);
if (luaL_checkudata (L, -1, "rspamd{session}")) {
session = *(struct rspamd_async_session **)lua_touserdata (L, -1);
else {
session = NULL;
lua_pop (L, 1);

msg = rspamd_http_message_from_url (url);
if (msg == NULL) {
lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE);
return 1;

/* Check whether we have a task object */
ptask = rspamd_lua_check_class (L, 1, "rspamd{task}");
task = ptask ? *(ptask) : NULL;

if (!task) {
psession = luaL_checkudata (L, 1, "rspamd{session}");
luaL_argcheck (L, psession != NULL, 1, "'session' expected");
session = psession ? *(psession) : NULL;
ppool = luaL_checkudata (L, 2, "rspamd{mempool}");
luaL_argcheck (L, ppool != NULL, 2, "'mempool' expected");
pool = ppool ? *(ppool) : NULL;
pbase = luaL_checkudata (L, 3, "rspamd{ev_base}");
luaL_argcheck (L, ppool != NULL, 3, "'ev_base' expected");
base = pbase ? *(pbase) : NULL;
lua_pushstring (L, "headers");
lua_gettable (L, -2);
if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE) {
lua_http_push_headers (L, msg);
lua_pop (L, 1);

/* Now extract hostname, path and data */

if (task) {
callback =
rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 2));
hostname =
rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 3));
path = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 4));
data = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 5));

if (callback != NULL && hostname != NULL && path != NULL && data !=
return lua_http_make_request_common (L,
lua_pushstring (L, "timeout");
lua_gettable (L, -2);
if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
timeout = lua_tonumber (L, -1) * 1000.;
else {
msg_info ("invalid arguments number");
lua_pop (L, 1);

lua_pushstring (L, "body");
lua_gettable (L, -2);
if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
msg->body = g_string_new (lua_tostring (L, -1));
lua_pop (L, 1);
else {
/* Common version */
hostname = rspamd_mempool_strdup (pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 4));
path = rspamd_mempool_strdup (pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 5));
data = rspamd_mempool_strdup (pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 6));
if (session != NULL && pool != NULL && hostname != NULL && path !=
NULL && data != NULL && lua_isfunction (L, 7)) {
lua_pushvalue (L, 7);
cbref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
return lua_http_make_request_common_new (L,
msg_err ("http request has bad params");
lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE);
return 1;

return 0;

* Typical usage:
* rspamd_http.get_request(task, 'callback', 'hostname', 'path'[, headers -> { name = 'value' }])
static gint
lua_http_make_get_request (lua_State *L)
struct rspamd_task *task, **ptask;
rspamd_mempool_t *pool, **ppool;
struct rspamd_async_session *session, **psession;
struct event_base *base, **pbase;
const gchar *hostname, *path, *callback;
gint cbref;

/* Check whether we have a task object */
ptask = rspamd_lua_check_class (L, 1, "rspamd{task}");
task = ptask ? *(ptask) : NULL;

if (!task) {
psession = luaL_checkudata (L, 1, "rspamd{session}");
luaL_argcheck (L, psession != NULL, 1, "'session' expected");
session = psession ? *(psession) : NULL;
ppool = luaL_checkudata (L, 2, "rspamd{mempool}");
luaL_argcheck (L, ppool != NULL, 2, "'mempool' expected");
pool = ppool ? *(ppool) : NULL;
pbase = luaL_checkudata (L, 3, "rspamd{ev_base}");
luaL_argcheck (L, ppool != NULL, 3, "'ev_base' expected");
base = pbase ? *(pbase) : NULL;
cbd = g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (*cbd));
cbd->L = L;
cbd->cbref = cbref;
cbd->msg = msg;
msec_to_tv (timeout, &cbd->tv);
if (session) {
register_async_event (session,
g_quark_from_static_string ("lua http"));

/* Now extract hostname, path and data */

if (task) {
callback =
rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 2));
hostname =
rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 3));
path = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 4));

if (callback != NULL && hostname != NULL && path != NULL) {
return lua_http_make_request_common (L,
else {
msg_info ("invalid arguments number");
if (rspamd_parse_inet_address (&cbd->addr, msg->host->str)) {
/* Host is numeric IP, no need to resolve */
if (!lua_http_make_connection (cbd)) {
lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE);
return 1;
else {
/* Common version */
hostname = rspamd_mempool_strdup (pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 4));
path = rspamd_mempool_strdup (pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 5));
if (session != NULL && pool != NULL && hostname != NULL && path !=
NULL && lua_isfunction (L, 6)) {
lua_pushvalue (L, 6);
cbref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
return lua_http_make_request_common_new (L,
make_dns_request (resolver, session, NULL, lua_http_dns_handler, cbd,
RDNS_REQUEST_A, msg->host->str);

return 0;
lua_pushboolean (L, TRUE);
return 1;

