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Merge pull request #4519 from twesterhever/temp-html-attachments

[Enhancement] Treat HTML attachments as (slightly) bad
Vsevolod Stakhov 11 months ago
No account linked to committer's email address
1 changed files with 24 additions and 17 deletions
  1. 24

+ 24
- 17
src/plugins/lua/mime_types.lua View File

@@ -45,8 +45,10 @@ local settings = {
extension_map = { -- extension -> mime_type
html = 'text/html',
htm = 'text/html',
txt = 'text/plain',
pdf = 'application/pdf'
pdf = 'application/pdf',
shtm = 'text/html',
shtml = 'text/html',
txt = 'text/plain'

bad_extensions = {
@@ -59,6 +61,11 @@ local settings = {
jar = 2,
lnk = 4,
scr = 4,
-- In contrast to HTML MIME parts, dedicated HTML attachments are considered harmful
htm = 1,
html = 1,
shtm = 1,
shtml = 1,
-- Have you ever seen that in legit email?
ace = 4,
arj = 2,
@@ -168,40 +175,40 @@ local settings = {

-- Something that should not be in archive
bad_archive_extensions = {
pptx = 0.1,
docx = 0.1,
xlsx = 0.1,
pdf = 0.1,
hta = 4,
jar = 3,
js = 0.5,
pdf = 0.1,
pptx = 0.1,
vbs = 4,
wsf = 4,
hta = 4,
xlsx = 0.1,

archive_extensions = {
zip = 1,
arj = 1,
rar = 1,
ace = 1,
['7z'] = 1,
cab = 1,
ace = 1,
alz = 1,
arj = 1,
bz2 = 1,
cab = 1,
egg = 1,
alz = 1,
xz = 1,
lz = 1,
rar = 1,
xz = 1,
zip = 1,

-- Not really archives
archive_exceptions = {
odt = true,
ods = true,
odp = true,
docx = true,
xlsx = true,
odp = true,
ods = true,
odt = true,
pptx = true,
vsdx = true,
xlsx = true,
-- jar = true,
