routines ( prelude postlude mark_regions RV R1 R2 step_0 standard_suffix combo_suffix verb_suffix vowel_suffix ) externals ( stem ) integers ( pV p1 p2 ) groupings ( v ) booleans ( standard_suffix_removed ) stringescapes {} /* special characters */ stringdef a^ '{U+00E2}' // a circumflex stringdef i^ '{U+00EE}' // i circumflex stringdef a+ '{U+0103}' // a breve stringdef s, '{U+015F}' // s cedilla stringdef t, '{U+0163}' // t cedilla define v 'aeiou{a^}{i^}{a+}' define prelude as ( repeat goto ( v [ ('u' ] v <- 'U') or ('i' ] v <- 'I') ) ) define mark_regions as ( $pV = limit $p1 = limit $p2 = limit // defaults do ( ( v (non-v gopast v) or (v gopast non-v) ) or ( non-v (non-v gopast v) or (v next) ) setmark pV ) do ( gopast v gopast non-v setmark p1 gopast v gopast non-v setmark p2 ) ) define postlude as repeat ( [substring] among( 'I' (<- 'i') 'U' (<- 'u') '' (next) ) ) backwardmode ( define RV as $pV <= cursor define R1 as $p1 <= cursor define R2 as $p2 <= cursor define step_0 as ( [substring] R1 among( 'ul' 'ului' ( delete ) 'aua' ( <-'a' ) 'ea' 'ele' 'elor' ( <-'e' ) 'ii' 'iua' 'iei' 'iile' 'iilor' 'ilor' ( <-'i') 'ile' ( not 'ab' <- 'i' ) 'atei' ( <- 'at' ) 'a{t,}ie' 'a{t,}ia' ( <- 'a{t,}i' ) ) ) define combo_suffix as test ( [substring] R1 ( among( /* 'IST'. alternative: include the following 'alism' 'alisme' 'alist' 'alista' 'aliste' 'alisti' 'alist{a+}' 'ali{s,}ti' ( <- 'al' ) */ 'abilitate' 'abilitati' 'abilit{a+}i' 'abilit{a+}{t,}i' ( <- 'abil' ) 'ibilitate' ( <- 'ibil' ) 'ivitate' 'ivitati' 'ivit{a+}i' 'ivit{a+}{t,}i' ( <- 'iv' ) 'icitate' 'icitati' 'icit{a+}i' 'icit{a+}{t,}i' 'icator' 'icatori' 'iciv' 'iciva' 'icive' 'icivi' 'iciv{a+}' 'ical' 'icala' 'icale' 'icali' 'ical{a+}' ( <- 'ic' ) 'ativ' 'ativa' 'ative' 'ativi' 'ativ{a+}' 'a{t,}iune' 'atoare' 'ator' 'atori' '{a+}toare' '{a+}tor' '{a+}tori' ( <- 'at' ) 'itiv' 'itiva' 'itive' 'itivi' 'itiv{a+}' 'i{t,}iune' 'itoare' 'itor' 'itori' ( <- 'it' ) ) set standard_suffix_removed ) ) define standard_suffix as ( unset standard_suffix_removed repeat combo_suffix [substring] R2 ( among( // past participle is treated here, rather than // as a verb ending: 'at' 'ata' 'at{a+}' 'ati' 'ate' 'ut' 'uta' 'ut{a+}' 'uti' 'ute' 'it' 'ita' 'it{a+}' 'iti' 'ite' 'ic' 'ica' 'ice' 'ici' 'ic{a+}' 'abil' 'abila' 'abile' 'abili' 'abil{a+}' 'ibil' 'ibila' 'ibile' 'ibili' 'ibil{a+}' 'oasa' 'oas{a+}' 'oase' 'os' 'osi' 'o{s,}i' 'ant' 'anta' 'ante' 'anti' 'ant{a+}' 'ator' 'atori' 'itate' 'itati' 'it{a+}i' 'it{a+}{t,}i' 'iv' 'iva' 'ive' 'ivi' 'iv{a+}' ( delete ) 'iune' 'iuni' ( '{t,}'] <- 't' ) 'ism' 'isme' 'ist' 'ista' 'iste' 'isti' 'ist{a+}' 'i{s,}ti' ( <- 'ist' /* 'IST'. alternative: remove with <- '' */ ) ) set standard_suffix_removed ) ) define verb_suffix as setlimit tomark pV for ( [substring] among( // 'long' infinitive: 'are' 'ere' 'ire' '{a^}re' // gerund: 'ind' '{a^}nd' 'indu' '{a^}ndu' 'eze' 'easc{a+}' // present: 'ez' 'ezi' 'eaz{a+}' 'esc' 'e{s,}ti' 'e{s,}te' '{a+}sc' '{a+}{s,}ti' '{a+}{s,}te' // imperfect: 'am' 'ai' 'au' 'eam' 'eai' 'ea' 'ea{t,}i' 'eau' 'iam' 'iai' 'ia' 'ia{t,}i' 'iau' // past: // (not 'ii') 'ui' 'a{s,}i' 'ar{a+}m' 'ar{a+}{t,}i' 'ar{a+}' 'u{s,}i' 'ur{a+}m' 'ur{a+}{t,}i' 'ur{a+}' 'i{s,}i' 'ir{a+}m' 'ir{a+}{t,}i' 'ir{a+}' '{a^}i' '{a^}{s,}i' '{a^}r{a+}m' '{a^}r{a+}{t,}i' '{a^}r{a+}' // pluferfect: 'asem' 'ase{s,}i' 'ase' 'aser{a+}m' 'aser{a+}{t,}i' 'aser{a+}' 'isem' 'ise{s,}i' 'ise' 'iser{a+}m' 'iser{a+}{t,}i' 'iser{a+}' '{a^}sem' '{a^}se{s,}i' '{a^}se' '{a^}ser{a+}m' '{a^}ser{a+}{t,}i' '{a^}ser{a+}' 'usem' 'use{s,}i' 'use' 'user{a+}m' 'user{a+}{t,}i' 'user{a+}' ( non-v or 'u' delete ) // present: '{a+}m' 'a{t,}i' 'em' 'e{t,}i' 'im' 'i{t,}i' '{a^}m' '{a^}{t,}i' // past: 'se{s,}i' 'ser{a+}m' 'ser{a+}{t,}i' 'ser{a+}' 'sei' 'se' // pluperfect: 'sesem' 'sese{s,}i' 'sese' 'seser{a+}m' 'seser{a+}{t,}i' 'seser{a+}' (delete) ) ) define vowel_suffix as ( [substring] RV among ( 'a' 'e' 'i' 'ie' '{a+}' ( delete ) ) ) ) define stem as ( do prelude do mark_regions backwards ( do step_0 do standard_suffix do ( standard_suffix_removed or verb_suffix ) do vowel_suffix ) do postlude )