/* -*- C -*- */ #include "paths.h" /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Utils to manipulate strings */ #define SBINCREMENT 256 typedef struct { char *buffer; int maxlen; int len; } SB; static void sbinit(SB *sb) { sb->buffer = (char*)malloc(SBINCREMENT); sb->maxlen = SBINCREMENT; sb->len = 0; } static char * sbfree(SB *sb) { if (sb->buffer) free(sb->buffer); sb->buffer = 0; return 0; } static void sbgrow(SB *sb, int n) { if (sb->buffer && sb->len + n > sb->maxlen) { int nlen = sb->maxlen; while (sb->len + n > nlen) nlen += SBINCREMENT; sb->buffer = (char*)realloc(sb->buffer, nlen); sb->maxlen = nlen; } } static void sbadd1(SB *sb, char c) { sbgrow(sb, 1); if (sb->buffer) sb->buffer[sb->len++] = c; } static void sbaddn(SB *sb, const char *s, int n) { sbgrow(sb, n); if (sb->buffer && s && n) memcpy(sb->buffer + sb->len, s, n); else if (sb->buffer && n) sbfree(sb); sb->len += n; } static void sbaddsf(SB *sb, char *s) { if (s) sbaddn(sb, s, strlen(s)); else sbfree(sb); if (s) free((void*)s); } static void sbslash(SB *sb) { int i; if (sb->buffer && sb->len) for(i=0; ilen; i++) if (sb->buffer[i]=='\\') sb->buffer[i]='/'; } static int sbpush(lua_State *L, SB *sb) { sbslash(sb); lua_pushlstring(L, sb->buffer, sb->len); sbfree(sb); return 1; } static int sbsetpush(lua_State *L, SB *sb, const char *s) { sbfree(sb); lua_pushstring(L, s); return 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* filep, dirp, basename, dirname */ static int filep(lua_State *L, int i) { const char *s = luaL_checkstring(L, i); #ifdef _WIN32 struct _stat buf; if (_stat(s,&buf) < 0) return 0; if (buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) return 0; #else struct stat buf; if (stat(s,&buf) < 0) return 0; if (buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) return 0; #endif return 1; } static int dirp(lua_State *L, int i) { const char *s = luaL_checkstring(L, i); #ifdef _WIN32 char buffer[8]; struct _stat buf; const char *last; if ((s[0]=='/' || s[0]=='\\') && (s[1]=='/' || s[1]=='\\') && !s[2]) return 1; if (s[0] && isalpha((unsigned char)(s[0])) && s[1] == ':' && s[2] == 0) { buffer[0]=s[0]; buffer[1]=':'; buffer[2]='.'; buffer[3]=0; s = buffer; } if (_stat(s, &buf) >= 0) if (buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) return 1; #else struct stat buf; if (stat(s,&buf)==0) if (buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) return 1; #endif return 0; } static int lua_filep(lua_State *L) { lua_pushboolean(L, filep(L, 1)); return 1; } static int lua_dirp(lua_State *L) { lua_pushboolean(L, dirp(L, 1)); return 1; } static int lua_basename(lua_State *L) { const char *fname = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); const char *suffix = luaL_optstring(L, 2, 0); #ifdef _WIN32 int sl; const char *p, *s; SB sb; sbinit(&sb); /* Special cases */ if (fname[0] && fname[1]==':') { sbaddn(&sb, fname, 2); fname += 2; if (fname[0]=='/' || fname[0]=='\\') sbadd1(&sb, '/'); while (fname[0]=='/' || fname[0]=='\\') fname += 1; if (fname[0]==0) return sbpush(L, &sb); sb.len = 0; } /* Position p after last nontrivial slash */ s = p = fname; while (*s) { if ((s[0]=='\\' || s[0]=='/') && (s[1] && s[1]!='/' && s[1]!='\\' ) ) p = s + 1; s++; } /* Copy into buffer */ while (*p && *p!='/' && *p!='\\') sbadd1(&sb, *p++); /* Process suffix */ if (suffix==0 || suffix[0]==0) return sbpush(L, &sb); if (suffix[0]=='.') suffix += 1; if (suffix[0]==0) return sbpush(L, &sb); sl = strlen(suffix); if (sb.len > sl) { s = sb.buffer + sb.len - (sl + 1); if (s[0]=='.' && _strnicmp(s+1,suffix, sl)==0) sb.len = s - sb.buffer; } return sbpush(L, &sb); #else int sl; const char *s, *p; SB sb; sbinit(&sb); /* Position p after last nontrivial slash */ s = p = fname; while (*s) { if (s[0]=='/' && s[1] && s[1]!='/') p = s + 1; s++; } /* Copy into buffer */ while (*p && *p!='/') sbadd1(&sb, *p++); /* Process suffix */ if (suffix==0 || suffix[0]==0) return sbpush(L, &sb); if (suffix[0]=='.') suffix += 1; if (suffix[0]==0) return sbpush(L, &sb); sl = strlen(suffix); if (sb.len > sl) { s = sb.buffer + sb.len - (sl + 1); if (s[0]=='.' && strncmp(s+1,suffix, sl)==0) sb.len = s - sb.buffer; } return sbpush(L, &sb); #endif } static int lua_dirname(lua_State *L) { const char *fname = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); #ifdef _WIN32 const char *s; const char *p; SB sb; sbinit(&sb); /* Handle leading drive specifier */ if (isalpha((unsigned char)fname[0]) && fname[1]==':') { sbadd1(&sb, *fname++); sbadd1(&sb, *fname++); } /* Search last non terminal / or \ */ p = 0; s = fname; while (*s) { if ((s[0]=='\\' || s[0]=='/') && (s[1] && s[1]!='/' && s[1]!='\\') ) p = s; s++; } /* Cannot find non terminal / or \ */ if (p == 0) { if (sb.len > 0) { if (fname[0]==0 || fname[0]=='/' || fname[0]=='\\') sbadd1(&sb, '/'); return sbpush(L, &sb); } else { if (fname[0]=='/' || fname[0]=='\\') return sbsetpush(L, &sb, "//"); else return sbsetpush(L, &sb, "."); } } /* Single leading slash */ if (p == fname) { sbadd1(&sb, '/'); return sbpush(L, &sb); } /* Backtrack all slashes */ while (p>fname && (p[-1]=='/' || p[-1]=='\\')) p--; /* Multiple leading slashes */ if (p == fname) return sbsetpush(L, &sb, "//"); /* Regular case */ s = fname; do { sbadd1(&sb, *s++); } while (s= fname) { if (*p == '.') { lua_pushstring(L, p + 1); return 1; } p--; } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* cwd and concat */ static int lua_cwd(lua_State *L) { #ifdef _WIN32 char drv[2]; int l; SB sb; sbinit(&sb); drv[0] = '.'; drv[1] = 0; l = GetFullPathNameA(drv, sb.maxlen, sb.buffer, 0); if (l > sb.maxlen) { sbgrow(&sb, l+1); l = GetFullPathNameA(drv, sb.maxlen, sb.buffer, 0); } if (l <= 0) return sbsetpush(L, &sb, "."); sb.len += l; return sbpush(L, &sb); #elif HAVE_GETCWD const char *s; SB sb; sbinit(&sb); s = getcwd(sb.buffer, sb.maxlen); while (!s && errno==ERANGE) { sbgrow(&sb, sb.maxlen + SBINCREMENT); s = getcwd(sb.buffer, sb.maxlen); } if (! s) return sbsetpush(L, &sb, "."); sb.len += strlen(s); return sbpush(L, &sb); #else const char *s; SB sb; sbinit(&sb); sbgrow(&sb, PATH_MAX); s = getwd(sb.buffer); if (! s) return sbsetpush(L, &sb, "."); sb.len += strlen(s); return sbpush(L, &sb); #endif } static int concat_fname(lua_State *L, const char *fname) { const char *from = lua_tostring(L, -1); #ifdef _WIN32 const char *s; SB sb; sbinit(&sb); sbaddn(&sb, from, strlen(from)); if (fname==0) return sbpush(L, &sb); /* Handle absolute part of fname */ if (fname[0]=='/' || fname[0]=='\\') { if (fname[1]=='/' || fname[1]=='\\') { sb.len = 0; /* Case //abcd */ sbaddn(&sb, "//", 2); } else { char drive; if (sb.len >= 2 && sb.buffer[1]==':' /* Case "/abcd" */ && isalpha((unsigned char)(sb.buffer[0])) ) drive = sb.buffer[0]; else drive = _getdrive() + 'A' - 1; sb.len = 0; sbadd1(&sb, drive); sbaddn(&sb, ":/", 2); } } else if (fname[0] && /* Case "x:abcd" */ isalpha((unsigned char)(fname[0])) && fname[1]==':') { if (fname[2]!='/' && fname[2]!='\\') { if (sb.len < 2 || sb.buffer[1]!=':' || !isalpha((unsigned char)(sb.buffer[0])) || (toupper((unsigned char)sb.buffer[0]) != toupper((unsigned char)fname[0]) ) ) { int l; char drv[4]; sb.len = 0; drv[0]=fname[0]; drv[1]=':'; drv[2]='.'; drv[3]=0; l = GetFullPathNameA(drv, sb.maxlen, sb.buffer, 0); if (l > sb.maxlen) { sbgrow(&sb, l+1); l = GetFullPathNameA(drv, sb.maxlen, sb.buffer, 0); } if (l <= 0) sbaddn(&sb, drv, 3); else sb.len += l; } fname += 2; } else { sb.len = 0; /* Case "x:/abcd" */ sbadd1(&sb, toupper((unsigned char)fname[0])); sbaddn(&sb, ":/", 2); fname += 2; while (*fname == '/' || *fname == '\\') fname += 1; } } /* Process path components */ for (;;) { while (*fname=='/' || *fname=='\\') fname ++; if (*fname == 0) return sbpush(L, &sb); if (fname[0]=='.') { if (fname[1]=='/' || fname[1]=='\\' || fname[1]==0) { fname += 1; continue; } if (fname[1]=='.') if (fname[2]=='/' || fname[2]=='\\' || fname[2]==0) { size_t l; fname += 2; lua_pushcfunction(L, lua_dirname); sbpush(L, &sb); lua_call(L, 1, 1); s = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &l); sbinit(&sb); sbaddn(&sb, s, l); lua_pop(L, 1); continue; } } if (sb.len==0 || (sb.buffer[sb.len-1]!='/' && sb.buffer[sb.len-1]!='\\') ) sbadd1(&sb, '/'); while (*fname && *fname!='/' && *fname!='\\') sbadd1(&sb, *fname++); } #else SB sb; sbinit(&sb); if (fname && fname[0]=='/') sbadd1(&sb, '/'); else sbaddn(&sb, from, strlen(from)); for (;;) { while (fname && fname[0]=='/') fname++; if (!fname || !fname[0]) { sbadd1(&sb, '/'); while (sb.len > 1 && sb.buffer[sb.len-1]=='/') sb.len --; return sbpush(L, &sb); } if (fname[0]=='.') { if (fname[1]=='/' || fname[1]==0) { fname +=1; continue; } if (fname[1]=='.') if (fname[2]=='/' || fname[2]==0) { fname +=2; while (sb.len > 0 && sb.buffer[sb.len-1]=='/') sb.len --; while (sb.len > 0 && sb.buffer[sb.len-1]!='/') sb.len --; continue; } } if (sb.len == 0 || sb.buffer[sb.len-1] != '/') sbadd1(&sb, '/'); while (*fname!=0 && *fname!='/') sbadd1(&sb, *fname++); } #endif } static int lua_concatfname(lua_State *L) { int i; int narg = lua_gettop(L); lua_cwd(L); for (i=1; i<=narg; i++) { concat_fname(L, luaL_checkstring(L, i)); lua_remove(L, -2); } return 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* execdir */ static int lua_execdir(lua_State *L) { const char *s = 0; #if HAVE_LUA_EXECUTABLE_DIR s = lua_executable_dir(0); #endif if (s && s[0]) lua_pushstring(L, s); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* file lists */ static int lua_dir(lua_State *L) { int k = 0; const char *s = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); #ifdef _WIN32 SB sb; struct _finddata_t info; intptr_t hfind; /* special cases */ lua_createtable(L, 0, 0); if ((s[0]=='/' || s[0]=='\\') && (s[1]=='/' || s[1]=='\\') && !s[2]) { int drive; hfind = GetLogicalDrives(); for (drive='A'; drive<='Z'; drive++) if (hfind & ((intptr_t)1<<(drive-'A'))) { lua_pushfstring(L, "%c:/", drive); lua_rawseti(L, -2, ++k); } } else if (dirp(L, 1)) { lua_pushliteral(L, ".."); lua_rawseti(L, -2, ++k); } else { lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } /* files */ sbinit(&sb); sbaddn(&sb, s, strlen(s)); if (sb.len>0 && sb.buffer[sb.len-1]!='/' && sb.buffer[sb.len-1]!='\\') sbadd1(&sb, '/'); sbaddn(&sb, "*.*", 3); sbadd1(&sb, 0); hfind = _findfirst(sb.buffer, &info); if (hfind != -1) { do { if (strcmp(".",info.name) && strcmp("..",info.name)) { lua_pushstring(L, info.name); lua_rawseti(L, -2, ++k); } } while ( _findnext(hfind, &info) != -1 ); _findclose(hfind); } sbfree(&sb); #else DIR *dirp; struct dirent *d; dirp = opendir(s); if (dirp) { lua_createtable(L, 0, 0); while ((d = readdir(dirp))) { int n = NAMLEN(d); lua_pushlstring(L, d->d_name, n); lua_rawseti(L, -2, ++k); } closedir(dirp); } else lua_pushnil(L); #endif return 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* tmpname */ static const char *tmpnames_key = "tmpname_sentinel"; struct tmpname_s { struct tmpname_s *next; char tmp[4]; }; static int gc_tmpname(lua_State *L) { if (lua_isuserdata(L, -1)) { struct tmpname_s **pp = (struct tmpname_s **)lua_touserdata(L, -1); while (pp && *pp) { struct tmpname_s *p = *pp; *pp = p->next; remove(p->tmp); free(p); } } return 0; } static void add_tmpname(lua_State *L, const char *tmp) { struct tmpname_s **pp = 0; lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void*)tmpnames_key); lua_rawget(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); if (lua_isuserdata(L, -1)) { pp = (struct tmpname_s **)lua_touserdata(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); } else { lua_pop(L, 1); /* create sentinel */ lua_pushlightuserdata(L, (void*)tmpnames_key); pp = (struct tmpname_s **)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(void*)); pp[0] = 0; lua_createtable(L, 0, 1); lua_pushcfunction(L, gc_tmpname); lua_setfield(L,-2,"__gc"); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); lua_rawset(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } while (pp && *pp) { struct tmpname_s *p = *pp; if (!strcmp(p->tmp, tmp)) { return; } pp = &(p->next); } if (pp) { int len = strlen(tmp); struct tmpname_s *t = (struct tmpname_s*)malloc(len + sizeof(struct tmpname_s)); if (t) { t->next = 0; memcpy(t->tmp, tmp, len); t->tmp[len] = 0; *pp = t; } } } static int lua_tmpname(lua_State *L) { char *tmp; int fd = -1; #ifdef _WIN32 tmp = _tempnam("c:/temp", "luatmp"); #else char *tempdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (tempdir == NULL) { tempdir = "/tmp"; } tmp = calloc(1, PATH_MAX); snprintf(tmp, PATH_MAX, "%s/%sXXXXXXXX", tempdir, "luatmp"); fd = mkstemp(tmp); if (fd == -1) { free(tmp); tmp = NULL; } else { /* Stupid and unsafe thing but that's how this library wants to do it */ close(fd); } #endif if (tmp) { lua_pushstring(L, tmp); add_tmpname(L, tmp); free(tmp); return 1; } else { lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* mkdir, rmdir */ static int pushresult (lua_State *L, int i, const char *filename) { int en = errno; if (i) { lua_pushboolean(L, 1); return 1; } else { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushfstring(L, "%s: %s", filename, strerror(en)); lua_pushinteger(L, en); return 3; } } static int lua_mkdir(lua_State *L) { int status = 0; const char *s = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); lua_pushcfunction(L, lua_mkdir); lua_pushcfunction(L, lua_dirname); lua_pushvalue(L, 1); lua_call(L, 1, 1); if (! dirp(L, -1)) lua_call(L, 1, 3); #ifdef _WIN32 status = _mkdir(s); #else status = mkdir(s, 0777); #endif return pushresult(L, status == 0, s); } static int lua_rmdir(lua_State *L) { const char *s = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); #ifdef _WIN32 int status = _rmdir(s); #else int status = rmdir(s); #endif return pushresult(L, status == 0, s); } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* uname */ static int lua_uname(lua_State *L) { #if defined(_WIN32) const char *name; SYSTEM_INFO info; lua_pushliteral(L, "Windows"); name = getenv("COMPUTERNAME"); lua_pushstring(L, name ? name : ""); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); GetSystemInfo(&info); if (info.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) lua_pushliteral(L, "AMD64"); else if (info.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL) lua_pushliteral(L, "X86"); else if (info.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM) lua_pushliteral(L, "ARM"); else if (info.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64) lua_pushliteral(L, "IA64"); else if (info.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64) lua_pushstring(L, ""); return 3; #else # if defined(HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H) struct utsname info; if (uname(&info) >= 0) { lua_pushstring(L, info.sysname); lua_pushstring(L, info.nodename); lua_pushstring(L, info.machine); return 3; } # endif lua_pushstring(L, "Unknown"); return 1; #endif } static int lua_getregistryvalue(lua_State *L) { #ifdef _WIN32 static char *keynames[] = { "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "HKEY_USERS", NULL }; static HKEY keys[] = { HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS }; HKEY rkey = keys[ luaL_checkoption(L, 1, NULL, keynames) ]; const char *subkey = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); const char *value = luaL_checkstring(L, 3); HKEY skey; DWORD type; DWORD len = 0; char *data = NULL; LONG res; res = RegOpenKeyExA(rkey, subkey, 0, KEY_READ, &skey); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushinteger(L, res); if (res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) lua_pushstring(L, "subkey not found"); if (res == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) lua_pushstring(L, "subkey access denied"); else return 2; return 3; } res = RegQueryValueExA(skey, value, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)data, &len); if (len > 0) { len += 8; data = (char*)malloc(len); if (! data) luaL_error(L, "out of memory"); res = RegQueryValueExA(skey, value, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)data, &len); } RegCloseKey(skey); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (data) free(data); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushinteger(L, res); if (res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) lua_pushstring(L, "value not found"); if (res == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) lua_pushstring(L, "value access denied"); else return 2; return 3; } switch(type) { case REG_DWORD: lua_pushinteger(L, (lua_Integer)*(const DWORD*)data); if (data) free(data); return 1; case REG_EXPAND_SZ: if (data && len > 0) { if ((len = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(data, NULL, 0)) > 0) { char *buf = (char*)malloc(len + 8); if (!buf) luaL_error(L, "out of memory"); len = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(data, buf, len+8); free(data); data = buf; } } /* fall thru */ case REG_SZ: if (data && len > 0) if (((const char*)data)[len-1] == 0) len -= 1; /* fall thru */ case REG_BINARY: if (data && len > 0) lua_pushlstring(L, (const char*)data, (int)len); else lua_pushliteral(L, ""); if (data) free(data); return 1; /* unimplemented */ case REG_QWORD: case REG_MULTI_SZ: default: lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushinteger(L, res); lua_pushfstring(L, "getting registry type %d not implemented", type); return 3; } #else luaL_error(L, "This function exists only on windows"); return 0; #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* require (with global flag) */ #ifdef HAVE_DLOPEN # define NEED_PATH_REQUIRE 1 # include # ifndef RTLD_LAZY # define RTLD_LAZY 1 # endif # ifndef RTLD_GLOBAL # define RTLD_GLOBAL 0 # endif # define LL_LOAD(h,fname) h=dlopen(fname,RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL) # define LL_SYM(h,sym) dlsym(h, sym) #endif #ifdef _WIN32 # define NEED_PATH_REQUIRE 1 # include # define LL_LOAD(h,fname) h=(void*)LoadLibraryA(fname) # define LL_SYM(h,sym) GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)h,sym) #endif #if NEED_PATH_REQUIRE /* {{{ functions copied or derived from loadlib.c */ static int readable (const char *filename) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); /* try to open file */ if (f == NULL) return 0; /* open failed */ fclose(f); return 1; } #if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502 /* LUA52 compatibility defs */ #define LUA_PATHSEP ";" #define PATHS_LUA_CLEANUP_DEFS 1 #endif static const char *pushnexttemplate (lua_State *L, const char *path) { const char *l; while (*path == *LUA_PATHSEP) path++; /* skip separators */ if (*path == '\0') return NULL; /* no more templates */ l = strchr(path, *LUA_PATHSEP); /* find next separator */ if (l == NULL) l = path + strlen(path); lua_pushlstring(L, path, l - path); /* template */ return l; } #ifdef PATHS_LUA_CLEANUP_DEFS /* cleanup after yourself */ #undef LUA_PATHSEP #endif static const char *pushfilename (lua_State *L, const char *name) { const char *path; const char *filename; lua_getglobal(L, "package"); lua_getfield(L, -1, "cpath"); lua_remove(L, -2); if (! (path = lua_tostring(L, -1))) luaL_error(L, LUA_QL("package.cpath") " must be a string"); lua_pushliteral(L, ""); while ((path = pushnexttemplate(L, path))) { filename = luaL_gsub(L, lua_tostring(L, -1), "?", name); lua_remove(L, -2); if (readable(filename)) { /* stack: cpath errmsg filename */ lua_remove(L, -3); lua_remove(L, -2); return lua_tostring(L, -1); } lua_pushfstring(L, "\n\tno file " LUA_QS, filename); lua_remove(L, -2); /* remove file name */ lua_concat(L, 2); /* add entry to possible error message */ } lua_pushfstring(L, "module " LUA_QS " not found", name); lua_replace(L, -3); lua_concat(L, 2); lua_error(L); return 0; } /* functions copied or derived from loadlib.c }}} */ static int path_require(lua_State *L) { const char *filename; lua_CFunction func; void *handle; const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); lua_settop(L, 1); lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_LOADED"); /* index 2 */ lua_getfield(L, 2, name); if (lua_toboolean(L, -1)) return 1; filename = pushfilename(L, name); /* index 3 */ LL_LOAD(handle, filename); if (! handle) luaL_error(L, "cannot load " LUA_QS, filename); lua_pushfstring(L, "luaopen_%s", name); /* index 4 */ func = (lua_CFunction)LL_SYM(handle, lua_tostring(L, -1)); if (! func) luaL_error(L, "no symbol " LUA_QS " in module " LUA_QS, lua_tostring(L, -1), filename); lua_pushboolean(L, 1); lua_setfield(L, 2, name); lua_pushcfunction(L, func); lua_pushstring(L, name); lua_call(L, 1, 1); if (! lua_isnil(L, -1)) lua_setfield(L, 2, name); lua_getfield(L, 2, name); return 1; } #else /* fallback to calling require */ static int path_require(lua_State *L) { int narg = lua_gettop(L); lua_getglobal(L, "require"); lua_insert(L, 1); lua_call(L, narg, 1); return 1; } #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* register */ static const struct luaL_Reg paths__ [] = { {"filep", lua_filep}, {"dirp", lua_dirp}, {"basename", lua_basename}, {"dirname", lua_dirname}, {"extname", lua_extname}, {"cwd", lua_cwd}, {"concat", lua_concatfname}, {"execdir", lua_execdir}, {"dir", lua_dir}, {"tmpname", lua_tmpname}, {"mkdir", lua_mkdir}, {"rmdir", lua_rmdir}, {"uname", lua_uname}, {"getregistryvalue", lua_getregistryvalue}, {"require", path_require}, {NULL, NULL} }; PATHS_API int luaopen_libpaths(lua_State *L) { lua_newtable(L); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); lua_setglobal(L, "paths"); #if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502 luaL_setfuncs(L, paths__, 0); #else luaL_register(L, NULL, paths__); #endif return 1; }