espelhamento de https://github.com/rspamd/rspamd.git sincronizado 2024-07-24 22:24:53 +02:00
Vsevolod Stakhov 9c455404d4 * Allow escaped quotes in quoted strings, for example "\"some string\""
* Add warnings when we got errors while parsing rexeps
2009-03-18 20:03:36 +03:00

145 linhas
3.6 KiB

# Sample config file for rspamd
# $Id$
# pidfile - path to pid file
# Default: pidfile = /var/run/rspamd.pid
pidfile = "./rspamd.pid";
# Number of workers to process connections
# Default: 1
workers = 1;
# Socket for accepting mail to filter, can be unix socket if begin with '/'
# (bind_socket=/var/run/rspamd.sock for example)
bind_socket = localhost:11333;
# Settings for controller interface
control {
# Bind socket for control interface
bind_socket = localhost:11334;
# Password for privilleged commands
password = "q1";
# Sample metric definition
metric {
# Name of metric
name = "testmetric";
# Score to count message as spam by this metric
required_score = 10.1;
# Logging settings
logging {
# Log type can be: console, syslog and file
log_type = console;
# Log level can be: DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR
log_level = DEBUG;
# Log facility specifies facility for syslog logging, see syslog (3) for details
# log_facility = "LOG_MAIL";
# Log file is used with log type "file"
# log_file = "/var/log/rspamd.log"
# Limit for statfile pool size
# Default: 100M
statfile_pool_size = 40M;
# Sample statfile definition
statfile {
# Alias is used for learning and is used as symbol
alias = "test.spam";
# Pattern is path to file, can include %r - recipient name and %f - mail from value
pattern = "./test.spam";
# Weight in spam/ham classifier
weight = 1.0;
# Size of this statfile class
size = 10M;
# Tokenizer for this statfile
# Deafault: osb-text
tokenizer = "osb-text";
statfile {
alias = "test.ham";
pattern = "./test.ham";
weight = -2.0;
size = 10M;
# Factors coefficients
factors {
"SURBL_MULTI" = 10.5;
"winnow" = 5.5;
# Options for lmtp worker
lmtp {
enabled = yes;
# Bind socket for lmtp interface
bind_socket = localhost:11335;
# Metric that is considered as main. If we have spam result on
# this metric, lmtp delivery would be failed
metric = "default";
# Number of lmtp workers
workers = 1;
delivery {
enabled = yes;
# Path to delivery agent, %f is expanded as mail from address and %r
# is expanded as recipient address
# Expample: agent = "/usr/local/bin/procmail -f %f -d %r"
agent = "/dev/null";
# Bind socket for lmtp interface
# Example: bind_socket = localhost:25
# Whether we should use lmtp for MTA delivery
lmtp = no;
# SURBL module params, note that single quotes are mandatory here
.module 'surbl' {
# Address to redirector in host:port format
redirector = "localhost:8080";
# Connect timeout for redirector
redirector_connect_timeout = "1s";
# IO timeout for redirector (may be usefull to set this value rather big)
redirector_read_timeout = "10s";
# This is suffix for surbl dns requests,
# %b is replaced with bit metric if it is found
suffix_%b_SURBL_MULTI = "multi.surbl.org";
# Bits that are used to determine specific URI black list
# details are at http://www.surbl.org/lists.html#multi
# sytax is: bit_{number} = "SYMBOL"
bit_2 = "SC"; # sc.surbl.org
bit_4 = "WS"; # ws.surbl.org
bit_8 = "PH"; # ph.surbl.org
bit_16 = "OB"; # ob.surbl.org
bit_32 = "AB"; # ab.surbl.org
bit_64 = "JP"; # jp.surbl.org
# Metric for surbl module
metric = "default";
# List of public known hostings (for which we should use 3 components of domain name instead of 2)
hostings = "narod.ru,pp.ru,org.ru,net.ru";
# Whitelisted urls
whitelist = "highsecure.ru,freebsd.org";
$to_blah = "To=/\"blah@blah\"/H";
$from_blah = "From=/blah@blah/H";
$subject_blah = "Subject=/blah/H";
.module 'regexp' {
BLAH_SYMBOL = "${to_blah} & !(${from_blah} | ${subject_blah})";
url_filters = "surbl";
header_filters = "regexp";