You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 8.6KB

Rspamd protocol

Protocol basics

Rspamd uses HTTP protocol of either version 1.0 or 1.1. However, there is compatibility layer described further in this document. Rspamd defines some servicing headers that allows to pass extra information about a message scanned, such as envelope data, IP address, SMTP sasl authentication data and so on. Rspamd supports both normal and chunked encoded HTTP request, however, form URL encoding is NOT supported currently.

Rspamd HTTP request

Rspamd encourages usage of HTTP protocol since it is standard and can be used by literally every programming language without exotic libraries. The typical HTTP request looks like the following:

POST /check HTTP/1.0
Content-Length: 26969
Pass: all
Helo: localhost.localdomain
Hostname: localhost

<your message goes here>

You can also use chunked encoding that allows streamlined data transfer which is useful if you don’t know the length of the message.

HTTP request

Normally, you should just use ‘/check’ here. However, if you talk to the controller then you might want to use controllers commands here.

(TODO: write this part)

HTTP headers

To avoid unnecessary work, rspamd allows MTA to pass pre-processed data about the message by using either HTTP headers or JSON control block (described further in this document). Rspamd supports the following non-standard HTTP headers:

Header Description
Deliver-To: Defines actual delivery recipient of message. Can be used for personalized statistic and for user specific options.
IP: Defines IP from which this message is received.
Helo: Defines SMTP helo.
Hostname: Defines resolved hostname.
From: Defines SMTP mail from command data.
Queue-Id: Defines SMTP queue id for message (can be used instead of message id in logging).
Rcpt: Defines SMTP recipient (it may be several Rcpt headers).
Pass: If this header has all value, all filters would be checked for this message.
Subject: Defines subject of message (is used for non-mime messages).
User: Defines SMTP user.
Message-Length: Defines the length of message excluding the control block.

Controller also defines certain headers:

(TODO: write this part)

Standard HTTP headers, such as Content-Length, are also supported.

Rspamd HTTP reply

Rspamd reply is encoded using json format. Here is a typical HTTP reply:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Server: rspamd/0.9.0
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 16:19:35 GMT
Content-Length: 825
Content-Type: application/json
    "default": {
        "is_spam": false,
        "is_skipped": false,
        "score": 5.2,
        "required_score": 7,
        "action": "add header",
        "DATE_IN_PAST": {
            "name": "DATE_IN_PAST",
            "score": 0.1
        "FORGED_SENDER": {
            "name": "FORGED_SENDER",
            "score": 5
        "TEST": {
            "name": "TEST",
            "score": 100500
        "FUZZY_DENIED": {
            "name": "FUZZY_DENIED",
            "score": 0,
            "options": [
                "1: 1.00 / 1.00",
                "1: 1.00 / 1.00"
        "HFILTER_HELO_5": {
            "name": "HFILTER_HELO_5",
            "score": 0.1
    "urls": [
    "emails": [
    "message-id": "4E699308EFABE14EB3F18A1BB025456988527794@example"

For convenience, the reply is LINTed using jsonlint. The actual reply is compressed for speed.

The reply can be treated as the JSON object where keys are metric names (namely default) and values are objects that represent metric.

Each metric has the following fields:

  • is_spam - boolean value that indicates whether a message is spam
  • is_skipped - boolean flag that is true if a message has been skipped due to settings
  • score - floating point value representing the effective score of message
  • required_score - floating point value meaning the treshold value for the metric
  • action - recommended action for a message:
    • no action - message is likely ham;
    • greylist - message should be greylisted;
    • add header - message is suspicious and should be marked as spam
    • rewrite subject - message is suspicious and should have subject rewritten
    • soft reject - message should be temporary rejected at the moment (for example, due to rate limit exhausting)
    • reject - message should be rejected as spam

Additionally, metric contains all symbols added during message’s processing indexed by symbols’ names.

Moreover, some other keys might be in the reply:

  • subject - if action is rewrite subject then this value defines the desired subject for a message
  • urls - a list of urls found in a message (only hostnames)
  • emails - a list of emails found in a message
  • message-id - ID of message (useful for logging)
  • messages - array of optional messages added by some rspamd filters (such as SPF)

Rspamd JSON control block

Since rspamd 0.9 it is also possible to pass additional data by using request body prepending JSON control block to the message. Hence, you can use either headers or JSON block to pass data from MTA to rspamd. The advantage of JSON block is that it can be encrypted using httpcrypt. Headers encryption is currently unsupported.

To use JSON control block, you need to pass extra header to rspamd called Message-Length. This header should be equal to the size of the message excluding JSON control block. Therefore, the size of control block is equal to Content-Length - Message-Length. Rspamd assumes that a message starts immediately after control block (with no extra CRLF). This method is equally compatible with streaming transfer, however even if not specifying Content-Length you are still required to specify Message-Length.

Here is an example of JSON control block:

	"from": "",
	"pass_all": "true",
	"ip": "",
	"helo": "localhost.localdomain",
	"hostname": "localhost"

Moreover, UCL json extensions and syntax conventions are also supported inside control block.

Legacy RSPAMC protocol

For compatibility, rspamd also supports legacy RSPAMC and also spamassassin SPAMC protocols. Thought their usage is discouraged, these protocols could be still used as last resort to communicate with rspamd from legacy applications. The rspamc dialog looks as following:

Content-Length: 2200

<message octets>

Metric: default; True; 10.40 / 10.00 / 0.00

Rspamc protocol support different commands as well:

Command Description
CHECK Check a message and output results for each metric. But do not output symbols.
SYMBOLS Same as CHECK but output symbols.
PROCESS Same as SYMBOLS but output also original message with inserted X-Spam headers.
PING Do not do any processing, just check rspamd state:

After command there should be one mandatory header: Content-Length that defines message’s length in bytes and optional headers (same as for HTTP).

Rspamd supports spamassassin spamc protocol and you can even pass rspamc headers in spamc mode, but reply of rspamd in spamc mode is truncated to “default” metric only with no options for symbols being displayed. Rspamc reply looks as following:

Metric: default; True; 10.40 / 10.00 / 0.00