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  1. # ---- Gradle
  2. build/
  3. .gradle/
  4. .gradletasknamecache
  5. classes/
  6. out/
  7. # ---- Maven (in integration tests)
  8. target/
  9. # ---- IntelliJ IDEA
  10. *.iws
  11. *.iml
  12. *.ipr
  13. .idea/
  14. .attach_pid*
  15. out/
  16. # ---- VS Code
  17. .vscode/
  18. *.code-workspace
  19. # Directories generated on build on Windows
  20. bin/
  21. !sonar-application/src/main/assembly/elasticsearch/**/bin/
  22. !sonar-application/src/main/assembly/elasticsearch-patch/**/bin/
  23. # npm logs
  24. npm-debug.log*
  25. npm.tar.gz
  26. yarn-debug.log*
  27. yarn-error.log*
  28. # ---- Eclipse
  29. .classpath
  30. .project
  31. .settings
  32. .externalToolBuilders
  33. # ---- Mac OS X
  34. .DS_Store
  35. # Thumbnails
  36. ._*
  37. # Files that might appear on external disk
  38. .Spotlight-V100
  39. .Trashes
  40. # ---- Windows
  41. # Windows image file caches
  42. Thumbs.db
  43. # Folder config file
  44. Desktop.ini
  45. # ---- Linux
  46. .directory
  47. # ---- frontend
  48. node/
  49. node_modules/
  50. # ---- SonarQube
  51. .sonar/
  52. .scannerwork/
  53. # scripts patches, they are local to each developer
  54. scripts/patches/*.*
  55. scripts/patches/*license*.txt
  56. !scripts/patches/
  57. !scripts/patches/
  58. !scripts/patches/
  59. gherkin-features/