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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. ###############################
  3. # exposes library functions to modify properties in a property
  4. ###############################
  5. set -euo pipefail
  6. PATCHES_HOME=scripts/patches
  7. # $1: name(s) of patches to call, separated by a colon
  8. # all other arguments are passed as is to the patches
  9. function call_patches() {
  10. local PATCHES=$1
  11. local ARGS=${@:2}
  12. local savedIFS=$IFS
  13. IFS=','
  14. for PATCH in $PATCHES; do
  15. #echo "calling $PATCHES_HOME/$ $ARGS"
  16. echo ""
  17. echo "******** $PATCH *******"
  19. done
  20. IFS=$savedIFS
  21. echo ""
  22. }