Explorar el Código

DOCS added install links on SQ help homepage

MikeBirnstiehl hace 5 años

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server/sonar-docs/src/pages/branches/overview.md Ver fichero

@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ Branch analysis allows you to

### Short-lived

This corresponds to Pull/Merge Requests or Feature Branches. This kind of branch:

* will disappear quickly

+ 10
- 5
server/sonar-docs/src/pages/index.md Ver fichero

@@ -28,17 +28,21 @@ Are you ready to eliminate bugs and vulnerabilities? Will you champion quality c

Below are a few key pointers, otherwise head over to the left pane for full documentation content and search capabilities.

### I write code
* Why [new code](/user-guide/fixing-the-water-leak/) is the most important
* [Concepts](/user-guide/concepts/)
* [Quality Gates](/user-guide/quality-gates/)
* [Issues](/user-guide/issues/)
### I'm new to SonarQube
* Installing a [quick demo version](/setup/get-started-2-minutes/).
* Installing a [production instance](/setup/install-server/).

### I need to set up analysis
* [Analyzing Source Code](/analysis/overview/)
* [Branches](/branches/overview/)
* [Pull Requests](/analysis/pull-request/)

### I write code
* Why [new code](/user-guide/fixing-the-water-leak/) is the most important
* [Concepts](/user-guide/concepts/)
* [Quality Gates](/user-guide/quality-gates/)
* [Issues](/user-guide/issues/)

### I administer a project
* [Project Existence](/project-administration/project-existence/)
* What's [included, excluded](/project-administration/narrowing-the-focus/) from analysis
@@ -51,6 +55,7 @@ Below are a few key pointers, otherwise head over to the left pane for full docu
* [Housekeeping](/instance-administration/housekeeping/)

### I do DevOps
* Installing a [production instance](/setup/install-server/).
* [Upgrading](/setup/upgrading/)
* [Monitoring](/instance-administration/monitoring/)
* [Running a Cluster](/setup/operate-cluster/)
