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SONAR-15400 Replace "ALM" with "DevOps platform"

Philippe Perrin 2 years ago
1 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions
  1. 10

+ 10
- 10
sonar-core/src/main/resources/org/sonar/l10n/ View File

@@ -1128,8 +1128,8 @@ settings.projects.change_visibility_form.header=Set Default Visibility of New Pr
settings.projects.change_visibility_form.warning=This will not change the visibility of already existing projects.
settings.projects.change_visibility_form.submit=Change Default Visibility

settings.almintegration.title=Integration configurations
settings.almintegration.description=ALM integrations allow SonarQube to interact with your ALM. This enables things like authentication, or providing analysis details and a Quality Gate to your Pull Requests directly in your ALM provider's interface.
settings.almintegration.title=DevOps Platform Integrations
settings.almintegration.description=DevOps Platform integrations allow SonarQube to interact with your DevOps Platform. This enables things like authentication, or providing analysis details and a Quality Gate to your Pull Requests directly in your DevOps Platform's interface. need to install a GitHub App with specific settings and permissions to enable Pull Request Decoration on your Organization or Repository. {link}
settings.almintegration.github.additional_permission=If Quality Gate status reporting fails on private projects, you might need to add an additional permission to the GitHub App. {link} needs you to create an {oauth} in your Bitbucket Cloud workspace settings to report the Quality Gate status on Pull Requests. It needs to be a private consumer with {permission} permission. An OAuth callback URL is required by Bitbucket Cloud but not used by SonarQube so any URL works. {doc_link}
@@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ settings.almintegration.delete.no_info=An unknown number of projects will no lon App ID is found on your GitHub App's page on GitHub at Settings > Developer Settings > GitHub Apps
settings.almintegration.form.header.create=Create a configuration
settings.almintegration.form.header.edit=Edit the configuration
settings.almintegration.form.second_instance_warning=Binding more than one instance of an ALM will deactivate the import of repositories from that ALM.
settings.almintegration.form.second_instance_warning=Binding more than one instance of a DevOps Platform will deactivate the import of repositories from that DevOps Platform. name your configuration a clear and succinct name. This name will be used at project level to identify the correct configured Azure instance for a project.
settings.almintegration.form.choose_bitbucket_variant=Select which variant you want to configure
@@ -1202,14 +1202,14 @@ settings.almintegration.form.secret.field=This field is hidden for security reas
settings.almintegration.form.secret.update_field=Update field value
settings.almintegration.form.secret.can_encrypt=You can encrypt this value. {learn_more}
settings.almintegration.feature.status_reporting.title=Quality Gate status reporting
settings.almintegration.feature.status_reporting.description_pr=Add analysis and a Quality Gate to your Pull Requests directly in your ALM provider's interface.
settings.almintegration.feature.status_reporting.description_pr_and_commits=Add the Quality Gate status to your Pull Requests and on analyzed commits directly in your ALM provider's interface.
settings.almintegration.feature.status_reporting.description_mr=Add analysis and a Quality Gate to your Merge Requests directly in your ALM provider's interface.
settings.almintegration.feature.status_reporting.description_pr=Add analysis and a Quality Gate to your Pull Requests directly in your DevOps Platform's interface.
settings.almintegration.feature.status_reporting.description_pr_and_commits=Add the Quality Gate status to your Pull Requests and on analyzed commits directly in your DevOps Platform's interface.
settings.almintegration.feature.status_reporting.description_mr=Add analysis and a Quality Gate to your Merge Requests directly in your DevOps Platform's interface.
settings.almintegration.feature.pr_decoration.disabled.no_branches=Upgrade to {link} to enable this feature. Edition
settings.almintegration.feature.alm_repo_import.title=Import repositories from your ALM
settings.almintegration.feature.alm_repo_import.description=Select repositories from your ALM, and import them into SonarQube.
settings.almintegration.feature.alm_repo_import.title=Import repositories from your DevOps Platform
settings.almintegration.feature.alm_repo_import.description=Select repositories from your DevOps Platform, and import them into SonarQube.
settings.almintegration.feature.alm_repo_import.disabled.multiple=This feature is disabled because you have 2 or more integration instances configured.
settings.almintegration.feature.alm_repo_import.disabled.no_url=This feature is disabled because your configured instance has no URL.
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ property.category.general.looknfeel=Look & Feel
property.category.general.qualityGate=Quality Gate
property.category.almintegration=ALM Integrations
property.category.almintegration=DevOps Platform Integrations
property.category.almintegration.github=GitHub Authentication
property.category.almintegration.github.description=In order to enable authentication on or GitHub Enterprise:<ul><li>SonarQube must be publicly accessible through HTTPS only</li><li>The property 'sonar.core.serverBaseURL' must be set to this public HTTPS URL</li><li>In your GitHub profile, you need to create a Developer Application for which the 'Authorization callback URL' must be set to <code>'&lt;value_of_sonar.core.serverBaseURL_property&gt;/oauth2/callback'</code>.</li></ul>
property.category.almintegration.gitlab=GitLab Authentication
@@ -3412,7 +3412,7 @@ onboarding.create_project.github.choose_organization=Choose organization
onboarding.create_project.github.warning.title=Could not connect to GitHub
onboarding.create_project.github.warning.message=Please contact an administrator to configure GitHub integration.
onboarding.create_project.github.warning.message_admin=Please make sure the GitHub instance is correctly configured in the {link} to create a new project from a repository. integration settings Platform integration settings
onboarding.create_project.github.no_orgs=We couldn't load any organizations with your key. Contact an administrator.
onboarding.create_project.github.no_orgs_admin=We couldn't load any organizations. Make sure the GitHub App is installed in at least one organization and check the GitHub instance configuration in the {link}.
onboarding.create_project.gitlab.title=Which GitLab project do you want to set up?
