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Remove integration tests section from public README

Simon Brandhof 5 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일0개의 추가작업 그리고 75개의 파일을 삭제
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@@ -64,81 +64,6 @@ If the project has never been built, then build it as usual (see previous sectio
Then simply open the root file `build.gradle` as a project in Intellij or Eclipse.

### Run Integration Tests

Integration tests are grouped into categories, listed in [tests/build.gradle]().
A single category should be run at a time, by executing from project base directory:

./gradlew integrationTest -Dcategory=<category>

./gradlew integrationTest -Dcategory=Category1
### Configure Integration Tests

Environment of tests can be configured with command-line properties and file `~/.sonar/orchestrator/orchestrator.properties`, if it exists.
Here is a template example:

# Token used to download SonarSource private artifacts from https://repox.sonarsource.com,
# required for the category "Plugins".
# Generate your API key at https://repox.sonarsource.com/webapp/#/profile

# Personal access token used to request SonarSource development licenses at https://github.com/sonarsource/licenses,
# required for the category "Plugins".
# Generate a token from https://github.com/settings/tokens
# Browser to be used in Selenium tests.
# Values are:
# - "firefox" (default). Supports only versions <= 46
# - "marionette", for versions of Firefox greater than 46
# - "chrome". Requires the Chrome driver to be installed (see https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/).
# On MacOS, simply run "brew install chromedriver".
# Port of SonarQube server, for example 10000. Default value is 0 (random).
# Maven installation, used by the tests running Scanner for Maven.
# By default Maven binary is searched in $PATH
# Database connection. Embedded H2 is used by default.
# Example for PostgreSQL:
# Example for Oracle 12c:
# Example for SQLServer
The path to a custom configuration file can be provided with command-line property `-Dorchestrator.configUrl=file:///path/to/orchestrator.properties` or with
environment variable `ORCHESTRATOR_CONFIG_URL=file:///path/to/orchestrator.properties`.

### Find available updates of dependencies

Execute from project base directory:
