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SONARPY-395 Update documentation for python custom rules (#2172)

benzonico 4 years ago

+ 78
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server/sonar-docs/src/pages/analysis/languages/ View File

@@ -27,6 +27,84 @@ pylint <module_or_package> -r n --msg-template="{path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol
Then pass the generated report path to analysis via the `sonar.python.pylint.reportPath` property.

<!-- sonarqube -->

## Custom Rules

### Overview

The Python analyzer parses the source code, creates an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and then walks through the entire tree. A coding rule is a visitor that is able to visit nodes from this AST.

As soon as the coding rule visits a node, it can navigate its children and log issues if necessary.

### Writing a Plugin

Custom rules for Python can be added by writing a SonarQube Plugin and using Python analyzer APIs.
Here are the step to follow:

#### Create SonarQube Plugin

* create a standard SonarQube plugin project
* attach this plugin to the SonarQube Python analyzer through the `pom.xml`:
* add the dependency to the Python analyzer.
* add the following line in the sonar-packaging-maven-plugin configuration.
* implement the following extension points:
* [Plugin](
* [RulesDefinition]( and [PythonCustomRuleRepository](, which can be implemented by a single class, to declare your custom rules
* declare the RulesDefinition as an extension in the Plugin extension point.

#### Implement a Rule

* create a class that will hold the implementation of the rule, it should:
* extend `PythonCheckTree` or `PythonSubscriptionCheck`
* define the rule name, key, tags, etc. with Java annotations.
* declare this class in the `RulesDefinition`.

### Example Plugin

To get started a sample plugin can be found here: [python-custom-rules](

#### Implementation Details

**Using `PythonCheckTree`**

To explore a part of the AST, override a method from the PythonCheckTree. For example, if you want to explore "if statement" nodes, override [PythonCheckTree#visitIfStatement]( method that will be called each time an [ifStatement]( node is encountered in the AST.

![](/images/exclamation.svg) When overriding a visit method, you must call the super method in order to allow the visitor to visit the children the node.

**Using `PythonSubscriptionCheck`**

To explore a part of the AST, override [`PythonSubscriptionCheck#initialize`]( and call the [`SubscriptionCheck.Context#registerSyntaxNodeConsumer`]( with the [`Tree#Kind`]( of node you want to visit. For example, if you want to explore "if statement" you should register to the kind [`Tree#Kind#IF_STATEMENT`]( and then provide a lambda that will consume a [`SubscriptionContext`]( to act on such ndoes.

**Create Issues**

From the check, issue can be created by calling [`SubscriptionContext#addIssue`]( method or [`PythonCheckTree#addIssue`]( method.

**Testing Checks**

To test custom checks you can use method [`PythonCheckVerifier#verify`]( Don't forget to add the testkit dependency to access this class from your project :

You should end each line with an issue with a comment in the following form:

# Noncompliant {{Message}}

Comment syntax is described [here](

<!-- /sonarqube -->

## Related Pages
* [Importing External Issues](/analysis/external-issues/) ([Pylint](, [Bandit](
* [Test Coverage & Execution](/analysis/coverage/) (the [Coverage Tool]( provided by [Ned Batchelder](, [Nose](, [pytest](

+ 2
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server/sonar-docs/src/pages/extend/ View File

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ JavaScript | - | ![](/images/check.svg) | -
PHP | - | ![](/images/check.svg)| -
PL/SQL | ![](/images/check.svg) | - | -
PL/I | ![](/images/check.svg) | - | -
Python | Deprecated | - | -
Python | - | ![](/images/check.svg) | -
RPG | - | ![](/images/check.svg)| -
VB.NET| - | - | ![](/images/check.svg)[Importing Issues from Third-Party Roslyn Analyzers (C#, VB.NET)](/analysis/external-issues/)
XML | ![](/images/check.svg) | - | -
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ See the following pages to see samples and details about how to create coding ru
* [for Java](/analysis/languages/java/)
* [for JavaScript](/analysis/languages/javascript/)
* [for PHP](/analysis/languages/php/)
* [for Python](/analysis/languages/python/)
* [for RPG](/analysis/languages/rpg/)

@@ -67,7 +68,6 @@ The latest version of SSLR Toolkit can be downloaded from following locations:
* [Flex](
* [PL/SQL](
* [PL/I](
* [Python]( (Deprecated)

For an SSLR preview, consider the following source code sample:
