--- title: Short-lived Branches url: /branches/short-lived-branches/ --- _Branch analysis is available as part of [Developer Edition](https://redirect.sonarsource.com/editions/developer.html) and [above](https://www.sonarsource.com/plans-and-pricing/)._ ## Status vs Quality Gate For short-lived branches, there is a kind of hard-coded quality gate focusing only on new issues. Its status is reflected by the green|red signal associated with each short-lived branch: * status: green / OK or red / ERROR * error conditions: * new open bugs > 0 * new open vulnerabilities > 0 * new open code smells > 0 It is possible to change the status of a short-lived branch from ERROR to OK (red to green), i.e. mergable, by manually confirming the issues. The same is true for the False-Positive and Won't Fix statuses. It means the status of a short-lived branch will be red only when there are Open issues in the branch. ## Issue Creation and Synchronization The issues visible on the short-lived branch are the new issues corresponding to files modified in the branch. Modified files are determined based on the checksum of each file on the sonar.branch.target and the short-lived branch. ## New Code Period The ephemeral nature of short-lived branches means the New Code Period is implicit; everything changed in the branch is new code. ## Settings and Quality Profiles on Branches Branch settings and quality profiles default to those set for the master branch, and by design, it's not possible to configure other values. ## Known Limitations * Only the issue-focused, hard-coded quality gate is available on a short-lived branch. * You cannot connect SonarLint to a short-lived branch. * Analysis of a short-lived branch based on another short-lived branch is not supported.