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build.gradle 550B

  1. dependencies {
  2. compileOnly project(path: ':sonar-plugin-api', configuration: 'shadow')
  3. }
  4. jar {
  5. manifest {
  6. attributes(
  7. 'Plugin-Key': 'AccessSecuredPropsPlugin',
  8. 'Plugin-Version': '',
  9. 'Plugin-Display-Version': '1.0.2 (build 42)',
  10. 'Plugin-Class': 'AccessSecuredPropsPlugin',
  11. 'Plugin-ChildFirstClassLoader': 'false',
  12. 'Sonar-Version': '7.1-SNAPSHOT',
  13. 'SonarLint-Supported': 'false',
  14. 'Plugin-Name': 'Plugins :: Access Secured PropertiesFoo',
  15. 'Plugin-License': 'GNU LGPL 3'
  16. )
  17. }
  18. }