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title: GitHub Integration

url: /analysis/github-integration/

SonarQube’s integration with GitHub Enterprise and allows you to maintain code quality and security in your GitHub repositories.

Once you’ve set up your integration, you’ll be able to:

  • Import your GitHub repositories - (starting in Developer Edition) Import your GitHub repositories into SonarQube to easily set up SonarQube projects.
  • Add pull request decoration - (starting in Developer Edition) See your Quality Gate and code metric results right in GitHub so you know if it’s safe to merge your changes.
  • Authenticate with GitHub - (starting in Community Edition) Sign in to SonarQube with your GitHub credentials.


  • To add pull request decoration to Checks in GitHub Enterprise, you must be running GitHub Enterprise version 2.15+.

Importing your GitHub repositories to SonarQube

You need to use a GitHub App to connect SonarQube and GitHub so you can import your GitHub repositories into SonarQube. This is the first step in setting up pull request decoration and GitHub authentication.

info |If you’re using Community Edition or want to set up authentication without importing your GitHub repositories, see the Creating a dedicated app for authentication section below for instructions on setting up authentication.

In this section, you’ll complete the following steps to connect SonarQube and GitHub with a GitHub App:

  1. Create your GitHub App.
  2. Install your GitHub App in your organization.
  3. Update your SonarQube global settings with your GitHub App information.

Step 1: Creating your GitHub App

See GitHub’s documentation on creating a GitHub App for general information on creating your app.

Specify the following settings in your app:

  • GitHub App Name – your app’s name.
  • Homepage URL – you can use any URL, such as
  • User authorization callback URL – your instance’s base URL. For example,
  • Webhook URL – your instance’s base URL. For example,
  • Grant access for the following Repository permissions:

    Permission Access
    Checks Read & write
    GitHub Enterprise: Repository metadata Metadata
    (this setting is automatically set by GitHub)
    Pull Requests Read & write
    Commit statuses Read-only
  • Under “Where can this GitHub App be installed?,” select Any account.

warning | For security reasons, make sure you’re using HTTPS protocol for your URLs in your app.

Step 2: Installing your GitHub App in your organization

You need to install your GitHub App in your organizations. See GitHub’s documentation on installing GitHub Apps for more information.

Step 3: Updating your SonarQube global settings with your GitHub App information

After you’ve created and installed your GitHub App, update your global SonarQube settings to finish integration and allow for the import of GitHub projects.

Navigate to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > ALM Integrations > GitHub and specify the following settings:

  • Configuration Name (Enterprise and Data Center Edition only) – The name used to identify your GitHub configuration at the project level. Use something succinct and easily recognizable.
  • GitHub URL – For example, for GitHub Enterprise or for
  • GitHub App ID – The App ID is found on your GitHub App’s page on GitHub at Settings > Developer Settings > GitHub Apps.
  • Client ID – the Client ID is found on your GitHub App’s page.
  • Client secret – the Client secret is found on your GitHub App’s page.
  • Private Key – Your GitHub App’s private key. You can generate a .pem file from your GitHub App’s page under Private keys. Copy and paste the contents of the file here.

Adding pull request decoration to GitHub

After creating and installing your GitHub App above, you can add pull request decoration to show your Quality Gate and analysis metrics directly in GitHub:

pull request decoration

info | To decorate Pull Requests, a SonarQube analysis needs to be run on your code. You can find the additional parameters required for Pull Request analysis on the Pull Request Analysis page.

The simplest way to add pull request decoration is by creating a SonarQube project from your GitHub repository:

import a GitHub repository

Follow the steps in the SonarQube UI to automatically set your project settings for pull request decoration.

Adding pull request decoration to a manually created or existing project

To add pull request decoration to a manually created or existing project, after you’ve created and installed your GitHub App and updated your global ALM Integration settings as shown above, set your project settings at Project Settings > General Settings > Pull Request Decoration.

From here, set your:

  • Configuration name – The configuration name that corresponds to your GitHub instance.
  • Repository identifier – The path of your repository URL.

Advanced pull request decoration configuration

collapse | ## Showing the analysis summary under the GitHub Conversation tab | By default, Enable analysis summary under the GitHub Conversation tab is on and your pull request analysis will be shown under both the Conversation and Checks tabs in GitHub. When off, your pull request analysis summary is only shown under the Checks tab.

collapse | ## Configuring multiple ALM instances |You can decorate pull requests from multiple ALM instances by creating a configuration for each ALM instance and then assigning that instance configuration to the appropriate projects. | |- As part of Developer Edition, you can create one configuration for each ALM. | |- Starting in Enterprise Edition, you can create multiple configurations for each ALM. If you have multiple configurations of the same ALM connected to SonarQube, you have to create projects manually.

collapse | ## Linking issues | During pull request decoration, individual issues will be linked to their SonarQube counterparts automatically. For this to work correctly, you need to set the instance’s Server base URL (Administration > Configuration > General Settings > General > General) correctly. Otherwise, the links will default to localhost.

Setting up GitHub authentication

To allow users to log in with GitHub credentials, use the GitHub App that you created above (see the Importing your GitHub repositories using a GitHub App section for more information) and update your global SonarQube settings.

info | If you’re using Community Edition or you want to use a dedicated app for GitHub authentication, see the Creating a dedicated app for authentication section below.

To update your global SonarQube settings:

Navigate to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > ALM Integrations > GitHub > GitHub Authentication and update the following:

  1. Enabled – set the switch to true.
  2. Client ID – the Client ID is found below the GitHub App ID on your GitHub App’s page.
  3. Client Secret – the Client secret is found below the Client ID on your GitHub App’s page.

Now, from the login page, your users can connect their GitHub accounts with the new “Log in with GitHub” button.

Creating a dedicated app for authentication

If you’re using Community Edition or you want to use a dedicated app for GitHub authentication, you can create a GitHub OAuth app. You’ll find general instructions for creating a GitHub OAuth App here. Specify the following settings in your OAuth App:

  • Homepage URL – the public URL of your SonarQube server. For example, For security reasons, HTTP is not supported, and you must use HTTPS. The public URL is configured in SonarQube at Administration > General > Server base URL.
  • Authorization callback URL – your instance’s base URL. For example,

After creating your app, update your global SonarQube settings:

Navigate to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > ALM Integrations > GitHub > GitHub Authentication and update the following:

  1. Enabled – set the switch to true.
  2. Client ID – the Client ID is found below the GitHub App ID on your GitHub App’s page.
  3. Client Secret – the Client secret is found below the Client ID on your GitHub App’s page.

Now, from the login page, your users can connect their GitHub accounts with the new “Log in with GitHub” button.