You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

QualityGateFilter-test.tsx.snap 503B

  1. // Jest Snapshot v1,
  2. exports[`renders 1`] = `
  3. <Filter
  4. getFacetValueForOption={[Function]}
  5. header={
  6. <FilterHeader
  7. name="projects.facets.quality_gate"
  8. />
  9. }
  10. onQueryChange={[MockFunction]}
  11. options={
  12. Array [
  13. "OK",
  14. "WARN",
  15. "ERROR",
  16. ]
  17. }
  18. property="gate"
  19. query={Object {}}
  20. renderOption={[Function]}
  21. />
  22. `;
  23. exports[`renders 2`] = `
  24. <React.Fragment>
  25. <Level
  26. level={2}
  27. muted={true}
  28. small={true}
  29. />
  30. </React.Fragment>
  31. `;