You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

DateInput-test.tsx.snap 9.2KB

  1. // Jest Snapshot v1,
  2. exports[`should render 1`] = `
  3. <OutsideClickHandler
  4. onClickOutside={[Function]}
  5. >
  6. <span
  7. className="date-input-control"
  8. >
  9. <injectIntl(Component)
  10. className="date-input-control-input"
  11. innerRef={[Function]}
  12. onFocus={[Function]}
  13. placeholder="placeholder"
  14. readOnly={true}
  15. type="text"
  16. />
  17. <CalendarIcon
  18. className="date-input-control-icon"
  19. fill=""
  20. />
  21. </span>
  22. </OutsideClickHandler>
  23. `;
  24. exports[`should render 2`] = `
  25. <OutsideClickHandler
  26. onClickOutside={[Function]}
  27. >
  28. <span
  29. className="date-input-control"
  30. >
  31. <injectIntl(Component)
  32. className="date-input-control-input is-filled"
  33. innerRef={[Function]}
  34. onFocus={[Function]}
  35. placeholder="placeholder"
  36. readOnly={true}
  37. type="text"
  38. value={2018-01-17T00:00:00.000Z}
  39. />
  40. <CalendarIcon
  41. className="date-input-control-icon"
  42. fill=""
  43. />
  44. <ClearButton
  45. aria-label="reset_verb"
  46. className="button-tiny date-input-control-reset"
  47. iconProps={
  48. Object {
  49. "size": 12,
  50. }
  51. }
  52. onClick={[Function]}
  53. />
  54. </span>
  55. </OutsideClickHandler>
  56. `;
  57. exports[`should render 3`] = `
  58. <OutsideClickHandler
  59. onClickOutside={[Function]}
  60. >
  61. <span
  62. className="date-input-control"
  63. >
  64. <injectIntl(Component)
  65. className="date-input-control-input is-filled"
  66. innerRef={[Function]}
  67. onFocus={[Function]}
  68. placeholder="placeholder"
  69. readOnly={true}
  70. type="text"
  71. value={2018-01-17T00:00:00.000Z}
  72. />
  73. <CalendarIcon
  74. className="date-input-control-icon"
  75. fill=""
  76. />
  77. <ClearButton
  78. aria-label="reset_verb"
  79. className="button-tiny date-input-control-reset"
  80. iconProps={
  81. Object {
  82. "size": 12,
  83. }
  84. }
  85. onClick={[Function]}
  86. />
  87. <div
  88. className="date-input-calendar"
  89. >
  90. <nav
  91. className="date-input-calendar-nav"
  92. >
  93. <ButtonIcon
  94. className="button-small"
  95. onClick={[Function]}
  96. >
  97. <ChevronLeftIcon />
  98. </ButtonIcon>
  99. <div
  100. className="date-input-calender-month"
  101. >
  102. <Select
  103. aria-label="select_month"
  104. className="date-input-calender-month-select"
  105. onChange={[Function]}
  106. options={
  107. Array [
  108. Object {
  109. "label": "Jan",
  110. "value": 0,
  111. },
  112. Object {
  113. "label": "Feb",
  114. "value": 1,
  115. },
  116. Object {
  117. "label": "Mar",
  118. "value": 2,
  119. },
  120. Object {
  121. "label": "Apr",
  122. "value": 3,
  123. },
  124. Object {
  125. "label": "May",
  126. "value": 4,
  127. },
  128. Object {
  129. "label": "Jun",
  130. "value": 5,
  131. },
  132. Object {
  133. "label": "Jul",
  134. "value": 6,
  135. },
  136. Object {
  137. "label": "Aug",
  138. "value": 7,
  139. },
  140. Object {
  141. "label": "Sep",
  142. "value": 8,
  143. },
  144. Object {
  145. "label": "Oct",
  146. "value": 9,
  147. },
  148. Object {
  149. "label": "Nov",
  150. "value": 10,
  151. },
  152. Object {
  153. "label": "Dec",
  154. "value": 11,
  155. },
  156. ]
  157. }
  158. value={
  159. Object {
  160. "label": "Jan",
  161. "value": 0,
  162. }
  163. }
  164. />
  165. <Select
  166. aria-label="select_year"
  167. className="date-input-calender-month-select spacer-left"
  168. onChange={[Function]}
  169. options={
  170. Array [
  171. Object {
  172. "label": "2008",
  173. "value": 2008,
  174. },
  175. Object {
  176. "label": "2009",
  177. "value": 2009,
  178. },
  179. Object {
  180. "label": "2010",
  181. "value": 2010,
  182. },
  183. Object {
  184. "label": "2011",
  185. "value": 2011,
  186. },
  187. Object {
  188. "label": "2012",
  189. "value": 2012,
  190. },
  191. Object {
  192. "label": "2013",
  193. "value": 2013,
  194. },
  195. Object {
  196. "label": "2014",
  197. "value": 2014,
  198. },
  199. Object {
  200. "label": "2015",
  201. "value": 2015,
  202. },
  203. Object {
  204. "label": "2016",
  205. "value": 2016,
  206. },
  207. Object {
  208. "label": "2017",
  209. "value": 2017,
  210. },
  211. Object {
  212. "label": "2018",
  213. "value": 2018,
  214. },
  215. ]
  216. }
  217. value={
  218. Object {
  219. "label": "2018",
  220. "value": 2018,
  221. }
  222. }
  223. />
  224. </div>
  225. <ButtonIcon
  226. className="button-small"
  227. onClick={[Function]}
  228. >
  229. <ChevronRightIcon />
  230. </ButtonIcon>
  231. </nav>
  232. <DayPicker
  233. canChangeMonth={true}
  234. captionElement={<NullComponent />}
  235. classNames={
  236. Object {
  237. "body": "DayPicker-Body",
  238. "caption": "DayPicker-Caption",
  239. "container": "DayPicker",
  240. "day": "DayPicker-Day",
  241. "disabled": "disabled",
  242. "footer": "DayPicker-Footer",
  243. "interactionDisabled": "DayPicker--interactionDisabled",
  244. "month": "DayPicker-Month",
  245. "months": "DayPicker-Months",
  246. "navBar": "DayPicker-NavBar",
  247. "navButtonInteractionDisabled": "DayPicker-NavButton--interactionDisabled",
  248. "navButtonNext": "DayPicker-NavButton DayPicker-NavButton--next",
  249. "navButtonPrev": "DayPicker-NavButton DayPicker-NavButton--prev",
  250. "outside": "outside",
  251. "selected": "selected",
  252. "today": "today",
  253. "todayButton": "DayPicker-TodayButton",
  254. "week": "DayPicker-Week",
  255. "weekNumber": "DayPicker-WeekNumber",
  256. "weekday": "DayPicker-Weekday",
  257. "weekdays": "DayPicker-Weekdays",
  258. "weekdaysRow": "DayPicker-WeekdaysRow",
  259. "wrapper": "DayPicker-wrapper",
  260. }
  261. }
  262. disabledDays={
  263. Object {
  264. "after": 2018-02-05T00:00:00.000Z,
  265. "before": 2018-01-17T00:00:00.000Z,
  266. }
  267. }
  268. enableOutsideDaysClick={true}
  269. firstDayOfWeek={1}
  270. fixedWeeks={false}
  271. labels={
  272. Object {
  273. "nextMonth": "Next Month",
  274. "previousMonth": "Previous Month",
  275. }
  276. }
  277. locale="en"
  278. localeUtils={
  279. Object {
  280. "default": Object {
  281. "formatDay": [Function],
  282. "formatMonthTitle": [Function],
  283. "formatWeekdayLong": [Function],
  284. "formatWeekdayShort": [Function],
  285. "getFirstDayOfWeek": [Function],
  286. "getMonths": [Function],
  287. },
  288. "formatDay": [Function],
  289. "formatMonthTitle": [Function],
  290. "formatWeekdayLong": [Function],
  291. "formatWeekdayShort": [Function],
  292. "getFirstDayOfWeek": [Function],
  293. "getMonths": [Function],
  294. }
  295. }
  296. month={2018-01-17T00:00:00.000Z}
  297. navbarElement={<NullComponent />}
  298. numberOfMonths={1}
  299. onDayClick={[Function]}
  300. onDayMouseEnter={[Function]}
  301. pagedNavigation={false}
  302. renderDay={[Function]}
  303. renderWeek={[Function]}
  304. reverseMonths={false}
  305. selectedDays={
  306. Array [
  307. 2018-01-17T00:00:00.000Z,
  308. ]
  309. }
  310. showOutsideDays={false}
  311. showWeekDays={true}
  312. showWeekNumbers={false}
  313. tabIndex={0}
  314. weekdayElement={<Weekday />}
  315. weekdaysLong={
  316. Array [
  317. "Sunday",
  318. "Monday",
  319. "Tuesday",
  320. "Wednesday",
  321. "Thursday",
  322. "Friday",
  323. "Saturday",
  324. ]
  325. }
  326. weekdaysShort={
  327. Array [
  328. "Sun",
  329. "Mon",
  330. "Tue",
  331. "Wed",
  332. "Thu",
  333. "Fri",
  334. "Sat",
  335. ]
  336. }
  337. />
  338. </div>
  339. </span>
  340. </OutsideClickHandler>
  341. `;
  342. exports[`should select a day 1`] = `
  343. <OutsideClickHandler
  344. onClickOutside={[Function]}
  345. >
  346. <span
  347. className="date-input-control"
  348. >
  349. <injectIntl(Component)
  350. className="date-input-control-input"
  351. innerRef={[Function]}
  352. onFocus={[Function]}
  353. placeholder="placeholder"
  354. readOnly={true}
  355. type="text"
  356. />
  357. <CalendarIcon
  358. className="date-input-control-icon"
  359. fill=""
  360. />
  361. </span>
  362. </OutsideClickHandler>
  363. `;