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upgrade-plugins.yml 1.7KB

  1. name: Upgrade SonarQube bundled plugins
  2. on:
  3. schedule:
  4. # At 9:00 every Monday
  5. - cron: '0 9 * * MON'
  6. jobs:
  7. upgrade-plugins-job:
  8. # prevent job to run on public repository sonarsource/sonarqube (where action sources are not available)
  9. if: github.repository == 'sonarsource/sonar-enterprise'
  10. runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  11. name: Upgrades the version of plugins bundled into SonarQube
  12. steps:
  13. - uses: actions/checkout@v1
  14. with:
  15. fetch-depth: 1
  16. ref: master
  17. - name: Upgrade plugins in build and create JIRA ticket
  18. id: upgrade-plugins
  19. uses: ./private/github/actions/upgrade-plugins
  20. env:
  22. JIRA_LOGIN: ${{ secrets.JIRA_LOGIN }}
  23. JIRA_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.JIRA_PASSWORD }}
  24. REPOX_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.REPOX_API_KEY }}
  25. REPOX_LOGIN: ${{ secrets.REPOX_LOGIN }}
  26. with:
  27. build_gradle_path: build.gradle
  28. - name: Create Pull Request
  29. if: steps.upgrade-plugins.outputs.has_changes == 'true'
  30. uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v1.5.1
  31. env:
  32. COMMIT_MESSAGE: ${{ steps.upgrade-plugins.outputs.commit_message }}
  33. GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_ORG_TOKEN }}
  34. PULL_REQUEST_TITLE: ${{ steps.upgrade-plugins.outputs.commit_message }}
  35. PULL_REQUEST_BODY: Auto-generated pull request to apply plugin upgrades. Release notes in [${{ steps.upgrade-plugins.outputs.jira_ticket }}](${{ steps.upgrade-plugins.outputs.jira_ticket }}).
  36. PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH: bot/upgrade_plugins
  37. PULL_REQUEST_REVIEWERS: wouter-admiraal-sonarsource
  38. BRANCH_SUFFIX: timestamp