2017-08-15 17:21:24 +02:00

268 lines
9.6 KiB

// flow-typed signature: d94730953f5a16ea863cdff3e9a1e239
// flow-typed version: b43dff3e0e/backbone_v1.x.x/flow_>=v0.20.x
declare module 'backbone' {
declare var $: any; // @TODO this is no correct, but it is difficult to require another definition from here.
declare var _: any; // @TODO this is no correct, but it is difficult to require another definition from here.
declare var version: string;
declare type eventCallback = (event: Event) => void | mixed;
declare type Attrs = {[name: string]: mixed};
declare type CRUDMethod = 'create' | 'read' | 'update' | 'delete';
* Events Module -
declare class Events {
// Not sure the best way of adding these to the declaration files
on(event: string, callback: eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
once(event: string, callback: eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
bind(event: string, callback: eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
off(event: ?string, callback?: ?eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
unbind(event: ?string, callback?: ?eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
trigger(event: string, ...args?: Array<mixed>): void;
listenTo(other: Events, event: string, callback: eventCallback): void;
listenToOnce(other: Events, event: string, callback: eventCallback): void;
stopListening(other: Events, callback?: ?eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
static on(event: string, callback: eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
static bind(event: string, callback: eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
static off(event: ?string, callback?: ?eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
static unbind(event: ?string, callback?: ?eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
static trigger(event: string, ...args?: Array<mixed>): void;
static listenTo(other: Events, event: string, callback: eventCallback): void;
static stopListening(other: Events, callback?: ?eventCallback, context?: Object): void;
* Model Class -
declare type ModelOpts = {
collection?: Collection<*>,
parse?: Function,
[optionName: string]: mixed
declare class Model mixins Events {
static extend<P, CP>(instanceProperies: P, classProperties?: CP): Class<Model & P> & CP;
constructor(attributes?: Attrs, options?: ModelOpts): void;
static initialize(attributes?: Attrs, options?: ModelOpts): void;
initialize(): void;
get(attr: string): any;
set(attrs: Attrs, options?: Object): this;
set(attr: string, value: mixed, options?: Object): this;
escape(attr: string): mixed;
has(attr: string): boolean;
unset(attr: string, options?: { unset?: boolean }): this;
clear(options?: Object): this;
id: string | number;
idAttribute: string;
cid: string;
cidPrefix: string;
attributes: Attrs;
changed: ?Object;
defaults(attr: Object): void;
defaults(attr: () => void): void;
toJSON(): Attrs;
sync: sync;
//Start jQuery XHR
// @TODO should return a jQuery XHR, but I cannot define this without the dependency on jquery lib def
fetch(options?: Object): any;
save(attrs: Attrs, options?: Object): any;
save(attr: string, value: mixed, options?: Object): any;
destroy(options?: Object): any;
// End jQuery XHR
validate(attrs: Attrs, options?: Object): boolean;
validationError: ?Object;
isValid(): boolean;
url(): string;
urlRoot: string | () => string;
parse(response: Object, options?: Object): any;
clone: this;
isNew: boolean;
hasChanged(attribute?: string): boolean;
chagnedAttributes(attributes?: {[attr: string]: mixed}): boolean;
previous(attribute: string): mixed;
previousAttirbutes(): Attrs;
// Start Underscore methods
// @TODO Underscore Methods should be defined by the library definition
keys(): string[];
values(): mixed[];
pairs: Function;
invert: Function;
pick: Function;
omit: Function;
chain(): Function;
isEmpty(): boolean;
// End underscore methods
* Collection Class -
declare class Collection<TModel> mixins Events {
static extend<P, CP>(instanceProperies: P, classProperties?: CP): Class<Collection<*> & P> & CP;
constructor(models?: TModel, options?: Object): this;
initialize(models?: TModel, options?: Object): this;
model: TModel;
modelId(attributes: TModel): string;
models: TModel[];
toJSON(options?: Object): TModel[];
sync: sync;
// Underscore Methods
// @TODO should be defined by the underscore library defintion and not as generic functions.
forEach: Function; //(each)
map: Function; //(collect)
reduce: Function; // (foldl, inject)
reduceRight: Function; //(foldr)
find: Function; // (detect)
findIndex: Function;
findLastIndex: Function;
filter: Function; //(select)
reject: Function;
every: Function; //(all)
some: Function; //(any)
contains: Function; //(includes)
invoke: Function;
max: Function;
min: Function;
sortBy: Function;
groupBy: Function;
shuffle: Function;
toArray: Function;
size: Function;
first: Function; //(head, take)
initial: Function;
rest: Function; //(tail, drop)
last: Function;
without: Function;
indexOf: Function;
lastIndexOf: Function;
isEmpty: Function;
chain: Function;
difference: Function;
sample: Function;
partition: Function;
countBy: Function;
indexBy: Function;
// end underscore methods
add(models: Array<TModel>, options?: Object): void;
remove(models: Array<TModel>, options?: Object): void;
reset(models?: Array<TModel>, options?: Object): void;
set(models: Array<TModel>, options?: Object): void;
get(id: string): ?TModel;
at(index: number): ?TModel;
push(model: TModel, options?: Object): void;
pop(otions?: Object): void;
unshift(model: TModel, options?: Object): void;
shift(options?: Object): TModel;
slice(begin: number, end: number): Array<TModel>;
length: number;
comparator: string | (attr: string) => any | (attrA: TModel, attrB: TModel) => number;
sort(options?: Object): Array<TModel>;
pluck(attribute: string): Array<TModel>;
where(attributes: {[attributeName: string]: mixed}): Array<TModel>;
findWhere(attributes: {[attributeName: string]: mixed}): TModel;
url: () => string | string;
parse(response: Object, options: Object): Object;
clone(): this;
fetch(options?: Object): void;
create(attributes: Object, options?: Object): void;
* Router Class
declare class Router mixins Events {
static extend<P, CP>(instanceProperies: P, classProperties?: CP): Class<Router & P> & CP;
routes: {
[route: string]: string | ((e: Event) => mixed | void);
constructor(options?: Object): this;
initialize(options?: Object): this;
route(route: string, name: string, callback?: (e: Event) => mixed | void): this;
navigate(fragment: string, options?: { trigger?: boolean, replace?: boolean}): this;
execute(callback: Function, args: Array<mixed>, name: string): void | mixed;
* History -
declare class History mixins Events {
static extend<P, CP>(instanceProperies: P, classProperties?: CP): Class<History & P> & CP;
static started: boolean;
constructor(options?: Object): this;
initialize(options?: Object): this;
start(options?: { pushState?: boolean, hashChange?: boolean, root?: string}): this;
navigate(fragment: string, options?: { trigger?: boolean, replace?: boolean}): boolean | void;
loadUrl(fragment: string): boolean;
route(route: string, callback: Function): void;
decodeFragment(fragment: string): string;
getFragment(): string;
fragment: string;
declare var history: History;
* Sync -
declare function sync(method: CRUDMethod, model: Model, options?: Object): any; // Should really be a jQuery XHR.
declare function ajax(request: Object): any;
declare var emulateHTTP: boolean;
declare var emulateJSON: boolean;
* View -
declare type AttributesHasMap = {
[attribute: string]: mixed
declare type EventsHash = {
[event: string]: string | Function
declare class View mixins Events {
static extend<P, CP>(instanceProperies: P, classProperties?: CP): Class<View & P> & CP;
constructor(): this;
initialize(options?: Object): this;
el: HTMLElement | string;
$el: any;
setElement(el: HTMLElement): this;
attributes: AttributesHasMap | () => AttributesHasMap;
$: typeof $;
template(data: Object): string;
render(): this | mixed;
remove(): this;
events: EventsHash | () => EventsHash;
delegateEvents(events?: EventsHash): this;
undelegateEvents(): this;
* Declaring the export for backbone as well.
declare class Backbone {
Events: typeof Events;
Model: typeof Model;
Collection: typeof Collection;
Router: typeof Router;
History: typeof History;
history: typeof history;
View: typeof View;
// Sync
sync: typeof sync;
ajax: typeof ajax;
emulateHTTP: typeof emulateHTTP;
emulateJSON: typeof emulateJSON;
// Utilty
$: typeof $; // @TODO this is no correct, but it is difficult to require another definition from here.
_: typeof _; // @TODO this is no correct, but it is difficult to require another definition from here.
version: typeof version;
noConflict(): this;
declare var exports: Backbone;