You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
David Rautureau c9e60ded9b BUILD-612 Implement the check of source headers 6 年之前
.travis BUILD-478 Set TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR in ramdisk 6 年之前
gradle/wrapper Move To Gradle 6 年之前
plugins Fix gradle configuration 6 年之前
scripts Fix minor safety issues in built-in patches (#3155) 6 年之前
server BUILD-612 Implement the check of source headers 6 年之前
sonar-application SONAR-10378 Upgrade code analyzers to latest released versions 6 年之前
sonar-check-api Move To Gradle 6 年之前
sonar-core SONAR-10486 Display badges for applications 6 年之前
sonar-duplications Order list of Gradle dependencies 6 年之前
sonar-home Order list of Gradle dependencies 6 年之前
sonar-markdown Order list of Gradle dependencies 6 年之前
sonar-plugin-api SONAR-5812 Remove the "accessors" metric 6 年之前
sonar-plugin-api-deps Move To Gradle 6 年之前
sonar-scanner-engine BUILD-612 Implement the check of source headers 6 年之前
sonar-scanner-engine-shaded Move To Gradle 6 年之前
sonar-scanner-protocol MMF-1134 Make pull request a 1st class citizen 6 年之前
sonar-testing-harness Fix hamcrest dependency in sonar-testing-harness 6 年之前
sonar-ws SONAR-10489 Support cross file locations in WS 6 年之前
sonar-ws-generator Use consistent version of gson 6 年之前
tests BUILD-612 Implement the check of source headers 6 年之前
.gitignore Fix incremental build of sonar web 6 年之前
.travis.yml prevent build of branch public_master on Travis 6 年之前
HEADER BUILD-612 Implement the check of source headers 6 年之前
LICENSE.txt Add LICENSE.txt 8 年之前
NOTICE.txt Add NOTICE.txt file [ci skip] 7 年之前 Add template of pull request for contributors 6 年之前 BUILD-612 Implement the check of source headers 6 年之前
build.gradle BUILD-612 Implement the check of source headers 6 年之前 Move To Gradle 6 年之前 SONAR-5709 Add properties and sonar.web.javaAdditionalOpts 9 年之前 Rename to 7 年之前 Set version to 7.1.1.x 6 年之前
gradlew Move To Gradle 6 年之前
gradlew.bat Move To Gradle 6 年之前 [script] add + tail all SQ log files in 7 年之前 Move To Gradle 6 年之前 Improve logging for ITs 6 年之前 Improve logging for ITs 6 年之前 Improve logging for ITs 6 年之前
settings.gradle VSTS-141 Move vsts integration to it's own module 6 年之前 [SCRIPTS] add support for patches to 8 年之前 Move To Gradle 6 年之前 VSTS-141 Move vsts integration to it's own module 6 年之前

SonarQube Build Status

Continuous Inspection

SonarQube provides the capability to not only show health of an application but also to highlight issues newly introduced. With a Quality Gate in place, you can fix the leak and therefore improve code quality systematically.

Have Question or Feedback?

For support questions (“How do I?”, “I got this error, why?”, …), please first read the documentation and then head to Stackoverflow. We actively follow the sonarqube tag there, and there are chances that we have already answered to a question similar to yours.

To provide feedback (request a feature, report a bug etc.) use the SonarQube Google Group. Be aware that this group is a community, so the standard pleasantries (“Hi”, “Thanks”, …) are expected. And if you don’t get an answer to your thread, you should sit on your hands for at least three days before bumping it. Operators are not standing by. :-)


Pull Request

Please create a new thread in SonarQube Google Group when contributing a new feature. You have to be sure that the feature complies with our roadmap and expectations.

To submit a code contribution, create a pull request for this repository. Please explain your motives to contribute this change (if it’s not a new feature): what problem you are trying to fix, what improvement you are trying to make.

Make sure that you follow our code style and all tests are passing (Travis build is executed for each pull request).


To build sources locally follow these instructions.

Build and Run Unit Tests

Execute from project base directory:

./gradlew build

The zip distribution file is generated in sonar-application/build/distributions/. Unzip it and start server by executing:

# on linux
bin/linux-x86-64/ start 
# or on MacOS
bin/macosx-universal-64/ start
# or on Windows

Open in IDE

If the project has never been built, then build it as usual (see previous section) or use the quicker command:

./gradlew ide

Then simply open the root file build.gradle as a project in Intellij or Eclipse.

Run Integration Tests

Integration tests are grouped into categories, listed in [tests/build.gradle](). A single category should be run at a time, by executing from project base directory:

./gradlew integrationTest -Dcategory=<category>


./gradlew integrationTest -Dcategory=Category1

Configure Integration Tests

Environment of tests can be configured with command-line properties and file ~/.sonar/orchestrator/, if it exists. Here is a template example:

# Token used to download SonarSource private artifacts from,
# required for the category "Plugins".
# Generate your API key at

# Personal access token used to request SonarSource development licenses at,
# required for the category "Plugins". 
# Generate a token from

# Browser to be used in Selenium tests. 
# Values are:  
# - "firefox" (default). Supports only versions <= 46
# - "marionette", for versions of Firefox greater than 46
# - "chrome". Requires the Chrome driver to be installed (see 
#             On MacOS, simply run "brew install chromedriver".

# Port of SonarQube server, for example 10000. Default value is 0 (random).

# Maven installation, used by the tests running Scanner for Maven.
# By default Maven binary is searched in $PATH

# Database connection. Embedded H2 is used by default.

# Example for PostgreSQL:

# Example for Oracle 12c:

# Example for SQLServer

The path to a custom configuration file can be provided with command-line property -Dorchestrator.configUrl=file:///path/to/ or with environment variable ORCHESTRATOR_CONFIG_URL=file:///path/to/

Update the files missing the license header

Execute from project base directory:

./gradlew licenseFormat --rerun-tasks


Copyright 2008-2018 SonarSource.

Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0