You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

DetailsContent-test.tsx.snap 1.6KB

  1. // Jest Snapshot v1,
  2. exports[`should render correctly: is default 1`] = `
  3. <div
  4. className="layout-page-main-inner"
  5. >
  6. <Connect(withAppState(Conditions))
  7. conditions={Array []}
  8. metrics={Object {}}
  9. onAddCondition={[MockFunction]}
  10. onRemoveCondition={[MockFunction]}
  11. onSaveCondition={[MockFunction]}
  12. qualityGate={
  13. Object {
  14. "id": 1,
  15. "name": "qualitygate",
  16. }
  17. }
  18. />
  19. <div
  20. className="quality-gate-section"
  21. id="quality-gate-projects"
  22. >
  23. <header
  24. className="display-flex-center spacer-bottom"
  25. >
  26. <h3>
  27. quality_gates.projects
  28. </h3>
  29. <DocTooltip
  30. className="spacer-left"
  31. doc={Promise {}}
  32. />
  33. </header>
  34. quality_gates.projects_for_default
  35. </div>
  36. </div>
  37. `;
  38. exports[`should render correctly: is not default 1`] = `
  39. <div
  40. className="layout-page-main-inner"
  41. >
  42. <Connect(withAppState(Conditions))
  43. conditions={Array []}
  44. metrics={Object {}}
  45. onAddCondition={[MockFunction]}
  46. onRemoveCondition={[MockFunction]}
  47. onSaveCondition={[MockFunction]}
  48. qualityGate={
  49. Object {
  50. "id": 1,
  51. "name": "qualitygate",
  52. }
  53. }
  54. />
  55. <div
  56. className="quality-gate-section"
  57. id="quality-gate-projects"
  58. >
  59. <header
  60. className="display-flex-center spacer-bottom"
  61. >
  62. <h3>
  63. quality_gates.projects
  64. </h3>
  65. <DocTooltip
  66. className="spacer-left"
  67. doc={Promise {}}
  68. />
  69. </header>
  70. <Projects
  71. key="1"
  72. qualityGate={
  73. Object {
  74. "id": 1,
  75. "name": "qualitygate",
  76. }
  77. }
  78. />
  79. </div>
  80. </div>
  81. `;