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  1. package
  2. import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test
  3. class BlackBoxTest extends Test {
  4. BlackBoxTest() {
  5. def branch = System.getenv('GITHUB_BRANCH')
  6. if (branch != null && Set.of("branch-nightly-build", "master").contains(branch)) {
  7. jvmArgs("-javaagent:" + System.getenv('ASPECTJ_WEAVER_PATH'))
  8. }
  9. systemProperty 'java.awt.headless', 'true'
  10. systemProperty 'orchestrator.configUrl', System.getProperty('orchestrator.configUrl')
  11. systemProperty '', System.getProperty('')
  12. if (!project.version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) {
  13. systemProperty 'sonar.runtimeVersion', project.version
  14. }
  15. testLogging {
  16. events "skipped", "failed"
  17. showStandardStreams = true
  18. exceptionFormat 'full'
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }