2016-10-11 20:27:50 -02:00

144 líneas
3.7 KiB
Original Blame Histórico

Este archivo contiene caracteres Unicode invisibles

Este archivo contiene caracteres Unicode invisibles que son indistinguibles para los humanos, pero que pueden ser procesados de forma diferente por un ordenador. Si crees que esto es intencional, puedes ignorar esta advertencia. Usa el botón de Escape para revelarlos.

var del = require('del')
, gulp = require('gulp')
, chmod = require('gulp-chmod')
, concat = require('gulp-concat')
, header = require('gulp-header')
, rename = require('gulp-rename')
, size = require('gulp-size')
, trim = require('gulp-trimlines')
, uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
, wrapUmd = require('gulp-wrap')
, request = require('request')
, fs = require('fs')
, pkg = require('./package.json')
var headerLong = ['/*!'
, '* <%= %> - <%= pkg.description %>'
, '* @version <%= pkg.version %>'
, '* <%= pkg.homepage %>'
, '*'
, '* @copyright <%= %>'
, '* @license <%= pkg.license %>'
, '*'
, '* BUILT: <%= pkg.buildDate %>'
, '*/;'
, ''].join('\n')
var headerShort = '/*! <%= %> v<%= pkg.version %> <%= pkg.license %>*/;'
// all files in the right order (currently we don't use any dependency management system)
var parts = [
, 'src/regex.js'
, 'src/utilities.js'
, 'src/default.js'
, 'src/color.js'
, 'src/array.js'
, 'src/pointarray.js'
, 'src/patharray.js'
, 'src/number.js'
, 'src/element.js'
, 'src/fx.js'
, 'src/boxes.js'
, 'src/matrix.js'
, 'src/point.js'
, 'src/attr.js'
, 'src/transform.js'
, 'src/style.js'
, 'src/parent.js'
, 'src/ungroup.js'
, 'src/container.js'
, 'src/viewbox.js'
, 'src/event.js'
, 'src/defs.js'
, 'src/group.js'
, 'src/arrange.js'
, 'src/mask.js'
, 'src/clip.js'
, 'src/gradient.js'
, 'src/pattern.js'
, 'src/doc.js'
, 'src/shape.js'
, 'src/bare.js'
, 'src/use.js'
, 'src/rect.js'
, 'src/ellipse.js'
, 'src/line.js'
, 'src/poly.js'
, 'src/pointed.js'
, 'src/path.js'
, 'src/image.js'
, 'src/text.js'
, 'src/textpath.js'
, 'src/nested.js'
, 'src/hyperlink.js'
, 'src/marker.js'
, 'src/sugar.js'
, 'src/set.js'
, 'src/data.js'
, 'src/memory.js'
, 'src/selector.js'
, 'src/helpers.js'
, 'src/polyfill.js'
gulp.task('clean', function() {
return del([ 'dist/*' ])
* Compile everything in /src to one unified file in the order defined in the MODULES constant
* wrap the whole thing in a UMD wrapper (@see
* add the license information to the header plus the build time stamp
gulp.task('unify', ['clean'], function() {
pkg.buildDate = Date()
return gulp.src(parts)
.pipe(concat('svg.js', { newLine: '\n' }))
// wrap the whole thing in an immediate function call
.pipe(wrapUmd({ src: 'src/umd.js'}))
.pipe(header(headerLong, { pkg: pkg }))
.pipe(trim({ leading: false }))
.pipe(size({ showFiles: true, title: 'Full' }))
* uglify the file and show the size of the result
* add the license info
* show the gzipped file size
gulp.task('minify', ['unify'], function() {
return gulp.src('dist/svg.js')
.pipe(rename({ suffix:'.min' }))
.pipe(size({ showFiles: true, title: 'Minified' }))
.pipe(header(headerShort, { pkg: pkg }))
.pipe(size({ showFiles: true, gzip: true, title: 'Gzipped' }))
* rebuild documentation using documentup
gulp.task('docs', function() {
fs.readFile('', 'utf8', function (err, data) {
, { form: { content: data, name: 'SVG.js', theme: 'v1' } }
, function (error, response, body) {
// Replace stylesheet
body = body.replace('//', 'svgjs.css')
// Write file
fs.writeFile('docs/index.html', body, function(err) {})
gulp.task('default', ['clean', 'unify', 'minify'])