
Update documentation for Java viewer and add build instructions

git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/tigervnc/code/trunk@4711 3789f03b-4d11-0410-bbf8-ca57d06f2519
DRC 12年前
  1. 40
  2. 63
  3. 5

+ 40
- 0
BUILDING.txt ファイルの表示

@@ -90,6 +90,15 @@ Build Requirements (Windows)
variable prior to building TigerVNC.

Build Requirements (Java)

-- Sun/Oracle JDK v5 or later or OpenJDK

-- See "Building Java Support" below.

Out-of-Tree Builds
@@ -322,6 +331,37 @@ CMake will report:
if it successfully finds libjpeg-turbo.

Building Java Support

TigerVNC includes a Java version of the TigerVNC Viewer, which can be used on
any platform that has a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. The Java
viewer works similarly to the native viewer, but with lower performance.

To build the Java TigerVNC Viewer, add


to the CMake or build-xorg command line. The build system will attempt to find
an installed Java Development Kit (JDK) and determine the appropriate paths for
the Java compiler (javac) and the JAR creation utility (jar). You can override
these paths by setting the Java_JAVAC_EXECUTABLE and Java_JAR_EXECUTABLE CMake
variables. You can also override the default flags that are passed to javac
by setting the JAVACFLAGS CMake variable. The build system will look for
keytool and jarsigner in the same directory as Java_JAR_EXECUTABLE. These
tools are needed to sign the JAR file, which is necessary to enable certain
functionality (such as clipboard transfers) when the Java viewer is used as an

If the Java viewer is built along with the Windows TigerVNC Server (WinVNC),
then the build system will embed the Java viewer into WinVNC4.exe so that it
will automatically be served up using WinVNC's built-in HTTP server.
Similarly, if the Java viewer is built along with the Unix TigerVNC Server
(Xvnc), then the build system will include the Java viewer in the server

Building Native Language Support (NLS)

+ 63
- 411
java/src/com/tigervnc/vncviewer/README ファイルの表示

@@ -23,445 +23,97 @@ the individual files for details of the conditions under which they are made

Compiling from the sources

To compile all the .java files to .class files, simply do:

% make all

This will also generate a JAR (Java archive) file containing all the classes.
Most JVM (Java Virtual Machine) implementations are able to use either a set
of .class files, or the JAR archive.


There are three basic ways to use TigerVNC Java viewer:

1. Running applet as part of TigerVNC server installation.

Both the Unix and Windows versions of TigerVNC servers include small
built-in HTTP server which can serve Java viewer to Web clients. This
enables easy Web access to the shared desktop without need to install
any software on the client computer. Unix and Windows versions of
TigerVNC servers are different in the way they store the .class and .jar
files: the Unix server (Xvnc) is able to serve any set of files present
in a particular directory, while the Windows server (WinVNC) has all the
.class and .jar files inside the WinVNC executable file. Therefore, for
Xvnc, it's enough to copy the files into a correct directory, but for
WinVNC, the server binaries should be rebuild if the built-in Java
viewer should be updated.

To install the Java viewer under Xvnc, copy all the .class files, the
.jar file and the .vnc files to an installation directory (e.g.

cp *.class *.jar *.vnc /usr/local/vnc/classes

Also, make sure that the vncserver script is configured to point to the
installation directory (see the Xvnc manual page for the description of
the -httpd command-line option).

2. Running applet hosted on a standalone Web server.

Another possibility to use the Java viewer is to install it under a
fully-functional HTTP server such as Apache or IIS. Obviously, this
method requires running an HTTP server, and due to the Java security
restrictions, it's also required that the server should be installed on
the same machine which is running the TigerVNC server. In this case,
installation is simply copying the .class and .jar files into a
directory that is under control of the HTTP server. Also, an HTML page
should be created which will act as a the base document for the viewer
applet (see an example named index.html in this distribution).

NOTE: Provided index.html page is an example only. Before using that
file, edit it with a text editor. See more information inside
There are three basic ways to use the TigerVNC Java Viewer:

1. Running the applet as part of a TigerVNC Server installation.

Both the Unix and Windows versions of the TigerVNC Server include a small
built-in HTTP server that can serve the TigerVNC Java Viewer to web
clients. This enables easy access to the shared desktop without the need
to install any software on the client machine.

The Unix TigerVNC Server (Xvnc) is able to serve up any set of files that
are present in a particular directory, which is specified in the -httpd
argument to Xvnc. The default version of the vncserver script will look
for a directory called vnc/classes, one level up from the directory
containing the vncserver script, then it will look for a directory called
/usr/share/vnc/classes, then /usr/local/vnc/classes. It will set the
-httpd argument to Xvnc to the first one of these VNC classes directories
it finds. Thus, one can easily deploy a modified version of the TigerVNC
Java Viewer by simply copying a new version of VncViewer.jar and/or
index.vnc into the VNC classes directory.

In the case of the Windows TigerVNC Server, VncViewer.jar and index.vnc
are embedded as resources in the WinVNC executable, so deploying a
modified version of the TigerVNC Java Viewer on a Windows server requires
rebuilding WinVNC.

2. Running the applet from a standalone web server.

Another possibility for using the TigerVNC Java Viewer is to install it
under a fully-functional HTTP server, such as Apache or IIS. Due to Java
security restrictions, the applet must be signed in order for it to
connect to a VNC server running on a different machine from the HTTP

One can install the TigerVNC Java Viewer by simply copying the .class and
.jar files into a directory that is under the control of the HTTP server.
Also, an HTML page should be created to act as a the base document for the
TigerVNC Java Viewer applet (an example named index.html is provided in
this directory. Modify this file to suit your specific needs.)

3. Running the viewer as a standalone application.

Finally, the Java viewer can be executed locally on the client machine,
but this method requires installation of either JRE (Java Runtime
Environment) or JDK (Java Development Kit). If all the .class files are
in the current directory, the Java viewer can be executed like this,
from the command line:
Finally, the TigerVNC Java Viewer can be executed locally on the client
machine, but this method requires installation of either a JRE (Java
Runtime Environment) or a JDK (Java Development Kit). If VncViewer.jar is
in the current directory, then the TigerVNC Java Viewer can be launched
with the following command line:

java VncViewer HOST vnchost PORT 5900
java -jar VncViewer.jar [parameters]

The HOST parameter is required, PORT defaults to 5900 if omitted, and
there is a number of other optional parameters, see the Parameters
section below.
Add an argument of -? to the above command line to print a list of
optional parameters supported by VncViewer.


TigerVNC Java viewer supports a number of parameters allowing you to
customize its behavior. Most parameters directly correspond to the settings
found in the Options window. However, there are parameters that do not
correspond to those settings. For such parameters, you can see a note "no GUI
equivalent", in the documentation below.
The TigerVNC Java Viewer accepts a number of optional parameters, allowing you
to customize its behavior.

Parameters can be specified in one of the two ways, depending on how the Java
viewer is used:
Parameters can be specified in one of the two ways, depending on how the
TigerVNC Java Viewer is used:

1. When the Java viewer is run as an applet (embedded within an HTML
document), parameters should be specified in the <PARAM> HTML tags,
within the appropriate <APPLET> section. Here is an example:
1. When the TigerVNC Java Viewer is run as an applet (embedded within an HTML
document), parameters should be specified using the <PARAM> HTML tags
within the appropriate <APPLET> section. Example:

<APPLET CODE=VncViewer.class ARCHIVE=VncViewer.jar WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=300>
<APPLET CODE=com.tigervnc.vncviewer.VncViewer ARCHIVE=VncViewer.jar
<PARAM NAME="Scaling factor" VALUE=50>
<PARAM NAME="ScalingFactor" VALUE=50>

2. When run as a standalone application, the Java viewer reads parameters
from the command line. Command-line arguments should be specified in
pairs -- first goes parameter name, then parameter value. Here is a
command line example:

java VncViewer HOST vnchost PORT 5901 "Scaling factor" 50

Both parameter names and their values are case-insensitive. The only
exception is the "PASSWORD" parameter, as VNC passwords are case-sensitive.

Here is the complete list of parameters supported in TigerVNC Java viewer:

--> "HOST" (no GUI equivalent)

Value: host name or IP address of the VNC server.
Default: in applet mode, the host from which the applet was loaded.

This parameter tells the viewer which server to connect to. It's not
needed in the applet mode, because default Java security policy allow
connections from applets to the only one host anyway, and that is the
host from which the applet was loaded. However, this parameter is
required if the viewer is used as a standalone application.

--> "PORT" (no GUI equivalent)

Value: TCP port number on the VNC server.
Default: 5900.

This parameter specifies TCP port number for outgoing VNC connection.
Note that this port is not the one used for HTTP connection from the
browser, it is the port used for VNC/RFB connection. Usually, VNC servers
use ports 58xx for HTTP connections, and ports 59xx for RFB connections.
Thus, most likely, this parameter should be set to something like 5900,
5901 etc.


Value: session password in plain text.
Default: none, ask user.

DO NOT EVER USE THIS PARAMETER, unless you really know what you are
doing. It's extremely dangerous from the security point of view. When
this parameter is set, the viewer won't ever ask for a password.


Value: encrypted session password in hex-ascii.
Default: none, ask user.

The same as the "PASSWORD" parameter but DES-encrypted using a fixed key.
Its value should be represented in hex-ascii e.g. "494015f9a35e8b22".
This parameter has higher priority over the "PASSWORD" parameter. DO NOT
EVER USE THIS PARAMETER, unless you really know what you are doing. It's
extremely dangerous from the security point of view, and encryption does
not actually help here since the decryption key is always known.

--> "Encoding"

Values: "Auto", "Raw", "RRE", "CoRRE", "Hextile", "ZRLE", "Zlib", "Tight".
Default: "Auto".

The preferred encoding. If the value is "Auto", then the viewer will
continuously estimate average network throughput and request encodings
that are appropriate for current connection speed. "Hextile" is an
encoding that was designed for fast networks, while "Tight" is better
suited for low-bandwidth connections. From the other side, "Tight"
decoder in the TigerVNC Java viewer seems to be more efficient than
"Hextile" decoder so it may be ok for fast networks too. "ZRLE" encoding
is similar to "Tight", but it does not support JPEG compression and
compression levels. Unlike "Tight" encoding, "ZRLE" is supported in
recent versions of RealVNC products. Other encodings are not efficient
and provided for compatibility reasons.

--> "Compression level"

Values: "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9".
Default: "Default". ;-)

Use specified compression level for "Tight" and "Zlib" encodings. Level 1
uses minimum of CPU time on the server but achieves weak compression
ratios. Level 9 offers best compression but may be slow in terms of CPU
time consumption on the server side. Use high levels with very slow
network connections, and low levels when working over higher-speed
networks. The "Default" value means that the server's default compression
level should be used.

--> "JPEG image quality"

Values: "JPEG off", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9".
Default: "6".

Use the specified image quality level in "Tight" encoding. Quality level
0 denotes bad image quality but very impressive compression ratios, while
level 9 offers very good image quality at lower compression ratios. If
the value is "JPEG off", the server will not use lossy JPEG compression
in "Tight" encoding.

--> "Cursor shape updates"

Values: "Enable", "Ignore", "Disable".
Default: "Enable".

Cursor shape updates is a protocol extension used to handle remote cursor
movements locally on the client side, saving bandwidth and eliminating
delays in mouse pointer movement. Note that current implementation of
cursor shape updates does not allow a client to track mouse cursor
position at the server side. This means that clients would not see mouse
cursor movements if mouse was moved either locally on the server, or by
another remote VNC client. Set this parameter to "Disable" if you always
want to see real cursor position on the remote side. Setting this option
to "Ignore" is similar to "Enable" but the remote cursor will not be
visible at all. This can be a reasonable setting if you don't care about
cursor shape and don't want to see two mouse cursors, one above another.

--> "Use CopyRect"

Values: "Yes", "No".
Default: "Yes".

The "CopyRect" encoding saves bandwidth and drawing time when parts of
the remote screen are moving around. Most likely, you don't want to
change this setting.

--> "Restricted colors"

Values: "Yes", "No".
Default: "No".

If set to "No", then 24-bit color format is used to represent pixel data.
If set to "Yes", then only 8 bits are used to represent each pixel. 8-bit
color format can save bandwidth, but colors may look very inaccurate.

--> "Mouse buttons 2 and 3"

Values: "Normal", "Reversed".
Default: "Normal".

If set to "Reversed", then right mouse button (button 2) will act as it
was middle mouse button (button 3), and vice versa.

--> "View only"

Values: "Yes", "No".
Default: "No".

If set to "Yes", then all keyboard and mouse events in the desktop window
will be silently ignored and will not be passed to the remote side.

--> "Scale remote cursor"

Values: "No", "50%", "75%", "125%", "150%".
Default: "No".

If a percentage value is specified, the remote cursor is reduced
or enlarged accordingly. Scaling takes place only when "View only"
is set to "No", and "Cursor shape updates" is set to "Enable".

--> "Share desktop"

Values: "Yes", "No".
Default: "Yes".

Share the connection with other clients on the same VNC server. The exact
behaviour in each case depends on the server configuration.

--> "Open new window" (no GUI equivalent, applicable only in the applet mode)

Values: "Yes", "No".
Default: "No".

Operate in a separate window. This makes possible resizing the desktop,
and adds scroll bars when necessary. If the server supports variable
desktop size, the window will resize automatically when remote desktop
size changes.

--> "Scaling factor" (no GUI equivalent)

Value: an integer in the range of [1..1000], or the string "auto".
Default: "100".

Scale local representation of the remote desktop. The value is
interpreted as scaling factor in percents. The default value of 100%
corresponds to the original framebuffer size. Values below 100 reduce
image size, values above 100 enlarge the image proportionally. If the
parameter is set to "auto", automatic scaling is performed. Auto-scaling
tries to choose scaling factor such way that the whole remote framebuffer
will fit on the local screen. Currently, auto-scaling is supported only
when the remote desktop is shown in a separate frame (always true in the
application mode, and also in the applet mode with "Open new window"
parameter set to "yes").

--> "Show controls" (no GUI equivalent)

Values: "Yes", "No".
Default: "Yes".

Set to "No" if you want to get rid of that button panel at the top.

--> "Offer relogin" (no GUI equivalent, applicable only in the applet mode)

Values: "Yes", "No".
Default: "Yes".

If set to "No", the buttons "Login again" and "Close window" won't be
shown on disconnects or after an error has occured.

--> "Show offline desktop" (no GUI equivalent)

Values: "Yes", "No".
Default: "No".

If set to "Yes", the viewer would continue to display desktop even
if the remote side has closed the connection. In this case, if the
button panel is enabled, then the "Disconnect" button would be
changed to "Hide desktop" after the connection is lost.

--> "Defer screen updates" (no GUI equivalent)

Value: time in milliseconds.
Default: "20".

When updating the desktop contents after receiving an update from server,
schedule repaint within the specified number of milliseconds. Small delay
helps to coalesce several small updates into one drawing operation,
improving CPU usage. Set this parameter to 0 to disable deferred updates.

--> "Defer cursor updates" (no GUI equivalent)

Value: time in milliseconds.
Default: "10".

When updating the desktop after moving the mouse, schedule repaint within
the specified number of milliseconds. This setting makes sense only when
"Cursor shape updates" parameter is set to "Enable". Small delay helps to
coalesce several small updates into one drawing operation, improving CPU
usage. Set this parameter to 0 to disable deferred cursor updates.

--> "Defer update requests" (no GUI equivalent)

Value: time in milliseconds.
Default: "0".

After processing an update received from server, wait for the specified
number of milliseconds before requesting next screen update. Such delay
will end immediately on every mouse or keyboard event if not in the "view
only" mode. Small delay helps the server to coalesce several small
updates into one framebuffer update, improving both bandwidth and CPU
usage. Increasing the parameter value does not affect responsiveness on
mouse and keyboard events, but causes delays in updating the screen when
there is no mouse and keyboard activity on the client side.

--> "SocketFactory" (no GUI equivalent)

Value: name of the class.
Default: none.
2. When run as a standalone application, the TigerVNC Java Viewer reads
parameters from the command line. Example:

This option provides the way to define an alternate I/O implementation.
The dynamically referenced class must implement a SocketFactory
interface, and create a Socket, as configured by this parameter. See the
source in SocketFactory.java.

--> "DEBUG_XU" (no GUI equivalent)

Value: non-negative integer.
Default: 0.

Debugging option that causes update statistics reset after the specified
number of first framebuffer updates. This option was added to measure the
performance of a VNC server. First few updates (especially the very first
one) may be notably slower than others, and the viewer can exclude such
updates from statistics.

--> "DEBUG_CU" (no GUI equivalent)

Value: non-negative integer.
Default: 0.

Debugging option that causes the viewer disconnect after the specified
number of framebuffer updates. When used with the "DEBUG_XU" parameter,
the number of updates specified in "DEBUG_XU" is not counted as part of
this parameter's value. E.g. if "DEBUG_XU"=2 and "DEBUG_CU"=10, then the
viewer will disconnect after 12 framebuffer updates: update statistics
will be reset after first two updates, then collected for next 10
updates, then the viewer will disconnect automatically. If the value is
0, the viewer will not disconnect automatically. This option was added to
measure the performance of a VNC server.
java -jar VncViewer.jar Port=5901 ScalingFactor=50

Both parameter names and their values are case-insensitive.

For a complete list of parameters and their descriptions, run:

Current version of the TigerVNC Java viewer is able to record VNC (RFB)
sessions in files for later playback. The data format in saved session files
is compatible with the rfbproxy program written by Tim Waugh. Most important
thing about session recording is that it's supported only if Java security
manager allows access to local filesystem. Typically, it would not work for
unsigned applets. To use this feature, either use TigerVNC Java viewer as a
standalone application (Java Runtime Environment or Java Development Kit
should be installed), or as a signed applet. The code checks if it's possible
to support session recording, and if everything's fine, the new "Record"
button should appear in the button panel. Pressing this button opens new
window which controls session recording. The GUI is pretty self-explained.

Other important facts about session recording:

--> All sessions are recorded in the 24-bit color format. If you use
restricted colors (8-bit format), it will be temporarly switched to
24-bit mode during session recording.

--> All sessions are recorded with cursor shape updates turned off. This is
necessary to represent remote cursor movements in recorded sessions.

--> Closing and re-opening the recording control window does not affect the
recording. It's not necessary to keep that window open during recording a

--> Avoid using Zlib and ZRLE encodings when recording sessions. If you have
started recording BEFORE opening a VNC session, then you are ok. But
otherwise, all Zlib-encoded updates will be saved Raw-encoded (that is,
without compression at all). The case with ZRLE is even worse -- ZRLE
updates will not be saved at all, so the resulting session file may be
corrupted. Zlib decoding depends on the pixel data received earlier, thus
saving the data received from the server at an arbitrary moment is not
sufficient to decompress it correctly. And there is no way to tell Zlib
or ZRLE decoder to reset decompressor's state -- that's a limitation of
these encoders. The viewer could re-compress raw pixel data again before
saving Zlib-encoded sessions, but unfortunately Java API does not allow
to flush zlib data streams making it impossible to save Zlib-encoded RFB
pixel data without using native code.

--> Usually, Tight encoding is the most suitable one for session recording,
but some of the issues described above for the Zlib encoding affect the
Tight encoding as well. Unlike Zlib sessions, Tight-encoded sessions are
always saved Tight-encoded, but the viewer has to re-compress parts of
data to synchronize encoder's and decoder's zlib streams. And, due to
Java zlib API limitations, zlib streams' states have to be reset on each
compressed rectangle, causing compression ratios to be lower than in the
original VNC session. If you want to achieve the best possible
performance, turn recording on BEFORE connecting to the VNC server,
otherwise CPU usage and compression ratios may be notably less efficient.
java -jar VncViewer.jar -?


--> To refresh remote desktop in the view-only mode, press "r" or "R"
--> To refresh the remote desktop in the view-only mode, press "r" or "R"
on the keyboard.

+ 5
- 14
java/src/com/tigervnc/vncviewer/index.html ファイルの表示

@@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
index.html - an example HTML page for TigerVNC Java viewer applet, to be
used with a standalone Web server running on the same machine where the
TigerVNC server is running. Before using this example, please MAKE SURE
to check the following:

* the value of the PORT parameter should be set correctly (normally, the
port number is 5900 + display number);
index.html - an example HTML page for the TigerVNC Java Viewer applet, to
be used with a standalone web server. Before using this example, please
MAKE SURE to check the following:

* the CODE and ARCHIVE attributes of the <APPLET> tag should point to
the correct directory (this example assumes that this page is in the
same directory with .jar and .class files);

* the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes of the <APPLET> tag correspond to the
actual desktop size on the server (height should be increased to leave
enough space for the button panel).
same directory as VncViewer.jar);

@@ -21,8 +13,7 @@
TigerVNC desktop
<APPLET CODE="com.tigervnc.vncviewer.VncViewer" ARCHIVE="VncViewer.jar"
WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="632">
<A href="http://www.tigervnc.org/">TigerVNC site</A>
