Explorar el Código

Changed all user-visible strings from colour to color.

Also, the Windows viewer now accepts arguments with both spellings.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/tigervnc/code/trunk@69 3789f03b-4d11-0410-bbf8-ca57d06f2519
Peter Åstrand hace 19 años

+ 1
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rfb/PixelFormat.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ void PixelFormat::print(char* str, int len) const

if (!trueColour) {
strncat(str, " colour-map", len-1-strlen(str));
strncat(str, " color-map", len-1-strlen(str));

+ 3
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rfb/TransImageGetter.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ void TransImageGetter::init(PixelBuffer* pb_, const PixelFormat& out,

if (!outPF.trueColour) {
if (outPF.bpp != 8)
throw Exception("TransImageGetter: outPF has colour map but not 8bpp");
throw Exception("TransImageGetter: outPF has color map but not 8bpp");

if (!inPF.trueColour) {
if (inPF.bpp != 8)
throw Exception("TransImageGetter: inPF has colourMap but not 8bpp");
throw Exception("TransImageGetter: inPF has colorMap but not 8bpp");

// CM to CM/Cube

@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ void TransImageGetter::init(PixelBuffer* pb_, const PixelFormat& out,
// CM to TC

if (inPF.bpp != 8)
throw Exception("TransImageGetter: inPF has colourMap but not 8bpp");
throw Exception("TransImageGetter: inPF has colorMap but not 8bpp");
transFn = transSimpleFns[inPF.bpp/16][outPF.bpp/16];
(*initSimpleCMtoTCFns[outPF.bpp/16]) (&table, inPF, pb->getColourMap(),

+ 2
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rfb_win32/DIBSectionBuffer.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ void DIBSectionBuffer::setPF(const PixelFormat& pf) {
format = pf;
if ((pf.bpp <= 8) && pf.trueColour) {
vlog.debug("creating %d-bit TrueColour palette", pf.depth);
vlog.debug("creating %d-bit TrueColor palette", pf.depth);
for (int i=0; i < (1<<(pf.depth)); i++) {
palette[i].b = ((((i >> pf.blueShift) & pf.blueMax) * 65535) + pf.blueMax/2) / pf.blueMax;
palette[i].g = ((((i >> pf.greenShift) & pf.greenMax) * 65535) + pf.greenMax/2) / pf.greenMax;
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ void DIBSectionBuffer::recreateBuffer() {

void DIBSectionBuffer::refreshPalette() {
if (format.bpp > 8) {
vlog.error("refresh palette called for truecolour DIB");
vlog.error("refresh palette called for truecolor DIB");
vlog.debug("refreshing palette");

+ 1
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rfb_win32/DeviceFrameBuffer.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ void copyDevicePaletteToDIB(HDC dc, DIBSectionBuffer* dib) {
UINT entries = ::GetSystemPaletteEntries(dc, 0, 256, syspalette);

if (entries == 0) {
vlog.info("resorting to standard 16 colour palette");
vlog.info("resorting to standard 16 color palette");
for (unsigned int i=0;i<256;i++) {
int v = (i%16) >= 8 ? 127 : 255;
syspalette[i].peRed = i & 1 ? v : 0;

+ 1
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rfb_win32/SDisplay.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ SDisplay::notifyDisplayEvent(WMMonitor::Notifier::DisplayEventType evt) {
case WMMonitor::Notifier::DisplayColourMapChanged:
vlog.debug("desktop colourmap changed");
vlog.debug("desktop colormap changed");
if (server)

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rfb_win32/Win32Util.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ PixelFormat DeviceContext::getPF(HDC dc) {
switch (bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount) {
case 16:
// RGB 555 - High Colour
dcLog.info("16-bit High Colour");
dcLog.info("16-bit High Color");
rMask = 0x7c00;
bMask = 0x001f;
gMask = 0x03e0;
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ PixelFormat DeviceContext::getPF(HDC dc) {
case 24:
case 32:
// RGB 888 - True Colour
dcLog.info("24/32-bit High Colour");
dcLog.info("24/32-bit High Color");
rMask = 0xff0000;
gMask = 0x00ff00;
bMask = 0x0000ff;

+ 1
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rfbplayer/rfbplayer.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ void RfbPlayer::serverInit() {

// Check on the true colour mode
if (!(cp.pf()).trueColour)
throw rdr::Exception("This version plays only true colour session!");
throw rdr::Exception("This version plays only true color session!");

// Set the session pixel format

+ 1
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vncserver.man Ver fichero

@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ for depth 16 is RGB565 and for depth 24 is RGB888.
.B \-cc 3
As an alternative to the default TrueColor visual, this allows you to run an
Xvnc server with a PseudoColor visual (i.e. one which uses a colour map or
Xvnc server with a PseudoColor visual (i.e. one which uses a color map or
palette), which can be useful for running some old X applications which only
work on such a display. Values other than 3 (PseudoColor) and 4 (TrueColor)
for the \-cc option may result in strange behaviour, and PseudoColor desktops

+ 9
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vncviewer/CViewOptions.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -34,12 +34,16 @@ using namespace rfb::win32;
static BoolParameter useLocalCursor("UseLocalCursor", "Render the mouse cursor locally", true);
static BoolParameter useDesktopResize("UseDesktopResize", "Support dynamic desktop resizing", true);

static BoolParameter fullColour("FullColour",
"Use full colour", true);
static IntParameter lowColourLevel("LowColourLevel",
"Colour level to use on slow connections. "
"0 = Very Low (8 colours), 1 = Low (64 colours), 2 = Medium (256 colours)",
static BoolParameter fullColour("FullColor",
"Use full color", true);
static AliasParameter fullColourAlias("FullColour", "Alias for FullColor", &fullColour);

static IntParameter lowColourLevel("LowColorLevel",
"Color level to use on slow connections. "
"0 = Very Low (8 colors), 1 = Low (64 colors), 2 = Medium (256 colors)",
static AliasParameter lowColourLevelAlias("LowColourLevel", "Alias for LowColorLevel", &lowColourLevel);

static BoolParameter fullScreen("FullScreen",
"Use the whole display to show the remote desktop."
"(Press F8 to access the viewer menu)",

+ 1
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vncviewer/cview.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ CView::autoSelectFormatAndEncoding() {
// Select best color level
newFullColour = (kbitsPerSecond > 256);
if (newFullColour != options.fullColour) {
vlog.info("Throughput %d kbit/s - full colour is now %s",
vlog.info("Throughput %d kbit/s - full color is now %s",
newFullColour ? "enabled" : "disabled");
options.fullColour = newFullColour;

+ 6
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vncviewer/vncviewer.rc Ver fichero

@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ END

CAPTION "Colour/Encoding"
CAPTION "Color/Encoding"
FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
CONTROL "&Auto select",IDC_ENCODING_AUTO,"Button",
@@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ BEGIN

GROUPBOX "Colour level",IDC_STATIC,95,20,99,75
CONTROL "&Full (all available colours)",IDC_FORMAT_FULLCOLOUR,
GROUPBOX "Color level",IDC_STATIC,95,20,99,75
CONTROL "&Full (all available colors)",IDC_FORMAT_FULLCOLOUR,
"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP,100,30,90,15
CONTROL "&Medium (256 colours)",IDC_FORMAT_MEDIUMCOLOUR,"Button",
CONTROL "&Medium (256 colors)",IDC_FORMAT_MEDIUMCOLOUR,"Button",
CONTROL "&Low (64 colours)",IDC_FORMAT_LOWCOLOUR,"Button",
CONTROL "&Low (64 colors)",IDC_FORMAT_LOWCOLOUR,"Button",
CONTROL "&Very low (8 colours)",IDC_FORMAT_VERYLOWCOLOUR,"Button",
CONTROL "&Very low (8 colors)",IDC_FORMAT_VERYLOWCOLOUR,"Button",

CONTROL "Custom compression level:",IDC_CUSTOM_COMPRESSLEVEL,

+ 1
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vncviewer_unix/CConn.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ void CConn::autoSelectFormatAndEncoding()
// Select best color level
newFullColour = (kbitsPerSecond > 256);
if (newFullColour != fullColour) {
vlog.info("Throughput %d kbit/s - full colour is now %s",
vlog.info("Throughput %d kbit/s - full color is now %s",
newFullColour ? "enabled" : "disabled");
fullColour = newFullColour;

+ 5
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vncviewer_unix/OptionsDialog.h Ver fichero

@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ class OptionsDialog : public TXDialog, public TXButtonCallback,
OptionsDialog(Display* dpy, OptionsDialogCallback* cb_)
: TXDialog(dpy, 400, 450, "VNC Viewer: Connection Options"), cb(cb_),
formatAndEnc(dpy, "Encoding and Colour Level:", this),
formatAndEnc(dpy, "Encoding and Color Level:", this),
inputs(dpy, "Inputs:", this),
misc(dpy, "Misc:", this),
autoSelect(dpy, "Auto select", this, false, this),
fullColour(dpy, "Full (all available colours)", this, true, this),
mediumColour(dpy, "Medium (256 colours)", this, true, this),
lowColour(dpy, "Low (64 colours)", this, true, this),
veryLowColour(dpy, "Very low (8 colours)", this, true, this),
fullColour(dpy, "Full (all available colors)", this, true, this),
mediumColour(dpy, "Medium (256 colors)", this, true, this),
lowColour(dpy, "Low (64 colors)", this, true, this),
veryLowColour(dpy, "Very low (8 colors)", this, true, this),
tight(dpy, "Tight", this, true, this),
zrle(dpy, "ZRLE", this, true, this),
hextile(dpy, "Hextile", this, true, this),

+ 8
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vncviewer_unix/vncviewer.cxx Ver fichero

@@ -58,13 +58,14 @@ BoolParameter dotWhenNoCursor("DotWhenNoCursor",
"invisible cursor", true);
BoolParameter autoSelect("AutoSelect",
"Auto select pixel format and encoding", true);
BoolParameter fullColour("FullColour",
"Use full colour", true);
AliasParameter fullColor("FullColor", "Alias for FullColour", &fullColour);
IntParameter lowColourLevel("LowColourLevel",
"Colour level to use on slow connections. "
"0 = Very Low (8 colours), 1 = Low (64 colours), "
"2 = Medium (256 colours)", 2);
BoolParameter fullColour("FullColor",
"Use full color", true);
AliasParameter fullColourAlias("FullColour", "Alias for FullColor", &fullColour);
IntParameter lowColourLevel("LowColorLevel",
"Color level to use on slow connections. "
"0 = Very Low (8 colors), 1 = Low (64 colors), "
"2 = Medium (256 colors)", 2);
AliasParameter lowColourLevelAlias("LowColourLevel", "Alias for LowColorLevel", &lowColourLevel);
StringParameter preferredEncoding("PreferredEncoding",
"Preferred encoding to use (ZRLE, hextile or"
" raw) - implies AutoSelect=0", "");

+ 11
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vncviewer_unix/vncviewer.man Ver fichero

@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ showing the desktop of the VNC server.

The viewer tests the speed of the connection to the server and chooses the
encoding and pixel format (colour level) appropriately. This makes it much
encoding and pixel format (color level) appropriately. This makes it much
easier to use than previous versions where the user had to specify arcane
command line arguments.

The viewer normally starts out assuming the link is slow, using a low colour
The viewer normally starts out assuming the link is slow, using a low color
level and using the encoding with the best compression. If it turns out that
the link is fast enough it switches to full-colour mode and will use an
the link is fast enough it switches to full-color mode and will use an
encoding which compresses less but is faster to generate, thus improving the
interactive feel. Automatic selection can be turned off by setting the
\fBAutoSelect\fP parameter to false, or from the options dialog.
@@ -131,18 +131,18 @@ the viewer tests the speed of the connection to the server and chooses the
encoding and pixel format appropriately. Turn it off with \fB-AutoSelect=0\fP.

.B \-FullColour, \-FullColor
Tells the VNC server to send full-colour pixels in the best format for this
display. By default a low colour mode is used until AutoSelect decides the
.B \-FullColor, \-FullColour
Tells the VNC server to send full-color pixels in the best format for this
display. By default a low color mode is used until AutoSelect decides the
link is fast enough. However if the server's native pixel format is
colourmapped (as opposed to truecolour) then the server's format is used by
colormapped (as opposed to truecolor) then the server's format is used by

.B \-LowColourLevel \fIlevel\fP
Selects the reduced colour level to use on slow links. \fIlevel\fP can range
from 0 to 2, 0 meaning 8 colours, 1 meaning 64 colours (the default), 2 meaning
256 colours.
.B \-LowColorLevel, \-LowColourLevel \fIlevel\fP
Selects the reduced color level to use on slow links. \fIlevel\fP can range
from 0 to 2, 0 meaning 8 colors, 1 meaning 64 colors (the default), 2 meaning
256 colors.

.B \-PreferredEncoding \fIencoding\fP

+ 1
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xc/programs/Xserver/Xvnc.man Ver fichero

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ for depth 16 is RGB565 and for depth 24 is RGB888.
.B \-cc 3
As an alternative to the default TrueColor visual, this allows you to run an
Xvnc server with a PseudoColor visual (i.e. one which uses a colour map or
Xvnc server with a PseudoColor visual (i.e. one which uses a color map or
palette), which can be useful for running some old X applications which only
work on such a display. Values other than 3 (PseudoColor) and 4 (TrueColor)
for the \-cc option may result in strange behaviour, and PseudoColor desktops
