
Removed PollPointer parameter and the corresponding code. Polling the screen around the pointer rather decreased polling performance then improved responsiveness.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/tigervnc/code/trunk@2351 3789f03b-4d11-0410-bbf8-ca57d06f2519
Constantin Kaplinsky 16 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 14 次插入180 次删除
  1. 6
  2. 8

+ 6
- 153
unix/x0vncserver/PollingManager.cxx 查看文件

@@ -32,11 +32,6 @@

static LogWriter vlog("PollingMgr");

BoolParameter PollingManager::pollPointer
"DEBUG: Poll area under the pointer with higher priority",

const int PollingManager::m_pollingOrder[32] = {
0, 16, 8, 24, 4, 20, 12, 28,
10, 26, 18, 2, 22, 6, 30, 14,
@@ -56,7 +51,7 @@ PollingManager::PollingManager(Display *dpy, Image *image,
int offsetLeft, int offsetTop)
: m_dpy(dpy), m_server(0), m_image(image),
m_offsetLeft(offsetLeft), m_offsetTop(offsetTop),
m_pointerPosKnown(false), m_pollingStep(0)
// Save width and height of the screen (and the image).
m_width = m_image->xim->width;
@@ -73,12 +68,9 @@ PollingManager::PollingManager(Display *dpy, Image *image,
// underlying class names are different from the class name of the
// primary image.
m_rowImage = factory->newImage(m_dpy, m_width, 1);
m_areaImage = factory->newImage(m_dpy, 128, 128);
if (strcmp(m_image->className(), m_rowImage->className()) != 0 ||
strcmp(m_image->className(), m_areaImage->className()) != 0) {
vlog.error("Image types do not match (%s, %s)",
if (strcmp(m_image->className(), m_rowImage->className()) != 0) {
vlog.error("Image types do not match (%s)",

int numTiles = m_widthTiles * m_heightTiles;
@@ -93,7 +85,6 @@ PollingManager::~PollingManager()
delete[] m_videoFlags;
delete[] m_rateMatrix;

delete m_areaImage;
delete m_rowImage;

@@ -106,27 +97,6 @@ void PollingManager::setVNCServer(VNCServer *s)
m_server = s;

// Update current pointer position which may be used as a hint for
// polling algorithms.

void PollingManager::setPointerPos(const Point &pos)
m_pointerPosTime = time(NULL);
m_pointerPos = pos;
m_pointerPosKnown = true;

// Indicate that current pointer position is unknown.

void PollingManager::unsetPointerPos()
m_pointerPosKnown = false;

// DEBUG: Measuring time spent in the poll() function,
// as well as time intervals between poll() calls.
@@ -161,26 +131,8 @@ void PollingManager::poll()

// First step: full-screen polling.

bool changes1 = pollScreen();

// Second step: optional thorough polling of the area around the pointer.
// We do that only if the pointer position is known and was set recently.

bool changes2 = false;
if (pollPointer) {
if (m_pointerPosKnown && time(NULL) - m_pointerPosTime >= 5) {
if (m_pointerPosKnown) {
changes2 = pollPointerArea();

// Update if needed.

if (changes1 || changes2)
// Perform polling and try update clients if changes were detected.
if (pollScreen())

#ifdef DEBUG
@@ -333,105 +285,6 @@ bool PollingManager::detectVideo(bool *pmxChanged)
return (!r.is_empty());

// Compute coordinates of the rectangle around the pointer.
// ASSUMES: (m_pointerPosKnown != false)

void PollingManager::computePointerArea(Rect *r)
int x = m_pointerPos.x - 64;
int y = m_pointerPos.y - 64;
int w = 128;
int h = 128;
if (x < 0) {
w += x; x = 0;
if (x + w > m_width) {
w = m_width - x;
if (y < 0) {
h += y; y = 0;
if (y + h > m_height) {
h = m_height - y;

r->setXYWH(x, y, w, h);

// Poll the area under current pointer position. Each pixel of the
// area should be compared. Using such polling option gives higher
// priority to screen area under the pointer.
// ASSUMES: (m_server != NULL && m_pointerPosKnown != false)

bool PollingManager::pollPointerArea()
Rect r;

// Shortcuts for coordinates.
int x = r.tl.x, y = r.tl.y;
int w = r.width(), h = r.height();

// Get new pixels.
getArea128(x, y, w, h);

// Now, try to minimize the rectangle by cutting out unchanged
// borders (at top and bottom).
// FIXME: Perhaps we should work on 32x32 tiles (properly aligned)
// to produce a region instead of a rectangle. If there would
// be just one universal polling algorithm, it could be
// better to integrate pointer area polling into that
// algorithm, instead of a separate pollPointerArea()
// function.

// Shortcuts.
int bytesPerPixel = m_image->xim->bits_per_pixel / 8;
int oldBytesPerLine = m_image->xim->bytes_per_line;
int newBytesPerLine = m_areaImage->xim->bytes_per_line;
char *oldPtr = m_image->xim->data + y * oldBytesPerLine + x * bytesPerPixel;
char *newPtr = m_areaImage->xim->data;

// Check and cut out unchanged rows at the top.
int ty;
for (ty = 0; ty < h; ty++) {
if (memcmp(oldPtr, newPtr, w * bytesPerPixel) != 0)
oldPtr += oldBytesPerLine;
newPtr += newBytesPerLine;
if (ty == h) {
return false; // no changes at all
y += ty; h -= ty;

// Check and cut out unchanged rows at the bottom.
oldPtr = m_image->xim->data + (y+h-1) * oldBytesPerLine + x * bytesPerPixel;
newPtr = m_areaImage->xim->data + (ty+h-1) * newBytesPerLine;
int by;
for (by = 0; by < h - 1; by++) {
if (memcmp(oldPtr, newPtr, w * bytesPerPixel) != 0)
oldPtr -= oldBytesPerLine;
newPtr -= newBytesPerLine;
h -= by;

// Copy pixels.
m_image->updateRect(m_areaImage, x, y, 0, ty, w, h);

// Report updates to the server.
Rect rect(x, y, x+w, y+h);
return true;

PollingManager::getVideoAreaRect(Rect *result)

+ 8
- 27
unix/x0vncserver/PollingManager.h 查看文件

@@ -44,23 +44,22 @@ public:

void setVNCServer(VNCServer *s);

void setPointerPos(const Point &pos);
void unsetPointerPos();
// Currently, these functions do nothing. In past versions, we used
// to poll area around the pointer if its position has been changed
// recently. But that rather decreased overal polling performance,
// so we don't do that any more. However, pointer position may be a
// useful hint and might be used in future code, so we do not remove
// these functions, just in case.
void setPointerPos(const Point &pos) {}
void unsetPointerPos() {}

void poll();

// Configurable parameters.
static BoolParameter pollPointer;


// Screen polling. Returns true if some changes were detected.
bool pollScreen();

// Separate polling for the area around current pointer position.
void computePointerArea(Rect *r);
bool pollPointerArea();

Display *m_dpy;
VNCServer *m_server;

@@ -72,11 +71,6 @@ protected:
int m_widthTiles;
int m_heightTiles;

// Tracking pointer position for polling improvements.
bool m_pointerPosKnown;
Point m_pointerPos;
time_t m_pointerPosTime;


inline void getScreen() {
@@ -103,18 +97,6 @@ private:
m_offsetLeft + x, m_offsetTop + y, 1, h);

inline void getArea128(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
if (w == 128 && h == 128) {
// This version of get() may be better optimized.
m_offsetLeft + x, m_offsetTop + y);
} else {
// Generic version of get() for arbitrary width and height.
m_offsetLeft + x, m_offsetTop + y, w, h);

int checkRow(int x, int y, int w, bool *pmxChanged);
void sendChanges(bool *pmxChanged);
bool detectVideo(bool *pmxChanged);
@@ -128,7 +110,6 @@ private:

// Additional images used in polling algorithms.
Image *m_rowImage; // One row of the framebuffer
Image *m_areaImage; // Area around the pointer (up to 128x128)

char *m_rateMatrix;
char *m_videoFlags;
