/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2009-2017 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB * Copyright 2014 Brian P. Hinz * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ // // XserverDesktop.cxx // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "XserverDesktop.h" #include "vncBlockHandler.h" #include "vncExtInit.h" #include "vncHooks.h" #include "vncSelection.h" #include "XorgGlue.h" #include "Input.h" extern "C" { void vncSetGlueContext(int screenIndex); } using namespace rfb; using namespace network; static LogWriter vlog("XserverDesktop"); BoolParameter rawKeyboard("RawKeyboard", "Send keyboard events straight through and " "avoid mapping them to the current keyboard " "layout", false); IntParameter queryConnectTimeout("QueryConnectTimeout", "Number of seconds to show the " "Accept Connection dialog before " "rejecting the connection", 10); XserverDesktop::XserverDesktop(int screenIndex_, std::list listeners_, const char* name, const rfb::PixelFormat &pf, int width, int height, void* fbptr, int stride) : screenIndex(screenIndex_), server(0), listeners(listeners_), directFbptr(true), queryConnectId(0), queryConnectTimer(this) { format = pf; server = new VNCServerST(name, this); setFramebuffer(width, height, fbptr, stride); for (std::list::iterator i = listeners.begin(); i != listeners.end(); i++) { vncSetNotifyFd((*i)->getFd(), screenIndex, true, false); } } XserverDesktop::~XserverDesktop() { while (!listeners.empty()) { vncRemoveNotifyFd(listeners.back()->getFd()); delete listeners.back(); listeners.pop_back(); } if (!directFbptr) delete [] data; delete server; } void XserverDesktop::blockUpdates() { server->blockUpdates(); } void XserverDesktop::unblockUpdates() { server->unblockUpdates(); } void XserverDesktop::setFramebuffer(int w, int h, void* fbptr, int stride_) { ScreenSet layout; width_ = w; height_ = h; if (!directFbptr) { delete [] data; directFbptr = true; } if (!fbptr) { fbptr = new rdr::U8[w * h * (format.bpp/8)]; stride_ = w; directFbptr = false; } data = (rdr::U8*)fbptr; stride = stride_; vncSetGlueContext(screenIndex); layout = ::computeScreenLayout(&outputIdMap); server->setPixelBuffer(this, layout); } void XserverDesktop::refreshScreenLayout() { vncSetGlueContext(screenIndex); server->setScreenLayout(::computeScreenLayout(&outputIdMap)); } void XserverDesktop::start(rfb::VNCServer* vs) { // We already own the server object, and we always keep it in a // ready state assert(vs == server); } void XserverDesktop::stop() { } void XserverDesktop::queryConnection(network::Socket* sock, const char* userName) { int count; if (queryConnectTimer.isStarted()) { server->approveConnection(sock, false, "Another connection is currently being queried."); return; } count = vncNotifyQueryConnect(); if (count == 0) { server->approveConnection(sock, false, "Unable to query the local user to accept the connection."); return; } queryConnectAddress.replaceBuf(sock->getPeerAddress()); if (!userName) userName = "(anonymous)"; queryConnectUsername.replaceBuf(strDup(userName)); queryConnectId = (uint32_t)(intptr_t)sock; queryConnectSocket = sock; queryConnectTimer.start(queryConnectTimeout * 1000); } void XserverDesktop::bell() { server->bell(); } void XserverDesktop::setLEDState(unsigned int state) { server->setLEDState(state); } void XserverDesktop::serverCutText(const char* str, int len) { try { server->serverCutText(str, len); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("XserverDesktop::serverCutText: %s",e.str()); } } void XserverDesktop::setDesktopName(const char* name) { try { server->setName(name); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("XserverDesktop::setDesktopName: %s",e.str()); } } void XserverDesktop::setCursor(int width, int height, int hotX, int hotY, const unsigned char *rgbaData) { rdr::U8* cursorData; rdr::U8 *out; const unsigned char *in; cursorData = new rdr::U8[width * height * 4]; // Un-premultiply alpha in = rgbaData; out = cursorData; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { rdr::U8 alpha; alpha = in[3]; if (alpha == 0) alpha = 1; // Avoid division by zero *out++ = (unsigned)*in++ * 255/alpha; *out++ = (unsigned)*in++ * 255/alpha; *out++ = (unsigned)*in++ * 255/alpha; *out++ = *in++; } } try { server->setCursor(width, height, Point(hotX, hotY), cursorData); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("XserverDesktop::setCursor: %s",e.str()); } delete [] cursorData; } void XserverDesktop::add_changed(const rfb::Region ®ion) { try { server->add_changed(region); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("XserverDesktop::add_changed: %s",e.str()); } } void XserverDesktop::add_copied(const rfb::Region &dest, const rfb::Point &delta) { try { server->add_copied(dest, delta); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("XserverDesktop::add_copied: %s",e.str()); } } void XserverDesktop::handleSocketEvent(int fd, bool read, bool write) { try { if (read) { if (handleListenerEvent(fd, &listeners, server)) return; } if (handleSocketEvent(fd, server, read, write)) return; vlog.error("Cannot find file descriptor for socket event"); } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("XserverDesktop::handleSocketEvent: %s",e.str()); } } bool XserverDesktop::handleListenerEvent(int fd, std::list* sockets, SocketServer* sockserv) { std::list::iterator i; for (i = sockets->begin(); i != sockets->end(); i++) { if ((*i)->getFd() == fd) break; } if (i == sockets->end()) return false; Socket* sock = (*i)->accept(); sock->outStream().setBlocking(false); vlog.debug("new client, sock %d", sock->getFd()); sockserv->addSocket(sock); vncSetNotifyFd(sock->getFd(), screenIndex, true, false); return true; } bool XserverDesktop::handleSocketEvent(int fd, SocketServer* sockserv, bool read, bool write) { std::list sockets; std::list::iterator i; sockserv->getSockets(&sockets); for (i = sockets.begin(); i != sockets.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->getFd() == fd) break; } if (i == sockets.end()) return false; if (read) sockserv->processSocketReadEvent(*i); if (write) sockserv->processSocketWriteEvent(*i); return true; } void XserverDesktop::blockHandler(int* timeout) { // We don't have a good callback for when we can init input devices[1], // so we abuse the fact that this routine will be called first thing // once the dix is done initialising. // [1] Technically Xvnc has InitInput(), but libvnc.so has nothing. vncInitInputDevice(); try { std::list sockets; std::list::iterator i; server->getSockets(&sockets); for (i = sockets.begin(); i != sockets.end(); i++) { int fd = (*i)->getFd(); if ((*i)->isShutdown()) { vlog.debug("client gone, sock %d",fd); vncRemoveNotifyFd(fd); server->removeSocket(*i); vncClientGone(fd); delete (*i); } else { /* Update existing NotifyFD to listen for write (or not) */ vncSetNotifyFd(fd, screenIndex, true, (*i)->outStream().bufferUsage() > 0); } } // We are responsible for propagating mouse movement between clients int cursorX, cursorY; vncGetPointerPos(&cursorX, &cursorY); cursorX -= vncGetScreenX(screenIndex); cursorY -= vncGetScreenY(screenIndex); if (oldCursorPos.x != cursorX || oldCursorPos.y != cursorY) { oldCursorPos.x = cursorX; oldCursorPos.y = cursorY; server->setCursorPos(oldCursorPos); } // Trigger timers and check when the next will expire int nextTimeout = Timer::checkTimeouts(); if (nextTimeout > 0 && (*timeout == -1 || nextTimeout < *timeout)) *timeout = nextTimeout; } catch (rdr::Exception& e) { vlog.error("XserverDesktop::blockHandler: %s",e.str()); } } void XserverDesktop::addClient(Socket* sock, bool reverse) { vlog.debug("new client, sock %d reverse %d",sock->getFd(),reverse); sock->outStream().setBlocking(false); server->addSocket(sock, reverse); vncSetNotifyFd(sock->getFd(), screenIndex, true, false); } void XserverDesktop::disconnectClients() { vlog.debug("disconnecting all clients"); return server->closeClients("Disconnection from server end"); } void XserverDesktop::getQueryConnect(uint32_t* opaqueId, const char** address, const char** username, int *timeout) { *opaqueId = queryConnectId; if (!queryConnectTimer.isStarted()) { *address = ""; *username = ""; *timeout = 0; } else { *address = queryConnectAddress.buf; *username = queryConnectUsername.buf; *timeout = queryConnectTimeout; } } void XserverDesktop::approveConnection(uint32_t opaqueId, bool accept, const char* rejectMsg) { if (queryConnectId == opaqueId) { server->approveConnection(queryConnectSocket, accept, rejectMsg); queryConnectId = 0; queryConnectTimer.stop(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SDesktop callbacks void XserverDesktop::terminate() { kill(getpid(), SIGTERM); } void XserverDesktop::pointerEvent(const Point& pos, int buttonMask) { vncPointerMove(pos.x + vncGetScreenX(screenIndex), pos.y + vncGetScreenY(screenIndex)); vncPointerButtonAction(buttonMask); } void XserverDesktop::clientCutText(const char* str, int len) { vncClientCutText(str, len); } unsigned int XserverDesktop::setScreenLayout(int fb_width, int fb_height, const rfb::ScreenSet& layout) { unsigned int result; char buffer[2048]; vlog.debug("Got request for framebuffer resize to %dx%d", fb_width, fb_height); layout.print(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); vlog.debug("%s", buffer); vncSetGlueContext(screenIndex); result = ::setScreenLayout(fb_width, fb_height, layout, &outputIdMap); // Explicitly update the server state with the result as there // can be corner cases where we don't get feedback from the X core refreshScreenLayout(); return result; } void XserverDesktop::grabRegion(const rfb::Region& region) { if (directFbptr) return; std::vector rects; std::vector::iterator i; region.get_rects(&rects); for (i = rects.begin(); i != rects.end(); i++) { rdr::U8 *buffer; int stride; buffer = getBufferRW(*i, &stride); vncGetScreenImage(screenIndex, i->tl.x, i->tl.y, i->width(), i->height(), (char*)buffer, stride * format.bpp/8); commitBufferRW(*i); } } void XserverDesktop::keyEvent(rdr::U32 keysym, rdr::U32 keycode, bool down) { if (!rawKeyboard) keycode = 0; vncKeyboardEvent(keysym, keycode, down); } bool XserverDesktop::handleTimeout(Timer* t) { if (t == &queryConnectTimer) { server->approveConnection(queryConnectSocket, false, "The attempt to prompt the user to " "accept the connection failed"); } return false; }