macro(libtool_create_control_file _target) get_target_property(_target_type ${_target} TYPE) message("-- Creating static libtool control file for target ${_target}") # No support for shared libraries, as TigerVNC only needs libtool config # files for static libraries. if("${_target_type}" MATCHES "^[^STATIC_LIBRARY]$") message(ERROR " - trying to use libtool_create_control_file for non-static library target.") endif() # # Parse the target_LIB_DEPENDS variable to determine which libraries to put # into libtool control file as library dependencies, and handle a few corner # cases. # # First we need to split up any internal entries set(target_libs "") foreach(library ${${_target}_LIB_DEPENDS}) if("${library}" MATCHES " ") string(REPLACE " " ";" lib_list "${library}") list(APPEND target_libs ${lib_list}) else() list(APPEND target_libs "${library}") endif() endforeach() set(STATIC_MODE OFF) foreach(library ${target_libs}) # Assume all entries are shared libs if platform-specific static library # extension is not matched. if("${library}" MATCHES "[^.+\\${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}]$") if("${library}" MATCHES ".+\\${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}$") # Shared library extension matched, so extract the path and library # name, then add the result to the libtool dependency libs. This # will always be an absolute path, because that's what CMake uses # internally. get_filename_component(_shared_lib ${library} NAME_WE) get_filename_component(_shared_lib_path ${library} PATH) string(REPLACE "lib" "" _shared_lib ${_shared_lib}) set(_target_dependency_libs "${_target_dependency_libs} -L${_shared_lib_path} -l${_shared_lib}") else() # No shared library extension matched. Check whether target is a CMake # target. if(TARGET ${library}) # Target is a CMake target, so ignore (CMake targets are static # libs in TigerVNC.) elseif(${library} STREQUAL "-Wl,-Bstatic") # All following libraries should be static set(STATIC_MODE ON) elseif(${library} STREQUAL "-Wl,-Bdynamic") # All following libraries should be dynamic set(STATIC_MODE OFF) else() # Normal library, so use find_library() to attempt to locate the # library in a system directory. # Need to remove -l prefix if (${library} MATCHES "^\\${CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG}") string(REPLACE ${CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG} "" library ${library}) endif() if(STATIC_MODE) set(library ${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}${library}${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) endif() find_library(FL ${library}) if(FL) # Found library. Depending on if it's static or not we might # extract the path and library name, then add the # result to the libtool dependency libs. if(STATIC_MODE) set(_target_dependency_libs "${_target_dependency_libs} ${FL}") else() get_filename_component(_shared_lib ${FL} NAME_WE) get_filename_component(_shared_lib_path ${FL} PATH) string(REPLACE "lib" "" _shared_lib ${_shared_lib}) set(_target_dependency_libs "${_target_dependency_libs} -L${_shared_lib_path} -l${_shared_lib}") endif() else() # No library found, so ignore target. endif() # Need to clear FL to get new results next loop unset(FL CACHE) endif() endif() else() # Detected a static library. Check whether the library pathname is # absolute and, if not, use find_library() to get the absolute path. get_filename_component(_name ${library} NAME) string(REPLACE "${_name}" "" _path ${library}) if(NOT "${_path}" STREQUAL "") # Pathname is absolute, so add it to the libtool library dependencies # as-is. set(_target_dependency_libs "${_target_dependency_libs} ${library}") else() # Pathname is not absolute, so use find_library() to get the absolute # path. find_library(FL ${library}) if(FL) # Absolute pathname found. Add it. set(_target_dependency_libs "${_target_dependency_libs} ${FL}") else() # No absolute pathname found. Ignore it. endif() # Need to clear FL to get new results next loop unset(FL CACHE) endif() endif() endforeach() # Write the libtool control file for the static library set(_lname ${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}${_target}) set(_laname ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_lname}.la) file(WRITE ${_laname} "# ${_lname}.la - a libtool library file\n# Generated by (GNU libtool) 2.2.6b\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "dlname=''\n\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "library_names=''\n\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "old_library='${_lname}${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}'\n\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "inherited_linker_flags=''\n\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "dependency_libs=' ${_target_dependency_libs}'\n\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "weak_library_names=''\n\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "current=\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "age=\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "revision=\n\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "installed=no\n\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "shouldnotlink=no\n\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "dlopen=''\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "dlpreopen=''\n\n") file(APPEND ${_laname} "libdir='/usr/lib'\n\n") # Make sure the timestamp is updated to trigger other make invocations add_custom_command(TARGET ${_target} POST_BUILD COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E touch "${_laname}") # Add custom command to symlink the static library so that autotools finds # the library in .libs. These are executed after the specified target build. add_custom_command(TARGET ${_target} POST_BUILD COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E make_directory "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/.libs") add_custom_command(TARGET ${_target} POST_BUILD COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E create_symlink ../${_lname}${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/.libs/${_lname}${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") endmacro()