You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

secure.xpm 608B

  1. /* XPM */
  2. static char *secure[] = {
  3. /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
  4. "16 16 12 1 ",
  5. " c #000000",
  6. ". c #000D00",
  7. "X c #001200",
  8. "o c #003A00",
  9. "O c #003C00",
  10. "+ c #004B00",
  11. "@ c #005300",
  12. "# c #005500",
  13. "$ c #00D800",
  14. "% c #00E300",
  15. "& c #00E400",
  16. "* c #00FF00",
  17. /* pixels */
  18. "****************",
  19. "****************",
  20. "*****%@..@$*****",
  21. "****%X .%****",
  22. "****@ +&%+ #****",
  23. "****. %**% .****",
  24. "**** **** ****",
  25. "**o O**",
  26. "** **",
  27. "** **",
  28. "** **",
  29. "** **",
  30. "** **",
  31. "**O O**",
  32. "****************",
  33. "****************"
  34. };