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Vaadin Components

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Vaadin Components is an evolving set of custom HTML elements, built using Polymer, for building mobile and desktop web applications in modern browsers.

Component examples and documentation

View live examples and source code side-by-side for individual custom elements.

Component Description
<vaadin-grid> · Examples · API Data grid for showing large amounts of tabular data.


Get a quick test-drive of the custom elements by forking one of the following JSFiddles:


We offer three ways to use Vaadin Components in your project: Bower, CDN and ZIP archive. The only difference between the options is the URL you use to import the necessary files into your HTML page.

1. Create a new folder for your project

 $ mkdir my-project
 $ cd my-project

2. Install Vaadin Components

  • ##### Bower

We recommend using Bower for managing your front-end dependencies. Follow the Bower installation instructions, then run the following command inside your project folder to install the most recent stable release.

 $ bower install --save vaadin-components

This will download Vaadin Components and its dependencies to the bower_components folder inside your project’s folder.

If you want to experiment with current development code, download the snapshot version running:

 $ bower install --save vaadin-components#master
  • ##### CDN

You can use Vaadin Components from CDN (see example below). This is especially convenient for services like JSFiddle, Codepen.io, etc.


Note: that we have a fragment in the url with the version to use, so you could for instance replace it with the snapshot version

  • Download ZIP
    1. Download the latest ZIP archive from vaadin.com/download
    2. Extract the archive under your project folder, for example deps

3. Create a HTML file

Create a new HTML file inside your project folder and copy the following code into it (choose one of the options how to import Vaadin Components in the <head> section):

Note on serving the files during development, when using Bower or the ZIP archive:

Due to browser security restrictions, serving HTML imports from a file:/// URL does not work. You need a web server to view pages where you use custom elements. One simple option is to use the serve NPM package.

<!doctype html>
    <!-- Import Web Component polyfills and the components that you want -->

    <!-- CDN -->
    <script src="https://cdn.vaadin.com/vaadin-components/0.3.0-beta7/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
    <link href="https://cdn.vaadin.com/vaadin-components/0.3.0-beta7/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid.html" rel="import">

    <!-- Bower -->
    <!-- <script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
    <link href="bower_components/vaadin-components/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid.html" rel="import"> -->

    <!-- ZIP archive -->
    <!-- <script src="deps/vaadin-components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
    <link href="deps/vaadin-components/vaadin-grid/vaadin-grid.html" rel="import"> -->

    <vaadin-grid selection-mode="multi">
        <!-- Define the columns -->
        <col name="index" header-text="#" width="48">
        <col name="user.picture.thumbnail" width="54">
        <col name="user.name.first" header-text="First Name">
        <col name="user.name.last" header-text="Last Name">
        <col name="user.email" header-text="Email" flex>

      // The Web Components polyfill introduces a custom event we can
      // use to determine when the custom elements are ready to be used
      document.addEventListener("WebComponentsReady", function () {

        // Reference to the grid element
        var grid = document.querySelector("vaadin-grid");

        // Fetch some JSON data from a URL
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
          if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
            if (xhr.status == 200) {
              var json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);

              // Use the returned data array directly as the data source
              // (keeping all the data source items in the browser's memory)
              grid.data.source = json.results;
        xhr.open("GET", "http://api.randomuser.me/?results=100", true);

        // Add a renderer for the index column
        grid.columns[0].renderer = function(cell) {
            cell.element.innerHTML = cell.row.index;

        // Add a renderer for the picture column
        grid.columns[1].renderer = function(cell) {
            cell.element.innerHTML = '<img src="' + cell.data + '" style="width: 24px;">';
