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Make SuperDevMode work again (#13682)

VNotification now works without ApplicationConnection again.
Dependencies needed by codeserver are now dependencies for client-compiler
Error message now takes into account that devModeRedirect is enabled by default

Change-Id: I079d162d9975f99fe7b91e14ad100459c80a5587
Artur Signell 10 years ago

+ 4
- 3
client-compiler/ivy.xml View File

@@ -45,10 +45,11 @@
<dependency org="ant" name="ant-launcher" rev="1.6.5"
conf="build,ide -> default" />

<dependency org="org.eclipse.jetty" name="jetty-server"
<dependency org="org.eclipse.jetty" name="jetty-distribution"
rev="8.1.12.v20130726" conf="build,ide -> default">
<exclude org="org.eclipse.jetty.orbit"></exclude>

<dependency org="org.eclipse.jetty" name="jetty-util"
rev="8.1.12.v20130726" conf="build,ide -> default" />

@@ -56,8 +57,8 @@
rev="1.1" conf="build,ide -> default" />
<dependency org="commons-codec" name="commons-codec"
rev="1.8" conf="build,ide -> default" />
<dependency org="commons-io" name="commons-io" rev="${commons-io.version}"
conf="build,ide -> default" />
<dependency org="commons-io" name="commons-io"
rev="${commons-io.version}" conf="build,ide -> default" />
<dependency org="org.apache.commons" name="commons-lang3"
rev="3.1" conf="build,ide -> default" />
<dependency org="org.apache.james" name="apache-mime4j"

+ 3
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client/src/com/vaadin/client/ View File

@@ -246,10 +246,9 @@ public class SuperDevMode {
// in super dev mode, as a result of the recompile, the enabled
// check will fail...
if (!isSuperDevModeEnabledInModule()) {
showError("SuperDevMode is not enabled for this module/widgetset.<br/>"
+ "Ensure that your module definition (.gwt.xml) contains <br/>"
+ "&lt;add-linker name=&quot;xsiframe&quot;/&gt;<br/>"
+ "&lt;set-configuration-property name=&quot;devModeRedirectEnabled&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; /&gt;<br/>");
showError("SuperDevMode is disabled for this module/widgetset.<br/>"
+ "Ensure that your module definition (.gwt.xml) does not contain <br/>"
+ "&lt;set-configuration-property name=&quot;devModeRedirectEnabled&quot; value=&quot;false&quot; /&gt;<br/>");
return false;
return SuperDevMode.recompileIfNeeded(superDevModeParameter);

+ 11
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client/src/com/vaadin/client/ui/ View File

@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ import com.vaadin.client.UIDL;
import com.vaadin.client.Util;
import com.vaadin.client.ui.aria.AriaHelper;
import com.vaadin.shared.Position;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.NotificationRole;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIConstants;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIState.NotificationTypeConfiguration;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.NotificationRole;

public class VNotification extends VOverlay {

@@ -183,11 +183,13 @@ public class VNotification extends VOverlay {

private boolean hasPostfix(NotificationTypeConfiguration styleSetup) {
return styleSetup != null && styleSetup.postfix != null && !styleSetup.postfix.isEmpty();
return styleSetup != null && styleSetup.postfix != null
&& !styleSetup.postfix.isEmpty();

private boolean hasPrefix(NotificationTypeConfiguration styleSetup) {
return styleSetup != null && styleSetup.prefix != null && !styleSetup.prefix.isEmpty();
return styleSetup != null && styleSetup.prefix != null
&& !styleSetup.prefix.isEmpty();

public void show(String html, Position position, String style) {
@@ -214,8 +216,12 @@ public class VNotification extends VOverlay {

private NotificationTypeConfiguration getUiState(String style) {
return getApplicationConnection()
if (getApplicationConnection() == null
|| getApplicationConnection().getUIConnector() == null) {
return null;

return getApplicationConnection().getUIConnector().getState().notificationConfigurations
