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Millstone -> IT Mill Toolkit

svn changeset:216/svn branch:toolkit
Joonas Lehtinen 17 lat temu

+ 6
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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -46,14 +46,13 @@ public class FeatureBrowser
private boolean initialized = false;

private static final String WELCOME_TEXT =
"<h3>Welcome to the Millstone feature tour!</h3>"
+ "In this Millstone application you may view a demonstration of some of its "
+ "features.<br/>"
"<h3>Welcome to the IT Mill Toolkit feature tour!</h3>"
+ "In this application you may view and play with some features of IT Mill Toolkit.<br/>"
+ "Most of the features can be tested online and include simple example of their "
+ "usage associated with it.<br/><br/>"
+ "Start your tour by selecting features from the list on the left.<br/><br/>"
+ "For more information, point your browser to: <a href=\"\""
+ " target=\"_new\"></a>";
+ "For more information, point your browser to: <a href=\"\""
+ " target=\"_new\"></a>";

public void attach() {

@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ public class FeatureBrowser
new ClassResource(
@@ -143,9 +142,6 @@ public class FeatureBrowser
registerFeature("/Data Model/Containers", new FeatureContainers());
registerFeature("/Data Model/Validators", new FeatureValidators());
registerFeature("/Data Model/Buffering", new FeatureBuffering());
"/Terminal/Server Initiated Events",
new FeatureServerEvents());
"/Terminal/Parameters and URI Handling",
new FeatureParameters());
@@ -194,7 +190,7 @@ public class FeatureBrowser
layout.removeComponent(1, 0);
layout.addComponent(currentFeature, 1, 0);
"Millstone Features / "
"IT Mill Toolkit Features / "
+ features.getContainerProperty(id, "name"));

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public class FeatureBuffering extends Feature {
* @see com.itmill.toolkit.demo.features.Feature#getDescriptionXHTML()
protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
return "<p>Millstone data model provides interface for implementing "
return "<p>IT Mill Toolkit data model provides interface for implementing "
+ "buffering in data components. The basic idea is that a component "
+ "reading their state from data source can implement "
+ "Buffered-interface, for storing the value internally. "

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public class FeatureButton extends Feature {
* @see com.itmill.toolkit.demo.features.Feature#getDescriptionXHTML()
protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
return "In Millstone, boolean input values are represented by buttons. "
return "In IT Mill Toolkit, boolean input values are represented by buttons. "
+ "Buttons may function either as a push buttons or switches. (checkboxes)<br/><br/>"
+ "Button can be directly connected to any method of an object, which "
+ "is an easy way to trigger events: <code> new Button(\"Play\", myPiano \"playIt\")</code>. "

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class FeatureContainers extends Feature {

protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
return "<p>Container is the most advanced of the data "
+ "model supported by Millstone. It provides a very flexible "
+ "model supported by IT Mill Toolkit. It provides a very flexible "
+ "way of managing set of items that share common properties. Each "
+ "item is identified by an item id. "
+ "Properties can be requested from container with item "

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public class FeatureDateField extends Feature {
protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
return "<p>Representing Dates and times and providing a way to select "
+ "or enter some specific date and/or time is an typical need in "
+ "data-entry userinterfaces. Millstone provides a DateField "
+ "data-entry userinterfaces. IT Mill Toolkit provides a DateField "
+ "component that is intuitive to use and yet controllable through "
+ "its properties.</p>"
+ "<p>The calendar-style allows point-and-click selection "+

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ public class FeatureEmbedded extends Feature {
new Object[] {
new ClassResource("millstone-logo.gif", getApplication())},
new Object[] { "null", "Millstone logo" });
new ClassResource("m-bullet-blue.gif", getApplication())},
new Object[] { "null", "IT Mill (m)" });
p.addProperties("Embedded Properties", ap);
"The text to display while loading the object.");

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -98,6 +98,3 @@ public class FeatureOrderedLayout extends Feature {


/* This Millstone sample code is public domain. *
* For more information see */

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -155,6 +155,3 @@ public class FeatureParameters

/* This Millstone sample code is public domain. *
* For more information see */

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public class FeatureProperties extends Feature {

protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
return "<p>Millstone data model is one of the core concepts "
return "<p>IT Mill Toolkti data model is one of the core concepts "
+ "in the library and Property-interface is the base of that "
+ "model. Property provides standardized API for a singe data object "
+ "that can be getted and setted. A property is always typed, but can optionally "
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public class FeatureProperties extends Feature {
+ "editor and viewer classes. Typically this is used to connect different "
+ "data sources to UI components for editing and viewing their contents.</p>"
+ "<p>Properties can be utilized either by implementing the interface "
+ "or by using some of the existing property implementations. Millstone "
+ "or by using some of the existing property implementations. IT Mill Toolkit "
+ "includes Property interface implementations for "
+ "arbitrary function pairs or Bean-properties as well as simple object "
+ "properties.</p>"

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ public class FeatureSelect extends Feature {

* @see com.itmill.toolkit.demo.features.Feature#getDescriptionXHTML()

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@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
/* *************************************************************************
IT Mill Toolkit

Development of Browser User Intarfaces Made Easy

Copyright (C) 2000-2006 IT Mill Ltd

This product is distributed under commercial license that can be found
from the product package on license/license.txt. Use of this product might
require purchasing a commercial license from IT Mill Ltd. For guidelines
on usage, see license/licensing-guidelines.html

For more information, contact:
IT Mill Ltd phone: +358 2 4802 7180
Ruukinkatu 2-4 fax: +358 2 4802 7181
20540, Turku email:
Finland company www:
Primary source for information and releases:

********************************************************************** */

package com.itmill.toolkit.demo.features;


import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.ExternalResource;
import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.*;

public class FeatureServerEvents extends Feature {

protected String getTitle() {
return "Server Events";

protected Component getDemoComponent() {
OrderedLayout l = new OrderedLayout();

new Label(
"<h3>Multiplayer GO-Game</h3><p>For demonstration, see GO-Game example application. The application implements a "
+ "multi-player board game, where the moved by one player are immediately reflected to "
+ "another player.</p>"
+ "<p>Updating another players screen is totally automatic, and the programmed "
+ "does not need to be avare when the refresh requests are sent to screen by the server. In "
+ "web adapter the requests are passed through open HTTP-connection as java-script fragments "
+ "that update the windows that need repainting.</p>",

URL goUrl = null;
try {
goUrl = new URL(getApplication().getURL(), "../go/");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {

if (goUrl != null) {
Link link = new Link("Start GO-Game", new ExternalResource(goUrl));

new Label(
"<h3>Chat example</h3><p>For some purposes it might be better to create your own "+
"stream. The easiest way of creating a continuous stream for "+
"simple purposes is to use StreamResource-class. See chat "+
"example below, how this technique can be used for creation "+
"of simple chat program.</p>",

URL chatUrl = null;
try {
chatUrl = new URL(getApplication().getURL(), "../chat/");
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {

if (goUrl != null) {
Link link = new Link("Start chat", new ExternalResource(chatUrl));

return l;

protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
return "<p>Millstone component framework supports both transactional and "
+ "continuous terminals. This means that either the events from the "
+ "terminal are sent together as transactions or the events are "
+ "passed immediately when the user initiates them through the user "
+ "interface. </p>"
+ "<p>WebAdapter converts the Millstone applications to web-environment "
+ "by transferring the events as HTTP-parameters and drawing the "
+ "pages after the components have received and handled the events. "
+ "In the web-environment the web browser is always the active party that "
+ "starts the transaction. This is problematic when the server should "
+ "notify the user about changes without HTTP-request initiated by the "
+ "user.</p>"
+ "<h3>WebAdapter Solution</h3>"
+ "<p>Millstone solves the problem by combining component frameworks "
+ "ability to automatically notify terminal adapter about all visual "
+ "changes to HTTP-protocols ability to handle very long and slow "
+ "page downloads. WebAdapter provides the web browser with "
+ "possibility to keep special server command stream open all the time. "
+ "All the visual updates that happen in components causes the "
+ "WebAdapter to automatically creates JavaScript that updates the "
+ "corresponding web browser window and to send the script immediately "
+ "to browser for execution.</p>"
+ "<p>The mechanism is fairly complicated, but using the mechanism in "
+ "any Millstone application is trivial. Application just needs "
+ "to make sure that WebBrowser opens a hidden iframe to location: "
+ "<code>?SERVER_COMMANDS=1</code>.</p>"
+ "<p>See the example of the usage on Demo-tab to get better understanding "
+ "of the mechanism. If you read the example's source code, you will notice that "
+ "the program does not contain any support for sending events to client, as "
+ "it is completely automatic.</p>";

protected String getImage() {
return "serverevents.jpg";


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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ public class FeatureTextField extends Feature {
* @see com.itmill.toolkit.demo.features.Feature#getDescriptionXHTML()
protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
return "<p>Millstone combines the logic of both the single line text-entry field and the multi-line "
return "<p>TextField combines the logic of both the single line text-entry field and the multi-line "
+ "text-area into one component. "
+ "As with all Data-components of Millstone, the Textfield can also be bound to an "
+ "As with all Data-components of IT Mill Toolkit, the TextField can also be bound to an "
+ "underlying data source, both directly or in a buffered (asynchronous) "
+ "mode. In buffered mode its background color will change to indicate "
+ "that the value has changed but is not committed.</p>"

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@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public class FeatureTree extends Feature implements Action.Handler {
protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
return "<p>A tree is a natural way to represent datasets that have"
+ " hierarchical relationships, such as filesystems, message "
+ "threads or... family trees. Millstone features a versatile "
+ "threads or... family trees. IT Mill Toolkit features a versatile "
+ "and powerful Tree component that works much like the tree components "
+ "of most modern operating systems. </p>"
+ "<p>The most prominent use of the Tree component is to "

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@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public class FeatureValidators extends Feature {

protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
"<p>Millstone contains simple, yet powerful validation interface, "+
"<p>IT Mill Toolkit contains simple, yet powerful validation interface, "+
"that consists of two parts: Validator and Validatable. Validator is "+
"any class that can check validity of an Object. Validatable is "+
"a class with configurable validation. "+

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public class FeatureWindow extends Feature {

protected String getDescriptionXHTML() {
return "The window support of Millstone allows for opening and closing windows, "
return "The window support in IT Mill Toolkit allows for opening and closing windows, "
+ "refreshing one window from another (for asynchronous terminals), "
+ "resizing windows and scrolling window content. "
+ "There are also a number of preset window border styles defined by "

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class FeaturesApplication
extends com.itmill.toolkit.Application {

public void init() {
Window main = new Window("Millstone Features Tour");
Window main = new Window("IT Mill Toolkit Features Tour");
main.addComponent(new FeatureBrowser());

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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/ Wyświetl plik

@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ public class PropertyPanel
"Those components that have internal state that can be written are settable to readOnly-mode,"
+ " where the object can only be read, not written.");
"Millstone supports extensive error reporting. One part of the error reporting are component"
"IT Mill Toolkit supports extensive error reporting. One part of the error reporting are component"
+ " errors that can be controlled by the programmer. This example only contains couple of "
+ "sample errors; to get the full picture, read browse ErrorMessage-interface implementors "
+ "API documentation.");

src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/m-bullet-blue.gif Wyświetl plik

src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/features/millstone-logo.gif Wyświetl plik
