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Initial versions of the new release report scripts

These have been backported from Vaadin 8 branch with minimal

Change-Id: I292917aa0457c69b569313a3e56913b4a8d85316
Henri Sara 7 years ago

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scripts/ View File

@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
# See BuildArchetypes for details on environment
# BuildDemos needs git in PATH and depends on gitpython library
# gitpython can be installed with python installer script "pip":
# pip install gitpython
# pip install gitpython
# Deployment dependency: requests
# pip install requests
# Deploy depends on .deployUrl and .deployCredentials files in home folder

import sys, os
import sys, os, pickle
from os.path import join, isfile
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
@@ -24,15 +24,26 @@ demos = {
# "my-demo" : ("my_demo_url_or_path", "my-demo-dev-branch")

status_dump = {"messages": []}

def dump_status(error_occurred):
status_dump["error"] = error_occurred
pickle.dump(status_dump, open("result/demo_validation_status.pickle", "wb"))

def log_status(log_string):

def checkout(folder, url, repoBranch = "master"):
Repo.clone_from(url, join(resultPath, folder), branch = repoBranch)

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Do imports.
# Do imports.
from git import Repo
print("BuildDemos depends on gitpython. Install it with `pip install gitpython`")
log_status("BuildDemos depends on gitpython. Install it with `pip install gitpython`")
from BuildHelpers import updateRepositories, mavenValidate, copyWarFiles, getLogFile, removeDir, getArgs, mavenInstall, resultPath, readPomFile, parser
from DeployHelpers import deployWar
@@ -41,7 +52,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
args = getArgs()
demosFailed = False
ignoredDemos = args.ignore.split(",")
wars = []

for demo in demos:
@@ -58,13 +69,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
updateRepositories(join(resultPath, demo), args.pluginRepo, postfix="plugin")
mavenValidate(demo, logFile=getLogFile(demo))
print("%s demo validation succeeded!" % (demo))
log_status("%s demo validation succeeded!" % (demo))
except Exception as e:
print("%s demo validation failed: %s" % (demo, e))
log_status("%s demo validation failed: %s" % (demo, e))
if demo not in ignoredDemos:
demosFailed = True
except EnvironmentError as e:
print("%s demo validation failed: %s" % (demo, e))
log_status("%s demo validation failed: %s" % (demo, e))
if demo not in ignoredDemos:
demosFailed = True
@@ -77,8 +88,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception as e:
print("War %s failed to deploy: %s" % (war, e))
log_status("War %s failed to deploy: %s" % (war, e))
demosFailed = True

if demosFailed:


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scripts/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
from BuildDemos import demos
from BuildArchetypes import archetypes
import argparse, requests, json, subprocess, re, pickle

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("version", type=str, help="Vaadin version that was just built")
parser.add_argument("deployUrl", type=str, help="Base url of the deployment server")

parser.add_argument("teamcityUser", type=str, help="Teamcity username to use")
parser.add_argument("teamcityPassword", type=str, help="Password for given teamcity username")

parser.add_argument("teamcityUrl", type=str, help="Address to the teamcity server")
parser.add_argument("buildTypeId", type=str, help="The ID of this build step")
parser.add_argument("buildId", type=str, help="ID of the build to generate this report for")

parser.add_argument("frameworkRepoUrl", type=str, help="URL to the framework staging repository")
parser.add_argument("archetypeRepoUrl", type=str, help="URL to the archetype staging repository")
parser.add_argument("pluginRepoUrl", type=str, help="URL to the plugin staging repository")
args = parser.parse_args()

buildResultUrl = "http://{}/viewLog.html?buildId={}&tab=buildResultsDiv&buildTypeId={}".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildId, args.buildTypeId)

def createTableRow(*columns):
html = "<tr>"
for column in columns:
html += "<td>" + column + "</td>"
return html + "</tr>"

def getHtmlList(array):
html = "<ul>"
for item in array:
html += "<li>" + item + "</li>"
return html + "</ul>"

def getBuildStatusHtml():
build_steps_request_string = "http://{}/app/rest/problemOccurrences?locator=build:{}".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildId)
build_steps_request = requests.get(build_steps_request_string, auth=(args.teamcityUser, args.teamcityPassword), headers={'Accept':'application/json'})
if build_steps_request.status_code != 200:
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="black"), "Build status: unable to retrieve status of build")
build_steps_json = build_steps_request.json()
if build_steps_json["count"] == 0:
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), "Build status: all build steps successful")
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), "Build status: there are failing build steps, <a href={}>check the build report</a>".format(buildResultUrl))

def getTestStatusHtml():
test_failures_request_string = "http://{}/app/rest/testOccurrences?locator=build:{},status:FAILURE".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildId)
test_failures_request = requests.get(test_failures_request_string, auth=(args.teamcityUser, args.teamcityPassword), headers={'Accept':'application/json'})
if test_failures_request.status_code != 200:
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="black"), "Test status: unable to retrieve status of tests")
test_failures_json = test_failures_request.json()
if test_failures_json["count"] == 0:
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), "Test status: all tests passing")
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), "Test status: there are " + str(test_failures_json["count"]) + " failing tests, <a href={}>check the build report</a>".format(buildResultUrl))

def getDemoValidationStatusHtml():
status = pickle.load(open("result/demo_validation_status.pickle", "rb"))
if status["error"]:
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), getHtmlList(status["messages"]))
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), getHtmlList(status["messages"]))

def getDemoLinksHtml():
demos_html = "Try demos"
link_list = list(map(lambda demo: "<a href='{url}/{demoName}-{version}'>{demoName}</a>".format(url=args.deployUrl, demoName=demo, version=args.version), demos))
return demos_html + getHtmlList(link_list)

def getArchetypeLinksHtml():
archetypes_html = "Try archetypes"
link_list = list(map(lambda archetype: "<a href='{url}/{archetypeName}-{version}'>{demoName}</a>".format(url=args.deployUrl, archetypeName=archetype, version=args.version), archetypes))
return archetypes_html + getHtmlList(link_list)

def getDirs(url):
page = requests.get(url)
files = re.findall('<a href=.*>(.*)</a>', page.text)
dirs = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('/'), files)
return list(map(lambda x: x.replace('/', ''), dirs))

def dirTree(url):
dirs = getDirs(url)
result = []
for d in dirs:
subDirs = list(map(lambda x: d + '/' + x, dirTree(url + '/' + d)))
return result

def getAllowedArtifactPaths(allowedArtifacts):
result = []
for artifact in allowedArtifacts:
parts = artifact.split('/', 1)
if len(parts) > 1:
subart = getAllowedArtifactPaths([ parts[1] ])
subArtifacts = list(map(lambda x: parts[0] + '/' + x, subart))
return result

def checkStagingContents(url, allowedArtifacts):
dirs = dirTree(url)
allowedDirs = getAllowedArtifactPaths(allowedArtifacts)
return set(dirs) == set(allowedDirs)

def getStagingContentsHtml(repoUrl, allowedArtifacts, name):
if checkStagingContents(repoUrl, allowedArtifacts):
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), "No extra artifacts found in the {} staging repository. <a href=\"{}\">Link to the repository.</a>".format(name, repoUrl))
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), "Extra artifacts found in the {} staging repository. <a href=\"{}\">Link to the repository.</a>".format(name, repoUrl))

def completeArtifactName(artifactId, version):
return 'com/vaadin/' + artifactId + '/' + version

def completeArtifactNames(artifactIds, version):
return list(map(lambda x: completeArtifactName(x, version), artifactIds))

allowedPluginArtifacts = completeArtifactNames([ 'vaadin-maven-plugin' ], args.version)
allowedArchetypeArtifacts = completeArtifactNames([ 'vaadin-archetype-application', 'vaadin-archetype-application-multimodule', 'vaadin-archetype-application-example', 'vaadin-archetype-widget', 'vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet' ], args.version)
allowedFrameworkArtifacts = completeArtifactNames([ 'vaadin-root', 'vaadin-bom', 'vaadin-shared', 'vaadin-server', 'vaadin-client', 'vaadin-client-compiler', 'vaadin-client-compiled', 'vaadin-push', 'vaadin-themes', 'vaadin-widgets' ], args.version)

content = "<html><head></head><body><table>"
traffic_light = "<svg width=\"20px\" height=\"20px\" style=\"padding-right:5px\"><circle cx=\"10\" cy=\"10\" r=\"10\" fill=\"{color}\"/></svg>"

# Build step status
content += getBuildStatusHtml()

# Test failures
content += getTestStatusHtml()

# Missing @since tags
p1 = subprocess.Popen(['find', '.', '-name', '*.java'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen(['xargs', 'egrep', '-n', '@since ?$'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
missing = subprocess.check_output(['egrep', '-v', '/(testbench|test|tests|target)/'], stdin=p2.stdout)
content += createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), "Empty @since:<br><pre>%s</pre>" % (missing))

except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if e.returncode == 1:
content += createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), "No empty @since")
raise e

# check staging repositories don't contain extra artifacts
content += getStagingContentsHtml(args.frameworkRepoUrl, allowedFrameworkArtifacts, "framework")
content += getStagingContentsHtml(args.archetypeRepoUrl, allowedArchetypeArtifacts, "archetype")
content += getStagingContentsHtml(args.pluginRepoUrl, allowedPluginArtifacts, "plugin")

content += createTableRow("", "<h2>Manual checks before publishing</h2>")
# try demos
content += createTableRow("", getDemoLinksHtml())
content += createTableRow("", getArchetypeLinksHtml())

# link to release notes
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"http://{}/repository/download/{}/{}:id/release-notes/release-notes.html\">Check release notes</a>".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildTypeId, args.buildId))
# link to api diff
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"http://{}/repository/download/{}/{}:id/apidiff/changes.html\">API Diff</a>")

# check that trac tickets are in the correct status
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"\">Check that trac tickets have correct status</a>")
# pending release tickets without milestone
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"\">Pending-release tickets without milestone</a>")

content += createTableRow("", "<h2>Preparations before publishing</h2>")
# close trac milestone
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\" {version}\">Close Trac Milestone (deselect \"retarget tickets\")</a>".format(version=args.version))
# verify pending release tickets still have milestone
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"\">Verify pending release tickets still have milestone {version}</a>".format(version=args.version))
# link to build dependencies tab to initiate publish step
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"http://{}/viewLog.html?buildId={}&buildTypeId={}&tab=dependencies\"><h2>Start Publish Release from dependencies tab</h2></a>".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildId, args.buildTypeId))

content += "</table></body></html>"
f = open("result/report.html", 'w')

+ 65
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scripts/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import argparse, requests

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Post-publish report generator")
parser.add_argument("version", type=str, help="Vaadin version that was just built")
parser.add_argument("teamcityUrl", type=str, help="Address to the teamcity server")
parser.add_argument("buildTypeId", type=str, help="The ID of this build step")
parser.add_argument("buildId", type=str, help="ID of the build to generate this report for")
parser.add_argument("projectId", type=str, help="The ID of this project")
args = parser.parse_args()

buildResultUrl = "http://{}/viewLog.html?buildId={}&tab=buildResultsDiv&buildTypeId={}".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildId, args.buildTypeId)

(major, minor, maintenance) = args.version.split(".", 2)
prerelease = "." in maintenance

def createTableRow(*columns):
html = "<tr>"
for column in columns:
html += "<td>" + column + "</td>"
return html + "</tr>"

traffic_light = "<svg width=\"20px\" height=\"20px\" style=\"padding-right:5px\"><circle cx=\"10\" cy=\"10\" r=\"10\" fill=\"{color}\"/></svg>"

content = "<html><head></head><body><table>"

# Batch update tickets in trac
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\" {version}&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=milestone&col=status&col=type\">Batch update tickets in Trac</a>")

# Create milestone for next release
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"\">Create milestone for next release</a>")

# Tag and pin build
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"{url}\">Tag and pin build</a>".format(url=buildResultUrl))

# Traffic light for archetype metadata
archetypeMetadataUrl = ""
if not prerelease:
archetypeMetadataUrl = ""
archetypeMetadataUrl =""

archetype_metadata_request = requests.get(archetypeMetadataUrl)
if archetype_metadata_request.status_code != 200:
content += createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="black"), "<a href='{url}'>Check archetype metadata: unable to retrieve metadata</a>".format(url=archetypeMetadataUrl))
if "version=\"{version}\"".format(version=args.version) in archetype_metadata_request.content:
content += createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), "<a href='{url}'>Check archetype metadata: metadata is correct</a>".format(url=archetypeMetadataUrl))
content += createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), "<a href='{url}'>Check archetype metadata: metadata is incorrect</a>".format(url=archetypeMetadataUrl))

# TODO GitHub milestones

# Inform marketing and PO
content += createTableRow("", "Inform marketing and PO about the release")

# Link to version update in teamcity
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"http://{}/admin/editProject.html?projectId={}&tab=projectParams\">Update vaadin.version.latest and parameters in TeamCity</a>".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.projectId))

# Link to GH release notes
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"\">Write release notes in GH</a>")

content += "</table></body></html>"

with open("result/report.html", "wb") as f:

+ 99
- 0
scripts/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@

import requests
except Exception as e:
print("GeneratePublishReportPart1 depends on requests library. Install it with `pip install requests`")
import argparse, cgi, re
from os.path import exists, isdir
from os import makedirs

metadataChecks = {
'': '^7\..*',
'': '^7\..*',
'': '^7\..*',
'': '^6\..*',
'': '^{ver}'

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Post-publish report generator")
parser.add_argument("version", type=str, help="Vaadin version that was just built")
parser.add_argument("teamcityUrl", type=str, help="Address to the teamcity server")
parser.add_argument("buildTypeId", type=str, help="The ID of this build step")
parser.add_argument("buildId", type=str, help="ID of the build to generate this report for")
args = parser.parse_args()

traffic_light = "<svg width=\"20px\" height=\"20px\" style=\"padding-right:5px\"><circle cx=\"10\" cy=\"10\" r=\"10\" fill=\"{color}\"/></svg>"

def getTrafficLight(b):
return traffic_light.format(color="green") if b else traffic_light.format(color="red")

resultPath = "result"
if not exists(resultPath):
elif not isdir(resultPath):
print("Result path is not a directory.")

(major, minor, maintenance) = args.version.split(".", 2)
prerelease = "." in maintenance
if prerelease:
maintenance = maintenance.split('.')[0]

def checkUrlContents(url, regexp):
r = requests.get(url)
return re.match(regexp, r.text) != None

def checkUrlStatus(url):
r = requests.get(url)
return r.status_code == 200

metadataOk = True
for url in metadataChecks:
metadataOk = metadataOk and checkUrlContents(url, metadataChecks[url].format(ver=args.version))

tagOk = checkUrlStatus("{ver}".format(ver=args.version))

if not prerelease:
downloadPageOk = checkUrlStatus("{maj}.{min}/{ver}/".format(maj=major, min=minor, ver=args.version))
downloadPageOk = checkUrlStatus("{maj}.{min}/{maj}.{min}.{main}/{ver}".format(maj=major, min=minor, main=maintenance, ver=args.version))

content = """<html>
<tr><td>{metadataOk}</td><td>Metadata ok on</td></tr>
<tr><td>{tagOk}</td><td>Tag ok on</td></tr>
<tr><td>{downloadPageOk}</td><td>Download folder on contains the version</td></tr>
""".format(metadataOk=getTrafficLight(metadataOk), tagOk=getTrafficLight(tagOk), downloadPageOk=getTrafficLight(downloadPageOk))

mavenUrl = ""
if not prerelease:
mavenUrl = "{ver}".format(ver=args.version)
content += "<tr><td></td><td><a href='{mvnUrl}'>Check {ver} is published to (might take a while)</td></tr>".format(ver=args.version, mvnUrl=mavenUrl)
mavenUrl = "{ver}".format(ver=args.version)
content += "<tr><td></td><td><a href='{mvnUrl}'>Check {ver} is published as prerelease to</td></tr>".format(ver=args.version, mvnUrl=mavenUrl)

content += "<tr><td></td><td><a href=\"\">Add version {version} to Trac</a></td></tr>".format(version=args.version)

if not prerelease:
content += '<tr><td></td><td><a href="">Set latest version to default</a></td></tr>'

content += """
<tr><td></td><td><a href="{version}/run/LabelModes?restartApplication">Verify uploaded to</a></td></tr>

if not prerelease:
content += '<tr><td></td><td><a href="">Verify API version list updated</a></td></tr>'

content += """
<tr><td></td><td><a href="http://{teamcityUrl}/viewLog.html?buildId={buildId}&buildTypeId={buildTypeId}&tab=dependencies"><h2>Start Post-Publish Release from dependencies tab</a></td></tr>
</html>""".format(teamcityUrl=args.teamcityUrl, buildTypeId=args.buildTypeId, buildId=args.buildId, version=args.version)

f = open("result/report.html", 'w')
