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#7839 Corrected cases where pagelength=0 or where number of children > pagebuffer size

svn changeset:21910/svn branch:6.7
Artur Signell 12 years ago
1 changed files with 29 additions and 21 deletions
  1. 29

+ 29
- 21
src/com/vaadin/ui/ View File

@@ -1582,13 +1582,14 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
* @param firstIndex
* The position where new rows should be inserted
* @param rows
* The number of rows that should be inserted
* The maximum number of rows that should be inserted at position
* firstIndex. Less rows will be inserted if the page buffer is
* too small.
* @return
private Object[][] getVisibleCellsInsertIntoCache(int firstIndex, int rows) {
Object[][] cells = getVisibleCellsNoCache(firstIndex, rows, false);
logger.finest("Insert " + rows + " rows at index " + firstIndex
+ " to existing page buffer with " + cells.length + " items");
+ " to existing page buffer requested");

// Page buffer must not become larger than pageLength*cacheRate before
// or after the current page
@@ -1602,6 +1603,10 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
+ (int) (getPageLength() * (1 + getCacheRate()));
int maxBufferSize = maxPageBufferIndex - minPageBufferIndex;

if (getPageLength() == 0) {
// If pageLength == 0 then all rows should be rendered
maxBufferSize = pageBuffer[0].length + rows;
* Number of rows that were previously cached. This is not necessarily
* the same as pageLength if we do not have enough rows in the
@@ -1618,6 +1623,11 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
int firstIndexInPageBuffer = firstIndex - pageBufferFirstIndex;

/* If rows > size available in page buffer */
if (firstIndexInPageBuffer + rows > maxBufferSize) {
rows = maxBufferSize - firstIndexInPageBuffer;

* "rows" rows will be inserted at firstIndex. Find out how many old
* rows fall outside the new buffer so we can unregister components in
@@ -1657,6 +1667,9 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,

/* Paint the new rows into a separate buffer */
Object[][] cells = getVisibleCellsNoCache(firstIndex, rows, false);

* Create the new cache buffer and fill it with the data from the old
* buffer as well as the inserted rows.
@@ -2745,27 +2758,19 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,


* Caching says we should cache the current page and
* cacheRate*pageLength rows below it (and the same above). We only add
* rows below in this case.
int maxRows = (int) (getPageLength() * (1 + getCacheRate()));
if (!shouldHideAddedRows() && count > maxRows) {
count = maxRows + 1;
// delete the rows below, since they will fall beyond the cache
// page.
target.addAttribute("delbelow", true);

target.addAttribute("firstprowix", firstIx);
target.addAttribute("numprows", count);

if (!shouldHideAddedRows()) {
logger.finest("Paint rows for add. Index: " + firstIx + ", count: "
+ count + ". Max rows: " + maxRows);
+ count + ".");

// Partial row additions bypass the normal caching mechanism.
Object[][] cells = getVisibleCellsInsertIntoCache(firstIx, count);
if (cells[0].length < count) {
// delete the rows below, since they will fall beyond the cache
// page.
target.addAttribute("delbelow", true);
count = cells[0].length;

for (int indexInRowbuffer = 0; indexInRowbuffer < count; indexInRowbuffer++) {
final Object itemId = cells[CELL_ITEMID][indexInRowbuffer];
if (shouldHideNullSelectionItem()) {
@@ -2779,10 +2784,13 @@ public class Table extends AbstractSelect implements Action.Container,
} else {
logger.finest("Paint rows for remove. Index: " + firstIx
+ ", count: " + count + ". Max rows: " + maxRows);
+ ", count: " + count + ".");
removeRowsFromCacheAndFillBottom(firstIx, count);
target.addAttribute("hide", true);

target.addAttribute("firstprowix", firstIx);
target.addAttribute("numprows", count);
