
Better styling and some renaming in ColorPicker.

svn changeset:2379/svn branch:trunk
Marko Grönroos 17年前

+ 0
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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/colorpicker/ColorPickerApplication.java ファイルの表示

@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ import com.itmill.toolkit.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
* Demonstration application that shows how to use a simple
* custom client-side GWT component, the ColorPicker.
* @author magi
public class ColorPickerApplication extends com.itmill.toolkit.Application {
Window main = new Window("Color Picker Demo");

+ 4
- 5
src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/colorpicker/gwt/client/WidgetSet.java ファイルの表示

@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
package com.itmill.toolkit.demo.colorpicker.gwt.client;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
import com.itmill.toolkit.demo.colorpicker.gwt.client.ui.ClientColorPicker;
import com.itmill.toolkit.demo.colorpicker.gwt.client.ui.ItkColorPicker;
import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.DefaultWidgetSet;
import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.UIDL;
public class WidgetSet extends DefaultWidgetSet {
public Widget createWidget(UIDL uidl) {
String className = resolveWidgetTypeName(uidl);
if ("com.itmill.toolkit.demo.colorpicker.gwt.client.ui.ClientColorPicker"
if ("com.itmill.toolkit.demo.colorpicker.gwt.client.ui.ItkColorPicker"
return new ClientColorPicker();
return new ItkColorPicker();
return super.createWidget(uidl);
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ public class WidgetSet extends DefaultWidgetSet {
protected String resolveWidgetTypeName(UIDL uidl) {
String tag = uidl.getTag();
if ("colorpicker".equals(tag))
return "com.itmill.toolkit.demo.colorpicker.gwt.client.ui.ClientColorPicker";
return "com.itmill.toolkit.demo.colorpicker.gwt.client.ui.ItkColorPicker";
return super.resolveWidgetTypeName(uidl);

src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/colorpicker/gwt/client/ui/OriginalColorPicker.java → src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/colorpicker/gwt/client/ui/GwtColorPicker.java ファイルの表示

@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.*;
* A regular GWT component without integration with IT Mill Toolkit.
public class OriginalColorPicker extends Composite implements ClickListener {
public class GwtColorPicker extends Composite implements ClickListener {

/** Currently selected color name to give client-side feedback to the user. */
protected Label currentcolor = new Label();

public OriginalColorPicker() {
public GwtColorPicker() {
// Create a 4x4 grid of buttons with names for 16 colors
Grid grid = new Grid(4,4);
String[] colors = new String[] {"aqua", "black", "blue", "fuchsia",
@@ -25,19 +25,15 @@ public class OriginalColorPicker extends Composite implements ClickListener {
Button button = new Button(colors[colornum]);
// Set the button colors
if ("black navy maroon blue purple".indexOf(colors[colornum]) != -1)
DOM.setStyleAttribute(button.getElement(), "color", "white");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(button.getElement(), "background", colors[colornum]);
// These style settings could be left for CSS
DOM.setStyleAttribute(button.getElement(), "width", "60px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(button.getElement(), "height", "60px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(button.getElement(), "border", "none");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(button.getElement(), "padding", "0px");
// Put the button in the Grid layout
grid.setWidget(i, j, button);

// Set the button background colors.
DOM.setStyleAttribute(button.getElement(), "background", colors[colornum]);
// For dark colors, the button label must be in white.
if ("black navy maroon blue purple".indexOf(colors[colornum]) != -1)
DOM.setStyleAttribute(button.getElement(), "color", "white");

// Create a panel with the color grid and currently selected color indicator
@@ -45,16 +41,15 @@ public class OriginalColorPicker extends Composite implements ClickListener {

// Format the current color feedback box. These could be set in the CSS
// as well. We need to obtain the DOM element for the current color
// label. This assumes that the <td> element of the HorizontalPanel is
// the parent of the label element.
Element cell = DOM.getParent(currentcolor.getElement());
DOM.setStyleAttribute(cell, "width", "240px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(cell, "textAlign", "center");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(cell, "verticalAlign", "middle");
// Set the class of the color selection feedback box to allow CSS styling.
// We need to obtain the DOM element for the current color label.
// This assumes that the <td> element of the HorizontalPanel is
// the parent of the label element. Notice that the element has no parent
// before the widget has been added to the horizontal panel.
Element panelcell = DOM.getParent(currentcolor.getElement());
DOM.setElementProperty(panelcell, "className", "colorpicker-currentcolorbox");

// Set initial color. This will be overridden with the value read from server.
// Set initial color. This will be overridden with the value read from server.
// Composite GWT widgets must call initWidget().

src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/colorpicker/gwt/client/ui/ClientColorPicker.java → src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/colorpicker/gwt/client/ui/ItkColorPicker.java ファイルの表示

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.ApplicationConnection;
import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.Paintable;
import com.itmill.toolkit.terminal.gwt.client.UIDL;

public class ClientColorPicker extends OriginalColorPicker implements Paintable {
public class ItkColorPicker extends GwtColorPicker implements Paintable {

/** Set the CSS class name to allow styling. */
public static final String CLASSNAME = "example-colorpicker";
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class ClientColorPicker extends OriginalColorPicker implements Paintable
* The constructor should first call super() to initialize the component
* and then handle any initialization relevant to IT Mill Toolkit.
public ClientColorPicker() {
public ItkColorPicker() {
// The superclass has a lot of relevant initialization

+ 15
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src/com/itmill/toolkit/demo/colorpicker/gwt/public/colorpicker/styles.css ファイルの表示

@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
td.example-colorpicker {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
border: none;
padding: 0px;
/* Set style for the color picker table. */
table.example-colorpicker {
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 0px;

table.example-colorpicker {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
/* Set color picker button style. */
.example-colorpicker button {
height: 60px;
width: 60px;
border: none;
padding: 0px;

/* Set style for the right-hand sample box that shows the currently selected color. */
td.colorpicker-currentcolorbox {
width: 240px;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle !important;
