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Merge branch 'master' into pom-fix

Patrik Lindström 1 месяц назад
Аккаунт пользователя с таким Email не найден
3 измененных файлов: 6 добавлений и 6 удалений
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  2. 2
  3. 1

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CONTRIBUTING.md Просмотреть файл

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Getting in touch with us early will also help us coordinate efforts so that not

To make contributions you should create a fork of the Vaadin repository and check out the sources to your development environment. If you are not familiar with Git and GitHub, you can refer to [GitHub's forking guide](https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/).

We encourige to develop all features in separate branches. This way you can have one feature per pull request.
We encourage to develop all features in separate branches. This way you can have one feature per pull request.

https://robots.thoughtbot.com/keeping-a-github-fork-updated has instructions on how to keep your local fork up to date.

@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Start with a good Commit message in imperative form.

### Describe the user impact & describe what was done to solve the problem:

This change introduces a separate icon font for valo (9KB instead of 80KB) and decouples Valo from Font Awesome to enable updating Font Awesome without taking Valo into account.
This change introduces a separate icon font for Valo (9KB instead of 80KB) and decouples Valo from Font Awesome to enable updating Font Awesome without taking Valo into account.

This change also makes it easy to not load Font Awesome when using Valo by setting $v-font-awesome:false

@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ You should receive comments within a week or so; if that does not happen, make s

## Source code auto-formatting

Before submitting changes to Github, run the command `mvn process-sources` from project's root. This maven goal automatically formats source code according to Vaadin standards. The same goal is run automatically if you invoke `mvn install` or `mvn compile`.
Before submitting changes to Github, run the command `mvn process-sources` from project's root. This Maven goal automatically formats source code according to Vaadin standards. The same goal is run automatically if you invoke `mvn install` or `mvn compile`.

## Creating a pull request in GitHub

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README-DEV.md Просмотреть файл

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Despite our best efforts the formatting options aren't always entirely consisten

For IntelliJ IDEA users, see [IntelliJ IDEA Quick Setup](#intellij-idea-quick-setup).

1. Decide were you would like your Eclipse workspace to be located.
1. Decide where you would like your Eclipse workspace to be located.
* This project contains multiple modules and uses configurations that might clash with your existing projects, using a separate workspace is recommended.
* Eclipse Oxygen is recommended, different versions may treat formatting rules differently.
* If you are using Windows, you may wish to keep the workspace path reasonably short (e.g. `C:\dev\<workspaceName>`) to avoid problems with too long file paths.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ After that is done, you should have 9 of 28 save actions activated and listed as

### Getting started

Run <code>install</code> maven goal for the project root to get started.
Run the <code>install</code> maven goal for the project root to get started.
In Eclipse this is done by right-clicking on the project root in Project Explorer and choosing *Run As* -> *Maven Build...*. If you choose to skip tests you may need to run the <code>install</code> maven goal for `vaadin-uitest` project separately.
* Note that the first compilation takes a while to finish as Maven downloads dependencies used in the projects.

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README.md Просмотреть файл

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Vaadin Framework 7 and 8 are now being maintained under a closed-source model by

* Vaadin 7 open source maintenance ended in Febraury 2019, [extended support](https://vaadin.com/support/vaadin-7-extended-maintenance) is available until February 2029. Starting with version 7.7.18, Vaadin 7 is subject to commercial Vaadin licenses (CVDLv4 from 7.7.18 onward, VCL-1 from 7.7.37 onward, and VCL-2 starting with 7.7.41). The current license is [Vaadin Commercial License, version 2](https://vaadin.com/commercial-license-and-service-terms).

Starting with Vaadin 8.21.0 and Vaadin 7.7.41, Vaadin Framework releases will be made available through a *private Maven repository*. To gain access to this private repository, you can find instructions [here](https://vaadin.com/vaadin-8-extended-maintenance-releases). Vaadin Framework releases will eventually be exclusively available through this private repository, but for the time being artifacts will also be released to Maven Central.
Extended Maintenance versions of Vaadin Framework are being made available through Maven Central.

In order to get access to extended maintenance Framework source code, [contact sales](https://pages.vaadin.com/contact).
