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Mention push path change done for JSR-356 (#16738)

Change-Id: I58fee3dfe28375f33a66fb14de82598a6d688c4a
Artur Signell 9 anni fa
1 ha cambiato i file con 1 aggiunte e 10 eliminazioni
  1. 1

+ 1
- 10
WebContent/release-notes.html Vedi File

@@ -125,16 +125,7 @@

<h3 id="incompatible">Incompatible or Behavior-altering Changes in @version-minor@</h3>
<p>The org.json and com.google.gwt.json libraries have been replaced by elemental.json.</p>
<p>JavascriptFunction.call parameter type has been changed to elemental.json.JsonArray, affecting JavaScript.addFunction, AbstractJavaScriptComponent.addFunction and AbstractJavaScriptExtension.addFunction</p>
<p>Raw JSON values passed to AbstractJavaScriptComponent.callFunction and AbstractJavaScriptExtension.callFunction should be changed to use elemental.json types.</p>
<li>The semantics of empty and required for Field classes has been made more consistent. This mainly affects Checkbox which is now considered to be empty when it is not checked.</li>
<li>The previously inconsistent behavior in HTML vs plain text rendering of Calendar event captions has been made consistent.</li>
<li>Support for Opera 12 has been dropped. Newer versions based on the Blink rendering engine are still supported.</li>
<li>Window's accessibility shortcut was moved to server-side. Now setCloseShortcut overrides the default value, while addCloseShortcut can be used to add more than one shortcut key for closing the window.
The protected value closeShortcut in Window was removed.</li>
<li>Push path has been changed from /PUSH/ to /PUSH to be compatible with JSR 356.</li>
<h3 id="knownissues">Known Issues and Limitations</h3>
