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Change-Id: I905831cfd6e381d3dc898ed37816c84d96316095
Marc Englund 10 years ago
1 changed files with 22 additions and 10 deletions
  1. 22

+ 22
- 10 View File

@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
*[Vaadin]( is a Java framework for building modern web applications that look great, perform well and make you and your users happy.*

For instructions about _using_ Vaadin to develop applications, please refer to

To contribute, first refer to
for general instructions and requirements for contributing code to the Vaadin framework.

Instructions on how to set up a working environment for developing the Vaadin
framework follow below.

Cloning the project repositories

@@ -6,7 +19,7 @@ Vaadin 7 consists of three separate repositories

Start by cloning these repositories into the same folder:
Start by cloning these repositories **into the same folder**:
<pre><code>git clone
git clone
git clone</code></pre>
@@ -21,7 +34,7 @@ Assuming you have cloned the repositories as described in “Cloning the project

Start Eclipse
Start Eclipse and use the root checkout folder (the one containing the *vaadin*, *gwt* and *gwt-tools* folders) as the workspace folder
Start Eclipse and **use the root checkout folder** (the one containing the *vaadin*, *gwt* and *gwt-tools* folders) **as the workspace folder**

Install IvyDE
@@ -31,7 +44,7 @@ You'll need the Apache Ivy plug-in for Eclipse to build the project later on, in
1. Enter `` in the "Work with:" text field
1. Select and install all items

If you have installed IvyDE via the Eclipse Marketplace previously, make sure that you also have *Apache Ivy Ant Targets* installed, which is not included in that IvyDE installation:
If you have installed IvyDE via the Eclipse Marketplace previously, **make sure** that you also have *Apache Ivy Ant Tasks* installed, which is not included in that IvyDE installation:

1. Go to *Help* -> *Install New Software...*
1. Click the hyperlink in the "What is already installed?" sentence near the bottom right-hand corner
@@ -51,7 +64,7 @@ Set up the Workspace and define required variables for projects
1. Go to *Java* -> *Build Path* -> *Classpath Variables*
1. Add two new variables
1. GWT_TOOLS referring to the gwt-tools folder containing the dependency jars
1. JDK_HOME referring to your jdk installation directory
1. JDK_HOME referring to your jdk installation directory
![GWT_TOOLS]( "Defining GWT_TOOLS")
1. Go to Java -> Compiler
1. Check that the compliance level has been set to 1.6
@@ -88,14 +101,14 @@ Note that the first compilation takes a while to finish as Ivy downloads depende

Compiling the Default Widget Set and Themes
Compile the default widget set by executing the default target in build/ide.xml in the vaadin project.
Compile the default widget set by executing the default target in build/ide.xml in the vaadin project.
In Eclipse this is done by opening build/ide.xml, right clicking on it and choosing *Run As* -> *Ant Build*.
![CompileWidgetSet]( "Compiling the Widget Set")

Running a UI test
The *vaadin* project includes an embedded Jetty which is used for running the UI tests.
It is a standard Java application: *com.vaadin.launcher.DevelopmentServerLauncher*.
The *vaadin* project includes an embedded Jetty which is used for running the UI tests.
It is a standard Java application: *com.vaadin.launcher.DevelopmentServerLauncher*.
Launch it in debug mode in Eclipse by right clicking on it and selecting *Debug As* -> *Java Application*.

This launches a Jetty on port 8888 which allows you to run any UI class in the project by opening http://localhost:8888/run/&lt;UI class name&gt;?restartApplication in your browser, e.g. [http://localhost:8888/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.label.LabelModes?restartApplication](http://localhost:8888/run/com.vaadin.tests.components.label.LabelModes?restartApplication) (Add ?restartApplication to ensure).
@@ -108,11 +121,11 @@ The JUnit tests for the projects can be run using
Running this in the *gwt* directory will run the GWT JUnit tests.
Running it in the *vaadin* directory will run the Vaadin JUnit tests.

Running the Vaadin TestBench tests currently requires access to a correctly configured TestBench 2 cluster, only available inside Vaadin.
Note that the included Vaadin TestBench (browser) tests currently requires access to a TestBench cluster, which is currently only available internally at Vaadin Ltd.

Building a package
The distribution files can be built in a few steps. First build the *gwt* project by running
The distribution files can be built in a few steps. First build the *gwt* project by running
in the *gwt* directory. The elemental package needs to be built separately:
<pre><code>ant elemental</code></pre>
@@ -123,4 +136,3 @@ Move to the *vaadin* project directory and unpack the previously built gwt jars
Then build the *vaadin* project by running
in the *vaadin* directory.
